DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY,- OCTOBER 30, 1000. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFKlt DUOS., FusUslicrs nud Proprietors. Mv9Krv??v Label 3 K7 SUBSCUIPTION RATES. Ily Mull. Dally Journal, oao month . . . 3Gc Dally Journal, three months .ll.no Daily Journal, ono year '00 Weekly Journal, ono year .... 100 y Carrier. Dally Journal, por. month .... 50c WHAT WILL FOLLOW. Having man n personal domnnd upon Senator Fulton for a particular man for collector of customs It is mippnsoil tho Orogonlnn will got Us niun appointed. Rut what hecomes of tho intorosts of tho puhllc, of tho Interests tho party nntl of tho claims of tho other Ropuhllcnn workors IN FUTURE STATE CAMPAIGNS? Of course, It gooB without saying that tho President will name tho cnmlldnto for collector upon whom tho Orogonlnn nnd Mr. Fulton have bo harmoniously ngreod. What Is It to tho rost of tho state or to tho President himself If two gontlomon can roach such perfect ngrccmont on who shall collect tho fees ON OPIUM AND' OTHER THINGS? It furthor follows thnt tho Oro gonlnn will endorse and approve and austnln nil tho other nppolntmonts (mmw flff thnt Senntor Fulton has mado nnd,yonrs. Attendnnco at tho physical may inuko In future. Whon puhllo patronngo becomes n porsonnl matter botwoon gonttomon thoy really go Into a political part nership, OFFENSIVE AND DEFEN SIVE nnd extonslvo. It Is probably hotter for Senator (plo, tho directress, Is that tho girls Fulton to linvo appointed somo ono wonr tho ciiHtomnry athletic or gym nt the demand of a great nowspnpor nnstio costumo, Including t bloomers, than to have named somo small whllo at tholr tasks and being tnught country newspaper man hlmsolf. (co-ordinately with tho fow young With his own eloquence nnd tho men thoro nro In tho school, tho lat odltorlnl and news columns of tho tor wonrlug their ordinary stroot Orogonlnn nt IiIb disposal Senator clothos. Whon somo of tho young Fulton will have no trouhlo in buc- womon protested, Miss Trlpplo Is ceedlug hlmsolf. snld to havo Insisted thnt thoy do 1) 'ns sho does wonr tho coBtumo. Oth- WIIV ROAST WATERS? anonymous Why do tho creeping politicians roast Mayor Wntors 'It Is hnrdly to bo credited thnt tho j of tho Dallas nud Falls City railroad, whon ho Is not n candidate? board of oducatlon over mado such nilins arrived homo from a buslnoss What has ho douo for tho past statement, either In Utter or In spirit visit to Nnmpa, Idaho. Whllo In years but sought TO THE RHST OF A mistake Is being committed that Xampn, Mr. Gorllngor purchased n HIS ABILITY to push for the wot- would seem to be moro worthy of n r.S-tnn Mogul locomotive, for Imine fnro of this city? tmtuhtr' training sohool In somo re- .dlnt delivery. Tho eugluo Is moro Uhh uny mayor we hav ovr had motti Motion of tho country. It Is nn powerful than any In use on the done mora or worked hnrdtr to su- outrage on the moral sonse of both wost side linos, nnd , will bo placed on euro Improvements tliuii has Mayor sxo and thnt any rule of the 1:1ml , tho run as soon ns It nrrlvos. Watom? ihould be minctlonod by tho board Two Hat cars purchasod by Mr. Ho has stood up for permanent seems Inexplicable. If tho mnttor Is Gerljngor In St. Louis Inst summor street ImprovomenLH and pormnuont not speedily corructod It will likely have arrived In Dallas; four moro bridges, nud aocoiuplUhed somu- bo by tho young womon thomsolvos ',Uo In Seattlo, and tho romnlnlng 22 thing. t absenting thomselvefl from tho class.Jare oxpoctod soon. Tho Shuy-gonrod Ho hna for tlio first time secured es. Hut this would lutorforo with hooomotlve. for uso ou tho mountnln tho correct numbering of bonnes and THE NAMING AND LOCATION OF HT1MCMTS. Ho has had the support of the alty council in those matture, and baa kept his pledgee to run the olty with' In Its meen on n very low vnlim tlou. The city hoe made moral progrett Mm. Kato Webor, of New York, undr hie administration. Gambling Iiri Jmtt celehrnted her 90th birth has been reduced to a minimum, im day. Shu has 10 children, 62 loons are no longer run on Sunday, grand children, 87 groat grand chll- The curd looms nro not thronged drou. and the