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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1907)
IX3K2 Ttu.7' "'' :n 'w a, , . W HI s. 13 tl (i 1 Rm; B B.' r" Pi K R t fc LW w m iv - r? J.U -rrz Dr. V. L. Merrcr. Long beforo the1 time tbo wise men canio from the east fo worship the Infant Messiah, tradition has taught that oaly from this rw Wduld tho rich lore of wisdom be de rived, iilttory ha furnished many examples that tend to overthrow this belief, yet l"""f u"' an Is, It hold njwn the peotde "t W new theory halls fro the land of the setting n has " " way against greater odds than If It had IU IneetKloB and development in the orient, or In the easier states of oar great commonwealth. To this preet period of evoltloB wo And the urowuIealleB of th science of osteopathy, a science whir pnly a few Ttr ago wa known t comparatively few onUlde the close ftaioolatM of the great man, A. T Btlll, tho founder. Mow It I known and beiS prac ticed In evsry itote In the union, having been legalized by the legMa turcs of a majority of the states, In spllo of tho largo nawber ef medical mon who have tried erery means to prohibit the practice. Oitcopathy l tho scientific ad justment by mechanical manipulation of tho abnormal condition of tho human body, based upon a thorough knowledge of the atruoture and func tions of the organs of tho body, and because of auch knowledge, as well a the ability to locato and adjust the abnormal, euro I effected. Wo want to call your attention to Dr. W. L. Mercer, oiteopathlc physl clan, located with well-appointed of fice In tho Breyman building. Dr. Mercer U a graduate from tho Ameri can School of Osteopathy of Klrk vllle, Mo. Since hi cJtabllshtnent In Salem he ha built up a targe pat ronago among our bot business and professional people, and haa demon strated to many of our prominent people tho merits of osteopathy and can show testimonials from the moit rellnblo people of this vicinity whero chronic coses have been cured after everything else but osteopathy had failed. Ills olTico equipment Is not to bo aurpasneil by any In tho west, and he Is fully prupnred to treat any and all chronic case. 8liiil(rf I Iron., HfilrluTB nml Pmkri- Mints are among tlm Important of tho food commodities, and where and from whom to aeouro thorn In n fresh and wholMiimu condition Is nlwnys u matter for serious consideration. The largo and modern meat market owned by I'. YY. and W. 11. SteusloK. which la tooHied at the eurnr of Court and Mberty xtrueis, offer to the nubile the rhuleaet selections In fresh weals at the lowest prices, also Mil and smoked meats, uab and game In mason. The asaaner t slaughtering and curing la directly undr personal su pervision This method laeares tho seearlea of healthy cattle, aad pat rwa are thereby coasiaully provided wHk rellahju means of ohtalulag prlHta quality, and they are able to guarantee to thetr uMrons the moat wholesome and frswhosl products. livery Incttur ttf ho' foHad In a llril-claM tneat market la toisasiml. purity being mnlNlalnoil hy the eon stant praeeneo of naatneaa and thor ough eleaullueu. ' This nnleritrhHt dales lie UeeptHta from 1S9I, alaee whloh tlmo It ttaa euetanUy tmllt up n large and ever InereastnK hnslneM eacli )ear. The luartera oeaupled ure Urge aad welt e-qulpiMI for the utHMWthw f this line ut Industry, while the Interior Is arranged aud deeoraled In sueh a way as to eumiMsl the admlratloH rt the Menem! puhltv Il1eea iHAUla aro efttptofed by this house, and the serrtea le nret-las In etery rsnaast. This ntarket supnlles a prawnt. eosir teiws and emekMt service ami Justly merits the reeognUlon so gonorously actxleil It- The taaMaewent hi to bo (Hiwmeudwl for their deteraUaa lien aad enterprise to supnly the community with the best of maiket CiindUions, and the iwnerwu (Mtron ago vhloH they enjoy aud which ts lnrvlnK dally I a pnxit of