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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
mnw Wnw- j Opa House F ooiU)HAV, Manager. JRDAY, DEC. 20 Us LEADING TRAGEDIAN ft GRIFFITH Lncrlor Company in u Mnjes- nerlrnl of SliiiKcspeare's immortal xrngcuy. ifi RICHARD HE THIRD .1 kq $1.00,' 75c and 50c. Leats bocin Saturday. 9 a. m. at UOX OIUCH. PAILT CAPITAL JQUnXAL, SALEM, iiirj Opera Hotise IjNO. r wnunn,i ui JONDAY, DEC. 3 J j. R. STIRLING eti the Artistic Comedienne lose Melville i tie Characteristic Play- lS Hopkins" WAV A PLOT knrosE op sense wr Wending of Fun and Ear- nnt Full of Laughs. IfMtornl Comedy lilt. New and Ubl Scenery. New Music. Xew titles. L time! Last chance to see the i "SnaUeiitlne Ranee." Ich 25c, 50c 7Gc and $1.00. I alt at box ofllco Monday 9 a. ra linger GtfancJ. J. A. COOPER l'ltKSEXTIXG THE )pe- Belmot Company I Dark Nights HtDAV MATINEE 2:il0 P. M. Auditorium I0LLER RINK. toiler Skating Stoudenmcyer's Orchestra. HOURS OP SKATING. (orniuBs 10 to 12. Afternoon 'J to 5 Evenings 7:80 to 10. 1 die morning no admission will be cUrgcd. In the afternoon i ladles and Children (under 1 I) 'Imltted free. pr Competent Instructors at all Sessions. WITS, NUTS, MINCE MEAT roceries ! im fact everything in the lino of nablo holiday goods and dell- es may bo found in stock at our e Don't overlook. miNGTON HALL COFFEE pfre us a call and be convinced of ' 'uperiorlty of our service. H. M. Branson State. SEATTLE SALEM ONCERN Said to Pave Raked in Fifty Thousand A Capital Commission Co mpany Employe Placed Under Arrest onimoy. sathiiiay. iihi'ksiiikii mi, iooo DAVEY GIVES FIGURES Shows He Has Speak ership Well in Hand Beleives He Has More Than Enough to Land the Prize Upon tolographlc Information from Sheriff Smith, of Seattle, Sheriff Cul ver and Deputy Sheriff Mlnto placed under arrest John v wiwn.n. proprietor of the Capital Commission company, upon the charge of making false statements of tho assets of the National Brokerage company, of Seattle, for the purposo of swindle. Mr. Wentworth was taken before Justice of tho Poaco Webster where n fugltivo warrant was sworn out by Sheriff Culver, and, upon Ids mak ing a deposit of $150 covered by his personal check, for his appearance In court Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, ho was released and returned to his npartmonts In tho Wlllametto hotol. Mr. Wentworth, In an interview with The Journal reporter, admitted having been idontlflod with the company accused of swindling dlvors pnrtlos out of money nggrogatlng an nllogos amount of $50,000 in Ore gon and Washington, of which be was vice president, but bo disclaims any positive knowledgo of Its illogal dealings. Ho Intonds to fight the enso to tho bitter end ,to establish his innoconco in connection with tho association. "Tills proceeding," said Mr. Wont worth, whon scon in bis apartments tit the Wlllametto hotol last evening, "cortnlnly como as a groat surprlBO and about all I can sny Is that It looks to mo llko a rank squooze. "In Mar of this year I answorod nn ndvortlsomont of tho National Brokerngo company, of Sonttle, for n partner nnd upon the representa tions of Morohnnt and HlUlgnrd took out ?2,500 In stock. 1 came to Portland at onco nnd opened up a branch bouse on Front street and conducted the business for three month!. "I frequently wrote for statements of the financial statue of the Institu tion and, receiving none, I Anally wrote Mr. Merchant, the secretary, and told him I was "' satisfied with tbe associations way of doing busi ness nnd wanted to get out of It. Mr Merchant told me he would dud somebody to relieve me of my holdings and. sometime later In formed me he had proeured a pur chaser named A. II. Adams. I ra celved $1,300 in omIi d " for ?200 from Mr. Merchant. Later Mr. Adams gave me lilt note, pay able in CO days, for $500. wb ch I .till have in my possession, ami Mr. Merchant tendered me a ea.l I. check for $900. which was later turned the Portland business and my stock, although I have never orally transferred the Utter m which I have been oonduotlnK ever alnee five months ago. ""?. .v.r - ""' m., directly Irom 8r. ' TV V5s Secretar M ,fl ,7,000. 