and U not yet. with bund ml h of boys, ns thoy were i In tho good old days. WHEN SAI.EM' WAS A WIDE-OPEN TOWN. I Professional pimps were nt lonst not his ohlof advisors and tho con- trolling power or his police lorcu. Why not give oven Mayor Wutora his just due-H, and why attack htm with bulletins printed In Bomo other town, and circulated by night? In whoso interest Is it done? Why You Should Save FIRST HeoHttso It will soon glvo yon tho i(m.hoh!Iou of n very Miug Hum of money and a tils jHMiHIim and character tlint Kiwuui ucct's. It prtnluivs thrift, frwkiH from worry, nnd H fooling ot Independence. SEOONl JUthsi there arc 'rainy tJyM ahead when on urrount'of toea accident or old ago jrer Ihcohu will bo cut uff or ntHl. It Voh have utfml uo4hl, who ie going to take rn of joh oml your? Open a KAvlngs account wMh us and begin to vo mow. j Sr Jag DeiHtriiMMit Capital Nttol BcaJc ii ' ;.fajss 9f iMMfc S 6i LtH iv Schloss fLNE CLOTHES MAHERS( BALTIMORE ACWtOKK nm &coia 0 G. W. Johnson & Co. OUTRAGE ON THE MORAL SENSE A number of young women stu dents In tho City Training School nt Jnmnlcn, N. Y., formerly tho Jamai ca Stato Normal School, nro object ing to rocolvlng co-Instruction with young men In tho gymnasium. Thcro nro about 200 In tho school, most of thorn hotwoon the ngeB of 18 nnd 23 culture clnsBos Is a necessary and im portant part of their training, and compllnnco with tho rulos Is vital to. a successful result. It appoars, however, that ono of tho rules Insisted upon by Miss Trip- ors In charge of tho Hchool say that tho city does not-recognize such thing ns hox In tho class room. their ohancoe of passing their oxnm- inntlons for tho profession tlfoy havo i ohoson. r--o .. . SdliCS .that tho output of gold from Alaska Salem has a oaruatlon shop, a few this your will amount to over $15, dnohshunds. nnd with n ladles halr-'OQO.OOO or moro than 00 per cont tir,8H,,K parlor nnd manicure would l)0 quMo up t0 lllUo QW Horltngo can bring us anything In tho way of clasalonl music but wo I ,JrftW Ul0 Un0 ut Uoar oM QUOon' Esther. Whoat 776,000,000 bushols. Oats 960.S27.000 bushels. Ryo 30,785,- 000. Wo woro in hopos thoro wouldn't bo any ryo beyond what is needed for ryo bread. Rut It sooms tho Elks nro not nil dead yet. Funds for nn Italian church in Jersey City nro being raised by menns of a fencing bout. Of course, a man killed in n fencing1 bout for a church fund, thoro wouldn't bo auy question ns to his future. w m Candidates for city offices who nro real economists will please hoar ThoJTho now government tax of 60 cents Capital Journnl bargain day ad. If thoy won't savo monoy for them selves thoy "suro won't" for tho city. The Journal don't want nil tho money. Save n dollar on your Jour nal Thursday. Seo ml. ' Astoria Budget: It Is Juit as easy Ito apeak a good word (or the com munity in which you Uvo a It U tQ jlM "kocklng.M rALL SUITS Here They Are We have them at all kinds of prices, and our best ones arc equal to tailor made garments at much less cost. Mrs. Eddy denies that old death Is pointing his finger at hor. Salem Is to havo a wlntor building boom. If you haven't got nn Idcn of your own got ono from somebody else Canny Tribune Or rend Tho Capital Journnl. Murshflcld Is waking up Coos Day Times. Didn't sho lenvo a call? Bargain dollar. Day Thursday. Savo a Thoro will bo much building In tho Willamette valley this winter. Why Is -this bonutlful valloy pro- grossing? Coqutllo Valloy Sontlnol. Wo Biipposo It Is becauso It can't help It. o MORE ROLLING STOCK. I'tiieluiho of Locomotives and Cars for Dallas ami Full City Road. Dallas, Oro., Oct. 20. Mr. L. Gorllngor, Jr., gonornl manngor division wust of Falls City, will bo Bont out from the factory about No vember 1. With all this now rolling stock and the engines nnd oars now In uso, tho company will be able to care for all the lumber and logging buBlnese offered. o-- Alaskan Gold Output. New York, Oct. 30. It Is esti mated, according to roports of the Unltod Statos goologlcal survoy. ovor tho previous year. In 1S95 tho j amount was a llttlo ovor $2,000,000, An important factor In tho ndvnnco- mont of Askan minora! Industries during tho last