DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OTtKGOX, THURSDAY, NOVJKM11KR 8, 1(MJ. 3 Reed's Cushion Sole Shoe for $3.50 And the best $3.50 ladies' shoo ever sold by any store In any city. It Is useless'to pay more for n shoo when $3.50 will buy the Acme of Shoe Perfection. It embodies three fentures which are all Important. HEALTH LONG WEAR ELEGANT APPEARANCE Wear n cushion 50I0 and your health will be Improved perma nently. If you don't believe this assertion, wo stand ready tb provo it. MEN Don't go all winter with wet feet, and then wonder why you havo bad colds and perhaps consumption. HIGH TOP SHOES Will savo all that, make you comfortablo and give you moro wear for your money Wc Lead in Salem for High Tops - Como and look. Wo can fit and satisfy. E. L. Irvin & Co. PRACTICAL SHOE MEN 326 State St., Salem Repairing a Specialty IAYS JURIES INCLINED TO BE PARTIAL aster Fish Warden Thinks Arbiters of Justice DIsi criminate Against Big , Fish "Chief among tho troubles and Isappolntments encountered in tho rosecutlons of violators of tho stato sbing laws," said Master Fish War- en Van Dusen, yesterday afternoon uring a discussion of the failure I several juries to convict in tho tour recent cases cited 'at Orogon :uy and the consequent complaint f District Attorney Schuebel and tatement that he would not attempt irther prosecution of such cases ntil assured of tho support of pub ic sentlmont, "Is the fact that it Bl uest invariably transpires that, i'btlo an ordinarily representative ury will And a verdict of guilty gainst -a bic corporation, the same ody of men discriminates in favor f the lesB prominent and individual lolator of tho law." Ho sayB that, while Attorney chuebel was keenly disappointed la tho failure of the Jury in tho case bt the stato vs. H. Blgelow, tne Vbernethv sawmill man, tried on tho barge of permitting sawdust to bo laced in the water of a tributary of be Clackamas river, to find a ver- tlct of eiilitv of tho defendant seem ed undlsputable, he does not think ie will refuse to prosecute lurmer h'iolations of tho law but will go Phead and do his duty whenever hfflctent evidence of guilt Is pro duced. Other cases cited In support of his nreumont that Juries are in clined to discriminate against big corporations are those of the Crown- Columbia Pulp & Paper company, in Thlch a verdict of guilty was founa, "id that of C. E. Buhcyse, twice rried resulting la a "bung" Jury in be first case and a verdict of not uilty in the second. Mm. t w iin Clearwater, Can .!).. -u VinStni) Irv bIck I , n,un, lm.J CO.w mt inreo jaonthg. The doctors wu fhal he had quick coHBumptlon. We itrnrnrorf iti. TOaiigm'K nuic- aound Syrup, ami It cured him. That " ix year ago. Since men v lway kef a botUe la the (iBO VI.. .. .. lflimtir It. n huwk ma hm for hu..i.. . i ton no $3.50 to $7 MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Snlcm a Good Home Market." SALKM MARKET. Stelncr's Market. Dealers In fish, gamo and poultry Highest cash price paid for eggs Prompt dolivory. Stato stroet. 10-3-tf Poultry, Eggs. Ete, Eggs Per dozen. 31c. Duttor Retail Country, 25 30c; creamery, 3Gc. Hens 10c. Frys 10c. Gooaf C7c Ducks SVjQOe, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc New potatoes COc cwt. Onion 65c cwt. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5We per pound. Oranges $5.00 16.00 Onions 75c cwt. live Stock Market Steers 3 3 Uc Cows 2 2 U c. Sheep 3 4c Dressed Veal OdJO'ic Fat Hogs 6c Stock Hogs 5c. Oram and Feed. Baled Clover $6.00. Cheat $6.00. Timothy $8.50 $9.50. -Oats 30 32c. Bran $1S. Shorts $20. Barley $20. Wheat, 65c FIour-3.60. FORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club, 64c: valley, 66c; bluestetn, l'7c Oats Choice wnue. sw ;... Mlllstuff Bran, $14.50. . . Hay Tlmovhy, $100 $11. Alfalfa, $11.50. Vetch $7 7.00. Potatoes 60 75c Poultry Average old ben, 12 young rooster. 