f f 1 '1 tf DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL UV IIOPKK imos., Pusllalicra nnd Proprietor. rtMOF labTQ 3 HUllSCItlPTION HATES. lly Mall. Dally Journal, ono month .... 3Gc Dally Journal, thrco months ..$1.00 Dallr Journal, one year -00 Weokly Journal, one year .... 1.00 By Currier. Dally Journal, per month .... 50c COME AGAIN "SIS" The year 1900 went out In n blaze or slory so fnr as theatrical matters wore concerned. For n won der the Qrnnd Oyora House con tained a good play, n good company nnd an audience that filled every seat nt the same time. The attraction was "Sis Hopkins," nnd It was an at traction that drew like a magnet "Sis," around whom the piny eentors, Is the creation of Mls Hose Melvlllo, nnd It Is the work of nn artist. It Is built up and filled In with the game attention to detail an artist pays to n picture, Rnd Is true to life The development of the little coun try maid Into the perfect woman Is n string of pearls on a thread of gold humor, imthos, love, tenderness, hon esty, simplicity, pride and all the multiplicity of thlugs that move the human heart are there, nnd all are real. Mlts Melville hacked down the laddor from the haymow on her first appearance, but she eot Into the hearts of her audience Just as cer tainly as thoiiKh she had been more "straight forward' "about It. Words are Idle, but the way the hie audi ence laushml with her laugh, and gut out It Individual handkerchiefs when she willed It was an eloquent tribute to her power. The comedian, .1. F. Ilay, Is Im mense, ami hit character as nn un dertaker seems determined to add to his professional emolument by "tickling people to death." The sup'iort wn cood and the audience Imd but one regret, and that was that the curtain had to llnally droit. WHAT DOItS IT MKAN? Slat HtMiM- Itiuplo))". of Oppolli' Soxe Amiiim' Curlolty of Pel- low limpid)!".. A hat of blissful mystery sur rounds the set Ions of two oWelal stettoaraahers employed at the cap Itol building, lady and gentleman, of WHrte. who were seen In a down town More Saturday evening In the aet of purchasing stoves, bedroom note, and cither nscsssary articles of household furniture, and the eapltol building employee are at a low to understand the staalftfaare of their action. Some venture the surmise that thee were both merely upon a New Year's gift aarcaaetag eipedl Hon and chanced to meet nt this par Uvular store, which seem very like It; while other venture the gooes that it nor tends something of a more serious nature, perhaps la the matrimonial line. Doth nartles. one of w'ioa. I a (ui either In the of nW ot '"-itarv of utato t"Xot me." ehimetl In Mie 8tuith. dny that there Is any particular etgniBcanee to be attached to the incident, and alt eHecned havf Un up guessing ami will bide their time for devel opments. The Bank Habit Possibly you who read this have neer. kept a bank account. If not. Ik. us suggest that you try the inertumt. You will nnd It elgful In many ways. Aside from the fact that your money l be safe from theft and Are. sneh a habit tends to thrift and economy, dltcipiine tad a general anderstaadiag ot boalasw prtatt Plea, all of which are essential to eoocese. It also affords a coave ' asothod for the payment of WNa; and. as the checks are al ways preserved and returned to yM. they serve as receipts for the aaMMMt paid. We wii b .im,m to ft-re ou as vir bj, .., Coa tn and opea a U;A . , u:.. ii SALEM AMD HER INDUSTRIES i (Continued from page ono-) and prune-packing houses, tile fac tory, pickle, vinegar and cider worKS, cigar factory, brick yard, baking powder factory, pnlnt factory, box factory, broom factory, two tanneries, fence works, harrow manufactory, book bindery, soda works, nurseries, etc. The Northwest Stove foundrv, operated by Lowonborg & Going com pany, was established in 1883 nnd has a dally capacity of -100 stoves, bosldes other valunblo castlncs ot n varied character. The Thomas Kay woolen mills were established