DAILr CAPITAL JOURNAIi, SALES I, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1007. PPIST I0NKS IN OREGON jtery Has Been Founded he Willamette Valley cent dispatch from Albany Buffering persecution, lntol- 1 atul even exile for tho sako F lr rami uio ioiiowors oi mo Bt ordor havo settled on those nnd nro building for thom- hx inonustcry and homo In tho and beautiful hills of Linn Far romoved from tho of Its first lncoption and found- By nro rovlvlng tho tonots of ilth and rcinstltutlng tho or- itholr sorvlco In moro tolorant L. ordor of sorvlco and conduct Interesting charactor. Thoy moat austoro of tho Catholic Sottllnc In this community Ifow years ago and coming dl- ibm tho shoros of sunny Franco vo estnbllalicd n colony In tho bovo Sclo nnd thcro nro build- monnatory and Iioubo of wor- benutlful location is located monastery of Our Lady of This Is becoming tho homo Ibollovors and members of that ml tho center of monastic llfo clergy and brethren. A Refuge for All Kxllos. Father Marchand Is tho nb- L'tho order and tho Rov. Father m superintendent. Slnco locnt- that community thoy havo uctcd n lnrso monastory build barn and a sawmill and havo fed 2G0 acres of tho most for nd productlvo land within Linn Tho total membership of rdcr at presont consists of flvo nnd about fifteen lay brothers. perform tho manual labor tho settlement, run tho mill Kit tho soil. It Is distinctly n flood and thoy llvo thcro In "to harmony and nccord In tho loness of tliolr mountain re in fact, It Is hoped to mako tho Mecca of thoso oxlled nnd from their foreign homes nnd 1st erics. account of tho lobulation dl- kl ngalust certain rollglous or by tho Fronch government nnd fchnotlc condition of church nnd , tho followors of Armnnd Jonn ii'thllllon do Hnnce, an abbot ifoi'nder of thnt ordor. wero Id to leave that country nnd seek ib1iiiu In a hind moro tolernnt Ilously. ko order was founded In tlio ft It century nnd Is a monastic of tho Roman Catholic church. Earliest beginnings woro In Orno, inndy. Hero tliolr founder In- luced rndlcnl roforms which made p'cry sovoro nnd strict ordor. Ho llcdlntely met with most decided psltlon from tho monks nnd tho fch In general. Tho church had kmo lax In dlsclpllno and tho prac- of tho clergy disorderly. The l-golng nnd plenBtiro-lovIng kks rebelled against tho onforcc- of such severe and monotonous and rules as woro imposed and landed by tho new leador. Hioro waa no mlddlo ground and who desired to follow In tho stops of tliolr zealous leader obliged to oboy and conform to soverest of rollglous rites llvo hours of each day was to be pted and sot asldo for rollglous rtco. Solitary meditation and for wero required. This left but w hours of tho day for manual lr. Meat and wlno wero forbid- vegetables and water constltut- tho principal faro of tho devotee, conversation was forbidden. It Hials Without A Sear. Tha ret magna tiled, toothing and beiltOK lint-meot-KINO CACTUS O I L nerer Uti tear. Pnf Dim's frtjrv LKing Cactus Oil ptedlly corti cuu, (pralni, broUe. old mm, uui(i,frM(tiltet,ciipped bu, aiuan mro cuts on animals. Dime i id ttAlU gnu, muK, Itch, and all hurts ' man or baast. At druggtit. in isc, too and tl bottle. IS I idlldeeoratedcaDi.or aeol prepaid br tho uufaeturart, OLNEY & MoDAID. , union, Iowa. If Tour draraut cannot ' arjft"r. ror (ait 07 G. W. Putnjim Co. 135 Jf, Com. St, Salem, Or, "Tito Blood Is Tho Uib . Sclonco has never gono beyond ttui above slmplostntcmtnt of scripture. Hut It has lllumlnutcd that statement on:i glvon It a muunlng over broadening with tho Increasing breadth of knowledge. When tho blrod Is "bad "or Itnpuro I' Is not alono tho body which sullen through disease Tho brain is also clouded, Sh.) mind and ludcomont nr :tcd. ailUTTClliv nn nvll ,,,.,1 l.,..