Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1907, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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    fcV- t - m 4 4
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PAGES 9 TO 16.
Ivoh. XVII
NO. 1.
Noted for Bts Activity and Many
Industries, Excellent Schools and
Numerons Churches, Elegant Resi
dences and Sociable People.
SALEM, with the blrtli of tho now
year, 1007. will ontor upon n period
of mnterlnl prosperity greater thnn nt
any time during Its ontlro history. It
Is for this reason that evory cltlzon
bhould fool a deep intorost, ns well
us pride, In promoting tho gonoral
welfare and tho upbuilding of tho
city, and Its ninny resources.
This annual edition of tho CAPI
TAL-JOURNAL la a message and an
Invitation to nil those who nro hold
down by tho over-Increasing con
gestion of tho old Btntos. It
brings tidings of innrvolous op
portunities for getting up In tho
world, it is especially addressed
to the young and tho cnorgettc, to
thoso who have tho heart to von-
tu rental tho will to conquer; to
thoso who havo reslro and nmbl
I Hon to mnko a homo nnd a nnmo
for themselves worthy of Amorl
' can cltlzonn.
This edition will fall Into tho
; hands of mnuy who nro looking
for now homes, business open
ings, or opportunities for Invest
ment. Its object is to furnish
; you with rollnblo Information
about tho city of -Salem and
tho country tributary to It. It Is to
offer to tho render, briefly nnd simply,
n collodion of tho most Interesting
facts which havo added In her growth
nnd fostorod hor success, to onablo
thorn to ronllzo how quickly nnd sub
stantially a beautiful city of 15,000
inhabitants has sprung to llfo In n
country onco despaired of, nnd
prcsout to thorn montnl vlowa
which will Drovo tho Justlco of tho
prldo wo all feel in Salem.
Snlcm till) Hriuitlfiil.
Salem Is tho capital of Oregon, and
Is located In Marlon county, of which
It Is tho county sent. Tho city 1h
beautifully situated on ground which
must hnvo beon designed by tho Cro
ator for tho site of a thriving city,
with her wide- streets, crossing each
othor nt right angles, from innumer
able splendid squares, giving the
city a most pleasing nppearnnco to
tho eye. All other natural advan
tages for n largo city abound. It Is
favored in tho beauty nnd scopo of
physical surroundings. Tho possi
bilities of Its development aro prac
tically unlimited.
Tho promlnonco and prosperity of
tho city Is founded upon fortunate
location, established wealth, merited
prcstlgo and successful achievements.
In the span of ono llfe-tlmo It has
grown from a trading point to an
eminent commercial city, nnd an es
tablished market in every way of
natural promlnonco.
Nature, in shaping this portion of
tho earth, through tho agencies of the
elements of volcanic overflow, water
and the gentle touch of tho hand of
time, created a spot that man hqs
well adapted to his use and could
hardly havo found a better. No
where has nature pictured moro in
spiring scenes than aro found In and
around Salem, and few, if any, cities
enjoy creator charms ot climate,
green Uees and grasses and blooming
llowers being found in tho open yard
every month in tho year. From ev
ery yard and alongside many walks
the sweet fragranco Is watted to tho
breeze from rose hedges nnd gar-
dcus, tho dweller In tho humble cot
tages, as well as thoso in tho palaces,
growing to perfection the beautiful
Ijs France rosea aud other varieties
that require, tho greatest skill and
caro to do ovon moderately well in
othtr favored localities and under
most favored conditions. .K, trip
through tho residence section ot tha
city in the summer UmorJs,a surprlso
nnd royelatlqn a tha visitor.
Salem la a city ot sunshine, birds
and flowers. It Is a city ot beautiful
homes, schools and churches, sub
Btantlal public buildings, solid and
beautiful business blocks, nnd all
kinds of modern improvements. Hers
nro tho strength and beauty of tho
distant lill, tho golden skies, tho
music nnd tho dream of babbling wat
ers, tho soft winds freighted with the
porfumo of ilowors an ldonl city In
nn Ideal climate.
Tnko It all In nil Snlom presents
a grand nnd marvelous plcturo In nn-
turo's nrt gallery painted by the
heroic hand of tho Supremo Creator
ot tho universe, a testifying demon-
that tho Great Jehovah
Locution mid Development.
