Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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' ' TVfJ"
A rain coat Is needed for thp
winter rnlmr.' A'u'ldo from Bhelter
Ing oiio'b solf from tho rain
these, 'cool- evenings 'Make tlifa
mo kind of coat very comfort
able', and nro the proper things.
Maw . A1nm ' MtnBir.m ft rt 1 Slr1fltCl
V t. iVy iOW;lUOf -Aa "" wwwo
$8.50 to $27.50
Plaid Coats
TWO most popular cont worn
today. You'll want one, of course
and wo wish to call' your. atten
tion to tho now stylos In all wnnt
tcd lcngtliH nnd colors. You can
bo pleased from this shpwipgand
will save money to buy hero.
$6.50 to $22.50
Dress Goods
A Temarknbly flno showing of
this celobratod mako of goods
,tbat Is guaranteed ralnprpof. You
tako no chances with "Cravon
otto" but hnvo a strong guaran
tee bnck of It. Wo hnvo n full
lino In nil tho nowost wonvoB nnd
colors In nil dCBlrnblo weights.
$1 .50 to $3
Knit Undcryvear
Theso arc .treacherous days,
which should warnyou thnt you
iHimt lio proparod -jwith warmer
wnderwear. Perhaps no other
rs an. snow you sueu n wmo
rffcge of styles and "mntorlal to
veltct from which Is a pretty snfo
estimate that you can get Just
what you wnnt to pny.
10c to $6 '
Outing Fjannel
A lino lino of tho boat of Cln-
tforolln nnd French Twill Outing
Flannel for gowtiB, kimonns nnd
robes, extra wldo host weight.
Regular 12V4o values. Special
price tho yard.
Tm 1 tit in mm tit T
JJ" O D J . Y of "I'Mhonnblo
' koimN nt
A Collet ion of Important Pnra
graph for Your Consideration
Ilia i)J the MokIi
Most of tho ills fleah is holr-to nro
remedied by Osteopathy. Likely
ywir case would be easily reached.
It would at UiMt dp so harm to have
a iJ4c with r B, H, White, In the
BprmHTbutldlag. tuei'frl
Agate Grinding
we have just Installed a plat:t for
grinding and polishing agnlo'7and
are prepared to do this wOrktpn
jtfcwt order Wo alio mount stones
U y stylo desired. Wo suggest.
hWver, If you havo any worklln
tkht llae, you wish done for Christinas
to irln it in early because then) aro
a rat sjaay people who have boen
wHI Jorw to w this plant start
ed w. First coe rt terred,
Burr's Jewelry
On. MM wri Liberty Sbiv
i.' :-'
Men's High
Grade Clothes
Every garment bearing tho IT.
S. & M. label Is absolutely hand
tailored, consequently following
oven tho slightest change In the
modes. Tho fabrics nro hotter
than tlioso used In. any 'other
ready-to-wenr clothing. This
clothing Insures stylo to the wear
er, because there Is stylo to the
garment. It Is tho most serious
rival tho best custom tailors ever
had. Not a slnglo made-to-ordor
point is sacrificed, and there
Is no waiting .when you wnnt tho
clothes. You can best be fitted
out hero when -you -hnvo such n
wldo rangoof fabrics and colors
to choose from. Prlcas -range
$10 to $30
Damp weather demands dry
foot, nnd In order to keep your
foot dry you should bo properly
Bhod. Wo mnke n specialty of
supplying 'tho worthy kind of
shoes for men nnd women, tho
kind that is mndo for Wot weath
er wear, yet has all tho stylo thnt
you could wish for. Our prices
aro much- lower than shoo stores
nak for same finality of goods.
Step in and sco what wo have
$3, $3.50, $4
Cold weather predicted for this
winter hnvo you nmplo bedding?
If not, como hero nnd look ovor
our lino which contains Home of
tho best -values you'll ovor bo able
to find.
Cotton Blankets '
45c to $2.25
Wool Blankets--
$1 up to $12.50
Long Kid Gloves
Now styles In white, tan, blu
nnd black
$3.50 and $3.75
Clin TimifMiu
nuil dependable Half PriCC
Got your Sunday chicken nt Far
rlngton's Now Market, -120 Stnto St.
Nl'W ClilKNt'f
Will be organUod at tho Capital
Business College this week to ac
commodate thoso entering nt this
time. Sco largo advertisement else
where In this 'Issue. U-n-ft .
