V53J Our New Hair Vh JiKL "J podTSTBS? n. 7. 5 . DUt Ayer H,ir Vigor, new Improved formula, is better, it is v..v B,CB, specinc tor failing hair. A DAILY CAPITAL JOUltSAL. SALEM, OMCOOX. FRIDAY. XOVKMHEIl 9, 1MM. fTfl I j v; cfara"n in every way. Ask your JI kit drupcist to show It to vm. .. -! iXl jfag"ia'MnHnHPaBMaMaiMcMBiTtg 1 1 1 1 wii iiiiTBMM,,lBJtLr11 M i CANNERY WILL CLOSE TOMORROW Prominent Salem Institution .Will Bring successful Season to An End ,and will be devoted to the growth or buries nnd small (rults. This will treble nnd quadruple the i-,...:nun m me sections whom prevails. it The end of a successful Beason for the Snlem Mutual cannery will bo reached tomorrow evening. For somo time the cannery has been putting up npplca exclusively and for the past week, tho fruit has not been coming. in fnst enough to permit of tho plant being run at its full capacity. Although there Is a considerable quantity of apples that will yet bo brought to tho Institution, it hna been thought beHt by tho manage ment to closo tho working depart ment at tho ond of this week. All apples that havo boon con tracted for, and nil others that nro brought, for that mattor will bo re ceived tit tho cannery and paid for nt tho full markot price. TJie man agement will ship this to Portlnnd whero they will bo ennned. It Is understood tho Portland fnctory will be operated for somo tlmo yet. Tho successful closo of this season of tho factory demonstrate that the cnterpriso has passed tho experi mental stngo. It has boon proven that cnnnlng fruit Is a proiltnblo in dustry In Marion county. Whilo it is too early for tho management to report to tho stockholders what tho profit nnd losses will bo, It is known that canning Wlllamotto valley fruit is a good business proposition. wiiu nn intermission oi only a week or so. tho cannery hns been running Btcndlly ovor slnco early in tho summer. Nearly nil tho tlmo it hns boon operated nt its full ca pacity. Twlco during tho season, inrgo additions to tho buildings woro niado nnd still woro room can bo , used. It is now up to tho farmers. If enough fruit can bo procured tfib plant will bo run nt its full capacity nil of noxt Benson. Tho ennnory will begin operations on strnwborrlos during tho lnttor part of May and will run at full blnst until in No ll vcmber. The stockholders and tho mann- 5 gers of tho cntorprlso havo gront faith In tho futuro of iho canning business in this city. Tlioy bollovo that It Is tho coming great industry Tho can forseo when thousands of acres of tho rich Wlllamotto valley InndB that nro now put to grass and wlu at will bo cup Into small farms Prices of berries and rruits will Ro up nnd employment will bo given to hundreds of people nt good pay ing pleasant work. President Holcomb. Mannger Kim ball and Assistant Manager Fisher have worked hard this summer and fall to prove to the stockholders and the public thnt Salem Is destined to become tho center of ono of the greatest canning sections in tho country, it looks as if thoy had succechd. J COMPANIES ORGANIZE. .... . . Articles of Incorporation I Granted Enterprises Backed T ;; by Oregon OaplUl. Wtti'llllllHIIIIIIHU itititmsiiif tmnMitiMii wwununmu IX CLASSIFIED DEPARTTWF1SIT HMrWf ltmf ltin 7 5K H-nimimi(. FOR RENT. PorlnTPFlirinaTiefmT AN OPEN LETTER To the People of Snlem: To Whom It May Cencern: Of late there has been a good deal of discussion In Salem in regard to advertised medicines nnd their value tho papers aro full of