THK WILLAMCTTK UNIVLHHITV. Oldest Mlucatlonnl Institution on the Pacific Const. If ono would properly picture tho earliest days of the Willamette uni versity, thoy must begin sumo sixty flvo years ago, at which time it was known as tho Oregon Institute In January. 1842, a mating nt Jason Leo's house in Chemeketa (now North Salem) appointed a com mittee to call a public meeting to consldor English education for white children. Thoy decided to found a school that should grow Into n college. It should bo called tho Oregon Insti tute In March prospectus, consti tution nnd by-laws woro adopted by tho board. Tho constitution provid ed that tho Institution was always to bo under tho supervision of some evangelical branch of the Protestant church. On motion of Or. ISIIJnh Whlto It was unanimously rcsolvod that tho Institution should como un dor tho caro nnd supervision of the Mothodlst Hplscopnl church. At that tlmo this srent education al institution wns almost shrouded by clouds of doubt and dospnlr. Small was tho interest In tho concorn, small were tho hopes as to Its fit turo, and smnller still was tho finan cial support It obtained. Hut It fell Into hands which Imvo moulded It Into ono of tho most powerful edu cation Institutions In tho west; It felt under tho direction of a mind full of energy nnd skill, nnd an nmbltlon whloh was not wholly for material gain; until todny It stands as n mark of progress, pluck and determina tion, ns well as n wide-felt liilluonce for moral nnd mental uplifting throughout the entire western coun try. Paining over eleven years of Its history, during which time It stead ily proceeded on the road to fame, wo now come to the present subject of this sketch. In 1863 tho Willamette university was established by. nn net of tho log Ulatlvo assembly of the territory of Oregon. Almost ovory succeeslvo year has seen now additions nnd bet tor equipments, until today tho WII lnmotto university stands ns a monu ment for tho educational Institutions of tho Pacific roast. Kvery convonlonco thnt could pos sibly bo found In nn educational In stitution Is hero to bo seen, both for developing tho mental and social fac ulty of tho studonts. Tho grounds of tho unlvorslty aro located across tho street from tho capital building, nnd comprise twenty acres of land, which Is laid off with excellent tasto for tho pleasure and convenience of tho students. Tho buildings nro modern, heated with steam, lighted with oNctrlclty and have city water attachments. Tho school rooms are largo, veil ventilated and lighted. Kvery year has brought n larger Increase of nttandnnnce, until now they hnvu unroll! over 600 iiHiue for this term, nnd the graduate of this university have lllled and aro now filling some of the highest posi tions of trust and honor. Tho Institution ambrnros nine dif ferent courses and their brunches, comprising rollers of liberal arts, college of oratory, college of music, college of theology, college of medi cine, collese of law, normal school, Oregon Institute, the academy, and tho school of art A good gymna sium and allelic field are among the many udwintuje offered to the stu dents, and a spirit of good fellow ship I encouraged nnd retained among the entire student body. The corps of teachers. twoftNMor nnd In structors an among the beet to be obtained In the I'nlied State, nnd It Is the aim of the supervising force to see to It that the Willamette unl-in vcrslty continue to merit Its well- earned reputation. That the effort of tat Institution are highly appreciated by the people of Balem and this vicinity Is fully demonstrated b the recent gilts which they have reeeived. A 150,000 brick building given by the otlliens of Snlem to the ceding of medlelne: a MO.eov bonding for tho esllegu of theology, iaallv furnUhed ami equipped, the gift of Mr, huslla 1) Kimball. wife of th Her. Dr. II. U Kimball of the Col- umbla Ither conference; M, the Income of which Is to be given to orphans or hntf orphan of th stale of Oregon who are student In th college of HtMH-al art, the girt of the Oregon ChlMien' Aid society; $T. COO, given by N friend for the full nnd final pmmeut of all mortgage In ilobtedneee tut the camp; fT.loQ. given by various contribute to pel oid debts; U.OoO. special gift to liquidate all