Tho city of Salem sits whoro flows
tho Wlllamotto, a noblo rlvor of In
calculable horso power nnd with
waters sutllclont to irrignto a nation.
It Is located on tho Southorn Pacific
railroad, C3 miles from Portland and
710 miles from Snn Francisco. Uoth
tho Wlllametto rlvor nnd tho South
orn Pacific railway furnish tho host
shipping facilities, tho ono bolng a
check .upon the othor ns -to freight
Salem is located in tho vory heart
of tho great Wlllamotto valley tho
gardon spot of tho northwest, and
la tho center of tho greatest hop
growing district in tho world. Thoro
Is that in tho location of Salem
which has proven an Irresistible fac
tor In Its industrial development. It
docs not rely merely upon what It
promises to do as is too often tho
caso with ambitious cities. Hut in
addition to this claim, sho can point
with prldo to what she has already
accomplished In tho lln ot develop
ing hor own powers and bringing out
tho resources of tho wholo state.
Tho city's development has been
healthy and rational and ot a steady
and pormanont character. Her pre
eminent position as a commercial
center is duo to tho Indomitable wijl
and courage and public spirit of tho'
business and professional men and
women, who, by keeping everlastingly
at it, working in conjunction with
tho natural advantages, have effec
tively demonstrated tho truth ot the
statement that great things from
small beginnings rise, and to the per
sonal integrity and purity of purposo
of her public officials, who havo held
hor name untarnished and have
proudly borno her banner unsolled by
tho foulness of political corruption
that has mado so many other cities
undesirable places la which to live.
All honor to thoso noblo men and
women, and tho noblo deeds which
thoy achloved. Many of them have
gone to their eternal rest, leaving up
on tho shoulders of the present gen
eration tho mantle of their good
deeds. May wo prove worthy to wear
It honorably, over mindful of tho fa
mous words ot Macaulay: "Tho peo
ple that take no prldo in tho noblo
achievements of remoto ancestor
will never achieve anything worthy
ot prldo by Tenioto generations."
SJewt City of BeaHtifHl Howes,
With good cause might Salem, be
cU4 a city of home. It contains
more buildings worthy ot the same
ot kone tha any city ia the west ot
Ml Mi' l i I ii HH !
mr-m yiv .ik rw rj i lcba buibk" . e:v - m s t- .hb w t m ib a m-m m
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tho samo population. Furthermore,
tho number of dwellings hero nro
keeping pneo with tho commercial
growth at n rato that adds scores of
pretty structures to tho list of ornn
montnl edifices each year.
Thoro nro many reasons nil qx
collcnt ones, too why this should
bo n phico of residences. To homo
builders and homo buyers Snlcm
holds out tho potent nrguments of
cheapness of land, modornta prices
of construction nnd abundance of ex
cellent localities. For thoso who
profcr to llvo In rented houses Is pre
sented a cholco of dwellings, rnng
lng from typical Oregon mtlnslons to
cozy cottages, with n sprinklo of
npartmont houses, to bo secured nt
reasonablo rents, and all blossod by
unoxcollod facilities for comfort.
Ab our city lies In tho very heart of
a vast nardon and orchard, fresh
food products soil nt reasonably low
prices In season on tho local market
tho best to bo found nnywhore slons, arts, and trades. '
and low oxponsc ot Uvlng Is one nl- It is n well known fact that Salem
ways favorably commontcd upon by has ono of the best public school sys
tho inquisitive visitor. toms in tho west and It Is tho aim of
Snlom, too, Is a healthy placo nnd l,l school authorities, teachers and
this Is n fact most worthy of consld- urvorslng force to boo to it that it
oration. It is claimed by high continues to morlt this woll-earnod
authorities that tho death rato In roputatlon.
Salem Is less than any community of Social Side.
