. r'VFZnWX DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1000. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY I10FER BROS., Pusllshcrs and Proprietors. igjSjBm SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By Mall. . Dally Journal, ono month .... 3Gc Dally Journal, throe months ..$1.00 Dally Journal, ono year ;J- Weekly Journal, ono year .... ;1.6b By Carrier. Dally Journal, por month .... 50c Wood v. Interest on bondo, notes. . Water Insurance on school build ing .... t ClerklB salary Elections Cement walk at high Bchools and for painting buildings and repairs . . School supplies Advertising Lights and powor . . . . , . Notes at bank '. . . Sundries ; . . ,i. 1,200.00 2,459.00 C50.00 700.00 150.00 45.00 3,000.00 700.00 80.00 yl50,00 3,720.00 ,,500.00 SCHOOL TAXES REDUCED n Total -exuenso ix. . .;. ?40'sG54,00 Tho valuation of the taxable prop erty of this district Is given at ?8, 770,813.00 and a 3-mlll levy on such valuation amounts to 520,312.43 Approximate county school fund 15,510.00 Approximate rccolpts from state school fund .... 4,780.00 CtiBh on hand at this timo 5G6.1D His Cigar Doesn't Taste Right And Yet Is Is tho Sdmo He Was -..Smoking .Wlth.So Much Relish After Dinner Last Night, Out of the Very Snnio Box, Too. IT ISN'T THE CIGAR -IT'S THE , A STOMACH. Every nmokor has experienced this peculiar condition of tho stomach and llvor, tho result usually of Imper fect digestion of food. And tho blnmo is usually put on tho cigar and not whoro It bolongs. Good Attendance at School Meeting and a Levy of Three Mills Made Tho nnnunl mooting of taxpayers In school district No. 24 was held at tho high school building Saturday ovonlng, and a levy of throo mills waB made Dr. W. II. Dyrd presided at tho mooting, and tho clork. II. A. John- Bon, Jr., rend tho roport of tho school board, which Is appondod. On motion of Jiulgo T. L. David Bon, tho roport was adoptod and tho lovy of throo mills wnB mndo. Tills l.i n reduction of flvo mills, but moro monoy will bo ralsod at this rato than formorly nt olght mills. Tho olght mills levy In 1004 pro duced $24,334;' tho buiuo rato Inst yoar roallzod $22,404, and tho tbroo mill lovy this yonr will bring In $2C, 312. Tho roport of tho board follews: Salem, Oc. Doc. 20, 1900. To tho TnxpayorH of School District No. 24. In Marlon County, Stato of Orogen: Wo, tho district Bchool board of Bchool district No. 24, In Mnrlon county, Btato of Orogon, bog loavo to submit tho following roport of the business transacted by ub bIiico our InHt nnnunl roport, which wib sub mitted Juno 18, 1000, togothor with our ostlmntos of cxpousos nonossary for tho proper mnlntonanco of tho schools of inld district for ono yoar. llmiptn. CnBh on hand Juno 18, '00 $ 8,500.21 TnxoH, 1905 3,343.77 From J. C. Goodnlo, Jr . . 18.30 Stato Bchool fund 4,890.00 County school fund ..... 13,220.00 County teachers' hiHtttuto. , 18.00 Salem Stato Hank, notes, . 3,720.00 Total amount for school purposes nllowlng for auch lovy .... $47,174.02 Leaving a balance of $0520.02 above tho estimated exponsos of tho schools for tho year, which amount tho board rccommondB bo applied In pnymont on tho popular loan notes. Insurance. Wo carry Insurance on tho proper ty of tho district as follews: High school $10,000.00 East school 18,000.00 North school 10,500.00 4 m 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I COMPANIES ORGANIZE.: r Artlcloa of Incorporation Granted Enterprises Backed by Orogon Capital. iiiiiiiiinnimmni'in- fljflu fix Tho Following Compnnlos filed ar tlcloa of Incorporation this morning In tho olllco of tho secretary of state Dank of Sellwood, of Sellwood, Multnomah county; incorporators. Potor Hunio. J. M. Nlcktun, Thoo. Wolf, J. W. Cnmpboll. D. M. Do nough; capital stock, $30,000, Star Press, of Orogon City; Incor porators, II. A. Galloway, Sarah II. Galloway, S. W. Ilcaton, E. C. Thomas; capllnl stock. $20,000. Nowb Loiter Publishing Company, of Hood Hlvor; Incorporators, E. It. Drndloy, F. W. Angus, E. II. Hnrt woll, S. A. Bradley; capital utoek, $25,000. Tho iinnio of tho Hortzlor nnd Ilas- kull Lumbor Company, of Woodbum, has boon ohnngod to tho Abnqun Lumber Company. Total rocolvod $33,77C.2S DInI)iiin(miku(n. Superintendent, principal nnd tenehora' anlarloa.