Hrlng Hack tint floods.
Some person, whoso Identity Is
said to bo known to tho proprietors
dr tho Btore, picked up and carried
away eovoral packages of groceries
from tho bench front of Dnkor,
Lawrence & Baker's grocery Btore
this morning. They had been left
out thoro for the convenience of tho
purchaser, arid tno party who carried
tho,m away evldoutly thought they
ha been, fbrgatte.n. The proprietors
state that something may be done if
tho goods are not returned within a
reasonable length of time.
Mil Jh4 Kpl test
mil Jones, of Jefferson, Is in the
city today. Ho is explaining how
deeply ho regrets that his friend
Lupor eludod tho vigilance of the
deputy sheriff tho other dar.
Journal Chrittmas Ktlkioti,
The. Capital Journal has employed
Mr. Charles L, Green to assist la
getting out a special Christmas ad
Industrial and .IXrolopmeat edition
pf this paper- He is a talented
writer, nnd M callwpoa the people
and present the pkn adopt to ad
vert I so Salem la a kwwwW -
ner aa tho live ty t th i4re ff
Oregon. Aay cowrtas4a ahown hlw
will he aMwcltd. hy tfc m,
ftiNt publIhVrs M Th C4tl Jow
r '
Prepared for the Public Schools
nnd tho Family Circle. . !
President Ahfador, of ' Panama,
has invited the governors of the Bev-
on provinces df the republic to nieet
President Roosevelt on tho' becnaidn
of hfs Visit to inspect the cnhnl.'
Pour more large fortst r'dser'ycs
have been "created 'in thcmountdln
ilistrlcts of Idrihb. -? '.
The Hnrrlmnn system bos' bought
,10,000 new freight cars nnd C000 re
frigerator cars for- delivery touring
Joseph Cannon, speakor of tho ria
tlonal houso of representatives, hhs
been returned to congress by nn In
creased majority. . ...
Thoro la n liny famine on' Cpps
Bay, due to n lack of transportation
facilities from Portland. " t
' None bf the candidates for gover
nor of New Hampshire having re
ceived a majority of tho votes cast,
tho legislature must choose aK gov
ernor when It meets.
. , President Roosevelt has awarded
a medal to Edward Murphy, of tho
Pennsylvania railroad, who risked
his life to save two children.
Tho assessment of Linn county
hns boon lncrensed from $8,799,010
In 1005 to $18,855,040 In 1900.
Tho nnnunl report of tho Stato
Dairy Commissioner shows n total
dnlry product of $28,000,000 .for
Otto, tho ndllctcd king of Dnvaria,
who Is considered insnne, Is reported
to bo growing worse.
o '
Writ of Iti'vlcw SiiHtnlncil jludg-
iiictit hot Aside.
In department No. 2 of the state
circuit court this morning Judge Gal
loway sustained tho writ of review
from Justice of tho Ponco Wobstor's
court In the cnBO of George Fcndrlch,
nppollant, vs. V. M. Cnldwoll. re
spondent, nnd dismissed tho judg
ment granted In tho -Justice- court
against Mr. Foadrlch In a suit of
forclblo ontry nnd dctnlncr for tho
ojectmont of Fondrlch from tho re
spondent's property on North Com
mercial street.
Tho suit originated about tho mid
dle of tho summer, when Fendrlch's
'lenso upon the building ho occupied
expired, nnd, ho having been notified
to vacate, pleaded for further time,
In order thnt ho might transfer his
meats, undergoing tho curing pro
cess, In colder wcathor. Suit In
forclblo entry nnd detnluor was
brought. Fondrlch wns summoned
for a' hearing, and, falling 4o mako
nn nppenrancp, judgment wns ren
dered ngnlnst him. Tho writ of ro
vlow wns then sued out by Fend
rlch's counBol, Webstar Holmos, up
on tho ground that tho summons was
Improperly sorved, In thnt tho court
failed to Bot a dato for tho trial, and
.tho summons merely rend "within
four days from dnto of service,"
whon it should have summoned him
to appear not less thnn two d'ays nor
moro thnn four days from date of
jivacli unci llower Mlnbtrt'ls In Sn-
l..l VIlv V....M. A....
. . tf.lJ
, Beach nnd Bowers' minstrels,
which gives an entertainment (o-
jilght at tho Grand Opera Houso was
in Salem last on the closing night of
Read's Opora House, Tho perform
ance was tho last in that famous
playhouse, and it was a good one.
