(j wmwwwwwwwww DAILY CAPITAL JOUTtXAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOI1KR 25, 100(1. Ifi twmmiwutmimi ' GETTING TO IT Sec Next Copy of Journal rttottoitoUrtMMMtrtmfl SATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK OLYCEMXE COLD CREAM CLOVER BLOSSOM WITCH HAZEL LATARLA CASTLE OATMEAL RAY RUJI ROUQUET AUTUMN ROSE l'IXE TAR SOAP FAIRY SUPERCREAM SHAVING SOAP. Arc You Alarmed? rim: alarms Ul'RGLAIt ALARMS SPRINKLING SYSTEMS Finn EXTINGUISHERS 0( all kinds, and a full stock, of general electric supplies. Also all kinds of motor -work done, as 1 11 as all kinds of wiring. 'State Agent Co. 245 Liberty St. l-4C$id 91 1 sassnam HiU reduction sale on Toilet Soaps will close. Toilet Soaps will keep. Come before special sale is over. Five bars of the 5c size for 1 5c; I!5c boxes (3 bars in box) 15e. Any of the follewing: No phone orders taken on these specialties. And only one 15c lot or eight bars for 25c will be sold to one party. YOKOHAMA TEA COMPANY THE ONLY COFFEE ROASTER IN THE CITY, AND THERE FORE COFFEE ALWAYS FRESH. 1,!! HAVE THEIR LITTLE HOMES i k 4fr4al(tligfft The life of the working girl in dressed in whlto from head to foot. Paris Is different entirely from what A wreath of orange blossoms Is worn it is in the large cities of the United because it is the sign of virginity States, for the reason that her work From it falls a long whlto veil, which Is different. One does not renllzo' covers her toilet. The groom, clad in this country how adroit and doft In his new blnck suit, with white of finger she is. All thoso beautiful j gloves and cravat and with n largo fancy articles' which so delight tho bouquet on the lapel of his coat, is neart or the American womnn, call- an awkward personage on this event ed "Article de Paris," are niado or ful day. Tho brldesninids aro dress- nmsiied by her, such as fancy Jew- ed In their best nnd carry largo bou elry, buttons, metal and Jet ornn- quets. ments of all kinds. Also all lm- The working girl mnkes an ideal ported artiflicinl (lowers are made by Wlf0 nnd mother. She is her hus, women; in fact, everything where a band's helpmate in tho truest sense delicate touch is required. Of course.' of the word. When children come there nre dressmakers and milliners, (0f whom there never nro more thnn as in this country, but we speak Ono or two) they are sent to tho only of the specialties of the Parisian country to bo reared, and usually working girl, under which clnsslflcn-'thoy aro wet nursed by some peasant tion comes also tho "blnnchlssausoWomnn at the same time with her do fin," made famous by DuMnurlor's'own. Arrnngoments, of course, aro "Trilby." This worker does the'mnde beforehand. Statistics have most artistic work In fine laundering,' nr0VCn that children raised thus aro really unknown on this side of tho ln octtcr ,,cnlth thnn thoso brought Atlantic, few women do clerical up ju Pars amid tho greatest corn work. In Paris that Is menS OCCU-'fnvl. On Snmlnv fnMior n.wl mntlinr go to seo tho little ones, and thoso are charming reunions. THE BEST r Is what the people want, and A. L, HARVEY Knows that want. His grocery lino Is always complete, and doesn't handle any other. His vcgotnbles are first-class. ho A. L. Havey Cofh( Court and Streets SCHOOL FURNACES HERE. All Room, at East Schol Can Now Re Heated and Classes Will Resume. pntlon. Has Her Own Charming Home. In Paris the working girl does not Hvo in a honrdlng house nor does she board nnywhere. Sho hns her own home, bo It over so simple. Sho does not consider It proper nor hon orable to bo without "unchez olio." Generally this homo consists of but one room, usually an attic room on Two new furnaces for uso In tho the fifth or sixth lloor, but always in East school arrived ln the city last a district nnd n houso of roputo. In evening from the factory In' Iowa, this room clennllness reigns nbovo nnd will be placed In position today. all. In