B DAHiT OAWTAli JOURNAIi, SATJfiM, ORBGO.V, FRIDAY, DKCEMllEB 11. 1000. A Big Holiday Special in framed Pictures During the balance of this week we will give big values in framed pictures. See our south window. Regular $3.50 values for $2.59. All popular subjects. Suitable for dining rooms and parlors. This is the greatest Special Sale we have had Any Day This Week, Every boy should have one of our English Mai Hand Cars, with rubber tires. Regular $6.50 value, our price $5. " "" i i - i i ' ' ' i ' I, ,.. Tako Lunch nt tlio Carnival, Dccotnbor ID. FANATICS INVOKE JHE LAW Seven Well Known Boys Ar rested Last Night- Trial This Afternoon Just what constitutes religious worship In tho eyes of tlio lnw and how fur a spectator can applaud or laugh without disturbing that wor b1iIi a ro (inuutloiiH that wilt purhnps arlno In nti liitorcstlng llttlo trial that la hooked for 4 a'oluok this af ternoon In City Itccordur Mooro's court at tho city hull. This trial In tho outcomo of tho arrest liiHt night hy Clilof Cornelius and Policeman Johnson of savon boya anil young iiuni on a cIiuikb o( disturbing publlo worship. Tho boys woro tnkou rod-humUd tit tho l'on tauoslal Mission, on Twulfth strout, mid, aftor lining hnultid ii beforo tho recorder, woro nllowud to go homo and bo nrralmiod today. 80 strenuous has tho younger olo inotit ot tho nightly uttoiidunoo up on tho religious moctlugs at tho Pon tocostat M Union iiuulo tho fronzlod nud famitii-al worshippings ot tint fftlthful followors or tho "Tonguoa Of Fire" doctrlno that It wiib found nocotwnry to onll In tho pollco laBt evening, with tho romiU thnt tho sav on youiiK fwllowa woro loundod up and talou to lumdn,iinrturfl. Of Into tlia botlbvora In tho doc trlno of tho "llnMlsiu ot tho Holy Ghost and Fire," who spank In all sorts of unknown "tongues" and gib berish, and indulge In visions and visitations with tho uuporiuiturnl and burst Into wolrd chants and songs ot which thoy claim to liavo had no ktiowlodgo boforo, havo car rlod .tholr physical and vocal dum onstratloiis what thoy are ploasud to call "wrostllius with tho spirit" to tho point of ludlcrlty, and tholr audiences havo boon composed, for tho most part, of boys ami young mon ranging from 15 to 21 years mid ovor. Whlla Interruptions In tlio nnturo of loud laughing, hissing, cat-calling, whistling, otc, havo boon fro suont, and, upon two or throo occa hIoiis, tho rouuhur element has car ried matters to. tho oxtromo ot throwing rocks through tho windows and tho Indulgence of other "mild" moans of showing their appreciation ot tho ontortnlnment but, although tho mission Is furnished with a apo dal otikor to prcsorvo peace and quiet during tho sorvlccs, tho police havo boon unnblo to locnto tho ring loader. Last ovonlng, howovor, tho straw thnt broko tho camel's back materialized, whon, during tho sea son of testimonials, and tho loader ot tho mooting had called upon tho nudlonco for miscellaneous quota tions from tho Bible, one of tho hoys In tho rear shouted out "Jesus Wopt," and this brought forth a storm of laughter and turmoil. Marshal Cornelius nnd Ofllcor W. W. Johnson rushed In from a back room, whoro they had boon In hid ing, nt a whlBtlo slgnnl from Mr. Shipley, nnd captured tho bovou youths as a rosult of tho raid. All ot tho boyj profoasod Inno cence of crontlng a disturbance or of taking any part in It, but City Re corder Moor on thought best to glvo thorn n ohnuco to vindicate thom imIvos beforo tholr accuser this af ternoon. All ot tho boys and young mon nrroHtod are, woll-known in Salem; Thoy nro sous of woll-known pa rents, 0110 at least balng a scion of one ot tho most distinguished nnd Qtuliiout families that Oregon has delighted to heap honors upon. Ot course, this doos not ameliorate tho offence any, but helps to add to-tho "guloty of nations." This may perhaps only be a be ginning of litigation. Ono man, at loast, has for weeks boen meditating having the "Tonguoa of Fro" poo plo urroslod on somo