Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 27, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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DAILY rvT?ii
" """" JUHIXAI;,
Rickets. Q
Simply the visible sign that baby' tiny bones X
jj-e not forming rapiuiy enougn.
Lack of nourishment is the cause.
Scoife Emulsion nourishes baby's
entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly vhat baby needs.
Mil I
elevation of thought, exaltedness,
sanctity, and vigor of purpose that
perennially is in btock, and all of
that Interfused with the administra
tive and executive spirit of Almighty
God, so that through us the otornal
shall become a present factor, a dl-
iul-l manipulator, a registered voter
In nil the concerns of society and of
. nLfanrc n.lltmrc 8tnte; ft C,,Mrch' ,n n ti, that Is
y.L.n miiviiuioi. uniTi.13 no Bid,, i,owa moro contlngGnt
nnd negligible element of the times
but n Brent part of tho determina
tive life of the times, asserting Itself
fenrlossly, recognizing the whole
field of moral conduct, Individual
and riRSOplntp. An nrnnnrlv fnlllnr.
Kb a good thing, onco In, awhile, undor Ug lmrveW( lloggosgC(1 of
hare hell on earth gapo qpen and prophetic consciousness thnt, as In
l people the chance to lenn over the old dnys of Isreal,' crowds It to
je brink nnd get a scent of tho tho forefront of evont, with alt of
fphltic odors. Monstrous' sinners, ,ta Propiicuc insight into situations
. ., timi la'suiuui lUUiuuuiiL Willi HUM
there are not too many of them in, r that g.tho
:lal once, are a great boon. They 80sson of ovory nitm thnt jB n dl.
re apocalyptic. They show much vino innn, nnd of evory church that
(original grip thero still. Is In tho Is pnrt of tho church of tho living
Made on Religion and
Politics, Mixed
JBjlheRev. Dr. C. II. Parkhurst.)
kil' clutch and there grows In
. . .i .. . . o
,, m consequence, a Dig Doner m Wnnw
nine Instrumentality, for that dl- Curog a kIdney bladder and
ae Instrumentality is something wo rhoumntlc trouble; sold by all drug-
m got to have In order to find our
it through and work our way out.
ad church Is tho nnmo wo give to
at Instrumentality, understanding
r church the more or less closely
rinlied body of thoso men nnd
omen who are possessed of dl-
iie life, nnd administered by n dl
ae Impulse, nnd, therefore, inndo
ore than equal to any mere human
siitanco that they may bo called
n to face. It Is to this dlvlna
dowment that tho church Is In-,
Med for nuthorlty . to nssumo
cnl leadership nnd for pqwor to '
wise thnt leodorshlp with effect J
To no bther Institution docs thnt
iderihlp or power pertain. Other
Mm may bother the devil n little,'
p only tho church can discourage
lawdWock him. A whipped devil
tie product only of n ' dlvlno
wje, The schools nro not do-
It Our schools are practically
Uesi, except In a surreptitious
n. nd surreptitious godliness Is
Ktimiy overt dovllness. Our
fcK!i mako tho children bright,
pt brightness is not a constituent of
Pl character. Intollectunl dls-
Mlne may elcvato tho grado of a
vices, but will not convert
PM Tires Into virtues. Civilization
j1 not mean sanctlflcatlon; It
lm off conrso ways of committing
tor ways that nre less renulslvo
l more esthetic
gists, or two months' troatment by
mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2020
Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send
for testimonials. Sold by Stone's
drug store. dw-lyr
State Printer Dimiway
To Have Fresh
Owner of Present Plant
Offers to Give It to State
if Printer is Placed on
Orogonlan, Nov. 20: A new print
ing plant for the now stnto prlntor,
Willis S. Dunlwny, In tho capital In
Snlem, will take tho plnco of the
ont i.lnnt. ownod by Frank C.
And not only I ,... , nrlntar. and will be
", but ihfi mnA nn iiifliTAiiain(n ' . riinlin v's AS(-
, . "'" "" ih"- oporatod on ana nuor . - --
knows, th" wider tho swath of ,)tlon ut the ollloe, January 14.
