" TUT1 '""n -.-- ""wi- flWWWWWWWWWl SS-il. ... moo. jyiwwSjaipnwr OJURGRtAT CLEARANCE SALE S : 1 ion., 'lerj i,e- iat so or or n- I 4)&CV)t M in I i In TtOi 60 J j rgej ns I ofls gSaS elrPlanatin' S U,C P60Ple U"derStand the Ml m s7XZ7:rST'f0r dUble PUrPSe0f c'-of thesea and of stated T?8 WC CarrV Ur S00ds from onc scason to "noBiaw already we ti tPCP f thC SCaSn'S bUSinCSS' We have made oflts eaay. We have, in former sales, surprised this community by the magnitude of our BARGAINS 1' In this sale there is a complete collapse of prices throughout the house. The ruthless knife ot reduction has been plied with equal severity, equal precision in every suit of Men's, Youth's and Children's CLOTHING- m An early selection counts for much, as first comers fare best. The Sale Commences on Monday Morning !j :r "i G W. JOHNSON & CO. 3i wwwmwfflWMHwm WMWWlMWWWniIWW.H EW had no arrub or aand to hilp tlu-m In i future Kh l-ldil I'rofi-Mitor A Ixl ul- ii ml In d rlliliuc what lit) would not tau.t for ' th ximl-! family .IrvaiH lit th. height of fnihl kioii of a IiiI dutrlct leader who' YORK LETTER . . . . HJOCCaBlMB. Willi. """ ""wu crlmoa have been commute 1 by fc , Italian Blark II.nd.ri "" JJ' th. . th. mhIh bad ,ltMdw..MUnoi.I Th.oiw.Uoi. wm nmonnble. In the city there w rM11irai ood nwt. Ion, and aaa Kitilr In literary am "' ." wrw Hi LI. ...u.. v m.".... .... ...- ,.......-.- ...-.-, .-- . .. . , "-r i .www w F.W. riKHI th. urofeaaor'a .Nchantd bower of alwaa )clic a mlddl. uromttl JKaMK. who fnrtfMl th hhhii jhI nhe looked Into the myalls Wowl. He btwNMt th. warring factlona. Th. I IIm.r Davenport, the nrlfet, fjrfij .ni.l l..... 4 mama utuiflllw lun lu Tiiuhiiyv ivAiul4vi AAUAUfcftf la aa t,i .Lkiuji ... a........ .., k iii liafl liilii hwi iv am nwauii; into nrri. -...... wmmww n. . ( kvi mvjiwn nn mw 4 u m emuu An flt.u mII. uf tl.A Vll. Ia ru.L)ul. VI . )mur).iiuii'"--" j(w oiH-ratlon, Sniler, the In hI I lull, -r. mni in l'rruniiK wiiai non ot a i ' nirm jaar who ion, and 'Aaa i will hut I'ntll after Chrlatroaa. Ww.,er H,.nt nt the glaaa vnclnauru j hnpiwnw! atnU- that lu the dim Hunt had bn lwtl at th. prliuarlM. 'arllatlr rtrrlN j Thrw murders, of a foul character fo thrwl wou worked ovr thw.'thiU Mowed bnwwn yart.t Mirtlri thr.by follow lnS out hU oli pulliyliuNa to Mt .three kldnapidiifi ud variou otner breathlwa crowd In th. urofeaatir'a .Hchaial lww.r of alwaya kMblHX a mldill. nronl jStaMK. who ditb. but on doing ao ah. had to w.t on lb. nlsbt of th. JTtk to r eonfrew b aaw HotttlnK bHt bin 'ortmnli. and th. ivwt It ImJiik clilna. II. told hftr that the Mod of looked forward to by loon I ifllltllim llfo wan vUlbl. bMt an. falUnl to a, with Inl.rtwt. aa tberw ar. iiiru Jo . . . -..i.. -I tininmc iilil ..r- - ------ ........ a.. a i. .. ..... a. .Itnllan uetoctives wu uu """"-" t,8 aalloacy of hit touch ilw It. H. then now mu inre nnKr. wii on i Kr" wnrk on such cases as tneie, oui ini i.i,i !. ..r iuivinir tlmt tlia wrath of th. cod of, The dream of 1 .. . .nu m.,lo nf IJJK l jiiuotmii'Ii- ...-. --... oxtraordlnary tnai wu .