In 18S9. and their dally product In finished goods, tho llnest quality of blankets and cloth ing mnterlnls being principal among tholr products, Is valued nt $1,500, and tholr principal marketB aro Portland, San Francisco nnd New York. Tho Willamette Valloy Prune Packing nnoclatlon wns established In 1900, and lins a dally capacity of 90,000 pounds of eroded, processed nnd packed prunes per day; nnd the Tlllson & Co. prune-packlng plant, established a year later, hns u dally capacity of a like product of CO.OOO pounds. The products of these plants find a market throughout the east and In Kngland. The Salem flouring mills, eg ml) llshed In 1SC2, and operated by Theo. II. Wilcox of Portland, have n dally capacity of 300 barrels of Hour nnd an average yearly output by rail nnd boat or 22.000 barrels. The Cupltnl City flouring mills, owned by Hrynnt A Keeder, began business In 1900 and have it dally output of 10 bar rels. The principal consumption of the product of the latter Institution Is local, while the product of the former finds an oriental market prin cipally. The Chas. K. Spauldlng Logging eomiwny owns and operates the priucliwl saw mill nnd logging plant It whs established In 1ST I by the Capital Lumber company, and Its dally output has been gradually In crewMd to Its present capacity of 60,000 feet. The product of thH plant Is shipped all over the const and the eat. The StoU Pickle, Vinegar & Cider works, owned and operated by Gid eon Stolz & Co., begun operations In IS7 and has a rapacity of 85,000 gallons of cider, shipped to Califor nia peints: ISO barrels of vinegar, principally for local consumption, and 300 dosen bottles of soda, etc. for shipment to Sound and local points. The Star Ilottllng works Is of but recent establishment, and, while Its capacity is upon a somewhat smaller scale than the above men tioned institution. It Is being grad ually Increased until, nt the present rate, it will have been doubled with in a tew months. The Commercial Creamery com pany, with a dally capacity of l.liOfl pounds of butter, was established by 0. A. Ooodhue Co. In 1103, aud Its product Bads a ready demand In the Portland and local markets. The ialem Hreery association Is successor to one of tho oldest and most itrontablo of local industries, having been established many yean ago by tho original firm of Kltager k Beca. The present management succeeded to ownership and oper atloa tn 103 and the plant has a present rapacity of (0 barreU of beer dally, and an Ice plait In con nection Is capable ot turning out 4,000 pounds of Ice per day tho year around. Tho beer product Is shipped la carload lot j to tea Fraaclsco. ' Portland and local points. Tho cow pony Is now erecting a larse boor bottling works to be operated la conjunction with tho browlns plant. There aro two sash aad door fac tories or Biasing milts la eoatlaual operation, the oldest Of which was wtabllshed many years ago, hut tho lirewat owner. Frank Brown, sue ret-dt-d to the maaaemeat of It la 101. The Hanson Sash ft Door factory, orated by A. at. Hanson. was cVablUhed Mtr. Both plants are c crated principally upon Job work and tern out a exceptionally high grade of product. Tho Bal?m Book Bindery, owned and oporatod by Ooorgo F. Rodgors fc Co.. wsu rstaMttW M i ! oni f ths t kl;d on 10 n a. - ii ..,' i at mi.: 1 . force of ek.,1, J vf lurnlnr r w i.,j r! DAILY CAPITAL JOOilWAlt, BALKM, OBEnnN. . . i .,o ,lnv until 20 only a iew muuu.a i... --- dozen are turned out dally nnd ts capacity Is only measured by tho force of hands available and the ability of the management to secure raw materials. It bids fair to be come ono ot tho most prosperous manufactories In tho city. Tho Orogon Nursery Company, es tablished In 1862. U without doubt tho largest plant of Its kind on the coast and Its nursery products find n ready market throughout tho coun try Last yenr the company, com posed of McOtll & McDonald, re celved over 20 carloads of treos nnd forwarded over 40 carloads during the rush season. Tho Salem Cnnnlng Company, un der tho management of S. P. Kimball, succeeds tho Holcomb company, which had been In continuous oper ation since Its establishment. 