Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 08, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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f Ulllt I S3
.m. 0 au cine, a
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S Kepnnea oy me water-
ville Times and Hop
Tho local market tho past week
las remained In about tho samo po- .
ktlon as heretofore as lack of de-
aand from brewers and nbsenco of
f ... . ...
leavy arrivals oi new nops make tho
Jarket very dull. Wo do not hear""" '"' "" ,nsc even"
any further export buying thlsl
Lt. nn thn lornl tnnrtnf rn M,nvu" DluR "" "10 as OVOr naS
laclflc coast wo hear of buying for
V . ,.., ...... i ir u'iraiuiuieu wuru urusiB in UlOir lino.
Ktl'U'l uuuuuub iu uiuj,uu ub u v
ICc, but tho purchasing has not been
leavy. rrimo to cnoico hops nro re
sorted sold at 14 to lGc In Oregon,
End scvoral hundred bales havo bocn
old In Yakima, Wash., at 13 to 15c.
In Now York Stato buying for export
las beon of vory small proportions
Ellis week, and tho market for lower
trades has also boon qulot. Prices
bid rango from 19 to 23c, tho lat-
lor for export. Tho London market
reported In tho samo position as
Iho market here. Tho German mar
kets arc active and slightly higher.
Tho Morrlsvlllo Lcndor, Octob-
Cth says: Tho transactions In hops
n tno local market Blnco our last
port havo not boon largo, although I
iovoral of tho smaller lots havo beon'"" .".. "" "co. "" '"r"u" .
(old at about former prices.
Tho Oneonta Hernld, October 25th
rays: Tho local market is moro nc-i.
, . . i i
Ive. A number of sales havo boon
undo at 20c, and for choice export
grades from 21 to 23c hns boon paid.
Tho Otsego Farmer, Octobor 2Gth,
lays: it is estimated that botwoen
tOO nnd 400 bales havo found their
vay Into tho dcnlors' hands during
Iho pnBt week at prices ranging from
&0 to 22c Many growors nro hold
ing for n higher price. ,
ThoTho Morrlsvlllo Leader, Octob
or 25th, snyst L. W. Burroughs In
forms uo that ho has purchased sov-
feral hundred bales during tho past
veck at a uniform prico of 20 cents
Zomparntlvoly few growths in this
lection remnln unsold, and by tho
end of tho month fow lots of tho new
brop will remnln In tho growors'
bands. It looks ns though 20c
iould bo nbout as much as will bo
realized this season.
Tho Coblesklll Indox, Octobor 25,
fays. Tho local market displays a
gardening tondency nnd slightly In-
Ireased prices. Among tho lots pur-
Iliased nro thoso of Arthur Tlnguo
Ind tho George A. Shnfor estate,
Tho Kind You Havo Always
In use for over 30 years,
. and has hecn matio uuuer i !:-
yZ-t- sonalstipervLsIou Blnco Its Infancy.
7s!77jiA. a u...,.n aha fminpnivo vou In this
All Counterfeits, Imitations
5dcpeimeuis uiat iru ..... " r ,.
lKfkt HHd ChUdreu-Experlonco airalust kxpoo WU
flutoife te harmless Buhstltute f.nlTt
gorlc, Drois uiid Soothlnsr Syrups. It ti"!v"
ontahia neither Opium, Morphtoo g2
substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. , W ,d WtaS
and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures P jj Wj
Colle. It relieves Tcethlngr Troubles, cures Conjao
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, WjJ"JJ
tea,Aaud Bowels, siilnk? bca "O "Jtural
Tlw CWldrfta Tanacca- Tho Mother's I rleud.
Btfa tht
The Kind You Haie Always Boit
In Us For Over 30 Yeart-
. MMTf. W
i"."5 ""'.??" oodofs nejlclne.
cmn. ..j!.i . . -..-
coughs. If your doctor fully endorses It for
it. Never no contrary t,i ,:,.
"Lc.r E0 "ntrary to his advice.
- urfnirtuDnt.
Irfnr.ll. Mm.
bought by J. h. Tator, who has also
purchased about 200 bales In Seward
and Sharon. Tho usual nrlrn nnt.i
I Tho Schohalrle Republican, Oc
.tober 25th, says: Favorable weath
er for baling hops has enabled grow
ers to get their crops In shapo for
delivery or snlo during tho past
,weok. Many lots have been weighed
(and shipped. Few sales havo been
iuuuu, uui mo market Is firm, es
pecially for shipping quality. Tho
largest sale reported Is that of P. J.