docado, says tho re port. Is tho great reduction In mining costs which has taken place. Tho j pioneer minors of tho Yukon could not afford to handlo gravel averaging less than $10 to $15 to tho cubic yard. Now It can bo worked for loss ban f 5 a yard. Tho Coffoo Crop. Rio do Jnnioro, Drnzll, Oct. 30. Tho roport of tho minister of ngrl- 'culture on tho coffeo crop, Issued to- J day, states that tho growing crop in Santos, which produces a very large ' percentage of coffeo raised in this country. Is extremely small and n sensationally small output from Dratll must bo expected this season per ung on coneo wi( oo put into bffect December 1. o CASTOR I A Itr lmhU a4 CtiUrtn. Tk IM Yn Him Aiwiys ftougfct &Affti Woman's Claim for $1,000,000. Seattlo, Wash., Oct. 30. Mrs. Monoria Gemmlll, of 26G Seven teenth stroet, Milwaukee, has arrived hero to fight for her portion of tho fight for tho possesion of Sullivan's Mrs. aommlll, through hor attorneys Burkes and Burk, of Milwaukee, has filed her claim for her sharo of tho estate as n tlrst cousin or tne ao ceased John Sullivan. Tho hearing of tho various clalmo mado to the estate come up In the circuit court for Kings county .Washington, No vember 2Gth. Tho three-cornered light for tho possession of Sullvnln's estnto began Immediately upon tno return of tho cnrrlages which con veyed Sullivan to his Inst resting pluce In September, 1900. Sullivan was ono of tho richest men In Wash ington, loft nbsolutely no heirs ns far as was known at tho time of his death, nnd tho fight for his estate promises to bo one of tho warmest over mado In tho Btato. Tho partici pators In tho three-cornered fight aro two first cousins, a woman named Mario Carran, who claims to havo boon Sullivan's flanco, and tho coun ty uuthorltles who claim that tho lm- monso estnto loft by him snouiu re vert to tho stnto nnd county for tho benefit of tho school fund. . -o CHARCOAL KILLS RAD RREATH Had Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking or Eating Can Ro Instantly Stopped. . Sample Pnckngo Mailed Free. Othor peoplo notlco your bad breath whoro you would not notlco It nt nil. It Is nauseating to other people to stand before them and whllo you aro talking, glvo them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually' comes from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you havo It In tho morning that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. You can Btop that at oncoby swallowing ono or two Stuart Lozonges, tho most powerful gaB and odor absorbors over prepared. Sometimes your meals will reveal themselves in your brenth to thoso who talk with you. "You'vo had onions," or "You'vo boon cntlng cab- bago," and nil of a suddon you botch In tho faco of your friend. Char coal Is a wonderful nbsorbor of odors, ns ovory ono knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, nro so quick to stop all gnsos and odors of odorous foods, or gns from lndl gostlou. Don't uso bronth. porfumos. Thoy nevor 'conconl tho odor, and novcr absorb tho gus that causos tho odor. Dosldos, tho vory fact of using them revonls tho reason for tholr uso. Stuurt's Lozonges In tho first pined stop for good all sour brash and bolchlng of gas, and mako your brenth puro, frosh nnd sweet, Just nftor you'vo onton. Then no ono will turn his faco away from you when you broatho or talk; your breath will bo puro and fro3h, and bOBldcs your food will tnsto so much hotter to you at your noxt monl. Just try It. Charcoal doos other wondorful things, too. It enrrjos away from your stomach nnd lntostlnos, all tho impurlttos thoro massed together and which causos tho bad breath. Charcoal Is a purldor ns woll as an absorbor. Ohnrcoal Is now by far tho best, most easy and mild laxatlvo known. A wholb boxful will do no harm; In fact, tho moro you take tho bettor Stuart's Charcoal Lozonges aro mado of puro willow charcoal and mixed with just a faint flavor of honey to mako them pnlatablo for you, hut not too sweet. You Just chow them like candy. Thoy are absolutely harmless. Got a now, pure, sweet breath, freshen your stomach for your next meal, and keep the intestines In good working ordor. These two things aro