Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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That aclonco has perauadcil
to lay Bovon times hor own
weight In eggs n year. Tho nv
orngo hon lays only CO eggs In
a year. But now comes tho
aclontino mixed feed that will
keep her In perfect hcnlth and
niako hor produco Bovcn times
hor weight in eggs every year.
Coulson's Improved Mash Food
will do it. Coulson's No. 3
Condition Powders for'poultry
nlso keeps thorn in good hcnlth
For circular and full explana
tion call on
151 High St.
Best Friend
Nothing Is moro desirable for
tho household, from tho houso
wlfo's point of view, than a puio.
wholcBomo and satisfactory nr
tide in tho lino of unking powders
and In
Eppley's Perfection
Baking Powder
Which I as near perfection as
It can bo mndo. II oh I don getting
your money's worth In tho weight
nnd (liinllty of tho article itself,
you also receive n nice glnss fruit
jar, and. at tho snmo tlmo you
nro helplns to build up n home In
stitution. C M. EPPLEY
Salem, Oregon
Corner of Seventh and Stark Httoi
Portland, Oregon.
The flw and modern hotel of the Alt;
Caters particularly to reeidonts of Bu
lem and other Oregon eltlos. European
plan. Fwe bus. flatta $1.00 por dnj
and upward. Ilsndaomeat grill in tht
Weet, and prices as low as in plaeet
leas attractive. Dally Capital Journal
ou file.
The Fashion Stables
Formerly Simpson's Btablee.
Up-to-date livery and cab line
Funoral turnouts a specialty. Tally
bo for picnics and excursions. Phone
44. CHAS. W YANNKB, Prop
247 and 240 High Btreet.
Spont wisely Is the source of much
satisfaction. Why jnot spend a little
oi wisely now buying grocorles of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
I; Successors to Harrttt & Lawrenra.
BOrdor a package of this
famous health and brain
building flour and enjoy
some good old fashioned
New England Brown
Rrcad. A chance at a
Bright hot loaf will make
you think you are In
Boston. With Allen's
Self-rislng II, D. R. Floor
you can make bread Just
llko the Puritans used to
3-B Pancake Flonf
Is also a pure food; self-
Trado rising and all ready to
Mark mhc with water and bako
on a hot griddle.
Paclflc Coast Factory, San Jose,
Cal. Eastern Factory, Little
Wolf Mills, Miutawa, Wis.
vm-,-,1 - -TraaaV
ftaiaiaiaiai aTa i alaTaTa
SJjjfiSS vfeK
T Wo have wimpled tho city with Wild Hose Flour. If you did not
get sample, cull nt the office and GET ONE.
When you buy Hour bo suro it is like the sample.
T $1,00 n ancle nt nil grocers. Mndo
BOa-t-aattaa -re-fa a a i a i a
Did you get one of our calendars
lust year? Wo did not havo enough
to ko n round to nil our customers.
and you may bo ono of those who
failed to sccuro ono. Wo do not want
to mis you tills year. Wo want one
of our nrt cnlondnrs in tho homo of
ovcry ono of our customers. Our cal-
ondurs for 1007 aro tho most beauti
ful nrt productions cvor distributed
by us, and roa'ly worthy of n porma
nont placo among tho pictures on tho
walls of any houso. Wo know you
.will want ono, nnd have saved It for
you, and shall bo clad to prcsont It
If you call at our olllco aftor Decem
ber 17, 100C, and wo find your nnrao
on our books. Wo would llko to sco
ono of our calendars1 in overy homo
In Salem, but aro only prepared to
supply our customers. Wo want to
soo your work coming our way, and
will glvo you valuo ro.'olvod for your
Phono 23. 1. )).! (1(1 S. Liberty St.
Woven Wire Fencing
Of nil kinds. Hop Wiro, Pickets,
Posts, Qntos, Shingles nnd P. & D.
ready roofing. All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
250 Court St. Salem, Ore,
For we take especial care to buy
nono but tho best, and our customers
can always depend upon getting tho
best in the market at right prices
whon they buy at our markot.
State Street Market Phono SOI
Will treat you with Oriental herbs
and cure any disease without operation
or pain.
Dr. Kum Is known everywhere la
8alem, and has eured many prominent
people here. He has lived in Salem
for 20 yerai, and can be trusted. lit
Dies many medicines unknown to white
doctors, and with them can cure
catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheu
matism, stomach, liver, and kidney dis
eases. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy
and female troubles. His remedies
cure private diseases when everything
else fails. He has hundreds of testi
monials, and gives consultation free.
