Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 31, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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' ' V,. '! 1 ':
never a car. SInco the Euseno con-
i feronco w"q have had plenty of care
I .. . .1 it... .iA
ana tno sur.nuoa is rcuovwu. wo win
not fnvor a commission unless It Is
made elective by tho people, nftor be
ing first appointed by tho governor.
Tho right kind of men would have
three years to make good In, and
then could go before the people on
tho record of their usefulness!
Aaldo from these matters the? people
aro not asking for any new laWB
speak of."
be much in evidence and cannot profitably be overlooked.
Every article in the house, except a few contract goods, will be forcefully reduced during this sale,
which begins Wednesday, January 2, 1 907. We are originators of these famous sales for Salem
Consisting of tho newest styles
In wanted materials and colors. A
grand opportunity to provide for
tho clrl at a ridiculously low
figure. None sold until Wednes
day, January 2, at 8:30 a. m. No
tolophono orders rocclved.
Ladies Coats
Tho clovorest conceits of tho
season in tho best materials.
Thero nro numorous bargains In
this section that lnsuro something
to your liking nnd at a prlco much
under tho ordinary.
A wldo and vnriod collodion of
Iinndkorchlofs with protty corner
doslgns, of Bheor mntorlal worth
doublo what wo
TImo to think of umbrollas
Plonty moro rnlny days coming.
Our lino comprises tho best and
lntcst novelties nnd staplo handles
with dependablo coverings. All
values aro tho best to bo found at
tho prlco.
50c to $12.50
No matter what your Idea may
bo of tho becoming overcoat for
you, wo can show It to you; from
tho "regular" model to tho ultra
fnBhlonnblo garmonts, nnd every
ono of tho best materials and col
ors. $10.00 to $25.00
Others Interviewed.
Aldormnn-elect Rndcllffo. of tho
Sovonth ward. Is one of tho progress
slvo members of tho now city legis
lature. He says he Is In favor of
Improving tho streets at tho expense
of tho abutting property. "Too many
men have been holding down cholco
residences nnd business property and
getting tho benefit of tho Increased
values and unwilling to spend a dol
lar for tho improvement 'Of streets.
I shall work to set the South Com
mercial street Improvement finished
Thero should bo about n" thousand
dollars worth of fine material put on
thero to make a decent surface. As
tho main street to tho cemeteries It
Is n shame to leave it in the
condition It Is now. Tho city owes
It to tho property owners to finish
that Btrcet. I also bellovo that whoro
lin tHaimnnnn rnmnnntna nntlnpf atlnlt
. high rates out of tho city, they ought
' to pay moro towardB tho support of
tho city government. Wo practically
malntnln nn expcnslvo flro dopnrt
mont nnd pay bis water bills and
keep up tho streets for their benefit,
any they pay almost nothing for tho
privilege of dolnz business here.
Rates aro constantly bolng raised and
I shall lntroduco an ordinnnco to
rniso their Ucenso fees, which nro
now very low."
wnt' Let Your
Pil$ GiJ
. "'"farCW.M
' ' T,"At' PACKAGE h.
flninmntlon. ..,n " Cked W,,.
tmor8 of inaHraant .
" is. utmost folly i0z
condition to continue VV
piles tho vein. r m.' "Uhi.:
fecsteVnnd the exeCS2,re
of the abdominal wi .. J1!
mssngo in many cases leair
turo and crncklnz ot tho 2 "
There Is no -.. ..i,M.u
this. Ifyounron.'."Vta0tt
that any amount of cnthJ
pn oitn ...... .. "" W
',"'" "" un tno contrary .
ativos are favorable to SV
tlon of homorrhniii. t, vnii
celved either by thellnslonff
operntion nlwn;:s cures it
times docs, but tho agony or th
Men's Clothes
Tho best assortment, best val
ues shown In tho city; lowest
prices for equal grades Is tho on
tiro story briefly told. Could you
expect moro?
$10 to $30
House Coats
A flno variety to solect from.
Tho best of grades, styles and col
orB. Tho ontlro lot 1b
Reduced One-Fourth
Rev. II. A. Kotcuum left this morn
ing for enstorn Oregon, nftor a Chrlst-
I mas visit with his old friends and
son nt Salem. Ho Is Sunday school
' missionary for tho Grando Rondo
j presbytery. "My work 1b going
along nlcoly," ho said. "Wo are
building up many now Sundny
schools, and thoy nro really tho
foundation of our church work, which
Is bolng oxtonded In all parts of
eastern Oregon. I always enjoy n
visit nt Salem. and enn sco thnt your
city 1b making great progress in
many wnys. Tho work of our church
hero Is in a flourishing condition, nnd
Rov. Babcock certainly is tho right
man to build u: this congrogntlon."
