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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
W 'fcLrV ? DAILY CATITAL JOURNAL, BALES!, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1000 1 fn -j '"t" if' mmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmMMmmmmmmmmmmmmt in f 1 I ' X. ,V. N -X. F w i xuni!i. mkz. , . 'th: L y - r mrn Tt J -MJt m th; :,wo n The Family Physician GRIFFITH COMING TONIGHT Tho eminent American tragedian, John Grlfflth, is playing Shnkes pearo'B subllmo tragedy "King Rich ard tho Third," this season and has in every city along his route drawn troinondoiiB audiences and aroused great enthusiasm. He is a big, man ly follow, full ,of devotion to his art, and ills portrayal of this most stren uous rolo certainly Alls tho eyo and satisfies tho mind of tho most exact ing critic. Mr. Grlillth appears hero tonight, Docombor 20th at tho Grand opera house and will bo a most wel come visitor. Tho Indications nro 'lRt ho will rospent his usual success 'ore, both from an art lstlc and finan cial standpoint. Great care has boon aken by his management to provldo 1 lm with nn entirely competent com any of Shakespearean players, The 'cetilc, costume and pictorial require- nets of tho play will have generous .utmoiit. MELVILLE MONDAY. nlnir. un "HIh basons that Miss presenting ml playing the title nt Posey County girl, ch sho originated, nearly l0sho has nppoarcd In fhl .Ni . XCoHllnii C3 NHctxikiiK.y r-- Dii.i.. .. "" V -xJJo, ,, .A?.0 O'ShtjA I, . - ,;:; V" M been iHt ,,i . itJJtt. m- fM .: " ttho chnrnctoi t . "H .T l MKd .....1 .A In ,.. ...... . .l f'( "fLjjF o n,lV0 Wtttchod tho aHi 'S:3Mf Qstttgo story of "Sis Is fSSSW ' I ' , " 1., ' 1 f il fill jl 'cparatlourorAs- V U'wKlatuincCula- M luiandDowclscf V ti, H H .sKonXhetrful- 7jCoUJnsnclttr m m gi j.dyforCoasHwi- H Uwftch.DianlKk, I .LOSS OF SLEEP. M Hu minwi - H 1 Mr .a&W0&& K H TKW YOHK. If 'iMHRHHHHHLVHKfflHHIH W' lliiHiiHiVHiHMHB-HNtHLiiBBIiB P I tXACTCOfr-DrWIUWKIl. I lfc-ww "il 1 s jHHHMHHHHHHH- The best medicines In the world cannot take the olace of the ismnjr pnysician Consult him carlv when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Do as he says. WahtuaoiiMrttil We publish J.CArarCo., t a ffrrgiiiUofiltonrprprtlotn. IitnrU,Mi. (Hopkins" life. During this period, Miss Melville has travelled over 100, ouu miles uy ran, stage concn nnu steamor. Sho has worn out live dif ferent sets of those odd costumes in which "Sis" is so quaint a figure, and has lost and broken over 20 sets of those funny little pink celluloid side combs with which her pig-tailed hair is held in place. Miss Melville with a splendid company will present "Sis Hopkins" at tho Salem Grand opera house Mon day night. o SUNDAY SERVICES First Presbyterian. Morning sorvlco 10:30 n. m. Preaching by tho pastor. Thome, "Serving Christ Through Humanity." Evening service, 7:30 p. m themo, "What Js Your Life." Tho nnnunl collection for Board of Frcedmcn. Central Congregational. Nliioteonth and Ferry Streets, P. S. Knight, pastor. Morning nnd evening services tomorrow conducted by tho pastor. Sunday school, 10 n. m. Endeavor mooting G:30 p. m. Dlblo Btudy Thursday ovoning. CoHtiel Chapel. Fifteenth and Mills streets. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Preaching nt 11 a. m nnd 7:30 p. m. Testi mony mooting nt C:30 p. in. Prayer mooting Friday ovoning. Strnngers nro welcomed. V. N. McCandllsh. pnstor. First Congregational. Center and Llborty strcotB, Rev. F. 13. Doll, pastor. Sunday worship at this church as follews: Preaching by tho pastor at 10:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tho thomo for tho morn ing hour will bo, "Seeming Inoqunll tlos vs. Ileal Inequalities." Subject for ovoning coiiBldorntlon, "At tho Gravq of 19(1(1." Sunday school at 12 m. Young PoopIo'B meeting nt 0:30 p. m. Prayer mooting Thurs day ovoning at 7:30 p. m. Tcachors meeting Immediately oftor prayor mooting. