Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1906, Image 1

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i "T,r $r'Tir-r,iFvwvQ&
I ff
"j"nw rryf
BMLYmE joimNAi,;
id Then Will Find That
Is Awful Easy
iHavnnn, Nov. 9. The political
arm Is Hkcly to break In Cuba at
ly inomont. Tho Liberals called
Ion tlio governor today and de
luded to know If the Liberals can
pect soon to replace tho Moderates
olllco. If Magoon refuses, tho
berals will begin to annoy the gov-
nment, which moans that American
bops will bo scattered through tho
md to maintain order.
o .
Mountain Home, Idaho. Will Buildlne In rmirsA nf rnn.
not aiana Tor loai structfon Fail with itc
, - ... !" W '
nonage Builders
uoise, uinno, rsov. 0. Tho mayor Long Reach, Co!., Nov. 3. At
and council of Mountain Home 9:45 tho center section of tho now
,w uu wlo olv;mia ol uic nve-Btory nixblo Hotel oollnnscd.-
His Indiscretion May Cause
Hinsljaw to Rejurn to
the Penitentiary
Indlnnnpolls, Nov. O.-Rov. Win,
Hlnshnw was given n hearing beforo
tno governor todav. chnrccri wlih
, , w.. w....,,91., v..w kuuiiiur luuuy, cunrgcu Willi
Short Lino Railway today that If tho burying 25 to 30 people In the ruins, fongful conduct with Mrs. George
threatened coal famine prevailed, An hour Inter tho west wing of the'nm,,,. u ,!..., ,.,- ....
they would forcibly take coal from ' '"'"'ling nlso caved ,ln.
the first train coming through, de
positing money for tho samo with
tho agent.
section Is still standing. .At 10:30
four bodies had been removed from
Ho maintained his Inno-
jWllkesbarro, Pa., Nov. 9. The
ages ordered tho ballot boxes
bught Into court for a recount to-
and big frauds were unearthed.
ono district where tho Republl-
candldato for district attorney
Is creditpd with -100 votes tho box
Dvtred but six blank, ballots, and
lother box was empty.
El Paso, Texas, Nov. 9. Tho cop
per corporations of Southern Arizona unknown workmnn. J. W. Ellis,
cenco, but Sheriff-elect Freomnn, of
Wnbnsh county, says ho enn lirovo
tho ruins of tho center section, and hfs w,fo nml 1I,n8hnw wcro together
also several Injured persons. Tho ! nJ n not01 nl s'"rloy' Hlnshnw nd
work of rescue Is still progressing, jU t,int hc took Mr8, Freomnn drlv
and It Is believed many dead bodies -B' n,ul 1,mt B,1 B,,ont tuo n,K,lt m
romnln In tho wreckage Of tho dead hi? niotner'8 ho"BO- lf tho Kovornor
recovered only ono Is Identified, WIN dfcld08 "Inshaw Is guilty ho will bo
llnm Hartle, of Long Deach. Two rju,rnC(l to tho lionltontlnry for life
of tho dead aro Mexicans. Tho borvo m,t nn MXrcldo sentenco.
property damago will reach $350,-' H,na,inw ""d "frvfil soveral years
000. I '? tn0 I)0" rr murdorlng his wlfo,
i . .
The.bodv of Dick Porkfnn. n wm-kJ v,no wns f0un" WW on tho front
mnn, has been Identified. Among Xev ot hor ho"80 w,th n ",Hto1 bHl
tho seriously Injured nro Irn Zee,
James Parker. . Mnson nml
GhargedijThit Intimacy Was
Cause of the Wo
man's Death
Philadelphia, Nov. 9. .Frederick
Chaffhausor, tho star witness in tho
conspiracy caso against John W.
Hill, former head of tho Alteration
bureau, wns shot whllo on tho sev
enth lloor of tho city hail today, two
bullets entortliiR tho nbdomeu. It la
not yet known who did tho shootlnB,
but two men standing nou,' woro arrested.
Heney and Langdon Tacklt
"Ruef and Mayor
hnve decided to ralso wages 25 per
cent. This nffects 3000 men.
Chtrngo Mnrkcts.
Chicago, Nov. 9. Wheat 72
73, corn 42QM2-, oats 34i335
let In her brnln. Hlnshnw wns found
nt tllO Rnmn ilmn Ivfni In lin vncl
an , ..... .,... ,...,.
wun several Kniro Blnshes on his
brenst. Jle claimed robbers com
mitted tho deed, but was convicted.
