HISKEY AND BEER DIVORCED (Continued from pngo one.) itoted. that tno act worita a very inus karship upon tno beer nnd lowing Interests but did not think it tho llauor association siiould t0 any trouuie on mo urewers' -count and did not propose to hi their untuoB ior mom. When this information was com- anlcated to tho ofllclnls of the ewers' association, It Is Bald, they red wroth over tno situation and tier war between tho two Interests, fried and still nntnsonlstlc, has nil jt been actually ueciareu. When retary " A. DccKooacii, of tho irower8' association, was approached nnn the subject ho admitted that had been Informed of tho attltudo nmed by tho liquor dealers' asso- tiatlon but declined to bo Interviewed mako a statoment at this time. Mr. Hammond was In Salem Snt- day afternoon nnu uepurieu ior ortland, thoro to take tho Steamer ilburn for his homo In Coqulllo, this enlng. This condition of affairs its an entirely now phaso upon the ttitudo of tho liquor Interests as ro- ted to tho local option law and orne Interesting developments nro atlclpated between now and tho tlmo or tho legislature to convene. It Is aderstood that tho beor Intcrosts iavo taken courngo over this unox- cted turn of events and bollevo iat the ultlmnto showing made by te whisky Interests, which Is regard- A as a direct continuation 01 tncir contentions that tho locnl option lnw 111 Increaso tho trnfflc In tho moro rdent liquors, which It Is sought to egulate, will nsslBt thorn In their on eavors to securo. nn nmendment to he act for a discrimination In favor t beer, represented as a food prod Jnct containing loss than 3 per cent ilcohol, as nenlnst tho moro ardont liquors. The flsht botweon tho liquor Inter ests and tho boor Interests Is expected to raise to a white bent during tho session of tho legislature, whon It lb believed tho lattor will mako n stren uous effort to securo tho adoption of in amendment to tho net In tholr fa vor, nud the former will bo on band n full force to prevent this action, If hev can. In oxnlnnntlon of the olnts at Issuo In tho caso ponding, ner which this unlquo condition of .flairs arose. Mr. Hammond seld: 'This case, which Is tho socond one to have arisen out of the conditions la Coqullle, Is undor tho tltlo of Baker, rnnt.mh.nr nnd iiDliOllnilt, vs. tho State of Orogon, rospondont While It attacks tho constitutional! ly of the act It differs from tho first test suit brought, nnd which wns lost In tho supremo court, ontlroly In thnt tho first suit nttackoJ tho validity of tho election on tho ground that nil of tho members of tho county court were not prosont when the olectlon order wns made, whllo this ono nt tacks tho validity of the act dlreotly on account of tho Inoqunllty of the election, "When tho election was hold in Coos county this yonr tho quostlon of local option was so statod on tho bal lot that that, notwithstanding the en tire county was voted "wot" the pro tect of West Coqulllo went "dry," and, as a result, tho whole county was declared "dry." The ballot con tained no question for voting upon tho precincts separately, but upon the county no a whole, and wo con tend that a law which authorizes uch conditions U inequal and con trary to tho constitution, which pro vides that all elections must bo equal. "Our contention of Inequality Is fcased upon tho fact that a portion of West Coqulllo precinct lies outside the city limits of Coqullle proper, and, since ono portion of the pre tlnct Is in town and the other In a Parsely settled country It comos un der tho constitutions election classi fication clauso as 'Improper. 