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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
'ml , apl8toJ .vlIier u Js OVEnlEN,r WEATIIER FORECAST CUDV TONIGHT AND SATURRDAY. WANTED YOUR All' IS NKW yKARS CAPITAL JOURNAL. J -fV A T B "-em- - wuAm xuuh All IX XKW YKAKS CAPITAL JOURNAL. jAJLYOAPITAL JOURNAL SALRM, OREGON, FRIDAY, ReXF.MRRR US, 100(1. 925WAR; BUTPOORINPEA FORMERCABINET MINISTER IS INDICTED RELEASE COLORED SOLDIERS nfter the holidays will press a resolu tion providing for the dlscharca of all tho nogro troops. COLORADO I.YXC1IKIIS. Congress Asked to Get Rid of All the Colored Troops Henry Washington, Doc. 2S. Congress will bo urged to rid tho nrmy of all tho negro soldiers next time tho con slderaton of the Brownsvlllu affair arises. Many nrmy officers nnd mom- bers of congross nro panning this. Four resImontH will be offocted, the Ninth nnd Tenth cnvnlry, and the Twenty-fotirth nnd Twonty-flfth In fantry. The nttnck upon Captain .Mncklln, the assault on Mrs. Clifford In Oklahoma, tho riots at Fort Loav- enworth, nil by nosro soldlors, has Increased tho ngitntlon against tho black troopers. Tho negroes have boon good fight ers ngainsL tho Indians, Spnnlnds nnd Filipinos, but their records during peace are filled with storlos of brawls nnd street flshts. Tholr efforts to "shoot up" towns have the result that tho war deimrtment finds It difficult to station nesro troops when not In actlvo service. No community wants them nenr. Protests nrlse as soon as It Is rumored that nocro troops nro to ho stationed at any lost. The samo thins occurs In tho Philip pines, citizens objecting to tho black soldlors being quartered near them Representative Slayden, of Texas, Avcngo Dcntli of Farmer Lnvenitmyrr. Puoblo, Colo., Dec. 28. A special to tho Chieftain from Las Animas says: "Lawrence Loberg was lynched uoro last nl&ht for tho murdor of Ilonry Lavenmayor by n mob of masked men. About 40 entorcd tho Jail before 9 o'clock and easily ovor powered tho sheriff, under shorlft nnd two other offlcors, and locked thorn scciiroly lu a room of tho building. Then the men wont to the coll occu- from hla limbs nr.d took him from the Jail. A lnrso body of mon and boys was waiting outside, nnd when FEMALE INSANE ASYLUM Branch Institution Asked for by Secretary of State. I Hl Reno. Okla., Dec. 2S. Tho race JCQiing u at wiute neat, and threats ot lynching are hoard on overy hand m the result of an aatmult couunlllod on Mrs. T. S. Clifford, wlfo ot n .prominent physician, by a nogro sol dier ot the Twenty-first Infantry. Mrs. Clifford nnd her Blstor, Mrs. S. W Glnrko. woro nttomptliiK to pn8 Ihp soldier when ho viciously grabbed Sirs. Clifford nrounil Mm wnlat nml The chief rocoiniiiGnilntlnn rnn.lAtf.--i,-i.., ,i, n...,, .w-i..i...i.... tnlnod In the biennial report of tholjhnt the sidewalk belonged to htm. secrotnry of state Is for the itnb-prs. Clarke screamed for nMlstnno. llshment of A brnneli Ingtltutlnn ivanvS..i i, ... ..!.... n..i nuu..i..u i... pled by Leberg, .truck the shnckles I th, maln ,,,,, of ,, n l h.j ' " ' ' " w"' lum for the accommodation of feninlo 5 Th news of the altack wread patients. Thli will serve the double tmpldly. and the entire polio de- DlirilOee Of relieving thp COIll'Mtud 'MrtmHl ralnfnPMil liv hmniI hilt.. tho prisoner and his captors ap- condition existing In the main build- J drd men and boyi. Murohwl tua penrod thoy formed a procession anJing for tho ?Ml thne ymn am, ,,ro. nwn nn,, turroUndlus