$ 8,344.35 $ Janltora' Bnlnries 923.75 woou l.iov.s Interest on notos, bonds 1,397.42 Wator Insurance Elections Clork'a snlary Material nnd labor for re pairing building . . . . Bchool supplies .... ... Advertising Exporting books Notes 14,500.00 Phono rontul For 1)11 at high school . . . Printing Piano . . , . . Librarian Plumbing nnd sowerngo Including two Boptlo tanks 3,083.20 97.20 125.00 34.50 75.00 304 45 800.39 20.30 7.C0 20.05 531.CR 31.00 272.00 45.00 Light and powor. . . Intoreat on popular notos , . Coinout door Stumps loan 403.40 392.50 009.05 S.0G Total $33,210.00 Cash on. hand 56G.15) ImlobU'dnons. . Bonds lasuod Oct. 3, 1800 for 39 yoara at C por cont , $13,000.00 Bonds Issued April 7, 1891, for 20 yoars,at 0 . por cont 14,650.00 Popular loan duo on or bo- t foro flvo years from No- t vombor 1, 1905, at 4 por cont , 19,025.00 Note to Bauk Doc. 3, 1900, At 6 por cent ? 720.00 Noto to ban; Doc. i) , t 1906, at 6 por cont .... ,000.00 Total bonds and tootcs $50,895.00 Wo eBtlmato tho expanse of tho IdUtrlct for ono yoar ns follews: Superlntondont, principal and Ufackers and Janl tora' aalwriw $27.0M0 Will Open Club. Tho Illthoo Club of this city will formally open Its new nuartors In tho now Elks' building on tho ovon lng of Friday, January 11th. A com mltteo composed of W. N. Gatons, George G. Rlnglmm and Julius Plu ous has tho matter of outortnlulng In ohnrgo, nnd thlu commtttoo Is busi ly nt work arranging for a splondld rocoptton on that date. Invitations to tho sooloty pooplo of the city will soon bo Issued. Thoro will bo a publlo reception, dnnclng, a short muslcnl program and an olnborato Bupper. Coughing Spoil Cmisch Dentil. "Harry Duckwoll, agod 25 yoars, choked to donth early yesterday morning nt hia homo, In tho presence of his wlfo and child. Ho contracted a alight cold a fow day a ago nnd paid but llttlo attoatlon to it. Yos tqrday morning ho waa solsod with a flt of coughing which continued for Bomo tlmo. Ilia wlfo sent for a physician but boforo ho could ar rlvo, another coughing Bpoll camo on nnd Duckwoll died from suffocation. St, Louts aiobo-Domocrat, Doc 1st., 1901." Dallard's Horohound Syrup would havo savod him. 36c, 50o and $1,00 Sold by D. J. Fry's drug store. o MgazlncA nt Wholeanlo Rates. Tho Dobbs-Morrlll Company, tho book publishers, havo Isauod n hand Bomoly Illustrated 30-pngo pngo mag aslno catnlog, which thoy havo of forod to Bend to any reader of our pnpor absolutely froo. This catalog shows how our road ora can buy tholr uoxt year's supply of jnaaxlno3 at prlcoa that havo nev er beforo boon oquallod. Ouo of tlolr offora la tho Cosmopolitan, Tho Home Mngarlno aud tho Roador Mngazluo rogulor prlco $5.00, for half prlco, $2.50. IloJldos this offor thoy quoto prices on nil loading mag azines at bargain prlcoa. N If you intond to subscribe to any magailno for tho coming yoar, you will aavo tlmo and money by Bond ing for tho beautiful catalog. It la froo for tho asking. Simply address a postal card today to Tho BokBS Morrill Company, Magailno Ageecy Department, Indianapolis, lad. 12-3 1-Sw Such mon aro usually high Hvors, hard workers mentally, living undor high pressuro and high draught, and It doesn't tnko a great deal to dis order tho stomach and render the llvor torpid. Thoy Bhould mnko It a practlco to ubo Bomo tried and rollablo romedy llko Stuart's DyBpopsIa Tablots, that will aid Naturo and not forco It and will