0nn m"T ") &. .. h it HIS ilng putting is pair You 'Where then i are, to Valnt. I OVM s in slelt ond das 1 P. ml hn fi iv . . ( ). ' 'J ft....;A ,7)(i wii. v Everv cold room. conditions, furnace heat often result In some particular cart of the house belne cold and cheerless. Ynn can make home warm and cheerful v,ltli tho PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped tvi!h Smokeless Device) Carry It about from room to room. Turn wick high or low-thcrc's no dinger. Smokeles devlco prevents smoke and smell. Easy to operate u a lamp. All parts 'easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em bossed. Holds a quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Gives Intense beat, iwonnisnes nicKeianu japan, nanasome, useiui, reliable. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our nearest agency lor uesenpuve The ftffXwb jB. fciy , jr nousrhou use ,, v you cm buy. EqulppeJ with v latest Improved burner. Clvei bright, iteidy light at lowest cost. Made of brasi throughout and nickel plated, Suitable for any room whether library, dlnlnr-room. parlor or btJroom. Sale and satisfactory. Every value il nearest agency ir not Standard th us J 'ANTED HIS WIFE ! FINED,' Iha Telegram Wednesday says Thero's an old snrcastlo saw about fellow who would cut oft his own itosplto his faco, but to Dopu- District Attorney Hanoy belongs 0 distinction of having discovered On nan who wanted his wlfo fined I Hi was anxious to stand tho cost, 4 b have It done. I Happened yesterday. Mir. Hanoy iwnpirlng over tho preparation w Indictment. A largo nnd cholor- Ceraan rushed Into th'o ofllco nnd Huded a warrant for tho nrrost ' lte Ho told tho doputy wor that his wife, with ono "Wr 11 children, lind gono ovor a shopping, and that on tholr 1 homo had lost ono of tholr adiej, ThU cnrolessness so tiled iH5 Germnn thnt hqadminlsterod patriarchal tonguo lashing. 'hS frail VcinrtnA I.. 1.l.t nn,1 Ba!ng moro to tho point grahbod a jk of stovewood a'nd commandod ID V of tho houso t0 Bhut "P or 7 "ouu shut him up. ant her nrrested. and fined," 1 tno fXOrclsorl lnr,l nn.l mns. 'I Want linn n.i unn ,i 'JWt the laonoy to pay It," a'nd ho H nvo hlnlng 20'a out of his i to how that ho niennt busl- I M8r stomach chunia and digests , 4W you eat and If foul, or tor- i r out of order, votir wlmin svi- otfera from blood'polson. Hol " Rocky Mountain Toa keopa e 3: cents, Tea or Tablets. ' y Dr Stono'a stnm w vt X-RAYS I ' having failed in rnnch the POlO by anv of htn ntnno intt tOat no Othnp ntnno Minn lilu feasible If this is trtto our Inter- ; la the north polo Is for sale. 'Mi M ere Is one thing that may ho r Salem's pripcjnal. atrqets-sr rfen.ado In Oregon. ll ' V ""at do vo - .... ...',.... ""Id tel ""I't'oao uv ,urnv) I "Uh If hO Pnt tn mloV.l.onA9 8ct Llaliii. . v.t. "enrr n. n.i .... . ' -,, 'orka rv. ,.T ' Buph WT va" !h4Tet;: -""spurT, Wis., writes' ti v. "ny Kinds or liniment ... lU Used T.n11i. a Tint. for ; rh'eumatl3m and calns. t " the hMf n. .t. . K Ka u.u.eBC oa earm. --o oiuru. TORIA u DAILY AriTAL TOPnVAT. SALEM, To Heat Cold Rooms Quickly house has Its Abnormal weather inadeauate stove nr circular. , LamO I'r sW'un! lamp warranted. Write to. at your dealer 1. Oil Company MACLEAY GRANGE MEETS ' Throo larg0 nnd 6UCCOg8tul moet. ngs for farmors' lnstltuto work wore hold at Macleny, at tho Grango hall. 