'Another point upon which wo aro basing our contentions Is that the last amendment to the constitution has given to all cities and towns ex dnilve control of the liquor traffic lthln its borders, and that any town nder this amendment, Uas the pow er to abrogate tho local option law Uhm its llmlta. Also that, under we local option law as it stands, hea an election is called for an en tire county, and no election Is callea tor any separato precinct in the unty then tho vbole county must S by the majority vote cast, wet or toft as tho caso may be." fore tho court executed its or der ieclaring the Coos county dry. e city rnimMi nf Cooullle. in antic ipation of this result, took advantage the municip.! control clause 01 1 Mtltntum adopted a high wnso ori. and the plaintiff DAILY Nursing Mothers and Ovcr-bimlcncfl "Women In all stations of life, whoso vlcor nn.l v Itallty may have boon undcrm nod art &"1?wn,by over-work, cxacuS social duties 1,0 too frequent WE? ".. nuu III. LV1CC OSS .' Ill IIHH I A .... 7 . Pikers too t ,,rdcal c uparatlveTy palnlw "?. oiiiiZEnWffisr-s'"' """""la lOtlCUtO. II. yiull-. (Innl. ... ...t- suffer from, f vqunnt Vck nchp, dratrqli-down dUre lw A-. in1!10 . i?"1' or, from I''"'l orlrrr? l;.10"11'1,1'0'"'? '3- wowing or d..v fnif,f.l TwMo " Mnmneli. dizzy nr faint spoils. .wo imoit.iirry specks or pet' Snilfi118 Vfrro V,'' ,lttV0 llKwnl.lo, pelvic catar "ml drln. prilnwu. ante version or r-r.i-yi'r ..:. or ot.u-r dtsnlnro tnonU of woin.uilv or m from weakness of parts w.ll, whether tlioy experience ninny or onlv a fow of the nbovo symp toms, find rr'inf and a permanent euro by ushiff fait ifi i by and fairly persistently Dr. t lereo' 1 vor Li I'ri'-crlm.on. Ihls worid-iamid seiac for woman's wpakiifs-o nud jn'culi.ir nll-irntst Is a puro glywrlc extract of tho c.wlivst na tlvo. medicinal r ta wltlmut a drop of nlcohol In lis mn!,o-iip. All Its Ingredi ents printed In plain l.ugll.-hon Its liottle wrapper and nttosted under oath. Dr. Plerco thus Invites tho fullest Invoni&a tlon of his formula knowing that It will po found toMiitaln only tho liost agents ktuwn to tli" mo advanced medical sclenco of all Uio dlfterout schools of prnc tlco for tho cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and aliments. If you want to know moro nlxmt tho composition and professional endorxc ment of tho "Tavorfto Proscription," send postal card request to Dr. R. V. I'lorce, Itutfnlo. N. Y., for his free booklet treat ing of stuno. You can't afford to accept as n sulntl Uito for this nnnedy iifhwiini hii;nIIiiii a si-cret nmorum o tuifciioiwi winwsi tfi)JI. lo" wns Issued a llccnso undor the pro visions of tho local option law, and It wns decided to mako n tost caso of it. All of the evldonce and facts In tho enso were stipulated nnd agreed to, and tho caso went from tho coun ty court to tho circuit court upon writ of review, nnd thon Judgo Geo. H. Burnett, sitting for Judgo Hamil ton, sustained tho action of tho coun ty court and dismissed the writ. In doing so, however, Mr. Hammond says, Judgo llurnott said ho doubted very much the constitutionality of tho lnw upon tho points rnlsed, but that, as It was not customnry for cir cuit courts to declnro laws unconsti tutional, ho would pnss It up to tho supremo court for final decision. o Reconstructs your wholo body, innkos rich rod blood. Drlvos out impurltlos that lmvo collected during I tho winter, llolllstor's Rooky Moun tain Ton Is a family tonic. 