"t ' TV w WT'f'wjpPlMJtpiiwIfw-. WPV"Tr """, "t?ir3 f "I 4 J&AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY NO VEMDER 8, 1000. A MATtm OF HEALTH it POWDER A Orm 9f Tartar Jwdsr, - fre from alum or phes phatloaold HAS MO SUBSTITUTE NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Salem Will Have Liftlo Auto- ; Hatlc Guardians On Watch $ When tho Stato Agent compnn)', under tho local ngoncy ot E. D. Onmblo, comploto tho Installation of tho nutomattc flro nlnrm systom Sa lem will havo boon provided with ono of tho boat protections against a Borlotis outbreak of flro of any city on tho Pacific coast. Good progress Is being mado In tho stringing of wires and tho making of prepara tions for tho setting of public break-tho-glass flro alarm boxes and Mr. Gamblo hopes to havo tho Bystom ready for practical operation boforo tho first of tho year. Besides tho public boxen nearly oyory business hotiBo In tho city will havo been sup plied with prlvato automatic flro alarms as n consoquence of which tho flro Insuranco rates will havo boon reduced to nn extont eufllclont to moro than off-sot tho cost of tho Borvico. Undor tho contract or ngrcotnont by which tho systom Is to bo in stalled tho company will provldo 1G public nlnrm boxes but two extra ones havo nlroady boon ordered slnco Tomorrow tho Snlom high school -" "" f ., ., . will play their second big gnmo of tho Bnl01,",1 fc aulto probable that Benson, whan they meet tho Wtllnm- fttn on,Bt lw,onl; or thirty moro boxes otto Juniors on tho Willamette field. I1'0 J,,ncC(1 w,'on M lT' It will bo n florcoly contested battle, w,l,c.h nw "",,0r consideration. i uru uuiii. i no iiucun unxos win no HIGH VERSUS JUNIORS Evenly Matched Game Ex pected on VVI lam tte Gridiron plans, as follews: Cornor of Coin- lar systom of signals and numbers, morcial and High btreets, Commor- when an alarm is turned in It will clal and Stato, Llbertyvnnd Ferry, bo posslblo for tho department to Church and Ferry, High and Stato, know upon tho Instant tho exact lo- ( Liberty und Court, Chemekota and cation of tho conflagration and can Commercial, Chcmoketa and Sum- respond to tho call without a mom- mor, Chomeketa and Fourteenth, ent'a delay. Llborty and Center, Marion and Every Instrument will bo also con High, Commercial and Division, Mis- nected with tho flro bell which is slon and Twelfth. now located in tho tower of tho city Whon tho South Salem loop of hall but tho bell, tho tones of which wire Is strung, which will bo a mllo aro now muffled on account of be In longth moro than a score of pri- lng confined to tho tower, will bo vnto nnd public boxes and thor- taken out and placed upon a high mostnts will bo connected, and thero platfrom towor In order that thero Is scarcoly a question of doubt that will bo no obstruction whatever to tho stato will order the system in- tho vibrations. .Whon nn alarm is stalled In tho asylum, penitentiary turned In from one of tho public and blind school and a Bcparato loop boxe3 the signal will bo repeated will havo to bo provided for these four distinct tlmos on tho big flro accommodations. bell and when an nlarm comes in Tho themostat flro alarm system Is from ono of tho prlvato thermostats adapted to any nnd all kinds of pro- the alarm will continuo to sound un tcctlon ngainst loss of llfo or prop- til tho department arrives and dls orty by this olemont slnco It is rogu- connects tho instrument, latod solely by tho action of tho torn- Tho Instruments can bo set to any porturo and so dcllcnto and sensi- degreo o ftomporaturo and when tho tivo.nro tho workings of the simple heat or cold arrives at a degreo llttlo instrument, which consists only abovo or below tho limit tho sonsl of n small metal caso ami a highly tivo motal bar moves ovor to ono sonsltized composition motal bar sldo of tho other until an electrical which expands and contracts accu- connection Is mado and tho current ratoly anU without fnlluro with every docs tho rest. Thoro is a thousand degroo of heat and cdld, that falluro and ono usos to which tho littlo do to turn In nn alarm Is a practical vico can bo put among tho most lm impoBsibillty. portant of which is its attachment Tho hoadquartors of tho Stato to tho sprinkling system, especially Agent company, which havo boon os- nPtcd to woodwork establishment, tabllshed on Llborty Btroet botwoon factories, otc, to regulato tho wator Court and Chemekota, aro equipped sP'y f bollcr3 to nvont 0XPl0; wlth ovory Btylo of instrument nnd