'iTtb. toil .M.I- ' 9'8 ?havi never made a statement to I hae ne financial WL of There standing or u . . MrJdliV to recover 18.000 mm, Mr Adapu asked me to whlcn wr. uu" , have no concerned.' fiolnc to .TamcMotm. S .r will leave Monday rox Turner win wUr evening for NorM' "". P. B. IiewnlUavoaPO ofad Davidson, of the exp0sl. , missions ai i Turner did Hon next "; ? awI Clark similar work at the Le fair. , Tho Texas Wonder. an .. Mdder and Cures all aBC'"h--n drug- BUn'fo ii Dr". W V. 2"6 mall for I. "- r .; - gend Oilvo street. . gUm,.fl tor testimonials Sow .7 With nve of the 12 Multnomah county house dolo-ntes to tho com Ing legislature pledgod to his sup Port, backed up by nt least 30 mom- linra nt ffir. In....... i .. w wi u iuor urnncu oi tuo as sembly, also pledged to his support for the speakership, thoro scorns no question of doubt ai to the success of tbe candidacy of Frank J. Davoy, of this county for that onerous of fice during the coming sosslon of the legislature. It only takes 30 votes to elect tho speaker of tho approach ing session, yet Mr. Davoy claims to havo at least 35 pledged to his sup port and he feels confident that ho will win out upon the first ballot In the Republican caucus. This taken tosothor with tho claims of Senntor Haines, of Wash ington county, thnt ho has as least 15 votos plodsod to his support for tho prosldoncy of tho sonnto, when It only tnkos 13 to elect, would np poar to set aside all doubt of an onrly organization of tho assembly and that body should got down to a practical working hasls upon tho very first day of tho session, which will bo somothlnz out of tho ordi nary. Mr. Davoy says that, as a result of a vory recent caucus of sovoral mombors of tho Multnomah count' dologntlon, five of tho mombors of the hou declared tholr Intontlon of supporting him for tho Bpenkor- shlp which action practically cinched his chancos for occupnncy of tho much-covotod "liluh chair" of the lower branch. Thoso flvo said to havo announced tholr support to Mr. Davoy aro Heprosontntlves Adams, Burns. Ilnyer, CofToy and Drlscoll nnd Mr. Davoy thinks be will possibly get two more oi mo """" countv dele-ation. Aside from theae Mr. Davey an nounces that be has been fioiUlrely assured of the support of the three delegates from Lane ceunty: two from three from I.lnn; one from Coes: one from Croek: two from Yamhill: positively two and posaluly three from Clackamas: one from Baker; one from Malheur; one from Wallewa: three from Umatilla: two from Sherman. Ollllam and Wheeler: five from Marlen: one from Colum-bla- one from Wasco, and one from a,;nn maklnit him an abeolut Legislature Will Soon Be In Session And you'll want to fee at yout beste Come hete and let ts fix you otit in one of out stylish Stiits o CVCoats PRICES $ J 0.00 TO $25,001 Copyright ItOS Th Haui of Kuponhlmr Salem Woolen Mill Stoe. or Ready for New Year Now HIMIMIIIIIHH"""111111 We are always prepared for any occasion and our line of stock Is just as sood and alwoet as com plete a It was for Christmas. At the Same Old Stand. A. L. Harvey's Cor. Court and High Sts., Salem. I'hoiio 5110 Main. total of 33 votos In the cnucus, three more tlinn necessary. Asldo from this Mr. Davoy has reason td bollovo thnt ho will got the two mombors from Clatsop; ouo from Douglas; one from Curry; threo from Washington and ono from Till nmook counties, nil of which ho does not lav positive claim to nnd which would put him high and dry out of nil reasonable doubt of oloctlon and ho feels morally certain of election. "Of course." said Mr. Davey, "thoro Is ninny n slip twlxt tho cup nnd the Up' all of which I fully ronl Uo, but 1 havo sont out pursonnl lot tors of inquiry to nil of thoso who had provlously plodged tholr support to mo orally nnd In ovary enso, I miL.iit nv. 1 have reoalved tholr pos itively promise ovor tholr slgnnturoH to vote for mo for tho sponuorsinp. Therefore, I beliovo thnt I havo rea son to feel morally certain oi suc cess In iffy candldnoy." Xcvv Curo for Kpllcpsy. J. B. Watoruinn, of Watortow n, ... i... int.. O., ruralfroo dolivery, wruw. daughter, nflllcted for years wun epilepsy, waB cured by Dr. King's Now Life Pills. She baa not hod on attack for over two years." Best body cleftMrs and life giving tonic pills on arth: J5e at J. C. Perry's