Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 01, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Royal does not contain an atom of
phosphatic acid (which is the
product of bones digested in sul
phuric acid) or of alum (which is
onethird sulphuric acid) substan
ces adopted for other baking pow
ders because of their cheapness
(Continued from first pngo.)
fntnl to errors, City Recorder Mooroa
Is nil nroiiud tlto nmn for tho plnco
Not hut what othora might fill thoso
' plncon juiit nfl woll, or uvon hotter,
jiosHllily, hut. oh city administrations
Ko, thoy nru inou not cnnlly duplicat
ed In tholr respective portions. Tho
jfpulillCiroVdiiuou are uccountod for to
n ponny, and tho diameter and Intog
rlty of tho city finances nru wifo
Kunrdod, For City Mayor.
For tho head of tho Rpubllcnn
tlclcot two very well qualified iiBpI
rnntH nro In tho Hold, W. 0. Hub
hard and Ooo, F. Kndgera. Mr. lluh
hard wan county Judgo and tins hoon
In tho city rouull, and knnwR tho du
tloH of tho ofllro pretty woll. Ho It
it enreful, rotmorvntlvo business
oiinn, who has made n competency,
nioKtly hy farming, and linn n mint
llttlo cottngo homo on Twelfth Htreot
Ho hint tho IuIhuio to nttond to tho
duties of tho ofllco, hnvlng nn In
(lomo from IiIh farm that moro than
koc-PB him. Ho la n mombor of tho
Illlhee Club, and driven IiIh nutomn
Mlo when the romla nro Kood. Goo
F. Rodgera wna fltnto hludor, and Ih
nt tho head of tho Rodgors Paper
rMl ttttttt 111(1 tulllWtfl' tt lllh lllltil.
ww...,...,. ...... ,..-...... ..." ... U ,, , ,,, h,m80f ,.
noss Mon'u League. Ho haa boqn no-,', ... .... , , . , ..
.,..., . , , , , . 'dopoudont In worldly goods, nnd hns
tlvo u tho Hiipport of Btroot Improve- ' ,, , , .... , ' ,,, , ,.
,.. . ... . tii tho tlmo mid nullity to servo tho city
MnnntH, and s outspokon In hla do-. , ' . ,
, ,, , .. wall, and ho lins tho tnollnut Ion. Col.
mnnil for progress vo pol olos. Mr " ! . , ...
. . i. ,., ...... ...iin 'Stockton linn mndo n buccobs of his
Rodgora nggroHlvnly pushes what- .,
iMiniuuna, una imiuiiiinuti it uuit.iiii.ii
homo nonr the Htnto house, and Ih a.
wldo-awnko citizen. As mnyor of In-
a reputation ub a fonrlosa officer. Tho
snmo is truo of John Knight, who,
n Bherlff for two tcrniB, and as Ro
puhllcnn county chnlrmnn, hnB a good
record In ofllco nnd for loynl Republi
canism that 1b nbovo reproach. Hla
friends know whoro to find him po
litically at nil times. Mr. Longcor
hns mndo a sood night pollcoman,
and through n trying tlmo of nccuBa
tlon boro hlmBolf in a dignified man
ner, nnd wni sUBtnlnod by hla frlonds
Ho Ib a nmn who has worked hla way
up with vory llttlo assistance, nnd
under ndvorso clrcumBtancos. Thoro
nro cltlzona who linvo objections to
nil tlireo of thoao cnndldntos, nnd
who will rosorvo tho right to bring
out Htlll another cnndldnto after tho
prlmarloB aro held, but this applies
to Bomo of tho othor candidates now
hoforo people
Candidates for Aldermen.
In tho first ward Win. Waldo la
up for nomination, without opposi
tion. Ho Is nn old nnd honored clt
lzon who wna onro olectcd county
Judge but, nftor aeolng. what ho was
up ngnlnBt, resigned nnd was suc
ceeded by Hon. T. L. Davidson, np
nnlnted by Governor Ponnoyor. Ho
has tho tlmo nnd ability to nttond to
tho duties of nldormnn, and would do
It woll.
