vMywniyy if , 7n" V DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL,, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1000. A( air D TPQWUCf f.pH,ai?g at.the ends- And l keeps the scalp e" ebblllij gSmJndnur. Stops fsUlnghfflso. A MAN " A WOMAN AND A HOE Threat to Break Her Head She Says Was An Offer of Marriage It has been often snkl "the course of true love never did run smooth." It Is qulto probable that It never will do so to -the extent of acquiring tho habit. A dispatch from Seattle Monday tells of the woes of William Harrison, all caused by love or lack of it. Willie, accord ing to tho dispatches Is aged CI peaceful years, all of which ho has passed all by his lonesome; no woman has hat by his fireside; no children prattled around his knees, or daubed their sticky little Angers Into his "ZIts," or asked him ques tions that ho couldn't answer No, William Is a bachelor and more than that he declares ho is a woman hater Yet, with this apparently un assalble record, William, tho name sake of the hero of Tippecanoe, Is In serious 'trouble, and there Is also a woman In the case. Indeed tho woman Is the whole case. ' Her name is Cora B. Randall, who "fesses up" to being 50, and who yet signs her name Miss and Is, or, as she al leges, was before she mot tho gay Willie, "In maiden meditation fancy free." It Is different now. Cora has brought suit against Willie claiming a breach of promise She alleges through her attorney and In proper legal phraseology, that she met tho giddy William, and that ho with vulpine cunning presented her with a small truck patch near his home in Bym Maw, (get onto tho romantic name) and while she was wrestling with tho stubborn soil In tho laud able effort to produce a crop of ever- blooming mushrooms, Willie felt tho dawning sunlight of lovo In tho attic of his midriff and with mnlico pre pense stormed tho citadel of her affec tlons and mndo iovo to hor. Willlo was no coy lover, despite his inexperience according to Cora's statement. He was not satisfied with making "goo goo eyes." but while she wielded tho hoo In tho truck patch aforesaid slipped through the gate, and his arm around her waist while boldly I told his lovo and then and there ask ed her to marry him. Miss Randall admits that sho was Impressed by his ' ardent wooing and with fluttering I nB3urnnco ,n our own honosty of pur heart modestly consented to unlto an(, trombl,gly search Into her fortunes, fato and truck patch , t Ir,)OS0 ltself t0 SCo whether It with his. Tho wedding day was fix-' ' BJSMHBI Tho Kind You Havo Always iu uso for over 30 years, and has lS-z. Bonnl supervision slneo Its miaiicy. -&CcU4i Allowno ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd"Just-ns-pood"nr- but Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger tho hea.t of In&nta and Children Experience against Expou nt. What is CASTOR I A CastoHa is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nd Soothlnj? Syrups. It is Plcasaut. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoja and WjuU Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach r.nd Bowels, gii Ing healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea- the Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho aTC& The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Year. ut rrua mrttf, T? mi J t T 0r' 1ew lmProvcd formula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes t look rinh t . '. 1.1 "a wii, iaM e? for October of lost year, but Willie realizing that tho pursuit of a thing was more pleasurable than its possession, had the wedding day postponed to April 15, 190G. And then, after the fair one purchased a trousseau and prepared for tho event, Willie got cold feet, and fail ed to come to taw. all of which wounded her feelings', lacerated her heart and destroyed her faith In all manner of man forever. She sizes I up tho damage sustained from tho (collision at JGOOQ. not a tiennv mom or less, and surely she ought to 1 know to a hair tho extent of hor dis aster. I On the other hnnd. Willie denies, reiterates and asseverates ho never said It. Ho declares that ho is a confirmed woninn-hater, that he dis likes womankind In general and Miss Randall In particular. He said, and he swore to It. that ho attended n card party where Miss Randall was a guest, and was asked to take her home, but he feared her then, and was afraid to trust himself with her In the' dark. That ho felt he was In danger, and so, he put her on a street car, deliberately turned her over to a heartless corporation and Incontinently fled. Ho says Miss Randall was persistent and not easily discouraged, that, like the vllllan In tho play, she still pursued him. Ho avers that on one occasion she fol lowed him Into his garden at Byrn Mawr (romantic name, Isn't It), and then and there suggested, asked and beseeched him to marry her. To her entreaties William asserts that he turned a deaf ear, that ho spurned her offer, so to spenk, and chased hor (the only time) out of tho gar den with a hoe. and that Instead of,tho vlsl11 of Hlm ns we Brow lnto asking her to marry him, or consent ing to marry her, ho did on tho oc casion aforesaid threaten to break her head If sho came back. Tho case Is now on trail, and tho horse editor hopes tho best mnn mny win. o From Our Religious Evclmnges. This Is tho truth that we must seize that wo aro answornblo for tho Judgments which our conscience gives. Wo cannot indeed hoi) what It pronounces; for Its pronounce ments aro tho Inovitnblo outcome of our moral and spiritual conditions at the moment; but wo are judged by that which wo so. pronounce, Just becauso wo are responsible for be ing In that particular mornl nnd spiritual condition. If we are blind, wo ennnot help giving wrong Judg ments and heading for tho ditch. i Tint wlir nrn wo bund? Tliai IS . . . .,... tn nn9War. for. Do I wo ask ourselves this question with jreal quivering anxiety? Do wo go '.imnir ininn our sturdv Anelo-Snxon Bought, nnd which 1ms hcen has homo tho slgnntnro of been mndo under ais pcr- Signature of . ..... .IUH..UM. . "- -- Is adequate and enlightened nnd truo to the Divine reality? A pur pose may bo so honest nnd yet bo so fatuous, so stupid, so blinded, so obstinate, so selfish, so cruel, so fatal, so false. And so It comes about that wo walk on blindly into tho ditch, perfectly sntlsfied with the absolute sincerity with which wo go wrong. Rev. H. Scott Hol Innd, D. D., in Tho (London) Church Tlme3. Jesus knew that tho only way In which tho good tidings of the king dom could be spread abroad was through porsounl wltnoss-benrlng on the part of those acknowledging its sovereignty; therefore ho command ed his disciples throughout nil tlmo to display both their doctrines nnd their deeds so clearly that men might see In this humau exhibition tho realization upon earth of his king dom and lovo. Tho moment, how ever, that tho individual follower of tho Master begins an attempt to reallzo this command to let tho light shine, ho Is brought face to faco with the difficulties and tho dignity of his effort; and he learns that tho work to which he has set himself Is bo difficult that ho can only hope to do It through tho gift of graco nnd strength from God himself. Thon ho becomes humble. Ho realizes tho feebleness of his own power nnd the lnslgnlficanco of his own personality. Tho contradiction which seems to In here In self- nssertlon and self-for-getfulness has disappeared In tho practical effort to reallzo tho com mandment to let the light shine. Zlon's Herald. m Not to Intellectual acumen, not to great scholarship, but to purity of Intention and purity of Imagination, to singleness of purpose, cleanness of thought, and tenderness of fool ing, Is God revealed. Wo como to oneness with Him, and wo grow Into oneness with Him by pursuing whnt He proposes. It Is true that wo shall he like Him when wo seo Hlm as Ho Is. it Is also truo that wo seo Him as Ho is only ns wo aro llko Him. "Yo are," says Paul, "tho tom ple of God, nnd tho Spirit of God dwelloth In you. If any ono shnll corrupt tho temple of God, him shnll God bring to corruption." What ever drives God out of His tomploj destroys tho temulo nnd makes It a common edifice. It Is God's temnlo only when God dwell In It, nnd God dwells In It only when, In nsplratlon If not In actual realization, In strong deslro If not nlways In successful ac complishment, the temple is puro. Lyman Abbott, In Tho Outlook. Jostis' supremo gift to tho wlrld was a moral Ideal. He had a vision of mnn at his host, man doing tho perfect will of -God; and tho unique thing with hlm was that ho realized his Ideal. And sq ho becomes tho wny for nil others. Ho Is our Ideal man. In him men see humanity without tho taint of sin. As Emer son Insplrlngly puts It, "Ono man was true to whnt Is In you and mo." Thus Josus opons the door of a groat hopo to all tho children of men. What he Is. we may strlvo toward Rov. Fannie E. Austin, In Tho Unl voraallst Lender. "" To get one's piece of work dono In this world, to find tho truth nnd say It, though tho utterance lead to Gethsomano nnd tho cross this la the concern of tho world's great souls. And whon they hnvo passed, and men catch at last tho actual meaning of their life, thoy bow themselves over tho print of what they now discern to bo DIvIno foot steps. Thoy know that once more "God hath vUlted his people." Tho (London) Christian World. . o Weak. Nervous People. Wo havo ictelved letters from all parts of tho U. S. highly recommend ing Dr. Gunn'a Dlood & Norvo Tonic, until tho faith we had in tho remedy has been fully sustained. Wo had confldenco from tho very beginning that this medlclno should mako cures, but lacked that assuranco that comes after many successful trials. Now that wo have been up. held In our belief wo want to im part to others our confldenco. Ner vous, and unsteady people, weak, fleshless peop!