Ho wns pnroled during good bohnv
lor. Hc Is tho brother of tho con
gressman from Montnnn.
Offers u grand nssortnient of Rcnutlfiil new up to date Mcrrlinndli'
extremely low prices during this sale HEAD ON
enrpenter; F. W. Sholds, C. II. Chll
zon, Ira Colwell, J. Dolno, T. II. lm
Iny, a. nnlnbnrger, F. W. Suldo, Ed.
Watson nnd Foremnn Ross aro unac
counted for. Shifting sands beneath
tho foundation nre believed to havo
omionil ilirt ilInnntA. mi.
"' , Vi """"" . ",u ""'"""K .indlnnapollo, Nov. 0. When Hln-
J ' ienorBO con8trucUon' -haw took tho stand ho admitted hi.
nnd nenrly 100 men wcro nt work ',& i. - ..
on tho four floors. With a terrific " , ,. .... ... "" . . . '
,, ,,, , ... - -- uii-iwi iiiu cnnrgeH pruierreu uy
crash tho walls crumble., and tho Frcomnn. Tho govornor Immedlnto-
nun ncic iirecipiinicu oonentii
hugo Dllos of concroto and timbers.!
Phllndolphln, Nov. 9, -Fredorlck
Hornborgor shot 8chnffhaUHer, who
Is dying iu the hospital. Hornborgor
Is lu Jnll. About noon Hornborger
entered tho wntor dopartmont olllco,
nnd domnnded nn lntorvlow with
Schnffhnuaer. Ho wns told Schnff
hnuser was busy, Ho beenmo ex
cited nnd Bhot through tho glnss.
door, tho bullet hitting Schnffhnusor
in tho neck. ,Tho victim foil to the
floor and HornberKor entered tho of
flco nnd shot four moro timet. Horn
borgor snld: "You killed mytwlfo,
nnd I will kill you." He snld Schnff
hnusor was Intimnto with Mrs. Horn
bergor, communicating a fatal dls
rcss Goods
nd Silks
Thousands of yards of benutl-
1 Dress Goods and Silks now on
le In nil tho now Plaid effects.
Dark Reds, Browns, Cardinals,
vies and Blacks.
c Fancy Plaid ' Dress Goods,
yd 33c.
c Grey Panama Dress Goods,
yd 59c.
Ic Large Plaid Grey Dress Goods
fyd 59c.
25 Cloaking, 56-Ia wide heavy
d 75c.
25 Grey Plaid Cloaking, 56-ln
Wide, yd 11.25.
00 Imported Cloaktngs in all
! the beautiful Grey Plaid effects,
dark Reds, Navies, Dark Greys,
! Modes Dark Purple, White and
Black, yd 11.49.
eautlfui new Silk, yd 25c, 39c
and 49c.
50 yard wldo heavy Black Taf
feta Silk for petticoats, yd 98c
35 Fancy Drew and Walstlng
Silks a grand awortment, yd
69c, 76c and &5c.
(Onr tradoMn this department
M been a wonder ire "keep the
Press people busy fcaullag sew
its to our tr6 every day.
SO Long Cwrta iH.Faacy Plaid
H95. t
50 Lose Ceata la. Fancy
?Ialds, IS.S.i
00 Lobk CU in Fancy
NaJds, HO,,
.00 Lobr Black CoaU, f9.90
d ti2.se. .
Up to date Suit, rlca $7.90
P to date SwltJ, price $12.50
Men's Underwear
200 dozen to select from lu
wool, cotton and merino, all
priced away down for tlila sale.
Men's heavy fleeced lined Under
wear, 75c values, price 45c
Men's all wool heavy Underwear
regular $1.50 values, sale price
Blankets and Comforts
Mountains of them to select
from priced away down Com
forts all prices, 76c, 98c and
$1.25; Blankets all prices 49c
75c, 89c, $1.25 and $1.49.
Better ones at small prices.
That Saves
You Money
100 dozen ladies' H, 8. H'd'kTa
Special sale price 2c.
$5.90 black and white largo Plaid
Silk "Waists. Special price $3.95
Within a fow momonts hundreds of
pcopla bognn work to rescuo tho
Tho material was reinforced con
crete, and when tho crash enmo thli
disintegrated to bits.
ly rovoked the parole, and ordered
hln return to prtcon to resume IiIh
llfo Bentenco.