'k 8 ,u"una- Iriday. JO: A. si. Ailrtrnsa nt u'olrnnnw 1 Inn. V. II. rjownjng Response- Dr. Jas. Withycombe. Music. "Fr,llt Growing" Prof. 0.1. " ,'";. ..., single Papet W. T. Cummings. i.jjo l M.' ivti.ain The Draft Horse" Hon. K. T. Discussion. Recitation W. J. Klssllng. Music "Management of the Dairy, Hord" Wm. Sohnlmorloh. DIaouselon. Music OunatlnM TIOV. 7::0. P. M. Music. "So8 Problems Which Confront tho Farmer" Mrs. Clara it. " Solo G. H. Tl.ompeon. "rtrflOda nild Types 01 IAB SMI. ,i H.n Aerieultural College and Work." Illustrated with "tooptlco'i - Dr. Jm. Wlthyeombe. Prof. C. .. Lewis How's Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollsr Re ward for any mm of OeUrrh th.t cannot be carl by IW1J Catarrh Ouro. F. J- Cheney & Co. Toledo, O We, the undersigned, hare kr.own F. J. Cheney for tho lest IS "-. and believe him perfectly honorable ,n all business transaction, and fl Lclally able to carry out my obll gallons made by his firm. WALDIKD, KINN.N & MA1WIN. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. 0. rrt. fiure Is taken Inter- ..;.: ,Hn directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Prh" 76c oor bottle. Sold by all druggists P Tako Hall's Family PI1U for con- "TsTureUv u, children 1-rn to speak the language of their Parents so surely will Holllster's Rock S.lh"rWE:I,o.tTD,0Stoue, store. lW.r Is O.tt-rUcd Chlcngo .Chicago. Nor. 30.-Th. Rev .Mr Otoe, owing to ab,e , i. full the amount Bea-T bud a new church and Ph,' lty to visit all his ?." Signed h.a putoraf In defer othew-lsheaofthetru Rnd h f ut the ir-tjc; 7.U.L was an able preacher ana Gnmo Disappearing tl Oklnhonm. MuskaRoe, Nov. 30.So fast nro P rlo chicken, quail. w,,d ge080( duck and turkey disappearing In Oklahoma that In a few seasons un loss same protection is offered, tho state will bo donlod of all kinds or game, in and out of season nil kinds of gamo Is ruthlessly killed and o attempt Is over mudo to enforce the gamo laws. The ruthless dW pollment of the streams, field and forests has moved a number of sportsmen In the stnto to demand n rigid enforcement of the game laws and plans are now being formulated for tho protection of tho rapidly dts appearing wild same which the first wato legislature will speedily oimct Into law. - 0 Thoaverago young woman of to day Is busy. Beauty Is only anoth or nnmo tor health, and It comoB to 99 out of every 100 who tnko Hollls ter's Rocky Mountain Toa. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Dr. Stone's Storo 0 men stilij mvks. Wounded .Man 11 1 Hospital Has De veloped Xo Unfavorable Symp fonts. Tho condition of Franz Dlch, who Is at tho Salem Hospital, romnlna un changed. This Is tho sixth day slncu ho was shot at tho Salem pnssonger dopot by Policeman Buslck and no unfavornblo complications havo yot arisen. Should he rocovor It will bo boyond tho oxpcctntlon of his phy sicians nnd nurses, still his splondld physlquo nnd gonornl good health aro In his favor. Nursing Hot hers nnil Ovcr-btmlonctl "Women In all stations of llfo, whoso vlrw and vitality may have bon undsrmliii-d an l broken -down by ovr-vork, ttxaVtlna soclnl dtitlrt, the too fmiuont bearing of children, or o.ltrr eaifw, will lltul In Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most potont, Invigorating roatorutlvo strength giver over dovivd for their special bono fit. Jlurjlns,' 'cTi wlHJjnd Itwpeclal. ly valuablo ihxustalnlng rbvlr strength and tiromotliOvuialHiiidantlhmrlshmcnt for tho cltilv . T- iiY't.intwotkjjrs too w ill lind It a 1 "MejMH4i2MWpNa3) tho system for bi.'y's comlnir and riJclng the ordeal cmnaratlvoly tvilnlrM. Jt rnti dr pn lmr.