tnko caro of tho suddont nttacks of acuto Indication. Tho uso of theso tablots Is not to bo confundod with tho patont mod- lclno habit. Stuart's Dyspopsln Tab lots aro not n patent modlclno, but aro composed of tho vory olomonts which Naturo provides tho healthy stomacli to do tho work of digestion pepBln, dlncstaso, goldon sonl, otc. Thoro la no socrot In tholr prepara tion; thoy nro abaolutoly puro aud thoroforo all tho world uses them. No matter how disordered tho stomach may bo, It will right itaolf If glvon tho chnnco. Stuart's DyspBp iiin Tablets digest food whoro tljp stomach can't, glvo tho abused sto mach and lntestluoa n rest and offer ronowed strength to tho worn out glands and muscles. Brain workors enn rely on Stunrt's Dyspopslu Tablots, no mnttor how toiiBo tho strain. All druggists carry them In tho ilfty cent packages, or If you profsr n troo trial puckago cau be had by Bonding your nnmo nud nddross today. F. A. Stuart Com pany, 71 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. it " 7 ;p Iiil -- - foil O wWHSBS BIG JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Dating the month of Jantsaty we will sell neatly evey tnmg in out stote at REDUCED PRICES to make oom lot new goods and put the stock in shape tor inventory. All odd pieces will go at a sacrifice. Lace Curtains, Poitiets, Lace Bed Sets, Rugs and small tolls of Carpets will he cat lower than we ever sold them before. HEATING STOVES AND RANGES CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE !35SRKSK35I Smiles CirllUth tiH Rlchanl. Tho omlnont tragedian and popu lar favorite John Grlfllth, played King ntohurd HI. Saturday night r,t tho Grand Opora House to a flno nudlonco. Mr. Grllllth fully sus tained his splondld roputntlon ns a great dollnontor of Shnkosperlnn plays, but was somowhnt handicap pod by Indifferent support. Tho at traction really dosorved a hotter houso. Lovers of comedy will bo ulnd to know that Miss Roao Melville will apponr In "Sis" Hopkins" tonight. o A Natural Result. It la vory roasonnblo to supposo If tho foundation of a structuro wan romovod that tho building Itself U bound to como down. This saroo prin ciple can bo applied to dlseaso. Take modlclno Into tho syatom that will re move tho cause of elcknoss, and Ill ness will loavo Itsolf. Dyspepsia, tn dlgoation, sick hoadacho and bilious- nosa havo tholr foundation In stomach dlsordors. Romovo this wcaknoss and tho othor symptoms are no more.'ti Thoro is ono euro for all this that all druggists soil for 25c por box, it lu Dr. Gunn's Improvod Liver i Vs. Thoy got right at tho beginning nf theso diseases and mnko tho euro by taking away tho cause. o Notice of Estray. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has takon up one sorrel mare about six years old; weight about 300 pounds; white strlpo In forehead; whtto right hind foot; whtto left foro foot; brand 5 circle on right abouldor; forotop and tall bobbod off. Duo nottco has boon posted according to law, and appraise Peaco L, F, Evans, of Brooks dls utont of valuo made by Justice ot the trlot, and notlco filed with the coun ty clerk ot Marlon county, November 10, 1901. Owner can recover prop erty y Identifying nwi and paying oats as provided ay Jaw. W, H. OAN, 11-Jl-tt Brook, Orafoa Moro Obsorver: Dlvc-koopora soom to havo possoslson of tho com mon council In Portland, which has voted to koop lowd womon in saloons. Rub out "Roso City," and wrlto It "Dlvo Don." a Chicago man calls American wo mon "slouchy," tho brute. Says thoy don't know how to dross nor how to walk, What will wo do with him, girls? Tho Pendleton Trlbuno Jolna tho Orogonian In slugging tho bill to work tho convicts on tho public highways. Raker City peoplo aro moving to Portland by tho dozens, says Borne ono In tho Hornld. Tho Democrat speaks of a mud scow excursion down tho streots