In tho first ward two flrst-olass
hiiHlnoHi man nro nrtor tho nomina
tion, Hon. A. N. Ollbort and Col. J.
L. Stockton. Mr. Ollbort wnB In tho
legislature soveral times, wns post
mastsr two terms, nnd suporlntond
out of tho Htnto iirUon jnndor tho
Loid ndmlnlBtrntlon, BorvltiK with
credit to himself nnd frlonds in each
will bo no contest on thla placo until
the olectlon, when, these two excel
lent gentlemen will settle tho matter,
at the polls.' In tho Bouth end of the
ward Mr. Skalfc, the present alder-!
man, and Isadora Greenbnum, both
good business men, are candidates
for tho long term.
In tho seventh ward threo aspl
rants want tho place, and they nro iocciA Rnclav Wfin ; NflFlCe
all competent men for tho place, pub- JeSSW BUSICy VY HO iS NanCC
lie-spirited and progrcsslvo men. In !
(ho order of age D. D. Kooler comes
first: Me is county Btock Inspector,
Is a prominent worker among" tho
friends, and has a long rdc'ord of
Olden Will Arrive
Tho coming of Jesslo Busloy in
faithful public servl.ee! Amos Vasa In the Bishop'a Carriage" to tho
tuna frtt mnrtt vonhd fnVnmnn In anit'-' . .
was for many years foreman In saw
mills, and Is now In business for hlm
solf under tho firm of Mills & Vnss,
and Is classed among tho most care
ful and successful business mon of
the city. Henry S. Ratcllff la tho
candldnto of tho younger mon, nnlt
ropresonts tho east aldo of tho ward,
on tho ground thnt it has never had
an nldorman. and la entitled to rep
resentation. Mr. Rntcllffo is a real
cstato dealer, and hns built a num
ber of now cottages in tho Yow Park
Tho registration books nro open
all tho day and evenings, nnd will bo
closed Frldny ovenlng nt G p. m. Tito
polls for tho prlmnry oloction will he
open Saturday from noon until 7 p.
m., nt tho usual polling places In
onch ward.
o .
H. T. Mills, of Hubbard, Died at
Portland Yvatcrdny.
over ho tnkos hold of, and, nftor serv
ing a short lorm In tho legislature,
tvm.lil linvn lilni.lv nf limit in nltmiil
to tho dutloH of tho ..moo of nmor. one.ulonco h i mt thnt ol y on a
lloth Mi.lr.nU would give the offleo clibBU by floating a popular loan.
.. ,t ,,nnl nf ll,n nn.t nttnntlnn. '",8 U, C0rnK f l,,B C0UV,C'
and aro woll oquluuod for Its duties. """""V'1 "ns ,,,,8olf uu
I-'or City Mamhnl.
Thla ofllco Is the bono of conten
tion uiunng city polttlolnns, and yet
among tho threo geutlomoii who nro
qunllllodly for nubile Improvomonta
of n aubntuntlnl nnd permanent char
actor. Stockton will bo found to bo
figuring closely In tho tutorest of tho
Alt. mi nil npfitalnnu nml wnnl.l
aspirant, thoro U very llttlo choice, j ,
iny of tho throw would ho ambltloua
to fill tho o'ltlco well. Thuy nro nil, ",
., ... .....-... i.nit.. In tho third and fourth wards
1 the Tin ro Mr Olb n h n. ho thora aro no opposing cndlate., MCom.look. when tho stocks mndo
.Zu S0" Ab. mazier r.- l-'f'--fast that
tho CltltenH' administration and ft "ning oy common consem as u.e oe
long sorvlco In police duties, nnd hnn,nw " n IO,"IM- "" Hrw
sierung uusiia'aa iiiun, wiiu nru iui-
II. L. Mills, a plonoor rancher of
Hubbnrd, Oregon, nnd a votoran of
tho Civil Wnr, died at 7:30 o'clock
yesterday morning nt St. VIncont's
hospital, Portland, nftor an lllnoas
extending ovor two months.
