' yr -3Wjm? , rtpny- -- ' I ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALESL OREGON, THURSDAY", OCTOBKR 23, 1000. I m 7 "HTVRW-TTV & High Grade High Price-. Paeltd in Full Mtatur Sokm i6oxs Always I 1AQ on I IMILLA rfc 1 J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco fj EXTRAORDINARY Grand Opera House Friday Evening, Oct. 26, '06 OPENING CONCERT DIl. It. A. HERITAGE, Basso Cantantc. ARTHUR VOX JESSEX, Concert Pianist. A SUPERB PROGRAM Or the Rest Classics. Popular prices, 25 and 50c. office open Friday at 9 a. m. Box State News Burglars are numerous In Pendle ton. A benr weighing 400 pounds wns killed at Goshen, Lane county, Tues day. A Xew York man Is planning to erect n $10,000 laundry plnnt at Xorth Bend. The Eugene high school football team plays their first game of tho season with Albany Saturday. Tho Allen Fruit Company, of Eu gene, will begin tho work of packing apples on a largo scale soon. Frost has killed a largo lot of tho toma Uis, so the run will bo short. Mrs. George F. Cronor, of Eugene, 13 going to build tho famous "Log Cabin" hotel on tho McKenzie, which Aas destroyed by flro recently. A sugar beet weighing 14 pounds and over three feetin clrcumforenco is shown at Pendleton, and is a fair sample of the enormous growth of bcts In that region this year. A "-months-old Indian child was f nind dead in its bed with its parents- at a Pendleton lodging house Tues da morning, having died from suf focation. Grants Pass is to have a stirring i wai meeting some time soon. Four of tho leading churches will unite and hire somo noted ovangel ist A tabernacle to seat 1000 peo ple will bo put up. F A. Page, of the firm of Toozo & Page, of Woodburn, Tuesday bought 102 bales of the J. C. and W. J. Bushnoll lot of hops at Eugene, pay ing 10 cents. A contract for handling 200 tons or more of freight between Baker city and Cornucopia was tho diroct 'full of tho visit of John E. Searles, the millionaire owner of tho Cornu copia mines of Oregon, Monday. " J. Sewell. former manager of tho Potlatch Lumber Company, at Pendleton, has been charged with the embezzlement of $1293, and a arrant Is out for his arrest. Ho cannot bo found at present, and It is thought he has left tho country to avoid detection. o Saved Ills Life. J W. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky rites, June 14, 1902: "I want to tell you i believe Ballard's Snow Liniment saved ray life. I was un der tho treatment of ' two doctors, nd they told rae one of. my lungs as entirely eone. and the other badly affected. I also had a Mump a my side. I doa't think that T ould have lived over two month wnger, I was laduced by a frlead to try Ballard's Sew LlaUnMt. The Ttt KDDlltatfna n bib rrMt re- P1; two 50 ceat bottles cured e i"4 aud well. u u a woDdM-ful madteJae aad I reaaeBd It to wfteriag hnaalty. TODAY'S CURRENT EVENTS What the Progressive Teachers Are Doing To Teach the Children About the World in Which They Live A feature of Tho Capital Jonrnni that is attracting the attention nf educators Is the DAILY" CURRENT ia EMS SUMMARY, published in this paper. It Is being used In tho public schools by a number of wide awake teachers, who find it a prac tical help to interest the children in tho affairs of tho world, and at tho same time they are teaching good, practical English, geography and po litical economy. But tho best of all they are calling attention to tho pro gress and development OF THEIR OWX STATE. Tho followlnc teach ers have adopted this plan of teach ing current events from tho daily newspaper, and are using The Capi tal Journal for this purpose, at tho same time adding tho paper to tho school library and reading roem: Xame. Town. Xo. Punlls Alice E. Hitter, Oregon City 4C Agnes Hartnell, Clackamns .... 15 Eliza Burns, Canby 20 H. C. Seymour, Milwauklo ....147 Forest E. Dunton, Aurora 29 H. H. Belt, Xorth Yamhill 144 Clarence Clemenson, Dundee ...100 L. F. Anderson, Buttevlllo 31 Eva Smith, Oregon City 15 Alblna Thlbert, Oregon City 27 There are other schools using tho current events ns printed In this paper, and In all nearly a thousand children are getting In touch with the dally affairs of the world In this manner through the columns of Tho Dally Journal. Principal Seymour, of the Milwauklo schools, endorses this plan heartily In the following letter to tho publishers: Hofer Bros., Salem, Oregen: Dear Sirs: In regard to current events, will say I have been using current events In my school work for several years, and 1 find they aro OF MUCH HELP TO THE PUPILS, as they bring him Into everyday affairs of tho civilized world, and ho learns to depend more upon hlmsolf. I think your plan of A DAILY" CUHHEXT EVENTS PAPEIt FOR THE SCHOOL HOOM IS JUST THE THING NEEDED. At present It re quires a great amount of tho pupils' tlmo to find or look up articles In tho large dally papers. o- Wood Poisoning Results from chronic constipation, which Is quickly cured by Dr. King's Xow Life Pills. They remove nil polsonlous germs from tho system and Infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nausea, headache, diz ziness and colic, without griping or discomfort. 