-iJn.ntv state, or wncllllnn ot tho tiunalc t.Mn. l)olicau.', T.. oliJ." VUaV omrn, who suffer from .rwjunnt hosdaehw.. lck nelto, drauglt r-down dUtn-ns low down In tho abd.:r' 1, or from painful or In nlar.nionUilv pi'riod., gnuMiug or Ui trcsMKl M'lii.'lMi In stoniarh, lly r faint upell-:. WlmniMiaryupvUnr.r' . HoAtliifT lufiro f , liuv ill-nifri'i'iii;!!1, iHlvfc .ittar ,inl dMln, nl ijwi". ""-V-Tluii or r -virlinr',',ralimaoe' motit of w )i .jiiiy r"..in Hum wcknoM of part will. uiiitlii-r tlny expcrlwico many or on!' s fw of tln nlwve symp. torn, lii.l r f slid a irr.iuiont rnn ly Ulng Inltli' v mm mm- ktimihj Dr. Plcrfi-"- I i-ir t l'r -orlpi'mt. This wirl: ' '""'1 ",',IUo '"f wnnsn's waknii- i N--uiar aili'iout w a wire glyoi'il. . t-vt of t1 cule t ns tlve. medlcliiil r -i wltli.mt , drop of alcoltol In Its in l.-iip. All IU liwfil outs prints li phi" Ktwll'h m IU hot l wrsptr and att.tl undfr oeth. Ir. Pleiw tint I .Mt" tlw.fullwtlnvi-nu-.i-Uon of hi ft--litis knowing thnt It will m fimud to ttuiu only tlw lt ;' known to t . nni advanced idmIcsI wienr of all . di!T rent school of pr.tc tlw for t!i" our- of woman's jwoulwr wwikiwaspja-HlailnH'iits. , If you snt to know tnnr snout thi SomiNwition nihI tr.f-lonal Mtorw mon of tin uotl i-.tr-l i i-t to Dr. R. V. Plerw. jr his Jrtt booklet trwtt- Ilufialo. . Y'! 1 '' "i.rl to n-f-i'iit a a nhtl i.nl ill hniiliiilnlHMiMltlul , 1 . tiiinuiin iimiY luti-t-'r un Hi11 n Spent wisely la tho source of much satisfaction. Why not speno a muc of it wisely now buying groceries of us; Baker, Lawrence & Baker Socceesors to Harrltt ft Lawrence. Woven Wire Fencing Of all kinds. Hop Wire, Pickets. Posts, Gates, Shingles and P. & D. ready roofing. All at lowest prlws. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore Highest Price ft .POCLTIU' AND KGGS fOTATOES ONIONS AND ALL VRODVCJS, CAPITAL COMMISSION CO., OUKGOy. F1IIUAV, XOVKMHKU .10. 1000. X CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT r"xt Hti8iiiaigt4ttiiiie)tiieiiiiiiltihlilt.a44 mticK Hrlck furnlsheil tit largo or small quantities. Prcssetl brick ntnde to order. Yard on Stnte Street, south of Penitentiary. SALKM IHUCIC YARD A. A. 11UIITON, Prop. DRAYMEN. Cummins Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery and transfer lino. Prompt sorvlco is our motto. Furniture nnd plnno moving a specialty. Staud at lBfl South Commercial street. Phoao 175 Restdonco phono 96S. 8-4-tf TOR RENT. For Rent. Furnished and unfur nished rooms at 790 North Com mercial St. M. A. Dice, Prop. B-l-tf FOR RALE. For Side. Second-growth fir wood". Sawed nnd Delivered to any part of tho city. Just rccolvod 100 cords. Call, at Salem Truck & Dray Company's oRlce, GO Stato street, or call up phono 74 Main. 11-lG-lm INSURANCE Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acd dont ana ponslon inBuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. 0, Montgomery, supremo organizer, Rex 432 Salem, Orogon. R. It. Ryan, Bocrotnry, B4C Stnto street. LODGES. orcswrs 01 Amonca uoun HbonrooO Forcstors, No. lp, Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, Statj street. U. & Rider, 0. R.; A. L. Rrowu, F. B. CoaUsJ Lodgo No. 18, X. of P.Catle Uall In Holman block, corner Btnts and Liberty stroott. Tuoday of each week at 7:30 p. m. J, O. Graham, C C; W. I. Stalcy, K. of It. nnd 8. Modorn Woodmen of America. Ore 'gon Cedar Camp No. 0240. Moels every Thursday ovenlng at fl o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. 