popular nppreotaUen of theM suoetswr facili ties nud wld-ake nwUnds, TrottwV Crvulw Studio, From the erude daguerreotype of our grandfuthers' tlm to the variety Of beawtUul photographs walab. uwy lo found In the modern phetmrttli- ers atudlo la a long tie. The vicel- Inure whieh has been obtained In the (ihotographle art U one of the most notable oxaMplea of the worM'a prugroM within recent years, and In our city theru haa been no tap alenit thM line, our tiaetograQfeeis -lug u.ulk to discern and apnretU1 w hntovof la bt aud utwest la art. A studio who.e growth Is IdenUoal with that Jf Solent, one that wo take grvat idwuurv in ealllag the pul)He' attention to, la tho ouo owar4 by Mr. II. D. Trover, known aa Trover's Uroqlso studio. This atudlo dates IU locvpUoa (rutu U9S, duru; which, timo It has. odtablUhd 4 reputation fur 9n poriralU which, show iu. tcrly- treatment In every detail. The itadlo li located over Barnes' Cash tore. and Is equipped with the latest and most Improved apjltaas known tothlsltacof btfU. The recep tion rooSrt and parlors are elegantly fitted up for the comfort and -venlente f :troiu. and It. fact acth- ig Is lacking to make ibis one m i. finest studios la the stai. Mr. Tro'tT l eoBSiaerwi an -- Umrity Ifi the art ei pto'i-'. and the large patronage enjoyed by this atadlo fallr demonstrate the (act that the work Is of a na cuar- aur aad moot satlsfaetorjr. Mr. Trover aad Mi aklHed aaslat Mu know thonwgbly how to flml m4 bring " ' taa best points of thtlr abjwt, and taetr poata l ' the KroBgeet featores of their work TV name "Trovers Croalse" Is a sraoaym for artistic sneeeas. and the patronage of thto atudlo won caar acter which years of adhereaee to hlghstasdards naturally brings. Flctduv and llynl. mnnrflmt out prominently anion- the commercial Interests of this city Is tho business operated by the above named firm. located at 312-320 com mercial street. The firm of Fletcher and Hyrd are dealers In nil kinds of seeds, plants, bulbs, poultry and bee supplies, paints, oils nnd brushes. They are also extensive dealers In hay, grain, flour and feed nnd are fully prepared to meet all demauds In their different lines. Their product Is put upon tho mar ket at prices as cheap as the cheap est, and their method of doing busi ness meets with the approval of tho genoral public. They keep on hand a large stock at all time and are fully prepared to nccommodate their patrons and render' them excellent service. The house Is extensively known throughout this section and has a reputation for fair and honor-1 able dealing with the public and ran bo recommended to nil who stand In need of anything In their line Th y always give patrons tho lowut pos- atble prices on all onlers. no matter how large or how small, and all or ders placed with this nrm will re ceive Immediate attention and be promptly lilted. Nothing la left nudone which will add to the popularity of the Inttltu thin, and no pains are spared at all time to satisfy their many custom - era. Their phone number Is Itf Main, and all order received over the phone will be alven proasnt at tention. " -o- i O. U Msl'teU. One person'i misfortune or aeees slty Is otten another's oopwrt unity, and one of the many results at thU theory U the seeond hand store. The establishment eond acted by Mr. 0. U Mcl'eek, located at 1T0 South Commereiul street, oflera to house keepers bargnlM In new and senwd hand furniture and sundry article of household equipment at a ?y rea sonable consideration. There hi always to be found In the furniture Una a collection of bar KiM whieh always amMal favorably to the prudent housekeeper, being In appearance ami uullty all that can be secured lu a new article at two or three times the price. Mr. JlcPeek la nretwred to offer the highest vrtce for second-hand oods and will cheer fully furnish Information to those de siring vo selL This eatabtwhmeut provide tnouey-saving opportunities and aan be classed among the hopu hir werenntlle house of Salem. Mr. MelWt Is a coajamvatlve and entar- MMnx business man. and h meet lag with marked sueoaa. ' o (uKxl.tU) Lumber Comimny. Among the many InduitrUs of Sa lem that deserve special mention In this Industrial edition la that of tho UQoa&io Lumber company. Mr, J. Q.Qood.K8r.UouootouroldPlo - Mr Unbwmra, o-nd hai been, coa - VIS. 