-, pimply, pale, or sallow people aro all victims of weak, watery blood. Mako now, rich blood, to be forced through tho system by tho way of the artorles. and disease cannot remain. This Tonic cures disease by giving you strength to resist It. All druggist sell it for 73c per box, or 3 boxes for 12. Tho tablets are taken after each meat They turs the 00 T(M eat into rich red blood. Persoa who take this Tonic sain in gee solid flesh from 1 to 2 pounds jw -:- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT-:- FOE SALE. I WANTED. f TONSORIAL. For Sale At onco soveral thousand new Oregon strawberry plant, $2 per thousand. Inqulro F. A. Sut ton, Routo 4. Phono Sub. 97. 10-23-3t lor Sale Cheap A light team, har ness -and wagon. Call or address F. A. Sutton, routo No. 4. Phono 97 Suburbnn. 10-23-3t For Sale Parker shotgun, hnmmor less, 16 gauge; Winchester car bine, 25-35, peep sights, both gUns nearly new. Llewellen settor, well broke. W. E. Conner, Wlllamotto otel. 10-19-tf For Sale or Trade Owing to poor health, I will clthor sell or trado at a bargain my confectionery store at 12G South Commercial street. G. W. Morrow. 10-12-lm For Sale or Trade. Stock and dairy ranch of 1.C0 ncre3. on C. & E. railroad, one-half mile from town, about 100 acros cleared and in pas ture. Now sovon-room houso, barn, sheep sheds; orchard, out range, springs running tho year round. If you want a good ranch, this is tho ono. Apply to Robort Tnssoll, Elk City, Or. 9-2S-lm FOR RENT. For Rent. Furnished and unfur nished rooms at 790 North Com mercial St. M. A. DIco, Prop. 5-1-tf MISCELLANEOUS. ricnse Pay Up All who owo mo will plenso pay at onco, ns I can not further delay sottloiuont. P. A. Wiggins. 10-10- At Mrs. C. II. Wnlkers 221 Com mercial Btreet, you can got your clothes dyed, cleaned, pressed or repaired. Anything from a pair of gloves to tho most olaborato silk gown. Volvet collars put on, nnd nil goods paid for If Injured. Phono 1245. Butto & Wcnderoth. Flno wino&. liquors and cigars. Wo handlo tho celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constnntly on draught. South Com mercial Btrcct. 9-3-lyr Rnlcm Iron Work. Foundors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other bread, yet tho prlco Is no higher. For salo at your grocor'a -. -- CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. At the Old Stand Sam Cnsto an nounces thnt ho Is Btlll at tho old fctand, nt tho fair grounds, pro parcd to break or train horses for road or track. Prices roasonahlo, and satisfaction guaranteed. Also lino rond horso for salo. 10-12-tf Business Opportunity. A manager to tako charge of olllco nnd also do road work In connection with magazlno subscription agency es tablished 20 years, doing a busi ness of $200,000 per year. A person who Is responsible and ox prcsslvo In meeting pcoplo and canvassing, who will not object to appointing agonts and working with them in his territory. To such a person wo will pay a month ly salary, a commission, and also a further interest in tho business of said torrltory that will bring in a permanent return and Incomo. Address The Homd Magazlno, Box 40 Indianapolis, Ind. 0-2C-cod-Cw SALEM HOP DEALERS. ivrt'i uro. urowora of and oca era in hops, Salem, Orogon. Phona 121. Office ovor Salem State Dank, 115 Commercial street. O. C. Donoraii Hop merchant; rep resents boat Arms in America. Cor ner Commercial and State streets, Salem. Phono Main 137. ZJVSR7 AND HALE 8TABLBS. y 18 TUB PHOXB NUMJJK OP ML L. HARKOD. PJtOPJtTJBTOK. 271 0HEMXKBTA 6TKKST. BASH AND DOOR FAOTORITJS, u JHsnuracturw o sash, lxrf, Moulding. All klads of kouM fiolih sad hard wood work. Txoni street, bet. Stats sad Cteurt. O UBV a K9 art. S. Jm. . Wanted Boy 12 to 16 years old, who will do chores for good homo nnd opportunity to go to Bchool. Call at Journal ofllco. 10-24-3t Wanted. At tho Salem dyo works, immediately, n first-class pressor, woman proforrcd, 221 South Com mercial St. 10-23-3t. Wanted. A lady or a small family to keep houso on a smnil farm In tho country. Call or address tho Capital Journal. 10-24-3t Wanted. Two furnished house keeping rooms. Call' Main 332. 10-23-3t Wanted Ono largo, furnished room, closo In, by mnn and wlfo; no children. Address caro Journal X. M. 10-23-3t Agents Wanted. Agonts, mnlo or fomnlo, mako big money soiling our goods. Wrlto for cntaloguo. If you want to buy for your own uso, our prices will astonish you. United Manufacturers Mall Order Co., 127 Front stroot, Now York City. 10-20-2w Wnntcd. A placo whero h young boy can work for his bbard and room and go to school. Addrosa Wlllamotto Unlvorslty. 