-- - ( 0,geur hondllng a place of -al- life allowed bo apiearei, iHennuiB u However., uable ancient laoe. highly ild. highly ors-nueu .w W Side of life and CoonLZ ."2. S1 Hunting: in Greater Ho boken New York. Dec. 31. The old pas-. .. .. . .. n i.i,ai In lll 1 Ilrtfnr Cniinol Ho Curtd Ily local KDDllcAtion. a they cn3 ntit rAftMi ItiA itlMftftMiul nnpllnn nf fTtol W .yu. v.l 1 Va...l.. 7Wfl j -riiiij tiviiniv ... rri..K i. ...1. AUd. u.AU ..... UUE. 1 Jlfll U KJUkT UI1 HUY III UlirBI lira mnwfli iih uimuuriHi. ihhuiiiiik i iiuiiiub. a Mnutixjiui' i.v .. ,iaarn.aH UM it.i i .. nniit.. .'ii Minnn ceur iiuuuiiiie a iuv ,-... -..- -... ---. umiuvn, nUu mm i ivuimu ....- AA..-Minnn nr iiriHjifiit . " i.. . . . i . tn at... au... h. . nn.i i.itm uvu nnu iiaih ... .. almost aau uwui '..ohin nnd.nt laoe. IMiai sne anoum hhnu ov.r . av - . - -. fhav Ki.flin nerfMtly at Ma nrEnn who know tho workings tlonnl romcdloa. Donfneu la caused of Wi end of Dronx park, ana ..--1 ""' - on and BDort for the urban huntsman )" w tn8 m t. - ii. nifvnr uu a iu - "nuntlng Is done "" "k ".! nreounts always vr tho aid of doss and laniwu.. ,.-v --- murderer8 end t. Dec. 31. TUe oiu paa-.i-". """,.- f QiMllan a ' , . i. th. ihn m nil Of IU8 lUWBf u" "' wof coon hunting uourwnoaiuiuw .-.--- - section of tho metropolis at .the or " " Iw baJk ."Wttend of Dronx park, ana -""' nnd cvaslo nd may be news- In the in (Mm w..-i ,. . nn rfnvs no oss sanio W- llv , ,. --uwuKiuoimoi. '--,. Detective arKtFu..v two dozen have been captured. I l . Itaan mite. M with tho hunters. And e ' ,ff wuen he heard of the latent M, and then becln a chase of a tltarr. T mdM()d mu - . L ii. oif al- murder, " mt,,. or more tnrousn mo - -; t .,. &f.Q has cow. to paw- " W. ..j. iTnniilQ tnontus ago Hs " ..n rk unsettled parK nw v" , t.Mn is iiv. a canoar wmii ...--Iitiii.i - .... ..-.. .homnn takes thing u n rt lt .,,,. The , "UttC fill I III) 1IIJU3 Lv -.ww - tCO Tl IL Dl- Htha trees and It Is then the real I and grow d ot r(W,h. wsrr: ... now u this cy Lhia annani nnu. I t.wv ..w - w v -.-- - hub " - ... ' .... .. . ... .i,. ....i,i taltn.l far liar fathbr linn lumn r. . . - . .... . .. .'fl ti.i niiv fin oaallr claim to bum- mo no unu uu uiiiwvui uwhkuik jimii. ,-..-.., .- -...-. .-- .- ,jy n mnameu conuuion ot me mm "' ' ... ... .i ... in t an niu.niin Iwiaml troni Xlnir Has four roan b-1 ...... . .u .. .....!.. n..,L. br amon"St Its citu.nu on. ui um uiu aiiiuuin.iiii ..v. ....- - - - .uui niuu oi m uiou(aa iuuv, ..r ,nnn in tho country. He la now admit to bar frlanda that he fore hit time, owing to her oswrtloaa. Wbim ,hu l(bo ,, un4U)ed ,0 nfcr ; wealthy man. boldlns a ro)onilble'waa fooled, and m llBk' to the. A iwthrtlc letter ahe wrote to uov-ift tuaMl(tg Mund or Uaim(VH bearj iitiM In an Insurant company. prof owor'a bower for a return of .ernor IIIbrIm touehod hi. heart, and nfc nai whon R ( cnft)y cIo- S I ThankKlrlRS day made hla aom. of hor money alio found he bad on Inqulrh found that O Keurke. r)(,ttfoes4 10 rMllU aud n, tik ilLi n iok the turkey. lied. who wa. convicts of araon. . a ,, ,nfl,ralMMIon e-n bo u,en MK-minuw nri!ftrflJ A larifo ouie. oarefully bound and .model prlaoner. ao ho ordered hla ra-i nd ,hli lllbtt rw,torid to ita nortaal ni. . ' , .,-.i 0rwrf ironaroua iiimunaloiM. woa foundilwiw and tot him a Job to make a ,..,,.,. i1uirini? win h .itro th8 ..?.!! . MMj hlmaolf with i by the iwllc. on Thlrtyfourth atnt . freah alart la the world. Jennie la . nJn(J Mt flf ,. water. wn " .i.i' n.,i, inmi a fw mornliiKa very happy. She thanked Oovernor .1.. ., .M..r,h wMh i f.nhln. t l.ti uiPlinuil III LHI iwt unni mu w" -- .