35 cents, Ton or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Storo. . -o Notice. Tho annual mooting of the share holders of the Capital National Rank of Salem will be hold at Its banking houso In Salem, Oregon, on Tues day tho olght day of January, 1907. Salem, Orogon, Doc. 8, 100C. JOS. H. AM1BKI. 12 -10-1 mo Cashier. IVttlnmts In l'ollllw. (London Correspondence New York Tlmee.) Tho PU Mnll Gazette wye the core and kernel of the controversy between President Roosevelt and niininv storor. not forgottlng Mre Storer. npiars to be whether Mr n...orait nuthorliwd the erobeidor ... An. i.u hant with the poll to obtain "'""""." ...,..' i... Iral,,nil the red liat ior Aronuii' On that point. It U said, the public will form Its own Judgment. "There Is, howovor." ay the I an Mall Gazette, "the further question of what the French would call Tlnger o,,ce feminine' and its intluenco upon the behavior of the embassador. Un less Roosevelt has tanen -. gather biased view of the conduct of Madame l'Embarradrlco. we must confoes that the caso U one which !?...!! ,.i,iv t.o ouotod In juBtlfloa- on of H-rbert HUmurks rather brutal 'No more petticoats in poll tioa" For the present, however, we U00, ...i.i. Mr Turvei'- wlll only murmur. "- .. - what drop, Woman, uvey '" a box you are Of Intent t Tftta, Wek PP. rfectlyunde by every .. ... i hov can 8,ck man or """;, mtop tbe, get some remedy that will stop S r-rs-yst scni---. SKKSSKS-S nfrOEUVhebooVmustbe flesh per week, the mo ade rich and pure. r. Blood adNerre Tone Put. U. 22 SSSd the most .dUJ w naklng way, and curee - - gtrength. TbU wwc - or i boxee for . OJ weekB-e a better remedy was nerer s4e. gAHTAL JQUltXAT, SALE.M. ORKCOV. MARKET QUOTATIONS itr..i. . "ue snicm n Good Mnrkct." Home SALEM MAKKET. Stelncr's Market. Dealers In fish, came and poultry. Highest cash prlca paid for eggs. Prompt delivery. State street. Locnl Wholesales Mnrkct. Wheat 57c. Local wheat 65c. Oats 32c. Darloy $24. Flour $3.25. Mill feed Dran, J 18.00; Bhorts, $20.00. Hay Cheat and clover, $6.00 per ton; timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 27c. Hen3 10c; young chickens, 10c. Ducks 10c; gecso, Sc; turkoys, 135Tl6c. nutter 35c; butter fat, 33c. Onions 55 75c cwt.; potatoes, COc cwt. Hops Choice, He; prlmo to cholco, 1313&c; medium to prlmo, 1012c. Chlttlm bark 5 6c. Tropical Fruits.' Bananas 5 He por lb. Oraugos $3. 00 $4.00. Lemons $4.00 $5,000. Retail Mnrket. Flour $1 por sack, nrnn G5c per snek, $20 $21 per ton; shorts, 90c por sack, $22 $2 1 per ton. Hay Timothy, G5c por cwt , choat and clovor, 45c per cwt., $8 por ton. Oats $1.15 por cwt.; wheat, 75c: rolled barloy, $25.00 28.00 per ton. Eggs 35c. Apples 50c to $1.00, according to quality. Ruttor Country, 25 27c; cream- ory, 40c. Livestock. Cattle 1100 1200 lb Btoors, 3tfc. Lighter steers 2 M 2 ?; c. Cows and heifers 9001000 lb, 22c. Stock hogs 56c Hogs 175 250 lb, fat, $6,00 0 $6.25. Sheep 4 c I.ambs 5c Veal Dressed, CHff7. Hogs Dressed, 8c. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club, CJ66o; valley, 67c; blue stem, G7CSo. OnU Choloe white. $25fJ26.0 MlllstufT Rran, $1C Hy Timothy. SllCllS: lfn,fft $11.80. Vetch $707.60. Potntoe S690c. Poultry Average old hon, 7 0 Sc; mixed chlckons. ll12o; young rooster, 12613c: dressed chickens, lS4Tl3c: turkey, live, 10 17c; tur key, drew!. 1920c; geeee, live. 10o; ducks. 16 CI 10c; pigeons, $1.00 4T1.26. Pork Dressed, CflTGttc Beef Drossed, 65c Mutton C 7c ,, ii ii in tb. aaaordlng to ..... Jiujia - ,qutt - Wont Valley, coarse to memu.u. 20 f 21c; eastern Oregon, 13 018c. Mehalr 26CT280. Buttor Fancy Creamery. 30 35c; store buttor. 227c . o Soutliem Pncidc Co. Time card No. 46, effective Novem ber 25, 12:01 a. m. Toward Portland. No. 10 6 2 3 a. m., Oregon ex press. No. 18-8:30 a. m., Cottago Grove express, No io;.S8 n. m., Oregon press. No. j4 9:28 p. m., Portland ex- Pr0' 22211:03 a. m., departs at .... m. Portland fast frolght. No. 22611:65 a. m.. Departs at 10.15 n. m.. way ifn"" Toward San FmncUco. gan FrftnoliCO , - sr,, - . .. ... X. 221-2:33 a. m., Portland fast NaSS-llS a. m., deparU at 11:65 a. m., way freight. .,m , inTrr.'n iwky Muuntafn Tea HoQseK i Bur for Bh' '"ft, Man 0& H" B"1 K, -I V& r.rtr23aTft.b. SriDEicVjjnnsriaiiflWFW MoSllAVf I1KCIOIIlRn al, ltl0(, WE SHOULDER THE HICSPO.NSUHL1TY Of what wo