Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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jlltilllf ! WWI WWW !"
and Woman's Department
tO9-l-Vl T ' ---
Prominent Roseburg People Wed.
Ono of tho pretty family wcddlngB
In RoseburK In the autumn season
was that of Miss Ruth Hamilton,
daughter of Judge and Mrs. J. W.
Hamilton, to Elbert B. Hermann, thd
youngest son of Hon. Blnger Her
mann, of Roscburg, which took place
at tho Hamilton residenco Wednes
day evening.
Tho brido is a native dnughtor of
Roseburg and is a lender In the so
cial set. Mr. Hormnnn Is one of
Roseburg's fliiccesHful young law
yers, and Is rnpidly building up a
Jucrntlvo practice. The young couple
nro spending' their honeymoon In
Married litis t Night.
ThQ wedding of .Miss Lou Arm
strong .and Mr. LeRoy Buckingham
took placd at 8 o'clock last evening,
In 'thd "presence of a number of rela
tives and friondB, Rov. P. S., Knight
Tho young couplo left on tho lato
train for Los Angolca nnd other Cali
fornia points to spend their honey
moon. L o
Some of the I'lilirlcM That Will B
L'kciI In Xlilrt Viilnt.
Yen, we are going to have shirt
waists again, or, rat iter, still, for there
nro llternlly thousands of new designs
nnd Uluds. Most of them are mudo
rather closer to the llgure than they
were. Tin o Ih little Hupcriluotis ma
terial In tlvin to bag down In front
or bo tucked Into a lump under tho
belt below the waist line. Haute of
thum are almost entirely sttug fitting,
with Just what fullHesB would natural.
Jy be taken up In darts gut here.! at tho
front. Thin gives thum a much neater
and prettier finish. Only the very
sheer Milks nnd batistes for dressy
wear are made full. Such materials
from their very nature need tho ex
tra gathers to maUe thorn perfect.
Just now we will not bpeak so much
of tho thin waists, for those we have
had all summer, and they may bo worn
until quite late In tho season, but of
tho new, warmer ones which wo shall
nil bo gbul to have before long. Tho
shops are full of the prettlwt and most
serviceable Scotch llannuls In dainty
stripes, tiny checks or entirely plalu.
Rut howsoever a Scotch flannel Ib de
signed the material Is always the santo
fine, solid, unshrinkable and fadeless.
This tlaunol Is the' best or all tho stuffs
shown this season. The majority of
tho colors are delicate, but there are
more decided ones for lhoo who want
them. Bouie of tho waists made of
this havo deep cuffs delicately cm.
broldorcd along tho cuffs, collar and
tho fold down the front. Many of
thotn have tluy pockets for watches,
Tito bishop sleeve prevails, but for.
droisy waists It is cut short and tho
upturnod elbow cuff Is highly orna
mented. The lino castle braids are as
popular as before perhaps more so In
tho garnishing of these woolen waists,
Thero Is absolutely no limit to tho
variety of these braids, and all are
lovely. Home are extremely rlch-so
rich. Indeed, that they are considered
suitable to trim silk and velvet.
Many of the different woolen waists
and there tiro many of silk and wool
mixtures and also cashmere, mohair
nnd no ono knows what till have addi
tions In tho way of lace tippllquo In
omo form or another. iJieu chemi
settes, which are mado to go on tho
. outsldo of tho waist In a V point with
tho high collar trimmed with a lino of
tho same kind of lace, tiro nlglily
prized JUHt now because they nro quite
mw. rvep cuw mot mot h
tfeer kind of ke applln-r m t
Kit tho uw of p4alta m mitwtt
parttotw of Uw waUt hi qH w vt
-- - . eaifjm'o-Bcv'oru-l mirrow
ones or two wide ones or oven two
half length Gibson plaits from the
shoulders. One fetching design is In a
flannel of pale tan, scarcely more titan
biscuit, tho sleeves tho regulation af
fairs, with cuffs to button. There Is a
line of raised embroidery down tho
front plait nnd around the high collar.
Several plaits down the front ndd to
its dressiness. Plaits In flnnnel or any
kind of wool goods nro really hand
some as trimming.
Some of tho soft grays, tans, resedas
and tender Itellos are certainly very
enticing in these waist materials. Tiny
pearl buttons help to trim some of
them. Mtidras with a downy surface
Is seen, nnd, In fact, thero are too
many kinds of material to mention.
Ono pretty thing wns of navy blue cot
ton flannel with a nap cut so close that
It looked like velvet
Of the silk waists one may say they
nro too many to describe in detail, but
they nro made up after the same gen-t-ral
deslgu and nro trimmed with ens
tie braid to match or decidedly con
trast with the color. Plaid silks arc
made for most Of the waists Intended
for ordinary wear, and for street they
nro liked better than tho plain silks,
always, of course, excepting black.