l' brlck klln thermostats and dovlco to which tho Bimplo yet Im- dial to reglstor tho tomperaturo on prosslvo nnd mysterious littlo pieco tho Insido at all tlmos, a great fuel of machinery can bo attachpd or ap- savor and makor of a bettor quality pllod and tho usos to which It can bo of brick: and a spoclal round stylo ndapted aro Blmply marvolous. Whon of thermostat mado especially for tho city alarm systom has boon com- vosscls to bo used In tho hold and pletod ovory box and prlvato alarm among tho cargo to warn tho ship b will bo connected directly with tho offlcors thnt n flro is lmminont from I M fli ' .. " -'-r T - l l" u ' n Mill" . .Tx It9 vaSBSssik. I W 1 f a 3 I 1 & &k 1 li-.i-.u.iA.t.sSt 3T' l j.i"-r. 1 1 III! l fSSin 9i ffi'fow i ns nom icaiun nro determined 10 win ' . ' i....inn .i nMinr. incnicu, nccoruing 10 tno prosoni nro uepnriment nnu, turougn a rcgu- sponinnuuuu tuuiuou .... this gamo. Tho High School vhowod what they could do Inut Saturday, whon thov inot nnd defeated tho Euuono High School, with n ncoro of C to 0. ! Howovor, It Hhowcd somo weak points in thnt immo', but has boon working hard all weok to romody them nnd now fool that it, Is In much bettor condition than at that time. I Tho Wlllnmotto Juniors have a fnttt team thlH year nn was shown nt Portland lnat Friday when it hold tho l'ortlnnd High Heliool down to ii ticore of (I to 0. it nliio Iiiih boon practicing hnrd tho piiHt wook and hIiowh hoido good t'am work. TIiIh in going to bu a good nnd evenly iimtolied gnme, ns both tonuiB nro ot about the muno wolght. It will undoubtedly liuve a Inrgo nt tondnuco iib both hoIiodIh will turn out lu u body lit Hiippnrt of tholr tonuiH. Thro Ih itUo muuh Intorost being uhowu ouUlde of tho hoIiooIh over this gnmo uh it will show up In n way something about thu WohI obii statu ohnmnloiiHhtp. .. Tho Wll lnmotto Junloni plnyod l'ortlnnd High School mid tho High School hn's plnyod Eugouo High, so after this gnmo n general Htnudlng ot tho four teams will bo shown. Tho High School lineup will bo tho nnmo uh lust Saturday except that Itnlph MonroH will piny tho po Hltlon of left end, which wnx plnyod Snturdny by Hrcol Kny, who la now Inyod up with u brokun nrm. which ho rorolvod In tho Inst gnmo. Tho lineup: 8. II. B. Juniors. Olon NHoa .... 0 Koyc llurton UC1 Shlolda Ilofor LO ... McDowoll H. Kyro UT Bavngo 1 Mlllor KT .... Koornlck Smith H H Uooth (Capt.) Moorcm hl . , . , , . Hou L. Farmer , Q . . . . 't. Holmnn II. Kilos , HIT ...... Locch 0. (labrloUon. . . MI .. Iltchnrdaon Jones (Capt) ... F ..... Omnmttta Tho Humu will bo called nt 3:30. ''' 'Vttitr&; . ADVANCING THEIR INTEREST WB HNDHAYOU to advanco th bualnoas litteroats ot our custom era U ivery lltlmato way. la to Mnfr, our motives may bo 0M(wlMt tlMturrt with Mltah I'mh, tr. w th protjwrlty ot It yiilwyM the aice of wy mm. f' Sie State' Bank wtlBmrnmm"" " -- ju jm rjwjim iiw in .. i i hi i 0 mm jm f . The Capital Journal Estabishes A PRECEDENT loins tho I'nelllc Northwoxt, of Portland In giving the longest, Iatges.t and most expensive newnpaper cxciiihlou i'er iiiuleilnktMi In the United StntttH. Ten thousand dollars to bo npciit in advertising Marlon county and tho state .by these two progressive publications. A CONTKST THAT 18 A COXTIJST. Read the Five Particulars Tlio Capital Jounml of Knlein, the laiyest and best (billy (taper south of Portland hits mado an arrangement with the Pacific Northwest, of Portland, Oregon, tho leading agricultural monthly on tho const to take' one or mom joung Indies from Marlon county on a trip which will prac tically rover tho United States, visiting thu Jamestown exposition en route. The purpose of this trip la to Advertise Marion County Ah well as the other counties pf tho slnto from ench of which ono young lady wilt bo taken, Tho expense of our representative will all bo imltl from Portland enst ami return. This Includes transportation, Pullman, menla, hotels, etc., ana tho best thnt money can buy will bo given tho fortuimto yo ung Ipriy who represents Marlon county. How to Obtain the Trip A Fair, Square Contest Candidates aro hivltinl to obtain subscriptions for it combination offer of tho two publications us follews: Tho Capital Journal, six moutlts, , , ,. ;., : ,',.,- ,,,2.00 Tho Puclllc Northwest, twelve months , no Saaffl??