Its slzo In tho United States. Tho civic and social llfo ot tho city
But abovo all, Salem Is essentially Is all that the most fnstldlous could
a hospltablo and orderly city. Tho desire. Her people havo renchod a
Inato cqurtesy of tho Oregonlan is high plane of culturo and rollnomont
commingled with tho thrift and In all that goes to mako social llfo
htiBtlo ot tho wojtomor and tho llfojplonsant. Tho city is dotted ovor
and vim ot tho northerner In just
such proportions ns to mako up a
thoroughly congonlal class of pcoplo,
ploasant to know nnd profltablo to
rcsldo among.
For tho man with a family there Ib
ho placo superior to Salem as a homo
or placo ot Investment, and tho man
who Is looking for n favorable Bpot
Will do well to como hero to find
such a blessing. Thoro Is a cordial
wolcomo for all worthy people, and a
llfo above the average If they seek it
properly. .
Educational Facilities.
Wbllo Salejm Is great la com
merce and industry and her develop
ment aa a factor In the, business
world hsMt'beaa iatereetlmr, the
growth of all gliaaoa of her higher
Hfo has been more rapid, moro ns
toundlng nnd moro ndvanccd. Early
in tho history of tho city nn excel
lent system of public schools was es
tablished, tho growth nnd extension
of which ha9 demonstrated tho wis
dom of Its founders.
Resides tho public Bchool system,
Snlom has numerous othor institu
tions of learning, among which may
bo mentioned tho Willnmotto univer
sity, tho oldest Protestant institution
of learning on tho const, whoso
graduates havo filled and nro now
tilling somo of tho highest positions
of trust and honor. Thoro is ulso n
first class buslnoss colloco which
commands n lariro nttondnnco con
Btantly, and tho United States Indian
trulnlng school Is located bore, which
' 1
Is one of the Inmost schools In tho'
ITnllnil KlntfW llnalilmi tlinsn nik'nti.
.- . ..,... ...., .........
tagos, there nro numerous prlvnte
acadomlos nnd sohools with currlcu-
lums adjusted to tho various p rotes-
with beautiful and costly edifices for
divine worship. Every Christian de-
nomination is represented and nil
presided ovor by men of forcotul
character and strong Individuality,
They are, largely represented with
buildings of flno modern architecture
nnd congregations of largo member
ship. Our frnternal and social ordors
aro the prldo of tho city and add
much to its metropolitan prestige and
standing. They comprise every form
ot high class political, religious, so
cial and secret societies, whoso en
semble Includes tho pick of our best
and most public-spirited citizenship
and business manhood.
Their object Is the uplifting and
bettwamit of men and women, and
Its Location and Prospects Many
Opportunities for the Homeseeker
and Investor. The Hop and Fruit
Center of Oregon.
tho strengthening nnd cherishing of
tho bonds of human sympathy and
As n Manufacturing Center.
Salem has several manufacturing
ontorprlscs of which hor pcoplo fool
illBtlv nroiid. nil nf which nro ilnlncr
a thrlvinc business. Chlof nmonc
' Ihiun la flin Tlina Tfnv wnnlnn mll
( ........ .- ... ..., .., ..uw.....
which Is ono 6f tho lnrgost of its
kind on tho coast.
Salem has nlso two flouring mills,
ono of tho larscst lumber mills In
tho state, two sash and door factor
lee, two Iron foundries, n elder, vino
gar and presorvo factory; two soda
water factories, a largo brewery, nn
ico plant, two wagon nnd cnrrlngo
factories, n soap factory, a marblo
works, a fruit cannery and ovnpora
tor, also tho largest nursery estab
lishment In tho northwest, and ninny
othor Industries which como under
tho head of manufacturing.
Spnco will not permit us to go Into
dotnll and descrlbo each of our manu
facturing industries in this nrtlclo.
However a mention will bo mado of
thorn In another part ot tho edition,
undor a scparato head.
Thero aro a number of excellent
sites for extenslvo manufacturing
plants within tho city limits and ad
Joining tho railroad that can bo pur
chased for a reasonable consideration
and liberal lnducomonts will bo given
to parties looking for bona fldo manu
facturing Industries.
Public Utilities.
Salem can boast of a modern eloc
trle street railway which gives every
opportunity for ease, comfort and
rapidity In passing, from ono part of
tho city to another and to tho public
institutions located here.