Price for medicines very moderate.
Persona in the country can write for
blank. Send stamp.
If yon want some extra fine tea, get
ft from us.
167 South High street, Bale, Oregon.
once In n whllo tho shining mark
of his wisdom holng tho putting of
his feet in a comfort-giving pair of
shoes purchnBahlo hero. You can't
beat our 9.1.50 shoes anywhoro In
this land. For patent leathers and
special lasts wo chargo moro, to be
Buro. Dut you'll got full value for
every dollar you spend with ub for
shoo lcathor.
Lender in Good Shoo Value.
i a in i a i a i a i a i a i a i a i a i a i a a
front old wheat, too.
Tho best plnco to buy 1b whoro the
best stock of lumber is carried. Tho
ontlro building trndo. know that
thoro is not a finer stock of lumbor
thnn that carried by us. Wo are
ready to fill tho largest contract
promptly. Wo don't keop tho build
or waiting. That's a very important
point. Near S. P. pnssongor dopot
Phono G2 Main.
Served to
Queen's Taste
And nlwnys STEAMING HOT aro
tho ways upon which you can de
pend In getting your meals whon
you cat at tho
Win. MrGllchrJit & Son, Props.
White Houso Restaurant
Wm. McQIlchlrst & Son, PropB.
H S. Gile & Co.
Wholesale Groecrs and Com
mission Merchants
In tho market ut all times for
drlod fruit and farm produco of all
Wo havo for sale a few opplo par
ing and slicing micblnes; equipment
for a largo dryer; will mako a low
To pay a fair prlco for Lumbor,
when that prlco carries with It 100c
worth of satisfaction for every dollar
oxponded. Soo us for prices on Bide
walk lumber.
Voget Lumber
and Fuel Company.
Highest Price
267 Commercial St.
KMpiWffii,- mfiiiHffi
fears ti
jk. to nc c xcrz j. .
Ito Kiad Yon l! Alwirs Batfiji
Contest Narrows Down to
Northern and Southern
Tho contest for tho speakership
lias narrowed down to a contest be
tween Frank Dnvey, of Mnrlon coun
ty, nnd Wm. Vnwter, of Jackson coun
ty. Some of tho delegations nro
showing n disposition to hang back,
and not commit thomselvcs, but the
Marlon county mnn Is probnbly Bnfo
out of tho woods. Tho action of the
Linn county men who met yesterday,
nnd deferred expressing themselves
until nt lonst January 10th, Indi
cates tills. Here is Mr. Davoy's own
slntomont In the StntcBmnn this
Tho Influences socking tho election
of Mr. Vnwter, of Jackson county, to
tho speakership nro adopting very
questionable tactics nnd mnklng the
wildcat assertions In an effort to
brenk tho strength of Mr. Dnvey, of
this county. Anions the assertions
given out by Vnwter In Portlnnd Is
ono that tho Mnrlon county delega
tion Is not certnln to nil Biipport Mr.
Dnvey, when It is woll known to Mr.
Vnwtor and his supportors that this
delegation ngroed without dlssont to
stand by Mr. Davoy unitedly as long
ns thoro was tho sllghtost chanco for
his election, and the Vnwtor follow
ers n'so know that thero Is not n
mnn of the four Mnrlon county rop
rosontatives who Is not omlnontly
truthful, siiunro nnd upright. In
fact, It can be stated ns a rellnblo
iiowb Item that thoro Is not ono man
In fifty In Mnrlon county but Is nnx
lous to sco Mr. Dnvey win.
Word conies from Southern Oro
gon nnd Portlnnd that somo of tho
Vnwtor men nro rosortlng to very un
manly monnB to discredit Sir. Dnvey,
but, Instcnd of Injuring him, thoy
hnvo helped him. Thero Is no man
In Oregon who is known to moro pub
lic men or to moro business mon
than Mr. Dnvey. Ills honornblo po
litical career, lits unflinching fights
for principle, his Integrity In dealing
with men. In politics and otherwise
aro woll known throughout tho en
tiro stnte, and his record stands him
In good stead In tho fnco of slnnder.
Mr. Vnwter has glvon out that ho
would got tho vote of I.ano county,
but tho following' telegraph mossago
was rocolvod by Mr, Davoy last ov
onlng, which speaks for Itself:
"Hugone, Or., Doc. 31. '00
"Hon. Frank Dnvey, Snlom, Orogen:
"I.nno county docldos to support
you far sponkor.