them. Wo want to sny to ovory man, womnn nnd child in Salem that wo uouevo mo most valuable porpara tlon of cod live oil tho best tonic reconBtructor, health restorer and strength crentor wo havo ovor Bold in our storo is Vinol. Vinol Is not n patent medlclno, It contnlna no Injurious drugs, but It actually does contain nil of tho medi cinal, curative- cloments tnk'en from fresh cods' llvors, without n drop of tho useless oil to upsot tho stomnch nnd retnrd Its work, and tonic iron added. Vinol Is recognized throughout tho world ns tho grcntcst strongth creator for old people, weak sickly women and children, nurBlng mothers, nnd after n sevcro sickness. Vinol cures hacking coughs, chronic colds, bronchitis, and nil throat nnd lung troubles. Wo nsk tho pcoplo of Salem to try Vinol on our offer to return monoy it it fnils O. W. Putmnn Co., druggists. Noto. Whilo wo nro solo agents for Vinol In Snlem, It is now for snio at tho leading drug storos la nonrly ovory town nnd city In tho country. Look for tho Vinol ngoncy in your town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtlnc Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash itl cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities arc extraordinary, for sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The K. 1'axton Co., Boston, Mass. o The Baldwin Farms is tho titlo of n now corporation, tho nrtlcles of In corporation of which wero filed in the corporation department of the oflice of the secretary of stato yostor- uay nrternoon, nnd tho nature of the buslnoss It proposes to transact BUggosta a rarming venture upon n very largo scale. The cnnltnl stock is Given as $75,000, nnd tho Incor porators of record aro Edward A. Baldwin. Alfred Bliss nnd Jcsso Stearns. Tho hcadqunrters nro nt Portland. ' Tho Lumbermen's Timber Com pany, of Portland, with n cnpltal stock of $300,000, nlso tiled its ar ticles of Incorporation. Harrison G. Plntt, Robert T. Piatt nnd Geouo J. Perkins aro tho incorporators of rec untur- mshed rooms nt 790 North Com merclnl St. M. A. Dlco, Prop, G-l-tt TOR RALE ir bale or Kent My SO-ncro farm nt Liberty, on terms to BUit tho purchaser. Call on C, J. Dnnlols. 630 North Wlntor street. 1 1-7-2 w County Court. Tho county court havo allowed bills for tho month of Novembor: KontN niul Highways. v Claim.. Allowed. Altnow & Co $ Anderson, Wm ... Apple, J W Benson, II Bolter, E J Brown & Son, L .. ntirson, Morton . . . Bump & Son, A ... Chamberlain, M E. Cutsforth, Frank . . Cutsforth, Clydo . . Crnbtrco, J C .... Crozor, L M Davidson, W F ... Dnke, Evorett . . . Doflnney, Wm . . . Doyens, John .... Dryden, D M .... Drydcn, J Eskow, J M Fisher & Knoppcr. Forctlo, B Fisher, W E Frank, Paul Fruit, J W Freo, Thomas .... Funk, J P Gist, Geo Gouloy, H Grlosonour, H .... Hnmmor Bros. . . . Hall, Honry lingo, Henry CIO 3.00 1.00 COO 0.75 32. IS 2.20 32.00 13.50 14.50 10.00 1.50 3.00 44.7G 7.50 1.50 5.00 7.00 3.50 12.00 11.23 3.00 13.50 2.50 3.75 2.00 2.00 4.50 7.50 .75 23.55 2.00 COO Cummins Hlcctcri. Dos Molnos, la., Nov. S. Almost comploto roturns give Cummins 2G,- 000 plurality. Honry T. St.Kaynor. a Portlnnd attorney was in Snlem yesterday. Tho JKind You Have Always Bought, ntul wlitcli has been, in use for over 30 j-ears, has homo tho sljpmtnro of . and hns heen luntlo under Jus pcr-fJ577-yP' sotinl supervision, nlnco Its Infipcy. (CUl Allow no ono to dccelvo you iu tfaltf. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and" JtiHt-ns-good1' ar- hub Experiments that trlflo with nnd emlnujrer tho he m of Ikftwta and Children Esuerleuco nsraliwt Expon .mu t What is CASTOR I A Ckateri f fcanulcss substitute for Castor Oil, Para orIc, Drops .nd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither OpIUH Morphine nor other ItarcoW aubstaaee. Its age Is Its jfHarantee. It destroys Wonu and allays Fovorlshness. It cures Dlnrrbojn and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fiatwleaey. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, glila healthy nud natural sleep. Tk Children's Panacea-The Mother' Friend. CKNUINK CASTORIA LWAYS Bwirs tilt Signature of Ilngodoro, C 10.50 Hotrlck, T n 13.50 Herrlck, Jr., II n.. 8.70 IterUler nnd Ilnskel x.94 Hennu, Joe 7.S0 Illrtzel 3.00 Hicks, Chns 4.50 Hicks, Morton .... 0.00 Hughes, J" 39.50 Huntloy, T. P. 42.50 Hopps, Honry .... 20.12 Imlnsh, John .... 4.50 Irwin, J P 8.00 Jonnlngs, Jim .... 13. 2K Jennings, Fret! . . . C7B Johnson, J P .... 54.00 Johnson, W W .. 64.00 JefTorsnn Milling Co 4.82 Kondnll. O W 1.60 Knight & SnlBlmuar S.S5 Knight. F D 3.00 Kushnlck, P 18.20 Lnmbort, Bllon ... 1.00 Lnmbort. L S .... 19.00 I,ow, W S 17.00 Lnndor. W W .... 1.50 Lander, Ralph .... COO Loath, W 7.00 Lndahl & Swonson .50 Lnjoye, Chan .... COO Mangls, Elmer . . . C7S Massey, Virgil ... 30.00 Mangls, Fred .... 2.25 Mutschlor, H 3.00 Moore. Fred 3.00 Morris, Wm 7.50 Morris, C C 7.50 Morris, O I 10.60 Morloy, J 1.50 Morehouse, n B .. .00 Morehouse, A .... 1.50 Morehouse, D .... 12.00 Mosher, J 2-25 Murphy, O N .... 1C50 Myers O V 3.00 Miller Lumber Co. 8.10 McClaln. W 8 .... 110.30 o C10 3.00 1.00 COO C75 32.1S 2.20 32.00 13.50 14.50 1O.00 1.50 3.00 44.7C 7.50 1.50 5.00 7.00 3.50 12.00 11.23 3.00 13.50 2.50 3.75 2.00 2.00 4.50 7.50 .75 23.55 2.00, 0.00 10.50 13 SO S.70 i oi 7.50 3.00 1.50 0.00 89.K9 42.60 20.12 . 4.50 S00 12.25 fi.75 Kt 00 54.00 4 82 1.50 8 56 3.00 1S.20 15 00 19 00 17 00 1.60 COO 7 00 .50 6.00 C75 30.00 2.25 2.00 3.00 7.50 7.60 10.50 1.50 9.00 1.50 12.00 2 25 lfl.CO 2.00 8 10 110.30 WAKTED. uin vwintcU To work in boarding house. Inquiro at 3G5 North High street. H-S-3t LODOM. Foresters et Amrte Ceart Bhontood Foresters, No. 19, Meets Tuesday ia Hurst hull, Stat street. U. 8. Rider, O. B.j A. L. Brows, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, X. ef T. .Castle Hall in Holman block, corner State and Liberty streets, Tuosday of each week at 7:30 p. iu. J. G. Graham, C. C; W. I. Staler, K. of R, aad 8. ORAYMtrl. , JTorrsissGuwer K. O. ChhhhIms successor to wall Cummins, express Uvery turn transter lino. Prowpt srvi' Ifi our motto. Furnlturo nud pluae moving n specialty. 8tftnd ftt If South Commercial street Phcm 176. Rosidonco phono 068. S-4-k Wanted Good, activo boy, about 15 years of ago, to work In Snlom Ci gar Fnctory, 125 Commercial street, second floor. ll-S-3t Wanted. A place whero a young boy can work for his board ami room nnd go to school, Address Wlllamotto University, 9-24-tf For Railroad Work Men nnd teams wanted by Wll lamotto Construction Company. Ap ply nt oflice, Ladd & Hush bank build Ing, upstairs. 10-1-tf Modem Woodmen of America, Ore gon Cedar Camp No. D24C. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o 'cloak In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O; P. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World, Meet every Fri day night at 7t30, In Holman hall F. H. Cnppor, C. C. P. L. Fraxlor, Cla-k. NUW AND SKOOXIMIAM) 0O0U8. AOW RHU HCCOHU-IIAtUl li(K! nought aud sold, hi so ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, dish es, granite nnd tinware of all kinds Give us a call. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly OiOST. I,Mt A pnekago of drv Roods, sun. posed to bo lost bfctwoon Stock ton's Btdro nnd 1) rooks station,. A sultnhlo rownrd will bo glvon by sondlng pnekago or lottor of infor mation to Mis 12vn Davis, Brooks, Oregon. 11-7-lw Dr. K J. Young.Veterlnarj' Burgeoa ..and dentist, 33 ycara experle. All work guaranteed. Difficult sur gieal operations a specialty. Phone 581. Offleo at Club Stables. Phone 7. Saieiu, Oregon. 3-B-lf !'" A gold stick pin; owl's hond with ruby eyes. Flndor rottirn to Snlom bank for rownrd. ll-7-3t Lom, A 22-Wlnchestor ropeutor rlllo, botwoon Snlom nnd Shorldnn; 15 rownrd for return of samo to Journnl oMco. 1 1-2-2 wk M1SOBLLANEOU8. iniiiMi in. ono jcrsoy caw tin spotted heifer, noth fonco break ers. Ownor como nnd pay chnrgos nnd tnko nwny. Ocorgo Swegle. 1 1-7-3 1 Hohh llrlgg" Cnrpontors nnd con tractors. Job work dono to ordor promptly. Shop nt 19th nnd" 8tato streets, opposllo Kpploy's storo. Phono 424. 11-G-lm PlniHo Pay V All who owo mo will plenso pay at onco, ns I can- - not further delay settlement. F. A. Wiggins. 10-10- At Mrs. C. II. Wnlkers 221 Com morrlal stroot, you can got your clothes dyod, clennod, pressod or ' ropnlrod. Anything from-n pair of glovus to tho most olaborato silk gown. Velvet collars put on, nnd coats rullnad. Phono 1245. Phono 1245, Ilutto Wciidcrotli. Flno winoa, liquors nnd cigars. Vo handio tho celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Coot and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Cora morclnl stroot. 9-3-lyr rLXTMBSRS. neo. tii, narr riumuiug, not water nnd steam hontlng and tinning, 104 Commercial stroot. Phone Main 102. 9-1-ly M. J, retzol Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Sucocefor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phono Main 17. X, Ik rmer Sueeestor to Hurrotigbs & Frnzer, plumbor nnd tinner. Manu facturer of copfwr and galvanise. Iron cornice, and metal skylights, 103 Stato street. 'Phono 1611. 0TEOPATH. Or. W. L. Merocr. Urnduate of Klrk! ville, Mo., under founder of ote pathy. Rooms 25-20 Broymnn bldf, Commercial St. Phono 010. Rest done 410 North Summer street, Phbne 611. Treats acute aad ehroni dlseaios. Examination free. 9 WATCR COM PAH Y? t Spent wisely Is tho sourco of much 'satisfaction. Whv not ennnit n lltlln of it wisely now buying grocorios of us? Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harrltt k Lavnrence. Rnlciu Inui Wirks. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of nil kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Mnnufacturorn of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press, BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other broad, yet tho price Is no higher. For sate at your grocer's - OALIFOUMA IJAKEKY. Thomas St Cooley, Props. At the Old Blond Sam Casta an nounces that ho Is still at tho old stand, at tho fair grounds, pre pared to break or train horsos for road or track. Prices reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. Alsoj fine road horso for sale. 10-12-tf The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's Stables. Up-to-date livery ami eab line. Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally ho for picnics and excursions. Phone 44. OHAS. W YANNKE, Prop. 247 and 10 High etreot. Highest Price for POULTHY Mil) KGGfl POTATOES ONIONS AND ALL PROliUCK CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Comnwrcid St. SASH. AND DOOR rAOrORDM. Cj(jaXyfgucZU sr w s The Kind You Hare Always Bou0M lirUse Far Over 3U yt. rMwrv. faile Happy for Life. Oreat happiness came Into the home of 8. C. Blair, school superin tendent, at St. Albans, W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dreadful complaint ho names. Ho say:s "My little daughter bad St Vitus' dance, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until as a last resort we tried Elec tric Hitters; and I rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure." Quick sure cure for nenrous complaints, genera! dPbl.lltr, female weakness', Jtapflvertafced blood and malaria. Guaranteed by J. C Perry'a drusf tore. Price COc isnuiaetursr o Mtb, doors, moulding. AH kinds of house finish and bard wood work. Front street, bet, State and Court. Woven Wire Fencing Two carloads received recently. Special discount until Norember 6th. Full stock of Poultry and Lawn Feno lug, Shingles, Posts, Gates and Malthold Hooting. All at lowoot prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St SaJem, Ore. HOTEL OREGON CorsMT rf Srtk aa4 Mark mH, PertUa4, Orefoa. The m aad a4era hoiel f the elty Caters particularly to reeJdeaU ef g. lea and other Orefoa eltleft XwMfea plan. Free bus. Bate $J,00 per iaj aad upward. HaaaWaseai pill fas t4 We, and priM as low as la fU less attractive. Dally Capital Joaraa) ob flla, WKinST-DZCnDDCSOK MOTEL OO. CASTORIA It lahats as OkllirML Hw KM Yh ton AtwijTS Ufr &&& H. S. Gile & Co. Wkeksjile Grcrs nd Cmh miMrfo Ifcr dusAts In the market at all tlmej for dried fruit ond farm produce of all kinds. Sfwcfcd We bare for sale a few apple pr lag and slicing machines; equipment for a large dryer; will nake a law Skim WAJE COMPANY ornoa oity jsaxu For water service apply at , Bills pajkble wosthly la advaie.' Make all complaints at the eflee. m INSUlUNCBr " Lincoln AnHulty UhIoh. Slek, dent nnd pension' latttraaee; ?V 000,000 pledged; every claim pWU Good agents wanted. J. It. 0; Montgomery, supreme ergaalse Uox 433 Salem, .Oregon. Rflti Ryan, seereUry, 646 IHaU trei. SAIiKM HOP DHVLKK8. ifrflrwiaroworsfli'S era In hops, Salem, Oregon. Pfcda 121, Oflice over Salem Mat Dank, 115 Commercial street. C. -C. Donovan Hop merchant; rep resents boat Anns In Amorlca. Cor tier' Commercial and State streets, Snlom. Phone Main 187. Tho nhovo cut shows our brick lined Torrid Zena Furiinco, Guar'" nntocd gas nnd dust proof, Econom ical nnd durable, for tho particulars Inquiro nt L. FRASER 'MH Htnto Hticct. Rstlinntos furnished on hontlng. A. HOT RATIONS . That's 'v'aat you want", these chilly dnys.Wif at ourfplcoyoa got nothing cold, nriil 'always the host tho nmrkot nffords, White House Restaurant ni:oiiGi-: uiioh, Profs. dEJvwwWM&W Orter package, pf tkla famous health ajtf beaa building flour aud enjoy somo good old fashioned New KhkUfmI IkowM llrrad. A chanco at a right hot loaf will make you think you aro In Hoston. With Allen'a rlf-rkloK H. IJ, M. Wm you can make bread Just like the Puritans used to make. it-It Pancake llour Is also a purd food; self- Trado rising and all roady to Mark mix with water and bake on a hot grlddto. B B ALLEN'S B B B fLOOR CO. PacWo Coast Vsntyt 8" ? Cal, Astern Factory, Wttle Wolf Mills, MnnnwH, WW. Iwiivhifwh: wmt PILL klh'MM. tftf ," UlfUMS- wiwunviTTirr , . -r MH k i wmsM,ctsfcf4.niiaini.-x i Mk tT- ? i i r v i r m 1'--, SJ