Mr. Mills wns a vctornn of tho civil
wnr nnd served moro thnn four years
aa a member of tho Fiftieth Now
York engineering corps. Ho was
wounded nt tho bnttlo of Spottsyl-
vanln in a skirmish run, nnd while
nt tho hospital In his Inst sickness
coughod up a buckshot thnt ho hod
carried In his lungs for -10 yonr8.
Mr. MIIIh waB 74 years of ago, hav
ing boon born In Now York, Febru
ary 8, 1832. Ho was twlco mnrrlod,
first In Now York in 185 1 nnd again
In South Dakota In 18GG.
Ho camo to Orogon In 1870 nnd
Bottlod nt Hubbnrd, whoro ho resid
ed continuously until hla denth. Ho
leaves, besldoa hla widow, tho fol
lowing children, nil of whom woro at
his bedsldo whon doath came: Mrs.
W. II. Palmor, Dourno, Orogon; C
U. Mills, Cnlro, Illinois; Fred h.
Mills, Irrlgon, Orogon; Forost E.
Mills, II. h. Mills, Jr., nnd Mrs. Hlva
HlosHor, Hubbard. Anothor aon wns
Clnronce W. Mills, who wns ono pf
tho boys of tho Second Orogon In
fantry who ylolded tholr llvos In tho
Tho romalns woro romoved to
Hubbnrd yoatordny, and tho funornl
will occur at that placo Friday
morning at 10 o'clock.
Nevada Mines Are llrlnglug
Ktato Into l'rouiliieiu'e.
"Tho llttlo rotton borough," as tho
Orogonlan used to always call Ne
vada, Is coming to tho front again
as tho greatost mining state In tho
union, tho grenteat mining country
In tho world. Tonopah, Qoldflold,
Manhattan nro nnmes to jugglo with,
and to recall tho old days on tho
f WB BNDF?AVOU to adv&nci rjtha
buBlnoas tatereati of our cutoua
orn In every legltlmato war In
bo doing, our motWos may be
Boutowhat tlaeturl with wih
wtwa, for, upon th proapwlty of
Ita patroua hinge tk hcm of
every bank. '
Salem State Bank
L. K. PAGE. Pt tilimt
E W. HAZARD, Cmkkf
llo-aplrltcd nnd progressive, nnd care
ful nnd conscientious in all tholr re
lations with tho public If tho city
can get tho tlmo and aorvlcea of men
of their charntor and ability It
( should nlwnya avail itself of tho op
portunity to secure mem.
In tho fifth wnrd Joe Smith, of fho
Capital Improvement Company and
J. P. Oondo, tho auctioneer, nro com
petlng candldutes. Iloth nro first
class men, who have the good of tho
city at heart, who nro favorable 'to
Improvement, and who would look
closely after tho Into rest a of tho city
on all occasions. Thoy would aoo(to
It that tho monoy paid by tho people
of that ward would leak back lnto.lt
In tho form of Improvements, and
tho. chances, aro that they would got
moro for tho ward than lta share,
but that want could stand It, and
either ono of thorn will nmko a good
In tho sixth ward Mr. Churchill,
who hold ovor on a tie voto last year,
la tho Republican candldato for tho
short term, while Win, Laming Is
tho Democratic or Independent catUl-
eate4 us In our lato bereavement S.
dato for tho satno place, kence thr B. Wntklns and family.
ono could not keep track of them
Tho stock market has been doing
somo good stunts in the last fow
days. Mohawk, n Tonnpnh mine, haa
run up from $3.85 to $14 In a week,
and haa grown from a 30-cent prop
osition In less than a yoar. It ro
mlnds ono of tho old Comstock's an
tics, whon, for Instance Con. Virgin
ia wont from nothing to I960, Sierra
Nevada from a minus quantity to
$36S, Hundreds of now camps havo
been described as "second Com
Btocks," but none of them havo ma
torlalUed. Nevada gives promise, at
Qoldfleld, of equaling It she does not
surpass tho record mado by hor on
tho Comstock.
