Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 26, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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""fir X,
ip?w,!!,iwrfijiw,ri nsr'
Comes from poor
clothes iii cool
weather, but cold
weather comfort
comes fromjhaving
"" ""'" "" ii
r lit- j jfW jjfl
It overcomes that dilemma. Call and sec our new Fad
and Winter lines. It will afford you great comfort.
G. W. Johnson & Co,
I'usIIMict'H and Proprietors.
tA$m 3
Hy Mall.
Dnlly Journal, ono month ....
Dally Jourual, tlirco mouths . .
Dally Journal, ono year
Weekly Journal, ono year . . . .
My Carrier.
Dally Journal, nor month ....
TO 1112
ou who
condescends to tench tacitly admits
,leforo all Israel and the sun that ho
has no inoro hrnlns than a womnn?"
I Yet to this day tho matter Is
solemnly considered, nrgtied pro and
eon, talked about, written about, and
tho teachors thomselves, to say noth-
' tng of all tho rest or us, apparently
jfnll utterly to seo, In tho political
disfranchisement of the majority of
.teachors, tho causo for underpaid
35c labor and unjust discrimination.
11.00 In tho four states whoro womon
4.00 voto, teachers' salaries not only
1.00 avorngo higher than In the states
, whoro they do not, hut the law pro-
50c vldes equal pay for equal servko Ir-
rospectlvo of box.
"Will you toll mo, sir." said don.
Stophoh D, Loo, directing his ro
mnrks to tho governor In a recant
nddrons before the Stato Collogo, at
ColumbiiH, Miss., "why your legisla
ture nt Its last mooting provided
nhout twlco tho amount for tho sal
aries of tho men occuplng tho dm Ira
of tho university as for those of tho
womon discharging THE SA.ME IIU
TIES?" (lovornor Vardaman dis
claimed any nwuorslilp of the legis
lature In question and said he
liolthor favored or sanctioned the ex
isting discrimination against woman
wage earuern.
l'rotont of a Hlmilar Id ml nro fill
ing rolumnn of tliu public prints In
other states. Wo road that tho
public sohool teneherri of tho Eiuplro
Stato nro about to move on Albany
for a law providing adequate salaries
Then wo hear of discontent among
Missouri teachers because of unjust
discrimination; and so It goos.
Tho whole dismission rtwolvos it
self hack Into tho question which
tenohoru hnvo htwn debating for so
many years, and which was so aptly
answered by Suan II. Authoity on
that memorublo day In 1S53, whan
for th Urit tlmu a woman's voire
wu hoard In a teachers' convention.
Tho, question was why the profession
of teacher lu not as muoU respoetod
ns that of lawyer, doctor or minis
ter, iiinl when Miss Anthony was
llnnlly nanultlod to spunk, after a
Depends Not Toon Ycni, but
Vital Force.
At tho recont convention of Phy
slclons there was a gooil deal of dis
cussion In regard to old ago and the
usefulness of persons ovor sixty
years old. Somo at fifty yours call
themselvos old, and really appoar
so, whllo others at seventy years
soon, active, vigorous nnd young.
It was tho opinion that It was not
years, but tho loss of vital forco that
makos a person old. Woakoned di
gestion, thin blood and poor circu
lation soon start functional powers
and vitality ou tho wane, and thou
the symptoms of old ago quickly ap
pear, as'tho system thou has not tho
(tower to replace waste fast enough
A members of tho O. W. Putman
Co.. says: "That old fooling .may ho
winded off and ovoreome, and wo
wish overy person In Salem who fooli
old. whsther they are so In years or
not. would try our cod liver prepara
tion, Vluol. V know that It has
vital properties which repairs worn
tissues, chucks tho natural dealtno
and replaces woakuoss with Htreugth.
