ifWfHajIRjV'Sit x'"'fwr" GOVERNMENT WEATHER FORECAST. IAIN TODAY AND THURSDAY. '' - - nyy y - iSSP''Wr.' '. i . , f'j.s(r -'w,.iw!, -s toil. xvi. . SALEM. OREGON. WKDXKSI) VY, NOVEMBER 7, 1000. no. am. ttVsBJSM EARST IS BEATEN W YORK COUNTY ARE LEADING BBBJ m. JM BBS? t BH IB W" -' k. UJMLXIJAFITAL SOUBNAIA i 100STING LEBANON INDUSTRIES 'aking Up the Eastern End of Linn County lixing Up the Cause of Progressive Ag riculture and Development .general In 1S92: district attorney nt ; Portland In 1902, nnd then governor. jSome of his enthusiastic friends say he will next be elected Senator. As the governor filed down Into town from tho depot tho sldownlks wcro lined with farmers, blncksmlths, .butchers, laborers and Idlers, nil j ready for a handshake, and nono were disappointed. J A bodyguard, headed by Milt Mil ler, the Senntor-elect, escorted (ho' governor to Hotel Lebanon, where a fine dinner was served. Tho gov ernor spoke Tuesday ovonlng to nn Immense .audience, amid grent enthusiasm. Tho Farmer' Institute. Tho fnnnors' section nwakenlng wns started spirited address by 0. D. Steon. Ho Is n hard-headed, hard-fisted ngrlcul-.IIURhos ,s olocted turlst who has lonrncd wisdom In C0.2S4 over Hearst the hard school of exporloncc. Ho behind his ticket In (Editorial Correspondence.) A two-days convention at Lebanon s ucen nn nwnKcner ior tins pret- town, nnd stnrts nn upward movo- ent for Enstern Linn county. Two ilns a day with tho outside world, stend of one. doubles tho Intcr- iirso with this center of business tho Snntlnm, where they hnvo cenfly established a high school, iro n largo paper mill, have n I'.vmlll under construction, nnd ex- Ect another one soon. Potatoes, pplcs, prunes, berries, hogs, sheep, rain nnd butter are shipped In rgo quantities. There Is n country Inching enst Into tho foothills of So Cascades for 30 miles which needs opening up with nn electric railroad. Tho Incronsed train sorvlco Is doubling the travel, and the whole region ponetrnted by tho East Sldo railway Is feeling the impulse of hotter transportation. Governor Cliainbtrlalii. This Is tho Chief Executive's old stamping ground. Ho Inndcd In Linn county December 7, 1S7C, nnd stnrtcd tenchlng n country school. Next ho went to work ns deputy county clerk and wont to practicing law; wns elected to tho legislature in 1880, nnd, after n Joint debnto with C. E. Wolvorton, wns mndo dis trict attorney In 1884; next attorney REPUBLICANS STILL CONTROL THE COUNTRY Democrats Make Gains in Many Con gressional Delegations of tho great b Washington id off by n t , , 01 ,, reeled returns California in DoHbt. Snu Frnnctscb, Nov. 7. Tho Doni ocrntlo managers this mornlnp Ismiek n statement In which thoy claim Roll's election by not loss than 0000, Thty deelnro allien carried 16 couu ties with ft total plurality of S70(J 'which glvea lloll 44 with n total plrt? .rnllty of 10,525. Tho lloll figure In a number of counties nro mC ,loubtedly exaggerated, particularly i In Sncrainonto county, whoro tlw i Democrats claim 3500 plurality; but which really amounts to nboui lIGOO.