--. vwunv waf " Ww- .r.r im cauw- " ,. w.i., ., .1H ,-.IHa til cinim w they IllKKlua and ha roinlaed Him tnt liu, inr,.m,, w,bhi.m th mul ., H'hu ttia HUHSTJ Jui "- . v. .- -- - - . . i -- -- - --...- -m . i ..rrofitlUoatly dtapotlais of i dicMid to carry It carefully to the hor dan woaw aiway. o. - ,,, iUrfMWI , found t "rlli fatWr IreLl i.l U tlm- Tho wm waa marked A former United HtaU bank -, We w , 0ne Hundred Dolkj plekod Jfrt ,d TraK..e" ..d -tbla aide uy with arntaar nantd Lionel 8ar. who 'jj awaiww .. aRd .. ajd a, wuUatIona on tho HWkJ aa a iKuiae wnwr au mUttU) thtt cannot b eUred b warmwaw. -- . . ....- u hu,i h ra aared to writ. uiexraHniM oi "!, ..... ... ,,. ,,. or -i.-va Am bniua. IMl II ! IHWO w"i . -- - ... ......... wtmwiii" .- .-. -i" .vv" ' ' ..... . .l.A MAMft .aan HHUJ.IU1U1 111 aWlIlUllHIE a - ... . ........ WK3 I VU1 . oiiliflr s lenv u . tney " - .... v0 Aoerl- wn i w. -:"'. ,. n. .ui-, yarn navo ueeu .. -o iorlted racial i- - . ...-', n Ions urae m - " ". . . j !- onn nil m"--- iin iniPUiiv - i .u j vnnniiiiii:iAka - . aAr una bbi w ."" "I .a !.! il-l . ,.,. ....- K 1 dtU,n I nnless th arimlnaU , Mafia aad unte " A . wua . "' . ,), nf .the Mafia aau ..i the ae- i ; to tho very large uuW. --, . . ,. ano otw b'HM... .. . .. . ... thnae.uro tu.. - (ob, Mnv f thA victims of these I'll... . .t.n ," hava heen engaged in ' tat believing that their extermlna- Ul Havo the chickens, while at r me time affordlnK them iuvlg ng exercise and a succulent dish. authorities of the park W"e I IIO stlsmnf tr stOO thO hUfltS, lUnaea ".::: at nrent ex- rlous state oi n-- :, - .. , ..tilt 1T1IHU1IMV- luMnir will be greavw ; ,u ., -.i on him. and that be T forced to do menial work to save riofaaerrant. The boy'a WITrwii of frail mind and me " w . ' j r. vuira. It la jMlnt- .. - . . ,. u wI" b! 0 the re. ted - ' 7 but n hard rrha heaa t"" . - utatea. - - house la the B"0. ago ad Jwfc a nUr in the m09t danwron. Job W B saaanna W nQ ,m moccasins, a brana oi lbM n.wvw Seddlng their skins AtbereP , played to the greedy eye. of all-a JP J SSl " "fV '"' lemon. ' B,QB"P'" . . .... ...i mi. attlMa Uavo decided to carryli . " Tl-: !"!?," S rSlI" Buggooaduhla trouble oxMlntwc il.j.1 from ine wei a ? u ,.-. hurriedly. Aftr tho election B aUrted on a tour of hla theater, an nouncing that be would not return to the Bowery before March, but Murpbya plan to tbror the McClel len wea out of Tammany made him burry back. Ho ba announced that ? ; s: :?;;-. riS . - ... tf euue. which U undw courae of on- dwpartment. atruetlOB. HU face waa familiar i .. . ....... ii.m.iurav until recently. I .m umrnw;. 1 .. .l t.,A. r .urorlt! t0.....v. It. U4 H H W M .v.i .& i an itrtnnvlet He ia ttLrta Jrm . rfWt 1 a man of education, eoinw of a Itood f a ! w V e coona are of no particular