6 DAILY OAPITAIi.JOURNAIi, SALCM. OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1900. w N r SHANNA CUIWWNGS COMING Prima Donna Soprana With Six Leadeis of Boston Symyhdny Orchestra SOCIAL EVENTS Shanna Cumtnings, America's greatest oratorio singer with tho Bostonin sextette tlio leaders of tho Boston Symphony orchestra, will Visit tho west this year and will ap pear In sevon const cities. This or ganization Is said to bo the best thing in miiHlc that vlsItB tho west and on account of an open dato going south from Portland, Salem Is being given an opportunity to iacuro them. On account of tho open dato, tho timnngemcut odors to piny them In Salem for one-half of their plnying prlco and Dr. Heritage, of tho school of music, Is attempting to sccuro this amount by ndvanco subscription for scats. This amount must bo secured by Elks' llloivout. The Elks of this city have issued unique invitations to their members to a "Blow Out" which Is to be held nt tho old quarters Thursday even ing. The card Is bordered with black nnd a tomb Btone, gravo yard and iHkull and cross bones are tho IIIub- trntionB. Tho invitation reads ns follews: "A dead cold Invitation Is extend ed to tho members of Salem B. P. O. 12. and all visiting brothers to attend In a body, t wake over tho death of tho old lodge rooms, Thursday even ing November Sth. All nro request ed to bring crape and ico and Join In tho dead march, executed by our full orchestra. Tho llvo ones will leavo for their now vault on Liberty street, November 1G, 190C. Speclnl-Spcclal-Spoclul. "Tho refreshment committee an nounces that a large amount of Kin bnlmltig Fluid has been ordered for tho occnslonnlso otlior dcllcaclos of tho Benson and Bmokcs for thoso who ohoy tho old maxim, '"Tin bettor to snioko hero than hereafter. "Do a Snd Weeper. Sympathy Freo." Tea JAfoljsrSfc I Tea m I ceylonI Satisfaction SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green 'Pacini tn Ffavor-Ti'aht Cartons J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco " -" II iHM' iwwiwiimnwnnninimwwtwwwtimwmmmiww EMBROIDERED BLACK SATEEN WAISTS OPEN IN FRONT Large line just received in latest style sateen waists, large sleeves, front neatly trimmed alternately with three rows embroidery and four rows of fine pleating. Made of good quality, mercerized sateen. SPECIAL JJ iim!TX1 Kci'iio from the Holy City, nt Ginml Opera IIoiino, October :t()tli. Wodnctadny and any one desiring to help bring those pooplo hero, nro roquosted to phone Main 237 and glvo the numbor of soatB they can uso. o Tin-: iiolv city. TIiIn Kplcmlld Proiliirllun Will Ap pear at Grand Opera llouso ToiitKht. .Married Tomorrow. Tho wedding of Miss Jennlo Qoodo nnd .Mr. John F. Steolhammcr takes place tomorrow nt noon at tho homo of tho brlde'H parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Qoodo, In North Salem. Choral HoUt'ty. Prof. Heritage, who has conducted choral societies for 29 years, would like to test tho musical capacity of Salem by attempting somothlng on that lino hero. Ho advocates a Sa lem musical club of women, with tho purpose of bringing music to n high er and llotto'r plane. In choosing so loists ho fnvors solectlng thorn from Salem, Instead of having them from abroad. Ho proposos to organlzo tho CouBplelous for sagacious man ngomcut and for the success of their companion presenting Luclln Morey, Lo Comto and Ploshor have with this season's production excelled In thoatrlcal ondutivor. In this groat lllblcal drama. Tho Holy City" thore h combined micli wraith of acting, surrounding towns nnd hnvo choral nllogory, music and spectuolo. ns has 80dtleB n over tho valloy, and rarely If ever been soon. Tho pobbI- ,,10u ,,oW ft J" Jllloo nt tho fair blllties for dramntlo offect with grounds. The nnino of tho Salem bo whlch the thrilling narrative of Johii,clot' ,s I'roposod