Mr. Davoy nlso rocolvod posltlvo
nsBiirnnco yostordny thnt Washington
county would support him solidly
nnd furtlior assurances woro rocolvod
thnt Mr. Hondrlck. of Wasco, will
support him. ns well ns Dr. Morry
mnn, of Klnniath Falls.
Mr, Vnwter has boen claiming sov-
on votos or tne .Munnnmiui cuuiii
dologntlon and the Joint member
with ClnoknmaB. but tliroo of tneeo
olght nro far more llkoly to go for
Mr. Davoy. Mr. lluotscon lias toui
Mr. Davoy that ho was going to stay
by Mr. Chapman ns long as ho hnd
nny chance, nnd thnt r.s second
cholco was Davoy, and Iluetgon hns a
splondld reputation for truth. Mr,
Fnrroll told Mr. Dnvey tho same
thing, nnd Is under no obligation to
nllow hlmsolf to bo dollvored to the
Medford banker. Mr. Campbell, of
Oregon City, has not declared him
self publicly, but Mr. Davey oxpects
him to do so today nnd in the let
ter's favor. Tho Linn county dele
gation has had some dilfleulty in
ncrecinir unon locnl mattors. and
havo decided to postpone lurmor
conference until January 10th. but
Mr. Davoy, according to tho most re
liable reports, will get two and prob
ably all three of them. This loavos
Uttlo doubt of tho result.
It takes 30 votes to nomlnnto,
nnd Mr. Davoy counts the following
as sure: Marlon 6, Linn 2, Lnno 3,
Douglas 1. Josephine 1. Coos 1,
Ronton 1. Washington 3, Yamhill 2,
Tillamook 1. Columbia 1, Multno
mah" 6. Clackamas 2. Wasco 1,
Sherman, etc.. 2. Crook 1, Umatilla
and Morrow 3. Union nnd Wallowa
1, Ilaker 1, Malheur 1; total 30,
with two from Clatsop, ono from
Douglas and ono from Wasco entirely
THK 1IIAMUAU nuini). v
Ikl-MU-UlV W1U B ( A
UblJtt!U. Tl.tkr. V
Buy tf yf Iteurtfttt 4 Mil U
'lil.CMK.TKK1i ENHLIIHr, tk
I Mil' tuwdci u IX. Sal. AlMft
ItJbtU. fcvlj t OnilfUl; TM,
t7 it nvA
-V if
(Continued from page two.)
doing no one good could bo Invested
in nn enterprise of this chnractor In
Mnrlon county and mndo to pay
hnndsomo Interest on tho principle
from tno moment tho fnctory bogan
Proprietary Mi-dlclnc Plnnt.
Thoro Is nnother promising Indus
try that hns been ovorlooked In this
section of tho statu nnd that Is tho
working up of tho nlmost unlimited
supply of ensenrn sogradn (chlttcm
bnrk) that exists in tho forests nil
nlong the const nnd In tho tlmborcd
regions, into proprietary medicines.
Hundreds and hundreds of tons of
tills vnlunblo bnrk nro being shipped
nununlly from Snlom nnd Immediate
surrounding points, thnt only bring
tho producor from 3 to 1 conts per
pound, dry. This bnrk Is sont to the
lnrgo prnprlotnry medicine plants In
tho east, whoro It Is distilled nnd con
verted into propnrcd modtclnos nnd
thon Bhlppcd back to tho coast In
tho finished Btnto and tho vory
snmo producor, who realized but 4
conts for his product, turns right
nraund nnd buys it bnck for more
than n half dozon tlmos tho nniouut
ho rocolvod for It. This condition
should not oxlst, from a logical nnd
economic vlowpolnt, nnd thoro Is no
plausible ronson why this rnw ma
torlal should not bo reduced to the
finished Btnto right nt tho fountain
bond of Its oxlstonco nnd tho enor
mous profits nccurlng kept In local
circulation. The snmo mny bo snld
to bo truo regarding tho Oregon
grnpo root, which grows In great
nbundnncc, nnd its extract Is ono of
tho principal Ingredients of nt least
two-thirds of tho proprietary medi
cines found upon tho sholvos of the
locnl dlsponsnrlcs.
What Kiilciii Is.
Snlom Is tho capital city of tho
Btnto or Orogon, nnd tho county sont
or Marlon county. It Is located K2
miles south of Portland, tho metrop
olis, in the contor of tho Willamette
valley, and has both railroad nnd
river connection with the prlnclpnl
markets of tha northwost nnd world.
