-m- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SATiKM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1007. lt ioti SE ELECTRIC POWER 6sr wwmwm:mm W WWilfWirowW Brf im il if wBBT'HIhpVI r ., ,.... w, y TiTj'ii, -" in i ii'ii i ' wWBMiBriyTaiWI $ ! .Station I) of the I'ortlnml flenernl Electric Comimny, nt Oregon City, Oregon. With Electric Power your expense stops when work ceases aiiMWfctiiiiiwiiiiiii(ii8iiwiiwiiinfcnnMmwiiuwmni5imiw Our rates arc the same as prevail in Portland for both light and power. If you have a power problem consult us. We will cheerfully furnish estimates and skilled electrical engin eering advice without cost. Our combined power capacity in the Willamette Valley system at this time is the magnify cent total of 55,000 HORSE POWER It will be but a short time before Salem will be linked to this tremendous reservoir of power by a double transmission line with its own steam plant and water power plant in reserve. rsfr . tr 'a- i 'J 1 WWHmliiWMmlWllimilliiWtittWlMllW Our monthly bulletin telling of electrical development and elec trical devices is yours for the asking tfctliWiliWIilteilimiWiiUlHililiUlWtiVilWIiMiimiiWMiMiW mtatrfW -k1 lfci?. Ht" Another View of tho Sccoml Section of Station II, Willi Portion of tho OrlKliml Section in tlio JliickBround. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Portland, Salem, Oregon City, Vancouver, Woodburn, Mt. Angel, Silverton, St. Johns. a a