1890. with the exception oi a iu - last year, whon the ontlro plnnt was destroyed by Are. It wns this sea son rebuilt and nowly equipped throughout. Tho plnnt forwarded 15 carloads of canned goods Inst year, nnd hns this year done tho big gest business In Its history. Tho Snlem Tile Works, owncu and operntod by J. K. Murphy, was established In 1887 nnd Is capable of turning out 10,000 tiles. Its pro duct Is shipped nil over tho coast country nnd the Pnclflc northwest. Tho Salem Soap Factory, operated by Proprietor Lnchollo, was founded In IS91, nnd has n dnlly capacity of 1.000 pounds ot n high grade article which enjoys n ready home consump tion. Another self-made Institution of which the Snlem public Is proud Is the Perfection Uaklns Powder Fac tory, which, although It hns been In oxlstence only n coupl"" of years, has built up an enormous trade through out the northwest, nnd Its business i Btnmlllv on the Increase. This plnnt was established" by C. M. Kppley. the manufacturer of Its sole product. A new factory will be built this year. The Salem Paint fuctory. under the management of I). II. Wynnt nnd V. J. Lehman, hns been In oxlstence less than a year, but bids fair to be come well uii among tho loading In dtiBtrlos of the city. Tho Snlem Hoc factory, under the management of n local corporation of which C. I Mason Is president and S. II. Snyder manager, Is also dolns n prosperous business. Thore Is practically no limit to the amount of business to be had by. this Institution, nnd It Is bound to grow, and grow rapidly. The Salem Shoe factory, nlthough still In Its Infancy. Is onjoylws u steady and prosperous growth and In course of time will develop Into one of the chief manufacturing In dustries of the state. Under the management of K. L. lrvln & Co. the business Is growing and branch ing out by degrees and. whereas scarcely one year ago only em ployed one man. It now finds em ployment for several and there seems a very bright future In store for It. Two canneries, one owned anil operated by William lWwards & Sons, and the other by Mr. Lachelle also proprietor ot the soap works, are conducting prosperous busi ness and receive all ot the work In thl line they can attend to. In con nection with their tannery Mr. ld wards and sons conduct a general taxidermist business, which has been quite successful In a financial way as well as productive of satisfactory results. Tho Salem lrouco Works, operated by Walter Morley, Is another purel Salem Institution which has built up to dlvldeud-paylng proportions, and the output Is being Increased every year, and still the demand cannot be fully -mttsfted. The same may ba said of the Sa lem Cigar Factory, which, under the management ot Aug. llnckeotoln. has w.. w..iu .. f u infancy to a full . anrvso "- - grown Institution ami has become the source ot considerable profit tn Its owner. Another Industry which Is still In Its Inclplency but U grow log and reaching out quite rapidly Is the Kimball ft Webb harrow manu factory, aad has developed within a short period Into a healthy and pros perous Industry. These aro by ao means all ot tho factories that have sprung up la tho capital elty and have received the support ot a Halted publle; aelthor aro they all that will ho. for ih.y will keep oa springing up aad de voloplag aa la tho past bat at a more rapid rata sod bocomo more Irmly established wltk the light of we. ' t i i o Tins MI?Ut Xante. Mr AiiS.ut SU -,ic, th i r cf tc ;;( r at ''. .- !