- -s o . Iron Coming; from Abroad. Now York, Nov. 7. Productions nmi of tho importation of forolj;n Iron Nov. 7. Latest cor-jtlon which assured him Dick returns from Now York show control of' tho Stato, decided In lila vo boon realised nnd In addition of D00O tons of No. 3 Mlddlcaborough which arrived hero rccontly flvo car- vontlon with tho Ohio dolcgntlon bo- R0CB nro l,c,DK lchnrged today. hind him. In Iowa tho election Is still in, doubt. CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Offers a crand assortment of Beautiful new up to date Merchandise nt extremely low prices during this wile READ OX ress Goods ind Silks by a plurality of own n,,ml lo uo a candldato for Proa. ii.,nM.' I. rnJ,(,ont ln 1008 nm w KO to tho con- Grontor Now introduced Dr. James Wlthycombo, york nn(1 ln innnv Hn.gtnto C0Unt,CBi who has boen moro or loss connect-' .', , . .,,,,., ,i .im, ,.. i,io... , m. ., ., .,. A1 noo today tho Indications woro .... "...a ...w ...mio vil WIV DUli UIIU UIU 1 .. ....... ?y??rs'i ; X ; umi unnoior, tho Domocrntlc noin- ",mB n$nn, says rorior is oicctou uy (Continued on fourth page.) .j;00 f(jr olltonnnt.BOVornor nnt, 12,000. Tho News, independent. o tjio rest of tho tlckot mny hnvo boon Bn'M tno election Is doubtful, but Labor Hrureo on the Const. elected. Chnnlor hna,. n plurality In GununliiH In probably oleclod by Seattle, Nov. 7. Upwards of $1,- Grontor Now York of 135,000, which 3000- Tho Republican commlttoo 000,000 nro to be spent on tho now brenks nil records In this city for claims tho ticket will pull through Hnrrlmnn lines in tho north Pacific iloiitonnnt-governor. Other Domo-u' 20.000. Tho Democrnts claim const during tho coming winter crntlc notnlncos rnn abend of Chnn-'orier win enrry tho stato by 20,000. months nnd Chief Engineer Uoschko,! lr " this city. Tho Into incoming T,, rcau,t W,H not bo known ho of tho Oregon Navigation, Is facing returns from up-stnto on tho ro- foro lRt. tho problem of spending tho money Inmlndor of tho ticket show tluctuu ns there Is a grent scarcity of labor tlonn, in this portion of tho country. Not Washington, Nov. 7.-With n mn Iron from Durhnni. Nowcnstlo-on- Tyno nnd tho northoastern EiikIIbIi Tho Capital, tho nnt.Cum-l,,ort8 ln "'mllng n rondy-snlo, at ro munorntlvo prices here. Thousands of yards of beautl- iful Dress Goods and Silks now on lealo in all tho now Plaid effects. Dark Reds, Browns, Cardinals, (Navies and Blacks. 50c Fancy Plaid Dress Goods, yd 33c. 85c Groy Panamn Dress Goods, yd G0c. ' 83c Large Plaid Grey Dress Goods yd 59c. 25 Cloaking, 56-in wide heavy yd 75c. 1125 Grey Plaid Cloaking, 56-ln wide, yd $1.25. 12 00 Imported Cloaklnga in all the beautiful Grey Plaid effects, dark Reds, Navies, Dark Greys. Modes Dark Turple, White and Dlack, yd $1.49. Beautiful new Silk, yd 25c, 39c and 49c, II 50 yard wide heavy Black Taf feta SUk for petticoats, yd 9 So 111 35 Fancy Dress and Walatlng Silks a grand assortment, yd 69c, 75c and 85c. Cloaks Suits Our trade In thlB department has been 'a wonder we keep tho ex.iress people busy hauling new ats to our store every day. js50 LougCoatain Fancy Plaids 14 95. 