say. Whon wo servo you with bread, rolls, cake. ple3, etc, you're assured of getting tho best bakery products obtainable Our goods nro mnilo in tho moat clennly surroundings and strictly puro. Fresh dally, nud always toothsomo nnd wholesome. Wo also bako special cakes for weddings and othor occa sions to order on short uotlco. C. ULLOM. Capital linker)'. Tno nbovo cut shows our brick lined Torrid 2ono Furnace. Ouar antuod gas and dust proof. Econom ical nnd durablo; for tho particulars Inquire at A. L. FRASER 'MH Stnto Street, Estimates furnlshod on heating. O. C. T. CO -STEAMERS- POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVE PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. SI., TUESDAY, TI1UIIHIMV A.M SATURDAYS AT tOO A. M. FOR CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. M. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt raJew" I Gold Dast Flout I Made by TUB SYDNEY TOW. Eli COMPANY, Sidney, Orogon. Mad for family use. Ask your groeir for It. Rran and aborts ulwuya on band. P. B. Wallace AGENT Baai8aafl Woven Wire Fencing Of all kinds. Hop Wlro, Pickets. Posts, Gates, Shingles and P. & D. roady roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St. Salem, Ore, Sorf Satem 6y Dr. S. C Slont The Burar factory at La Grande whtth has beeu shut down ior iuo ril two weeks, owing to froiw ana mows delaying aktpweaU. U agal started. There H ever 18.i ef W Ik tb faetery ready t be gin werk. ii .., v.. ladlUMtlon. OflSStlpOtlOM. headaebe. baekaoke. kidney ireeble? HollUter'a Roeky Mountain Tea will SSI you well. If t fall.. J your I0eyback- '. Tj Tablets form 36 cents. Dr. Stone Store. MZVC mrn. llllMl' )MikaH4M.4iiM aa aJBlBaiBiBa, tli4HttliBmtW(ttialtt,a, tltIW CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 'itmmgiiiimtiijmtn.t(niiHm URICK Rrlck furnished In largo or Mtwll qunntltic. Prewwl brick nutdo to order. Ynrd on Stato Strwt, noHth of Pcnltcntlnry. 8ALKM 11RICK YARD A. A. HimTON, lrp. DRAYMEn. IX, O. Ciuumlns Successor to White Cummins, express, dellvory nnd transfer lino. Prompt servlco li our motto. Furniture and piano moTlng a specialty. Stand nt 156 South Commercial street. Phone 175. Roatdonco phone 968. 8-4-tt rORRAXK. For Sale A top buggy for $18 buck- bonrd for $12; roadcart for $5. En qulro of Wcruor Fonnol, 803 N, Liberty St. 12-17-lmo. For Sale My plnno I will sell cheap for cash, uaod only thirteen months; a bargain. Mrs. Murray, 511 Court St., Salem. 12-20-3t LODGES. FurcNlcni of America Court Shor wood Foresters, No. 19. Mooto Tuesday In Hurst hall, State stroot V. S. Rldor. C. R.; A. L. Ilrown, V, S. (Vntrnl IxmIko No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holman block, cor ner Stnto and Llborty ntroota. Tuesday of each week nt 7:30 p. m. B. W. Hniord, C. 0.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. nnd S. Modem Woodmen of Amerlrn Oro gon Codnr Camp No. 5240, Mccti ovory Thursday ovonlng nt 3 o'clock In Holman hnll. W. V. Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. F. It. Capper, C. 8.; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. LOST. I,oftt Moss ngnto pin, oval shnpo, botweon Stockton's nnd mylum. Return to Brown Sash & Door fac tory nnd receive reward. 12-28.31. MISCELLANROl'S. BUTTERNUT BREAD it in vnrtli moro than any other htmA. yet the price Is no higher. 1 For sale nt your grooor's. CALIFORNIA 1IAKRRY. Thomas & Cooley. Protw. At Mm. t'. II. Wlker 221 Com niiUh morclal street, you can get you clothM dyed, cleaned, prewed o repaired. Anything from a pnlr; of ulovoe to tho tnot olnborntrt MUX COWII. VOIVBV UUII. .i. ui and coata rellncd. Phono 1245. , Ilutto A Wenderoth Fine wines liquors nnd cigars. We hnndlo th ..ii.,.nia,i Kaiinuir and Castll 1 nOMM" .-..