'nammmBmmmmmniiK'lkaiawl aVs SBnsBSBSBafVsmadsaaraammu I BBBr J i ' , At tvXi BSSnvL.' -. tfBFnaBHmsBHWMLssifesBB jOUItXAL. DAIfiV CAWTAL nected with this line of buslneea for more than forty years. -j, t xmtiEir com- From tne uooaa.o "--. MBr propert' owners, oon"'"- and bttilders can sure tbelr every need In the building line, promptly and at satisfactory prices. I rompi mm in the execution of orders and In all buslneea matters Is cbaracterlstfc of this company, and those wno navB durability. had buslneas relations with them give The 9BlpTting spirit of Mr. Bur cheerful testimony to the fact that! Mm,lifJ,Btli by nature's own they "."T.wS'rJ, has given this yard a loca- irs Si .: ; v L The active management 01 me ,tuatry. The ueus 01 ciaj ; " haatiMas falls upon Mr. J. C. Good- . formed and the excellent fa- ale. Sr.. who ranks among our most enterprising citizens ana ouewe- "lJtojrZZZZTS. losiere beet mutual Interests , o- f it' liiriri'iisrll. Se above named gentleman to build o hlmieltth. reputation which he njoy Z a modern blacksmith and sclentinc horseshoer. Mr. Jorgensen Is a practical man In this line of business, and conduct. . "" .. ,i n,,,i0o .. abl. mentof this kind to bo found on the Pacific His Place Is located at 150-15C High street, and Is equipped throughout with tho lut est nnd most Improved appliances known to this line of Industry. He makes a specialty of horseshoolng and vehicle rubber-tiring. His plant Is operated by olectrlc power, and only skilled workmen nre employed by him. and the public can aiwajs .depend upon flrst-claw work at this Institution. Mr. Jorgensen uas hhu eleven years of experience In this 'lino of business, nnd his ability as an cxnert workman Is fully demon- strntcd by the large pntronage tie enjoys. (HI Hi: OF l:llll .V WII.KSON (llliliOX STOU company. tliic of .Satein'N U'liillug Imliitrlo-. With what rapidity Salem U b - coming a manufacturing city aud bow rupldl) she Is coming" to the front In all departments of Industrial jtlvlty Is strikingly Illustrated by a Wualr o( ' '" of Industry to be found in our midst. An Industry that relteru great credit upon Salem, one that ha manufacture of his popular produe gnined a wide reputation for the su-1 tlons. Mr. Huekeeteln eitnhitnim.1 perlorliy of lu product, along with the high character of Its operation. la that of the elder and vinegar work of (tldeoa Stols company. The quarter occupied hy this Industry- are lame and eomtoodhHu. while the plant la equipped throughout with the latent and moat Improved ma chinery known to this line of trade. Healde the manufacture of cider and vlnemr, they uiao nut up as sorted Jelly and fruit butter which ha a splendid reputation for lu purity aad excellent quality. As a conimer of raw material grown in tht locality thto enterprise takes first phMM. and Its uenetkt to Salem can not be ovei -estimated. The demand for their goods has from year to year Increased until now they control a trade that any Institution might well feel prowd of. with constantly grov lag shipping trade. Their reputa tion wlih the public baa been, and la now, one of honorable dealings, for their constant aim Is to please and accommodate their Mttion and give tuem value received for every dollar mat u spent with them. TheraWn, own and mural mu r ik. i- .. oda plaau in the state, and that ' ,riM wytblng that It takes to thetr etforta to plmm th pnhlU la owrt o cigar faetory on n larce this Une are