country, but proueifUBu it muii ui.wuitu uuiu i. vll e geonrate aiiartmenta for the dlf MARK RRVTAL ATTACK. Negro Soldier Adds to Race Hitter- lies la Oklahoma. f Jnll and hnnsed the man to n telo graph pole. "Tho self-confeeeed murdoror made no roslstnnce nnd mndo no Btntomont. Before tho mob ronched tho jail Leborc hoard thorn coming. Ho nroso from his cot. drossod hlm- solf cooly nnd nwnlted tho coming of tho avencors of Lnvonmnyor's death. ferent sexes. The approximate cost of Bitch a change, ns eetlmntud by Secretary Dunbar, will be $237,000. The balance of tho odltorlnl ot (tali evening the ehnee was given up, mi the uesro whs In uitltorm nnd (must return to hla poet or soon be- como a dwwrter. Iloth Mrs. Clifford hnd her ae joaltive thoy enn the financial conditions of tho Htnto, as rovlowod by tho stnto tronsuror and publlshod horotoforo, showing that, whllo the stnto Is without bond- the report 1b devoted to n recital ot identify "i mrs. n-d will go to Fort Reno tomorrow aud nttompt to plok Urn out "The lenders of tho mob mndo no;ml indebtedness or outstanding Hn nttnrt in illn2iilso hlmsolf, and It Is declared tho ringleaders arc known to tho Jail officials." o- Ron! Holds Job. Paris, Doc. 28. The chamber of deputies today confirmed tho clcc tlon of Count Bonl do CcBtollono, re futing tho charuos of n corrupt elec tion. tlill)4W jJlWfkrl billty, tho o'terntlon of tho roforon dum upon the gonoral appropriation bill has created doficluncos to tho ox tont that all wnrrnnts nsnlnBt tho treasury will havo to bo ondorscd "not paid for want of funds" for about four months nttor January 1. Ho also recoinmsnds that ndoptlon ot a regulation or standard form ot insurance policy, as hns boon dono In KlhliKH HIS HWKin'IIIWRT. Hay ArmstrongV Uvi Took n niuuluidiil for n Turn. Olrl PROMINENT FINANCIERS INDICTED Charles S.Fairchild and G.B. Perkins Charged With Forgery PORTI MAKIA WORKINO J I'nknown Dngu Kltls Tm Rnllaff Women and Thru Ulnnvlf. South Rend. Ind., Dec 28. Car rlo Vincent, ngod 22, was stabbed to death title morning by nor former Bwoothonrt, Ray Armstrong, who sought to rostoro tho girl to reaped ability. Armtron'''s ndvnncoH woro rotiiRCd nnd then ho killed the glrlLTho-grand PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE ni.ia. iitnlni mn Urn' tlm fnrm mora ntiit trlftil to COMlllllt Itllcldo. IIo H I W...V. W....WK. ..........n ...w - ...... .-. .- ' uniform thus producing moro sntlfl- thotiRht to be dying. o BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT factory rosults than when n nittltl nliclty of forms Is itwil. lie also rocommends Hint the exemptions on Inheritance taxee. In hnrmony with IiiHium Man the reeommondntlon of the Btntej treasuror, be rodttcod from $10,000 to $6,000. -o URSl'KD lY V.tohh. Fhv XlghtM DM)rtN. on Crook Si'ltiiiltz I'lnylng for Time. I Ilend, Dec. SS. John Jonen, son ' of Watt Janet, of Powoll Ilttttee, hns 1 gono Insane and Imagine somo one la trvlne to kill him. Joo Hlllott ana New York. Doc 28. The grand Jury this morning returned several Indlotiiienu In the luHiiraiice frauds, among them Oeo. R. Pevklns nnd O. S. 1'nlrchlld, the big llfo Instinuioo men. Perktue had Ueen told by Jerome tbiit the IndletuieHts would be re turned. He was In court with hla attorney whn the bllle were hnudetl in. lie wrb formally arretted and arralmed before Recorder Ooff. nnd pleaded not sullty with the privilege of withdrawing awl Internostng nn othelr 'ilea If he wlhl before Jan uary 31. The bail