Phllndolphln, Nov. 9. Schnffhnus
or died nt -2 o'clock, llornborgor
snld: "I shot Bohnffllnuicr bocauau
ho broke up my homo nnd blighted
my llfo. My wlfo died Soptombcr
7th, from worry over a criminal ns
Baull committed by Schsffhauser, nnd
I nm glad I shot him."
Los ,ngelos, Cnl Nov. 9. The
steamer Manell, Just purchased by
tho Independent Steamship Com-
nmny, of this city, will bo tho first
May Clone University,
St. Petersburg, Nov. 9. Tho
ncutcnciitt of tho present university ,
crisis continues nnd threatens event-:
unlly to result In tho suspension of M 1 ICQ
studios, Tho government again has '''AuCO
nddrossod tho fnuulty of tho Univer
elty of St. Petersburg with an o'
pllcit statement In which it sots forth
Sa,n Francisco, Nov. 9. Tho grand
Jury lmpnnolud to Investigate tto
chnrges of municipal grnftlng mot at
2 o'clock this afternoon In Judge
Graham's court. A foreman will ho
appointed nnd a plan of action out
lined. District ,s Attorney Langdon
will presont no evidence to tho Jury
boforo Monday. Nothing will bo
mado publlo until tho Jury has first
looked Into tho evidence. Proaocu
tor Heney. H in reported, will Intro
dure sousntloiinl ovldonro of graft
ing, nnd clnlniH hu has plenty to
convict sovornl omolnls. It Is al
leged tho ovldonro will deal with
grafting In connection with tho Issu
ance of licenses to French restau
rant, for which, it Is alleged, Itouf
received $28,000. Judgo Sewell will
hnnd down a doclslon In conjunction
with tho proceedings Inbtltutod by
Lnngdon to restrain Houf from tak
ing possession of tho oMro of dis
trict attorney early next wcok.
Berlin, Germany, Nov. 9. Mayor
Sohmltx, of Han Francisco, failed to
reform tho Gorman flro Insurance
companies so thoy would mnko good
the carthqunko flro Iohhcs. Ho ban
been hero threo dnys arguing with
tho companies. Tho lalter clnlm tho
oiirthqunko, nnd not tho fire, caused
tho lots.
Laredo, Tex., Nov. 9. Rangors vt'Mo1 '" the merohnnt marine ser-'ltB intention of shutting down tho
. ! tlA mlllAptln Tn.i 4 b.1. . -. I t i a a. m
going to Hlo Grande City were am
bushed by Mexicans In tho mesqulte.
Four Mexicans wero killed, but the
rangers wero unharmed.
il'u iu novoriiso ios Angeles as a
home port. In conjunction with her
another steamor will ply between
Los Angeles and Ban Francisco,
. o
Iron Or Prices to He Advanced.
Philadelphia, Nov, 0. Ono effect
ot the establishment of a now price
basis for northern iron ore mado by
the Hill Great Northern oro deal
with tho United States Steel corpora
tion Is that Bessemer oro will be ad
vanced seventy-five cents a ton and
500 yds Outing Flannel, yd 5c.
$7.90 Silk Petticoats made of, a
heavy Taffeta Silk, all colors.
60 doze Ladles' Golf Gloves In
fancy colors and black, special
prtcepalr, 25c.
00 doaea Ladles' heaTy fleeced
rlbl3 Underwear, 39c -values,
price 25c.
50 doae Ladle, black cotton
Stocking fleece lined, price
Rome, Nov. 9. The pope Is grad
ually waiting away on account Of
the unaccustomed confinement of
tho Vatican. This opinion was ex
pressed today by Lapponi, and is the
first official announcement In regard
to tho pontiff's health. The doctor
says the pope's health Is only rela
tively satisfactory, and thinks even
tually the pope will die as an eagle
Imprisoned In a cage.
university nt onco If outsiders per
slst In tbolr demands and nro per
mitted to trespass upon tlfo campus,
to tako part In mass meetings and to
bring about revolutionary conclaves
within th i.rcclncts of the university.
A big mass meeting was hold yes
terday and continued until a
aalveston, Tcxa, Nov. 0. Win.
