'..iV. ' 9 i 11 1000. s MWUWAM firfiiHinvistiai a When You Need When tbe ther- lUOlnplar drnnn ... --,. wily down and mm :.-i . i, . '"" just can I kepn tim i. Warm m-?m. i.- ... .f " ;""' luc oter . "luv or iiirnace, it need not worry you one bit if there's a Perfechon Oil Heater in the louSe Let the weather conditions be St they will there need not be one cold room or 1ml w it i '"" LOIQ "" juu nave a PERFECTION uu neater (Equipped with Smoltclcss Device) And( best of all, it is clean, odorless ItnJit n.:i "j and'opcratcd as'casily as n&lrfS Camed Bbou. tmokclesa device. Wipfc mnnnt i, ...... .V.-- ... or too low. Will quickly hent a cold room or hall way, and will keep it warm and cozy. Two finishes nickel and japan. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest accnev for descriptive circular. ' ThcJSM&Lampitr ncrfcctlv con. stntcted, and is it A. I. -.4 1 all-round household use. Unexcelled in light-giving uum.1 , uujuium; buic, nu ornament lo any room. Made of brass throughout and nickel-plated, livery lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Huie Wing Sang Co. nun t n i ii it i ii iiimiH 'H-i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i i m i i i !! BIG STOCK NEW LINE All kltula nt alllr luimlkfivlllcftf. CIlllMU'lirC. (UICV hllk WnippiTS mill EllstH. klmnnns ulllr (.L-lrlu. clllllol(k'IT. onilllllClltH, Bilk lllllllItTS, tOM. iron' nml liwllntl flll-llMllllir L'OOllS. All klllllS Of hllk llllll IVUMl Roods. ili irol. fur. IiIiuikctH. comforts, lli'ut kinds of UlllkT- near. slllr mtUa iiiiii rlillili-cu'n drishes mid suits, coats, pants, li"e, IH iiiuttinjrt truukH, screens, curios, etc., etc. All kinds of Chlneso nnd Jnpaneso Fancy and Dry Goods, Silks, nil kinds of Dress Goods, Handkerchiefs, Embroidery, Lace, Gents' and Ln.iio.: i?..M.i.i.t.... r?,io c.ia r.nnt. 1'n nt . Overalls, Shirts, Dlan- kni. r-... ... ti, irninki MnfMiiL's. Wo inako HP a new lino of Wrnppcra, Waists, Whlto Underwear. Kimonos for sale. All kinds of goods at very low prices. All kinds of Holiday Goods at Lowest Prices CHINESE AND JAPANESE BAZAAR 346 Court St., Salem, Oregon w Jtist a few of the articles we have in out stote that make fine Christmas Presents t Leather Gun Cases Fishing Rods Fly Books Footballs Striking Bags V Ait Rifles Pocket Knives t '. Razors Roller Skates K Boxing Gloves Agate Matbles XMWE IN AND HAVE A LOOK '' IRISHMEN DISCUSS HOME RULES Dublin. Dee. 1 1. The draft of the home rule bill submitted by Sir An thony McDowell was dlicuned nt a largo and representative meeting of Irishman In the Itutunda tonlgkL Mr. John ltedmond. M. P., prwided. The new bill jjroposes to leave tho leg islative union untouched, and tin Irish council is to be created with a proportion of between two-thirds nnd throo-fourths of its tnombors oloctod on tho existing parliamentary fran chise, the remainder to bo olectod on a restricted franchlso or nominated nt the same time; this country la to retain her present representation In tho Imperial parliament. Clorgymcn ot all denominations nro ellglblo for membership In the council. The now administration will be ns follews: The central or enstel bonrd, a depart ment of education, n dopnrtmonUof agriculture, a dopurtmont for lnnd transfer. Tho nollco nro to remain under