Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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ma mcaaAUk
(Continued from pngo one.)
I (J ji to call nttention to tho
I ... iofnnfnrV fltfltQ of mir
lerron5Ul,D .... ,. ....
Ilnlnal law, resulting in largo part
(Be 11U11 Ul BUH.111J, UDUIU IIIO
Ijnnents of inferior courtB on tech-'
lllUCS aUSOllllt?ijr uni.uiiiiuwi.uu Willi
f 1 t nn tin n ti rl iiiIiah.i
merits 01 " -"DV- " "'
ere is no attempt to show that j
tfe has been nny iniiure 01 suu-1
' .,.1 tiiotlrP. It would bo woll
enact a law providing something '
it.o olTOCl limi.
,o Judgment shall bo set nsido or I
..HHfnf1 In nwv nnat it,ll
rfminnl. on tho ground of mis-
Ltion of the jury or tho improper
Imlsslon or rejection 01 uviucncc,
int error n3 to nny mntter of
leading or procedure unless, in tho
fclnlon ol tnc court to which tue np
lltjtlon U made, after an examina
Lflfllieentlro cause, it shall nfllr-
btlrtlr appear that tho error com
bined of lins resuiteu in a miscnr
0f of Justice.
In this matter of injunctions thoro
lofted In tho nanus or tno judic
rt a necessary power which Is
rertbelcss subject to tho possibil
h of gravo abuse. It Is a power
lit should bo exercised with extremo
ire and should bo subject to tho
lilous scrutiny of nil men and con-
Imnatlon should bo meted out as
luch to tho judgo who falls to uso
boldly when necessary as to tho
Edge who uses it wantonly or op-
In connection with tho delays of
e law. I call your attention nnd tho
tentlon of tho nation to tho provnl-
ce of crime nmong us, nnd above
I to the epidemic of lynching nnd
rii1 "int p,
another iL, 0Ur,C0n. now m
: !rcii' -". south,
".i, mis US OW11 faults nn
iiT; r w,th " "p i
tn.o Jeering t tho faults 0f ..
other section; it should be buYy try
"8 to amend its own shortcomings
To deal with the crime of cornu ,o
t I. nectary te have an awakene!
this by whatever legislation will add
the law. Whon we deal wlth
Ijnchlngovon more is necessarv. a
great many white men are inychexl,
but the crime is peculiarly frequent
.CTuw-i io uinck men. The great
est existing cnuso of lynching is tho
perpetration, especially by black men.
of the hideous crime of rape the
most nbomlnnble in all tho category
of crimos, ovon worso than murder
Mobs frequently avongo the commit.
Blou of this crime by thomselves tor
turing to death the man committing
It; thus avenging in bostlnl fnsiitnn
a uestial deed, and reducing thorn-
seivos to n lovol with the criminal.
Tho one hope for success for our
peoplo lies In a resolute and fearless.
but sane nnd cool-headed, advnnco
along tho path marked out last year
uy this congress. Thoro must be a
stern refusal to be misled Into fol
lowing oithor thnt bnsCcronture who
appeals and panders to tho lowost
Instincts and passions In order to
nrouso ono sot of Americans against
their follows, or that other creaturo,
equally base but no basor, who in a
spirit of greed, or to accumulate or
add to an already huge fortune,
seeks to exploit Ills fellow-Americans
with callous disregard to their wel
fare of soul and body. The man who
debauches others In order to obtain
1 high offlce Stnn.U .. ..,. . "... . ..
uebatchoao l;,tVhenmnwh0 al from entry of theso lands
and ! , ?"? fl,mnclal l,ro,,t from ". entry, save in r-
which .rin xao orop tnm wPwta clrouuwtnncoB. Tho
I call viM C!!,0n,y 1,PeV,K rner8h'P "ould then remain In tho
o ho.f f U,ng the nnmhw- 'VW1- " t0 r f.
omnlnvi. 'mP,0,mnt of railroad permit them to be worked by private
mo XT' ,mM0 ,s a v-y'IntlviJimU under n royalty systom,
no S, .. T. C"" co"co,vo ot thB Wwnnt keeping such control
so fnr .. f. ? eCtIn t0 "' Iu,lQcd nB t0 wl ' tu so that no excessive
su ,nr s it Is in our iMiwuf n ),,, i.i iii ... .i .....