Mnrkwnrd, of Fallls, Okln., ono of
tho heirs to a $50,000,000 estate in
Germany, has bought 80,000 acre
in Bouthwest Texas, whore ho will
Into cJnl,o "overal hundred of his coun-
hour to protest against tho oxpluslon
from St. Petersburg of Hebrews who
do not bolonjf to tho University and
who deslro to attond the lectures, A
non-nessemer ore fifty cents a ton, 'resolution was adopted making light
irk ...(.. , - .-j . ... .... ....... ...
v jm-o , vim::ivu w ue rniaea 10- or tho threats to close ino unjversitj
mnrrnw I ilA it..' ....
w. . .? .
at-bt was fluownw wtox.
fihot a Ikwrter.
Vancouver, "Wash., Nor. 9. Mel
via Simmons who deserted from
the 'Fourteenth Infantry was shot
and I probably fatally wounded by
Policeman John gecrist. He fled to
eseapo arrest. SecHst flred at the
ground to scare the fugitive, and
the ballet struck and glanced and
struck Simmons in the back.
. o
DWw't Ero-s Judgpf.
Denver, Col., Nov. S, -Complete
returns show that the last of the dl-
trie! futiie accuse! of favoritwn to-
wards the Weetera Feieratloa . of
Lorn Kobbrr AkU.
Blatcr, Mo., Nov. 9.A Jone rob
ber awakened the sleeping passen
gerrf en route from St. Louis to Kan
sas City in Dine cut last night. He
worked hurriedly, and took only,1 the ualvorsity,
and recommending that (he faculty
admit to its sittings upon student af
fairs delegates embowered to re d re
lent tho student body. Licenses for , nrre.,cl
yesterday's meeting was granted by
tho prefectiof tho police, only after.
earnest solicitation of the rector of
trymen, donating land to poor emi
grant B.
1 o
Killed by Hln FrleHd.
8an Diego, Ca Nov P. Charlo
Connors waa killed latit night in a
wator front saloon by 8. W. L.
Harvey. The causa Is unknown, as
they had been friends. Harvey was
what tho victims offered, about $60.
and (left the train by a flying leap,
near Mexico. The train was stopped,
but no trace of the thief was found.
firwtf 8otMTB JUhf HUovr,
Jacksonville, Fl., Nov. 9,Tbero
was a great exhibition of dimples at
the Jacksonville carnival today when
over 200 bablea from all parts cf la
southern states wero placed on ex
hibition. The contest were for one,
two and thro year old children and
attracted aa Immense crowd,
o "
AaartkUt Arretf4,
Denver. Nor, 9. Olscanno DrqnQ,
aa alleged Italian anarchist, waa ar
reti4 here this morning by a feder
al secret aervlc oMcer, Braso -eap4
froa Kllla Islsad, wall
A IitUo Kditor Pta4,
Monrovia, Cal Nor. 9.Aftor n
resldonco of a . year Jajtajg city,
Tee faction known as "academ-j where bo came La search of health,
!' Is growing. This faction has Iasallo A. Mayirilaoi4t0 editor
foresworn revolution and Is eager to of Leslie's Weekly 4(4 kero today.
second the efforts of tho faculty to
keep the urilfefslty open In the Inter
ests of learning.
, : o
, Kgular tut Train Wrrcks. . .
C-skaloosa, Iowa, Nor. 9. Henry
Devltt HwJitant cashier of the Bank
of Bully, was Instautly killed, and
tlaaltta Bfcarns.ati urLniiulv In lured
Ma an autossoblle accWoat jhera to
day, : .
KhHC Mward C!ebratc HkiMUy.
Lefidoa, Nor. 9-Tho 65th anni
versary of the brth pf hie majesty.
KlngJ Edward V1L was observed all
m. hi. M.4bit.'d lAMli.lnui 4AJitf I tarn
ywi iw tmmjTrwtf m uwx.w . I ?sz.Z!P;t; v "-' ' ""r
At naBdringhasi congratulatory tifr ' v r- iH!I'
grasw poured la from all parta of, If!'. .! . CaJpLIItl
. W Sir - - tr -"
(be world'. Tho usual military re
views werfl JmjW Jp. all th barracks
la Great Britain and Jrelaad aac tka
battllp decorated. Noawltk-
.1-JIU duiuM )l solM.lt kl I
rtOTOl Wfni " T" '""'l . -1 'JJl, . . ,
siy fMi raily fo4,' mm iipM-- " p
pofXD no im uitmmt mmmm,
awakf4f VporUtte,
comcjjrvticiK (
Ay 3m
r: ttffakmJk. . I--