appreciated is folly dew- sc1 ojjtrnted by Ue mrge patrona they M, Huck.ln U one of our prog Mr. QMeon Stole, the sw.iiw'IT! k 8B? 8nterBrl,lls business head e: .hi, jsjsjx rr.r r trm i? - U. for hi. oxecutlvo b mTwZ'T Vl? " mVement t8ndln5 Vnc and strict IntegrUv JjJJlT adTancement of tho city, n- man widely known In buiina ,' AY, JAM'MtV 1, H0? SAMOf. OltKnOX. Tt'B8. Salem Hrlck yanl and one-half Located about one e business portion of mllaa aaat 01 to . ... . .,. ,,,,.,. vatdl the city is - ,))r Mr, A. A. Burton. The manufactured at this yard Is building purposes a brick union r 9 unsurpaeeed for Ita qualm .-t .... u . ?r - erm,i0yed In the manufacture t m. -o. to the building trade of Sa- , m. vlrlnltv. This yard has an output of about . ,,,i I. .Int. onnnnllV. which IS t0 million uin.1 om..-.., ------ hi. product ha, given perfe t satis- faction. Contractors and bulder. throughout this section speak of tho Salem brick in tho most compllmon- tary terms. fll,ni.h Mr. Burton Is prepared to , (urnl.h hrlck In argo or small quantities, ,and lll make P. te ri"' and anyone who dea . , v th tho Sa lem nricK yara cun ni " " all business will bo placed upon sound and legitimate basis. Then If the saying be true pat ronize home Industry none deserves the patronage more than the Salem brick yard. Mr. Burton Is a gentle man who believes In the futuro of Salem, and his enterprise with Its wonderful productions Is of tho great est Importance to our city and this community. Salem Cigar Factory. Where a cigar Is made, by whom and amidst what surroundings are I questions which, if satisfactorily an- 'anerwl, have h direct bearing upon !lu ,lem,l and consequent snle. This is usiwciaiiy true since there are a great many cigars on the market that could Ih Improved upon from a san itary standpoint. Tho Salem cljar factory, owned by Mr. August Huekeeteln, affords the most lavorame conditions for the his buslneas some seventeen years apo. since which time he has built P n targe patronage throughout this section, eoeit year bringing an in creased demand for his goods. His eluurs are of a superior grade, made by ubwn workmen aud well paid la bor, and are free from sterna or dirt. They are made from first quality to bacco, well selected, thoroughly sea soned and are hand-made. In ma terial and workmanship they contain all the elements of high grade pro duotwna. The output of the plant reaehea 325,000 a year, which is dU posed of to the local dealers. Among the different brands manu factured by Mr. Huekeeteln may be wentloaad the Tashrooo. La Corona and Our Champion. Tha brands have n whin reputation for their su perior quality and excellent flavor and the demand for these goods are o great that U requires eight work awn t produce tho amount used by the local trade. The ouarw. ..' Plod by this industry are located at ; Oonuuereial um ... . iThe Mulim&iii i .., ... -..,, .uitu uoor. .: ' .-'""' "wiDuie his - C1IA9. K. SFAULDIXO MUXINO CO. An Industry of great Importance to Salem, Ono Tlmt Reflects Credit I'pon ThN Vicinity. When one considers the great strides taken during tho past quarter of a century in both the manufactur ing and marketing of lumber, he must admit that not only have the country's natural resources been great factors, but that the Indefntlg lable onergy, foresight and absolute confidence of the business men en gagod In the line have fornied a solid and substantial growth. sninm Is nroud to numbor among her largo manufacturing Industries that of the Chas. K. spawning fin ing company, which ranks among me largest Industries of Its kind In the northwest. Tho business of this en terprise slnco being under Us pros ent management has steadily In creased until now thoy manufacture and market their product on nn Im mense basis. Tho plant Is a modern structure, around which a commo dious wholesalo yard, stocked to re pletion with lumber