Thero Is Ko Qroater Torture Thiarila,
A OeJleHlen of lmprtiutt Para
graphs for Yew Oeaatderattea
on Cna Get Store Wood
At tho sawmill, on short notice.
Pboae 88. 12-17-tf.
Bee tell Susie writo John Henry,
g&aeral delivery, Denver, 12-2 6-2 w
WeA's a King's Daughter
A marrlago llceneo has been
granted by County Clerk AUon to
Geergo Downing, of SUvorton, aged
27, and Anna M. King, of SUvorton,
Spectacles ami
Eye Glasses !
We are agents for tho celebrated
Kryptak lnvlslblo Bifocal lonses,
which enable you to boo near or far
without advertising to the public that
you are getting old. We also Bell the
Health Bay lenses, a how Invention
la the way ot a lens that admits
jnore light into tho eyo than any oth
er eIam Biade. Call and we will bo
glad to explain the merit of these
new and up-to-date glasses.
State Mid Liberty Stf.
aged 28; Sterling Clark, witness.
Carting Awny Streets
Tho streot cleaning dopnrtmont of
tho city government has employed a
small-sized streot scraper to ocrapo
up tho surplus mud on tho principal
business streets, nnd oxtra team nnd
wagons havo been engaged to haul
it away. Tho condition of the streets
had becomo so bad that these means
had to bo resorted to In order to put
tho city In decont sanitary condition
for the approaching session of the
Will Send Delegatus
Governor Chamberlain has been
asked to appoint from ton to twenty
delegates from this stato to attend
tho meeting of tho Trans-MlsslBslppl
Dry Farming Congress which will
meet In Denver January 24 and 25
On his return from Portland the
governor will appoint several dele
gates and will try to obtain peoplo
who will attend. Agricultural col
legos and commercial bodies aro also
aBked to send delegates.
Notice of Annual Meeting-
Tho annual meeting of the Mutual
Canning Company will bo held at
the cannery on January 8, 1907, at
1 o'clock p. m. All members request
ed to be present. .Mutual Canning
Co., by president and secretary.
Skates Not Ueserved -v
No moro reservatio of skates will'
be wade at the Auditorium until the
aew order of 189 pairs arrives which
Is now enroute from the east. The
rink will not be IU Sunday.
SHBiawHaaiHHMowH '
S!ggggjg!g q
s I
To Formula to Bill
Stato Superintendent Ackormnn
wont to Portland today to attond
a meeting of tho legislative commit
too of suporlntondonco thnt was ap
pointed at tho recent meeting In this
city of tho county superintendents of
schools. Tho meeting Is for tho pur
pose of considering proposed bills
that will bo submitted to the legisla
ture on the school question.
Never Anything Else
Than Btrlct purity, freshness and
quality In tho lino of groceries,
staple goods, meats, fish and poultry
will bo found In tho stock at Farrlng
ton's Market, 425 Slate street,
Bids for Sidewalks.
Bids will bo received by tho under
signed up to 5 o'clock p. m. on Mon
day, January 7, 1907, for construc
tion ot cement sidewalks In the city
of Salem. Oregon, as follews:
Across front lot 3, block 1, Bolscs
1st addition on Winter street.
Lots 7 and 8 in Waldo's addition,
State street.
Tho north half of lot 2, block 30,
on Liberty street.
And for construction of wooden
sidewalks as follews:
Lots 5, 6. and 7, block 41, Univer
sity addition, Bellevue street.
Lots 5 and 6, block 42, University
addition, Bellevue street.
Part ot lots 7 and 8. block 42,
University addition. Bcllevuo street.
Lots 3 and 4 block, 41. North Sa
le w, Broadway street.
Dote ot trat jrafclkation. Dec 28,
U-18-llt Becordar.
Says the Grange Demands
Th All ButtOne Shall
Be Abolished
Ropresontatlvo Brown, of Linn
county, was in tho city this morning,
and left on tho local to attend a
mooting of tho Linn county delega
tion to bo held at Albany this after
noon. "Wo have not taken any ac
tion on tho speakership," said Mr.
Brown, "but havo a number of local
matters to look after that nro of
great importance to our constituents.
The grange In our county haB taken
strong position against having moro
thnn one state normal school. Wo
believe In preparing teachers but aro
opposed to so much unprofessional
work being dono under the gulso of
normal training. Wo do not care
particularly whero it Is located so
that It will accommodate the largest
number of students but! am lastruct
ed to flght appropriations for mora
than one such fchool. Sentiment for
a state bank examiner is very pro
nounced ia our county. Our people
also want some legislation to regu-
Hon. Jefferson Myers, who, as an
Oregon commissioner to tho James
town exposition, hns Just returned
I from n preliminary visit In order to
j mnko a report upon grounds, etc., nnd
I recommendations as to tho advisabil
ity and oxtent of Oregon's represen
tation nnd displny thoro and snys he
wnB novor moro favorably and dcop
ly Impressed with tho greatness or
possibilities of nn exposition nB ho
was of this ono which promises to
bo ono of tho greatest tho world has
ovor known. Ho wns In Snlem todny
on prlvnto business.