nt fixed at $10, 000, whltm was f-nmiBil, br J. P. Morgnu, Jr.. and CllValinul II. Dotlge. The prisoner was rfllonsetl. Former eeoretary of treasury, Otine S. Kalrohlld. ami director of tho New York Life, president of Now York Trust nnd Seaurlty eompnny, wns alio Indicted, alx ludlotmonta ohnrglng him with forgery In tho third dogrvo being returned ngnlnst him Pair ohold Is now In Kurope. The Indict munta asntust both relate to ono Htook transaction of tho Chicago nnd Northwestern rnllrond. Jury'-ancowua.UleiJ.Uj.l report with this Btntoment: "The Jurora dot!.- to record their convic tion thnt tint dofondnntn worn nololy inlluonedd b." n deeirn to benefit tho policy holder, that they did not and could not profit pHrnouiilly, that tho evldunoo shuwe n Inrse peeunliiry benefit was derlvud by tho policy holder." o (Jniit Art Onlh'ry fur .Vtnv York. Now York. Dee. 28. The great art San Francisco, Dec. 28. Attor- Wft(t Jofm nrrvol In Rond Friday gallery and hospital benueeta to Now noys for Mayor Sehmltz nppenrod bo fore Judge Graham this morning to argue a motion for the transfer of Sehmltz' enso from Judso Dunne'i court la order to secure a speely trial. The court granted Schlmtz looking for young Jonon, who had boen out on the deeert five nights, and had arrived In Rond n llttlo while before his father. Ho wns suf fering from the hallucination that murdered Powoll uuue VO OAX F.NP P.VE..V " 6I'EC"; ....c B OP AM. KKIM OP C0Ol. lllinviiy.iui w UUuua, CIX)AKS, nm.s,.aif unsiEIlV. SILKS. DRHSS " ' TWT,yE.VS. DOLM. TOYS. ALL OTTirra iinMTCSTll.?! -J..""- KINDS OP 1IAXDKEKCIHBP8. TION8, MEN'S FINISH!". SHOES. LACE ,nRTS. LAPIBS WRAPPERS, SADIES' BILK IE' """ r . vs OLOTinNG, MWa ' .., xvnm. FLANNELS AND USEFUL ARTICLES OF WfcA RIBRONS, WCRS, 0- CURTAINS, DRESSING THOUSANDS OF OTHER ALL REDUCED TO SUCH LOW PRICES .- a vii SUPPLY . i.'t.t TILT OKA THAT YOU CA..wx - AT TJIK a THIS YTlLTi RE A rus WTE CUT THE xrTT, WAXTS. Tins .-.. CHICAGO STORE, ENOUGH TO MAIVE IT VVST. RICBS DOWN IX)W SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. COTiK. of ComncT' StrMis York City orovldml by the will of Charlea T. Ytrke-t will be nvnllnblo In a very short time, now thnt tho Chicago litigation haH been dUposed of. A meeting of mtrnons prominent In art clrclos will lib held In tho Wal dorf Aatorla tonight to dlncuim plana for the nuw art gullery. It Is stated Ilnn 7.11. the application for a continuance of the rnnoMor Wr after him to kill him Sehmltz and his nttorneya of trying T, . .. or took j,, to Prlnovllle to bunco the Judges, merely trying to nn(1 ,l0 wj proi,ntdy be taken to nn ( that Mr. Yerkoa bojumit will amount 10 OVOr lt,UUU,uuu wuuu uu ihuvi oIrIiiim ugnlnst his ostnto are disposed I soiire delay insteao oi a speeoy iruu a8yun,, Sohmltz flushed under tne cunrge. The transfer of the case Is opposed on tho ground thnt Judge Qraham had no Jurisdiction since Judge I Dunne had not consented to the 'transfer. Pending a decision, Judge ! Graham on motion of tho nttorneya hearing until Monday morning. At torney Johnson for the etato accused for Ruef and Sehmltz for tho ro movnl of tholr casea from Judge Dunne's court, the trial of Ruef and Sohmltz was continued this morning by Judge Dunne until Wednesday morning. Tho court hinted its disap proval of the tactic of the defense, and snld If Sohmltz Buocooded In got ting another Judgo to try his case, Ruef would havo to follow suit The coso of Ruef nnd Chief of Police Dlnan, charged with conspiracy