kind ot a charge charging them with causing his wife and two daughters to prno tlcally "go criuy." On thu other baud ho U suld to havo boon kept qulot for foar of himself bolug or rested for calling the mission loaders humbugs. Thoro will perhaps be othor litiga tion in tlio matter. Tho Interesting question wilt bo threshed out how, fur rollglon can go boforo It becomes fanaticism In tho extent ot being a nulsuuico In tlio oyos ot tho law. Tho history of tho "Tongues of Flro" is well known to roadors of Tho Journal. Several weeks ago ac counts of their manner ot worship woro printed la this paper. On tho arrival ot a baud ot fanatics from tho Asuxa street mission In Los An golos, things bogan to get very Inter esting on Twelfth street. Row Mr. Ryan, tlio bond ot tho mission. Mr. and Mrs. Shipley nnd others ob- WANTED I Good, second-hand cook stoves Also bare a. few bargains in Ranges and cooking stoves felt WATER PIPES A targe quantity of second hand water pipes, as good as sttw at a bargain J. N. SHANTZ & CO, tnlncd tho gift of. "tongues," and be gan to preach, sing nnd pray In what they declared to bo unknown tongues, but tho chief and most In teresting lncantator has boen a yel low negro woman .from California, whoso wlerd and wonderfullyr.melo dlous chants havo filled lior mora lg nornnt hearers with a frenzy of awo. Tho end is not in sight. . JJut It must bo remembored that thelato Joshua Crohtold onco preached in this town, nnd was ono of the 'lead ers of this same band ot ' religious worshippers. Many people claim that tho satno brand of erotic re ligion that Creineld finally det1 out will bo tho logical outcomo of tho present Incantations. Anyway, no ono knows what tho - harvest shall T bo. ' , GOOD ROADS PROGRAM . OUTLINED Fifth Annual Convention, at La Grande Will Be Record Breaker Deafness Cannot Do Cured By local application, as they .can not reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only ono way to euro deafness, and that Is by constitu tional romedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamod condition of'th'omu cous lining of tho Eutacuian Tube. Whon this tubo is inflamod .you lavo a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and whon it is entlrolycloacd, Deafness Is tho result and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing wilt bo destroyed forover; nlno caao out of ton am caused by Catarrh, which hi nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mu cous surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollarn for any caao of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured' by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Sond for circu lars freo. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hatl'B Family Pills for con stipation. , Secretary II. B. Thlelson, of tho Oregon Good Roads Association, completed tho program for tho fifth annual convention of tho association, to bo hold at La Grande, December 19th nnd 20th, a full outline of which follews: AVcdnc&dny Doc. 100:30 a. 111. Call to order by tho president. Address of welcome J. D. Stod dard, mayor tif La Grande; Turner Ollvor, socrotnry La Grando Com mercial Club; J. C. Henry, county judgo Union county. Response John II. Scott, presi dent Oregon Good Roads Association Address "Roads of Union Coun ty, Past and Present," W. T. Wright, prcsldont First Natlounl Bank, Union Address "Needs of Union Coun ty In tho Lino of Good Ronds," Ben jamin Brown, county commissioner, Union county. Discussion. Wednesday, Dec. 101:30 p. 111. Address "Tho Duty of tho Coun ty Towards Its Highways," J. M. Sol dor, county commissioner Union county. Address "What Macadam Roads Havo Dono for tho Pruno Growors of Liberty nnd Rosedale," J. H. Albort, president Cnpltal National Bank, Salem. Address "Tho Propef Ra.tio Be tween Tonnngo and Expendltu.ro 'in Road Building," Henry B. Thlolsen, secretary Oregon Good Koads As sociation. Address "Systematic Construc tion of Macadam Roads," homns F