Philharmonic, tho nniillit abounds, hnvo boon mil- Tho meo nominated uro to bo ized with great mummed cost. Tlio acting company 1b noted for Hit Integral brilliancy; 83S2$1.00 1 Rostein & Greenbaum 1 298-300 Commercial St. i.1l1WWIltMlilMWfcitelllWttti1lilMtittlliiIWMtillHHHiWIHmiiW THE BEST Is what the people want, and A. L. HARVEY Knows thnt want. His grocery lino Is always complete, and ho doesn't handlo nny other. Ills vegetables nro first-class. A. L. Haivey, "S$gf AT ONE-HALF PRICE ON FIRE PROOF COOKING AND BAKING WARE Made out of fire clay, and well finished. A few prices for instance: Pudding dish 20c, now 10c each Ind Puddings 1 0c, now 05c each Egg Poacher 20c, now 1 0c each Piepans 35c, now - 1 8c each Baking Pans 65c, now 33c each Mixing Bowls 30c, now 1 5c each Rest of ware at same reduction. Special valu in those mottled Cooking and Baking Pans, 50c values now for 25c each. See our north show window. Sale lasts all next week. YOKOHAMA TEA COMPANY No phone orders taken on these specialties, hut di'llicicd if In the city limits. uuuiiiiB, imvv iiuuu mn- - - ,w "w at skill and- apparently 0,oct(l t tho next mooting nnd nro t. Tho ndlnK company'"8 '"wr: Presided J. T. Tumor, tho scones present history In radiant splendor; . tho BtnKO paraphorualln, nil of which Is carried by tho com. tinny, being of Impressive beauty. Tho Integrity of Its uuinnKumeut v first cnllud publlo attention to tho play; Its mntehlosH performances ro carrlui; thono endorsement) which honesty of purpose ami skill ful design command. The pronenta lon of "Tho Holy City" hero will Uio cngorh anticipated. In ns inuuh 'ha tho ve)l known and Intensely nr- (litlo I.uolhi Morey houdu the com tlany aud will ho soon as "Snlomo" tho beautiful daughter of' King Jlorrod. C. IX Mluton aud Cliiis. Reth: sec retary-treasuror, Mrs. W. A. MooroB, WlUnboth Harry, Miss Knight, Miss Hushncll, these we.ro also nominat ed for corresponding secretary, -o-v, IX TI1H IMSHOP'H CARRIAGE. JcmMo Iliikley Will 1U Seen iu Salem Next TliurMhiy Ku-nlug. Miss Joitfclo lluslcy, who comes to tho Grand opera houso, Thursday, .November 1. In the play, "In tho Ulshop's Carrlngo," was for many years a member of tho vnrlqus nrga Hltatloiu controlled by Charles Krohmnn, and now that she has been Popular Albany Girl AVeilt, ?llss Penrl Savngo nnd Mr. 8. Voro MaeDufftiO wore married at Albany Tuesday afternoon, at tho homo of tho brlda's mother, Mra. Charles Kelffor. How' 8. A. Douglas oRlclat Ing. Mr. and Mrs Fred Ward wero tho attendants. Tho wedding was tiulto n happy event, and was uttoud- od by a largo number of pooplo. Mr. MnoDuffoo is a Portland man, and tho bride Is a graduate of the Albany college, and has many friends tn Salem as well as tn Albany. o $100 Reward, 9100. Tho ronJors of this paper will bo plonBcd to learn that thero is nt least ono dreaded disease that sclenco has been ablp to euro tn all Its stages, and, that la Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only posltlvo euro now known to tho medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional diseases, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh DO YOU KNOW That when you are using EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKINGPOVVDER you arc using the best made right here atjhomc. c. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon kon under tho wanagorlnl wing of Cut0 Js tHlon intornally, acting dl Lteblor & Co., she is said to havo Uctly upon the blood and uucous found at last her true vocation tn tho dramntlo world. Miss Rusloy has long been considered ono of tho most promising of tho younger generation of actreuaec, and It Is said that in this play sho has found a character that Is eminently nulled to her un doubted talents. O ' ' '! Cure CkHk mhI Pevr, 0. W. Wirt. NacoftJockei, Texas, says: "Hit dausktcr has etillt ttd lover for tare years; fc couM ot n anything that would help few till ho used Herblne. 