Black silk In tho rich and heavy
qualities of bygone days Is now decid
edly in vogue. The styles In tho cut
of skirts have seriously Interfered with
the wearing of good silks, but now,
with tho advent of simpler lines, It
becomes an economy to get a good silk.
The American silks surpass all others
In real value, as many of the foreign
nnd even some of the domestic silks
nro weighted with alne, glucose, sugar
of lead, glue uud, in fact, so many
things to make If appear all that one
could desire that It Is Hinnll wonder
women havo almost discarded silk In
favor of moro reliable stuffs.
llet Iliialjnnil'n Aunt Huy They Do
Not 1Vunt Any Moro Like llcr.
"1 think about the greatest nuisance
a man can havo around tho house Is n
woman who postpones," remarked old
Mrs. Shnmlelgh as Bho Inspected
through her lorgnette tlio arrangement
of the bride's sitting room.
Tho bride took her remark person
ally. "I never do!" sho observed with
"That's right my donr. 1 don't be
lieve you dv either. My nephew Jack
would not have been likely to select
another woman of that typo. Ho suf
fered enough with his first wlfo In that
Tho old lady helped herself to a gen
erous cup of ten and proceeded with
her reminiscences.
"You must havo seen your predeces
sor's photograph ahem my dear, and,
whllo sho was one of those soulful, ethe-
tvttl blonds with till that kind of pret
tluess, she had n weak chin. If I wero
n man I wouldn't intirry tho moat at
tractive wouiau going, if she had a
wvak chin, They hadn't Ikhhi married
four months beforo thiugs began to go
nil wrong In the housekeeping and all
Iwauso she dldu't haw tho get up and
go In her to do things right away. Sho
always put off until tomorrow, Tho
worst thing she did was to keep a
hundred dollars overnight In tho house
without depositing It lu the bank, as
Jack told her to do, nnd tho'result was
It disappeared nnd no ono knows to this
day who stole It.
'Vou always hud to ask her at least
th'rvo time to do' things, and If you
want h1 sotuethlav? doiwby Saturday
you nsked her Monday,
"Her wry death was caused by post
poning. She had a cough, and she put
elf going to the doctor until It was too
late and site had consumption. Oto,
Am't talk to uip. my dr. We haw
bad all tho pcwtiwnera w want la tMa
fatally," concluded tho old ky a rfw
roM and shook the crawl from m
Mack allfc skirt KUNO WWTT,
Whitman College Defeated
Willamette in Score of
Ten to Five
Tho Missionaries defeated the Pol
iticians on tho Willamette grounds
yesterday in a clean and pretty,
though colorless game of football In
n score of 5 to 11.
Tho resiTlt wns somewhat of a sur
prise, as it Is admitted by those who
know that the Salem players, tnken
Individually, nro more than matches
for tho sons of Marcus.
Thorough organization, constnnt
training and Intelligent coaching did
tho work for tho boys from the sage
brush. All these seems lacking In
tho Wlllametto team, which has
Bomo s'plendid material, but each fel
low was practically allowed tp play
on his own hook. Laird, the Whit
man coach, was cool nnd confident
all the time. Ho has Just cause to
bo elated, as the effect of his master
training wns visible at all times dur
ing the game.
Willamette's coach, C. O. Boyer,
retired dean of the normal college,
did not know what position he would
piny his men fifteen minutes before
tho gnmo wns called.
W. Lair Thompson, of Albany, was
rofcree. He Is onto his Job. Ho Is
perfectly familiar with the now ns
well ns the old miles. Bishop, of Sa
lem, and Laird, of-Walla Walla, were
Salem docs not enthuse over foot
ball. Only n sprinkling of rootors
gnthered on the field nnd pressed
their toes to tho heated rim of the
It is clnlmed that -Whitman was
only fooling in tho first half of the
enmo. nnd that all tho tlmo the
Wnlln Walla players were resting,
saving themselves for tho gnmo with
Multnomah. However, they deny
this, and say they played their best.
Wlllametto had the best of the
first half, nnd her touchdown came
thon. Rader failed to kick tho goal,
nnd her points were kept down to
five. Walla Wnlln did all her work
In tho Becond hnlf. nnd for nbout 15
minutes wnked up and plnyed as
pretty ball as tho most enthusiastic
could desire.
Lounsbury, Nace, Owens nnd Mc
Knlght did tho best work for Salem.
This Is no reflection on tho other
boys' cnpaclty, and all the tenm
needs to make it n winner Is woll-
dlrcctcd practice.
Phllbrook, Spagler and Ditcher
woro tho stnr players. Rador nnd
Colomnn woro In good shape and de-
Borvo credit.
Fashionable Mim-lugc.
Providence. R. 1., Oct. 25. In St.
