a- DAttX OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGON. THUItSDAY, NOVE3D3ER 8, 1000. iPiles Quickly . Cured at Home SOCIAL EVENTS "The Satisfaction Line' j 11X1 il Instant Belief, 1'urnMiicnt Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to 1 AH la l'laln Wrapper. Piles is a fearful disease, but easy to euro If you go at tt right. An operation with the knife Is dftngoroua, cruel, humiliating and unnecessary. MkkwKWv) .!? & fa? Va Thoro Is Just ono other stiro wny to bo cured painless, safo and In, iho' privacy of your own homo It fh Pyramldl'lio Ouro. , !f Wo mall a trial packnKO frco to all yho wrlto. i It will kIvo you Instant relief, jhunv you tho linrmloHSi painless na- uro of this grent remedy and fltnrt you woll on tho way toward a porfoct euro. Then you get a full sized box from any druggist for DO centa, and often ono box euros. If tho druggist tries to soil you eomothlng Just an good, It Is bo cntiBO'ho makes more money on tho substitute InslHt on having whnt you call for, Tho euro begins at onco and con tlnuoH rapidly until it Is compluto nnd permanent. . You .can go right nboad with your work and bu unsy and comfortablo all tho time. It is woll worth trying. Just Bend your nnmn and address to Pyramid Drug Co., CG Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., and ro colvo free by return mall tho trlnl paeknga In a plnlu wrappor. Thousands hnvo been cured In this chbj, painless and lnoxpeiiBlvo wny, In tho privacy of tho homo. No knlfo and Its torturo. No doctor and his blllB. All druggists, CO cents. Wrlto to day for a freo pnekngo. Young society is looking forward with expectation on tho quivive to the amateur theatricals promised them by Mrs. Albert Salb nee Miss Esther Robinson, an October bride. Her arrangements havo been made for some time in in Decembor, and at that timo thoro will bo nn amus ing vniidovlllo performance by a number of tho youngor sot. Definite arrnngomenta as to. where tho pro gram will bo hold havo not been mado yet. Tho nro to go to somo worthy charity. Whatovor Mrs. Salb undertakes is always a uticcess, as past experiences testify, and It Is safo to say that when tho tlmo draws near tho entertainment will UBiirp all interest. Somo. of tho most prom inent girls of tho younger set v havo promised their services In conduct ing booths. Married .at Seattle. MIbs Itcgnnld Lundo and Dr. E. E. Plorco woro married at tho homo of tho brldo's slstor, In Seattle, Novem ber 1st. Miss Lundo Is n formor Snlom girl, nnd has many friends hero. Dri Plorco Is nn old Bchool mato of tho formor pastor of tho Christian church horo, Itov. George Illtchoy. Ill 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 I I M 1 1 1 II 1 1 I 1 m i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS;: Marion County Laud That Is Changing Ownership Prices ! ! ;: That Obtained. ' HlllllllllllllllillllK' Tho following tranafor was re corded yesterday In tho oiilco of tho county recerder: J. M. Woodruff to Enos nnd H. R. Presnnll, 3t.G ncres of the d 1 o of Isaac Mc Cully, Marlon county I 1 Haw' Thin? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caio of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F..J. Cheuoy A Co. Toledo, 0. . WotUo undersigned, havo known F.j. Caeuoy'for thi last 15 ycnrB, and bollovq him porfoctly bonorablo in all bushiest transactions and A anclally ablo to carry out any obli gations made by Ma firm. WALDIND. KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hull's Catarrh Curo ts taken Inter Mil), acting directly upon tho blood juhI' mucous surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sont fro. Prlco 75o r bottle. Sold by all druggists, Tak Hall's Family Pills for con stipation, Victor Point Items. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Jones woro visitors nt Mr. Whitney's lnat Sun day. Mr. Jones, Jr.. nnd Mr. Fisher mado a trip to Wllholt soda springs Saturday. Thoy brought homo about HO gallons of flno sodn wntor. A sorles of mooting? will bo hold nt Victor Point under tho skillful lendorshlp of Mr. and Mrs. Mcllroy, W. R. Jonos hns lntoly purchased a notv cow of which ho Is evidently vory proud of. F. M. Miller mado a business trip to Sllvorton InBt wcok. On Halloween few marauding ex peditions woro sent out. Tho only thing vory notlcenblo was that a few signs around In tho business pnrt of town changed hands. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Miller wont to AuiubvUIo Inst Saturday to visit frlonds. Mr. Rogers mado a business trip to Salem last Wednosday. It has been intlmuted that n neighborhood Thnnksglvlng dinner would bo next In ordor. Lot this bo agitated and thoro will bo ono. Mr. Onodknecht Is. ropnlrlng his barn, Philip FlBhor 1b oalcemlnlng his house. Jim Rogers wont to Snlom last Tuoeday. Ho will oltlior work In Sa eom or Portland this winter. Ray CharlPHworth bought hlmsolf a now buggy n short tiino ago. Girls look out. o A Year of lllooil. Tho year 1003 will long bo ro momborcd In tho homo of F, N Tncket, of Alliance, Ky., ns n year of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr. Hackot'a lungs that death scorned vory near. Ho writes: "8o vero bleeding from tho lungs and a frightful cough nnd brought mo nt death's door, whon I bogan taking Dr. King's Now Discovery for con sumption, with tho astonishing result that nfter taking four bottles I was completely restored and as tlmo has proven permanently cured." Guar anteed for toro lungs, coughs nnd colds, at J. C. Perry's drug store. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial 'bottle free. Of 1, VaaAukcn, of Rainier, has IweHght suit against the National roty Company and George Allen, Ms tHwMesU, to recovor 126,000 staMajtes for false art-oat and Imprls tHiMMt In connection with tho rob iwi-y of the State Bank of Rainier. yrd a ci Call. "A UmKroua rtkl operation, JaYolvb- ta resMYitl t a malig na Mktr, m Htw m my hand, trew iay ia-water' Mp, we jYhte4 ky the aft ot Bittaa' Araka skive," y A. a Wtl, uf XH tu, W. Va. "rtwMHt ww of the aalte aenipMely ft." Cur mU, burns aA ajurl, tH at J, kac a skat lag ila 8t(HMel In Need. St. Petersburg, Nov. 7. Ltoutcn nnt-Gcncral Stoessel, tho dofondor of Port tVrthur, Is In such financial straights that ho has applied to a charltablo Institution for wounded soldiers for assistance to onablo him. to omploy a sorvnnt. Tho officers cf tho Institution' asked tho general to produco a med ical certificate showing that ,hls health required tho services of n ser vant, o Articles of Incorporation of tho Consolidated Creamory Company, of Pdrtlnrid, woro filed In tho corpora tion department of tho oMco of fee rotary of state this moraine. The capital stock Is $50,000, and the in corporators H, Pearson, W, O. Ido aud J, S, McDonald. CASTOR I A Ttf lift ill $m4. QklUbrtt. slstt BE SbIbbJ bTsBSBbI BBBBSskssft M SBBBBBBBsUsS 4LhiVfekl IH Kin IN Mfff HfHfg VHsJIH "rvoUJU QATe: Solo Oh Mert ! 7cnriirr - mr; rrtfs u-.roigerot jgSg JAfoljeriO GAT utracT MM rQ1 I fj J " rdJ33Hr? A.ro mlm y sr "wr- z- -ryyrv. tr3Hr-i5-ac sn; coffee J.A.F0LGER&C" J gPtDENGA High grade SPICES "Sold on Merit J7 J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco To Market Michigan Fruit, Detroit, Nov. 8. An intorurban railway to tranverso northern Mus kegon county, tho heart of tho Oceana fruit bolt Ib now assured. When tho lino is completed it will, mean n groat deal for western nnd . northern Michigan fruit dealers who. navo tnoir crops at present, almost destroyed owing to lack of rnllway communication. o Tho Nostucca cannery has shut down because of a shortage qf cans. o Rest Liniment on Earth. Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Wa ter Works, Shullsburg, Wis,, writes' "I havo tried many kinds of linlmont but I havo novcr recolvod much bono tit until I used Ballard's Snow Linl mont for rhoumntlsm nnd pnins. I think It tho best linlmont on earth." 2fic, GOo and $1.00. For salo by D. J. Fry's drug Btoro. vPaaav DE, STONE'S DRUO STORE Does a strictly cash builncss, owes no one, and no ono owes ix; cnrrlce large etockj ckolrcs, counters nnd show cases nro londed with drugs, moiHclnes, notlon.s toilet articles, wines and liquors of nil kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Stone la a regular graduate In modlclne nnd has bad many yean of oxperlenco In tho practice. Conulta tUns are freo. Prescriptions are freo, aud only regulnr prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug Btore, Salem, Oregon, from 6 in the morning until 0 at sight Woven Wire Fencing Two carloads recolved rocentlv. Special discount until November 5th. Full stock of Poultry and Lawn Feno Ing, Shingles, Posts, Gates and Maltbold Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. Are You Alarmed? FIRE ALARMS .BURGLAR