0 F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World. Moet evory Fri day night at 7:30. In Holman hall. F. R. Cnppor, C. C. P. L. Fraxlor, L'la-k. MISCELLANEOUS. Hums ii Hrlggt Carpenters nnd con tractors. Job work dona to order promptly. Shop at 19th and Stato streets, opposite Hpploy's Btoro. Phono 424. ll-C-lm PletiNu Ij- Up All wno owo mo will plonso pny nt onco, ns I can not further delay settlement. F. A. Wiggins. 10-10- Agents Canvassers, mixers, ped dlers, solicitors, mall order people, etc., should buy Kramer's Rook of Trado 8oorets. Regular price $9.00, hut balance ot last odltlon for $1.26 as long as they Inst. Gunranteod. Ordor quick. Stoux Publishing Co., Southland, Iown. 11 -2 8-1 in. BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth rnoro than any other broad, yet tho prlco Is no hlghor. For isalo at your grocer's j CALIFORNIA I1AKBUV, Thomas & Cooley, Props. U Mrs. C. II. Walkers 231 Com morcjal street, you can got your clothes dyed, cloanod, pressed or ropalrod. Anything from a pair ot gloves to tho most elaborate silk gown. Velvet collars put on, ,and COats rellnod. Phone 1245. Phone 1245. Ilutte teWenerotliFlne,- wines, liquors and cigars. Wa handle the celebrated Kellogg nnd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Com merctal street. 9-3-lyr Halcm Irou Works Founders, m chlnlsts and blacksmiths. Mand- ' factorers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the ' Salem Iron Works Hop Press. 4 Capital City Lnuudry. Has now changed bands, and is under the oroDrletorsblp of Mr. A. B. West. ' We render the best of servlco and --. ll.f.Alftn IIVA HA a vnnrnntM natllfttCtlOn. GIVO US S trial order, and wo will please you. i 1284 Broadway. Phone HI , Main. 11-M-lwk KKH 'AND HteCOyK-HAXl QOOiMt. Xvit awd Becond-IUad (loods-r Dought tad aojd, ro fng, stoves and cooking uteasiU. 4le m, grasdte aid tinware ot H ki4a Give u a call. O, h. MeP JT VMSfii ri.jrf jjt m ivt . OBTBOPATHi, Dr. W. L. Mercer. Graduate of Kirk ville, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Rooms 2520 Breyman bldg. Commercial St. Thono 010. Besl donco 410 North Summer street Phone C14. Treats acute and ehrontr diseases. Examination ft, ' Dr. . II. White GrndurKo of Kirks villo, Mo., under foundor ot Os toopnthy. Room 21, Rroyruan building, Commercial stroot Phono 87. Rosldonco 310 Llborty stroot, corner Chomokota street. Thono 144S. Treats ncuto nnd chronic diseases. Examination ' free. li-17-tf PLUMBEX. TIuh. M. Hnrr Plumbing, hot wator nnd stoam heating Rnd tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly w M. J. Petsel Plumbing, stoam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox I Murphy, 220 Cotnme.-cl.il street 'Phono Mala 17. A. L. rraser Sueeeuor to Run-ought & Frnior, plumhor nnd ttnnnr. Manu facturor of eopjHv and galvanised iron cornleo, and motal skylight, 105 State street. 'Phone 1511. RALltfl HOP DKALKRfl. Krehfl Ilros. Growers ot nnd dwI ors In hops, Salem, Orogon. Phono 121. Oulco ovor Salem Stato Rank, 11C Commercial street. O. C. Donovan Hop morchant; rep resents boat firms In America. Cor ner Commorclnl nnd Stnto streets, Snlom. Phono Mnln 137. SA8II AND DOOR FACTORIES. rrank M, Brown, Manufnotnror 0 sash, d.wrn, mouldlngo. All kinds of homo flnlih nnd hnrd wood work Front street, bet. Stato and Court VETgROTAKY BUXOEON. Dr, E. J. Young. Vctorlnary rjurgoor ..and dontiat, 33 jeara' experience All work guaranteed DIflleult sur gleal operations n specialty. Phont C61. Ofllee nt Club Stables. Phont 7, Salem, Oregon. 