12 13c; dressed chickens. 13 He; trukeys, dressed. CniCKVB". v attari ,1,ickS 2122s; gee. i". --- 14615c; pigeons, $1$1.50. Pork Dressed, 664c Beef Dressed, 4 05c Mutton 607C rftii- Hops-1906 choice, 15 016c. prime. 13014c; medium, 1ZW 12 Wc; olds, nominal. Wool-Valley, eoarie t Ho. 2031 Eastern Oregon, 13018c, Mohair 2C 28c Butter-Fancy Creamery, 1-0 27 &c; store ouuer, v--- mMim'mr ta.1 $MlmmW& OaiZttu H-M lllllllHIHIIMil i SAVED BRYAN'S LIFE Gocrnor McWilllnm .Tinted loloii Intended for Great Commoner. W I.IIIHIIH IHHfH HM I Washington, Nov. S. "There haa never been anything In American politics equal to the devotion, almost Idolatrous of tho followers of Wil liam Jennings Bryan," said nr well known newspaper correspondent who traveled on Mr. Brynn's special train in the campaign of 1S9G. "I never know but on odlscord In this chorus of devotion, and thnt was in a little town In eastern Tonncsseo. It haa novor been accounted for. "Uy goneral agreement at tho tlmo, nothing was said In tho news paper reports nbout tho Incident. It might havo destroyed Bryan's vocal powors for nil tlmo, had It not been for tho thoucltf nlticss of former Governor Benton McMillan. Wo had been doing soino hard cam paigning nnd Bryan's voice was Im paired. Ho could hardly speak nbovo in whisper. "JuBt before tho train pulled out of tho little town whoro ho had boon speaking, n man stepped up to tho roar platform nnd hnnded a, botUo to a membor of tho Bryan party, Baying thnt tho mlxturo was 11 fa vorite proscription In his family, and a wonderfully effective remedy for throat troublo. Would Havo linpn'viod llrynn. "Ho said that ho wanted Bryan to use It, The person appeared to bo a kind hearted, gonorotm country fel low whoso sincerity would have Im pressed tho cnndldatu, had he boon permitted to moot tho commoner. When McMillan snw the bottle hand ed up, ho demnuded that It be glvon to him beforo being passed to Bry an. Alter Hearing an explanation regarding Its contents, McMillan said: 'I guess I will seo about this,' and removing tho cork of tho bottlo ho touched his tonguo to tho con tents. "Instantly ho recoiled with n cry 'of pain. Tho fluid contnlned an acid iof such corroBlve properties, that it almost uurneu utrougn .MC.Miuan'8 1 tongue. He was under treatment tor tsovornl weeks, before recovering from tho effects. Hnd Brynn tnsted tho contents of that bottle, he might novor havo been nblo to mako an othor spocch. Just why any person should havo had any designs on tho Democratic candldato for Presldont, hns novor been satisfactorily ex plained. Tho Btory has never been printed beforo. .... Guui-deil Ills Slof'p. "Still another incident Illustrating the porsonnl devotion of Brynn's fol lowers to him, hut one which had a less scriouB aspect, occurred In North Carolina. I was finishing ui. my press report on tho trnln, Jn ordor to fllo It nt the next station. I had orders to Intorvlew tho presidential candidnto on a cortain devoloptncnt of tho campaign. "Brynn hnd tho accomplishment of being able to drop Into a profound slumber when ho was tlrod, day or night, and It seemed that ho was In the midst of a dozo whon I stepped Into his car. Standing beside htm, waving a fan, over tho commoner's closed eyelids, was a local North Carollnn Democratic politician. Fre quently ho gated Into Bryan's faco with n look of sincere devotion. As I called out at the door, ho raited his hands doprccatlngly, nnd with great dramatic effect, exclaimed: " 