of Baker City. Thomas Duggor, in tho Santlam News: When tho noxt session of tho legislature adjourns tho peoplo can "tako stock" and soo how much thoro Is left. Oregon City will havo a now Ma sonic! tomplo. Tho Salem Masonic tompjo was squelched. "Following tho Flag" may be a heading for a patont medicine adver tisement or a dovlco to got olllco. pick, Don't pick; form n syndlcnto. consolidate and Fogol nnd Pnrkor havo a saluta tory In tho Forost Grove Times that IctflontoB both ability and Independ ence. "i CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prcpnrcd for tho Public Schools and tho Family Circle. Idaho la to havo a Mormon or ma- chlno legislature. To bo happy work. Young Mr. Rockofollor advises men to got tho right kind of wives. Most ovary man outsldo ot tho luna tic asylum tried to do that, but all of them aro not lucky, and neither aro all ot tho wives. u m v A man who drinks to drown his troubles gonornlly finds that troubles aro wonderfully buoyant. A Salem young woman who Is keeping company with threo young men wants to know which ono to Congress will moot Thursday at noon, after tho holiday adjourn ment. Tho Algerian program of reforms In Morocco was agreed to today by tho nations represented at a confer ence at Madrid, Spain. Tho Japanese squadron will leave Yokohama, January 5, for a crulso of tho Pacific ocrean and will visit tho principal Pacific ports. Tho Baroness Burdett-Couts, con sidered ono of tho richest and best womon In England, is dead. She waa a great temperanco worker. Many mon aro resigning from tho railway postal service on account of being ablo to mako moro monoy at otnor work. Tho old blue laws of Massachusetts aro bolng enforced against all kinds of Sunday labor In Boston. Tho building trades of Albany hnvo adopted a nine-hour day. o , Rcmarknblo Cure. "I was much afillctod with sciati ca," writoa Ed. C. Nud, IowavUle, Sedgwick Co.. Kan., "going about w crutches and suffering a deal of pain. I was Induced to try Ballard's Snow Llnlmont, which relieved mo. "I used threo 50o bottles. It Is tho greatest liniment I ever usod; havo recommended It to a number of persons; all express themselves aa being benefitted by It. I now walk without crutches, ablo to perform a farm." 25c. 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J Fry'a drug store. O BMntb cf A. M V Q Tt X -JL . SKATE OUT THE OLD YEAR Salim Rink Management Has Hard Time Getting Rollers Tho now Bkatlng rink has now beon running a week aud It Is a thor ough succosa. Every morning, aft ernoon and night tho floor has been filled and tho Salem pooplo nro rap idly developing Into oxcollent roller skaters. Thero Is one hindrance and that Is tho shortage of skates which nro at prosont almost Impossible to got. Ninety pairs of tho original 300 ordor havo not yet been received but aro expected any time. An order for 100 pairs moro have been tele graphed In. which will arrive about Thursday and overybody will have a chance to got on tho floor. Tonight thero will bo "an extra session to skato tho now year in. The rink will open nt tho regular tlmo and thero will bo skating until 10 o'clock then nn Intermission ot an nnuu.-.., j iL . i ,olll rom-' mm me second bubhiuu " monco, lasting until 12:30. Arrangement havo now been com plot for erection of a largo row rink at Newport, to be In operation thn rnmlni. snnctnn. It Will bO larger than the Salonl rink and will Ji .., j ...Hi. i .. mnilern Pvl- pllances. The location has not J been decided upon. and Tho Texas Wonder, dims nil iflrlnnr. bladder rheumatic trouble; sold by a" dr"" gists, or two months' treatment w. , mall for 1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2" Olive street, St Louis, Mo. for testimonials. Sold X7 "" drug store. dvr-lyf CASTOR I A yr Imfcata ant CkUir Hi KM Yn Haw Ahuys Nf Bmm tk Wgaitara of j0 t,