3-0-tf WANTED. Wnntetl Ry a couple with baby, f ur ulshod or unfurnished rooms, with hath In connection. Would nlsu like hoard. Address "W A," caro of Journal. 11-28-31 Wanted. 1000 ohlckons at Willam ette Hotol. Tho hlghast cash price will ho paid. 11-1D-U Wnn u-d To ongago 10 or 12 wait resses for legislature lu January, Apply at onco nt Wlllametto Ho tol. 11-10-tt Wauled linniedliitoly A good boy and pony to deliver papers. Apply at Journal oMoe. 11-9-tf Applus Witnk-il, We will tako older apples up till January, so don't let thorn wasto. Prices according to quality. Call and sue us. Old eon Stolz Co. H-20-lm MOtuaTEr.'b Rocky Mountain Toa Nuggets A. Out MdMM fr Dny Fmlt. Drisji 0Ua IImIUi i B4 Vlff. A o-Hflo for Outtllimtlua IJIitlon, UfoV ml Kum; Trouto, llwiiW Wmwil. Iinj.ur Plooi1 111 llrfrli H1utfih llowi4, l(vl;ln o-l iuluwli It' Itooky iuatl(i T In Ufa. M fod.i at C4UI a l Urnuioa iiiaJo Ur lint.' una I'iuk CiMrtr, HvHvm. VU nOLOCH NUQQETS FOB SAtLOW PZOPj turnrnTiirauiF J.PILLS. Am.Ciui Iwii Hhm Mrni, lutlMi ' l(litti" v Ufc ilfc W&.& k. Uf 4 (wU.Mll- miti iMfoicieo.,T4.uf". r. :- r " '! Ml II 'I I- ' I " HOTEL OREGON Corner cf Seventh sad Stark fHrtote, Portland, Oregon. The aeyr and modern hotel of the elty Caters particularly to residents of 8 bia and other Oregon cities. Europee plan. Vn bus. Kate 11.00 per dai snd opwsrd. Ilaaitsomeet grill In tb VftX, and price as low as la plaex ,CM ,maeUr0, Dnr Cspitsl JooaaJ ou file. WUOHT.DIOXXKSOy XOTXL CO. tiMMC'tiLit ,. ' '"'" -TV ' IWIHWs1 BBsLK. Kct WAtKR COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAKV OmOB CITY HALL. For trntcr aerviee apply at qfflee. Rills payable monthly In advance. Make all complaints at th oOIee. B B B Order a paokago ot this famous health and braid building flour and enjoy somo good bid fashioned Now Kuglaml llrow HrtMwl. A chanco at a right hot loaf will make you think you are la Uoaton. With AlteVs Hclf-rlrdnK 1). II. B. Fletur you can ninko broad Just Ilko tho Puritans used to 'lunko. n-ll Pnnrako IHohf ts also a puro food; self rising and all ready ta mix with wator aud bake, on a hot urlddl'o. trndo Mark ALLEN'S B B B f LOUR CO. Paclllo Coast Factory, Bah Cfose, Oil. ICMHtent IVictoiry, Little Wolf Mills, .ManawB, Wis. That Cow If you keep n family tow nothing Is too good for Iter, nnd wo tnnko n npcclilty of entering for this class of trade. Ik'sldes nil tho staplo feed, wo rntry New Process Oil Meal Sidney Sfiorts--Very Extr Fresh Carrots Cow Kure and many1 other sptjcwltlcs'te Iniltico health nnd plenty ot milk. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St Tno above cut show our brick- llnod Torrid S5ono Furnace. aunr anteed gas and dust proof. Kconom leal and durable; for tho particulars Inquiro at A. L. ERASER OSH State Htrert. Ettimatus furnished on heating. e? f5-Tt Proof of the Pudding Is U tlw rating Hie h tym U Urvtul, bitrahi 'cskes tc. and tliero rait bo nO iKttvr rttulu rottlUl tlwu those obtfUiu-4 from the use of EpfUy' Ptkco , , BAfctag Powslw J It U oUoJulely puro ad, fieri trmorf, It Is made rtW Uen 1m Salem. I MrottlihjT tofem lev dustriee your uwr, t Ijoiue, ul Iclts to ewlM lt city and lucmnMJ tlw vate of yam property, Olyi It a tal. t,i C. M. EPPLEY MeMssfasCAssfis SisCfrs, smri& 'sVsbbbbbbbtsbHbbbbbbI t PsHLKieB ft L lKt:"i 'm'? ' -jmtms&tw mfm "'j'g.'SMBSSSSSBBSSSBM u u (; f , &&& mi ict rnnwnrf "' w" v "- .' , InlAT.JIb.