112 50 Long Coats in Fancy Plaids, $8.50. . In 00 Lone Coats in Fancy Plaids. $10.90. IIIs 00 Long Black Coats, $99" and $12.50. I12 l"P to date Suits, price $7.90 $18 rp to dato Suits, price $1250 Men's .Underwear 200 dozen to select from in wool, cotton and merino, nil priced away down for this salo. Men's heavy fleeced lined Under wear, 75c values, prlco 45c. Men's all wool heavy Underwear regular $1.50 values, sale price 98c Blankets and Comforts Mountains of them to solcct from priced away down Com forts all prices, 75c, 98c and $1.25; Blankets all prices 49c 75c. 89c, $1.25 and $1.49. Better ones at small prices. withstanding the fact that tho cli mate Is ono of tho finest In tho world, long service is promised, good pny given nnd transportation paid the coveted workmen do not nppear. In no part of the world Is tho field for labor so promising as on tho north Pacific conBt. o Cluvip Poultry in New York. New York, Nov. 7. Owing to tho continued heavy shipment of both live nnd dressed chlckoua tho market hero la demoralized ami for selling at remarkably low prices. Ordlnnr lly at this tlmo of tho year (armors held bnck ahlpmonts In order to rcnllze tho usually high prices around Thanksgiving. The normal receipts up to tho present woro nbout fifty cars a week but tho number has now risen to over 00 cars and chickens aro selling nt tho rulnoua prlco of 4 cents a pound in conse quence. Dealers nro advised to ceaso shipping so heavily. Arizona Dcfcntx Hntoluiol. Phoenix, Arl Nov. 7.-U la oa. tlmntcd on nonrly cmnploto roturnn thnt Jointure rocolvod but 124 pop cont of tho votes enst In tho terri tory. Mark Smith, Democrat, la elected to congress, nnd a small jna Jortty of-tho leglslatum Is Democratic. Ono Ihho Democrat, Chicago, Nov. 7.-rTho only Dem ocrat elected in Cook county Ik. Charles M. Cnllnhnn. cnndldnto fnr HU opponent, Ferdinand Harnett. nogro, got ovor 82,000 votoa. . o . Gllh-t Klwtetl. Snn Francisco, Nov. 7 Although tho full returns from tho stnto will Jorlty In tho house of between CO nnd ndt bo In Yor n week, uftlclont g- u, wnen inoy expects only r.o, with ures nro on hand to confirm latLjmlll0 of .... V,Z V, ,,Tn.Vn ... the lOBlBlntnrcs ileccil Ihnl nnmirn ..ti.. . .... ..... ...rU,,R0 r tUo M0W municipal court. , " "- infim. n vniiiillivu mill. UIIIUll I1IIII tho control of tho sonnto. with Ho- other cnndldntos on tho Hepubllcnn publlran tickets chosen In 18 Btntcs, .stato tlckot will bo olectod by inn- ouu uiipopsiuou cnnumnicn nonion in jorltles ranglnu. .from S.000 to IB, Now York, tho mass of the "grand 000. Tho vote In Snn Francisco oki party is juoiinnt. Tnkon nil county will not bo rotnbulntcd un around it enn bo construed only na till this nfternoon. Hut vhon gmt nn emphatic ondorHomont of Itooso- tnRk Is llnlshed there will bo little, volt's policy. Tho people compiled chnngo In tho IlKiirea. Glllett enr wlth his wishes for a Nopuullcan rd tho county by 10,000 but ran conBrosft slightly bshlnd tho tlckot. Pritctl. Crokor cablod today and oxproasod Cnlly complolo ngurca for tho his satisfaction In tho defeat of congrossmun nro In this morning, Hearst. Ho hinted ho bolloved tho nn,i 8i,ow tho 0vetlon of eight re wumucrmiu pariy nevus n new loau- publican cniidldatoa. Two of Houf'H A-OIfritt Ti4mntiu' . T.lnriln VaIi Kf.... f it I ...., .uu., iiui, l. , l Hrynn Is unwilling to comment until the' final returns ro n, but said; "The reduction of tho Hepubllcnn majority in New York la na much "of a triumph for Hearst na If ho wore elected." TRADE AT THE STORE That Saves You Money 100 dozen ladlea H. 8. H'd'kTs Special sale prlco 2tfc. $5.90 black and white largo Plaid Silk Waists. Special prlco $3.95 500 yds Outing Flannel, yd 5c. Automobile Club of Anu'rlm, Now York, Nov. 7. Tho Automo bile Club of America commenced Its four days motor wagon or commer cial tosts today. - The contest ia for all types of motor wagona or trurka whether driven by gaa, electricity, or steam and tho entries nro vory large. The first route will bo 20 mlloB and tho second will bo a double trip of ten miles through tho con gested districts of the city, down to the Battery, and returrx Prizes will be distributed tomorrow. o or. no thinks McCnrren tho proper tutininrv nn.ii.i .. ,...n,i in,.i. r-..'