-"? two Dollars IvjvcIi combfnntlon sultscrlptlou entitles tho eamlhbtto to oho vote. Tho young Imly receiving tho largest number of ote letwecn now nnd March !U, 1U07, Mill be ikeined tho choice of Mnrlou county to innko the trip. Cull or write for sample copies and further iwrtlcularii, CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, 0RG0N ThtfJortutl epatRlns long articles daily dlscriptivu of tho trip. Sub scribe 'how. Do Hot miss a copy. T Malleable Range MADE AT SOUTH BEND, IND. That is the range we will demonstrate with in our wmdow all next week. We will have hot coffee and nice biscuits all next week. Everybody is invited to call mi partake of same and inspect this wonderful range. THE HEATER QUESTION Also occupies the attention of every housekeeper at this particular time. We have the famous Buck Meat ers and are sending them out every day thoroughly guaranteed. See our heaters. SPECIAL EOR THIS WEEK--A $6 AIR-TIGHT FOR $4.95 rJUJUC Ii iBjI'T'i I 'Wil'ILI Jli.iy wiso nnd thoy nil work upon tho Bnmo systom nnd nro nllko sorvlce ublo nnd IndlBponenblo. Another highly important uso to which tho nlmost human dovlco will bo put boforo another year' rolls around will bo Its attachmont to hop nnd prune kilns where It will bo In n position to sayo tho farmors thous ands of dollurs In posslblo loss from flro. A portublo hop kiln, built upon scientific lines but small scalo, has boon constructed and It will bo taken around through tho country to'glvo WILL I1UILI) Till 110AD. Hlght of Wny for lload to TortW llns Heen Secured. J I Hon. John B. Ilynn, ono of thttf torneys for tho company that p' poses to construct nn electric from this city to tho metropolis in tho city. Mr. Ryan has char securing tho right of way. Di tho fall ho accomplished most of work, nnd tho company now ha comploto lino from Salem to Cai tho hop growers n practical lllustra- 'During tho past month Mr. Hya tlon of Its usotulnesB. It can nlso secured n right of wny from tbe bo used to great advantage In hotels ! lamotto river to Wllholt Spring, whoro a thermostat can bo placed In the Molalla river. ovory room nnd dopartmont In tho As tho capital behind the td building nnd connected with tho of- 'prlso Is tho somo that controli flco onunclator bo that, In case flroJlno from Portland to Cane broakn out any placo in the build- south of Oregon City, tho lln lng tho offlco force will bo able to 'only havo to bo built from Sales locato It on tho Instant and quench that point to inako tho connection tho flamos boforo thoy havo been able Mr. Ryan says that ho Is Into to gain any headway, to say nothing by the Interests bohlnd him that about protecting tho lives ot the portion of tho rood between guests. o Delegates Appointed. Tho following list ot dolegates woro appolntod by Governor Cham borlaln this morning to represent tho stnto at tho National Rivers and Harbors Congress convention, to be hold nt Washington, D. C, December C and 7, of tho present year: J. N. Teal,'!,. A. Lowls, Henry Hahn, W. A. Wheelwright, R. R. Hoga and J. A. Smith, of Portland; J. D. Peters, Tho Dallos; John H. Smith, Astoria, and Potor Logglo, Marshfleld. Tho governor has also notified the con gressional representatives of tho con tention, nnd requests that thoy at tend tho same In tho Interests of tho stato. and Canemah will bo built flrtt, then tho branch 'line will be rna ' tho Molalla rlvor. As n matter of fact, work 0" ' rond win hiv to bo comment "fl foro next July or tho deeds to I right of way may bo forfeited. R. Stratton, a deck hand on tha , steamer Spencer, while making fast a lino on tho wharf at Porter's land ing, on the Columbia rlvor, Wednes day morning, got ono leg ca,ught In a loop In the bight of the lino, and, tho boat swinging out pade tho line tauf, Btratton'a leg was torn off nt tho knee, tho severed portion bo Ing thrown SO feet Into the Btream. Stratton was taken to tho railroad .koapJUl at Collins Landing, and was ail aHre kU Wednesday &lkt, Neuralgia Pains. nhonmnHgm Inmllfltrn Slid & palna ylold to tho ponovratlng ljj enco of nallnrd's Snow WnlOW .. a- .!. tiorrpz -- iiuuturaiea 10 iuu bono and being absorbed into blood, ita hoallne nropertlea ra veyed to every part of the iwi m i jr..i pure. uuai sous wubumiui -. , . en. j nn r" cilo DT I WWW UUU l.VV. i'W - -- Pry's drug store. Thn flaK .t1f nn thO CUtk8 went out Wednesday inornlnff, ! lng with It Louis Himler ana Wilson, Himler being oJ i . -. . .lu. iM ih. neuiJ. uunea ior awnue m " ajjAj woro rescued after quite a "JJ Huorth, another employe. I luruwn lniu luo ii.v.. v nno.1 n.lM.n.if rnlinh diiflCUltf. damage amounts to abont !. TZ3tmm MMi l2. i k' p