It Is an Ideal body builder for old
This Is because Vluol Is a genuluo
cod liver medicine, containing all tho
mudlQlnal curatives and strongth-
linlf Imiir'n iltuniitiuliiit mi tin) m-rw
lirloty of allowing woman to bo .Mtt ' oil
vitnuii niiirvii iimiii iiuaii vini uvuia,
with tonic Iron added.
turn your money If It
Wo will re
does not do
heard, sho said, "It seems to bo you
full to romprohond tho cause of tho
illumutiiiKt nt vvhloli vim iwinilllnlll :
p you not see that so long as socle- "x"cl,- w'hut vo fo" lL - w-
ty H.VH w,,n.au has not brains l,,'"nn ; ' ' "Wf.
enough to hi n doctor, lawyer or' 'N" - ""0, wo ? "ent
' for Vluol lu Salem. It Is for sale nt
;'-' , -' jthu loading drug store lit nearly
wvory town and city lu the country.
Look for tho Vlnol agency lu your
Tho hpooitlng habit lends to no
limitary pleasure's lasting regret
mill after (o nu ohl ago of poverty.
The saving habit means thrift
iiinl inxwporlty for tho jirosent,
nml ii lonipoteiuo for old ago.
Open u living's nmmut now
nml begin to have, for tho futuro.
Rr-ponlU of oho tlolUr or more
tlnitv flirt per cent Interval.
. i
Say1j Department
Capital National Bank
consider Paxtlnc Toilet Antiseptic a
necessity In the hygienic care of the
Person anil for local treatment of
feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing,
germicidal, deodorizing and healing;
qualities arc extraordinary. For sale
at Druggists, Sample free. Address
The R. l'axton Co., Boston, Mass.
(1. W. PUTNAM CO., Druggists.
Now Residence,
Andrew Hansen Is building a
modern sovou-room cottage near his
I sash nml door factory on Mill street,
and will soon mnko (Iiq saute his
Don't you tltliiK you had helper try
To wear a smile and sine a sous?
It's a good old world after all
Proudod you tako Rocky Mountain
In tho spring and fall.
Dr. Stoat' Drue Store,
Philadelphia, Oct. 2C. As one
big facility In moving and taking
caro of Its nearly a quarter of a mil
lion freight and passenger cars, tho
Pennsylvania Railroad la having
them all renumbered. It Is a gigan
tic task, ono that will tako fully a
year to complete, but when the work
Is done there will ho none of tho
confusion which has brought grief
to the Pennsylvania's car record of
fice and car accountants of other
roads. .
Troubles aroso from 'tho fact that
overy ono of tho Individual com
panies which go to mnko up tho
Pennsylvania system had Its own
car numbers. In nddltlon to that,
the similarity of tho legends, "Penn
sylvania" and "Pennsylvania Com
nany," often caused one nnmo to bo
reported when tho other should havo
been. In tlio syBtom there might be
eight or ten cars with tho samo num
ber, and of tho small initials of Indi
vidual ownership wore left out of a
report there was no way of telling
whnt car was really meant. J
How Confusion Arose. '
For example, take tho number
2015. It was a gondola car on the j
Northern Conoral, tho Buffalo and
Allegheny Valloy, tho West Jersey
and Seashore; It was a boxcar on
tho Philadelphia, Baltimore & Wash
ington, tho P., C, C. & L., and tho
Erlo and Pittsburg; and It was a
coko car on the Pennsylvania Rail
road propor. If somo agont sent In .
a report on "Pennsylvania, 2015,"
neglecting to mention the smaller
Initials, he might ho reporting on '
any ono of tho seven. '
When a Pennsylvania Railroad
car was reported as a Pennsylvania j
Company car, or when any car was
not reported with all tho lessor do
tails, It caused a vast deal of trouble
and .expense. As n matter of fact,
tho small Initials of Individual own-i
orshlp wero overlooked nnd not re
ported In n majority of cases.
To do away with tho confusion It
was dccldod to ronumbcr tho entire
enr equipment, both cast and west,
assigning to each lessor company In
cluded In tho systom a certain series
of consecutlvo numbers, this series j
being furthor divided so as to Indi
cate kind, clnss and cnpnclty. Tho
result Is that tho number nlono will
toll all thoro nbout a enr to know,
ns it can bo Identified by reference
to tho olllclnl list. I
It Is a vory Intrlcato and complex
Job to got tho now numerals on tho
ears. Tho slzo of It can bo realized
only when ono consldors thnt the
cars of a his: railroad system nro
scattered ovor half tho whole coun
try, many of thorn staying away
from "home" months, oven years.