tho secret of good health nncj long lifo. You can got all the char coal necessary to do theso wondorful things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Wo want you to test theso llttlo wonder workers your solf before you buy theui. So send us your full name and address for a free sample of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Then after you have tried tho sample, and been convinced, go to your druggist and get a 25c box of them. You'll feel better all over, moro comfortable, and "cleaner" in sldo. Send us your namo and address today and wo will at onco send you by mall a samplo package, free. Ad dress F. A. Stuart Co.. 60 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. ' Tho averago young woman of to day Is busy. Beauty la only anoth or natuo for health, and it comes to 99 out or every 100 who take IJollls ter'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Dr. Stone' Store. ARE YOU LIGHT WISE? A store or place of business which is not lighted by Eleetrlcltr has "let down the bars" to tho Inroads of competitors. No matter how complete nnd flno your stock Is, the Iniprofr lighting nnd worse ventilation of your store will turn away man; probnblo purchasers n great mnny more than you Imagine or ndmltl The Full trade In the majority of cases is that part of the jcarl; business which is greatest In amount nnd profit. There Is ampl tlmo between now nnd the first of November to wire for Electric Light or to erect an Electric Sign. An electrically lighted Interior nnd exterior are Just as neces sary for successful store trade as tho right lino of goodinnd clcrcr salespeople. Our reduced rates for current on meter 'ImsIj put tho uso of Electricity within the rench of every storekeeper. Learn tho truth about costs; our representative with facts and flgurti Is nt your service. Portland General Electric Co, SALEM, CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD TIMK TAHLK NO. pi. Trains From nnd to Ynqulnn. No 1 Loavos Yaqutnn 6:55 A.M. Arrlyos at Corvallls ....10:40 A.M. Arrlvos at Albany 11:40 A.M. No. 2 Loavoa Albany 12:20 P.M. Loavos Corvallls 1:20 P.M. Arrives at Yaqulna 5:45 P.M. Trains to and From Detroit. No. 3 Loaves Albnny 7:50 A.M. Arrives at Detroit 12:30 P.M. No. i Leaves Detroit 1:00 P.M. Arrives nt Albany .... 5:55 P.M. Trains for Corvnllls, No. 8 Leaves Albany 7:55 A.M. Arrives at Corvallls .... 8:35 A. M. No. 10 Leaves Albany ......... 3:50 P.M. Arrives at Corvallls .... 4:30P.M. jNo. 6 Leaves Albany 7:35 P.M. Arrives at Corvallls .... 8:15 P.M. Trains for Albany. No. 6 Leaves Corvallls 6:30 A.M. Arrives at Albany 7:10 A.M. No. 9 Leaves Corvallls 1:30 P.M. Arrives at Albany 2:10 P.M. No. 7t- Leaves Corvallls 6:00 P.M. Arrives at Albany 6; 40 P.M. I Kx 11 Leaves Corvallls 11:00 A.M. Arrives at Albany ,11:42 A.M. No. 12 Leaves Albany ........12:45 P.M. Arrlvos at Corvallls 1:33 P.M. All ot tho abovo connect with Southern Pacific Company tralns.loth at Albany and Corvallls, as veil as train for Detroit giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beachee, as well as Brelteabush Hot Spring, For further Information apply to J a MAYO, Gen. Pas. Agt, B. H. BOLES, Agent, Albany. BRICK Hrlck furnished la Urge or nrawTl (luautltfoA. ProcCAi lirlclr T ta jorAer, Yard, cm Stato Street, oOi m reaKcHtMrj, SALS BRICK YAXD A, A. BUMTOIT, Fn. '4 m OREGON Spent wisely Is tho source of a aatlsfactlon. .Why not spend sl of It wlsoly now buying grocerfcM usT Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harrttt & Lawrts Woven Wire Fcnck Ttvr. nnrlnnria TPPflved rWWl v.... ...Ml Special discount until Novemoer"! Full Rfnclt of Poultry and Lawn" Inir. RhtnpioB. Posts. Gatel f "o - o w .j Malthold Rooflng. All ai w- prleos. Walter Moriey 250 Court St Salem, Southern Pacific Time Card, Saturday, Aug. 18. Toward Portland Train No. 165:30 a. m., Ore press. No. 148:23 a. m., Cottag express. No. .124:49 p. m., Oro press. No. 22Z 11:18 a. m., fast freight. ,, No. 22611:65 a. m., low freight. Departs 13:45 P- Toward San Franci- No. 1510:56 p. No. 136:23 p. m., CWtt express. No. 11 10:38 a. m.. xpresa. ; frlht, frU at li: J. Vo 1 .0 a. HL. uuw" Li fi?58E5iT y Jul U4&L - n ej