4. NEXT BARGAIN DAY. November First Thursday Journal Bargain. Day. See Ail hhJ save n dollar. NAL. VOL. XVI. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBKR fU, J 000 NO. SMI. LANGDON OR THE SUPREME COURT THEY JUMPED ALL NORTHERN CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT WEATHER FORECAST. ItAlN AND WARMER TONIGHT; THURSDAY RAIN. DAILY OiTPITAE JOTJB THEY SAT DOWN ON JOHNSON The Supreme Court of Ohio Stands In With Its Creators "Washington, T)ct. 31. Mayor Johnson wns defeated, nt least tem porarily, In the street car fight today, Chief Justice Fuller ordering the city of Cleveland and the Forest City Electric Railway Company to show cause within ten days why n pormancnt Injunction should not bo granted to prevent them from Inter rupting tho Cleveland Electric Rail way Company In tho uso of Its trackB. A temporary Injunction, ef fective Immediately, was granted. Tho Forest City Company Is n John son company and n 3-cent road. o Fashionable Ma rr in no In Now York. New York, Oct. 31. Tho mar riage of Miss Elizabeth M. Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuyvcst nnt Fish Morris and Mr. Wootsey Rogers, son of Mr. Hoffman Rogers, took place at tho homo of the bride's parents, 1G East Thirtieth street, hero today. The Row J. Lewis Park officiated. Mr. Rogers has secured n hoiiBO In Philadelphia whero ho will tako his brldo after their wed ding trip in Europe. MAYOR SUES FOR SLANDER Wants Enough to Pay for All His Hardly Damaged Feelings Chicago, Oct. 31. Mayor Dunne to day filed suit for 1100,000 against the Tribuno and Robert W. Patter son, based on tho editorial saying tho mayor "packed tho school board with freaks, monomaniacs and boodlors." o Convent ion of Negroes nt Oklahoma. El Itono, Oct. 31. Tho annual convention of tho delogates of tho African M. E. church was held hero today and was attended by ropre Bontntlvo colored people from nil parts of tho states. Addressos of welcome woro delivered by Mayor Henry Lassen and tho Rev. T. E. Carter, of the local church. Reso lutions wcro adopted deploring tho unhnppy state of nffalrs in Georgia and calling on tho raco to uplift .It self, to abldo by tho laws of tho coun try and llvo in pence with tho whlto citizens. o Cloiort the ScIiooIn. Moscow, Russia, Oct. 31. Tho University of Moscow was closed to day because of political meetings held In tho building, contrary to an imperial order. RUEF JOLTS . i LANiGDON ; Supreme Court Puts District Attorney Langdon iril Contempt IHEARST MAKING VOTESi i San Francisco, Oct. 31. Langdon will bo cited for contempt ofjfcourt some tlmo today, becauso of h'ls H- j fusal to answer questions put to him uy a uuuiry puunc ucioru uu v;iih subpoenaed by Ruef to make nftlopo sltion in support of tho statements mnde by Langdon In a petition for n restraining order against Ruof, , Rucf's attorney asked him aJnilm- .bor of questions as to his knowl- ed go of tho complaint, nil of which ho refused to 'nnswor, dosortlng tho witness chnlr and lonvlng thofropin. AFTER GANG OF SMUGGLERS CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Special Bargains Offered In every Department for this BALK Read over carefully this price, list and see how the "CHICAGO STORK" Raves its patrons iiion ) All new fresh goods to fcclect from Priced nwny down. Ladles' 57.90 Long Coats, prlco 4.95. Ladies $12.50 Long Coats, price 18.90. Ladies $1S Long Coats, prlco 112.50. Children's J3.50 Long Coats, $1.50 and $1.95. Girls' JG.50 Long Coats, $3.95 Ladles $1.25 Black Sateen Petti coats, 75c. Ladles $5 Silk Petticoats, $3.50. Ladles $8.50 Silk Petticoat,. $4.95. Ladles Shirt "Waists, 49c. 75c, 98c and $1.25. Ladles' $15 New Suits, $7.50 and $9.90. -adlea' $6.90 Silk Waists. $3.90. -adles Trimmed Hats, prlco $1.95 Ladles' Swell Trimmed Hats $2.95 Children Trimmed Hats, $1.26 and $1.49. Children's Coats, 98c, $1.25, $1.49. and $1.95. Children's Caps, 15c, 25o and 49c Ladles' Dress Skirts, $1.95, $2.50 to $4.50. , Misses' Dress Skirts, $lv95, $2.50 and $3.50. . Ladlea' $2.25 Dress Shoes,,-$149 Glrla Shoes, SSc, $1.25 and $1.49 Children Shoes, 25c, 35c, 49c and 65c. Men's Bwit Overalls, price 49c Boys' Overalls, price 35c and 39c Mea's 75c Wool Fleeced Under wear, 49c Children's Underwear, 10c, 15c, 25c and 35c. Children's Hosiery, 10c, 12,4c 15c and 25c. Ladles' 39c Wool Fleeced Under wear, prlco 25c. Ladles' SSc Union Suits, prlco 4 Do Children's Ready Mado Dresses, 25c, 35c, 49c and 75c. Ladies' Belts, special 25c, 35c, 39c and 75c. Ladles' Golf Gloves, 25c, SSc, 30c Ladles' Handkerchiefs, 2c, 3c, 6c, 8 l-3c, 10c, and 15c Ladies Neckwear, 6c, 10c, 15c, 25c. $1.49 Best Kid Gloves all colors 9Sc Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, 49c, 65c, 75c and 98c. 30 dot SSc Dressing Sacques, 49c Blankets and Comforts at small prices. 