'Hold! Tho President sleeps. "It was a comic situation to every one.except to Bryan's faithful at tendant. He never was moro in earnest In his life." -o Constipation. Health is absolutely impossible, if constipation be present. Many seri ous cases of llror and kidney com plaint bavo sprung from neglected constipation. Such a deplorable con dition Is unnecessary. There Is a cure for it. Herblno will speedily remedy matters. C. A. Lindsay, P. M., Bron- ton, Fla., writes, Feb. 12, 1902: "Having use4 Horblne, I find It a fine medicine for constipation." 60c a bottle. For salo by D. J, Fry drug store. o A. F. Marcus has returned borne, from a two weeks' trip through Can ada, where be bad been on pleasure and business. .. o- Whenever you baro any sympathy to bestow, direct It towards the young woman who aovtr uted Hollls fcrfe 7 Ho T we Tab les, 35 cents. Dr. toae' Dra Tho Badge ot" Honety Is on ovrry wrapper of Doctor Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery because- a full list of tho Ingredients composing It is printed thrro in plain English. Forty years ol oxporlenco has proven I w superior worth a a Wood purlilor and Invigorat ing tonic for tho euro of stomach dlordvri and all Ihfr tilt. It builds up tho run down syte;n a no other tor:c can In which aki.'ml Is used. Tho actlvo medic inal prlni ,. ot imtlvo roots such as Golden Sii end Queen's root, Etono and Mandrako nmt, Bloodroot and Black Chernhark are oxtraetrd and preserve! by tlie u ( uf chemically pure, tr'jle rolltu 1 el ei-rlno. 'Soml to Dr. R. V. Plcrve at liuiTaln, N Y for frto tntol.let which quote extrtcts from woU'recognlttHl n.ed leal authorlilKji tuh as Drt. It.trUiolow, Klnj, ScucUiVr, Coo. Elllngwood and a host of otlt, showlns thnt theso roow can bo iW nded upon for Uselr curative action l(vu!l weak states of the stomach, accom;,..e.l fey IndlRtstlon or dyspepsia us well yC tiiluusur livcrcorapla.r.is and lnrlVV!isth'S dlscaics" where thero Is loKHesh and gradual running down of UfrStren-tth ord system. TIip "tfo'i' Mm! tciil Plsovprv" makes rich, nt 1 'iiQ'l 'patTw invuroratfi nnT r7cuStrrTti?iohicKLliYrr aiidJawefr. n.l. t;r.F-. iyi,. h '.yoie vtrm. Thus all sk::i atfeetions, blotches, pimples and eruptl'in as wolt qh scrofulous swel lings and oM ojiou ruunlna res cr tilcrrs aro cured nnd healed, In treating old running sons, rr ulcers, it Is well to In sure tluir h" ll:ig to apply to them Dr. Pierce's A'.' . o.xllngStlvo. Ifyourdmg gist dnn't hiiwn to havo this Salvo In stock, send luty-fonr.conU la iHMtngn sumps to Dr. U, V. l'lcrco. Invalid' Hotel and Stirplcnl Ittstltuto. ItulTnlo. N. Y..aml u Insjc tn.x of tlio "AlMU-allug Salvu" w II! reach m by return U You cim'i r third to accept a secret nos trum iiitMiutiUiuta fur this non-alcoholic, tned.cll.i .V KNOWS VdMI'OSITION, Hot even Ibiuah tho urRout dealer may therebv m.u a little, bliiuor lirollt. Dr. l'lirci'. Pleasant relfeU regnlato and Invlgi ..ite itomnrh, liver and bowels. bugitM.iuua, tiny granulud, easy to tako Mi amir. y(HMtmiMmMmMB I Gold Dust Flour Made by THE SYDNEY POW. ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mnilo for family uio. Ask your groctr for it. Bran and shorts iilwhys on hand, P. B. Wallace AGENT w UKSOLUTIOX TO IMPHOVK STATK KTHF.KT. Notice Is hereby glvon that nt tho meeting of tho Council ot tho City of Salem, held Monday, November 6, 1906, tho following resolution wna adepted: Resolved, That tho Council of tho City of Salem, Oregon, deems it ex pedient nnd proposes to Improvo Stnto street from tho enst lino of Commercial stroot to tho west lino of Church street In tho following mnn nor, to-wlt: First By tnklng up tho artificial stono crotw