Stephens Eplscopnl church hero to
day tho marrlngo took plnce of Miss
Hope Sheploy, dnughtor of Col. Geo.
L. Shepley, nnd Mr. Henry Hollester,
of Now York. Tho mnrrlage was ono
of the fnshlonnblo ovonts of the sea
Bon. Hurry
Hurry, like a cyclone, whirls
you along at a rate that
quickly exhausts your energy,
and leaves you a nerveless,
wretched, broken-down phys
ical wreck.
Worry accomplishes the
same results in another way.
It drags you through the dark,
gloomy tunnel of forbodings,
wrecks your nerves and breaks
down the constitution.
Then don't hurry; don't
worry. Hut you will; and
your nerveless, exhausted con
dition brings headaches, neu
ralgia, heart, stomach, liver
and kidney troubles. The thing
to do is: Strengthen the nerves
with Dr. Miles' Nervine.'
"Six months I wm ttlfat with
nrroua rrotrutlon. I had slnMnx
er41, & cold, rlamy realtor, couldn't
Unit th Ughtet noise. At times
I '-would abuoct fly to piece; stomach
very wwxk. My huataml InrUted on
wy UUt)r Dr. Mllea' Nervine, and I
t"Kn to improve before I had BnUhe4
tho am bottle, and to-day 1 am en
tirety cured."
3lt Mudfton St, TtAn. a
Dr. Mtta NtrvtM It told by your
(IruMfet, vibe will guirantt that t
taHitttta R heftMH. If U fU. fc
Uim Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Do Your Meals Fit ?
Do You Feci Snug nnd Comfortable
Around Your "Wnlst Line After
n Hearty Meal?
Did your last meal taste dellcious-
lv cood to you, nnd did you eat all
you wanted? Could you have pat
ted vour rotundity In glee and felt
proud of your appetite, nnd of your
good strong stomach? Do you reel
rosy now because you last meal gave
you no Inconvenience whatever? If
not. you have dyspepeola in some
form, and probably never realized it
If you have the least trouble In
your stomach after eating, no mat
ter how little or how much you eat,
there is trouble brewing, and you
must correct It at once.
Most all stomach troubles come
from poor, weak, scanty gastric juice
that precious liquid that ought to
turn your food Into rich, red blood.
If you have nausea, your gastric
juice is weak. If you have sour ris
ings or belchlngs, your food Is fer
menting; your gastric juice is weak.
If you have a blonty feeling of aver
sion to food, yo'ur gastric juice is
You need something in your stom
ach to supply the gastric juice which
is scanty, and to give power to tho
weak gastric juice. Stuart's Dys-
pepesla Tablets do this very thing.
Now think one grain of one of
the Ingredients of these wonderful
little tablets digest 3000 grains of
food. They are several times more
powerful thnn the gastric juice In n
good, strong, powerful stomach,
Besides, they incrense the flow of
gastric juice, just what you need to
get all the good possible out of every
thing you eat. You will never have
that "lump of lead" In your stom
ach or any other stomnch trouble
after taking Stuart's Dyspepesla Tab
lets. Then everything you eat will
be digested, It will give you strength,
vim, energy and a rosy disposition.
You'll feel sood all around your
wnlst line after every meal, and It
will make you feel good all over.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will
make you feel happy after eating a
good hearty meal. Take one or two
after eating. You'll feel fine then
your meals will fit, no matter what
or when you eat.
We want to send a sample pack-
ago of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
freo of charge, so you can test them
yourself nnd be convinced. After
you havo tried the sample, you -will
bo so satisfied that you will go to the
nearest drug store and get a 50c
Send up your name and address
today and we will nt once send you
by mall a sample package free. Ad
dress P. A. Stuart Co.. 52 Stuart
Illdg., Marshnll, Mich.
Slaughter House Case.
Tho case of the City of Portland
ngalnst J. H. Cook nnd others, np-
pealed from the district court of
Multnomnh county, wns argued In
tho supremo court yesterdny after
noon. Tho case Is known ns the
"Slaughtor house" ense, and Is of In
terest to every town In tho state.
Tho defendants nnd nppellants were
found guilty of vlolntlng n munici
pal law In killing animals lnsldo tho
city limits; tho case was taken from
the munlclnnl to tho district court
nnd then npponled to tho supremo
court. The city won In tho two low
er courts.
No other remedy on earth Is so
good for children ns Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea; makes them
eat, sleep and grow. Bright eyes,
rosy cheeks. Tea or Tablets, 35
cents. Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Couldn't make an announcement
that would please the publie better
than when we tell them that their
laundry work will be done to perfec
tion and the Salem Steam Laundry
can't be competed with anywhere l
tho counter for the perfection of iti
work on linen, silk or woolens. We
defy competition in this line, became if
here were any better methods we
would havo them at once. Try the
Salem Steam Laundry, Prices right.