Hoforo such a ono enn bo ronumbor
0(1, of course, It has to return to
tho Pennsylvania system.
Scheme Working Ihiplilly.
Tho work Is now progressing vory
rapidly. Tho genoral plan for ro
uumhorlng was mappod out In tho
Pennsylvania oil! cos at Altoonn. A
table was made, showing tho origi
nal number of overy car and tho
number it was to rocolve, besides tho
kind, class and cnpnclty. Then copies
of this table wero sunt to agonts nil
ovor tho system, ovory ono being di
rected to look out for unchanged
oars coming Into his territory and .
change them nt once. Tho result of
this scuomo has been that the new J
numbers havo been put on with
grent despatch. j
To tho passenger cars belonging
to tho linos oast of Pittsburg aro
given tho numbers 1 to 7000 nnd to'
thoso belonging to tho lines west of
Pittsburg tho numbers 7001 to 10,
000. Tho freight cars nro numbered
from 10,001 to 500,000 on tho east-'
urn linos and from 500,001 to 999,
999 on tho western lines.
To mnko tho task as onsy as pos
sible It was arranged that tho largest
owuorshlp, numely, tho Pennsylvania
Railroad propor, Bhould carry tho
lowor numbers, This meant that lu
tho now schomo many cars would
fall Into tho propor clnss, without
having to ho rcnumborod,
Thq cars nro to ho repainted, too,
but that Is, of noeossity, much slow
er work than tho renumbering.
There are comparatively few places
whoro It can ho dono, whllo now
numbers cau ho put ou at pretty
nearly any station where thoro Is a
small palut shop. When tho repaint
lng Is douo overy car on tho-eastern
lines will havo tho word 'Pennsyl
vania" ou tho side, above tho num
her, and the letters "P. R .," on
tho ond On tho western lines
"Pennsylvania Lines" will bo tho
legend for tho sldo of a car and "P.
L.M for the ond,
(Continued from first page.)
this city will give us a fair chance,'
wo will build the. road between Port
land and Salem."
This was the statement made this
morning by J. C. Loss ,of the Loss
Construction Company, who owns 92
per cent of the stock otf the United
Railways Company. Mr. Loss was
questioned regarding tho rumors to
tho effect that ho contemplated pe
titioning the city council to revoke
tho franchise for an electric railway
on Front street and other thorough
fares of tho city, and to turn tho sit
uation over to the Willamette Val
ley Traction Company.
Persistent rumors have been
heard for several days that the
United Railways Company would
never build the road, because llnan-
cial backing could not be secured. It
was also said that tho bondsmen
who furnished tho ?100,000 person
al bond that tho road vould bo built
from Portland to Salem and In oper
ation within two years after the
franchlso waB granted, were becom
ing uneasy for fear they would he
compelled to forfeit tho bond.
"Thoro Is no truth whatever to
these rumors," said Mr. Loss. Large
financial Interests, which bellove
that our road will Injure thorn some
what, havo been opposing us. They
will hinder us In every way pos
slblo in securing the proper financial
"I havo personally Invested $105,
000. and It Is unreasonable to be
Hevo that I will glvo up this fran
chise. I bollevo tho project will be
llnanced, and tho road soon under
"Several capitalists Interested are
now In Portland looking over the
field. Another party will soon como
to Portland. I cannot toll you who
thoso men nro as yet.
"This road will not rival any oth
er lino. It will bo commercial In
stead of an urban lino, nnd will pass
through territory which no other
road serves. If the people will let
us, wo will glvo them a first-class
road, and carry out tho provisions of
tho franchise." "
Soven local business men went on
tho bonds of tho United Railways
Company, and they aro in turn guar
anteed from loss by a surety bond
Tho bondsmen, II. C. Wortman, H.
W. Goddard, Joseph M. Healy, Chas.
A. Malarkoy, II. Wlttenborg, W. C.
Morris and II. A. Moore. They ngreo
to Indemnify tho city In tho sum of
$100,000 If tho onttro road Is not
built uud lu operation between this
city and Salem within two years.