floating debts; it.joo sundry subscription to current ex pense: 11,000, given by a frti 4 by him segregated for various pur poses, tho chief of which I to paint tho main building; $1,009. the gift of a friend for purposes to be named hereafter: $9,500, to pay tho salarv of tbo dean of the college of theol oy. clveu by himself. ,Y CAPITA nAiii wiuiin tho nasi tour yem half more, than $85,000 hayo been given to the Wlt'amotte unlvorslty. and o( this amount Salem hns con tributed $30,000. And It is with good cauio that tho city donates so liberally, for It Is duo largely to this Institution that we are nbla to call onim Hid cflultal of Oregon. The unlvorslty Is Christian, not sectarian, fosters every Influence and means which promot the spiritual welfare of Its students. Kvery cm ,n f Hnlom feols that too much can not be said of praise and oxtolment of this excellent Institution 01 leurn In and Its able management.. John H. Coleman. D. D.. Is presl dent of the university. Mnir..rM of Hoard of Trusted. Philip Huehnor, president. .Portland T. S. MeDanlel, vice-pres. . .Portland A. N. Hush, treasurer Salem C. O. Iloyer, secretary Salem o- CAPITA I IlfSIXIWS COI,l,Km. An Uduntlloiiiil IniiStutlon of drent Importune Much ns may bo said of our higher polioses und unlvorsltlei, the fact re mains that for tho great majority of American youth the business collogo Is tho most practical. Tho liualnciM college holps to de volop tho practical facilities of the Rons nnd daughters of tho common people, to tho end that they may be como competent to occupy positions of trust and responsibility In tho great business world, and ns such to iln honor to themselves and their forobenrs. The Capital Ilmlnes college of Salem Is now crossing the threshold of the eighteenth year of Its exist ence, and perhaps no Institution of Its kind has ever taken such rapid strides toward a plare of prominence nnd general recognition. Many a joung man nnd woman who received n business education within Its walls and hns now launched upon n sen of business enterprise looks back with warm gratitude to this educational Institution, where- wns completed the foundation upon which stood the Inddor of success, whoro wns received thu Intellectual weapons that havo since won their own way In tho busi ness world. This collugo offers to tho public all tho ndvantasos to bo found In every well-appointed nnd thorough-going business or commercial school, be sides many features of great value that belong distinctly to this Institu tion nnd Hint cannot bo found else where In this section of tho country Its courHos aro strong, well-graded nnd tho Institution Is well known from ono end of tho etnto to the other for Its thorough work nnd successful grnduntoe, innny of whom havo tilled nnd are now lllllng some of the high est positions of trut and honor. Kv ery attention possible Is given to aid ing students In securing suitable rooms and hoarding place, and as well to helping them to suitable m sltlons In busluoM houses, nlllces and banks, when they become nbly quail tied to 1111 such position with credit to themeelve and their ulmn-mnter. The school rooms are largo, well lighted and ventilated, and are .-quipped with everv facility for the sueetMsfiit operation of a modem business college. Hvery convenience that emild mtMlhly It found in an educational Institution Is here to be soon, both for developing the men tal nnd social faculty of the student. The untiring seal and honest ef forts of Mr. W. T. Staler, the prin cipal awl proprietor, are felt and ap preciated, not only by the cltlMa of Salem, but also the great and noble work he I doing has made far orabl Impression In many of the lending sections of this statu, as wall of neighboring state. In tnor- nughuea. and practicability of course the Capital Huelne college will r stand second lo none. MOIIt (JimCHUV CO.MPA.VY. Staplo and llotc) (iruwle. In tMttrlng Mntwtlc for this r vtow w and many bnala hotuee that for straightforward, honorable buslnew method are entitled to special mention. Amoog the thnt eome la this category U thnt of th Molr Orotery company, who are sue eeeeors tu Fuller Douglas, and nr tocat4 t u gul, MrMl The Molr Oroeery company eou dnci one of the moat ui.