It ,,. i . r-.., .. IUUIU !....: i. uunrseu consuniors. it
ZZ1 ,"! "lH!j' ' reluco lh0 wouW- ot cmirM. u " necessary to
u.i , ' W,U nS n 8"Perv' he rntes chnrge.1 by tho
Boai tne general introduction of an common curriers to transport the
eight-hour day. product as the rate charged by
More and more our peoplo aro 'thos who mine It; and tho supor
growlue to recoenliA tlm fn, i.n vision must vtaml tr. dm nui.ii.m, ,f
the questions which ure not moroly ' Wl common eRrrlers. so they Bhntl
of industrial but of bocIuI Import- ,n no w fvor ono competitor at
ance OUlWelKll nil nlllura' ni,,l 4 !,' til? Pl)(1 nf Mtintlinf Tlin -ltl..
two questions moet emphatically ( lrnwal of these coal lands would
come in the category ot those which constitute a policy analagous to thnt
affect In the most far-reaching wny!whleh Has been followml in with-
the llntllM lift! lt tta. .. nil,... nl. llrnWttK )l. ff..Ulf Inn.ln fMn.. mh.I,
.w .... v vuw iidiiuu. IIIO s " '"!"' luuun Hi ill uiui-
horrors incident to tho omnlovmunt
of young children in fnctorlos or nt
work anywhoro are a blot on our
civilization. It Is true that oaoh
state must ultlmatoly sottle tho
question In its own way: but iv thor
ough ofllcial Invostlgatlon pf the
matter, with tho rosults published
broadcast, would grontly help toward
arousing the public consclonco and
securing unity ot stnto action In tho
It Is not wise that tho nation
should allenato Its remaining coal
lands. 1 havo temporarily withdrawn
from settloment all the lands which
the geological survey has Indicated
as containing, or In all probability
containing coal. The question, how
ever, ran bo properly nettled only
by Ionization, whlrlj In m Judg-
nnry settlement. Tho conl, like tho
forests, should bo troatod as tho
property of tho public nnd lis dis
posal should bo under conditions
which would inuro to tho bonoflt or
tho public as a whole.
It can not too often no reponted
that experlouco has conclusively
shown tho impossibility of securing
by the notions ot nearly halt n hun
dred dlfforont stnto loglslaturos any
thing but unofteotlvo chaos In tho
way of dealing with tho groat cor
porations which do not opornto ex
clusively within tho limits ot nny ono
state. In some method, whothor by
a national license lnw or In ether
fashion, we mint exercise, and that
at nn early date, a far moro com
plete control than at present over
these great corporations a control
thnt will nni.'riK otln-r things prevent
wh H-m-i u 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii n i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 ii i h miHin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-
111 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 i I I I I 8 H HI H-M I M M 1 1 1 111 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 14-1 1 HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I H 1 1 M-M-f H-M-H"M-f-4-H 1 1 M I I I 1 1 14-
An immense cargo arrived on Thanksgiving Day, and
they are nearly all displayed ready for inspection.
All know that this store is in the hands of the creditors,
and the last stand will now be made. The goods must
be sacrificed .
The old business was one of which Salem people
were proud, and the stock was superb. This has been
replenished with the latest and newest in holiday novel
ties, and the new goods with the old
The goods are here, and the prices will do the rest;
all that is necessary is to see the goods w.th the cut
prices on them and you will buy.
Goods delivered in city limits
the oils of excessive ovor capitaliza
tion, nnd thnt will compel tho dfe.