Mattlco, of Mlddlcburgh, 115 bales.
t0 Borst & Sldnoy of .thls village
" ' "" B,Mra M,uom hccu "
, i,,u UVUKn K "owers- minstrels in
chnrcn nf .T. TT Smith ni.fi
, .,,. , w u
"b iae PcninB was oxconont and
H 8C m lj0au aua tn08Q w
artists In tholr lino.
Tho opening overture by tho com
pany was well received, tho band be
ing an excellont one. Solos by Earl
Flynn, John Hlgglns, Harry Porrlll
nnd Den Horner woro nbovo tho or
dinary, but when Barney McConncll
sang "Gonovlove," ho brought down
tho houso and It wns necessary to
ito respond to several encores. When
iRoswell J. Wright, tho phenomenal
mnlo soprano, sang "Would You
Caro" tho audience went wild and
many would not bellevo that Mr.
Wright was a mnlo Impersonator.
Ho Is Mr. Wright nnd Is all right.
Tho arrival of Sousa and his band
mado tho audlcnco act llko over-
I grown children, and this act which
la stlrrltin1 !! Tlnnnti i Tsttnci
, ,
tons in lino direction, mu suconu
I part of tho program was as good as
t ft n float i wl tnrilai ri wt flAiina
, , ., ,,,,, . ,
ijuki's ui ii biuu-h;jiiuiuk miiiiru nuu
' . . ..?
good specialties,
which Qarlos Brothers
springs easily ranked first. Thcso
mon nro cxcollont ncrobnts nnd
mndo n lilt wltlj tholr special
ty and numerous features which
nmusod tho nudlonco. J. II. Smith
tho manager of tho compnny Is
striving to mnko Ills show of tho
kind that ranks first nnd auceceds
admirably In his efforts. Thoy
ilinvn nnnenred' in Lend several times
and tho prosont attraction by far
oxcolls that of any of tholr previous
ongngomonts. D ondwood (South
Dakota) Plonoor Tlmos.
This attraction ' Is nt tho Grand
Oporn Houso Friday night.
Famous Rtrlko llrcnkcrn.
Tho most famous strlko broakors
In tho land nro Dr. King's Now Llfo
Pills. When liver nnd bowels go on
Btrlko, thoy quickly settlo tho trouble
and tho purifying work goes right
on. Best euro for constipation, head
acho and dizziness. 25c at J. C. Perry
Bought, anil which has beea
hns homo tho Rlffnntnro or
nd Jiwts-irood" hub
fiynature of
" T'L
Tenders His Resignation to
Board As Superintendent
of Portage Railway
Superintendent L. S. Cook, of tiro
stato portage railway, yesterday aft
ernoon tendered his resignation to
tho portnge board. His reasons for
taking such sudden nnd unexpected
action, ns represented by him, woro
that thero wns too much friction bo
tweon himself and Traffic Manager
Smith, of tho tho Open River nsso-
cintion, and I. H. Taffe, tho wealthy
fish canner of Celllo, and ho does not
caro to servo any longer undor such
unpleasant conditions. His resigna
tion was not nccepted by tho board
but definlto action upon it has boon
deferred until tho members of tho
board meet with tho Open River as
sociation In tho office of J. N. Teal In
Portland on Saturday.
No Information could bo obtained
from tho board ns to tho naturo of
tho troublo betweon Suporintondout
Cook nnd tho other parties and the
news was not to havo boon glvon out
at all but It leaked out Inadvertent
ly. So far as can bo learned Mr.
Cook's services havo beon entirely
satisfactorily and tho dlfforoncos nro
thought to bo purely of a pcrsonnl
In his report to tho board for tho
month of October, Mr. Cook Btntos,
that ho was ' obliged to dlschargp
Locomotlvo Englncor Colllngs, on ac
count of his excesslvo thirst for that
cup that cheers and Inebriates, and
for other misconduct, which rondor
cd his services uncertain nnd unsat
isfactory, and ho hns employed in
his stead a man by tho namo of Os-
borno who, Mr. Cook snys, has been
an engineer for years and nppcnrs
to bo a first class man and without
vicious linblts.