-u.slst and nietropoliian grocery house to be founu In anbni. and ua th reput tloa of handling th largest naaort mnt of good in both fancy and Waple article of any grocery store la Marlon county, and ran coamUatly be counted upon to supply their pat runs with everything known to the basin They havo had charge of taw institution sine the Sth of Ovto her. lo Uurlng which time the hou ha etabltehl a mot favor- aoio refutation with the trade and aro prpjtrd at alt time to furnish goods to then ritrons at tho lowest B'.arket t" b-iu, ,i acoc-dance JOUKNAL, SALEM, OnnGON with tho high-class qunllty of the goods handled. Tho Molr Grocery company arc nolo nsonts for Chnse & Sanborn's fine tens nnd coffeos, which lmve n world-wide roputatlon for tholr ox collont quollty nnd are acknowledged to bo superior to any other brands on tho market. We nlso find among their well-selected stock Khmnn'J olive oil and bottled olives, which cannot be surpassed for quality and flavor. Mr. H. W. -Molr, tho oxecutlvo head of this establishment, Is a gentleman who Is well nnd favorably known throughout tliN vicinity. He was formerly employed at Weller Uro.' establlshmnt for a number of yean, where he gained a thorough knowl edge of the business nnd formed many life-long friends. The house Is equipped with their own delivery wagons nnd the service In this re spect Is at nil times highly satis factory. Promptness In the execu tion of orders and all business trans actions Is the motto of the house. The business U such that It requires five people to attend to the wants of their mnny patrons, und tho clerks, ns well ns Mr. Molr, are very accom modating and nlwnys try to please their customers In ovory wny pos sible. Mr. Molr hns beon n resident of Snlom for tho past twonty-two yonrs. He tnkos nn nctlvo Intorest In all measures tendlns to Improve Salem's Industrial conditions, seconding ev ory offort to build tin nnd develop home enterprises, nnd Is among tho progressive and energetic young business men of Salem. The busl neea principles ho hns adoptil are sure to win for him unbounded sue cee In his onwnrd career, o 8AI,KM STATU HANK. A' .Modem Pliiiiliclnl Iiitl(utlnn Wlildi I) Croulni; Itnplclly. Salem Is n conspicuous oxnmple of flnnnclnl strength nnd Intogrlty, and tho men who have charge of Its finan cial Institutions nro conceded to have more than nverago oxecutlvo ability nnd buslnoes Judgment. They aro ns n rulo progressive In tholr mothods nnd adopt those plnns which tho business world hns tried nnd found snfo nnd successful. Through them our capital city Is becoming moro und moro Important as n finan cial conter of tho state. Prominent anions Snlom's loading banking Institutions, ono that Is held In tho highest esteem by the gencrnl public. Is tho Snlom Stato bank. It l located In tho hoart of tho buslnoes portion of tho city, nnd its countlnz rooms contnln ovory convenlonco known to tho banking business. Tho mnnngemont devotoe Its attention to the needs of the commercial community nnd oxtemls to llrms and corporations and Indiv iduals every accommodation their resH)nlblllty and balance warrant, and that legitimate hanking will per mit. ThI concern carries on all the departments usual to a tlret-clae banking Institution, making loan nnd dltcoimt In accordance with accepted banking principle, buying nnd Mlllng bond and exchange of the commercial public, while It sav ing department is of valuable as- slstance In helping wagearner. to niH,uire a comiwency. ana is a ae- ,cUr,,Ue 0f the man hlniMlt and jmsltory of aneured nafety for larg tBro(,,h wh,ch b .ubllhed his rec or small It um every or4 llm.UM t0 m ,he hniin9U modern system which In any way nfe tend, to enhance, facilitate or bencl ,' m9 h, ,,, n tn, ,. lit fnanclnl tranaactlon M cUy lStI(W) flM o( mo( The management I lllral and , ofypl , th BOrlh. oare ul. while no queatlonnbl rl.k WMt ouwW o( VqHImA w, v are taken any legitime... enUrpria ,n ,ch bUio-tg yr gh on a sound basis may always depend Vfrr ,,, upon genu treatment at the m prominent In nil hand of thU Institution, wall at ..!. , .K, .!?. the same time It carefully guards th I ir::,0' !m,r'- --. z i.w mum puwinuiir oj rK. Front the Inceplton of this bank Urn -u, .!.. .. ... ........ . K. S. liAMPOltT, Mniiufnriiiivr and Dowler In Light and lmy llunlwaw. lu aa analyst of th cause that wade Salem th popular trading point, which ha grown to th tkrtT tag buatae. and educational citv r today, too much credit can hardly h glvn to th pioneer m.rchaat. The tame of thu old noun was mad, aad ha hew maintained for aarly halt a century, b th Pv-i. leno of Its own product. A succeeaful buslnea r r thlrty-sht year I snmciant t. i. self to stamp Mr. B. s Umporl a a u exceptional ability Hut j,e baa bocn more than a smctssfui incr- cstocr cd cilitea as wrll lWllty in reapondlng to all montary ' -t ' .all "US' 'l""' demand which It ha m dervdly Ll ' earned, a wl aa th eharaofr A??'"' It. increaalng patronag. plac. It ' T ,u Zl, .m k i T P0W-,r' among lb leading and ban.-' i , ', " "f ?h.'h U w ,B wr ing t.rprl of th. Hal. , JJ $ 2? imhtMr every action I conaervatlv. and ItCll W " M 0( ,he to on. of th mot c.rfullymaaaU ' ZZ t'" " oC WMflta hanh In the we, W I ,n lh tlwWi. HI. atore U met- TUI3IAY, .TAXUAKV 1, 100 to Salem In Mr. Lamport came lu"..:Li.-i-,,nrfiedhls iRfit at whlcn lime "c .- w like all other pioneer bu.lm . ' . ., wn started in rather a Bmanwn.v. but by honorable and , ght dealings with tho public, to gag,hcr with the superior grade of goodH handled, It has climbed the ladder of succees and scaled the walls ofpro.per.ty. until It now occur es a most Important piacu i - nets world of Oregon. th imslness has grown to such magnitude that the quarters now oc cupied comprise nearly ..000 feet of flnnrsoace. The building Is R to- .tory brick structure. 22 by 10o foe . ..inn.mns. Tho first floor Is used BB the saleroom and manufacturing department, w.ille on the second floor g to be found a full line of fine car .Inge and buggies of the latest styles ml natterm. Mr. Lamport has the distinction of belns In thH line or business longer than any other man in the state of Orecon. and has oc io,i hu nreeent stand since 1872. Mr. Lamport has nlways had the reputation of supplying his patrons with the best In material, as well as In workmanship, nnd cnrrlos one of the largest nnd most complete lines of harness to he found In the state. . ..,,,niiirini- ilennrtmcnt Is IIIB lliuuuv. n --- equipped with the latest labor-saving machines and appliance useu in mu manufacture of harness, and a num ber of skilled workmon are employed thp year around. In the repnlrlng line all work li executed In n neat and artistic manner nnd never falls to give perfect satisfaction. There H also to be found at this establish ment n line of whips, supra, blank ets, Rnd In fact everything that Is known to the business. Since Mr. Lamport came to Salem M life hns been nn open book to tho public. He slvee close personal at tention to his business, and has by his honorable methods and fnlr deal In? won the esteom of his fellow business men. as well as his patrons. -o- WATT SHUT. One of Salem's .Most Aggreishe mill Thorough Voting llusliu-jis Men. It has been said, and well said, that a few men in any neighborhood nttract moro nttentlon thnn do tholr neighbors from tholr nttructlvenos and magnetic personality, and nlso bccniiBo of tholr great succoes In the particular wnlk In llfo In which they nro found, and ono who Is peculiarly worthy of montlon In this clnss Is Watt Shlpp. Mr. Shlpp wns bom In Canada nnd came with his paronts to Oregon In 1889. At tho nge of 1C. being born of that desire to achieve fame and distinction, he entered the arena of professional bicycle racing, which he followed for six ears. and in which profession he distinguished himself with honors, winning the northwest championship In three distinct races, winning from Hewett and Krasher In Portland and from Cottar In both Se attle nnd Taroma. establishing a rcr lord of 10 minute and 29 second . HUt, wu,ch .,,,., t0iy niur)aaed. lleaehlug the highest notch pos sible to be obtained lu the raclug life, Mr. Shlpp, uoelug that tact ,, IUilnemt Rby whlch u chllr, -.