A"' mat lie can out. D sclitl no ., ...ii,,na for the sate oi
., - - jyui. .Miguuii"""-
p 'i respect Ilko lire, wiucu is
Mmlrable commodity so-long. ns
k kept in the crate, but which,
drained, Is llnblo to snap out on
cttlet and burn the house.
the fact that thero Is an In-
f'tloa -specially ordained of God
redemption of tho Indlvld-
'or the reconstruction of so-
r. and for tho raising from the
e rotting body of municipal
"to Politics, nnd thnt thnt in-
'ua is the church of Jesus
hould load with a burden
ly felt opportunity nnd ro-
' tho hearts of our clergy,
'" all. nnd of our Christian
&en and women. Wo, of
i vant to see foreign pagans
MadacnRpnnn nnil Ilnt-
, chanting the psalms of
nd Mongolians streaming
"sh the na-i,. .- .
""celestial; but there Is no such
nat the American church can
88 Present lima mnv t i.i,nif r
,v -....v uiu&v lit UCIIUU u
8 to becomo a channel, direct
... : ,u''ness of God, to convey
" oeeoto i ... . .... ,
klte VlrVnl V vu B l "
I --Mv ut unueciBivo inuu,
l'i to beeome the right arm of
r vr ueilng blows quick and
A ny, his newsnaners. or his
kjft nf hangerson, attempts
-wuient ror hlmselr ana
,a POStnnnfnw ih fiaftor
Of Citv . -. .
. 'ta of all u. -a.
mo fixates. .
trt yiwuBu '
I n h BiJa8H")aic mnuenca
t ( ,-9 relt only la some sca-
H TT crIa. but m great
!Ht power z1 r l5T,p
the old plant to Dunlwny wore con
Bldorod by th two partlM for Som
time, but It U understood that a
price could not be ngrwnl or. Uer
8ays that should the legislature put
Duulway on salary, he wm i -old
plant to the itnte.
Two new prw will arrive or
Dunlway's ptaat early wt JJ
and two are already on band. Tyjw
and other nrcwwrle. have been or
rJ,whU..iW,ll bring the total cojt
up to between $12,000 and I14.00J.
The new machinery will bo ins U J
before January 14. so that Dun way
will be ready to turn out the legls
mre's printing on tho very first day
tUBa8kePr's Plant was nsta,.l by
!n 1SS7, and was used by Wm eight
year A-Leeds succeeded Baker
. "tat. Printer In "05, he used b
p,ant for eight years wore Leeds
' ' . ., nU rnmneneatlon za
paying " . .. , th
f. , , net nroflts of tho of-
" ..Hin,. to nakor's statement
Htnov who became state printer
Su the Plant for the last
... . tii.. n rental u
four years, paying
less tho state shall pui J0"1
the state, since the gm
increase the emoluments of
riH km Y " My fcK
Bert E Haney and H s Bride
Have a Strenuous House
Profiting by the unnoynnco to
which Kcr. Clarence True Wilson
was subjected a few montha ago,
some frlsnds of Deputy District At
torney Dort E. Haney. who has Just
roturned from a wedding tour, and
who hns taken up his reeldenco with
bis bride In a cozy onst side cottago,
decided yesterday to glvo him n tasto
of what he may expect on tho prosv
side of matrimony.
The racket began oarly and Insted
nearly all day. Tho first Intima
tion Haney had thnt nnythlng out
of the ordinary wns occurring was
about 7 o'clock in tho morning,
when he wns nwakoned by a tro
mondouB din In the bnsomont. "With
thoughts of burglars filling his mind
lie timidly ventured bolow In his
night clothes and wns amazed to
see a big husky plumbor knocking
things right and loft with n sledge
hammer. "What does all this mean?" ho
domnndod In astonishment.
"It means that I Intend to find
that blooming leak In your pipe- If
I hnvo to knock tho wholo houso
down," was the chotrful answer, as
nifothor section of the wall went by
the board.