Grand opera house Friday ovonlng
has awakened considerable interest
nmong pooplo of a psychological
bent, owing to tho sharp discussion
recently Instigated by Miriam Mlch
clson's clover book story of criminol
ogy from a woman's atandpolnt tho
standpoint of a girl who is criminal
by environment rather than by na
ture. Tho novolty of tho thomo has
croatod nn unusual amount of com
ment, both on tho part of review
ers who havo perused tho book and
critics who Jinvo vlowed the drama
tization. Opinion In general has been
of a diversified nnturo, ranging from
tho mdst cnthUBlnstlc encomiums of
pralso for tho production ns n wholo
to a rnthor crtlcal analysis of tho
plot and theme. In which oxcoption
has boon tnkon to tho choosing of
mombors of criminal classes for
promlnont chnractors. But whero
ono critic has condemned tho motif
n hundred ministers hnvo como to
tho rescue, assorting that tho moral
of tho story was tho redemption of
n lamb which has strayed from tho
Bccuro fold of rcspectablo socloty.
Mr. Pollock's task In making a
stngo version of tho book has boon
fnr fiom a sinecure. Tho work of
ndapting n popular novel to stngo uso
brings nlmost cortnln disappoint
ment to n largo sharo of tho book's
admirers, who hnvo formed Ideals
of tho chnrnctors Impossible of real
ization bohlnd tho footlights. Tho
only salvation Is to put on n play
strong enough In itself to command
attention nnd chain Interest. Owing
to tho controversy which hns nrlson
nnd tho mnny suggestions Mr. Pol
lock wns nblo to recclvo from thoso
Interested In tho fascinating study
of criminology, tho chnrnctorlzatlon
of tho rolo of Nnnco Oldon, na por
trayed, by Miss Busloy, la as nearly
faultless aa human Ingonulty and
brnlns can contrlvo to mnko It.
Soats on Salo at box ofllco Friday,
Novombor 2, at 9 n. m.
Tho averdgo young woman of to
day Is busy, lleauty la only anothor
name for health, and It comoa to 99
out of very 100 who tako Hollls
ter'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Toa or
Tablets, 35 cents. Dr. Stona'a Drug
Caul of Thanks.
We desire lu this public manner to
thank tho neighbors and frlonds. and
tho Q. A. U. In particular, who os-
Lnbel Marlon County Products from
California nml Tliey Sell Hotter.
Ab a matter of fact bottor grapos
aro grown In Mnrlon county thnn
enn be shipped In horo from Cali
fornia. Do tho Salem peoplo know
thlB? It would soom thnt thoy do
Splondld whlto grnpos nro grown
In this county nnd nro brought Into
Snlom each morning nnd nro aold to
retail dealers. Tho dcalors bolloving
thnt tho pooplo llko to bo fooled,
lnbol thoso California grapes and
thoy nro readily sold at a good price.
Tho buyer is really gottlng a bottor
article thnn If his grocer wna nn
honest man, but thla tonda to show
that Marlon county doos not look
nftor hor own Intorosts.
Marlon county apples aro bolng
shipped to Hood Rlvor, pneked Into
Hood Rlvor boxes nnd aont cast as
Hood Rlvor fruit; Marlon county
grapes aro sold In tho city of Salem
aa California grapes and tho pooplo
who buy do not yet know that tho
Marlon county product Is ahead of
tho California article In size, appear-
anco and flavor.
It la suggested that buyers of
grapes nnd apples should Insist on
tholr dealers furnishing them with
tho homo grown variety and this
falso branding to tho detriment of
tho growora of tho valley will atop.
Neuralgia Pains.
Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic
palna ylold to tho ponetratlng Jnflu
once of Ballard's Snow Llnlmont. It
ponotratca to tho nerves and
bono and being absorbed Into tho
blood, Its healing properties aro con
veyed to every part of tho body, and
effect somo wondorful cures. ?Gc,
50c and $1.00. For salo by Dj J.
Fry's drug store. t
-o ,
Portland 11, Fresno 2, waa the
scar Wednesday at Fresno.