Ho also reports that tho heavy
shipments of grain nro moving out
gradually and satisfactorily nnd that,
up to tho closing dnto of tho roport
a total of 29,151 sacks of wheat had
beon moved from points on tho uppor
rlvor, and estimates that thuro aro
about 27,000 snckB at different
points nwaltlng shlpmont, mnklng
tho total number to bo hnulod dur
ing tho soason G4.000 Backs. Thoro
nro nbout 11,000 sneks on hand nt
Big Eddy at present, awaiting shlp
mont. Tho total cost of oporatlng
tho road for the month of October,
including salaries, repairs, otc, Is
I'nlth nud Fact,
Faith Is ono thine nnd fact Is an
other, It soino tlmos tnkos any
amount of faith to produce ono fact.
Yonrs of earnest work and fnlth havo
p rod u cod ono fact about medicine
that is dosorviiiK of mention here.
If pooplo who nro troublod with son-
oral weakness through overwork, dis
sipation or oxposuro can got a roniP-
dy that will mnko rich rod blood
from tho food thoy eat, tholr rotum
to health Is assurod. Good blood
Is tho llfo of tho body ns woll ns the
norvos. Woak, sickly, jmlo people
who suffer with Indlcostlou dyspep
sia, Blck.hwidache, loss of stronKth
and ambition, having dizzy spoils
and always tried, can bo eurod sound
nnd well with Dr. Ounn's Blood and
Nerve Tonic Sold by druBfc'Ists for
7Cc per box, or 3 boxes for $2. This
tonic acts in a common sense way,
curing disease by giving strength to
resist It.
. o
Mrs. L, D. Oeor and son, Iiort, who
have boon enjoying llfo In thdlr cot
tage at 8oat Rooks, for a couple of
weeks, returned yesterday to their
homo In'corvaillsT' Bert 'exp&ts to
go to Pendleton to occupy .tho por
tion of nlgnt eoitor on mu inuun
-Toledo Leader.
Mado Happy for Life. '
Great happiness camo lnto the
home of S. C- Blair, school superior
tendent, at St. Albans, W. Vs.. when
his little daughter was restored frotu
tho dreadful complaint he names.
Ho say;s "My little daughter bad Sg
Vitus dance, which yielded to n
treatment but grew steadily wors
until as a last resort we tried Elec
tric Bitters; and I rejoice to say
three bottles effected a complete;
eure." Quick, sure euro for nervou
complaints, general debility, femali
weakness, Impoverished blood d
malaria. Guaranteedvby J.f Q. perry
drug store. Frfeeiesc
o p
Salmon will bt cureel by a cew
lroces at the Tmcoft cannery, t
Aitork. " , j.
i ii i aiiitt(itiit !(! ttiiHKiaiamtciigitnntmiaiB i timj
ria llCltICitll
?or Kent.- Furnished and unfur
nished rooms at 790 North Com
merclnl St. M. A. Dlco, Prop. 5-1-tf
fFor Sale or Rent. My 80-acro farm
at Liberty, on torma to suit tho
purchaser. Call on O. J, Daniels,
C50 North Winter street. ll-7-2w
fFor Snlo. Flno corner lot nnd small
rottngo In tho best rcsldonco por
tion of tho city, two blocks north
of State hoiiBo. Lot largo enough
for three houses. Inuqlro of F.
W. Powor, 390 North Summer
street. 1 1-2-1 w
Wanted. A placo
whero a young
boy con work for his board and
room and go to school. Address
Wlllamotto University. 9-24-tt
For Railroad Work
Men and teams wanted by Wil
lamette Constt uctlon Company. Ap
ply at ofllco. Ladd & Bush bank build
ing, upstairs. 10-1-tf
Wanted A girl or womnn for gen
eral housowork, must bo good
cook. Wages $25 por month, 57S
Stato streot. ll-7-3t
Iahi a imckngo of dry goods, sun-
posed to bo lost bctwoon Stock
ton's storo nnd Brooks station. A
sultnblo rownrd will bo given by
sending package or lettor of infor
mation to Mis Eva Davis, Brooks,
Oregon. 11-7-lw
IHt -A gold stick pin; owl's head
with ruby eyes. Finder rotum to
Salem bank for rownrd. ll-7-3t
Iiost. A 22-WlnchoBtor ropentor
rlllo, botwoen Salem nnd Shorldan;
$5 reward for return of samo to
Journal ofllco. 1 1-2-2 wk
Tiilu-n Up. Ono Jorsoy cow nnd
spotted heifer. Both fonco break
ers. Owner como and pay chnrgos
and tako away. George Swegle.