- thoVlitvc-jtHrectiy trace(1 tQ lh(. nupimty oi i;iu URxuD Fnul.lmiuiroblnn'l Mil. TO m3nVptirn by tlio f u? Pierce's Qpi. lji. Mi'tliBnl niwovrry, " CJirtchc" nnl f..irM. tln ...j thririvj curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions an other cutuncous aflectlom, as eczema totter, or salt-rhaitm. IjIvm and othej manifestations of Impure blood. In tho euro of scrofulous swellings, on larged glamU, open oatlng ulcers, or ok sores, tho "Golden Medical Discovery "lnu performed tho most marvelous curo. It, cases of old sores, or open eating ulcere. It Is well to apply to tho open sores Dr. I'lcrco's AllOIeallng Salvo, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency whoi used as an application to tho sores In con Junction with tho uso of "Uoldcn Mtxllca! Discovery " as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to havo tho "AlMIoulIng Salvo" In sUk, you can easily procuro It by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postage stamps to Dr. It. V. Pierce, 003 Main St, Uuffalo, N. Y., and It will como to you by return post. Most druggldts keop It as woll as tho "Golden Medical Discovery." You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown compnsltlon as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," which Is a medlclno ok known composition, having a comploto list of Ingredients In plain English on Its bottle-wrapper, tho tamo being attested as correct under oath. Dr. l'lercn's Pleasant Pcllots regulato and Invlnnrafo atomach. liver and bowiilk. Tho wholo mnnncr of living was In tended on tho Idea of death and otor nn! llfo. Driven Out of France. From tho tlmo of its cstnhllsh mont In tho twolfth century to tho tlmo of tho French rovolutlon tho or dor had crndually Increased In strength and numbers nnd had ho como bo powerful ns to bo consider ed a monnco to tho state. This ovent ually resulted In Its suppression. In 1S17 thoy iiznlu enmo Into proml nonco nnd revived tholr customs and prnctlcos, until tho year 1870, when thoy wero drlvon from Franco. Ger many In 1874 drovo thorn out. Naturally Amorlca was tho havon choBon nnd horo thoy established tholr ordor, first settling at Pigeon Hill, Pennsylvania. Others settled in Kentucky nnd somo in Nova Scotia. Colonics woro nlso cstali-l llshod at Dubuquo, Iown. Gradually thoy nro bolng drlvon from Franco to thoso Hhoros nnd of thoso coming a lnrgo number aottlo In Linn county, going direct to tho monnBtory nnd homo nt Jordan. Horo thoy havo absoluto Immunity from disturbance and In tho ponco of tho secluded hills are ngnln reviving the tonchlns and prnctlcos of tholr beloved founder. Hero thoy havo a homo nnd a rotront for nil who may be seeking tho quiet of a monastic Huttlemont. Havo you Indlgostlon, constipation, honilache, bnckacho, kldnoy troublo? Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Toa will mako you woll. If it falls, got your monoy back. That's fair. Tea or Tablets form. 35 conts. Dr. Stono's Storo. Lovers RciiuIIihI Afler Ifnlf Contiiry Peck, Idaho, Jan. 1. -After tho lapso of nearly halt a contiiry, lovors who woro separated boforo tho Civil war havo boon reunited and married Freeman D, Walker, 75 years of ago, and Mrs. Nancy J. RIgga, 72 years of ago. wero lovers more than 50 years ago In a llttlo Massachusetts vlllago, but tho breaking out of tho Civil war provonted their marriage. Walker enlisted and was roported to havo boon killed in tho battle of tho Wilderness. When ho received his discharge ho returned to his nativo vlllago, but could And no traco of his sweetheart, who had romoved to somo placo in Ohio. After bolns separated, each think ing tho othor dead, oach married an other. Walker came to Idaho, whoro ho becamo woll to do. Somo years ago Mrs. Rlggs' husband died and she, too. removed to the west, first to Washington and then to Idaho, where sho took up a homestead. Dy a happy coincidence, her land adjoined that of her youthful lover, who was a widower of flvo years standing. Tho early courtship was renewed and tho wedding followed Walker says thnt ho and his bride will llvo to bo 100 years old. o Tho Joy. Of