45c Bleached Tablo Linen, yd 29c Better Table Linens at sale prices Bargains In Towels, each, 4c, 6 Vic, 8 l-3c and 10c Bleached and Unbleached Muslins Cheap. 860 Colored Taffeta Silk, yd 49c All kinds of Silks at low prices 60c Wool Dress goods, lateot, yd 29c SOOOyards to select from In all tho latest styles. Prices away down. Best Sans Silk, ball 2c; Safety pins, 2c; Best Spool Silk, 3c spool; Darning Cotton, lc ball; 8c whlto Pearl Buttons, 4c do. Hundreds ef yards of Ribbons, Laws. Esobroliierlos and Trl- taias on sale. San Francisco, 0t. 31. When .the steamship Ronnoko arrived. last night, custom houso officials went aboard and arrested G. O. Hartftand W. Bird, members of tho crow, who nro Btispccted of being members 'of a gang of smugglers. Another ntcm- ber of tho nlloged gang wnB taken off tho steumor when it reached Soattlo from points furthor north. Ho Is sand to hnvo mado n comploto con-fcrstlon. The Straus Letter and Su preme Court Decision Both Help Him New York, Oct. 31. Hearst cam paigners todny aro making great cap ital out of tho decision of tho court of nppealR yesterday, that multlplo potltlons for cnndldateu aro valid, and upon tho letter of Nathan Straus favoring Hearst. Hearst managers say tho establishment of tho princi ple of tho validity of multlplo peti tions Is of so much vnluo to tho com munity that the puhllshor'B nctlon, at his own oxponso should nut go un rewarded. Straus' letter Is used as hoavy artillery nt all tho spoaklng cantors today. Straus for years has boon trying to hnvo tho poor women nnd chil dren got plenty of fresh, puro milk. Ho says tho action of tho trust, In raising tho prlco of milk, was crlm Inal. Ho declares tho governor could hnvo prevented It, Ho knows If Hearst was governor tho crlmo would be stopped and punished. Ho says, as n Domocrat, ho must support Hearst. Tho Republicans nro gain ing confidence. It nppcars tho agri cultural dlstVicts aro falling In lino for Hughes. HenrHt's campaign of personnl invective has apparently lunt him much support. Hughca dignified methods nud Ignoring ot personnl nttneks Is giving-him great strength. STICK TO HIS GRAFT STATE WON ONCE LAND SWIPERS . BUSY Locate Three Countries While Heney Wrestles With City Graft Redding, Cnl., Oct. 31. Thou sands ot acres of land In Shnstn, Trinity nnd Siskiyou counties woro entered this morning by entrymen, who had been in lino for three dnys at tho laud office. Contrary to ex pectations, tlicro was no trouble oth er than confusion. Four hundred on trios woro mado boforo night. Now locators nro coming in constantly, but tho cream of tho land Is stnkou. Mnny good sales nro being made. 8omo places In tho lino sold nn high ns $600. THEGiRL IS JUST HYPNOTIZED Bolllnghnm, Wash., Oct. 31. Ada Humphries, who was hypnotised sev eral days ago by "Prof. DuPrles," cannot bo restored to hor right mind. She Is lying In n hospital, Indulglnit In childish prnttle. Tho hypnotist loft tho city. Tho young womnn was Infatuated with him, nnd was follow ing him around, Tho physlclnns can TT nothing ItlfTTTrrglrl. 6 i TIiIn In All Right. Washington, Oct. 3 l.-r President Roosevelt and Mrs. Hoosovolt went todny to Pine Knot, Albormnrlo county, Virginia, to remain until Monday. Tho Prosldont will hunt turkeys. After leaving the tralu nt North Cnmdon, they will drlvo 17 miles to their cottngo. POOR LITTLE COUNTESS All the Gould Millions Could Not Bring Her Any Happiness Paris, Oct. 31. Tho hearing of tho Countess Castollano's divorce be gan today. Mltro Cruppy, represent ing tho countess, declared that fre quently tho count struck nnd slapped. IiIb wlfo during tho qunrrols caused by IiIh demands for money. Other startling rovo'ntlonu woro mado, and tho trial promises, to bo sensational In tho extreme Tho plaintiff do mnndn nu nbsotttto dlvorco nud tho custody of tho children, it la paid tho troubles nnd cruel trcntmont by Count llonl commonred threo months after mnrrlngo. Instances of Infidel ity nro nltegod. Cruppy stated It Is tho intention ot tho countess to ro mnln In Frnnco nflr tho dlvorco nnd ralsfe hor children hero. Cruppy nllegos cloven cases ot In fidelity on