of every grade, contributes to tho trade of all tho surrounding states and mlddlo west. Now and modern machinery is con stantly being Installed to Increase the capacity of tho plant, which Is now 75,000 feet per day. A continual supply of tho finest of logs Is always on hand, nnd each department Is thoroughly systematized, which guar antees perfect harmony among the employer and employees. Necessarily tho management of such a hugo enterprise has given n great deal of thought to tho perfect ing of n system for tho successful oporatlon of tho business, nnd the ono now in ttso scorns perfect In every detail. Tho ofllco affairs como under the mnnagomont ot Mr. S. S. Hunt, nn enterprising young gentleman of much ability who has assisted much in tho growth of this Industry. Mr. O. L. Townsond Is tho yard foreman, and Mr. M. B. Brown Is tho mill wright, both of whom aro gontlemon of vast oxporlenco In the lumber buslnoM. Mr. Spauding, tho execu tive head of tho entorprlso, Is a gen tleman well known throughout the western states, and his efforts to help utilize Oregon's vast amount ot tim ber is highly appreciated by tho citi zens ot tho entlro state. In addition to this mill, the Chas. IK. Spouldlng Milling company also """ " " -""'r""' " oiKtrutes planU ut Newberg, Dallas, t.i ..-..! -.. o.i m.mi.111. ., IH.I.WIDNI.. V ...l.ll. ..IV, WV which points their facilities for manufacturing lumber of every sort aro most modern', while their log ging Interest are Immense. Employment Is given to eighty-five lieople at the Salem mill, which is the direct cause ot many thousands ot dollars being put Into circulation throughout this vicinity. The Chns. K. Spauldlng Milling company la n source of revenue to many homes In this city, while the industry stands ae a monument for the manufacturing interests ot Salem. linker, Lnumiro mid linker. There Is no line ot business re quiring more able representation In n community than the grocery line, and dealing In this branch ot busl neas we have a very prominent Arm known as Baker, Lawrence and Baker. They are located at 197 South Commercial street, and carry on hand a very comprehensive stock of both fancy nnd staple groceries, crockery nnd platowure, a specialty being made of olgars and tobacco. The firm doos both a wholesale and retail business, and they have spared neither pains or expense which will ndd to the attractiveness of their establishment and tho con venience of their patrons, having ev erything thoroughly arranged In such a way as to give tho bet of satisfaction. Customers of this store receive prompt attention and cour teous treatment. The management U business-llko and systematic, whllo the prlcos quoted on all goods are of uniform rank. Tho houso is an old established one, and tho fact that many of their customers aro of years standing U a demonstration of their fair dealing and careful attontlon to their pat rons' needs. Besides deallnn In cm. oerlos, tho houso also handles feed, uii., u nun ueops wagons In oper ation for tho purpose ot delivering goods free of charge, making the ser vice first-class In every respect. This is one Dlaoo at which yon may al ways be assured ot receiving pure and wholesome goods, and the cus tomers of Baker. Lawreoco and Bak er will nlwaya recede fair and honest treatment. Salem Iron Works. Among the large industries ot Sa lem. one that the city may well feel Proud of. is that ot the Salem Iron works, located at Front and State streets, and owned by Mm h,. and Marcus. Their rdant is large ana we cattlpped for tho vnrlous lines work executed uy morn, embrace foundry work, blnckamlthlng, i repairing and numerous othtJ branches, Thoy nro tnnnuinctureJ of nil kinds of sawmill mnchlnenl hop nnd fruit drying stoves, whlci hnvo a ready mnrKot ttiroughout I section of tho country. Tho popularity of their goodi ! domonstrnted by tho Increasing & ni niul. wnicn