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith will Blng nt tho ovoning sorvlco. Tho strangor always rocolvos tho Bamo kindly grootlng of welcome as doos tho rosldont mombor. United Evangellral. Thomo, 11:00 a. in.. "Keeping God's ohnrgo"; 7:30 p. m., thomo, "GlftB from Above" Sunday sohpol 10:00 a. in. K. L. of C. E C:30 p in. Hov. II. A. Dock, pastor. St. John's Lutheran. Hogular Sunday sorvlco at 11:30 a. in. In tho Gormnn Lutheran St. John's church, comor Center and Fourtoonth stroots. Hov. Goo. Engel, pastor. First Methodist Episcopal. Row V, H Selleck will preach at 10:30 a. nrfon "Life, an Organic CASTORIA Tor Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Vmc etiT comot, iw otr. Bears the AX Signature AA fiT ill W For Unity." Music appropriate for tho close of tho year. In tho evening a sorvlco that no ono can afford to misB, in chargo of tho Y. M. C. A. Epworth and Intermediate Leagues at C:30 p. m. All aro .cordially in vited. First Christian. Regular servlcea at 10:30 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. Respective themes. "Things to Forget Things to Re member," and "What if Christ Had not dome?" Dlblo school 12 m. Junior C. E 3:30 pi m. Senior C B., G:30 p. m. Strangers and visi tors cordially invited 'and welcome. Rev. D. Errett, pastor. Christina Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemeketa street. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject of lesson sermen: "God." Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. The Wednesday evening meeting Is held at 7:30 v. m. Reading room In tho church open each afternoon except Sunday. All aro cordially invited to attend the services nnd tho reading room. AV. C. T. V. Mr. A. R. Marker, a law student of tho Willamette University, will address tho Gospel Temporanco meet ing Svndny at. 4 p. in,. Everyone In terested Invited. o A .Western Wonder. Thoro'B a Hill at Dowlo, Tox , that's twice as big as last year. This wondor is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to ovor 180. Ho Bays: "I havo Buf fered with a torrlblo cough, when I began taking Dr. King's Now Dlscov ory for Consumption, Coughs nud Colds. Now, aftor taking 12 bottles, I havo moro than doubled in weight and am complotoly curod." Only Buro Cough nnd Cold cure. Guaran teed by J. C. Perry, druggist; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle freo. o Serious Charges Against Olllctal. Lagos, West Africa. Dec. 29. An Inquiry Is being hold hero today by tho president commissioner Into charges preforred against tho port master. It Is alleged that when a number of nntlves demanded pay duo to thorn ho ordered them out mid stream and thcro had thirty lsishcfi given each of them. Is asserted that when tho men asked for their wnges they woro nonrly starving. Outwits tho Surgeon. A complication of female troubles, with cutarrh of tho stomach and bowels,' had reduced Mrs. Thomas S. Austin, of Loavonworth, Ind., to such a doplorablo condition, that her doc tor advised nn operation; but hor hits band foaring fatal results, postponod this to try Electric DIttcra; and to tho amazement of all who know her, this medlclno completely cured her. Guaranteed cure for torpid llvor, kldnoy dlscaso, biliousness, jaun dlnco, chills npd fovor, general do blllty, norvousness nnd blood poison ing. Dost tonic made. Prlco EOo at J. C. Perry's drug store. Try it. o Asks Damage. Basil 11. WnBiior this morning commenced an action in department 2 of tho Marlon county circuit court against tho Western Union Tolograph company