-... . .anin. Hinl ucm H man who In held In th hUhest ea- u-.. --mn. , . fcl. ,, ' ;i " ";:.,. . .r been compiled. In order to satisfy his trad and meet with the demand ruiwmnn m exorj mu of th word a hlmwlf U kind, accommodating aad a thorough-going young business mm and I bld In the hteheat ea teem by who know him. A. U HAKVKV, ntticy ami Staph, firwerles. The predominant trad, of Salem It In th necessities of th everyday lit of the people, and the good of the provision dealer and trocar are In great demand. It follow . a lo-,. cal inference that Sal.m ha iU quota of well stocked grocery house.. The huaine .ketche. found throughout thU edition turunda many examples of sure, made in SaUm. but none mow meriting mention as an example than In the caso of Mr A t. ., V, ' Mr Jlarvey came to Salem from . nolo., some three years, nt Denver, ' . -t.n nncaKC.l l" which Place no ... mm Mn tab Iness necessary to success StS by, ?r easting '"."ToTi's pie bS.lni.wUhu SSai'JSoJd his fondest cxpecta- ""lU; store Is located nt 499 Court Jo ami is stocked with a high- gral of fancy nnd staple gro- c" embracing everything known business. The line ogrocore hng been carefully selected tilth re .r.t..h.lrPr.ndmU.d Includes a compieto " - canned and bottled goods, extracts and spices, flour nnd staple articles geirX. A feature of tho stock l fhesplendla .gortmt of fine teas nd coffeos of the very host brands, which are guaranteed for purlt and oxcellenco. Mr Harvey conducts his business upon thoroughly modern plans, dellv- i. .. nf rlinrue to any nr tlK couua inv - - -- : "..,.!. i.v. ,.n,l tho nrlcos quoto.i pari oi i ..,,.... ,,ir .. ,. . nt uniform rnnk on an Kuu ... Honest equivalents Is tho mot Jo .of the establishment, and this condition prevails through tho adoption nnd enforcement of methods character ized by tho strictest Integrity. Since his 'establishment here. Mr. Harvey has made a loyal and public spirited citizen, always giving finan cial aid to any enterprise that has for Its object the upbuilding of Salem. -o - WH1TK IIOl'Si: HKSTAl'HAXT. A Needful Institution. It is well known that masters of the culinary art are held high nuiong the most necessary of professions, and It has been said thnt the world looks quite different to u man nftor n square menl. nnd thnt a man looks different to the world. Thnro is n great deal of truth In this. In Sa lem ono can always satisfy tho Innor person by wondlng tholr way Into tho White House restaurant, whore thoy will bo provided with n monl that cannot be duplicated In this part of tho country. This establishment is loented at 3C2 State street, nnd enjoys tho rep ntntion of being ono of tho finest nnd most niodorn rostaurnnta to bo found In tho stato of Orogon. Tho up stairs dlnlns room hnB n seating ca pacity for 5G persons, and tho down stairs dlnlns room is provided for the sontlns of 28 porsons at ono time, whllo tho lunch countor, which Is of n horseshoe design, has a GO stool seating capacity, making n to tal sentlns capacity of 144 porsons at one time. The restaurant Is equipped with six hnndsomoly fur nished boxes for private parties, nnd has every convenience for the accom modation of the public that capital can secure or taste could suggest. A most favorable Impression Is nt once conveyed upon entering this place, m It bears every ovldenco of cleanliness and neatness. The table Includes the beet the market affords, which Is well cooked and seasoned by experienced cooks. The house la open day and night and short orders are served at all hours, the motto of the home being quick service and reasonable charges. Kmployment Is given to fourteen experienced people given to fourteen experlented people tints highly satisfactory. The house is under the management and prop rietorship of William McGllchrlst & Sob, both of whom are well experi enced gentlemen In this line of busl new. aad they alway. make It a point to tee that patrons receive good servlc and net what they want Don't forget the number White Hon. restaurant. S2 State street. --o TIIImhi Co,, Pruno Piukcrs. The prune packing establishment of Tlllson & Co. i n enterprise which contribute to the prosperity of Salem and Marlon county in no small de-ro. The fcitor to this In Justiy. after having been shown through the plant, and observing the excellent equipment, comes away with the conviction that business ability and enterprise have built up an Institution that would reUect credit upon any city. Some Idea of th BMeattnde of their operation. may be obtained when we m Umt m. W("1 an(l BW,ml ov- 'our million pounds of prune, this sea- JM. The bualne. of thl. enterpr Z ha. rown to such proportion, that Th.y employ on an h. 77r "ii anu Canada. rive people durlnr tt. verage eighty- J- a capacity of , Zl season, and trH ,the, ,rUlt Ua Kon through the required process- it t ,, . 