- kin-. ! . '1 ' lv I'jUr o.i. i. : TUESDAV, JANUABlM Smiles It Is perfectly natural tho Califor nia grafters, as a last resort, should "urn for relief to the California leg Islature. Opt Her Lyon, of tho Albany Hornld, takes Issue with Col. T. l acor on tho Question of railway pass- Salem Is marching nlong to Its destiny as the electric railroad cen ter of the Wlllnmettc vnlloy. Tho reason thero aro so many wed dings In Oregon Is on account of the rain. You see. tho rain compels the use of an umbrella, nnd when nu umbrella built for ono hns to accom modate two naturally they got next to each other. Swear off on expecting nny good thing to como out of tho loglslnturo By all monns ici u " --text-books. It would only cost nbout 3100,000 a your, with tho microbes thrown In. o - Slato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss: Frank J. Cheney makes onth that he Is senior partner of tho firm of V. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, county nnd state aforesaid, nnd that said firm will pay the sum of ONB IIUNDHED UOL LAIIS for each nnd evory enso of Cntnrrh that cannot he cured by tho use of Hall's Cntnrrh Cure. FUANK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence this Cth day of Do camber, A. I).. 1880. A. W. OLKASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intor- nally, nnd nets directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho systom. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Circuit Court Hii-Iih'nh. Judge lluruott hold nn adjourned session In department No. 1 nt the Mai Ion county circuit court yostor day and transacted tho following liuslness: Hussoll Catlin and J. U, Linn vs S. W. Jones, u motion to strike out part ot the answer to the nmanded complaint nnd demurrer to answer to amend complain was argued. Myrtle Lumber rampnny ngnlnit Thurston & Gilbert: u nonsuit by plaintiff as to defendant Thurston. M. Thomas against Fred Dose; a motion was made to strike out parti of amended complaint. Thomas Ilurrows against J. M. Woodruff; settled. II. A. Headlamp vs, Mutual Iteserve Life Insurance company; demurrer to complaint was overruled. State vs. Jamea a. Sseley, et al ; dismissed by district attorney ns to defendant Ilustrln, William M. Spoyd vs. M. Christen sen, et al.; default and judgment. C. W. Yannke vs. It. M. McFarlaail, et al.; default and Judgment. W. W. Slaughter against B. L. Uemtngten: motion to strike out part of complaint and motion to make complaint more denulte and certain was argued. A mandato was this morning hand m down from tho supreme court sus taining tho lower court In tho case of J. R. Murphy against Chas. Lorn bake, J, W. Howland. W. J. Culver nnd the elty of Salem. Tho case of A. 11. Adams vs. John T. Wentwortb. an action for the re covery ot 31000. alleged to have been fraudulently obtained, oame up regu larly before the circuit court this warning ami was postponed until Wednesday January 2. o- Cured of i,m,K Trouble. "It Is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. o. Fl0yd, a leading business of Kerekaw. g. c. 'I had run down tn weight to 13E pound), nn 1 coaghla wm constant both by duv hd by night. Finally I bf,n Uk. tea Dr. King's New Discovery, and continued this for .bout six months whoa ,-coUgh aBd IWf Uom- were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight. 170 pounds" Thousands of pertoas healed every year. Quaraateod at J. C. Peery, drug store; 6fte aad HM. Trial bottle free, Trlal i 1007' ,. ' j T i ssBBBsnsMnessnnjansBWflR J G.W. Johnson & Co. " ssaaawaawjaasaosi awjsaj State News Tho "Tonguos of Fire" people . ,. ... . .. novo opened ineounus ai aiu.uiy. Tho Aurora band gnvo a big . .. ... . t .i. nan 10 cuieunuu mo b""'s " u' i"- old yonr laflt iilslit ot Aurora. A. W. Gordon, Lltm county's old- ost cltlzon passed away Friday nt his homo in Albany, ngod 91 yonr3. Tho Albnny high school girls' basket hnll toam dofeated tho Kugono team Snturtlny evonlng by n scoro of 10 to 7. dipt. Joseph Myrlck, n rosldont of linker county for forty yonrs, nnd n promlnont mining man, died at Con nor crook initio Thursday. Tho Coos Day Lumbor company Is soon to erect a largo Mill nt North Hond, with -100 horso power nnd 75,000 foot por day capacity. Mrs. Sarah