25c. Gurantced by J. C. Perry's drugstore. -o May Vernon, a performer In a vaudeville theatre In Portland, was stabbed by Fred Butler Tuesday night, because sho had allowed an other man to escort her home. ' o 8100 Reward, flOO. Tho readors of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is nt least ono dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Us stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to tho medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional diseases, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intornally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing fts work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F, J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. Bold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. o The Enterprise brewery, owned and operated by Ott Bros., at Enter prise, bwned last Friday night. Biinjti A W w ' g CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for the Public Schools nnd tho Family Circle. The government Is sending troops of cavalry to Wyoming to force tho Uto tribo of Indians back upon their reservation. Senator Clark, of Montana, will not seek re-election at the hands of the Montana legislature. Ho is building railroads. Statistics just published show that In 1905, 1G5S gods and S1.312 horses wore slaughtered and, consumed as food in Prussia. Women suffragists who Invaded tho house of commons in England were nrrested for rioting, and have been sentenced to Jail. Attorney-General Moody, of Mnssa chusetts, Is to bo appointed to fill a vacancy on the supremo court of tho United States. Tho supreme court of Illinois has decided that tho Chicago city rail way must provide sufficient enrs and seats for all who wish to ride. Tho newspapers of Japan aro showing resentment nt tho nntl-Jap-nneso feeling growing up in Califor nia and threaten that state with a boycott. The total immigration from Eu- ropo to this country this year may reach 1,400,000, surpassing nil pre vious records. Mild weatheV is mitigating tho dis tress from a coal and wood famlno in Eastern Oregon. Chnmplon Edgecoto Peer, a Port land bull terrier dog, wns given tho highest award In nil classes nt tho national dog show at Philadelphia. Tho gold produced at Nome, Alas ka, tho past year was $G, 000, 000, and about $12,000,000 was expend ed in mining oporntlons. Tho Amerlcnn Civic Association hns adopted a plan for taxing tho billboards out of exlstenco In tho largo cities. BLANKETS MADE IN SALEM FROM OREGON WOOL Wc sell blankets, robes and doth direct from the manufacturers. No middle man commission for you to pay. Every pair guaranteed, Prices: $3.40 to $12.00 A Beautiful Line of Ladies' Dress Goods WE HAVE A FEW DAMAGED AND SINGLE BLANKETS AT SPECIAL PRICES. SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE mJW THE PHILHAHMOXIO. A Largo Chorus to Homier tho Messiah" to Ho Organized Xet Monday Evening. I COMPANIES ORGANIZE. 1 X Articles of Incorporation I Granted Enterprises Backed T by Oregon Capital. J1 1 ' I1 9 9 I 9 Jnniijiij g Qi fi I ! gi fnfif if f Tho foliowiiiB companies filed ar ticles of Incorporation In tho olllco of tho socrotary of stato this merning: Multnomnh Mill & Construction Company, of Portland; Incorpoia tors, J. Frank Swoboda, Ira Moore, Arthur It. Mooro; capital stock, $15, 000. Xntlonal Transfer & Storngo Com pany, of Poitlnnd; incorporators, A. C. Mcintosh, M. B. Mcnchnm, San derson Reed; capital stock, $1.00. Crystal Bottling Company, of Port land; Incorporators, S. F. Lee, II. S. Sook. A. J. Hill; capital stock. ?2000 o The Texas Yioii(1ir. Cures nil kidney, bladder nnd rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mail for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall. 292G Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by Stono's drug stores, dw-'vr All tho singers of tho city nro in vited to como to tho University chapel next Monday ovonlng, October 29th, to orgnnlzo a choral society, which will probably bo called "Tho Philharmonic." Tho plan Is to glvo the "Messiah" nbout Christmas, nnd lot tho proceeds go to somo worthy cnuso. Tho Philharmonic will bo rendy to study enntntas, operas or oratorios. Lot ovory singer consldor this a por sonal lnvltntlon, nnd bo presoht nt tho