8. 10 & ka ll ,s Put into Hi . aBd s0-Pound boxes ready for shipment tm ' also manufactum ,'ts 2? Z7 pipped with tho iZZTJSl I, l'r tho operation f i. u... uery Replant ,8 thoro'hVieJn overy respect, containing th, mnciunery nnci nppnnnccs kto, this lino or uitBinoBs. and li i perfect ennltary condition pruno packing biiBlnues of S.J ono which tlcsorvoa much crel tnrougn vuoir onorts the; ii.ilnnil tn nilvortlnn lln.i.. and tho Willamette valley J worm ns one oi mo Kreatcstt produclnB sections In the J Stntcs. o . Fninlc M. Hi-own, With what rnpldlty Salem J comliiK n luaniiincuiring centhj how rapidly alio la coming a! front In nil tloimrtnunts ot J trlnl activity is BtriKingly litl., In tho establishment owned l,(j Knink M. Brown, which Is locata Front street between State Coiut. Mr. Drown la u inanufacj of snali, doors, mouldliiRs, atjj nil kinds of house finish and ' wood work. Ilia ulnnt Is a w,i one In every respect nnd Is eqf throughout witn tno intcat raacty nnd mipllnnces used in tliia it,j Industry. All men employed by Mr. J . ..,,.., , . nro bkiiiou mm uxuoriencea t. win. nnil ovorv lob cxccutprl u establlBlimcnt is gunruntccd to perfect satisfaction. Ustlmattt furnlHhcd on nppllcntlon, based thorougli knowledao of tho bwJ whllo tho prices quoted are ol form rnnk. Mr. Drown Is a y cnl mnn In this lino of buslnctt conducts liU cstnlillBlimcnt oa oughly moilern plnns, nnd tti effortB to plonso his patrons !: preclntod Is tlemonBtratcd by tht time of business ho Is doing. AT ders received nro clvcn pron tentlon nnd nro executed In i factory mnnnor. This establish: Is of irront Importnnco to the noes activity of this vicinity, tail well bo numbered nmoug the ing nnd growing Industries ol . o A Dime. Thlrteon years ngo Mr. A established his btmluess at South Commorclnl street, whent now located, nnd known ns thei Salem brick Btoro. Mr. Dauti "u",ur " '"" ""." 7 I .1 1 .. I u. .asiMAMnl ftttlt n ti tils biock emorncinK a inn imu v nnd fnncy grocorlcs, crockery, Ing, boots nnd shoes, glass, woo tluwnro. Ho nlso buys all kit produco, for which tho hlgheitt kot price Is paid, nnd in this btu ns woll ns all others, ho enjoynr business. Mr. Dauo enjoys a good buls In nnd nro und Snlom, nnd niatjb mors throughout this vicinity mndo this store their constant t Ing place for mnny yenrs. Mr has great faith In tho city's poH tlos, and Is ovor ready to help nny public untorprlso to tho exttDl his ability. WATKHS IiltOTHi:itS, Tto KiiterprlHlnir Iltisliicss Mt In compiling h rovlow of thetl nee., Industrial, oducntlonal sail clnl Intorests of Snlom wo feU we should assign prominent t! the above nnmed gentlemen, Messrs. Frank W. nnd Fred It. ers have been mnstor vorkmcnli1 upbuilding of Snlom nnd this vl Tliey have nlwnys taken an ie part In all mnttora portnlnlng to welfare of tho city, nnd havo fw-5 promoted Industries thnt will H great bonoflt to Snlom nnd tbUt inunlty. Tho wrltor, when Ing with Prank W. Waters, will formed thnt they conducted noM nes that required advertising ""J ever." ho says, "wo always help' ward any public enterprise that" benefit Salem or Marlon couk-1 Waters brothors nro locatw rooms 1G and 17, ovor nush'si They nro men of tremendous en? ennrmnna nmnHnnlltv nnd ' personality well rewards acq"- r. ,, mice. W. W. Zinn. When you havo a craving for i delicate bit of confectionery . good clear nnd want tho very est, your stops will nuturally t,j toward Mr. W. w. Zlnn's fB1 COnfectlnnnrt- natnMlulimnnt. experience has taught you that J deslro can always bo cratifled. Mr. Zinn is a wholesale and r donler In tropical fruits, confeti ery nnd Ico cream, soft drinks, tip nnd tobaccos. Ho is a mnnufsct of tine candies, and is a gentle of originality and great progre who hns mado this business a H nomenal success. Being always for new ideas, bis enterprising B ods havo won for tho houso a V and constantly Increasing buslnej Thn Trm Wnmlpr. Cures all kidney, bladder rheumatic trouble; sold by all Klsts, or two months' treatm mall for 1. Dr. H. W. ' OUve atreet, St. Louts, Mo, J 'or testimonials. Sold by 3PT? drug store. d-"" w