splto of the fact that neces- The four heaters will bo In onorntlnn snrlly In contains enough objects to tomorrow, and Principal Grahnm fill three ordinary rooms, tho most has announced thnt all the classes perfect symmetry prevails, It is a will be resumed at once. secret how It Is done, and it really Is mnrvelous. here nro flower pots oil the window sills nnd birds, In the cages. It Is altogether a charming abode. Colfce nt 1 Cent the Cup. In the morning she makes her cof- L1TTLE INTEREST SHOWN. Alderman Haas' Committee Had Quiet Time nt Water Investi gation. The council committee on plumb- fee, or she may buy It already made. '" t" which was referred tho task Many women sell It In the streot un- of wrestling with Alderman Hnna' der a "porto cochere." For 1 sou two new proposed ordinances, reduc- ono mny buy a cup of coffee, choco- nK " rotes on gas and water and late, or milk. For the snme amount electricity, held Its second session of money ono may purchase a roll or lnst nl-nt nt the city hall. Thoro a slice of bread cut from the loaf.woro on' n ow spectators. Little Also a slico of fresh butter may bo r no Interest was shown. Tho bought for 1 sou. As table butter is wtor compnny had no reprosonta sold unsalted it is important to pro- '" -T"n H- Albert, who was pros cure that which has been freshly ont. M ho had no interest whntever churned tho samo day. Tho mer- '" th water compnny. but. ho cnllod chants nro required to put labels on attention to Its franchise, which says their butter indicating which is to- lt8 rntes snail not exceed tnoso or day's and which yesterday's, etc. iotIlPr Pncinc conBt cities of this slzo. At noon tho girl buys her dinner' 0nlv olht cltlzons nil told woro already cooked and carries It to her Prcsnt. For 10 cents she pro-1 room to eat. cures a Juicy pleco of meat nnd a dish of vegetables, all hot, called "uno portion." Sho buys theso nt n res taurant without going Inside. It Is handed to her through tho window In order to save tlmo, nnd also many of tho girls nro too modest to minglo with the peoplo they may meet thore. To Shorten Route to Denver. Donvor, Oct. 25. Tho proprietors of tho Denver Northwestern nnd Pa cific today commenced tho construc tion of Us extension to Salt Lnko City. It Is expected that tho lino will be built to Steamboat Springs byAprll next nnd from this point to Salt Lnko Citv is about 300 miles. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwimmmnwwwwi EMBROIDERED BLACK SATEEN WAISTS OPEN IN PRONT Large line just received in latest style sateen waists, large sleeves, front neatly trimmed alternately with three rows embroidery and four rows of fine pleating. Made , of good quality, mercerized sateen. SPECIAL PRICE.... $1.00 Rostein & Greenbaum 1 298-300 Commercial St. WlWrtitWt0WliOifcWlitiltliWlfelhW Don't buy your winter supply of flour sack of until you hnvo tried a i NEW PERFECTION FLOUR MADE BY CAPITAL CITY MILLS It is tho best flour over sold tu Snlom. Romembor our cereals uro strictly up-to-dato. Wo havo tho latest up-to-dato mill on tho coast. Try It. Tho mill that makos Salem famous na a wheat market. FOR SALE RY ALL DEALERS. BRYANT & REEDER A MATTER OF ABSORBING INTEREST Lies behind that of tho approaching Thanksgiving, and that is the lunv ber question. During tho Wlntei tho supply is always uncertain, but by ordering of us before cold weather comes you can he sure of having your wants filled. We are ready to supply any k.lnd of lumber you need. OOODAIiE LUMBER CO. O. C T. CO Steamers Pomona and Altona leave for Portland dally except Sunday at 7.10 a. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt CHINA STORE A CHILD CAN BUY Speelal sale, silks, fancy goods. embroidery, lace, genu' and laais !A advantacemiaiv nt m,t meat mar- f umlshlnK Koods. wraps, coats, pants L. . 