1I1 wii' will at VVb liotuftwftkQut H at cab- ot toy too '( for R.M I U. fM y D. J. Fry's drttx atw, Highest Price For POViTIlY AND EGOS POTATOES ONIONS AND ALL PRODUCE CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St. ktw.vHTfT;yy fS3iK23ifr5??jy N OILAS. IC SPAULDINa, Presidont. B. 0. MILES, Bee. and Tica Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Manufacturers of Oregon PinCj, Ash and Maple Luml bLCIVl, UKCOUIN. surfaces of the syajom, thorcby de stroying tho foundation of tho dis ease, aud giving the patient stren&th by building up tho constitution and assisting nature In dotng its work. The proprietors havo so much faith In Its curative' poY.-ora that thy offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to euro. Sand, for list of testimonials. Address: P. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, 0, Sold by all druggist Take Hall's Family PUU for cor. M nation, --o - 4,Th Never 81epH is tho uattt of I ' U clwb of young paoato at Tk lOUc ' H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants In tho market at all times for dried fruit and farm produce oT all kinds. Special Yo havo for sale a few apple par ing and slicing machines; equipment for & largo dryer; will make a low price. I UIWUBmiWraacH female MUNMUiMKUia PILLS. lliH,Cuiiliuktkmu,Vin,n1 ntn inwwa A. ri mi mi,i ftufe. u i . i?i; u ui" """ 1 WHTlttMICl. CO.. axT4.tW.Mii. . TID3 TOWN OIUEB. CoulUn't mnko an nnnouncmen that would please the public bette than when we tell them that their laundry work will be done to perfec tion and the SMetn 5teara Laundry can't be compoted with anywhero la tno count'y for the perfection of its work on llnfn, sillts or woolens. We defy competition in this Une.becautelf hero were any better methods we would have them at once, Try tha Salem Stearn Laundry. Prices right SALKM STEAM LAUNDRY. Colonel. J. Ounstead, Prop. PHONE 25. 130-100 S. Liberty 8t Are You Alarmed? FIHI3 ALAIIMS llUItOLAlt AImVHMS SPIHXICLING SYSTEMS FIRE EXTIXGUISHEItS Of nil kinds, nnd n full stock of general electric supplies. Also all kinds of motor work dono, ns well ns nil kinds of wiring. State Agent Co. 245 Liberty St. Wild Rose Flour $1.00 Per Sack StUMiMMiVrI.il, Only Flour sold in Salem that Is modo from Old Wheat If you use Wild Rose, you will not havo sticky bread. rOR SALE AT ALl GROCERS m'm-rr,vw,r--i rL- "9 A CHILD CAN BUY' As advantageously at our meat mar ket ns tho older folks. We give the most careful attention to all orders, and sell nono but the best of meats. E. C. CROSS, State Street Market Pfaoae 2S1 A MATTER OF ARSOItlUXa INTEREST i Lies bohlnd thnt of the apprMci iThnnkKHvInt nnd thnt Is tt hJ hr nnnctlnn 'niirliic thfl WW the supply is always uncertla,H , by ordering of us before cold vnl i comes you can be sure of M" 'your wants filled. We are raij' supply nny kind of lumber yoa t GOODALE LUMBEB 00. 0. C T. 0 Steamers Pomona. Aitona leave for P dally except Sunday 7.X0 a m J VL P. BALDWlMj WANTED Second-hand buggies, wagons and carriages; pay cash for same. We also have room to store about 100 buggies for the winter. Pohle & Bishop Corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, Sclera, Or. W-$-l CHINA STOI Special sale, silks, fancy n mil rnMAt.tr I... conts' BSS ,...i.vi a. ....... n. rntli.1 uu auiu( iruuiu, """"o i keta. We make up new v- wrappers, waists, white w ftn9 Vlmnnfli VWD . . ,. - kti6CL xveryimne koidk au uv--- , HwleWtefSaog, 1146 Court St. Baleo, HOTEL OREGON Con.sc &t Sevaetk tad Stk Prtlad, Oiegos. J Tk ew ax4 dei-a hotd . T .... .. uuwHtm IMtArf TiTUnHrlT to mww i j ..- - .(Mai. ! jtBtW KU WfW Wg v j ipUa. 1I bML Kate " Md sttwtdfd. ItiMIMMH r u Wt, um4 ftit low J J I atWW. DUy CsplW n mt Mai i I irnHPrMCTPiiwoy " o, o (". V & -. n .