The streets are broad and well
kfint. nnd In the residence nortlon nro
shady and well provided with good
sidewalks. An excellent system of
sewage drains the city, which adds
to tho hygienic and sanitary advan
tages that nature has bestowed upon
lucky Salem.
Tho city is well lit up at night by
largo nro lamps, tho service in this
respect being most satisfactory. No
city has a moro prompt or better
mall service than Salem, and tho ele
gant government building which was
erected at a cost of $110,000 is one
of tho city's most imposing struc
tures, Tho city hall, erected at a cost ot
$60,000, contains and encloses ono ot
tho most efficient fire departments to
bo found in many a city of this sU.e.
The fire service of tho city Is a paid
department, well equipped and wejl
drilled, With hydrants at convenient
corners and within short distances,
and an abundance ot water, there Is
little danger ot serious conflagra
tion. Water Supply.
From remote antiquity the highest
value has been set upon an abundant
and puro water supply, and centers
ot population sprang up in ancient
times around those points where It
was readily available. "What -was
true of the past applies to the prcs-
eat. The -water of Salem., Ia abso -
11 i ' 1AJ Will1 "H1 iiiii pm f Flu m
i ii MM i in 1 1 mk "I n mM
lutoly puro nnd wholesomo, nnd tho
supply Is Inexhaustible. Much credit
Is duo to tho Snlom Wntor company,
who puts forth every effort In their
power to mako tho sorvlco highly
Capitol llulldlng.
Tho capltol Is the moBt conspicuous
I Obioct 'In Snlom. Ita lnftv ilnmn lin.
, - - 1 ..v-
Mug vlslblo from nil directions for
mllcs nround. Tho building Ja stately
In design nnd a modol of high clnss
construction In ovory way. Tho
Interior presents n most beauti
ful nppenranco, nnd In fnct tho
cntlro structure Is Just such a
building ns would do credit to nn
stnto in tho union.
Court House.
Standing in n square of beau
tifully kept lawn, approached by
wldo walks, tho Marlon county
court houso Ij one of tho most
Impressing buildings. Tho oroc
tlon cost was $132,000, and this
nmount, wisely expended, has
mado a building ot outward and
lunor grandeur,
A Forecast of the Future.
Tho greatest growth and jnost
romnrkablo development ot Sa
lem is yet to come. Rapid
as havo been our strides in
tho pnst, tho near tuturo will
soo on enlargement of our com
mercial IntorostB coinmensurnto with
tho ambition of our citizens. As tho
years roll on wo will havo doubled
and trebled In population nnd will
havo becomo tho sent of manifold in
dustrial activities of which thoBo al
ready located hero nro but tha be
ginning. ' .
Thoro Is a feeling In tho bosom of
ovory inhabitant of this community
that Salem will bo n great city at
somo not distant day. It is with
thoso sltms of tho times that this
, edition deals, for Is not tho prosont
the foundation on which tho futuro
shall bo bulldcd? If so, then Salem's
dctlny can bo rend, for ovon now Is
tho city beginning to feel Its strongth
as a young giant.
Tho halting steps havo all boon
tnkon and tho warrior goeth forth In
tho glory of strength, and Is bound
to win tho victory and march on to
greater things. And we will say to
anyono looking for n dcslrablo plnco
to locate VfE ARE HERE.
Some Things Worth Remembering,
Salem Is tho second city in tho
Salem has 15,000 population.
Salem is located In tho confer ot
Oregon's richest valley.
Salem has ono of tho best wntor
works In tho west.
Salem has a fine system of sowers.
Salem has numerous factories.
Salem has a well equipped tiro de
Salem has both river and rail
Salem has tho best dairy country
in tho world.
Salem has many openings for
manufacturing industries.
Salem has Immense undeveloped
water power.
Wlllamotto valley. Is the gardon
spot of tho northwest.
Salem has an ideal climate.
Salem is healthful; the death rato
Is vory low.
Salem is growing every day.
Salem Is the city ot opportunity.
Salem is tho best town in tho best
county in tho best state in tho best
country in tho world.
That Salem Is the capital of Ore
gon. o
Now is your chance to invest your
money where it will yield you a
fluttering return. Salem stanan
ready to welcome any business enter-
nriRA or lndtutrv that desires to lo-
cate wlthla her borders.