"I hnvo undorirono n comploto
chango In my ldons of how Oregon
should mnko hor displays at expo
sitions of this mngnltudo In order
thnt tho vory best results may bo
obtained, or rather. I am moro firm
ly convinced that my original Ideas
along that lino wore correct. That
la to say. Instead of tho stato sond-
Ing back thero a great, big cumber
some display of products that costs
moro than It Is worth In transporta
tion oxponses, far greater benoflts
will bo realized If tho stato sondB a
corps of competent workers to go on
to tho grounds fully eaulnnod with
materials and llternturo to carry on
practical demonstrations.
"These men. who Bhould bo abso
lutely rollablo nnd up to tho stand
ard of integrity, should bo of tho
hustling kind. I do not mean rnen
who aro known as 'spielers' In a pro
fessional sense, but should bo thor
oughly versed In tholr particular
subject and bo nblo to talk ontor
tnlnlngly and convincingly to tho
people who show nn interest in what
they havo to expound.
"Thoy should bo able to discern
when ono is interested and take par
ticular pains with him abovo all
others. He should take his name, ad
dress, find out what his business is,
what he has got and get tho names
of nil those In his community or
neighborhood who are intent upon
migrating to another clime, and send
au of this data to all of tho commer
cial organizations in tho state. In
this manner all of the commercial
bodies will be placed in touch with
thousands of peoplo directly interest
ed In Oregon and its possibilities and
bo in a position to send out their lit
erature where it will do the most
Mr. Myers says that the report of
tho eoramlssoB Is now ia the hands
of the secretary and will be ready to
ntlon Is too great to warrant the .
porimont, except ns n Inst resort
Thoro Is only ono natural way to
euro piles. Thero aro medicament!
which together heal tho mncoo
membrane of tho bowols nnd rectus
nnd clvo It life. Tho Pyramid Drtt
uo. nnvo prepared Biipposltorles coa-il
vonlont for Insertion Into the iffect-i
ou part and containing the soothlct,
healing, Invigorating rnedldnej
needed to effect a quick and perma
nent cure. Thnt theso do cure pllet
la proved by tho voluntary tcttlmo&
nls of thousands.
By every mnll wo cet letters Hie
"Wishing to clvo credit where
credit Is due. I feel It my duty to
humanity ns well ns younehN to
wrlto you regnrdlng your pile reae-
dy. I hnvo not finished my flnt hei
nnd nm now well. After the Lit
treatmont of Pyramid Pile Cure lie
soreness loft, and tho swellings fcirc
kept decreasing. I also used jov
pills nnd nm feci Ins like ajiHl
again. Thanking you kindly, I a
yours truly, C. Crowley, 170 Iti
Avo., Seattle, Wash."
Wo do not nsk you to take mt
word. Wo aro willing that io
should try our treatment and dedde
for yoursolf. Sond to tho PyriaM
Drug Co., Pyramid building, Mr
shall, Mich., nnd you will reedte i
freo trial packago by return cuJl
After you havo used tuo content! of
this package you can secure exictly
tho samo medicine. If you will w
for tho Pyramid PIlo Cure.
For sale at all druggists, 50 ces
per box.
KRUO-STORTZ. -At tho Mww
county court houso. Salem, Ore
gon, Saturday, Decembor 29, n
Minn TCmmn. R. Krue to Mr. SsBD"
Stortz, County Judeo J. H. &&
nfHMn lnfV
l irha -Mn la n ilrmtrhtef Of Mf. U
rJL tsj v flllvfirtOO Wl
th trrnnm n nrnanerOUS yOUHS '
er 'of tho Brownsville country, where
tho newly married couple will ""
their .future homo.
Money to Lofcfl
Over Ladd & Bush's Ban, Salem.
lata !. ... .1..I... II W- . . .
" "" .. or eigne I tiini .- ., w
weeks the .nippers of my town(Jhd ' jj J "ttklm a wo
Nocwfch Unk Ffce la'
ance Society.
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
OiBce with Wm. Drown & Co., J
129 Commercial Street
Wanted Men to tut wpod.' JJJ . dry
wood for salo. State so" " ...
Phone 1419 Main. -$
w.....j TT.-.i 4a truuu.
Owner can faaa sae by uw
at this otice and pay'nK J"r "