iuurb 1U1UIUU3 ol nrnlso for this lifdttstry. They J nloy only skilled workmon, nnd ery Job executed by thorn Is guariJ teed to glvo perfect Bntisrnction. This entorprlso has a large at(j crowing Held, and Its future prod poets glow with promise, nnd it bldJ fair to becomo ono or tno largest la-j dustrlea of Us kind In tho west. o II, K. Ivthvnrils. Honesty Is tho ueut policy, ij when assisted by energy la over ItJ strumontal In centering upon an W stltution tho trndo of a communltjl which rapidly growa Into envlsblti proportions. Thla Is fully demon I stnitod In tho establishment of B. Ej Edwards, who conducts a modenl and ttp-to-dato meat market at lHll East Stato street. This establishment Is a model cl neatness and Is well equipped for tht operation of this lino ot business, at( Is nlwnys supplied with tho choice meats ot all kinds, both fresh ml cured. Patrons of this shop can t wnys depend upon getting tho reij host at all times, and a child can hjl as woll as n grown person. Tti prices quoted at this populnr mu- ket nro always reasonable, and botl Mr. Edwards and his clerks aro cotr-i teus and obliging. Mr. Edward! Ii9 among tho young and energetic bnsvlj ness men ot Salem, and his rcpat:- tlon m a business man and ai ijj cltlzon Is very high throughout Its) community. o ,T. Hnrrltt. To deal right In tho handling i groceries and provisions means tbtj poseeeslon ot no Binall amount dC ability and enorgy, theso goods Ing such that much attontlon Is rt-P quired to securo tho right goods t tho right time, so that they may U sold at uniform prices. A gentleman who gives very don I attention to the hnndllng ot the beitjj . ... ...., , , ,. un I.Vf l" "'""""'" ",v '""" ..-- ijonn . iiurrui. wuo ruiiuum v ot the leading grori-ry stores ot Si- lem. The stock of goods carried if Mr. Harrltt comprlsts ovcrythltf that Is to be found In a first-class ! tabllshment of this kind. Mr. lit;- rltt Is a xentleman that Is wll-l known to the citizens ot Snl m, bbiI liU honorable bunlnc methods bin a won for him a largo pntruninj throughout this vicinity. Ho h put-J llc-splrlted, and Is nlwnys found villi pocket-book In hand, ready to htlffl with any public enterprlso that but for Its object the advancement oil Salem. V. T. lllKdon. Death Is the end ot all things, snJ to this end wo must all como sooner or later. There Is no ono but wbtt wants to have his friends nnd rel atives laid away In their lost rest ing place In a decent nnd respectable manner, ond the mon who nre U charge of this lino of work must t men of honor nnd must have a thor ough knowledgo of tho business. A gentleman who ranks very blx throughout this community as beUI n good and reliable undertaker w embalmer Is that of Mr. W. T Wr don, whose establishment Is located at 45C Court street. Mr. Itlgdon U prepared to perform his duties U this lino of work In a reliable and Mt1 J Ufactory manner, and his ability Ma an undertaker and ombalmer ""J long been demonstrated througboiij this vicinity. Ho Is reasonable In m charges and his services nre blgbUl satisfactory. o S. A. Manning. Located at 119-125 Liberty street wo find tho largo implement bo of Mr. 8. A. Manning, who Is 8ucs' sor to F. A. Wiggins. Mr. Mannlcf handles a large and complete line' Implements, machinery and veblcl" ot all kinds, all ot which are tb productions of tho leading manuka turers ot the country, and are s as will stand the test, and are guf anteed to be Just as represented never fall to glvo perfect satisfy tlon. The quarters occupied by Mr. M nlng aro large and well arranged f tho operation ot this lino of buslne and his stock Is always shown to good advantage. Tho farmers this vicinity can alwnya find wWj they want at this establishment, & at prices that aro most satisfactory J Mr. Manning Is deserving of ft l1 J patronage, for ho Is honest and rr t Hablo In nil ljuslness traneactloas- ct " - -