.. tuiiHiHiitvn uiiiivti II IUIIHM man. but Bays such n suggestion ,y ,mrrow ,nnrKn. j(1ko Cnrrol CnUrorrtln .,.,, I.nm 1.1... .,...).! I.o ,....l,l -, . . V..MUII mil, l "" '" """"' "U """ 'v-,uook ror district court of nppenla or is surprised at tho big voto of nn,i j,KU Mornn for BUperor C0Urt, Now York City. Ho explained: "I Tho Democratic mannKora nro still supposo it wna duo to the fact that incline! d.i. mnn,i.r i .i.im most Tammany men wanted to uaqii'a election but the flgurea 'regulnr.' Tho fault la not tholra; nri. notiin iimin "'" -- ---... tho mlsohlof wns done when Hearst was nominated. I don't enro to Indi cate what tho New York Domocrats should do. I'm only a prlvato indi vidual, and nothing under henvon could Induro mo to rosumo tho Tnm many leadership."' Croker said ho hoped Drxan would bo nominated In. 1908. J Whllo Hearst admits Hughes la elected, ho Insists tho next lleuten-ant-srovernnr. next comtitroller. next attornoy-general and possibly thoIl"m"oy secretary of stato will be Democrats The administration circles, com montlng upon tho various features of tho result, dlaouas the failure of the Gotnpcrs movement. Kvory can dldato fought by Gompora was elect ed, except Wadaworth, of Now York, and Ilabcock, of Wlaronaln. In both Hammond Urfcntod, Sun Francisco, Nor. 7,qiinrloH liuniiuonil, tho Uopubllcan candldato for atnto senator of Lnko county. brother-in-law of President Hoosovelt, In apparently defeated. Ntaudnrtl dll Hull. Washington, Nov. 7.- Secretary Moody announced today he would tnko up tho Standard Oil suits at once. Tho matter Ih likely to eomo Wellington Itrpiibllrnn. Seattlo, Nov. 7. Incomploto ro- to n bond In tho courtu within twrt ,, , ..:-,. . i ,. turns from nil portions of tho Stato wceka. point to tho oloctlon of throe Hopub. Ilcnn congrosamon, and tho entire Stnto Uopubllcan ticket. $7.90 Silk PetticoatB made of a heavy Taffeta Silk, all colora, "-50- .. 50 dozen Ladlea Golf Glovea in fancy colors and black, special price pair. 25c 100 dozen Ladles' bavy neced ribbed Underwear. 39e values, price' 25c. . 50 dozen Ladle, black cotton Stockings fleece Hned. price 12c SALEM'S FASTEST OnOWlXO STORE. McEVOY BROS. rnrir nf .COfflfflSr- dal and CmtX Streets fiwrtlng Prlnceta In Nciv York. New York, Nov. 7. Tho Prlncesa De Montglyon, of France, baa ar rived hero from Montmatre, her aoat in France. She came to this couu- caiea local leauea wero responsible, try to visit tho horse show and tho.IaFollotte haa been after Babcock'a meeting of tho Ladlea' Kennel aso- scalp for years. The fight on Longs elation. Tho princess la a great worth fallod, and the President's sportawoman, a fearless rider to, son-in-law returns. The fly In tho hounds and possesses one of tne uopnniican oinimom-i mm mj jiott fanciest dog kennels In Europe o Pctsrlinikoff tho Peasant VlMliiM. Pittsburg, Nov. 7 Alexander