asking judgment against tho snld defendant for tha sum of Tho comylnlnt state that on or about tho 28th day of May, 1900. the plaintiff applied for a position In the store of 11. M. Dohrunds & Co,, of Junoau. Alaska. The plaintiff statos that tho said firm through Frod Wllllani3 accoptod tho propo sltion of tho plaintiff and agreed to employ him for tho poriod of ono year ut n salary of $100 per month, Tho petition statos that a mossago to that offect was xlollverod to tho Western Union Tolograph company nnd was duly received at the said company's offlco In Salem, but through gross nogltgonce failed and negloctod to dollver tho messago and wired back to tho ofllco In Juneau that Wnsnor ws In South Dakota. Tho plalutlff thoroforo asks for $450 damages and for tho mes sages which were sent and paid for by his friend Williams. Attorney Bigger appears in the caso for tho plaintiff. -c Indiana Journal's Corn Rlvow. Lafayette, Dec. 29. Tho corn show promoted by tho Lafayette Journal for tho purposes of Inter ostlng farmers in corn Improvement was held hero today nnd was highly successful, as there was n largo num ber of exhibits from all parts of the state and u capital attendance. Prof. G. J. Christie of Purdue University, who acted as judco, stated that some of tho samples were as flno as could bo produced, DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR "Will treat you with Oriental herb and cure any disease without operntloo or pain. Dr. Kum is known everywhoro in Salem, and has cured many prorainoni peoplo hero. Ho has lived in Salem for 20 ycras, and can bo truBted. He uses mnny medicines unknown to white doctors, and with them can cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheu matlsm, stomach, Uvor, and kidney dla eases. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. His remodioa euro privato diseases when everything else fails. Ho has hundreds of testi monlals, and gives consultation froo Prices for medicines vory moderate. Persons in tho country can write for blank. Send stamp. If you want nomo extra fino tea, gut it from u. DE. KUM BOW WO CO., 107 South High street, Salem, Orogoa THE HEN That sclenco has persuaded to lay seven times hor own weight in eggs a year. Tho av- orago hofa lays only GO eggs in a yonr. But now comes the scientific mixed feed that will keep her In perfect health and mnko her produce seven times hor weight in eggs overy yenr. Coulson's Improved Mnsh Food will do it. Coulson's No. 3 Condition Powders for poultry also keops them In good health For circular and full explana tion call on TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. Yes, It's Over Tho holiday cakes havo all been mnde. and In Snlcm a great majority of them wore produced with Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder Now surely If It Is good enough for Chrlstmns it is good enough for everyday. Ask your grocer for It overy time. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon HOTEL OREGON Corner of Seventh and Stark Struct Portland, Oregon. Tho new and modern hotel of tho dtj Caters particularly to residents of 8a lem and other Oregon cltlos. European plnn. Free bus. Rates $1.00 per daj and upward, llammomeat grill in th Weat, and pricoH an low as in placet leas attractive. Dally Capital Joarmt ou file. WKIOHT-DICKENSOlf HOTEL 00. The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's Stable. Up-to-date livery nnd cab line. Funeral turnouts & specialty. Tally, ho for picnics and excursions. Phone 44. OHAS, W. YANNKE, Prop 247 aad 249 High Street. Spent wisely k the source of aucb mjcuob, wky m mA Httk of It wisely bow fevyjjic srori of us? I C7 tffis)TKBJf7 ""- 1 (s7 r Pj? ( mwmMT-cw, SALEM, OREGON. A thorough business training school, skilled teachers a nfiinnl nnd afterwards. Wo cannot sunulv nil nt .. ' Dtb nri tim rinmnnil will bo creator next vnnr. "" i TTnr nlv wnnkfl nr tWO months following thn fli ... .. ,. .