Ryan, ex-county Judge, Clackamas county. Address "Tho Attitude of the' Labor Organizations of' Oregon To wards tho Use of Convict Labor on the County Roads." ' Wednesday, Dec. 10 8 p. m. Music, Address Good Roads Make Groat States," Geo. E. Chamberlain, gover nor of Oregon. Addross "Tho Tax Levied by Bad Roads on. All' Users Thereof," T. T. Geer, ex-govornor of Oregon. MubIc Addross "Tho Uso of Convict La bor on tho Public Roads," Lionel R. Webster, county Judgo of Multnomah county. DIscuss'lon. Thursday, Dec, 200:30 n. 111. Address "Tho Extravaganco of Bad Roads," John B. Messick, coun ty Judgo Baker county. Address "Tho Economy of Good Roads," James WIthycombo, direc tor oxporimont Btatlon, Oregon Ag ricultural College Addross 'Practical Suggestions on Road Building," John H. Scott, president Oregon Good Roads Association. Addross "Special Taxes and Tholr BenoiHs," C. J. Thonchard, county Judgo Clntsop county. Discussion. TIim-Mlay, Dec. 1101:30 p. in. Election of officers. Reports of committees. Gouoral discussion. Adjournment. WILL PLAY quakJJ" 1'. M. .0. A. Basketball (W Efface Ncwbcrgrromu' . Tho Snlem Y. M. c A h i team started nn n,,.,.. ' asU optll fll-et 1-. this season thin ,.,, "'9 by boat for Newber .... T wilt hnvn Jl rrntrm ...l.t. .. . II thin nvonlni- . i.. lBC H land and play Multnomah first Saturday, evening. Tho Y. M. C. A. has detel, atrnncr tenm M1I0 .... .. . - vai ana on, . Is going to rank well In the i,7 stato loaguo of which they Z 1 mombor. Thov atnh .. ,. .1 . .,.: ""'ui ine"t-i in imo luiiumun nnu have HjJ """JsWft g,V.YnB nonio Vlctortod UULll milllUH. Pacific college Is said to hit. good team this year and MultnJ always - naa ono of the stre teams in tho stato and If the id C. A. aoreats them tomorrow It Indeed bo a victory for Salem. J team. Forwards V. Allen and C. Bi grovo. Center John Slmonton. uunruB r. Jones and El: Basher. Sub. J". King, Heart Fluttering. Undigested food and gas la stomach, located Just below heart, pressos against It and 1 heart palpitation. When your 1 troubles you In that way take blno for a fow days. You will 1 bo all right. 50c a bottle. D. J. Fry's drug store. CnughliiR Spell Caused Dciti. o .. to Bean tho Signature of .STCtdXiXA. MnaMnatoaHaTjjihnfiS U mmmimmmwitoWM Just a Few Words to YOU! HiailHlllllHlMMIiaa IllMllllllllMlllllEllimmUHIIHIHlll MMHIIHailHMI Recently there appeared in our moraine and evenine papers an item I concerning the affairs of the Yokohama Tea Company, which has unfortu : nately been compelled to make a great SACRIFICE OF PRICES on all its ! IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS in order to satisfy its creditors. Having explained our reason for almost eiviner awav the coods. we wish ; to call YOUR ATTENTION to the fact that this STOCK INCLUDES SUCHI i RARE ARTICLES as STATUARY, BUSTS that were out of reach of the ordin-1 i ary purse, but which may now be had almost at your own price. Are youl 1 going to Kwe aavancage ot tnis cnance or compel us to return them to the I manufacturer? CUT GLASS llllllllllllll IH-H- These goods are as a rule to be obtained hv hut a fpw hut mav now m hnrntnn f-Iiv tftA !- -f n- -, m. .,T tt t . ...-i j ucwuec me lupciLx ui auyuue, as uur prices onng mem an wicnin youl i 1 reacn. JAPANESE WARE iiin'imiiiifHiiiiiii, RARE POTTERY, etc. No finer eoods can ho hnuvht nvwho. at any ! price. At our reduced price you mieht consider, thev wpro nnt nf tho faesti but we assure you the quality is there and the price is lower than you ever heard of. LAMPS, SILVERWARE, ART GOODS, HOLLOW SILVERWARE t KAISER ZINN WARE, ETC mainniiiiiiniiiiiiiH You are sure to become possessed of som nf nw c ;f imi pxam- I ine them and see how low they are marked. 1 'M""HM''''M"""'''"' iiaii You yM not meet a more attentive and oWieine lot of nonnia : Li J;.. :.k vfwi 1 spection of Uks superb stock before buying your CHRISTMAS TilFrs " " wc cormMiy Yokohoma Tea Company I phone Mam 67- Goods Delivered ft mwnnwmiuwwtuKwiwwiwtummmi