1 1-7-3 1
Hohh & HrlggN Cariontcra and con
tractors. Job work dono to ordor
promptly. Shop at 19th and Stato
' streots, opposlto Kpploy's storo.
Tliono 424. ll-C-lm
1'lfiiHo Pay Up All who owo tno
will plonso pay at onco, ns I can
not further dolay sottlemont. F. A
Wiggins. 10-10-
At Mrs. C. II. WnlkorH -221 Com
morclnl street, you can got your
clothes dyed, donned, pressed or
ropnlrod. Anything from a pair
of kIovcb to tho most olaborato
silk gown. Velvet collars put on,
nnd nil goods paid for If Injured,
Phono 1245.
Ilutto & AWmlrnitli. Flno wines,
llQiiors nnd cigars. Wo handlo tho
celebrated Kellogg and Castl
whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor
constantly on draught, South Com
mercial streot. 0-3-lyr
finleiii Iron Work. Foundors, ma
chinists and blacksmiths, Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hqp and fruit drying
stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho
Salem Iron Works Hop Pross.
It Is worth moro than any othor
bread, yot tho prico Is no higher. For
salo at your grocer's. - -
Thomas & Cooley, Props.
At tho Old Ktmul Bam Casto an
nounces that lio is still at the old
stand, at tho fair grounds, pre
pared to broak or trnjn horses for
road or track. Prices reasonable,
and satisfaction guaranteed, Alsc
fine road horso for salo. 10-12-tf
lttuinrss opprtuni,lr','A manager
to tako charge of office and also
do road work In ronnoctlon with
magazine subscription agency es
tablished 20 years, doing a busi
ness of 1200,000 per year. A
person who Is responsible and ex
pressive In meeting people and
canvassing, who will not object to
appointing agents and working
with them ia bis territory. To
such a person wo will pay a month
ly salary, a commission, ana" also
a further Interest la tbe business
of said torritory that will bring la
a permanent return and Income.
Address Tbe Home Magatine, Box
46 Indianapolis, lad, 9-25-od-6w
aUUsM AX9 200 rAOTOKTm
9k. diwrs. sseuldisae. All klaik U
fcocee iaM aa4 seM we4 wek.
Trot skeei, bet 4 M 0Mi.
! 'ltltillltttitfitilf I H
raesters or AMffiM Court Sherwood
Foresters, ICo, 19. Tsedy la
Hunt hall, Stat street. U. S. Xldftf,
O, R.; A. L. Brows, Y. 8,
Central Lodge Xe, 18, K. ef P. OatI
Hall in HoIuirh block, eeraer Kt
and Liberty strcots. Tuexlajr cts
week at 7:30 p. in. J. O. Gfba. C.
0. W. I. Stly, K. of R, aad 8.
Modern Woodmea of America. Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. Q240. Meets
every Thursday ovenlnR at 8 o'cloek
In Holmaa hall. W, W. UUl, V. O)
P. A. Turner, CTerk.
Woodmen of WorW. Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, ia Holmaa hall
F. R. Capper, C. C. P. L. Frasior,
cw anil HccoHU-UaH
Bought and sold, also ran gee,
stoves and cooking utensils, dish
es, granite and tinware of all kinds
Gtvo ua a call. O, L. McPeek, 179
South Commercial Bt. S-13-ly
Dr. K. J. Yowiff. Veterinary Burgees
. ,aad dentist; 83 years' experleaee.
All work guaranteed. Difficult sr
glesl opemtlona a specialty. These
081, Offlce at Club Stables. Phoae
7, Balcm, Oregoa. 3-9-tf
lieo. ai. iiarr l'lumuiBK, not water
and steam heating and tinning,
104 Commercial stroet. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-ly
M. J, Petsel Plumbing, stoam and
gas fitting. BuccMior to Knox t,
Murphy, 220 Commercial street,
'Phono Main 17.