walks. Second By grndlng tho rondwny from tho east lino of Commorclnl street to tho west line of High street a width of thirty and ono-hnlf foot on each sldo of tho center line of tho street, and from tho enst lino of High street to tho west lino of Church stroet the spneo between tho curbs as thoy aro now in placo, nnd tho full Intersection of Liberty street and High street to tho proper sub grade. Third By paving tho rondwny and full Intersections, snvo and ox- cept tho space between tho rails and ono foot outside of the rails of tho streot railway tracks with Warren's Bltullthlc Water Proof Pavement. Fourth By paving the spaco be tween tho rails of tho railway tracks and ono foot outside of tho track, belonging to tho Portland Qeneral Electric It. R. Co.. and Oregon Elec tric It. II. Co., with stones and blocks J set on concrete and grouted with co- mont mortar nnd by replacing the rails now in use with grooved rails not less than seven Inches In depth and wolghlng not less than seventy- five (76) pounds per yard. Tho con- eretq under the rails and stone blocks to bo not less than six Inches In depth. Fifth By constructing artiflcisl stone curbs on each side of the street from tho east line of Commercial street to tho center line of High street, thirty-one and pne-half. feet from the center line of tho atreet, and Joining the curb with those now In place on Liberty street and High street, and by constructing artificial atone sidewalks oyer tbo space be tween tho curbs now In plaw and the proposed new curb, and on other portions of the sidewalk area not now paved with artificial stone side walk. Sixth By constructing an Inlet for the water at the northeast cor ner of the Intersection of State street with High street and a catch basis at the northwest corner, and cos. nectlng tho Inlet and catck basia with six-Inch Tltrlaed sewer vpm', m4 ccwlBg tb catch bai wk the wwer with six-Jack wwtr jMp. ftafd Improvewwta to V l lllt8llflHiMH-HH GET AVc ltavo sfttupIcHl the city with Ret (snntfiUN call tthe ofllce AYbcn yon buy Sohp bo sure WILD ROSE FLOUR I $ 91.00 n sack nt nil grocers. Slrnlo Kt44aiUlHI10HliailtittltlHHlHlHif Oregon Pine, Ash SM.EM, nccordanco with tho charter and or dinances of tho City of Salotn and tho pinna, specifications nnd esti mates filed-In tho ofllco of tho Be cordor of tho City of Salem, on tho Cth day of November, 1006, and en dorsed "Plans nnd Specifications for tho Improvement of Stnto Stroot from tho cast lino ot Commercial Street to tho west lino of Church street, nnd tho cstlinnto of tho work to bo dono nnd the probnblo cost thereof." Tho cost of said Improvement to bo nssesscd to tho abutting proporty owners, nH provided by the City Charter. Tho ostlmnto of tho probnblo cost for tho Improvement ot said Stnto' street Is: Probnblo cost $22,012.06 I Loss stono blocks 3,032.03 Balnnco ,i $18,080.04 Tho above improvement Is to bo classed as Warren's Bltulithlo Pave ment. Tho plans, specifications nnd estl- tfmtoB of tho onglnoor employed by tho Council for tho improvement ot snld Stato streot nro hereby ndopted. ltosolved, That tho Recorder of tho City of Sa.lont bo and Is hereby directed to g'lvo notlco of tho pro posed Improvement ot snld Btroot, na provided by tho City Chartor. Remoustrnncoa ngnlnst tho nbovo Improvement may bo filed In writing with tho City Rccordor within ton days from tho ilnnl publication of this notlco. By ordor of tho Council. W. A, MOOR158, Rccordor. Onto of final publication of this notlco Is tho 10th day of November, 1900. 