Tho franchlso further provides thnt
tho road within tho city shnll be
built nnd In operation within ono
year. Tho franchise becamo effec
tive tho first week In May. No work,
with tho exception of tho laying of
sovoral blocks of track In South
Portland, hns boon dono. This leaves
only seven months tltno In which to
build tho 'outiro line from the south
ern limits of the city to Flnnders
streot, thenco on Flanders to
Cures 7?onians Weaknesses.
Wo refer to that boon to weak, nervous,
fufforlng womon Known us Dr. Plorco's
Favorlto Pre-i'rlptlon.
Dr. .luhn l'yfo one of the Editorial Staff
of Tub Eclectic Mkwcai. Revikw says
of Unicorn rout (IWmlis Dtolctt) which
Is ono of tho chief Ingredients of tho "Fa
vorlto Proscription':
"A roinody which Invariably acta as autor
Ino liiTlirurator makos tor normul ac
tivity ot tho entlro niHixhu-tlvo Kystotn."
llo i-outlmio-t"iu llelnnlas vrv liavoamtHlli-a-mont
which mom fully anmiTt. tho aboro
liuriKi-.M fim uritf utlxr irti(j irlth uhkh I am
acimUntttl. llithu treatment ot dUcaics pe
culiar to wocvmi It U seldom that a vao U
torn which Uot iiiot jiresont omo Indication
for this reimit'al aei-nt," Dr. Kyfo furthor
says; "Tho foiliwlni; aro amotu; tho loadlnj
Indications for lioloula (Unicorn root), l'aln
or achtni: In thn back, with ?lcurorrWat
atonic (weaWronaltlifra of the reproductlTo
organs of Vircvn. uicntn depression and Ir
ritability, rkwvlated wltlichronlc diseases of
ibercnrodijk-'tlve nrvans of women; cunstanr.
actuation vt U at in the rrelon ot the kid
neyst nienprfliasll (Hooding!, duo to a weak
ened conltlo oflho reproductive system:
amcnorTioy") .irArested or absent monthly
DerludiVAKS "rotn or accompanytne an
aunopul cor 'Ion of the dlfestlre organ
and Apiemlc hln blood) habit; drarslng
tensulons in ttia extrcmo lower part of tho
If mora or ' of tha above; STtnt'toma
iMlit't man .tke Ur. I'iorce'iiFtivori t
enttoi wniCT." . Unicorn root, or Ilelonlas,
and tho nui..cal proportlei of which It
Bia-t litiiuiu y represents.
ui women rai root, another prominent
Ingredient of "Favorlto Prescription,"
Prof. Flnlov Elllngwood, M. U.,of Hen
nott Medical l ollcco. Chlcatro. savs:
"It Is an tmi rtant rvniedr In ilUAnlxru nf
tho womb. In all catarrhal conditions
and general oqfivlitenSent, tt Is useful.
Prof. John M. Scudder, M. 1)., lata of
Cincinnati, s .. a of Uoldon Seal root :
"In relation to It general effects on tho
num. Mwi tin tnftikOK in xut atmt wM. a
0ra it iwA ixnrnil uitantmtttf upiiihm. It
Is iiNlremttly regarded as tht tonic useful In
all del41ltai.it xale.'"
Prof, It. L.tholow, M D..of Jefferson
Mexllcal Cwl vr. bays of Oohlon Soal ;
"Valuable -n uterine hemorrhage, nienor
riiagla utooJl. c' and cotuetlT djsiuenor
rhira iMlntjl - NtotruatlonX."
Dr. PioaW Vavorh lrMcrlptlo faith
fully roiHWt-.W nil the above uamd In
ftvllenuaivl iirM thdlieforwBlA
Vmf art moiuanMidod.
Most people' know that if they have
been, sick they need Scott's Emul
sion to bring back health and strength.
But the strongest point about Scoff j
Emulsion is that you don't have to be
sick to get results from it
It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat
on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy
brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre.
vents coughs, colds and consumption.
Food in concentrated form for sick and
well, young and old, rich and poor.