wan called nnd a motion to sot aside the Indictments was argued and contin ued until Monday. RHWARDS FOR WHITH MAN. Oovunior Vimliiuui AftT Lyncher of Innocent Negro. llstlicrV Lone ChrUtiiuw. Rattle. Dec. 2$. The Christmas holidays for Hetber Holy Rollor gl" Sho w and to be away Mitchell, the were not napvi . ,k mnit rmthetlc flg one, one u " . . . uro In woman, ward was that of tho slim, youthfal. meoly frat .,m0 Sitting In tho far corner of her cell, she gazed blankly at the VI tie groups of inmaw. " gloomy. dJe- and m0T0 ?..i.,i she wanted to be from the noise. Occarionally a tear would ilowly trickle down her faco SSr the orte of cheer com ng M the ll of other Inmatei .of the tall would break upon ber and recall the happy Chrlstmaa day. of her 1Z....Ja ai time she struggled d to .UPP- her J-jJg occasionally tear would he hatlty Jackson. MIml. De. 28. Covernor Vardroan offers a reward of $600 each for tho capturo. dead or allvo, of Hal Hlrd, Hrnest Rrown and Dan Karr, white men, who uro alleged to havo ahot Clint Nicholson, nn Inno cont nogro farmor, and burned him whllo dying. Tho governor also of fers $00 for tho capture of Tom Simpson, the negro who murdered Johan O'Rrlen. ft railroad deteotlvo .. -y of. t'o-ojwmtlou in England. Washington. Doc. 28. A consular roport shows thnt the present mem bership of co-operntire societies In Groat Britain numbers 2,269,479, an Inoreaso of 60.000 over the preceding year. Tho aalos for the year amounted to $160,090,000 and tho profits $32.000.00. This enormous ...,n that for the most part goo back to the ce-oporators, under the old regime would have gono to mid dlemen or would hare gone to pay for the waate of competitive warfare linear uh eosdltlons as prevail in this country It would go to further enrloh trust maat ana wonu ollsts. n New (Julwii Sugar Couuwny. Jersey Olty. Dec 26. Tho Santa Clara Raw Sugar company has boon Incorporated horo by llaltlniore, New York and Cuban capitalists. The capital stock Is $3,000,000, of which $1,000,000 Is preferred and $2.000. 000 common. The Iogquletlo sugar factory near Ctenfuego. Cuba, with over 600 acre of land, some thirty mile of narrow gauge railroad, ships and oleolrlc light plant, has beon ac quired. HitglUli Company Work MhrJtw. Iindon, Due 28. A eewpany was finally formed here teday with a uap Ital of $800,000 to work the Hrlllsh Columbia halibut and herring fish, urlea. Mr. Welhley. who was sent on behalf of the promoters to make In vestigations on tho grounds, reported that steam trawlers could he snece fully worked. Operations will bo commenced M soon aa possible n Mr O. ll Btephensoo. of Petersbor t bit-. !'. . "For ow I.. vr I aufferwl consianiij- '"" first Itching, then u n.vm unbearable: UlO Prlrk Will He l'n-lunt. iMitMiiurir. Dec. 38. Henry C - .a riil. Frlctf. will probably uccc. . .--dent Cawatt a president of be Pennsylvania railroad. Frlck the largest shareholder of Pennsylvania and recently was elected a director. in wall trt It ha 'uor for tome time that Frlck vrould bo CasiatU' uccwor. ough, Ont Dt Itching, then Ufdlng; palu al " " . ..i,ariilo: llfo a burden. i' .". ..:,r.hft.r: In vain till I ud rif Ionhardfa Hem-Hold. "'ifflliW ut a few dose- when I bJgan to notice an iwiw?"" dSd to keep on, and now fljr f..T, tt.r hoiM I atn S'd to ty ?"" iniaioly cured. My Kaai hoalth has 8lo.8rtly Improved. nend Hm-Rold to fill ThBt what PilM and I fe convinced that wh f."K'dM for mo It will urdJf do ,TM, great pleasure to rHow- nvJ"n