"Hut I tell you thoro Isn't any leak
here: this Is a new house with mwl
orn plumbing," Insisted tho deputy
district nttornoy.
"Ain't this n. E. Hnnoy'fl rosl
donco, 41 East Thirty-first street,
corner Enst Pine?" roturnod tho
plumbor, holding n greasy card to
the light.
Hanoy admlttod tho name and
"Woll," continued tho plumbor,
"wo have Instructions to ronnlr n
wntor main In tho bnsomont, and to
como enrlyi and do tho Job without
awakening tho Inmntos them's our
orders, young follor, so you had bet
tor trot back to bed and got In out of
tho cold."
Aftor much expostulation Hanoy
convinced tho mnn thnt somobody
had Imposed on htm, nnd tho
plumbor went away, giving oxpres
sion to certnln phrnsos which can
only be Interpreted properly by n
master plumber.
It wns merely tho beginning of the
trouble, howover, and before night
fall Hnney's patience hnd been sub
jected to a severo test. Dill Storey'M
coal wagon drovo up with a ton of
anthrnclto and tho drlvor proceeded
to dump It In the back yard. While
Haney was remonstrating with him,
the Danfield-Veyiey company's
wagon came along and doposltod an
Immense quantity of slnbwood among
his tlower beds. It had hardly got
out of sight before a Junk donlor
rang the doorbell nnd In n hualneefl
Ilko way Inquired where the empty
bottles rould be found.
"What empty bottlea?" gaaped
I Inner.
"Why, aomeh(Hy telephoned for us
to come here and get 14 dosen empty
beer bottles that hud bean left by
the fellow that moved out," growled
the Junkman. "Said we oould have
them for nothing If we would haul
the away."
A proeeMioa of delivery wagona
followed the departure of the Junk
man. Llpman, Wolfe & Co. sent a
man out to bang lnoe curtains;
Meier & Frank' repreeentatlvo came
preimred to lay carpet; Olds, Wort
man & King were on hand to put up
portieres; the rival tolephono com
panies ware there at the same time
to put In telephene: tho joof of tho
house was covered with carpenters
hunting for an imaginary leak; sev
eral beer -wagons drove up at Che
same time and each proceeded to
ornament what evor vacant spaco
was left around the promisee with
cases of beer, wbllo the Hazlowood
company managed to elude tho
guard and leave four gallons of Ico
cream on the back porch. Just as an
Insurance agent showed up at the
front door to write a policy on tho
Haney did not appear at tho dis-
irtnt attorney 'a office yesterday, ror
good and sufficient reasons, and the
SUlpnUriG AS" umo"! ' '
H7 of East Thlrty-flrat and East Pine
street was not occasioned by a vol
canic eruption.
. ,,,iv na chlklrea learn to
(M--e---j-rf . . ,s tf.v.!..
A large numb?r cf neo'ile Dlnn on
Thanksgiving to tnko tholr dinner nf
Hotel Willamette, whore tho menu
of the beat, and tho place has beon
tho scene of many n happy family
Willamette llutcf Menu.
For Thanksgiving Dinner from
.10 to 7:30 p. m
Fresh Eastern Oyatore
Fried Salmon Steamed Potntooa
Chicken and Shrimp Salad
Celery, French Oltves, Sweet Cucum
bers nnd Dill PIckloa
Sugar Corn. French Pons. Asparagus
Daked Sweet Potatoes, Mashed nnd
Stenmod Potntoos .
Roast Turkey, Dressing, Cranberry
Itoast Chicken nnd Drosslng
naked Duck nnd Apple Snuco
Dolled Ilnm, Cold Tonguo
Frosh Enstorn Oystor Pnttios
nannna Frlttors with Lemon Snuco
Applo, Sllnco nnd Strnwborrv Ploa
English Plum Pudding with Hard
Fruit. Mnrblo and Simngo Cakes
Croam PutTa, Oresconta, Ohocolnto
Bclnlrs, Lady Flngors
Nnvnl OrniiKOfl. AnnlOit. DnnnnnR.