Tho press notices show that the ag
gregation plnyed to a crowded house
and tho manager says his show has
been steadily getting better ever
. Circuit Court Doings.
Uudgd' Galloway- has made-' the fol
lowing decisions in department No.
2 -of tho circuit ceurt:
;, Iu tho divorce suit of Eleanor
Mae Goln against Jasper Lw Goln,
4, decision was made this morning as
follows; Decreo for plaintiff, neith
er party to collect costs, and each
$arty to aav Wo care asd custody
4 silaor children six months during
&ch year, the children to be kept to
gether. The plaintiff, was given the
4tody of tha children during the
trt six months.
. Tho foreclosure suit of Mary A.
Bamp against Fred Randall, et al
terd-ay dismissed upo the settle-
Meat of the parties.
CeolMge ft Mcdala, corpora
Um, thk aralM; won their suit
MptlMt W. JCMh.
S. B. SfewnfV of'WooHburn, Was
in the city yesterday on business. -;
G. Stolz returned this 'morning
Ifrom Portland. " " ' j
' Miss E. M. Pnrrott left this morn
ing for Roscburg, after attending the
'funeral of Mrs. W. H. Carroll." j
. Mf nnrl Mrs. Jos. Emm6tt left
this morning for n 'short business
trip and visit id 'Portland. ':
Miss Blanche Robinson went .to
Woodburn this mornfng' tq vllt
friends for a few day's. ...
Mrs. Kate Trior, after a visit' wih
Salem relatives, returned, tills njorn
Ing to her hom6 in Portln'nd. (
Mrs. A. V. McCarty(i of Portln.nd
'wns In the city yesterday on. busi
ness. ' ' . ;
Miss Lllllnn Le9, of Portland, !ls
tho guest of her sister, Mrs. L, M.
AVhlte. " . " k '
.irs. Sadie Lang, who has1 been tlto
guest'of Mrs". G. V. Glhsbn, left this
morning for her homo In Portlnnd.
Mrs. M. E. Holcomb went tb
Roseburg todny to visit relatives for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Holmes, of Rltz
vlllo, Washington, nre In tho city,
visiting relatives and friends.
Richard Swartz returned this
this mornlhc from an extended trip
In Eastern Oregon nnd Washington.
J. J. Rngan, n progressive mer
chant of Buttovllle, was in tho city
Hon. Francis Foller was among
the loynl Elks of Woodburn who nt
tontled tho "wnke" last evonlng.
Miss Mnrguerlto Mors went to
Woodburn Inst evonlng to be tho
guest of her aunt,. Mrs. Armes.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bnrhan, nfter a
short visit In tho city, returned yes
terday to their home In Woodburn.
Mrs. A. L. Brown nnd Mrs. Mnry
Hofor roturned last night from a
visit of two days to friends at Mac
loay. Mrs. Francis Donahue, who nns
been visiting her son, T. M. Donnhue,
left last evening for her home In
Chehnlls. ,
Mlbs Carrlo E. Boss, of Portland,
who has been visiting Mrs. W. II.
Ncff, of this city, left last evonlng
for her home.
Miss Lenorn Kunze, who hns been
tho guest of Rev. nnd Mrs. W. II.
Noff, returned yesterday to her
home In Tillamook.
Miss Mary Beardsley and brother,
Arthur, loft this morning for Now
York, nnd, nn extended trip In tho
Southern states.
Superintendent James, of tho pen
itentiary and Stato School Superin
tendent Ackerman left for Portland
this morning on n short business
Mrs. M. Montgomery, after n visit
In Salem, returned today to her homo
In Junction City. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Montgomery formerly lived In Sa
lem, Mr. Montgomery being ngent
for tho S. P. Co. in this city.
Mr.,nnd Mrs. Roy Bucklnghnm ro
turned Inst evening from California,
whero they spent their honeymoon.
Thuy visited Mr. Buckingham's
mother nnd sister, Bessie, at Palo
Alto, and also visited all the prlncl
plo cities, going as far south as Los
Angeles. Mrs. C. A. Crnlg, after a visit with
her aon-ln-lnw, W. H. Porter, loft
this morning for her homo In Mis
souri. 8he wns accompanied by her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. G. W, Craig,
and daughter, Miss Weston, who, af
ter visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Por
tor, nro returning to their home In
Social Session Lasted Until the Small
'- Houra This Morning.