And it contains no drugs and no alcohol
Twelfth street and other' branch
Mr. Loss said that he did not be
lieve that the city could hold the
bondsmen liable for the amount of
the bond, oven If tho road to Salem
was not constructed within two
years. Ho thought that the city
council exceeded its authority when
It -exacted a bond for the construc
tion of a road wlthoutthe limits of
the city, where tho city officials
have no jurisdiction. A bond, how
ever could bo collected for failure to
comply with the requirements of tho
franchlso for a road within tho city
Vomit; Men nml Women Wanted.
We want mon or women represen
tatives In overy community to solicit
subscriptions for us and collect re
newals. It will pay you handsome
ly for what over oftort you give it.
You can earn pin money or a sub
stantia hank account, a tent for
purposes Qf recreation, or a well
appointed homo for your lasting hab
itation. " You can," establish a"-busl-ness
of your own and be Independ
ent of strlkos, lockouts, the whims of
nu exactlng.omployer,' or possibly the
unceasing rush, responsibility nnd
worry of your present executive posi
tion. Your profits will Inprease with
your years if you -are reasonably In
dustrious nnd fast approaching old
age need havo no terrors for you.
An ovor-Increaslng number of
shrewd men nnd women nro taking
ud vantage of the opportunity wo now
offor you.- Seize tho opportunity to
hecomo our exclusive . representative
In your homo county while yet you
havo tho chance. If you fall to strike
now some one else surely will, and
then It will bo too Into for you to
reap maximum profits. We can offtr
you a more liberal contract than
nny other mngazlno If you act quick
ly. Write a postal today, giving
your references. Address me per
sonally, Margaret Hart, Supt, Agency
Dept., Home Magazine, Indianapolis,
Ind. 10-15-eod-3w.
Wild Rose Flour
$1.00 Per Sack
Only Flour sold; In Salem .that Is
made from
It you use Wild Rose, you will not
have sticky bread.
"Make Salem a Good lovf
Steiner's Market.
Dealers in fish, game and poultnl
Highest cash price paid for eg$
Prompt delivery. State street.
Poultry, Eggs. Etc
Eggs Per dozen. 31c.
Butter Retail Country,
30c; creamery, 35c.
Hens 10 c.
Frys 10 c.
GeMe 07c
Ducks SM:9e.
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc.
Now potatoes GOc cvyt.
Onions SOc cwt.
Tropical Traits.
Banana; 5ic per pound.
Oranges $5.00 Q $6.00
Onions 75c cwt.
' Live Stock Market
Steors 3dT3c.
Cows 2 H c.
Sheop 3 ,fc (f 4 c.
Dressed Veal d Cc
Fat Hogs Cc
Stock Hogs 5c
Grain and Feed
Baled Clover $0.00.
Cheat ?-G.00.
Timothy SS.60 'i 19.50.
Oats 30 32c.
Bran SIS.
Shorts $ ID.
Barley 'S1S.00.
Wheat, G5c.
Flour SlflO.
ninnTi.tvn MARKET.
Wheat Club. (Mc, valley, 1
till - rt i n n POn
UlUl.-Dll.lll, uov. .ll!
Oats Choice white, u"
MUlstuff Bran, $14 5
Hay Timothy, nOQW'
Vetch $77.50.
roiaioes auc .
Poultry Average old be , i
13c; mixed chickens, AU"
iiwUC "
young roosiura. -t?- ' .a
22 ttc; geese, live, S(9c;dI
15c; pigeons, ?1U
Pork Dressed, 61 6c
Beef Dressed, 4 5c.
-. .. vft&c
Mutton uresseu, "v ,-flij(
MUJJ8 5UU v..-.---
prime, 13 14c; medluo.
inV A. l,la nnmtnnl.
i-Si;, uiu., . li
Wool Valley, covrto - .
202-lc; Eastern Oregon, i j
Mohair 26 Sic,
Butter Fancy CreM
30; store butter, l"c
niood Poisoning
--..,x- . t,.nte coBf
... j h IJ
which is quicKiy curv - .!
vw T.ir Pllhr. Tbeyr
... .,.,, from tb
poisooiuua ;ci . .ijjff; i
aadHfusa new u " yt,
sour stomach, nauiea. e ,
slsftM and collc nr?;L 1
iumto. 25c GurMf