-jp?Tj wr ON Pri. 'cfpal, rau did JR I.fl i whew irrleij oov of la Wi tltl topsl gerW CO. HOI .Ijil 1 &. ",uern t P. botJ aui f0f ; Jear,tJ Possible, Bn'ttd af&tfj yoilSad JOKE'S DETia STOILB , (fitly cash business, owoa no ft ono owos uj carries large ihelrcs, couutors and snow I..J...I w?IMi flnilffl vniv?tnlnn IJf'lW" " ""ei " --i toilet nrticios, wlnco and ! if til kinds for modlcal pur Dr. Stono is a rogular graduate jicine and has bad many years of ut la tno practice. Consulta- ujlrec. Prescriptions aro rreo, ilj tegular prices for modlcino. tost can bo found at his drug iSdea, Oregon, from 0 in tho until 0 at night. aha-capital jornv.u..,,, nm A Tl,sl,l et " "-..u, m.t. is.niij;n ao, 1BOO QlUp, wasonablo objections o 1 hS "gout to tho use of soorot. n ,t J?1' pounus, Dr. R. V. IVtcc o B n V., somo time u3o, deejrj to ijbol departure from tho usual cour o puWc by tho majors of put-un mclleiiiof i ' mestlc use, nnjLso hafpu ho4 broat cast and opry to tho wbolo worid a ful and coopfcto list of all tho &Vn" celebrated IIc2m. Thus ho has taken h 3 numerous ;ltron3 and pat'cn'i ibm h!sful5nco. Thus too hJhJS Sffifftftw among K ,. , UI1U UlJIli RIVERS HARBORS PROMOTED r) inf. .I'iVt .'?lv rioc the wi iDPer of everr hnttln il'?rK-l3SftWS ,-.!. v. mini upon it, it his con:orlnk' ft.. bat a small 1)1(1(11 1 i nil inn ii -. (i,. ni. .... ... . .. . ffi,,lt"r, .'. l "'.r"' "'.? small sc1kk.Ii i of uui ..cc, Poiintrhircry nuMr- practitioners of m. Ulclno enfeins 0 i tft .""'fW ".' '''' ''. carli Vnd I every Imrre' client cental nil it. Ur- ti..w... .."."- pnoot Uhmo l,Mo books wur&inalfia?, to any ono suw.Rff adilmxnn . J.i ;. .i .. COM IPPY NEW YEAR yourself a now homo now tire somo chcan. on oaky pny- ij, eoou nousu, tumor iuui aim k streets, $800. L (-room houso and lot, 22nd 3500. m1 4-room liouso and lot. 21st for $400. rooin houso and lot, 20th Xlll streets. $-150. cd C-room houso and lot, -20th lllll streets, $800. 8-room liouso nnd 3 lots 21st iChemekctn strootu, $1,500. fro houses North Libert)', 2 lots ,1600. acreago proporty chonp. j SO aero with C-room house, .orchard, otc, for only $900. i acres flno bottom Innu, near ion. with fair improvements, sj, $900. beautiful C2-ncro, good lm- hnent, etc.. nonr Tumor, flno i and location, $3,200. h mo for anything In my lino if I want work, or want help of any I'Jeavo your order here. R. R. Ryan 510 Stnto Street. to any ono suiu.Rff ndiIirs,son postal card ot by cttcr. to Dr. It. V. 1'lcrcft lhiffaltt X v! hook It via bjle-aniL-d that U Wore mod" lclnra cw.taln no alhol. narcotics. alnTral and that thoy aw made from natlvo. inwlltl- tho most valuable InpredlentJ contained In Dr. l'krco's I'avor to l'lcscrlntlon for wcafc SvSu.lP.v?vorkc(, "run-down." norvoui and debilitated wonion. wtro employed, loai nilectlntr their squaws. In fact, ono of tin most valuable medicinal plants cnterlnjr Into tbo composition of Dr. l'lorco's Kavorlto Pre scription way known to, tho Indians as "ftiuawwccd." Our knowledeo of tho usts of not a few of our mtwt valuablo native, me dicinal plants was gained from tho Indians. As niado up by Improved and exact pro cwpi. tho "I avorlto Vroncrlptlon Is a most cfllclent remedy for nirulatlne all thowom ar.lr functions, cerrectlni: displacements, u prolaiwuj. antcverslon and retorrerslon. overcomlnir painful porlods. tontns up tho nerves and hrlnclmf alwnt a perfect statoof bcaltu. Sold by all ilealors In ridlciiio Made Strong Speeches in Fayor of Water ways Patriotic Delegates Pay Their Own Way for the Benefit of thePecple of the State MKDFOIM) GIltL DISAPIMUIiB