living ls to havo good health Use Herblno and you will havo bush els of Joy. You need not bo blue, fretful and havo that bad taste In your mouth. Try a bottlo of Her blne, a positive euro for all liver complaints. B. Harrell, Austin, Tex., writes: "I have used Herblno for over a year, and find it a fine regula tor. I gladly recommend it as a fine medlclno for Dyspepsia." Sold by D. J. Fry. MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Salem n Good Market." Home SALES! MARKET. Stciner's Market. Dealers In fish, gamo and poultry. Highest cnah prlM paid for cggB. Prompt delivery. Stato stroot. Local Wholcsnlo Market. Wheat 57c. Local wheat CBc. Oats 32 c. Ilarloy $24. Flour $3.25. Mill food Bran, $18.00; shorts, $20.00. Hay Cheat and clovor, $G.OO per ton; timothy, $10.00 por ton. Eggs 27c. Hons 10c; young chickens, 10c. Ducks lOo; goeso, 8c; turkoys, 13lGc. Duttor 36c; butter fat, 33c. Onions 56 75c cwt.; potatoes, GOc cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prlmo to cholco, 13 13 V4c; medium to prlmo, 1012ttc. Chlttlm bark 5Cc. Tropical Fruits. Bananas Gc por lb. Oranges $3.00 $4.00. Lemons $4.00 $5,000. Retail Market. Flour $1 por sack. Bran G5c por Back, $20 $21 per ton; shorts, 90c por sack, $22 $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, G5c por cwt , chont and clovor. 45c por cwt., $8 por ton. Oats $1.15 por cwt.; whoat, 76c: rollod barloy, $25.00 28.00 per ton. Eggs 35c. Applos D0c4to $1.00, according to quality. nuttor Country, 25 27c; cream ery, 40c. Livestock. Cattle 110001200 lb stoors, 3c. Llghtor Btoors 2 2 c. Cows and heifers 900 1000 lb, 2 2 Ho. Stock hogs 5 Vt Gc. Hogs 175250 lb, fat, $0,000 $0.25. Shoop 4c. Lambs 5c. Veal DrosBcd, GV67. Hogs Dressod, 8c. PORTLAND MARKKT. Whoat Club, G5 0GGc; vnlloy, G7c; bluo stem, G7G8c Oats Cholco whtto, $25 $26.50 Mlllstuff Drnn, $1G. Hay Timothy, $110 $12; alfalfa $11.50. Votoli $70 $7.50. Potatoes 85 090c. Poultry Avorago old hon, 7 8c; mlxod chlokons, 11012c; young roostor, 12 013c; drossod chickens, 12013c; turkoys, llvo, 10017c; tur koys, drossod, 19 20c; geoso, llvo, 10c; ducks, 15lGc; pigeons, $1.00 01.25. Pork Drossed, 000 Vic. Beef Dressed, 65'4o. Mutton G 7c. Hops 11014c lb, according to Quality, Wool Valloy, coarso to modlum, 0021c; enstorn Oregon, 1318c. Mohair 20 028c. Buttor Fancy Crearaory, 300 35c; storo buttor, 25 27c. o Southern Pacific Co. Tlmo card No. 40, effocttvo Novem ber 25, 12:01 a, m. TownrU Portland. ' No. 1C C,-23 a. m., Oregon ex press. No. 188:30 a. m Cottago Grove oxpress. No. 12 2:58 p. m., Oregon ex press. No. 14 9:28 p. m., Portland ex press. No. 322 11:03 a. m departs at 11:30 a. m., Portland fast freight. No. 226 11:55 a. m Departs at 12:45 p. m way freight. Toward San Francisco. No. 13 1:31 a. m., San Francisco express. No. 11 11:08 a. m., California oxpress. No. 17 6:32 p. m Cottage Grove express. No, 15 9:56 p. m., California ex press. No. 221 2:33 a. m Portland fast freight No. 225 11:25 a. m., departs at 11:55 a. m., way freight. HOLLISTCH'S Rocky Mountarn Tea Nuggets A Buy Modiolus for Buiy Peopl. Brbgt Ooliis Httlta and Binwaj Vigor. A ap-cido for Conntlnatloo, Indigestion. UtsV and Kidoer Troublea. ltrnplea. Kctema, Impura BlooJ lUU Breath, Hkiralah IloweU, Ueadacha and IUcluebn. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab. W form, m eenla a box. (Irnulna inada b UoUJSTEB Paco Couraxr, Madlaon, Wis. (MH.DEN NUQGET8 FOR SAUOW HOfJ: &rMw??v "tuSra WE SHOULDER THE RESPONSIBILITY Of what wo say. Whon wo servo you with broad, rolls, cako. jilos, etc., you'ro assured of gottlng tho best bakory products obtainable Our goods nro mado In tho most cleanly surroundings and strictly puro. Frosh dally, and always toothsomo and wholesome Wo nlso bako special cakes for weddings and othor occa sions to order on short notlco. C. ULLOM. Capital Bakery. Tno abovo cut shows our brick' llnod Torrid Zono Furnaco. Guar- antood gas and dust proof. Econom leal and durnblo; for tho particulars Inqulro at A. L. FRASER 2SH Stnto Street. Estimates furnished on heating. O. C. T. CO -STEAMERS- pomona AND OKEGON'A LEAVE PORTLAND .MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT HsOO A. M. FOR CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. SI. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt Gold Dust Flout i Made by TID3 SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family uso. Ask your groctr for it. Bran and shorts alwiiyt ou hand. P. B. Wallace f AGENT T1TT nn Aitiuruuiir;w PlLRRRBOPra8csuppDsitom - . .VT . . " ""' TUBf, ttft aitUt (Ukl,, SuUkIIU, K.O., rlll I ,., Ik. U il 1M H4l I., tbM." I),. B. M. D., RtxilUtlr, r.T,riiM 'Tkf Cl' ImuU.ili futU." l)r. M. D. U.Qlll. Cl.,h.k., r... H.... "U prwiU. r it jM, t, f,i4 m r,mJ, u )! MH" rsni, to C.it.. SuarlN Kl.fc toil -..-- miitiw auDT. UNeaaTia. r a.' Sold In Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone CALL FOR FRU 8AMPLE THE CENTURY A magazine which lias steadfastly stood for all that U bestin American life, lias held fast by the soundest traditions cf literature, aided mater ially in the development of American art by educating popular taste and putting work in the hands of prom ising artists, and in season and out of season urged upon a people engrossed in business, righteousness and competency in public office, justice to authors, wholesome con ditions in the crowded parts of cities, the larger educational opportunities foralL The Outlook. Stud for full pmptttm and ifetial efftr la ntvi iitlucribtrj THE CENTURY CO. Uttfoa Square New York uMaTTTi'WPttElniaaaaayr3 8oagii8iiiiiiitoiiinsif laiaitit CLASSIFIED iaiigifiniiiiaiinninimBin)iBniit(iHi BRICK Brick furnished in lnrgo or small quantities. Pressed brick mado to order. Yard on Stnto Street, south of Penitentiary. SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. BURTON, Prop. DRAYMEN. R. O. Cuntmlus Successor to Whlto Cummins, express, dollvory and transfer lino. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving a specialty. Stand at 160 South Commorcial street. Phono 175. Rosldenco phono 9G8. 8-4-tf FOB HAXB. For Sale A top buggy for $18; buck" board for $12; roadcart for $5. En qulro of Wornor Fonnol, 803 N. Llborty 8t. 12-17-lmo. FOUND. Found Hand mado trunk koy. Owner can havo samo by calling at this ofllco and paying for this notlco. 12-31-3t. LODGES. Foresters of Amorico Court Shor wood Foresters, No. 19. Moots Tucsdny In Hurst hall, Stato stroot U. S. Rldor, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, IC. of P. Castle Hall In Holmnn block, cor ner Stnto and Llborty stroots. Tuosdny of each wook at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of It. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at 3 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, in Holmnn hall. F. R. Cnppor, C. S.; P. L. Frazlor uiorK. SHSCELLANEOUS. R1ITTFRNIIT RRFAH It Is worth moro than any othor bread, yot tho prlco Is no higher For snlo nt your grocor's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. At Sirs. C. II. AVnlki'i-ft 221 Com morclal stroot, you can got your) clothos dyed, cloancd, prossod orj ropnlrod. Anything from a pair; of glovoB to tho most olaborato silk gown. Velvot collars put on, and conts rollned. Phono 1240. Iltitto .tt Wt-iiilvrotli Flno wlnos, liquors nnd cigars. Wo hnndlo tho celebratod Kellogg and Cnstln whlsklos. Cool and rofroshlng beer constantly on drough. South Commorclnl Btreot 9-3-lyr rtBHSBsaBaasaaBaBaiaaaaBaBBBBBBBBaBBaBaBsaBaassBisBaBBBBBBasBasasMaaaaaaaBBBBS Salem Iron Works. Foundors, ma chinists nnd blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stovos, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Pross. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent nnd pension Insuranco; 2, 000,000 pledgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wanted. J, II. C. Montgomory, supremo organizer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. nyan, socrectnry, 640 Stato atroot. NEW AND SECOND-HAND OOODS. New and Hccond-IIund Goods. Bought and sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, dish es, granlto and tinware of all kinds Give us a call. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly OSTEOPATHS. Dr. W. L. Meroer, Graduate of Kirks ville, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Rooms 25-26 Breyman bldg. Commorcial St. Phone 919, Resi dence 410 North Summor street Phone 014. Treats acute and ebronW diseases. Examination ttaa. Dr. U. II. White Graduate of Kirks vlllo, Mo., under founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Breyman building, Commorcial street. Phono 87. Rosldonco 390 Summer stroot, corner of Contor. Phone 1219. Troats acuto and chronic diseases. Examination freo. 11-17-tf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kfn! Yen Have Always Bought Bears the SIgaAtsr cf 7J DEPARTMENT I PLUMBEHS. Theo. M. Bnrr Plumbing, hot water and stoam heating and tinning, 1G4 Commorcial atroot. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Fotzol Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox it Murphy, 220 Commorcial street. 'Phono Main 17. A, L. Prazcr Successor to Burroughs & Frazor, plumbor nnd tlnnor. Mann faeturer of copper and galvanitej iron cornlco, and metal skylights, 105 State stroot. 'Phono 1511. PROFESSIONAL. Doctor Grintn, tho Specialist on Mor- phlno All drug nnd liquor habits which ho euros In from 48 to 72 hours, asks no monoy until cured. Is now located at 214 Trade St. (first houso wost of S. P. freight dopot) Salem, Oro. Nolo. Mr partnership (In this lino) with Dr. D. F. Lane, has boon mutually dis solved. D. B. Griffin, A. M M. D., John Doyons, Bua. Mngr. 12-10-lmo. Dr. Lane's Private Institute For tho euro of tho drink and drug habit. A suro and painloss euro for nil unfortunntcs, 961 Mill stroot, Salem, Oregon. Phono 647. 12-14-lm SALEM HOP DEALERS. C. C. Donovan Hop morchant; rep resents host firms In Amorlca. Cor ner Commorcial and Stnto stroots, Satom. Phono Main 137. SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer of fash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houao finish and hard wood work. Front streot, bet. State and Court. VETERINARY BUROEON. Dr. E. J. Young. Votorlnnry Surgeoi ..nnd dontlst, 33 years' experience. All work guaranteed, Dlfllcult sur gical operations a specialty. Phone 581. Ofllco at Club Stables. Phone 7, Salem, Oregon. 3-0-tf WANTED. pWniilfd Chnmbormnld; Bteady Job. Enqulro Wlllnmotto Hotel. 12-20-tf. Wanted. 1000 chlckons nt Wlllam- otto Ilotol. Tho htghoBt cash price will bo paid. 11-19-tf Wanted Immediately A good hoy and pony to dollvor pnpora. Apply nt Journal oillco. 11-9-tf .Wanted. Flvo to ton cords of good ilr wood. Apply to E. Hofor, Jour nal oillco. 12-2G-tf Young Stan Wanted For porter work nt W. B. ailson's harbor shop, 12-20. Wanted To ongago 10 or 12 wait resses for legislature In January. Apply at onco at Wlllamotto Ilo tol. 11-19-tf Wanted Stock hoga for feeding, chlckons, ducks and nil kinds of poultry. Highest prlco paid. Hop Loo Co., 181 Commorcial stroot, Salem, Or. 12-5-tf WuiiUhI Portor. Good wagoa and stoady Job. Wlllamotto Hotel. 12-28-tf. Wanted Mon to cut wood; also dry wood for salo. Stato and 18th St Phono 1419 Main. M. P. Donnls. 12-3l-3t WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service upply at office. Bills payable monthly In advanee Make all complaints at the office. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' Tnoc Marko nrsiQHB fiADVniClMTB AC. . -.-.. ......i... b&..h am, ,A1nf Inn niAf ulclilT uoeruiii roMnlon fiaa wbaMwf i llooi .irlrtlr onadutCa., HANDBOOK w ' cnt tl. Oldi.1 alienor fof ""IP'IllStS'.a 1'tteota Uka lErouuU Muno U.relf HxeiaJ mtUt, wltboot cliarit. la tba Scientific Hmtm. A bnloinlr llluitntwl wuklr. JUnret tjr. caUtloaof any tcltntUa laurul. Trai. IJ a missesssmtfi ijjjjTjra