Tho city Is lighted with electric light
nnd gas and has a comploto private
wntor works system. Fifty thou
sand horflopowor Is capable of bolng
developed within the city limits. It
supports throe banking Institutions,
tho Lndd & Hush. Capital Nntlonnl,
nnd Snlom State. It nlso has n com
ploto street railway system,
with about 15 miles of track
In all directions. Tho principal
Tho Kind You Hnvo Alwnys Bought, ami which hns hocu
In uso for over ,10 yenra, hns horno tho Hlgnntiiro of
jrjfP nnd hns hocmniulo tinder hlH por-
fJ?L jZjtJfy.rfa . sonnl supervision slnco Its iunuioy.
trwj -ccccWK Allow no one to dccolvo you In thin.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-n8-good"nr" hub
experiments that trlHo with and endanger tho hca i of
infants and Children Experience agalust Uxpuu tuU
Castorta Is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops Htid Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphluo nor other Narcotio
suhstanco. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverish ucss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. Jt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomaeh nnd Dowels, gh lug healthy and uaturul sleep,
Tho Children's Panacea- Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ask your doctor about theso throat coughs. He will
tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling In the
throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better
explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask
him about your taking Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Then
do as he says. Get the best medicine, always.
W.hn.no inntil We publLh J, O. Air Co..
thfbrmuU of all our preparation . Xrfiwall, Hui!
crops raised In tho vicinity
nro hops, prunes, wheat, barley, oats,
potntoes, onions, llnx, npples, pears,
plums, berries, chorrlos, and nil kinds
of vegetables; livesteck: cattle,
horses, shcop, gonts, hogs. Wool and
mohair nro nlso produced In lnrgo
quantities, from which tho growers
renlizo hamlsomo profits.
All of tho county nnd Btnto Insti
tutions nro located here, besides n
$110,000 federal building. Tho prln
clpnl municipal, county, stnto and
federal buildings located hero aro;
Stato capitol, Insano asylum, penltcn
tlnry, roform school, muto school,
blind school, Indian training school,
stnto fnlr grounds and buildings, fed
eral building, court house, city hnll,
Willamette university, opern houso,
Y. M. C. A. building, nnd four largo
school houses. Tho npproachlng
loglslnturo Is expected to mako pro
vision for the crentlon of n stnto
feeble-minded Institute, to bo located
In or near this city, which will cost
not less thnn $200,000, Including
slto, consisting of not loss than 1,000
acres of land.
Eiliirntlonal Advantages.
In tho first plnco Snlom boasts of
tho finest high school building In tho
Btnto, which was completed Inst year
nt nn nggrognto cost of not Icrb thnn
$75,000. Tho work of tho high
school ranks sveond to nono In tho
stnto, nnd tho Snlom school system
ranks second to nono In tho stnto
Snlom, Woodburn, JorforBon nnd 811
verton, nil In Mnrlon county, havo
high schools of 12 grades, nnd tho
school buildings In gcnornl meet nil
requirements nnd tho now buildings
nr modern In every respect. Ho
sides thoro nro olght high bcIiooIb In
tho county, nil doing ninth nnd tonth
grndo work. Salem has nltngothor
Ilvo school buildings, tho nvorago
value or which Is about $30,000.
Tho amount of monoy for school
purposos In tho county for 1000 was
$173,797.7-1, and tho valuo of school
proporty In tho county Is $209,
223.45. Tho nverngo longth of tho
school term Is 7.35 months. Tho
number of school children attend
lug school between tho ages of 4
nnd 20 yenm Is O.CM, nnd tho nvor
ago salary paid teachers Is, mnlo
$5S,03, fomalo $40,22. Undor tho
presont most excollont stnto library
law each school district receives an
nunlly n number of books for tho una
nnd benefit of pupils, and during tho
pnst your over 3,000 now books hnvo
boon added to tho school llbrnrlon
of the county,
How to Ono ClillhlaliiN.
"To onjoy freedom from chil
blains," wrltos John Komp, East
Otlslleld, Mo.. "I apply Rucklen'a Ar
nica Salvo. Havo also usod it for
snlt rheum with excollont results,"
Guaranteed to cure fever sores, Indo
lent ulcers, piles, buriiH, wounds,
frost bites nnd skin diseases; 25c nt
J V Perry's drug store
Signaturo of