Fancy French Mixed Candy, Awortod
Nuts and Itnlslns
Telephone the number of pltUos
you want reserved.
weak the lasguage of their parent
to surely viu ii"m -
Mountain Tea make them well and
keep them well Tea or Tablet. 35
cent. For a!e r. tono' tore.
(ZjSold On Merh j
i r . ... ja
v -"s 'JjPT
Hlii, nV
Absolutely Pure
Pure Cream Tartar
Srur Btcarhonaii SoJa
J. A. Folger & Co. s fiiko I
1'or Mrs. CJrny,
Mrs. K. P. Dotld was at homo to a
fow friends Informally on Friday af-
tornoon In compliment to Mrs. Orny,
of Salem, who Is the guest of Mrn. T,
T. Geer. Pendleton Tribune.
Gives Instant Relief
No More Bad Breath
"My New Secret Remedy Quickly
Cures Catarrh." O. B. Gauss.
Catarrh in not only dangerous,
but it nat bad breath, ulcera
tion, death uml lmr of bones, lois
. - . .
of thinking and reawniug power, kills
ambition and oarcr. oftn eauies loss
of appetite, indlgwtlon, dyipepsin, raw
throat nnd roaeiM to sral debility,
ItHocv and IniaaitT. It w attention
at ante. Cure it with Genu' Cntnrrb
Cure. It Is a quiek, radial. perma
nent care, beeaute it rids .the system
of tho peiaea germs that eauie catarrh,
la enter te prove to all who are suf
fering frern this dangerous and loath
Mttio dlioaM that GaH' Catarrh Cure
wiH actually iu aay eaie of catarrh
quickly, no matter how Jeng standing
or how bad, I will nd a trial pack
age by mall xee of wt. Send usjour
HB-Tio and adk( today and tho treats
H.aiit will be wnt yem by return wall.
Try It. It will ji!Uve4r oure so that
you will ht weJeeniM insieau or
kunucd' bv veer friead. 0. K. 0aM,
0064 Main 8tre. Martball. Mleh. I1II
out coupon beioTt
by tho council Novombor Cth. "Whllo
It Is not assorted In tho petition cf
remonstrnnco, It Is said that tho prin
cipal objection to the paving nrlsoa
from tho fact thnt tho resolution
calls for tho work to bo dono with
Wnrron's bitullthlo pavement. It Is
clnlmod that this shuts out competi
tion, nnd with tho words "Warren"
ollmlnntod, competition may bo had,
and It Is nssorted thnt thero will bo
no objection to having tho work
At tho last mooting of tho council
lo tho resolution adopted to tmprovo
Commercial street, th onamo "Wari
ron" wns loft out. Tho council will
meot tomorrow night, nnd It la en
tirely probnblo thnt tho matter will
bo thus adjusted, nnd thnt the work
of Improvement will bo prococdod
The Court street remonstrnnco
wan signed by D. F. Wnguor, 80
foet; Wemor nud Mrs. 12. llroynmu,
ICC. 12 foet; Joseph Moyora, SC.57
foot; Wndo. Ponrco & Co., 119.20
feot; 12. P. McCornnok, ICG foo nnd
Mi Inch; W. H. Itynl, ri0"feot: h. D.
Wostncott, nn.88 foet; A. V. Skiff,
44M foot; L. L. Rowland, AX AT,
foet; J. N. Smith, JA foet; P. 8.
Knight. r.l feet; Ollvo Knrlght, 22
feot; Cnrrlo J. Wlllla and Percy Wil
lis, 1CC.12 feet: Wostncott & Btoovos,
2i feot; J. C. Thompson, 81.55 feot;
Chemoketa Lodge, I. O. O. P., ICC. 12
foot; Leln nuren-Reovcs, 121.12 fet..
Tho Stnto stroot petition had tho
following signatures affixed; C. A.