ilcm-ltold to fill Mn It bss done for JKi II 00. Dr. lAionbardt Co., Niinra A N. Y.. Proprietor. Portland, Doc 28. Mr. Jullffl Vlrglnlma nnd her mother. Mrffl Anlnlnn Vlsmn. two Italian womej ttie former very young, woro fatally stabbed this morning at tholr homo! 401 Water street. An Infant woo found wrapped In n hlnnkot on lh floor. On Italian man. who linn notl yet boon Identified, ahot nnd killed hlmsolf this morning ut Tlhr nn Dnvla streets. It Is RUpposed thaU ho la thb murdorur of tho women, To fulfill n vow made lu Italy tliaU If pretty Gulln Vlsmnrnnover uliotiKl wed another sho ahoutd suffer dcathl CI. Hnvlgnunl arrived this tnorntn from !o Angokis, having followed me womnn ntiit way nrnunu tnoj world, lie found her the wlfo.'W Arturo Vlusiil living on Water strce with hushnud. who was nwny. 113 stabbed hla former sweethonrt w n sUlletto. Sho fell dead on t: lloor. druimlng her bnho across in hot stove. The Imby was horribly burned and It Is doubtful It lt f Olivers. He then mnrtnlly stabbed Annln Vlsainra. the mothor of(n young woman who dylns at a litlfia ultnl. SavlBiiunl lied up town ami Hhnt and killed hlmsolf. r. Mniitaiiu Hxeeutloti Poitpoiied,v Annconda, Dfc. 38. Tho oxeouUsni of Henry Pnenua for tho murilpr'gO Susan llryaut, which wan fixtd for. this morning, hns boon postponed, the ronuemnud mairn ntiorncys uavM lodged notice of nppoal to the', su premo court. Pnunnn was tried hr4 .. ..4 -....! , .l..k Ilk. 4 .12-1 U til iiiiifuor i;i tiiv nisi oja 'n'0ctiitrrf-17nnTl on itjjvombw It) wns BQiitenred to death. UndSv declsloun of tho suproinn court i Montana, a mcro notice of appeal filed In court Is sutudent-to opuraN ni a stay of execution until the .su. premu court decides tho nppeai Whloh iinnnot now bo done befara'SJH months, nt least. "0 Ijoodnu' Ktnliie for Irving, Iuidon, Dee. 28. At n very ln Muentlnl meeting of morabcra of tho theatrical pnifoMlou In tho Lycouinl tonight It was decided that (he pro poind Ntittue of Hlr Henry Irvln would bo oreeted at Wcstmlnstei Offer of aiibsorlptloue woro mad from Ixindon's most prominent dtil sens, but the profession decided itojj to alter Ihulr original Intention eonfinlng nil subscription)) to mem tiers of their own body. Mr. Jojirf Rare, who Is taking nn active partihTi the movement, announced that th subscr IptJon list would close In a few days, as the amount already received! far exceeded what wns expected. o ' rJouthern CnllfnniM Flooded, Kan Iloniardlno. Dec. 28-Two and a half luohtm of rsln fell In 3 hours and tho afreet are Hooded The Banta. Fe Is washed out on Ihft Iiiku line bo trains having arrived since last night. The employe ofl the gas and eleetrlc plants worked all night throwing up dike to keeR -a i out the flood streams. trow the swollen I'uumlrr of Jlw aiHlUn Hnilenvort w. Vnrfc fk-A 2H. llV. DrJ iVfturt. It CUrk. the founder of tbw Christian Hndeavur and preIdut. of i... World's union, sailed from nero today for Jamaica for a tour of tbej Island In the Interest oi m wotv mnt. ilo will spak In nine dltterent center before leaving for Cuba onj February 1. o A ao,(MW Flylutf Prl-. Iodon. Dec 28. The Dally Mai ba announced that It will awai. 150.000 to the person who uM i nnviKAtlnx an aeroplane tr Indon to Manehe-ter. the coatw . , r.lflfft In APfU. TBO OIw M the mow AIM from London Manchester U 180 mile. ( Dr. J. F. O unvvn TO 810 MHKRTV WHKKW KM WILL MKWP ALIi i vi VKW FATIKXT8. fO t iiiiiviiiw flALL OM INW WW! CONiULTAWOX McEVOY BROS. & oriiihcd awr