closure by each big corporation ot
Its stockholders nnd of its properties
nnd business, whothor owned direct
ly or through subsidiary or nfllllatod
corporations. This will tend to put
a stop to tho securing or inordinate
prollts by favored individuals nt the
oxpenso whether of tho gononit pub
lic, the stockholders, or tho wago-
workers. Our efforts should bo not
so much to prevent consolidation ns
such, but so ns to supervise nnd con
trol it as to see that It result in no
harm to the people, Tho reactionary
or uHracoiiMrvntlvo apologist for
the mlsus ot wonlth assail the effort
to stecure such control as a stop to
ward socialism. As n matter ,of Tact
It Is theso reactionaries and ultra-'
conservatives who aro themselves
most potent In increasing socialistic
fooling. Ono of the most oftlclont
mothods of averting tho conse
quences of n dnngerous agitation,
which is 80 por cent wrong. Is to
rom-dy tho 20 por oont ot ovll ns
to whloh tho agitation Is well found
ed. Tho best way to nvort tho vorv
underslablo move for tho govern
montnl ownership ot railways Is to
seouro by tho government on behalf
of tho peoplo as a wholo Bitch ade
quate control nnd rogulattou ot tho
grent luterstnto common carriers as
will do way with tho evils whloh give
rise to the agitation against thorn,
Tho national govornmont has long
derived its chief revenue from a tar
iff on Imports and from nn Internal
or oxclso tnx. In addition to those
thoro Is every reason why, when next
our system ot taxation is revised,
the national government should lin
Pmh 'a graduated inherltanr tax,
nnd. If pntwlble, a graduated tneome
tnx. The tnnii nf great walth owe
a peculiar obligation to the stiite.
beenuito h derives special advan
tage from the obligation In the wn
be lends bl dally life and In the way
be earns and MuemU his money, but
It xhould hIko be recognized by the
way In which he pay for the protec
tion the Mtat give him.
Orent progress linn alrondy been
mndo among farmers by tho creation
of farmem' Institute, of dairy himo
ilatliMiH. of brooders' tuHoclatlon,
horticultural associations, nnd the
like. A striking example of how the
government nnd the farmers (inn co
operate Ih hIiowii in connection with
the munane offered to tho rotton
growors of tho southern state by tho
advani'o of tho boll weevil. The de
partment is doing all it can to nrgn
nlze the farmers In the threatened
dlstrb'ts. Just as It bits been doing nl!
It ran to orgnnlxo them in aid of IU
work to eradicate the entile fvr
tlek In lb south. The department
rati and will cooperate with all mum
HWMirlMlou. and It mutt have their
help If Its own work Is to b dona In
tli mint etllcleul style.
U't me onae again, call the atten
tion nf the emigre) to two enbject
riiHi-wriiliiK whloh I bar frequently
before rfiiumuNlctiUul with them
One la the question or developing
American shipping. I trust thnt a
law embodying In abHtauee the
view, expressed in the report on
hi mibjeot laid bWore the hoitee at
Ite Uet section will bu pl. 1 urn well
aware that In former years objectlou
able measure have ken protHMMl In
reference to the ewourHgwwent of
me that the proposed measure Is a
nearly unobjectionable say oan
There ahould Iks a rtmehleraui Im
rre in bills of email denomliM
I loan. PerwIatloH bom Id be given
itHiika, If naeeemry under settled
reetrlctloH. to retlrr tkelr ilrclatloa
to a larger amount than three mil
lion a month.
1 must enrHeatly hope that tke
bill to provide a lower tariff tar or
el. HlxMtlute free trade In I'MIIlBplHe
prod in i will become a law. No
bat in will om to any American In
dueir. and while tbre will be eoiH
small but real material bnnt to
During that trying period in
which women so often suffer
from nervousness, backache,
sick headache, or other pain3.
there is nothing that can equal
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
They stop the pains, soothe the
nerves, and give to
the relief so much dcsirid. If
taken on first 'indication of
pain or misery, they will allay
the irritable condition of the
nerves, and save you further
suffering. Those who use them
at regular intervals have ceas
ed to dread these periods. They
contain no harmful drugn, and
leave no effect upon the heart
or stomach if taken as directed.
They give prompt relief.
"I bnvo been nn InvMld for
ywira. I have ncuralsla, rhcumatliuM
nml pnln-i nrouiul tna timrt. Uy
using Dr. Miles' Antl-lln 1MIU T nm
relieved of ttio jmln, nml utt lot
nml rent. 1 think hnil t ltnawn ot
tho Vnln VIII vrlivn 1 VAs nrt taXn
nick, tlmy would liavo cured mn. I
reeommeinl litem for perlcxllo ruins,"
JUU8. JlKN'UV FUNK. 13. Ahron.O,
Or, Mile' AntbPain Pill ar told y ,
your ttmooli he villi guaranta that I
tha flrat packag villi btnant. If K
faili, ha Vlll return your monay,
: doiai, S3 canti. Nivcr aold la eulk. .