lmporlnl control, but nro to bo reduced In humbors, nnd tho position of tho Judiciary Is to romnln unaf fected. It Is computod that after do- ductlon from Irlih tax rovenuo for Imperial purposes $25,000,000 a yonr will remain at the disposal ot the Irish council. Mr. John Dillon, M. P., denounced the clause under which the police are to remain under the direction of the Imperial govern ment, and Mr. Michael Flavin, M. P.; Mr. IlAVllnnd llurke, M. P.; Mr. S. (Ireen, M. P.. and 'others ipoko axalnst the' fornrntlon of the uentrnl council or castlv bonrd. It Is certain that when the bill Is Introduced In the house It will be productive of great hont. as tho peoplo of tho north of Irolnnd and their purllninontnry roproscntntlves aro wholly opposed to It. o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniK MANNER OF DIVIDING LAND FUND Marion County Has Received $259.61 As Her Share COMPANIES ORGANIZE. ArMcloa of Incorporation Qrantod Enterprises Backed by Oregon OoplUU. IlllMIIHlHMIMHlllM-fr Articles of Incorporation wore filed with tho secretary ot stnto yos torday afternoon nnd today as fol lows. Tim N'mfli liftrul Comiliorfilal Clllll. of North Uond; $1,000; B. K. Jonos. John II. Dlers nnd V. K. HnlnoB, In corporators. Oermanln Lnnd & Improvement Co. of Oregon; Portland; $9000; J. Frnnk Porter, John Uenoko, C. I Kckhnrt nnd Clmrlw J. Schnnbel, In corporntorH. Held's Tourist bureau, of PorU lnnd: $10,000; Kmll Held, Horton Held ami Vt. K. McDowell, Incorpo rators. Hankers' & Merchants' Mutual pirn iinllf assonlHtlon. of Korost Grove; no stlpuleteil capital; B. AV. Haines. H. H. areer, w. n. miu. a s Hendricks. P. A. Wutrous nnd F. L. Trulllngor, Incorporators. o- Wonirii'n I-agiiu Ilnznnr. New York, Dc.H. IUthe myrtle and east rooms of the Walderf tlita afternoon the Professional Women's league annual bnzaar wus hold ami the most successful of Its kind ever attempted. The bazaar, which Is yearly qulto as muoh a society ovant .u i u n thautrleal feature. Is held for the purpose of raising funds U be devoted to the needs of those of the profession who require It. So ciety women not only contrlbuto the articles of value to be disposed of at the bawar. but they also make personally many things for the booths, and many of them aro seen bohlnd tho booths today. Theatrical folk uro always the first to ootne for ward with money and offers of their eervlcos gratis for benefits of those who. through IndlvldHfll hard luok, are In any way In need, and today each and every one of tbe actors and assesses who ar at present appear ing In the olty lent kindly hand. LI Han Russell and Miss Anna 1 eld took charge of a tea table, while MUa Bdna Wallaee Hopoer ran a racing wheel, and so o. The at UBdanso was large and fashionable. and tomorrow night before tho af fair will closo there will be a voting eontesU to determine the ost popu lar actress at the pa"' Cured Paralysis. W. P. BUr.r O.. Truo, Texas. writes- "MX " bad bCfln ,uffCr" InB are years with paralysis In her arm, when I was persuaded to use Ballard's Snow Lining which cared her all rifbt I toy. tao uaed It for old acres, frostbit J skin eruptions. It doe tbe vox. Bold by D. J- Fry dr store. Following U n tubulated state ment of the manner of distributing tho nvo per coutum land anion fund, amounting to $82,4SD.60, among the several counties of tho stato in pro portion to their respective ncreflgo, ns published In tha Journal of yes tcrdny: County. Acrongo. Amount. Bnkor 1.014.SS0 ? 