A. I. Fraxer SucccMor (6 Burroughi
& Fritter, plumber and tlnne--. Msau
faaturer of copper and galvanise.1
Iron cornlco, and metal skylight,
103 8tato stroet. 'Phono 1011.
Spent wisely Is tho Bourco or much
satisfaction. Why not spond a little
of It wisely now buying groceries of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Ilarrltt k Lawrence.
TficFashiofl Stables
rorawly sMmpeoa's fMaelea.
Up-to-date livery ana cab line.
Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally
ho for picnics and yxeurilooi, PLone
44. OHAS. W. YANNKB, Prop.
247 and 810 High Street.
Highest Price
pouiriiv and v.aas
267 Commercial St.
Contf rf sereaia aad itark aRrH
n.,.. zwl,..
Fortlaad, Orefoa.
The bmw a4 atedwa koM of ke eHy
CsUrs parttcalarly te reeideate ef aW
lea Sad other Oregon citiee. Kvreeea
plsa. Free bus. Hats 11.09 fe &j
aa4 vpward. HaiUoaiw4 grUI la te
Weet, as4 prleee as low ae la a4e
Iri attractive. Dally Capital JowimJ
m Ale.
H. S. Gite & Co;
WkokIe Grcr and Com
miswloai Hswcfeaat
In the market at all times for
dried fruit and farm produce of all
We bare for sale a lev apple pew
Ing and slicing wacblaee; HHiasseat
t lr tW W,H w
Ml sW'bssbbbbSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV
It. O. Cumml
Cummins, express, delivery am
transfer Hao. PromjK .Mrvk irn1,
our motto. Furniture and pk,
moving a specialty. Stand at IS I
South Commercial BtroeL Pene
175. Residence phoae 9C8. S-4-tt
DC. W. L. Mercer. Graduato of Klrhr
vllle, Mo., under founder of oetee
patsr. Kooas 83-28 Breymsa bldg.,
Commercial St. Phoae 910. Rest
dcaea 419 Nc-rik Summw street.
Fhone 614. Treats ut'e mA eareeU
dlwaves. KxaMlsatleft free.
ornc otxT xaia.
I'or water srvlee affly al
Bill payable asoataly la adrtiec
Make all eowplalsVs at tke oe.
Lincoln AaHulty Vnleii. llek, aeV'
dent and peailoa lasuraRee; S,'
000,000 pledged; every, claim fHild.
Good agents wanted. J, It. O.
Moatgomery, supreme organiser,
Box -133 Salem, Oregon, K, X.
Ityan, secretary, 546 Slate street.
Krvbs llros, Growers of and eav
ers In hops, Salem, Oregon. FhoM
131. Office over Salem Kate
Bank, 116 Commercial street.
O, C, Donovan Hop Hiorckant re
rosonts bost firms In America, Cer
ner Commercial and 8tate streets,
Balom. Phone Main 137,
Tho nbovu cut shows oir tjrlcJs;
llned Torrid 'ono Furnace. Guar
anteed gas and dust proof. Econom
ical nnd durnblo; for tho particulars
Inqulro nt -
J.1H Htnto Kdwt.
Ultimate furnished on hunting.
That's 'v'ant you waut these
chilly days, ami at our placo you
got nothing cold, and always tke
bost thu market affords.
Wliito Houso Restaurant
(IKOItOK IlltOH, Props.
Ordor a iiackage or tktsf
famous health and bralji
bV'l'U'ig oiira eW)r
soma good old 'fasbloaed
New KHglawl Hrews
Hrt'Nd, A chance at
right hot loaf will make
you. think you aro In
Boston.' With MUrn'
Hvlf-rUlHg U. H. H. Kkmr
you can make bread just
like the Puritans used to
tt-It PMHrak Klowr
Is also a puro food; solf
rtslng and all ready to
mix with water and bake
on a hot griddle.
PwclMo tot Factory, 8m Jwr,
CV1. KMterii Kactory. W4
Wolf MUK Hwa, Wis.
I If ittltffl MltMNIrlOftt
mm ies re tut. . ti
fc,,,l4J.l-rt wvw -
g fu oi
Jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbiibbsbbbbbi '
ssWWubbVHhBbbbbibbbbbbbbbh '
- 'i
ml n