DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECKMUEB 7, 1000. Lard has been in existence a long time so has indigestion Human nature is hard to solve. People who are most particular about adapting the weight of, their wearing apparel to the season and its conditions, who never think of going out in a storm without an umbrella and rubbers, who would, not sit in a draft for a farrn will calmly sit at the table and stuff themselves with lard-soaked food and not realize for an instant that it is likely to give them n full-fledged case of indiges tion and clog their whole inner machinery. Lard is produced from hog-fats, some times impure, always indigestible, ' and there's a good day coming when no one will think of using it for cooking. Coilolene is the only rational frying and shortening medium in the world. It is made from refined vegetable oil and choice beef suet everything about it is digestiblo and condu cive to health. It is a product of Nature. It will make pure," palatable, healthful food, and food which anyone can eat and' enjoy without the after-pangs of a disordered stomach. Every good grocer sells Cottolcne. It comes only in sealed white pails with a red label and band. In the center of the label is our trade mark a steer's head in cotton plant wreath. Try Cottolcne once and you'll never more be a friend to lard. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest possible award) over all other cooking fats at the recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE. "Home Htlpa" a hook of 300 choice recipes, edited by Mrs. Rarer, it your for a 2 cent stamp, if you address The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago. A NEW FEATURE The patent air-tight top on this pail t for the purpose of keeping COTTOLENE clean, freih and whbletomo; it alto prevents it from absorbing all disagreeable odor of the grocery, iuch a fish, oil, etc Nature's Gift from the Sunny South OREGON SHIPPERS DESPERATE While Indignant They are Conservative But Wist That Harriman Must Either Shoot or Give Up the Gun-Railroads Must Serve the People or Be Owned By the People. The Hhl)iurn mooting nt ISiigunu In tho language of the strout him bton "going Home," nml It Ib still going. Thursday vih u busy iluy anil, It was u day of tiiiHliioaH. Tim object of tho gathering wan mild to bo to oluctrlfy jiubllo opinion, ami It wuh certainly Ootto. A dispatch from Mugono Thursday nftoniooit mi: "Tho gnthorlng vwis unique. Hold under tho Joint huhiiIom of tho Cot tBo Qrovo mid Kitgeno Oommorolnl chilis, thoro wore shippers from ovary Wlllamotto vnlloy town. Thoro wore no regular dolagatsa und no credentials wero nnliutl. No roll call wuh tiikun. and thoro wns never a dispute. A more democratic affair, wherein there was neither sluto nor propnred rsolutlons, could not be lintiKliiutl. Tho only program whb u Hut of sneakers, it wns, In fact ,u mass muotlng of shippers and mer chunts who have felt keenly tho loss of ours, iiiul who ho ench day tholr business boIuk from bud to worao, with bniikniptoy In. night for many of thorn. Naturally, thu rnllroud wub criti cised, mul harshly. It wns Kontly ro forrod to by Dr. 1.. l. Whltson, tho presiding ottlcer. us nn "oi'tojiu J.L'1-1 JL! ! -. i '"'W II ' l"JH I ' The Bank Habit Possibly you who road this have ncvor kotit a bank account. If not, lot uk Biiggest that you try tlia experiment You will llud It holpful in ninny ways. Aside from tho fact that your money -will too en to from thott and tire, such habit tends to thrift and eoosowy, dlsolpllno and a seuoral understanding of buulueoa princi ple, alt of which aro essential to NeeeM, It also affords a conro Ret mothod for tho payment of Mlhi; aatl, km the ckocka aro s.1 wys preservod and returned to ye, tkey wrte as receipts for the aaHtuat Hit. W will be pleased to mtv ) m yr kker. Com 1 a4 a tbk account. Smltm State BUafc mid he uunounowl that thfl .moating was nt oallod for a friendly honrt-to-hoart talk with railroad nion, who have boon kIvIiib dully oxousos, but to souk ruuourso In tho legislature for tomporary and pormanont rollof. Ono spoakor doclarod that the South ern Paoillo was a croatur robbor of tho public than tho tlmhor thlovos. Ills words woro ontluiBlatloilly up plaudod. W. W. Coniau ami 11. R. I.ounsbury, tho