70G.17 Donton ... 415, CS0 153. 3G ClncknmnB .. 1.107,200 408.41 Clatsop .... 523,520 103.15 Columbia ,. 431,040 159.03 Coos 1,004, 4S0 370.50 Crook 5.122.5G0 l.SSO.OO Gurry 049,120 350.17 Douglas .... 3.2G3.3C0 1,203.97 nilllnm .... 059,200 243.20 Grant 2.S74.GG0 1.0G0.G3 Hnrnoy .... G,7S0,1G0 2.501.4G Jackson . . . 1.7SG.SG0 G59.2G Josephine .. 1,009,520 405. G3 Ivlnnmth ... 3.014,240 1,444.11 Lnke t.130,240 1.S92.73 i.nue 1,804,100 900.77 Lincoln 087.440 236.17 LlHU 1.4B1.RS0 K35.5S Malheur ... 0,177,440 2.315.0S Marlon 708.GS0 SRO.O.t Morrow ... 1.808,240 47S.97 Multnomah . Sl,oaO loi.oi Polk 484,040 156.07 Bhermnn ... 518.2S0 H9.37 Tillamook .. 768,000 277.44 Umatilla ... 1.ST9.G80 093 I h Union 1.081.G00 399.04 Wallowa ... 2,142,720 790.53 Wasco l.QljJ.uSO 719. 4G 'Wnshlncton . 447.3G0 105. 0. Wheeler ... 1,0S400 400.22 Yamhill .... 450.GG0 1GG.23 Without A f t f A Doctor' Medlcls Alcohol 3& A StronR Tonic A Body Eulldcr A Blood ruririer . A Grcst Alterative A Doctor' Medlclae W. ..wtt.k kfMaulM erttt W(,ijaSi? I'ltboiK Alee hot Without Alcohol Without Akeho) Tlrhout Alcoholf without AkohoW without AkohoU J.O.lTtfOe., ajvwvii. jHa, -i.S tlon ot anything conrso In tho busl-j Power l-tn Victoria PnlU npss. Those who can lnugh without Lndoo. Dec. ll.-Thc Victoria Falls Powor company nt lis first meeting lodnj announced that nil suggestlvo coarseness boing thrown nt them lnughwl Inst night, and ov orybotjy who attended got tho full worth ot their money. "Jerry. From Kerry." In Its way, Is a good show. o Now ltnllroail to Wyoming Mini. Cheyenne, Wyo., Doc 14. In n day or two the Saratoga (c Wncamp inent Unllwny company wll) com munco tho construction of n lino from Wnllcot, through Snrntogn nnd Wyoming to tho Grand Hnonmpmont mining district of this stale. Tho rond Is belns bnokod by tho Punn-sylvanlft-Wyomlng Copper onmpnny, nnd will be used by them to ptneo their oro on tho mnrkot. The rond will nlso receive tho bonoflt of lnrgo oro shipments from tho Portland capital rcqulrad wni subkcrlbcd Tho company proposes to transmit elec tricity Konurntcd at Victoria falls to Pretoria and Johannosborg. Tho dis tance from tho falls to tho Hand as tho orow files Is GOO mllos, but it will be no.cese.nry to make dovintlona that will Inoronso tho dlsthnco to be cov ered to nenrly 700 miles, Tho cx trnordlnnry prossuro ot 10,000 volla la proposod. o XnlH Krnrru In Knstvm Slates. Iluffnlo, Doc 14. Thoro Is n ro marknblo scarcity of all kinds ot nut a this season, nnd from prcsont Indications prices are bound to soar, ns tho shipments from Italy nro tar Copper Mining company's mines, j below tho average. 1'nncy shell hick which nro located near tho town ot ory nuts, big bulluuts nnd chestnuts Grand Bncnmpmont. 