tho part of llonl. lit said tho count had five places for j mooting women. HoiiI'h attorneys demanded that tho women bo named. I Cruppy objected, saying It was u- loss to Involve othors, Tho only I name mentioned was that of Luele I do Lommos, n notorious demi-monde. Cruppy showed n lottcr from this womnn to Bonl, which Anna found. I Ho said tho wlfo knew of Cnatollana'a Infidelity slnco 1808. Onro boforw .women had caused tho cnuntoss to jloiivo norliTistfnnl. Neither of tho parties to tho suit worn present. Cruppy declared that llonl hold tho purso string), nnd only permitted his (wlfo for long periods $00 to $80 n month for hor personal expenditures. Chlrngo Markets. Chicago, Oct. 31. Wheat 73fl 74 H, corn 43 Si, oats 36ViC35. CUtunort flrt .11 liiitpo Tniinnh E. Gray was absont from tho bench today, on account of Illness, being, only tho second day slnco his elec-j tion 43 years ngo that ho has been absent nt tho opening of court o Widow of JHIS Vita-ran. Brooklyn, Oct. 31, Mrs. Drusllln Morrell Is receiving tho congratula tions of her friends In tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Jennlo Velror, 122 Adolphl street, on reaching tho venerablo ago of 102 years. Sho was born at Woburn, Mass., In 1804, her husband being Daniel Morrell, for many years tho tollgate keeper at Coney Island and a veteran of tho war of 1812. Tho aged lady who Is In fairly good health entertained her friends by telling thern about Coney Island In tho early days. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 31. Tho stnto wns victorious against tho Lumber-' men's Association this morning. Tho supremo court ordnrod tho secretary to bring Into court nil tho records of correspondence, which hnd boon objected to on tho grounds that tho Btatuto only applied to outside cor porations. Tho objection wns not sustained. ' UTES WILL NOT FIGHT Robbed ii Robber. Nashville, Tonn., Oct. 31 The Southern Express Company admits its robbery yesterday on the Nash ville, Chattanooga & St. Louis road, In which It is believed that $70,000 was stolen. Abandoned the Fort. Mobile, Ala., Oct 31. On ac count of tho damage of the recent storm the government has decided to temporarily abandon Fort Morgan. Inspector Not Guilty, Chicago, Oct. 31. The civil ser yleo commission which tried Police Inspector Luvin, on the charge of framing up a bnrglary td got promo tion, today found aim not guilty, Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 31. 81 troops of cavalry aro -moving to ward tho Utes on Powder river to round them up. There Is no official Information of nny depredations whatever, and thoro are over 100 able-bodied Indians In tho band. Tho Utes hnto tho Cheyennes, and say that thero is no truth in tho story that they aro going to co-operate with the Cheyennes. It is expected J mat tney win no laxeu wimoui uvmn a shot. Salem's City Pimaies Next Saturday will icttlo who tho official candidates will bo of their respectlvo political parties, Thero nro other important matters to be settled, and chief among them Is tho condition of your teeth, and how to havo thorn in tho most perfect order. Dr. Ii. B, Wright, tho painless dentist can demonstrate to you that ho can best servo you, as to quality of "work? no pain, anil correct prices. ' W I, VI I gALKSTi FASTEST QHOWHW fsQg. McEYOY BROS. Curur of Cwwf d mi Oirt Strtets Dr. J. p. COOK MOTKTf TO M4 UBJBRTX IfXMsW. WHXMX MM WILL KWW AXIL C AK WW PATWWTf. 9m AM PWlUisT GAXXi OK Ml. 0MC OOMtWLTAWOK FWsss. Omaha. Oct. 31. An unverified report says tho troops of cavalry and a band of Cheyennes clashed on Powder river last night, and that three Indians wcro killed and others wounded. c Tli Nevada Reservation. Dutchman'a Preek, Nov., Oct 31, A town has bon staked obT here. Surveyors aro working today, aad a largo (amp is assured. Hlcb oro has been brought from all around, The reservation peoplo aro otlHlUc. gome claim Jumping bs occurrM, and several shooting scrap bavo bom averted. A mate sgmUjmc fcft called for tonight to elect a re mrAar awl nana la district. A li- flsjatsjft casswsHf w4l t totmrt at a ssas Me(Jjbf toNHt. 1 Octobor 30, 1906.' Dr. Wright has just extracted llvo teeth for mo, without any pain what over, MRS, JACK MILLER, Turner, Or 1P $ 1 25 Diamond Ring Ftee To e rf Itk rt4 ot JacMMiry 1, 1M7. Go iim1 ei M sHasaaw Ut Bar's Jwelry wt4ow. w Dr. B. E. Writht, Th Painlesf Dentist UU., HHt Mtswet, utm ,u.i MiAHSd la) a. sa. tat 1st ml SBSBSPB'SBSB' SBB 1 " i vv o