Salem-Portland Electric Line
Between! ISalem and
Chemawa Busy
The new electric lino botweon this
city nnd Portland, bx miles of which
has been in operation sinco tho mid
dle of Septembor, Is already doing
a heavy passenger business. As soon
na tho cnrB wore running botween
Salem nnd tho Indian training school
at Chemawa, the cars woro fairly
packed" with passengers between tho
two points. This passenger trnfllc
is by no means confined to tho at
taches of tho school, but largo num
bers of people living nlono tho lino
nnd In tho vicinity of Chomawn
como Into Salem to do shopping
much oftonor than berore. On Sun
days and on nights whon thoro nro
plnys at tho thcatora and othor at
tractlona In tho city, tho road does a
land offleo business. Tho Into after
noon and early ovonlng trains nro
loaded with peoplo carrying pack
ages and tho business nlrendy
brought to this city by tho road Is
porccptlblo to tho merchants.
x Work on tho remainder of tho lino
la being pushed forward with all pos
sible rapidity. Tho track has boon
completed as far as Lake Lablsh and
tho grndlng gangs nro dally moving
on towards tho metropolis. A largo
forco of mon nro kopt at work on tho
big brldgo over tho Wlllnmotto rlvor
at Wll8onvllIo and thoro Is senrcoly
any doubt thnt this lmmonso struc
ture will bo completed by next sum
mor nnd probably before.
Foreman Tlffftny said this morn
ing thnt ho bollovcd that all tho roiM
would bo roady to bo placed In opera
tion ns soon as tho Wllsonvillo brldgo
wns completed. This menns thnt
electric enrs will bo In operation bo
tweon this city and Portland by noxt
Fouth of July.
Stale News
. A ? Beecher of F0rJ.
etirated his 88th Mh0
da. "UU1
Laaelle Bros., ihe big .,
ers at Albany, nm ..5pr,lntJ
- . .x, uuinp . 'i
business- at present.
Fred McCrnslfm. .. .. .
Portland, committed ,,,"
day by taking carboitn.',.6
'.Tho taxes of the Viola ,
trlct, Clackamas county J
ltrilnv n 1...... '
;:'. T'uin5iimi
.. u u usca to Imr..
road from that district to
City. l0
Tho Portland General Etew
Is to establish spvoi.i .
" ""W1IM,
stinn nnH ..
....u n-ii .,
uniform price of $3.00 ti,Z
slnb wood.
Gordon & McCarthy, ou,..
ora nt Heppner, were arretted j.
""' 7 toh,bb "Quor oa Sk
TMiln In 1.K. . Vki
... .0 , 8econa off
month. s
Conch Bezdez of the U. of at
mm mum is mgniy pleased ma
condition the team is in ,J
prospects for winning out ots!
Mrs. C. H. Park of Eugene k.
sonted the team with a flaet,
uieu ouu nog as a mascot.
Margaret O'Leary, a nrettri
lass, crossed the Atlantic own ,
como to Baker City last week,t'J
sue was married to William Bb
Thoy woro sweethearts fron &
noou, nnu six years ago Bnrke!
tho "nuld sod" and tamo to 0r
to mako his fortune.
Ono of tho largest real
deals that has taken place la ta
tllla county for some months, i
tno purennso of a itlon nf i
owned by T. J. Kirk ot Athens,
prico being $42,000. the laUl
Is ono of tho best fn the eouttji
Adolph OiiefTroy, n High School
Sophomore, Left Without Nether
Tmt litfutU ui GUUtmu
Tbi IM Yn Kivt Alt qs IwfM
Tho usual Hallowon pranks wore
porpotrnted last night by young
Amorlcn in Snlom. For tho most
part tho jokes woro good-natured,
and showed thnt tho Snlom boys nro
Just boys, nnd not hoodlums. So
fnr as has bon njcortalnod all tho
lost gates havo boon discovered nnd
tho signs thnt wero transferred from
ono placo of business to another hnvo
caused no ono any sorlous discom
fort. Adolph GuofTroy, n sophomoro In
tho high school, enmo out with n llt
tlo tho worst of It. Ho wns ono of
a party on tho ,jny to nn ontertnln
mont nt tho houso of Miss Mnrtha
Schlndlor. Whon about half way, n
gang of high school sonlors wnylald
him and took his trousers. It was
part of tho original plan to ox
chango n pair of ovoralls for tho
trousers, but, before tho exchangoi
v-uum uu imiuu, wio seniors ueenmo
frlghtoned and ran away. Thoy bo
enmo rattled, and took both tho ovor
alls and trousers with them, and left
Adolph shivering In tho frosty night.