Orny, Iilanoho o. Pntton, Oertrudo
O. Lownsdnlo, W.'T. Oiny, Oeo. II.
Oray, Jonnlo O. Kyle, P. 11. D'Arcy,
J C Thompson, Mrs. B. Monroe,
Tho Holmnn, Fred Hurst, Slolnor &
Hergor, (loorgo Ilnyne, Mario Vlranl.
Annlo D. Vornnl. Louis A. Vernnl, A.
Hush, Lndd ftllusli, Lulu II. lluah,
Fannlo 12. Hubbard. Mnrgnrot Fori
uell estate, Kllznlioth Fnrrnr, J. J.
Murnhy, O. Pnulus. Mnurlco Kllngor,
Felix Lnllrnnch. Mr. M. N. Chap
man, J. L. Stolwor, A. Bohrolbor and
B. 8. Lamport.
Will Kntcitnln the l-'amiors Iiwll
This toepen I K&otJ for one trial
package of Oanw' Combined Ca
tarrh Cure, mailed free In plain
nckago. Simply fill In your naroo
and address on dotted lines below
tod mail to
0. R Oaoas, 001 Main Btreet,
Marshal), Mich.
Tho day following Thanksgiving
n fa nn or ' Instltuto will convono nt
Mncloay. Tho program Is very Inter
esting nnd will cover dairying, draft
horses, ahcop nnd goats, cnttlo, fruit
culture, tho problems of grain rnlu
tug, soli fortuity, etc.
Rosldon tho above there will be
houio addresses upon legtslatlvo mat
ters of Intorest to tho farmer, intor
Hpomcd with songa nud recitations.
Everybody la Invited to bring n
lunch basket nnd stny all day. Tho
Grange will furnish plenty of hot
coffoo froo.
Tablets. Druggists refund money It
it rails to euro. 13. W. GROVE'S
slgnnturo on ench box. 21c,
"Will treat you with Oriental herb
and euro any dlacnto without operntloa
r pnln.
Dr. Kum la known everywhero la
Salem, and baa cured many promlaat
people here. He has lived In Salem
for 0 ycraa, and can ba trutd. He
unci renr mcdlelnes unkoona to waite
doetort, and with them enn ear
catarrh, asthmn, lung troubles, rheu
matism, stomach, liver, nod kidney die
eaiea. Dr. Kum make a iptelnlty of drop
and feinaU troubles. Ills reiasHe
euro private dliensea when everything
else fails. He has hundreds of testi
monial, and glvra eonsaltation ree.
Prices for medicine very moderate.
Peraon la the country can write for
blank, flerwl at am p.
If yon want some extra fine tea, gut
It from na.
107 Boutb High street, Hnlrm, Oregon,
Oppoalto ITotel Halem P 0. Roi UK.
Table Linen
Regular 11.60 good (juallty all lluen tnblo cloth, 70
inahe wldo, pretty pattern. Halo 1'rlcn, yd. . . .il 00
Regular 11.20 nil lluon tablo cloth, CO Inches wldo,
pretty pattern. Halo Trie, ! 7C
Regular 1.00 all linen table oloth'03 luoh wide, pret
ty pattern. Halo J'rlff, yl $5f
Regular 86c morcerlied linen finish, cotton table rloth
66 Inoh wldo, neat pattern. riaJu Trlrt', jrI. .n8
29S and 300 Comnetclal St.
ProiK-rty 0TM Object to Improvc-
innit of Court anil State StrwW.
Reraonstraneo were filed with the
oitv recorder yesterday afternoon
against the proposed Improvement
of Court and Stt utreeW. aloaaj the
lines et out In the mol8U0 9mm
once In n -whllo Jhe uhlnlng marlc
of hi wisdom being the putting of
hi foot In a comfort-giving pair of
hoe purchasable- here. You can't
beat our f:,W ahoes nnywhore In
this land. For patent leathers and
special last wo charge more, to ba
sure. Hut you'll get full value for
every dollar you spend with us for
shoe Uather.
Lreftr to Oeed flm Vbte. .
-,,. mpt-vy
-n it MW jet 0,