ALARMS SPRINKLING SYSTE.MS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Of all kinds, nnd a full stock of general electric supplies. Also all kinds of motor work done, as well ns all kinds of wiring. State Agent Co. 245 Liberty St. Just Received Men's, Ladies' and Children's WINTER SHOES. Men's and Boys' HIGH and LOW TOP SHOES and RUBBER BOOTS. Best quality at Lowest prices. Come and see them. We have some bargains. JACOB VOGT DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESEi DOCTOR "Will treat you with Oriental herbs and cure any dlscaso without operation or pain. Dr. Kum is known evorywhero in Salem, and has cured many prominont peoplo hero. Ho has lived in Salem for 20 ycrns, and can bo trusted. He uses many medicines unknown to white doctors, and with thorn can care catarrh, aothmn, lung troubles, rheu matism, stomach, liver, and kidney dis 011BCS. Dr. Hum makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. His remedies curo privnto disoasos when overytbing else fails. Ho has hundreds of testi monials, and gives consultation free. Prices for medicines vory moderate. Persona in tho country can write for blank. Send stamp. If you want somo extra fine tea, got It from us. DR. KUM BOW WO00., 107 South High street, Salem, Oregon Opposite Hotel Sslera. P. O. Box 185. EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKINGPOWDER It Is 100 por cent pure. It Is as good as a baking powder can be. As good as any. Bettor than most. Cheaper than any, for you get a glass fruit Jar or jelly glass free, whoa you buy It. Your neighbor will recommend tt, It sh has used it. lasit upon having Eploy's Perfection the next time you buy baking powder. Then you win recommend It, Band Instruments Phonographs Records Stringed instruments and rmistcal sundries. Don't forget that we have the goods and that they are for sale at reasonable prices. f. L. SAVAGE At J. Wsegar's Old 8taa, 247 Oossasrclal sK. Rllriag IaBtraaiSnts a Sf stalty. SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE 6 lbs. for $1.00 This cofteo can't bo beat ut tho price in Oregon, Mocha and Java Blend 25c Pound Wo want you to try our coffees and you'll becomo regular cus tomers, havo better coffeo and save money. . A. L. Harvey Cor. Court ami Illgh Sts., Salem. Phono 210 Main. 1 EA m CEYLON t msSm ,eo..TlWMi' K',Z1 TT5 !E iuaMStOm THE TOWN OMEB. Couldn't mnko nn announttna thnt would plcnso tho pablle bcik tuuu nuiu vu en mem idji n laundry work will bo done to ptii tion and the Salem Steam LuiS enn't be cqmpotod with anywbtr tho country for thp perfectioa cf I work on linen, slllrs or wooleu defy competition in this lIne,becitN4 ithero wro any hotter methodi would havo them at once. Trr Salem Steam Laundry. Frltw riM SALEM STEAM LAUKBBT. uoionoj. j, oimstoaa, prop. 1 PHONE 25. 136-160 B. UWtj M P C M. EPPLEY BIBMSBBBBWsBBfll4sBf1stlt BRICK Hrkk fHrnUUed )a knra or null ttKi. Vrt& brick MaO te etmr. lard oa State Street, south t PBUatlr7. 2XUSM BRICK YAR A. A. 14URTOX. Pr, i ' ' ' " i lBri AiPaHTyBHK&aHHHtsHHanr ' BP4isssBpRf $500 Apiece Your hens are only worth Fifty cents apiece, but they can be made to earn $5.00 a year. COULSON' EGG FOOD COULSON'S IMPROVED MASH FOOD ALFALFA MEAL These are the ar ticles to do it with. Call on us for particulars. TILLSON & COJ 151 High a A MATTER OP ABSORBING INTEREST Lies behind that of the aDnroacMaa Thanksgiving, and that Is the lura. ber question. During the Wlntei the supply is alwayB uncertain, bHt by ordering of us before cold weather comes you can be sure of bavin e your wants filled. We are ready to supply any kiad of laraber you need. GOOBAXS LTOOtXB CO. Utoky MMHttain Tm fttjMfts 3Ah 0ilt H!U fci R Jti General ..Machine Works.. S. M. KIQWTlXSQmt, Machsntst wwi "Ma wager. J78 Sih Liberty St. TB WLD AXTTHIXa THAT CAX BH MADB FltOM 1HOM OK STWsHV. XOX BUT STsWP.fTr.aaa -WOMKMKX KMPLOrKD. A CHILD CAN BCf . j i -....i.. .t- nnr moat! ket as the older folks. We P most careful attention to aw and sell' none but the best of E. O. CROSS, State Street Market P,"i. CHINA srott a ... .. -MWa fancy pectai Bwie, ! uiImMu. i.k. rents' turatohlsc foo4. wraps, e0 aad tarts, tmaks, saattlsg T L. w. .!.. un BCw f" wfppm waists, -white Wss; TArvtWitur maim at? ' of Ortfi K nas,. L.Z "T.. ' ''" ' k. i . vi SMJUMfea DmtaOnMn zr7?)"fJS V XJi. Wiw CIaAsT C WPUW NUMCIt fmULwi fi -li-lst tit OsMirtil, 81 fo J'fi