railroad agents pros out. fait like Buying something, but hold their penoe. Over and over nKaln wns told tho story of mills closing down, man be ItiK thrown out of work, tho busi ness of merchants falling oft, tho procrastination of tho railroad In of forliiB roller. Hvory sponkor told. In tho math, tho same story, with a dlfforout sotting, and now Instnnoea of tho damage done, and concluded with tho'domand for lOKlslntlxe ac tion. Tho subject was inuxhnustlblc "Tho condition Is acknowledged," exclaimed I. N. Kdwnrds, n momber of tho legislature "It Is n slfnino. n rulnliiK slinmo to tho ntnto, mid Is coating huudrods of thousands of dollars. What Is tho remedy T That Is what wo want to know." Joaoph N. Toal, through a longthv communication, suggested tho romo ilv a railroad commission. A. H Covers, a monibor ot tho transporta jtlon conimlttoo ot tho Portland chamber of commorco, spoko nt I .... i i. ... .i r equally groui. iuukiu ih iuiuv m Teal's proposed bill, with certain minor modifications. Souator A. It llooth. ono ot tho heaviest shippers and manager of tho llooth-Kolly Lumbar Company, raised "his vole for a railroad commission. This and reciprocal demurrage, frequently discussed as portion of tho railroad commission measure, woro tho two principal means thought capablo ot curbing tho railroad mid bringing It to terms. A third partial remedy was advanced by "VY. M. Kllllugs worth, ot l'ortlnud, who recommend ed that the railroad lauds of tho stnto bo bought by tho state at $5-50 an acre, and Souator-olect Mulct, ot Ashland, announced that ho proposed having tho attornoy geuaral bring suit against tho railroad to compel It to sell tho land which It haa "with drawn frMH Ik wwrWK. a4 wlOek Und it rcOelvod from the gora- bo thrown opon to Bottloniont. Thcso brlelly, woro tho remedies rocommonded nt tho mass mooting nnd which will bo brought beforo tho loRBlaturo in January. u No ono nttomptod to explain why thoro was a car Bhortago. "Wo nro not hero to Inqulro why they do not rIvo us cars," Bald H. M. Veath, of Cottago Orovo, "but to Inqulro n way to provont a car shortngo occurring J again. Thoro Ih an awakening of tho coiiHclonco or tho peoplo anil tho , Bentlmont ot tho lunssoa Is bohig nrousod." I Dosplto tho troquently roltornted dnmagos cnussil by tho .fnmlno of Hat and box cars, no dolegato pro posed that the railroad bo suod to recover. It was dlsoussod prlvntoly among tho delegates, but not on tho lloor of the assembly room of tho Lane county court house, which was packed to tho roar wall. Suivo legislation wna the keynote, lladlunls woro consplclous by their absence. As speaker followod sponk or, oaoh urgod that uothlug drastic bo attempted, slnco ovorzenlousuoss would defont the objoct of tho ship pers and tho puople. "A squnro deal for thu pooplu and tho rnllroiuls," boenmo a catch nhratio. "Ho fair to the railroads mid the public, too," was frequently heard. Especially among the members of the legisla ture who spoke was it oounsolwl tp be roasoiiRblo In making deuiHiuls for corrective legislation. It wns. agreed that tho railroads cannot, consistently, object to fair legUla tlon If the: are honest, and if they Danderine KCW THIS JIAI PROVE nro not honest then they Bhould bo controlled. , w..,i.rtmnrn tim tnclslnture was i.rmn.i nni mora than a dozen senators and representatives sat 'earnest auditors, that should it iau ... ..i tho inwa flnmnnded. the lniti- ntivo would be Invoked and the peo plo will pas3 tho needed legislation dosplto all the corporations under tho sky. Warning was sounded that unless there was a change in conditions and these changes brought about through stnto laws, government ownership of rnilronds would pnss tho speculation stngo'nnd become a reality. Not out of tho delegates urged government ownership, bo It explained parenthe tically, but they contented themselves .fi. iitnfiiu? timt it will eventually becomo possible providing a genoral roformaton of railroad managemeui does not occur. A fear expressed by Devers whs that when railroad legislation comes beforo tho legislature an attempt .will bo mado by tho corporation to ' emasculate It until tho bill is robbed of Its Important feaures. While the old railroad commission never ac complished successfully but two things, riding