Hlizaboth McDowoll, n ploncor woman ot Lnno county, Is dead. Hor husband was tho first commissioner of Lnno county. Tho largest prlvnto wnroliouso on the const Is now hoing orocted on tho west side above tho Wlllumetto Pulp & Paper company at Orogon City. Dob Moriltt, one of the best known mining men In Malheur county, nnd In linker county, wns killed nt Man hattun, Nevada, by a premature ex plosion ot a can of powder last week, Mrs. Fred Knapp, of Prlnevlllo, tried to commit suicide last week by taking poison, but was foiled In her attempt. Despondency over her hus band's protruded sprees was tho cause. A demented man, giving his iiuiiia as Cyrus Vaughn, was found wander ing In the Ileitis near Shedds Sntur-1 day, aud was taken to Albnny whom i lie wm examined and committed to the asylum. The city of JluMInnvllle proposes to raise a company or 10 young la - dies from different counties In tho state am drill them one month at McMlnnvllle and take them to the J.?' .W.l ,,' "U th' l,rl,,r,"Hl r tl.s In the United State, to adver- ; "I"? e ul "n'en: .no oomuorn Pacim- ha. asked the I.... ."""". .uc" lor 50 "cw of :,':r r: t"1 r,ro,rrty fo.1 wr- " "" ",l 'uncu con WE CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SHOT GUNS IlII'LUS nr.voLvmis AMMUNITION ""AVSKIt IHtOS'. 8PISCIM,.. WADU1) SHOTOUK 8HlCMS ,K,cOM.llSAKlnHlloiS I AN ANNUAL EVENT In Salem is Our Great Gearano Sale Now lit proKrvsH nt tills cioumiK "mix-, imrgniiu J MKS, YOUTHS, CHILIHIK,V. Prices nro Hinslicil unJ incrcy, its nil K'mmIs must clcuiicd out tvntly for new ttocJ Wo never carry goods over. i nlilnra Hin rnnnnaf Imonj . "" I"" "i-vunu III rMrf I To utlllzo tho slto, tho conit..-in.l . - , ---m y,C nriugo mo uny, nut tlio matter! not yet boon sottlcd. . i (.v CU.,N,,., it At.,,...,, , , . of Wnvoi-lv. Tnv. ivrin., ..a. . . " I ' '"" wi mornniB, wnon nrst nrlslng, I oftc nnd a troublesome collection t I'imubhi which produces n cough u Is vory hnrd to dlslodgo; hut aim quantity of Ballard's Uorehon Syrup will nt onco dlslodgo It, m tho trouble Is over. 1 know oli mcdlclno that Is cqunl to It, and III bo pleasant to tnla I cun niott w dlnlly recommend It to all penoa needing n mcdlclno for throat orlui trouble." Sold by D. J. Fry, o Klcct Joiiiitlmn llounic. (La Grnndo Observer 1 Thero is no question but kl thoro Is nn clement thai would m to sou things brought nbout when! It would bo rosslblo for tho legal Hire to sot nsldo the volco o( thepw plo ns oxpressod whereby Jonathi Iloiirno should bo tholr next I'Dltd Stntos sonntor. Several foolers htn boon Hont nut. but the popular (4 lug Is so strong that thero sccmiu probability of tho schemers bclLg successful. This bolus tho first oh portunlty of oloctlus n senntor udjs- the now law It Is paramount thai lb program, us Intended, bo carried out to tho lottor. Tho nrlnclolo It stake, not the man upon whom tbt honor Is, to be conferred The peo ple by n Inrge majority Imvo titu this monns to elect their semtw by n direct vote They lmvo doncw. now lot tho legislature csfnbllsh ttu custom for all time to conic -o AVIso Counsel from the Souls, "I want to "Ivo some nluablei4- vice to those who suffer with lis i ,)llt!k nntl kldnoy trouble favi J I ' Ulunkanshlp, of Beck, Ton "H"" i proved to nn nbsolnK c rtala IW nigotrlo Bitters will m .lively f this ill.trimalng condition Thai bottle gnvo mo great rdl f and taking n tow moro bottb M aics Pletely oiired: so comid t iv t' ,,, n ..loasure t ' V IUIb Braat remedy," dd u. i j. o. perr w - prpn nno FINl-J FlSUIXa TACKLH ATIIMrriO AND GV.MN SllM hWi I'M IIS QVTUtttY OAWASS Mil) LEAT1III1 uQOM nicvcwts lUOYCLH SUNDIIIES CASTOR! A r laiim and Children. IBB KM Yw Hsu Always BwgM Bears tho W? . Salem State Bank L. K. PAGE, President Drop i in. and ct Us Show You U. ltOS by er ulltOU"- 25c at J C fc. W. HAZARD. G.hir . uu-mi,5i witt toc& U1 s l"--o built nc -i ta' conti-iat'or:, i' i . J. .' . .-V.U a etciature ot sj7 ! 1 1 P,IM 110 1IIOM 110 vy