University chnpol noxt Wednes day ovenlng. . ,-0 Tho nest Doctor. Row P.. C. Horton, Sulphur Springs, Tex., writes, July 19, 1902: "I havo usod In my fnmlly Ballard's Snow Liniment and Horohound Syr up, and thoy havo proved certainly satisfactory. Tho Unlmont is tho best wo havo ovor used for hoad acho and pains. Tho cought syrup has boon our doctor for tho Inst 8 years." Sold by D. J. Fry's drug store. CCL&ffl& Until Irf-gs Cut Off. W. J. Doyle, timekeeper for a Grcok railroad construction crew, lost both less at Cottnge Orovo Wednes day morning by being run ovor by a helpor onglno at a dlvldo four miles south of this city. The timekeeper was ondeavorlng to clear tho track of tho Qreok work men, and was warning thorn of tho near approach of tho englno, which was backing, when ho himself was struck and run over, with tho nbovo result, He was brought to Cottage Grove, and his mangled'' lltnba wortf amputated by Drs. Kino, HockettJ and Best. Tho patient wns perfectly rational, and displayed tho greatest norvo. and. whllo tho chances aro against his recovery, his rugged health and pluck may pull him throuuh. Ho was sent to the South ern Pacific Hospital, at Portland, oo tho afternoon train. O" A Badly BHrncd Girl, or bor. man or woman, la quickly out of paiu if Bucklin'a Arnica Salv$ Is appliod promptly. G. J Welch, of Tekonaha, Mich., says: "I use it In my family for cuts, sores and all skin Injuries, and find It per fect." Quickest pile euro known.. Best healing salvo made. 25c at J C, Perry's drugstore. o TIlAlllfcf yy nH imm Wi WW WWWff PjW Col. J. II. Italoy, of tho law firm of Cartor, Itnloy & Italoy, of Pendleton, hns withdrawn from it, nnd will now dovoto his tlmo to tho Pendleton Savings bank, of which ho Is a lnrgo stock owner. o Cures Winter Cough. J. E. Govor, 101 X. Main St., Otta wa, Kan., writes: "Kvory fall it hns been my wife's trouble to catch a severe cold, nnd thereforo to cough all wlntor long. Lnst fall I got hor ii hnttln nf Hnrchound Bvrun. She used it and has been nblo to sloop soundly nil night long. Whonovor the cough troubles hor, two or three dosos stops tho cough, and sho Is able to bo up and well." 2Dc, COo and 11.00. Sold by D. J. Fry's drug storo. Highest Price for POULTRY AXI) EGGS POTATOES ONIOXS AMI ALL PRODUCE CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St. POLITICAL COLUMN Open for Xotlces of Candidates for nil Ofllces. I THE FIRST OF THE SEASON The Famous California Brand of Sauer Kraut Try Home of tills kraut and seo If It is not tho best you havo ewr cnteu. Mndo from tlio very best of uhlta cabbage. On Mill) at Thei Moir Grocery Company lft(l State St. Phono JH2 Vol era of tho Sixth Wnrtl Resistor nt tho city hall, and save dolny at tho primaries. It Is im portant for good government. Vote for areonbnum, n good biislnoss man, nnd got a good buslnoss admin istration. 10-18-td Eyesight Specialist Special Attention to School Children Eye Troubles CHAS. H. HINGES Graduate Optician. 12!! Commercial Street. t2U A Two Forost Grove Girls, Misses Blda nnd Leva Walker, are teaching' botany nt tho Xebraskn Btato Unl vorslty, nt Lincoln. O' ' Danger from tho Plague. There's grave danger from the! plaguo of Coughs and Colds that aro so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King's Xow Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Walls of Forest City writes: "It's a God send to pcoplo living In climates whoro coughs and colds prevail, I fine It quickly ends them. It preroats pneumonia, cures lagrlppo, gives wonderful relief In asthma and hay fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off consumption, coughs and colds. COc and 11.00, Guaranteed by J. C. Perry's drug store. Trial bottlo free. Because they are not allowed to take their stock across tho Umatilla reservation without paying toll, (he sheep men and cattle men of that section aro complaining bitterly. O" CASTOR I A Tvc lai&aU asi GUUtm. Tfcc KM Ym Kiyi Arwijfj BmcM Smm tk VOU ARi: IXV1TKI) Come and Look Xovcr Iuih our IiuIIcm' hIioo depart iiieut hhmwi hiiiIi beauty In htjle, iit'ivnt'HN as now. The showing In lift entirety coin, pli'to and ImludcH ovory nv, ntjle and vtldtli for n proper lit. We Are Especially Proud of Our Ladies' $3, $3.50, $4 Shoes In Patent Colt uml Patent Kid. They nro twpcdally hltf value nnd iiuiftt bo ftcou to In appreciated. Coiiio to tho "Quality Htoro" nnd you may depend upon our clerks to Kiildo you us to tho latent stylw anil moot IhvoiiiIuk shades. If we sell them they mi-o durable. dLytfS&bc E. L IRVIN & CO. PRACTICAL SHOEMAN REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 326 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON T " kf . J. Trf drug store. t ,y, JL-feg