Pet- sobnlkoff, tho Russian violinist, per formed at a concert here tonight He is the sob of n serf and was In troduced Into Bpropean society by L' constitution of Oklahoma will be drafted by the Democrats. Sears ia auro of the re-eieetion of Cullom, Dryden, Hlklna, Allee, Crane and others less promlnont. Tho Preaidont this morning wired eongratulatluna to Hughes. Johnson was re-eleeted goyernar (n Minnesota by 60,000. the greatest . A tM Uailom PflJ" rnnoewi wru,uu. .u-u. -! - ' -, ..,...,,., schnikoff, who was an American girl. , "Jw "r R.c.. ..-. ataltted her husband in several candidate. The State la normally She is also Vtvvv nepuoucaii. " tho Uaketr is Republican. In CbMirudo Chief Juatioe pieces for two violins. an acooMjrtliued mualolan. o Gab- a . .4m.h.1 Bxtlta 4liA rtsmiK. tu.im.m. iuui,ia. r''T . ' ". '"" T.I ..""" 'J.-!:r;, icissi.ss: ssus-n p; UUIUK IMP BBM.IW...- ' I of Tlppeeanoe whloh was fougHt on ! succeed Patterwn fa the senate. The One of tho surprises in tho Wis consin oloctlon is tho victory of Lu clan I Palmor, n nogro, over Thos. for assemblyman In tho richest district In tho city. Palmor la a ratoror. Ho ia the flrst negro to hold public oftico in tho atnto. Xevuibi Democrat. Reno, Nov., Nov. 7. Almost com pleto returns from the larger pre olncts of tho stutu shows a sweeping Democratic victory. Bartlett, Demo crat, fur congress, defeats Smith, Re publican, by 1000. Sparks, Demo crat. Incumbent governor, defeats Mitchell by about tho samo. Tho legislature Is close. Idaho Still Doubtful. noise, Idaho, Nor. 7--Tho result of the election for governor will not be definitely known before night. H may roqulro nn official count to do- tormlno whether Goodlntr, Repubii. eao, or Htockslager, Democrat, oar r!ed Iho jtala- Huddlitiwm Llectl. A. B. Huddloaoq, formerly of Jef ferson, and a prominent cltison of Marlon county, has been eleetct) a member of the legislature, from Washington county, Idaho. !5...T..:2s-rtit, i- ..i vi.ito.i hi rmmpnpid. ah.- '- t-. - . . i...,. nv. pa ppW ,V;"7nr :;; to the his- 1 OflI M tttborlUUwlr of represenMtlves will have 233 R;lrt.Jil" le,"U C ",,a,d n Mated that Former, er vlo ,mblln and 154 Democrats. COWWATIQK CongreM Safely lltpubllcflii, New York, Nor. 1. Unofflclaj rt turns snow the next national house May Not Occur. ChlcnKO, Nov. 7 Tho switchman's strike, scheduled to begjln tonight, may not occur. The leaders of the Brotherhood announced that ncgo tlntlons still contlnuo. St. TnklxK IHAvKionn. LouU. Noy, 7.-The attorney genernl of Ta,xas today begun taking doposlUons Hero in tho si'ato's ouaTer suit agalnat tho Wnlor.PIerce m Cotnnnny. 1 i li .0 '! J li in . Hunk Itusklau Trnn.jMrt. St. Petersburg, Nor. 7: Trouble between tho Russians am! Japnneso, It Is claimed, on the, Island of SaghV lieu. It is reported thnt the Russian transport Kolymn Is sunk. '"O' ' 1 Cummins Win, De Siolncs, In., Nov. 7.- The lat est oatlmato Indlcatoa that Cummins wins, Tho Capitol this afUraoon concedes Cummins' ulectlon by 5000. o . I'rcxlrtciit of I. O, New York. Nor. 7. The Illinois Central directors eleotml Karelian preuldont. .ii i -o- Chlragn MurkrU. Chleaxo, Nor. 7.T.Y7heat eorn. 42ff43',4.oatH34W. 73 ; Dr. J. F. COOK Itorie battlefields MOVED TO IO L1I1ERTY 8TRKRT, WflRItH IIH WILTi MKIiT AIJ OW) AND XKW VATICNTH. fWt AXY CALIi OK W COOK VMOL v J