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Irtd J
I flafi I "
I "T I I
It Hull
A Scar.
OIL Mill ia KM.
Pnf. Dim'
King Cactus OH
iH&r ft "'
baroailifeeMionnifnBi.iai i
m4 i4ii (J. , lua. 4 all hurt
j4 amr A, IIIBlb
i. ... -i. Ii Uc. VX) A4 tl boi) M I
i iJJ4U4Jt Of &l r.'Jl "
..ur .. DLHll "IH""I I
Clinton, le. ' r '
"t'' r u L
a, W. Putnam Co.
m N. Com. Hi.
Kelem, Or.
tho Klllplnos, tho main benefit will
oome by the showing made as to our
purpose to do all In our power tor
their welfare. ,
Alaska's need have been partially
met, but there must be a complote
raorgniiltHtion ot the govwrnnientat
system, ns 1 have before Indlented to
you. I anV your especial nttetitlou to
tbla. Our felloweltlkeu who dwell
on tho shore of Paget sound with
chnmctertlHttc energy are arranging
to hold In Seattle thu Alaska Yukon
Puclflc oxposltlun. Us spocltil ttltut
Include the upbuilding of Alaska mid
the development of tho American
commerce on the 1'noille ocean. Thin
oxposltlon, liv Ita purpiKOs nnd sropir,
Hhould appeal not only to the peoplo
of (ho I'tic, I lie slopo, but to tho peoplo
of thu United States at large. Alas
ka slnoo It wiih bought has yielded
to tho government oleven million of
dollars of revenue, nml has produced
nearly three hundred millions of dol
large In gold, furs, nnd fish. Wlion
properly developud It wilt hecomo In
largt degree a land or homes. Tho
countries bordering the l'uctllc ocean
a population more numerous than
that of all the countries ot.Hurope;
their annual foreign eoaunurco
amounts to over three billions of
dollar of which the share of the
United State I anm seven hundred
million dollars. If tut trail wero
thoroughly understood and pushed
by our tiiaiiufAPtirer and producers,
tb Industrie aot OHly of the I'acthV,
slope, but of, all our country, and
particularly of our cotton growing
eta tee, would be greatly benefited.
Of equrae, In order in get these bu
Ata, we must treat fairly the coun
tries with which we trade
Tk mewage ha exii-intod aueutlo.t
ot Porto Idea, Hawaii and out nth -r
liatiiwr pueeeeslua. and dvite con
alderaVle spaee lo SearaUu-y Itixii
vwll lo fowtki Awarleaa riabUca. It
OHly meiulOM the 1'aaatHA affair r
wkleb Ike rreideHt promi to
apeak more tally kuer.
Secretary Kot' slatement In ft
peach iHftde at Hfci Janeiro. Ilraxll
laat JhIjt Ua MM- "Wa wish for no
vletorlaa hut thwe of aoaoo; for no
lerrltory ewaept. our ewn: for no sov
ereignly eeiit tho JtyIPi (
mraetvee." In the light of history
Mr. Itoot'H fttateiHeuta are net borne
out by the fuel. We egroliased Flor
ida from Imtln. Louisiana with
much of the territory west of th
MIUlpd from Kratwee. W mad-
war on Mexleo In order to wtp
Texas. We made the aedda put
rhftko from iMexlea. ami very fooHihly
forgot to tinrekase the weutk ut lh
Colorado river. We poreaMneit Alas
ka from IttiMla. aad very rentiy
put up iJB.oeu.oeo co 8lln for the
Philippine. Tr,e soveety of Ike
Philippine -toveHgat) K
onrselviw." Xot by an itr"-u "f
Itnaglaatlon. Tho evldenoe to soe.e
what eumelatlve that HHhu as talk
ing throngh hw hwl gear and trjlnu
to say aowethlflg that would sound
pretty. A a tfmitur at fact the
il'Mi.tl State Is roaih In ih IxnlUon
of the old farmer, who own i want
piueh. only the land that -Jlrcd" liW
miisdYM !JHfi N
Phone 67 Main.
Tw VMHBSaeaeeeaC