ovor tho stnto on Pbbsos and drawing salury, tho speak er contended that this was no reason to bollovo that threo good, honest, fair-minded men cannot bo found In tho stato to servo on tho commission, and In order that thoy bo above tomp tntlon their salary should bo ns large or larger than that of tho governor. Small pay and a lot of glory whb not considered sulllclont compensation for a capablo commission, which could do things. D. 13. Yornn was among tho first to advlso fair loglslnton. Ho snld thnt tho sontlmont In favor of gov ornmont ownership Is growing, and that If tho railroads wish to curb this Itl.lr. If tvlll tin iinroaunrv fnr thnill to mont on the understanding that It. U. Jugt rnt08 ftnd t. mont. As botwoon tho railroads own ing tho peoplo or tho peoplo owning tho railroads, ho preferred tho lat ter. Samuol Connell, a dolegato from tho Portland Conimorclnl club. contributed to tho enso against tho rnilronds by assorting that tho fault rostB with Hnrrlman's lndlfferonce, and thnt Harriman Is not a rall roador, but a stock Jobber. Mr. Harriman wns handled without gloves by sovornl Bpeakors. It was polntodly said that his thoory of rnll rondlng to ninko 1000 cars do tho work of C000, and that Instead of us ing Home or tho millions of dollars surplus which ho recolves from his linos In Orogou to furnish oqulpmont he sponds this monoy nnd his ener gies in securing nil posslblo pnssos through tho mountnlns to koop out such posslblo compotltors ns Hill and Gould. Sonator Booth contandod that the head of tho system was too busy hooping other follows out of Oregon to dovoto much tlmo to get ting much out of Orogon for his own linos. Furthermore tho rnllrond has withdrawn tlmbor land rrom tho mnrket, doclarlng It too vnluablo to soil, and thou hns built sawmills to compote with ts ciiBtoniors, using the tlmbor It had assortod was too vnlu ablo to dlsposo ot to outsldors. "Dut," oxchilmod tho senator, "wo actually don't caro .what tho railroad doos If tho railroad will only let us do business nt nay prleo." Ills own concorn, tho spoakor con tinued had on hand In logs and linn bor 70,000,000 root, and tho firm Is not producing half what It can nnd should. Senator llooth produced stiitlsttcB to prove that thoro has boon an Incronso ot 13 por cont In tho capacity of cars, whllo business has lncreasod 231 por cont. There aro 16,000 now freight cars being built for tho Harriman system, and when thoso aro delivered tho Wll lnmotto valloy wll bo bettered by C por cont. In tho Harriman system thoro aro, on tho Union Pacific, G curs to tho mllo; three caro to the mllo on tho Southern Pacific and O, It, & K. In conclusion, Speaking ns a member ot tho legislature', Sonator Booth In for mod tho mooting that tho legislators would do tho best thoy could, and that tho public should not , bo surprsod If It does not obtain all It expocts, for tho problem Is difficult. For tho car Bhortago ho contended there is no uxcuso for "tho railroads aro In tho buslnoss ot anticipating." In tho Bamo voln, George M. Corn- va11 nf PnrMnrtil cnlrl tYin tn II vnn tl wero trying to pluck tho gooso to get the largost amount ot feathers with tho least amount ot squawking. " When tho resolutions woro finally submitted by tho committee, con sisting ot O. W. Griffith, T. K. Camp bell, D. K. Yoran and George E. Kelly, thoy woro unanimously adopt ed, as was also tho case with resolu tions sent from Benton county that tho govornmont buy tho locks at Ore gon. City. H. L. Thompson, of Cot tage Grove, and Mr. Sheldon, ot Portland, eorved as secretaries. -o '5"&0C'fr'&5-''2"&&( Is your baby thin, weak, fretful ? Make him a Sco1t's Emulsion baby. a Scott f Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it U "A easily digested by little follp. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott s Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy. cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. ALL DRUGGISTS t 50c. AND $1.00. Smiles wmx 5TY i Km Tho Melster piano of Chicago Is sold at ?175 $10 down and $1.00 por week. Music Is going Into mil lions of homos In spite of fate. Poor, easy mark Oregonlnn. How many now commissions and ofllclala will tho next legislature saddle onto you? The machine says everything will go; haven't tho peoplo got tho referendum? Yos, nnd some day they will up and abolish tho whole gosh darned legislature. It is tho Irony of fato that tho greatest Joker in tho United Statos senate should becomo the most la mentable serious fact to contem plate. Wo rofor to the onco famous Chaiincoy M. Dopow. H m We would remind Bro. Sollock that nowhoro In Goldsmith's humor ous work entitled "Animated Na ture" Is any species or mankind ro- forred to as a brute not oven the Irish or Gormans. But then ho wns not after any particular nationality it Is boozo ho was hitting at. Those two thick-hided rhlnocorous Bonntqrs, Dopow and Piatt, won't re sign. Theirownors, tho triiBts, won't lot 'oin. Tho peoplo of New York don't dosorvo it. Chicago club women have adopted this mental platferm: Keep us from petticoats. Lot us bo largo In thought, word nnd doed. Let us bo dono with Tmtltllud ing and leave off solf-sseklng. lay wo put away protonso and meet oach other face to race, without self-pity, without projudlco. May we nevor bo hasty In Judg ment. Lot us take time for all things. Mako us grow calm, serene, gontlo. T;noh us to put Into notion our hotter Impulses, straightfor ward and unafraUl. Grant that we may reallzo that It Is tho little things that create difference, that In tho big things of lire wo aro ono. iuuj u uirivo 10 teaca smj to know the great common J man heart of us all. And, oh, lot us not forget Is bo kind. That would almost put a won club out or business. We shall ij hear or their determination to n somo babies. NOBODY SPARED. Kidnoy Troubles Attack Balm a' II Womoa, Old and Young Allhl Kidney ills Boizo young aoi alike Quickly como and' little m giro. Oliiik&non suffer In tholr early yail Oan't) control Klie- kiihvy wcresiiJ Girls nno languid nervou n!i pniii. Women worry, can't do dally vol Robust men have lamo owl arid baclcl. Old folks, weak, rheumatic, lisJ Enduro distressing urinary ilk Tho cumo for mtani for woman ceil child 19 -to cuito tlio caud the Udaml Doan's Kidticy Pil!a euro tick 1 nojT Cuw mil Mie -ariol forms of! sufrering. Sfctfciri t'tfa'aanoay giuutmtew m bor, W. J. Oadtonv of 14GG Third itw Salem, Ore., mys: "Dooa'a Ei PiHa, which I procured at Dr SvJ $ wg storp, not only otTcngtlKB kidneys, but they b-peodily ws tho backadJ nod lamncB3. A rn tlwi nets with such prompt enll flcial results ns Dean's Kkh M do is worthy of nit coniHowc " can ooiiBcicantlously rocimmcal V to otiliM-s. for I know I ncv W ' nwdiclno of tho kind quaJ tia f-j curing backache aal kUliwy troaWJ For &io by all d.-alers. Pi"5 cents. Foster-Milbu n Co., M New York, sole ngwits for tho VM Stnka. Romcmber tHio namor-Dow'i--1 Uiko no other. . . o - Airrwnlllo 0 llllll. S'm Nn. Hnrrv: 1 m sorry. M I 3Uro that we could not get tj gether. You know I nlwr mv own way In oventhlnS Ho-But. my denr girl. P" go on wanting It, you know, an are married. Iliustratid u rKANC8 HAKIK XNOWLTON, QrflM olorvl, Cklcci UL, IJttlo FnadM KnowlUn butlM 1im4 t lolJtMi tatf feu w4 few Iumu U worm or. MMMealjrfoitr )MN oM m4 hu tudr feaatewHfetaMMlMt el It foor. IH. K. W. XawKMee.feetfMfeiH-.littM 4UeovNr e( Dm 4Mta, aa4 aMttbetot Um feMuty o( feer vroatr tmi irewtfe e( fek t Ifee tnw41wy tuc tril" etlttethtwl iuOr row kywiily. ItfeMfeMn Ui wikwUrcU at vmt WWm ste at aH AfUMM, O Mum At womsuK.. nauKiMMMmhi CyrtejiZte U The aversion which many pecfj have toward ordinary oil heaters largely doe to the smoke and smell burner. The removal of these ob jectionable features and the jwta-J of all mechanical parts, combined wot beauty of design and skilled wo , manshlp, have made the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Emitted viUi Stwkekss BevW vastly superior to all others. OjJ smoke or smell. Wick canncOJ turned too high or too low. T oil fount beautifully embossed. tm fow quarU of oil and jf1 2C hours. Light and portable J carrledabout. Warms cojdroom heats water qukkly. Two fcnJ lckeUn4japan. Every heater W ranted. If you cannot get heater iniorraatioa Jrom your dealer, write to our nearest ageaey for de scriptive ckckr. THB JZcxyb LAMP b an oral- 8Mt te every reeai aad U koMkald use, Perf ectly comtrctl : aUkrtly w uaeiceUed ia Ught-glviBj powr. Ha4 t tteoaghoat and Bfcktl-pUte. IrtrTUaWMTe4 H it atyew feabr's wri U w mimt afaT. TANVAMI OH.COIWAWV