It ia said that somo good Samaritan
contributed n barrel,' and ho wended
hla way homoward in nn nriirinni
package Btorod In wood.
A hlvo of bees, In good working
ordor, that waa left on tho steps of
tho high school, caused somo conster
nation this morning, although a
wagon in the same placo did not
causo much anxiety.
Hop Leo's. laundry wagon Is In
South Salem.
Clough's undertaking sign1- Is nt
tho College of Medlclno of Wlllam-
otto Unlvorslty.
o iJ---
' t
Salem Mutual Cannery Will Be In
Operation Three Moro Weeks.
Bw tk
Tho big plant of tho afem Mutual
Cannery company Is still running
full blast and will continue to put,
up canned apples for threo moro
weeks yet at tho samo rapid rate.
All tho time during tho applo season
the cannery haa been running full
capacity of the cannery. At present
tho plant takes caro of the fruit as
fast as It la received and for a week
it has not been found necessary to
snip any to Portland. Tho manage
ment believes that tho season will
close In about threo weeks.
Ift vjMM iuvxitom
F. R. Wagner, Eugene.
G. W. Whltson, Chicago.
Mack Sommervllle, Eugene.
Thos. Lloyd, wife and son, PlrJ
J. P. Keating, Oregon CK7
yrs. L. Reiner, Portland.
F. W. Barton, S. P. Co.
F. M. Splnwn, Dallas.
II. Brash, Portland.
J. S .Cooper, Independence,
M. I. Howor, Portland.
W. V. Duncan, Portland.
B. Llchtlg, San Francisco.
R. W. McLcod, Snn Franclw
D. R. Acklnson, Portland.
M.'Sllborbirg, San Francis'.
W. C .Hnwk, Jefferson
Lotus Block, Now York
S. II. Goln, Jefferson
T. D. McCInln, Seio
R. J. Shultlco, Portland
J. L. Goln and son, Echo, Or
N. Wolter, Newberg
N. Jones, Jefferson
J. Thompson, Jefferson
H. B. Bonhnm, Chicago
A. H. Clnyburgh, Chicago
B. A. Simon San Francisco.
DerC. Bognrt, Portland
J. F. Wohrum, Woodburn
Mrs. J. F. Wehrum, WoodbirJ
Mildred Wohrum, Woodbnrt
D. Mlsner. Portland,
A. L. Brownlee, Marysvllle, 01
J. P. Burns, Portland
L. P. Lucas, Portland
E. D. Doran, Portland
W. O. Walling, Minneapolis
H. D. Hutt. San Francisco.
R. M. Dealy, Portland.
M. C. Ford, Los Angeles
...... -o-
Married Last Kienls
Mlas Edith Eyro and Dr.
Whlln vnra mnrrled at thO h
thra l.rMo. nnrontS. Mr. S8
Goo. "W,.Eyre, In East Salem.
enlng, In the presence of
pnlflllvAo nnA frlpntlS. R' 1?'
Selleck performed tho cere
. . Yvrt.l,A rA AL
ur. ana xurs. wm i
367 Liberty street i
Wealing Announcfd. ,
The wedding of Miss Marie
of Tjihannn. and Mr AIW
of Halser, VW take PS
. ha brl7
an, at we noao u -..,..
i- Tii..nnn. Mr. o
brother of Mrs, Frank n:
this city, and the briae
Mr. and; Mrs. R. I Gs0B'
this city.
tlt. M V rinnlela. of
was. In the city yesterday