drug stoft. . -o- ' Ilrldst All HlubU Hoadmaater McCorkle. rwrsoant- Ing the Marlon county eourt and Cominlsaloners Klllew and Lewellen, f rianlinnins county. Inspeoted tho joint bridge over Ilutlo oreek yoster- day on the road leaiunjj irom c.m Mills to Wllbolt springs. The bridge was built by the two oountlea nt a cost of 11.300 and was pronounced .atlsfactory by tho Hentiemen w examined It. n - Long Teimessco l'lght. For 20 yearn W. h. Bawls of Bolls, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "Tho Bwolllng and soronoss Insldo my noso was fearful, till I be gan applying Bucklen'a Arnica Salve to tho soro surface; this caused the 6orenea nnd swelling to disappear, never to return." Beet salvo In ex Istonoe; 25o at J. C.Perry's druggist. SISTER CRAWFORD DEPARTS Pentacostal Outpouring of Unknown Tonuues at Pas senger Station This Morning "Miuk-a-lml; hoiimtlo eton." This and moro too. foil from tho lips of Brother Solkeld at tho pns sougur station this morning. As bo concluded his remarks which ho said wore words direct from tho Holy Ohost In unknown tongues, "Wo shall nnd tho Heathen" was sung by Sister Wiley In her own peoullar. way. A twelve foot ring was formud and lot of wlerd lnonntatlons woro Indulged In for a few momsntfl. All this was lu hoHor ut the de parture of Sister Crawford, who left this morulHK for her home In I.oti AnsreJee. Ulster Crawford has for the past twu weeks been HMlsUng Mr Ryan and tbe other I'entaoostnl MrV.r. Ill UlS "TOIIKUWS Of llrH meeUngs at tbe nilwlon on Twelfth street. In ooinuany with her little daughter, alio has none back to tho Azuzu street nilwlon. Slater Crawford bos gone. Ulster Olaseo has gone. Sister Crawford's little girl has gone This leave only Brother Holkeld, star Interpreter of the writing of tbe Holy Spirit, Blstor wiiev. tbe Kreat poetess nnd com- ...r nrniher Williams, tho pulo nnd listless proplicit nnd tho local talent of moro or less ability, Mr Itvnn it oca not Intend to close tho meetings by any manner of menus nnd nightly sonnces will bo hold ns long as unknown messages aro tuMidod down. o . .... , William Mnfticy HoblK'd. William Mnssoy, of I.nko I.ablsh, returned homo from town having l IAA I.. I. Itltf l.iiM.n,. Iirintnf J fUV III VWBM ,11 .III. IIUII.VIH fwvw. Ho ohnngud clothes nnd put on his working garments, but did not ro iiiovo the monoy from tho pockots. In tho brond day llsilit, xoou after .... . wnrds, soma unKnown tnioi onioreu ? iiiu iiiiunv, aiuiu ii uivn tho $00. Tho thtot was consldoratu onough to leave tho trousers In Mr, Mnssoy's yard. l-'rom out tho ashes of tho pusl, Sho looms n wondrous sun, And all tho splondors of hor worth (.- Aro only Just beg""! Hocky Moun tnln Ten. Dr. Btono'a BtorCj, 'g of L hnol dli Soon Vote Tax Dtmii. There wna a mass vntura nf lha 1'rlllslM, lu MnrntHlMUfh, VOfl&rday OJ, l,,Vlf" to wmslder lV4'llw,!ulor A lug h sperlal ST til ' nt vrctS ,.,.r,UUM ovr nuy v .. r. h nresent. nml uiioMi ,0"' . bo TvE . k ..lUltUM ...a Dftvldson that tUeiTL-.u(' .,.1....Ia Iri n talA Vl -. (hl l "'' ,w wns killed Uy a vet' or tbe rolil tax, n ft-T It's the natural f( body. sdenUfioolly c producing elements any other medlot Hooky Mountain Tu lots. 38 cents. Dr. h. 4 - -, i.,W'"'. foMPV Xl. CrJ II o A. t& 1 -3 o. -C A- Bursts BJjatw cf naisdYwHanAHnffBos rrfTWZMtS fffllif jlfElMnnnnnnnnB' r..- nrj'tral Dpoartmcnt V7UI Wlrv" -r- Will resume Us normal condl tlon asaln. and tho best of atten ,on will be given those who need ourrv.cs. We are equipped with tbe latest Instruments for tasting the eye., and our prl.ea are tbe most reasonable. Chas. H. Hinges. Graduate Ophq . Compressed YEAST The best and most reliable mt on tbe market. If you bav. any trouble making bread we advise you to try Wo are sole agent for It. and make It a point to always ko it frt-fb. One cake and a tick et for S eente. Moir Grocery Company efYP A KICKS Fresh shipment of Nva! Jtf(f' Largest and finest stock U th . fsW APPLES Best quality of Baldwla-i j five tier sixes. FIGS AND DATES Best Erfeeyly washed fMrff . market afford Dates V- packlag house ALL KINDS OF N Prices always right? servK BOTH STORES & 430 BUte Bt. Phone IH3 ROM 410 State Street Grater i J 75 Commercial S. -I drug store. jfaft.jf rf