CMttMl J. OfakHHd, Prof,
7K0XX &. 136-1M tL XJbtt i
Oregon Pine, Ash
The above cut shows our brick
lined Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar
anteed gas and dust proof. Econom
ical nnd durable: for the particulars
Inquire at
258 State Street.
Estimates furnished on heating.
Trnhis From nnd to ynquliin.
No 1
Leaves Yaqulna 6:55 A.M.
Arrives at Corvnllls ....10:40 A.M.
Arrives at Albany 11:40 A.M.
No. 2
Leaves Albany 12:20 P.M.
Lenves Corvallls 1:20 P.M.
Arrives nt Yaqulna 5:45 P.M.
Trains to nnd From Detroit.
No. 3-
Leaves Albany 7:30 A.M.
Arrives at Detroit 12:30 P.M.
No. 4
Leaves Detroit 1:0Q P.M.
Arrives at Albany .... 5:55 P.M.
Trains for Corvnllls.
No. 8
Lenves Albany 7:55 A.M.
Arrives nt Corvallls . .'. . 8:35 A. M.
No. 10
Lenves Albany 3:50 P.M.
Arrives at Corvnllls 4:30 P.M.
No. 6
Leaves Albany 7:35 P.M.
Arrives at Corvallls .... S: 15 P.M.
Trains for Albany.
No. 5
Leaves Corvnllls 6:30 A.M.
Arrives nt Albany 7:10 A.M.
No. 9
(Leaves Corvallls 1:30 P.M.
Arrives at Albany 2:10 P.M.
No. 7
Leaves Corvnllls 6:00 P.M.
Arrives nt Albany 6:40 P.M.
No. 11
Leaves Cqrvnllls 11:00 A.M.
Arrives nt Albany 11:42 A.M.
No. 12
Leaves Albany 12:45 P.M.
Arrives at Corvallls 1:33 P.M.
All of the above connect with
Southern Pacific Company tralns.both
jot Albany and Corvallls, ns well as
train for Detroit giving direct service
to Newport and adjacent beacltes,
as well as Breltenbush Hot Spring.
For further Information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agt.
B. H. BOLES, Agent, Albany.
Southern Pacific Time Card, Effective
Saturday, Aug. 18.
Toward Portland Train Arrives,
No. 1C 5:30 a. m., Oregon ex
No. 14 8:23 a. m Cottage Grove
No. -12 4:43 p. m., Oregon ex
No. 222 11: IS a. m through
fast freight.
No. 226 11:55 a. m., local way
freight. Departs 12:45 p. m.
Toward San Francisco.
No. 15 10:56 p. m., California
No. 13 6:23 p. m Cottage Grove
No. 1110:38 a. m., California
No. 225 11:25 a. m local way
freight Departs at 11; 55 a. m.
No. 221 3:20 a, m., through fast
L4Uat Ak yomt Dcvnte feci
,u4 faM.amllr tiM. mM
w iC. Witaiii-i H rr
ar 4 ra DnaMM k&l ukT2
President. Sec and Treaj.
Chas. K. Spaulding
Logging Co.
Manufacturers of ,
and Maple Lumber
Wild Rose Flour
$1.00 Per Sack
Only Flour sold In Salem that li
made from
If you use Wild Rose, you will not
havo sticky bread.
Spent wisely Is the source of much
satisfaction. Why not spend a little
of It wisely now buying groceries oi
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Harritt & Lawrence.
Second-hand buggies, wagou
and carriages; pay cash for same.
Wo also hnvo room to store about
100 buggies for the winter.
Pohle & Bishop
Corner of Liberty and Ferry
streets, Salem, Or. 10-3-lm
Jtist Received
Ono car of American wire fecct
Special price till October 25th. Lot-
est price. Highest quality. Shingles.
Malthold roofing, gates, posts, etc.
250 Court St. Bales. Oil
Corner of Seventh and Stark du
Portland, Oregon.
The new and modern hotel of W
Caters particularly to rwldenU rt
lera nnd other Oregon cities. EwoP
plan.. Free bus. Rate """?
and upward. Handsomest P
West, and prices as low u la Y
i .uM.iM TinUv Capital
oii file. ma
H. S- Gile & Co.
Wholesale Grocers and Co
missiuu ! pi
In the market at "". d
dried fruit and farm proau"
m. .- - in a few appl'PVl
lng and slicing machines;
. . . ..in maM '
for a large aryer. - -
P D'.Zffiari' W(
Men and teams wanted W 1
laraette Construction ti
ply at office. Ladd & Bush Uj4f
Ing, upstairs. --
Brick fBrateked te W J J
qaiiBtltles. ITessoa
order. Ytard oh "
of FettReKttery. -
V. rHNiMjHt, f fc