Stopped lit Snn Francisco on Way to Aii7onit. HSSKYa rS.l IV--- A San Francisco dispatch of the 29th says: What has become of 15 year old Franklo Gates, of Medford, Oro? That Is the porploxlng question Cap tain of Detectives Duko has asked Dctcctlvos Mathcson and Mulcahoy to solve. Frnnkle Gates Is tho dauchtor of a wealthy mining "inn of Oregon, who Is now sick In Globe, Ariz. Tho girl was on her way to visit Mio sick father, nnd stopped ovor In this city to soo hor mint. Mrs. M. Collins, of 753 Sovtnth nvouue. This was Thurs day Inst, and sho loft hor aunt's home on tho same day, saying Bho had but 20 mmutos to cntQh har train. Yos torday tho father wlrod lint the child had not rtached her dMtlnn- tlon. and the aunt reported the .lis appearance last night nt police head quarters. Mrs. Collins describee tho missing girl as beliiK 16 yr8 ot bul largo enouwh to mn for 18. She it of blonde complexion with targe blue exw and when she left her swat's house a dressed In durk brown kiit, white waist with dark spots, a long coat and automobile cap. She should have reached her destination In Vrlzonn Saturday night. Itoiiiarkulilo Curo. i was much nflllcted with sclatl ca " writos Ed. C. Nud, Iowavllle, Se'dgulck Co., Kan., "going about op criitchoa and suffering a deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which rollevod mo. "I used throo 50c bottlea. It is tho greatest liniment I over used; mvo recommended It to a number 0f persons; all express themselves ; m being benoflttod by it. I now walk without crutches, able to perform a far2"c,' 50c and $1.00. Sold tor D. J Fry's drug store. EXPE WORKf 4,rai MjretUua lenaea ought to b ground '"J to order. Ready-ground stocx no more flt than would ready- d false tenth. Th4 Munitll OP- P?1 Co grinds each Jena apeelally F each eye, our workshops have 1 the latest, m.m and asDensive Ainerv knnn tn the Optical f; Our employee are expert. If - i your glas? they will M ex r rlsht Consultation costa you """Off BAnvt.t with valuable lnfor- kill. --w-., n .-- -" about the human eye. fkku. VAseIOofeaCb. ti.. -. . e&A a sJ.ft.H T SUX-fJfVUHU.rwni wv ro Sale il9 acrp tn in pultivation, on kin .- . . - Oolum - roau, 6 miles rrora o.- than enouuh wood to pay wr pflce. 120 ner acre. $1200 casn, $4on nAr vonr nt C per cent. acres inn in cultivation, 2G N. good buildings, A flno stock Prle. UK ner acre. The Dalles Chronicle. Dccembor 24: Mr. Joseph T. Peters, who return ed last cvonlns from tho rivors nud harbors convention at Washington, D. C., Informed tho Chronlclo re porter that ho could add but little to tho accounts which havo already been published of tho proceedings of that important mooting of 1200 dele gates who Journeyed to tho cap ital at their own expense from every part of tho country in tho intorest of tho senornl national wolfaro and endeavoged to securo a fixed annual appropriation for rivers nnd harbors Improvement nnd Incidentally In the Intorest of their respective localities which will pnrtlclpato In tho district convention In tho future. Mr.'Potors thinks tho convention has boon n sront succoss and will ro suit In croat benefit to the rivors and harbors projects of Oregon, ns woll as olsowhoro. Mr. J. N. Teal, of Portland, who had attondod tho previous mooting of tho rivers and harbors congross at Washington about a year ago, was ono of thoso who hnif boon ask ed, with Govornor Chamborlaln, to make addresses at tho recont moot ing, was third in tho list of speak ers, being preceded by Mr. Joseph Cnnnon, spoakor of tho houso. and Mr. Burton, chairman of the house committee on