One of tho most enjoyable social
sessions the' local lodge of Elks
have ever held was pulled off last
night. It was the original Intention
to hold a wake last night over tho
old Iodco rooms, but, as tho furni
ture for the now quarters has not
arrived another meeting will be
held in tho old rooms. Addresses
wero made by C. L, Murphy, P. H
D'Atcy. John Knight, F. T. Wrlght
m&n, F. W. Durbin, Dr. W. H. Byrd,
W. It. dinger and others. Music
was furnished by the orchestra, and
Prof. Heritage contributed a solo.
and F, J. Deckebach did the same
thing. W. E. Abbott gave a humor
oub sketch, "The Roller Skates."
The refreshments wero everything
that could be desired.
-0 .
A young man named Fred Olson
was arrested at Baker City Wednes
day, charged with passing bogus
checks to the amount of 1 85. Sever
al huslneet men cashed checks slimpd
by hlw, which were repudiated.
m mm tm mmm
Take Dr. VIUiniriV Pink Pills nt t jitf
rust ojii'i 1 $l,
Tlint " PcrninnenU
CurctltiTIilH Mlclilgnn Mini and ft
HIJ Wife. fi
v:J3o not neglect the first warning
symptoms' of rheumatism.
.-. nimumgi TJIiilr PMIn lmv&
;..uy, .iiiiu...o ..... is
cured many cases of this disease Inj
advanced stages, but much timo cri
im R.ivnri hml unnecessary sufferlri
avoided- by beginning' tho Urentmon
as soon as the first pain In the JolntB?
tho rtrst twinges In tho muscles, glvo,
notice of tho approach of thb trouble.
Mr- TOrnnk Titttlfi. a well known
citizen of Portland Ionia Co., Mich.
was cured of a severe enso of rheti
mastlsm by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
In speaking about it recently, ho
said: "In my work I was obliged
to bo out In 'all kinds of weather and
many times I would como homo
"vet through and completely exhaust
ed. I worried a great deal nnd I
think this, nlong with my constant
exposure to tho cold, nnd . damp,
hastened my" sickness. My body was
run down and In .no condition--"to
withstand disease and nbobi flyq
yenrs ago I began to feel rhcuiribtlc
pains In my arms and ncross my
bnck. My arms and logs grew numb
nnd tho rheumntism seemed to settle
In every' Joint so that I could hard
ly move, whllo my nrms wore useless
nt times. I was unable to sleep or
rest well and my heart pained mo
so. terrible I could hnrdly stand It.
My stomach becamo Bour nnd bloat
ed nfter eating nnd this grow so
bad that I had inflammation of tho
stomach. I was extremely nervous
nnd could not bear the leaBt noise'
or excitement. One whole Bldo of
my body becamo paralyzed.
"As I said before, I had been suf
fering nbout flvo yenrs nnd seemed
to bo nblo to got no relief from ray
doctors, whon n friend hero in Port
lnnd told me how Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills hnd cured him of neurnlcla In
tho face, oven nfter tho pain hnd
drawn It to ono sldo. I decided to
try tho pills and began to bco eomo
Improvement soon nfter using them.
This encouraged mo to keep on until
I was entirely cured. I hnvo never
hnd a return of tho rheumnstism or
of tho paralysis.
"My wife was also troubled In
nbout the same way that I was. Sho
had rheumntism In tho Joints nnd
stiffness .nnd numbness In tho neck.
Tho pills completely cured her nnd
sho has never hnd another attack
of tho rheumatism."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actual
ly mako rich, new blood nnd hnvo
cured such dlsenscs as rheumntism,
nervous and general debility, indi
gestion, nervous headaches, neural
gia and even partial paralysis and
locomotor ntaxia.
These- pills are for sale by all
druggists or will be sent postpnid, on
receipt of price, 50 cents per box,
six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Wil
liams Medlclno Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.
A. C. Smith 'Frisco.
A. L. HutchenB, Endecott.
John Martin, Portland.
Chas. A. Rice, Monmouth.
W. N. Waters, Silverton.
A. G. Thompson, 'Frisco.
Vernon Ramp, Brooks.
J. G. Van Orsdelli Dallas.
J.x B. Lulthuns, 'Frisco.
George Dorcas, Portland.