'nro In groat demand. Total ....G0.967.7G0 $22,489.50 o IT'S YOUB KIDNBY8. Don't Mistake tho Cause of Your Trou- bits A Salem Citizen Shows How to Ouro Them. Many people never misiect tllr kld ni'H. If rnfforlng from n Inrn. weak or noldnR baek they tWnk that it Is onlv mwsewler wsekney, when uri nary tronW U In tloy tliink It will noun, ee-reet lelf. Ami so it Is with with aM tbe o1kV nymptonw of kilny dl77-kf. Yoe wwK. euro linvo wou Wee or tbr lnt to diebolen or Brio's iHrvan. TU IteM, rom.)y k u-w i Dee Si KHy PIIM. It urw all iHiiwKi bto7M. I. X. IHdisimv, of tho Oregon ur mvy On, awt H-ta at X Coimao elii! ftiMt, SMmn, Ofe., iwyst " I know 1 Uii twii when I etsopl or Mftml. Hvon at ntekt e Iw wer IH there aril moriH I itwe hwio awl wre. I tirci) eMdlr awl felt languid m HnnutliiiwM I wen h4ruto mrvnua. Oooairfoiwllr I Wd hlKhe al nt such tin my nifM wvsl be Murrik There w saw a diHwtf la the xre- tloiw. SCv isrifie iirevwl tll4 DatR1 KklMff Pills kave m wi'Hor for cwBg Whj-T eiwipMat aad bask aabe. TJwy u jeet tfti Wg wwy mifforor frum vb UeabltMi sImmiM u. MoUhlag ewiW bne swstwl wy IkMw. Tkey weai rig to the mi ef )k ttwhio a4 eouiiiWoly reMewd." For mU by an 4alam. I'rtse M. lVwtr Mllr Oe.. Ueire, N. Y . A uganta for tbe Unit.) St4. Ronwimbw Sluj aawc Deeae, M take uo otT. JimnV HHOM KKIIHY.' Uvrly Jliixical Pnrcn Comedy firniid 0u-ra Houfce. t When one sat down In the Qrand Opera House last night and gazed on tho bright array of empty seats he could but exelalm: "What do tho peoplo of Salora want, anyway?" This does not wean to be an asser tion that "Jerry Frera Kerry" ranks as a classic or that tbe people In tbe production last night were la tko iinntii and Barrett claw; but It has been demonstrated over and oror and over again that Balerolte do not an, in far aaows of genuine merit. and that they cannot grasp the real thlnir. This show last night ought to be right In Balem'a class, but Sa lem could not se 't that way. They did not show up last evening. The aggregation has been here be fore, and. as at tbe previous engage ment, gave ft good and clever per formance. It was largely In tlio na ture of a vaudeville perforruanw, and while a & deal of It may be classed as horse play. It was clear and clean comedy and positively there m not th- ilJsbUtrt Hi Mi urm IW1 niVWimuiliMwnHM SMMSi, llMiHMMinifMVil'lrIlii''rr ' nT"W"'1 '' ' " h-Sit:- htBcwUcTrcparaftonfor As similating ihcToodnwlRctf uln ling ihcSlamacha andUos:u of 6AST0RA lTomote9i)Igcsllon.CIcrriil ncas nwl ncst.Contflhw ndlhrx OwmniMorphlnc sorMkicrai. NorNAitooTio. Mauttsmzxmtmx 7Uv4m SJ' MxJmnm RmLlUSJf Apcrfccl Remedy forConslIjva liou.SourSlonuch.Dlnrrhdcn Vonn4,Convulsions,rDvri5li ucss mulLoss OF SLEEP. Toe Simile Sulnnlurs of nbw "Yonic. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of m a Aj " AW f jth Use For Over Thirty Years tXACT COPfOK WRAPPCH. GASTORIA wmmmmmmmmmmm Soft, Serviceable Slippers Make Fine Christmas Gifts AH you have to know is the size slippers don't need to bepted. We linvc the finest stotk of slippers in Morion County, If the cIkhcc shoiikl not be cxnctlyJright.Xwill exchange them for yotif friend. Fancy Slippers for Men Dainty Slippers for Women Lasting Slippers for Children Sobuy them early get the bencfU of the fwl assortment and get the worry of Cnrisfwas shopping(of f your mind. Storeopens 7:30 Monday Morning. E. L IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoe Men. AckiwwMged Lca4ers 326 STATE STREET First Clas lUlrlag RftUf. Vkwtt 1 in r-- i u iitniiiirTiir "tL--" ' "" Mvamte ..;.-. ,rrir,rjmaiimmtmi ' I lir ""'irr' itwawy-yWto Mtf?gL"sjSA'ltj I I