--,, whiskies. Cool and refrenhlng 1C(J eonstantly on drougli. Houij Commercial street, 9-3-iyr Hnlem Iron WorUa-Foundors, ma i.ii.i. Btul blacksmiths. Mann fncturora of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit uVyln atoros, etc Manufacturers oi wio Salem Iron Works Hop Pros. Lincoln Annuity Union. Slok, acci dent and pension Insurance; l. 000,000 pledged; every claim paid (lood agents wanted J H- -MontKomery. supreme organiser, ilox 433 Balem, Orogon. 11. It Ryan, aecroctary. Sl State street- NEW AND HKX)NI:HANIOOOM jjrrTe71InTird Oood Rought and sold, also ranges, atove and cooking utensils, dish os, granite and tinware of all klndi OlVe us a call. O. L. McPeek, 170 n... Pnmmurclal SU 8-lS-ly pr W. L. Meroer. Oraduate of Kirk Title. Mo., under ouad.r of eetee &...rcUl Bt. lme Jew R yotlh 8uar etrMt I'boa. CM. Tieats acute and ebrenU dUHa. Kxatniaatitto ti-;'.- u i. wiiito flraduate of Klrke- ' . . m r- tllle, Mo., under rounacr - teopatby. "fl " "'" building. Commercial wt Phone 87. Rwldence 390 Bummer street, corner of Center. Pbone j'19. TreaU acute and chronic dUea. Kxamlnatlon free. mi-fHlCa.. , JW T , lsi uu i me "q ww VpXK X OSTKOPATni FLTJKBRM. Theo. M. rr Plumbing, hot irater and steam heating and Uaulug, 164 Commercial stroot, Phoe Main 193. 9-My M. J. retzel riumblng, ttm ad gas fitting. 8ucoMor to Knox I Murphy, S20 Commorstal stmt. 'Phone Main 17. A. It. rrMer SucetMor to Ilnrreugfc & Frazer, plumber and tlaaer. Haa faoturor of copptv and t;alvalJ Iron cornice, and metal akytlffew, 103 Stat stteot. 'Pkoae 1511, PROFESSIONAL. Doctor (JrltKH, tho Spccklint en Mr phlno All drug ami liquor hablw which ho euros in from 48 to 71 hours, asks no tnonoy until ourel. Is now located at 314 Trade St. (first houso woat of 8. P. frelgkt dopot) Salem, Oro. Notft, My partnership (In this Une) wltk Dr. D, F. Lnno, has been mutually die solved. D. I). OrlSta, A. M., M. D., John Doyons, Hub, Magr, 13-10-lmo. Dr. Lntto'a Private iHrtltHto For tho euro of tho drink and (JrHf habit. A auro and pnlnlcM cure for alt unfortunates. 961 Milt alreot, Balem, Oregon. Phone 647. 12-14-lm SALEM HOP Diai.KRg. O. O. Donovun Hop merchant; rtp roionts boat firms In America. Cor ncr Commercial nnd Stale ttrcete, Salem. Phono Main 137. HAHH AND DOOR rACTOKIM. ltank M. Brown, Manufacture ot aih, dvvor. moulding. All kind e( houi finish and hard wood wotk. Front ftrt, btt. iHate ant Court VBTKltrNAltY U0OH. Dr, B. J. Yotwig.-.Vetrlnary RorK( ..and dentist, 33 yoira' xprUM( All work guaranteed. DIMealt ser gleal optrAtlons a apeclalty, PLa 581. Odleo at Gub Stably Pho 7, BaUm, Owgon. 3--t( WAKTD. KVnnted Cbntnborinnld; steady Job. Enquire Willamette Hotel. 12-20-tf. AViiiiteil. 1000 chlokena at Wlllanx otto Hotel. The highest cash price will bo paid. 11-10-tf P Vnuted Immediately A good boy nud pony to dollver papers. Apply iv at Journal Avmilwl. PI ' fir wood. .' at Journal ofllco. 1 1-9-tC - Flvu to ten cords of goqil .Npply to K. Ilofer, JonrV, uat nrilee. lJ.JCtf Young Slaii Wmtel For porter' work at W. II. OlUon'a harbor shop. 13-8-tf WmiiHiI To engage 10 or 13 walU resses ferJeglslature In January, ApplK.at once at Willamette Ho tel. IMMf Wiii(I Stock hogs for feeding, chickens, duok and alt kinds o( poultry, illgheet prlco paid. Hop l.o Co., 181 Commercial street, Balem, Or. IJ-Ctf Wnntnl Porter. Hood wagw atnl steady Job. Willamette Hotel. ia.38.tr. Wunti-d. 0 acre of land, clearl pay $100 per acre. Addrea E, Q, Horat Ce . per J. C. MorrUon. Ia dependeuee. Or. 13'383t WATM COMPANY. SALEM WATER C0MPAHV OrnCB CITY KAXL. J'or water irlce apply at Rill pajslle raoMiuy auT"" Make all complaint at Ike o. r1"".-Lk.JJ k.KC I .'... .a iiim iinm. w,ui i., ""jr " : . ! i41A $awBnciH?H&, a mmw-w; rzzna , IM !! jri.v.kL itii m tm i f wmfmw w ' a yat.WwMie'. ftiMU rL w"ni7.:ia a fwy Lll'lW11 'll111 ' ' I ""''' Mir"--