watorwnys. Mr. Teal's address was a very able ono nnd was listened to with mnrked attontlon. Lntor ho was chosen chairman of the committee on reso lutions, n part of the convention's work most important. When the resolutions were pre sented to the convention on the sec ond day he made another spsooh with his oharneterlstlo force, after which the resolutions were passed without alteration. Governor Charoberlaln'a add res was made at the evening seaaion and was receirwl with enthusiastic ap plause, both he and Mr. Teal belug congratulated on the success of their respective efforts. All who attended the convention were stirred up to the Importance of the chief object In view. I. e.. of securing material legislation, which will appropriate mtntmlU fifty mil lions of dollars to bo need In lm provlag aational proJeeU for the lm proveroent of our rirere and harbors under the recommendations of Mr. Burton and hU committee. The concensus of opinion of the ... ..-,.. flint delegates at waaningiuiv ;' one more meeting of this kind, together with the work of the rlv- rs and harbors conuretw unue. i direction of their secretary. Mr. J. F HIllwHi, whose headquarters are at Cincinnati, will be sumclent to arouse public sentiment and turn oongreJ to the point of committing the national goveramv i . nollcy of spending fifty iM t Wholesale Itales. .iK.." - tha - i. n.l merv year oil rphn nobbs-Morrm w""i'"" -uu ---.- ...... ..siiahAra. havo Issued a hanu- UOUIV IIMU.. . millions waterways somely Ulustratod 36-pago page n.ng Sin catalog, which they have of Jo ed to send to any reader of our .. ...iaIi- frflO of magazines m. "--V":, 0nft 0f . ,. i.8oa equalled, one oi Home Miuuzlno - . - frnrSt-thls offer Syquot prices on all leading niag- masJ,ne for tk. ,-M :r ,ng for the heat mrm0 free for the asking. p ' m. a postal card iou - . Merrill Company. Department, l .Jv Notice, ''" rSS'Si'SS holders or ina v . banking UC1U - 'iOWw 1907. annual mecw-a of the Capital Natluaal - caiflin will bo : .... i Rnism. Oregon, nouso . ' . january. i day tho eight day oi Jan L . omtfon. Dec "' Beecham's Pills When lack of appetite is caused by overeating, take Beecham's Pills to relieve the feeling of heaviness. When a sick stomach takes away ?l'..dcs? for ,ood- u'c Hcccham'9 Pills. They invariably tone the ai gcstion and Gratt Good AppttiU Bold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and t5c TffrtiejlttuUxfttf34Wtttttt ii CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ii 1 1 fLUMXHM. ei-HJ-Mlfi nmciv Brick furnlMicil in largo or smaII quantities. Irt9ctt brick inado to order. Ynwl on State Street, aoHth of Penitentiary. SALKM lmiCTC YAUl) A. A. liURTOX. Pnm. DRAYMEN. - ll. O. Cuintnlns Successor to Whlto Cummins, express, dollveVy nnd trnnsfor lino. Prompt sorvlco is our motto. Furniture and piano moving n spoclalty. Stnnd nt 166 South Commorclnl street. Phono 175. Itosldonco phono D68. S-4-tf TOR MIX. lor Sail' A top btiRcr for S18: huelc bonrd for $13; rondcart for $5. En qulro of Wornor Fonnol, 803 N. Llborty St. ia-17-lmo. WE SHOULDKlt TH1J HKSPOXSI1UMTV Of what wo sny. Whon wo sorvo you with bread, rolls, cake, pies, etc., you'ro assured of getting tho best bakery products obtntnnblo. Our goods aro mado in tho most cleanly surroundings and strictly jniro. Fresh dally, nnd always toothsomo and wholosomo. Wo also bako special cakos for woddlncs nnd othor occa sions to order ou short notice C. ULLOM. Cnpllnl Ilnkery. LODGES. & tlSBBtt k tv v iM' ''iKiiW.aj a m Foresters tf Amcrirn Court Bhor wood Foresters. No. 10. Meets Tuosday In Hurst hall, Stato street U. S. Itldor. C. It.; A. L. Drown, F. S. Cent ml IamIro No. 18, K. ot P. Castio Hnll in Holnian block, cor nor Stnto and Llborty otroots. Tuesday of each wook nt 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hanrd. C. C; W. I. Staloy, K, of It. nnd S. Modem Woodmen of Ainerlrn Ore gon Ccdnr Camp Not 5240. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt 3 o'clock In Holmnn hrill. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clork. Tlieo. M. narrPlumblng. hot water and steam hoatlng find UbhIbs;, 1G4 CommerclM streot, Phoae Main 102. 9-1-ly M. J. Petsel-Plumbtng, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox i. Murphy, 220 Commofolal street. 'Phono Main 17. A. Ik rrazor Sneeeaaor to Burroagoj Fraiser, plumber and tlnnw. Msaa faeturer of eopjT and jralranlJ iron eoralte, and metal skylights, 103 Stats street. 'Phoao 1S1L HOFRSSIOXAL. Doctor arlllln, tho Specialist on Mat. phlnc All drug nnd liquor habits which ho cures in from 48 to 72 hours, asks no monoy until curel, Is now locatod at 914 Trade t, (first houso wost ot S, P. frolgat dopot) Salem, Ore. Note. -ty partnership (In this lino) with Dr. D. F. Lane, has boon mutually dk solvod. D. B. Orimn, A. M M. D., John Doyons, Bus, Magr, ia-10-lmo. Dr. line's IVivate lHtlHt Fet t'uo euro ot tho drink and drug habit. A sure and painless cure for all unfortunates, 001 Mill street, Salem, Oregon, Phone 047. 13-14-lm Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, tn Holmnn hall. F It. Cappor, C. 8.; P. L. Fraxlor, Clork. LOST. Tiott Moss acnto pin, oval shapo, between Stockton's nnd asylum. Iteturn to Brown Bash & Door fac tory and receive roward. 12-28-3t. SALKM HOP DKALKMI. O. C. DonovanHop tuorchant rep resents host firm in America. Cor ncr Commorclnl and State streets, Salem. Phono Main 137. SASH AND DOOX rAOTORDM, Frank M, Brown, Manufacturer of rash, dvWri, uiouldlngf. All Mails ot homo nalib and hard wood work. Front street, bet. Stats sad Com I. & ' Tno nbovo cut shows our brick lined Torrid Zono Furnnco. Ouar antood gas nnd dust proof. Hconom leal aad durable; for the partlaulars inquire nt A. L. FRASER , 2SK State Street. Estimates furnished on boating. O. C. T. CO .STEAMERS- pomona AM) OlllttiO.VA LEAVE POIITLA.VD MOXIIAV, WKDNBR DAV AXI) l'UIDAY AT 10 A, M., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AXD SATUUDAYH AT OiOO A. M. FOH COUVALIS TUIiSDAY, TIIUH8DAY AND SATUItDAY AHOVT (I P, SI. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt MISCELLAXnoUS. BUHERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than nuy othor bread, yot tho prlcu Is no higher. For tmlo nt your grocer'. GALIFOHXIA IIAKKHY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. At Mri. C. II. Witlker 221 Com. morolal street, you enn get your olothee dyed, cleanml, pressed or repaired. ANythlng from a pair ot cloves to the most olaborate silk eown. Velvet collars put on, aad coats rellned. Phone 1248. Unite .V Wendcrolh -Fltio wlnee, liquors and elinra. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Outlo whiskies. Cool und refrMhlng ber constantly on drouglt. South Commorolnl streot 0-3-lyr imnravemente Mr Peters thinks that Oregon should be congratulated for having o able and einclent a person as Mr. Teal to load thU movement in our state. Hverybody know., who has any knowlede of the subject, that B, has at sreat snerlfloe of his time worked unttrlagly not only in the inters of rivers and harbor im provement., but for btttar trans," latlon faeilitle In other respects as Wtegon bus been heard from no usceriaiR way. we "" "" " wiTSl wf IN, the