-. - --- ... mat ui ma yonp iij ,iloottr,T,o nnw nrn thnt. nvnrv desk In nur andnni .,.. . 'variUJ u.v..w..." -V..WU1 vui UQ takm .i, r. nv'nanf tn lioirln fttnn nli4ii1r1 nntlfv im nr. '" nuu i-. a -.w uo ouun as posslM.' a deBk may bo reserved. Vh, THE CAPITAL CITY OF OREGON' Ts nn ideal school city. Tho surroundincs nrn fion.. An nt llitltit. a tnnph Inaa tnnn In n Inrirat. nl.. t. . m7 uuau ui i.u. .. . ...tov. wi.v. u yOU aj- wi I. mnlftntr n aiinpnQafiil fltnrf In liiialnatin n ... i. X uu m !"....& " " - - ..-wjo, ivi, ub snow yof UUILUI BIHIUUI tmruiiiubvn y,n uu uuu huji VJUtO, m nny j)fl3 now catalogue ior ino asmug. W T OTAT r?fr . -t-M-4-W-e94..( z . . GET Wo havo sampled tho city with Wild Itoso Flour, get n sample, call nt the ofllec and GET ONE. When yon buy flour ho sure it is like the snmplc. WILD ROSE FLOUR $1.00 n snek nt all grocers. Mmlo from old wheat, too. l44H4H'l-M-'r'fHr'f-M4-i Calendars Did you get ono of our calendars Inst year? Wo did not havo enough to go around to all our customers, nnd you mny bo one of thoso who failed to secure ono. Wo do not want to mis you this year. Wo want ono of our art calendars In tho homo of ovory ono of our customers. Our cal endars for 1907 aro tho most beauti ful art productions over distributed by us, and really worthy of a perma nent place among tho pictures on tho walls of any house. Wo know you will want one, nnd havo saved it for you, and sliall bo glad to prosent It if you call nt our ofllco after Decem ber 17, 1900, and wo find your namo on our books. Wo would llko to see ono of our cnlondars In every homo i ready, to fill tho largest tea In Salem, but aro only propnred to promptly. Wo don't keep lie I supply our customers. Wo wnnt to or waiting. That's a very lawl boo your work coming our way, and 'point. Xenr S. P. passenger I will glvo you value re:elved for your . Phono 52 Main. money. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Phono 23. ISG-ltiO S. Liberty St. General ..Machine Works.. E. M. KIGUTLINGER, Machinist and Manager. 17 South Liberty St. WE 1JUIL1) ANYTHING THAT CAN BE RLVDE FROM IRON OR STEEL. NONE RUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED. General Repairing Solicited 9-19-lm Highest Price For POULTRY AND EGGS POTATOES ONIONS AND ALL PRODUCE CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St. OUK .MEATS AKB ALWAYS THE BEST. Fqr we take especial care to buy none but tho best, and our customers caa always depend upon getting the oest is the market at right Drlc KHEn i m ". ' T'tt when they buy at our market. m& tt x, uiflLEn, ftlncbiYA O NE? If you did i j FOR JOIST AND FLOORING Tho best placo to buy Is wberfj best Btock of lumber is carried. J outlro building trade know thoro Is not a finer Btock o( la thnn that carried by us. tfe I GOODALE LUMBER CO., iWfcMIMfcJIf Served to Queen's Taste .. . x on txitvn Tint Anu aiwuja oi&w"""ji the ways upon which you caj pond In getting your meals t you cat at tho Win. McGIlchrlst & Son, White House Restart Wm. McGilchlrst & Son. H. S.Gile&Cfl Wholesale Gfoecrs a mission Merchaat In tho mnrket at all Us" dried fruit and farm produM kinds. Snecial Wo have for sale a few prM lnc and slicing machines! for a largo dryer; will v prlco. . nrlce l it nnv u i" '- ..t i when that price carrl'j worth or sausi'- expended. See us for Pc walk lumber. Vogct Lumbef and Fuel Com HOU.I5TSJ2 KtCKV mmiw j u,. Q-Jdea Held M rZjt X .p-4flo tor Cto&Uft"fiilgl Ct&&alk& BWcw Uwrtue fer K. O. CfttOM, sswsw553ii i XMstt : ,8 Mufc pj mi CI huuuk" '- s. WWWB NPV ,9 9t fB iW W