J. K. Buff, 8llverton.
W. M. Hunter, Lafayette.
J. A. Townsend, Seattle.
H. A. Sublett, Racine, "Wis.
C. M. Breuster, New York.
J. B, Marvin, Portland.
W. L. Foote, Berkeley.
M. Keene, Howell Prairie. Or.
Margaret Collins, Albany. ,
John Garsley, Colby.
Mrs. O. Wood.,
F, M, Mitchell,. Frultland.
Leon Cavasso, Sam Fraaclsco.
J. M. Mors,jHdlaapolls.
J. P. Joawr, PectteBd:
C, F, Easter, Portland.
- 0
Article of Incorporation were
tied this morning in the office of the
secretary of atata fcv th r.ii
Iron Works, of Portland; Iseerpera.
tora. H. 8. Preecott, T. 1. htmM,
a 8. Prescott. W. e. V...M... ....-
Norfolk. Vn . v "-P
d'eh't's' iBhlps passed out'of ffiiH
nt C.Jlh .IU -'. J . lQ6 Ok
it a Mips passed out jot ti"
ed id stgnal, but th . "T !
smoKO ouscujpa It.
. . . . "0 UK -.. -
-nllrond Snf
-Garfield rWflslf., Kov. '.. 1
R- &.-.N."d,eppMafe wan'-Jt0, 1
drert dollars Bccurcd. a ... ft
MnnHKHtTMk iW .,. . . 'uasB W
... .0 un nit) irau. F
V' .' ' i" 1 .fv fa-
- -jTi1fly...Hns Smooth (idlnfej '
Washington, Nov, fl Th i- '
ilpnnrt.tnitnt ronnN-.i
.--. - ,,wv...,uu nvo tCM
messages from the Louisiana to
One.carly'fhls mofnlnjr. an.rL?:'
nfternoonv qayJng.thQ squadron ll
.. i.uUttUU uie sea was smooth
llrldo on Trial for Murder
'Chicago; Nov. 9 Hicllo v.t" .
Monhnrd wns arraigned this mom
lpg for. tho murder of Wm. NeinJ,"
.... !.... iiul Buiuy. The c
wtts continued until next Wedtjy
Everybody Drug.
. il
tuy ai. Aibertus Coverdell.)
When tho, smiles of Bprlng appear,:
-: urng tne ronds;
.When- tho summer timo la here, f
urng the ronds;
When tho corn Is In tho ear; f
.Tn Hin Wltltor nr.11 nn.1 .1-
.... ..- ........ .v ,.llvl uieur: .
Every season In the year; y
urng tno roads; J
. ... k .
rtvnon yoirvo notliing clso to do,;
V Drug tho roads; ' 1
Lt but for.nn hour or two,
Drng tho roads;
It will keep them good and new,
With a purpose firm nnd true,
.Fall In lino! It's up to you;
Drng tho roads;
Would you do tho proper thlngf
Drng tho roads;
Set tho system n lively wing;
Drng the roads;
Glvo tho drng a lively swing;
-- ... ,.,. .w.n.. iu iiut, L
Hats off! Everybody sing; f I
Drng the roads;
Btutiht y Ins Kind Yea Haw AhanNUt ,
Norwich Union Fire hmt-l
ance Society.
Frank Meredith, Resident Atttt
Ofllco with Wm. Brown A.N
129 Commercial Street.
Money tq Loan
Over Lndd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or.
lints Marked Down All bats at tin I
Hilko Millinery Store have Um
marked down in price. 11-i-Jt
Club Stables for Itcnt After Decl-i
Apply to Capital Junk compity
New Classes Will bo organic it
' the Capital Business College nt
week to nccommodato those ea
lng nt this time. See largo ad.
tlsement elsewhere in this lnt
For Sm1o- good horse, -1 years oM.
gentle and well broken. iMlf
flt' Yow'PnrV proper V Or 0- "'
Emmett, 725 South 12th street.
Wanted Immediately A good W
and nonv tn deliver nanert, AW?
' -at Journal office. U'
For 61 At n bargain, 19 .SlUf
SpanKled Hamburgs, Addr I
v. Aiifpanoo roIaiti. Route 6.
' 114
and Sanborn's
teas and
We have Just received a
Bhipment. and as we ar
aele ageaU for them in S i
' . .. v- to
: we are going to do our u"
please yoa. All we ask w
give them a trial.
Moir Grocery
tBIRJ BVf99 8
1U1 ttoek, m,wo.