organlzaUon Zt in. Utr- -Jd I arbors eongre has yet t J " After the oveflUH t aB0K ZLai days 1b Baltimore, ble old MflALa in. relations reside. CW Jl-i in thee oitles since bU TvuuT I . however. ba no long SJexchabispreeent home for aBy plaee In the east. iuLytfm I Gold Dust Flout Made by TID3 SYDXBY TOW ER COJCPANY, ttdney, Oregon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for it. Bran aad shorts alwuye on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT inataMigt mr """" Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma ohlnlsts nnd blacksmiths. Mann faoturors of all kinds of sawmill maohlnery. Hop and fruit drying stores, etc Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Pre". Lincoln Annuity fnlon. -Slok, nocl- dent and pension iniuranoei ?3. 000,000 pledged; every elalm paid Oood anenta wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supreme organiser. Box 432 Balom. Oregon. It. n. Ryan, secrcotary. K0 State street. NEW AXD HECOXIMlAXli GOODS. Bought and sold, also ranges, stonts and cooking utensils, dish es, cranlto and tinware of all kinds Giro us a call. O. L. Mcl'eek, 170 Monti, rvitnrnorclal St. 8-13-ly ' VETEROTAItY aUTWaJOM. Dr, B. J. Young. Velerl nary ftarn ..and dentist, 33 years' experience All work guaranteed. Difficult Wf- (leal operations a specialty. Piea 681. Office at Club Stable. Pboa 7, Salem, Oregon, 8-9-tt WANTED. . Wnuleil Chambormald; sternly Job. Ilnqulre Wlllnmutto Hotel. 13J20.lf. i t i ii ' Wnutcd. 1000 ohlokens nt Wlllarp. otto Hotel. The highest cash price will be paid. lMQ-tf Wnutcd Immediately A good byy and pony to deliver papers. Apply at Journal oftice. ll-O-tft Wanted. Plte to ten cordj of good fir wood Apply to It. llofor, Jour unl oince lS.2C.lf Voting Man Wauled For porter work at W. B. GlUgn'a barber shop. 12-20-1! Wnutcd To eugage 10 or 18 wait rese for legislature in January, Apply at onee at Willamette Ho-' tol. 11-19-tt OSTOOPATm Watilctl Stock hogs for feedlngr ohlokens, ducks and all kinds of poultry. Highest price paid. Hop Leo Co., 181 Commercial street, Salem, Or. 1S-8'U WanCiHl Porter, floo.1 wagfs ami stead,- job. Willamette Hotel. 12-3s4f, Wantctl-eO ncr of land, cleared! pay $100 per awe. Address E, 0. Horst Co, per J. O. MQrrUomJn- '..i.i.nAaiic. Or. II'3S-3t Dr. W. L. Moroer. Graduate of Kirks rill. Mo., under founder of oetso trttbr. Beemi 23-20 Brejmaa bblg. OemmsreUl St. Pbooe viv. 419 Korta Hammer vre. toae 614. Treat ui im Br. dUeaie. Hxawlaatlea fr I I Oemm Woven Wire Fencing j- ' . .. ,...j. tnn u'ir PlnVeta. ! .n.,., OI ail kihu. "! , wm- .... ... QMneiA and P. & D. ' ii, ii. ii. White Owduate ot KIrk roeie, ui, w.c. """' ... . -. f m. vllie, Jio. uaocr uuuus. " teopathy. Hoom 31, Dreyinan building, Commercial strwv. Paoae 87. Baeidenea 50 Sutamer street, earner t Center. Phone 1219 Treats acute and ebreale diseases. HumiMtloa tn 11-17-tf ready roofing. All at lowest prise Walter Morley 250 CoiHtSt. Salem, Ore, WATIH CWFANY. SALEM WAT CQHtkM ornojj CITY HALL. For water rvle apply t mile pyW monthly la aavssf Make all coejpUlot at Ibo el. ajt mfru. mihtih uty. t'Ji!!iIilJ SUkS9kmkftk,S,CStm sjk n 5 B K 1 1 ETJalkliB i m lm w-- - ..isjalllMCIte4 r? 4,f'S.,.isvssscrrM1 sEhiaiir awe' . T'rr ... .ki uMiin i.ii. . f-i ViSiMaili.t TOC M nfai4MS COHMT AC ... wvwr 'ttUUt VOX SruIiTli ii 1 e iZ& Zitvi'i ! t -Vb-nvVf "Wl II mmm jsssgsa t ??. mETTZuiimU. to I ti.til . r -.-"-, &v&aa&& ta r " " "s t mmitCi.Wm wTS3 rkrwww.! Si tS A 5W u are, looking; for something J ml im rmi ei aea Y Jb W1LLSON i;.l0-lmo Kt'.i'f "".'" jrt'wri''"'fCTHlfc t&H..Tt - i"n"