9-24-tf LOST. ijosi uoiweon aniom and Suorldnn n 22 Winchester repeater rldo. Sultnblo reward for return of samo to this ofllco. 10-15-2w LODQE& foresters of America Count Shor.wood Forcstors, No. 10. Meets Tuesday ia Hurst Imll, Stnto stroot. U. S. Rider, O. R.; A. L. Brown, F. 8. Oontral Lodge No. 18, K. of P, Castle Hnll in Ilolmnn block, corner State ami Liberty strools. Tuosdny of each wcok at 7:30 p. in. J. G. Graham, C. C; W. I. Stnley, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America. Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 52-10. Meets ovory Thursday evonlng at 8 o'clock In ilolmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V, O F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmon of World. Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, in Holman hall. F. It. Cappor, O. O. P. L. Frazlor, Clark. DRAYMEN. It. O. CuiniultiH Succossor to Whlto Cummins, oxpross, dollvory nnd transfor lino. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Furnlturo and plnno moving n specialty. Stand at 150 South Commorclnl street. Phono 17C. Rcsldunco phono 0GS. 8-4-tf "MUfiftO STUDIOlT Musical Studio. Frank K. Churchill, Musical Studio, assoclato tcachor Wostorn Consorvntory, Chicago, III., roprosontlng Intor-Stnto Sys tem at Salem, Oregon. Diplomas grantod upon completion of -course In tho opora Houso building, rooms 8 and 9. Studio hours, 9 to 12, and 2 to C. 0-8-tf I E. Newberry. Grndunto Chicago Musical College pupil of Rudolph Ganz, two yenra with WHInmotto Unlvorslty, has opened music stu dio, rooms 9 nnd 10, In I. O. O. F. Tomplo. Hours 9 to C. Business hours 1 to 3. 10-17- e VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. E, J. Young, Veterinary Surgeon ..and dentist, 33 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Difficult sur gical operations a specialty. Phone 681. Office at Club Stables, Phone 7, Salem, Oregon, 80-tf PLUMBERS. lico. fli. narr riumuing, not water and steam heating and tinning, 1C Commercial stroot. Phone Main 192. 9-1-ly M. JT. Petzel Plumbing, steam and as fitting. Sucecsior to Knox I Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phono Main 17. A. L. rmet Successor to Burroughs k Frazer, plumber and tinner, Manu facturer of eopjwT and galvanized Iron cornice, and metal skylights, 105 State street, 'Phono 1811. O8TB0PATII8. srnrvt55Tuttroiiuir ville, Mo,, under founder of otte. patby. Room 21 Breymsa bldg., Commercial rtreet. Phose 87. Resi dence COO State, cor. Cbureb. Pboae lilO. Cheats acute and ohrontc dls esses. Examination free. Dr. W. L. Mereer. Graduate of Xirks ville, Mo usder founder ef eetee Iiatby, Rooms 25-26 Bfeaus bldg., Cowameisl St. Pbeie 919. Ki i1ik i9 North guauae? street. Fltese f 14. Treats suite aa4 esreaU dims, Xxanlaatles free. Evans' Barber Shop. Tho only first clnss barber shop on Stato Etreet; everything now and up to date. Finest porcolnln boths In the city. Shaving 15c, hnlrcuttlng 25o, bnths 25c. Two first-class boot blacks. C. W. Evnna, prop. 8-9 tnstjhtcxee: Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension Insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid, Good agonts wanted. J. H. O. Montgomory, aupromo organlsor, Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R, R, Ryan, socrctary, G4G Stato stroot. NEW AND SECttNIMIANP GOODS. Now nnd Second-Hand Goods. Bought nnd sold, 'also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, dish es, grantto nnd tinware of all kinds' Glvo us a call. O. L, McPeek, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly WATER COMPANY. OFFICE CITY KALL. For water service apply at efflee. Bills payable monthly In advance Make all complaints at the office, General ..Machine Works. E. M. KiailTLINGEH, Machinist nnd Manager. 178 South Liberty St. WE IIUILI) ANYTHING THAT CAN HE MADE FROM IRON OR STEEL. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WOIUCMEN EMPLOYED. General Repairing Solicited 9-19-lm For Vetch and Clover Seeds Call on Tillson & Co. 151 High at UseJ. . . 3& Self Rising B. B. B. Flour. Ask your grocer for it. m ewaaawtu Gold Dust Flow 1 Mndo by TID3 SYDNEY FOW- $ ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family use. Ask your grocrr for it. Bran and shorts alwuys on hand. P; B. Wallace AGENT MM MM White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Is preparod to accomodate any sized crowd at any time of the day or night. Phone Main 198 ' State St. Meals served- at all hours. Oregon City Logging Shoes In High Tops In Low Tops Wrraritd , to be WaUrf ri for Sale By JACOB vogt vhIc