11-0-1 It Notlco of Illrit for Ilullrii.'iK Hide walks, Bids will bo received up to 5 o'clock p. in. of Saturday, November 17, 1000, for tho construction of sidewalks along tho following do-' scribed lots In tho City of Snlom, Oregon, In nccordanco with tho re quirements of tho ordinances and under tho supervision of the Street Commissioner of said City, to.wltt West Bldo of lots G and u, and south 26 feet of lot 7, In block north of block 26. West sldo of lots 3 and 4, in block 16, O. H. Jones' addition. West side of lot 1, block 8, O. H. Jones' addition. East sldo of lota 1 and 2, block 10, 0. H. Jones' addition. East sldo of lot 4, block 8, O. H. Jones addition, East side of lots 1 and 2, block 0, O. H. Jones' addition. Lots 1 and 2, block 41, North Sa lom. Lots 3 nnd 4, block 41, North Sa lom. Southwest 4 block 31, Salem, Or egon. Northwest block 13, Salem, Or egon, 136 feet of walk on lot 8, block C, O. If. Jones' addition. Lots 6, 0, and 7, block 41, Uni versity addition. The west half of lot 7, block 43, University addition. Lota C and 6, block 32, University addition. Parts of Iota 1 and 8, block 43, University addition. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. A certified check for 10 per cent of the bid must accompany the bid, and tf the successful bidder refiM to comply with the ordinance aad do the work, tbo check will be forfeit ed to the city. Bids to bet submitted to the street coBimissIoaer, The Ust of this sotiee Mi Nov- jber 7, 1S06, H- . rACW, 11-71 It 8rwt Comlir. ONE? Willi ltoo Flor, 3f yo kl Hot Z niul GUT ONE. It Is llko tho sample. from oh! wheat, too. OI1AS. K, SPATJUMNO, B. O. M1IX8, Presldont, See and Trcas. Gias. K. Spaiifding Logging Co. Manufacturers of and Maple Lumber 1 OREGON. O. C T. CO Steamers Pomona and Alton leave for Portland dally except Sunday at 7. JO a. m. . M. P. BALDWIN, Agt CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD TIMK TABLK NO. at, Train From nml to Ynqulna. No 1 Loaves Ynqulnn ....... 0 I 65 A.M. Arrlvea nt Corvallla ... .10:40 A.M. Arrives at Albany 11:40 A.M. No. 3 Loavos Albany ....... .13:30 P.M. Leaves Conlillls 1:20 P.M. Arrives at Yauulnn 6:45 P.M. Train to ami From Detroit. No, 3 Lcavoa Albany 7:30 A.M. Arrives at Detroit 12:30 P.M. No. 4 Leaves Dotrolt ........ 1:00P.M. Arrives at Albany .... 6:GSP.M. Trains for Corvnlllfl. No. 8 ' Leaven Albany 7:CCA.M. Arrives nt Corvallls .... 8:36 A. M. No. 10 Leaves Albany 3: CO P.M. Arrives at Corvnlll 4:30 P.M. No. 0 Loaves Albany , . 7:36 P.M, Arrives at Corvallls .... 8:16 P.M. Trains fur Albany. No. 6 Loaves Corvallls 0:30 A.M. Arrives at Albany ( 7:10 A.M. No. 9 Loaves Corvallls 1:30 P.M. Arrives at Albnny 3:10 P.M. No. 7 Leavos Corvallls 0:00 P.M. Arrives at Albany ...... 8:40 P.M. No. 11 Lonvcs Corvallls ...... ,11:60 A.M. Arrives at Albany 11:42 A.M. No. 12 Leaves Albany 12:45 P.M. Arrlvos at Corvallls 1:33 P.M. All ot tho above connect with Southern Pacific Company traina.both at Albany and Corvallls, aa well s train for Detroit giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches, as well as Broltenbush Hot Spring. For further information apply to J. 0, MAYO, Oea. Pawi. Agt. Br If. BOLES, Agent, Albany, HoHthcra l'acilkJ Time Card, Effective Saturday, Ag. 10. Toward Portland Train Arrive. No. 1G D:3Q a. hi., Oregon ex press. No, 148:33 a. m Cottage drove express. No. 12 4:49 p. ., Oregoa ex press. No. 22211:18 a. n through fast freight. No. 32611:66 a. ., local way freight. Depart 13: 4E y, m. Toward U Fmsciara. No, 16 10:66 v. ., Callforul espreae. No. 13 6; 33 p. m,., Cottage Grow express. No. 1110:38 a. at., CaWwate exprtac Ke. 32611:25 a. .. leeal way freight. Defwrta at 11 tit a. as. Ne. 3313:30 a. m., thrennh fK freight. WU?CrC m kW HF ' M i i i, i jj Imi afa. a, tja nt l 11 M .11 - iui c,iMi,e0. M - J Fry's drug "tor-