'and suits, tramks, aattlags an4 Maa- AS thA nMo (lt W nlr. tha . ... ""' . -., ,,.. ..F .., -vet,, we asaae tip sew ub " irestaurant. usually In the Bols ae Tho u-nrklni clrl dresfles tllalnlV yet tastefully, and even artistically. "tension Is estimated to cost but never beyond her means. Her .""." .-i.iv ,.u.iW.w stylish appearance surprises tourists. for equipment nnd when It Is finish This is because her clothes are made""1 tho ,ln. b(,two,n D""vor nml Salt at a good dressmaker's. Sho would ''" w '"" nn ,U88 "" " never think- of making her own. now '" Dover nn1 " Her motto Is "chncum son metier," i , or live and let live. Sunday is given ( - - - up to recreation. In the outing son-' .1 a 1. ,A lltr o?.f..lia ,ililnlt' SOn IIIUJ JIUWIV lu lliu nuuuiuo, imw are renownod for their beauty. Thore they onjoy themsolves lunch ing on tho grass or In ono of thoso small rustic restaurants which border I the river Seine. Fishing and rowing add to tho pleasures of tho (Jay. In winter sho goes to tho theater, most ly to the matinee. A melodrama is ber preforonco, whoro tho good nro rewarded and tho villlan gets his Just dues nt tho end. Her sense of Justice makes her select such a play. , Tho working girl marries early in life, but continues to work after na before, thinking aright that it is necessary to work while ono Is young In order to lay something aside for old age. Her wedding day Is a pic turesquo affair Usually tho wed ding takes place on Saturday or Sunday. After tho civJI ceremony (which always must precede tho re ligious one) by the mayor of the "arrondlsseraent" in which tho brido resides they repair to the church, where the latter ceremony is per formed. Ordinarily this tako place in the forenoon, -so as to have thno for the dejeuner, which Is an Im portant feature of that day. Odd Wedding Procewdens. Bride and groom and wedding narty betake themselves to some ljy&ll 1 A Whole Medicine Chest. A bottU of DEAN'S KIHQ CACTUS OIL Is Unit ci emtrg tDcy I tivt xatay dolUri. PROF. DEAN'S KINO CACTUS OIL lt careful atteatloa to all orders. E ell noae but the bt of meats. K. O. CR068, wraBers, walata, waRe uaaerwear, rjoulogne, to dojeuner In the open aad klssosas. ajr vhen It Is the season. As the Xrerrthlag solas at JeweM price. young p0Ople are economical, they Htfte WlajT Sanjr Co. walk to the Bots In order to MTe the " S4.OMrt it, MM, r. prhw t ewrfctef. The WMe M Wll) b4l lb worn ttrUJ vlrt est with out Uavlna a cr If dm4 la Urn. W btft tbosMad, of Uttlndoltli that prat i DUttMb Ktttj owntr tit MvtiUkboul4 kp It oa bts4, for It Ii polilrt car for i caw, firtoi, traltt,, old mttt, fwclUsci, op wcbikIj, btrMt tad 4AU b1I, iM., i KINS OACTUSOILUiallrflstil' H UBKBt, III tk kSBUU TUt. It II BMC- I MU4 u4 Mfclbltf , (liuul l Wj tad bUi vftiwd fivto tht Uiiwa up. field by 4raffM Id Uc, COc tsd II bottle. 1 H ud II Mrritd cuu. Snt yrtjU If j9r irtttin tuMt mpplj jua tf OLHKV A VCDAID, Clinton, lOMr. rr : it S. W. FUTWAM OO, DniggicU. 135 'ta CMBBsraiai M Band Instruments Phonographs Records Stringed instruments and musical sundries. Don't forget that we have the goods and that they are for sole at reasonable prices. P. L. SAVAGE At J. Wenger's Old Btand, 217 Commercial St. Repairing Instruments a Specialty. The Fashion Stables rormerly Simpson's Stable. Up-to-date livery and cab Hue. Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally hn for picnics and excursions. Phoat 44. CHAS. W. YANNKE, Prop 247 nail 219 High Street. Jfl FRENCH FEMftLE I ttPaL(L8. A ftjn. Ctirfis) tun tf Krrr U$nnt ! Utl UQWH TC lAU. M H(jl Utu wti sMMa4 r pit K44, ti riiU , lU mw1- ,'ai,Uri. Ifr 4kilH4M H gtftf t U4N JVf ( a U ! owrrin vioictco,.oT4,iAiATi, i a)4 kk Jm bf DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR Will treat you with Oriental herbs and cure any rilsento without operation or pain. Dr, Ivum U known everywhere In Balcm, nnd 1ms cureJ ninny prominent people hero. He tins lived in Salem for 20 yerae, and can be trusted. lie uies many medicines unknown to white doctors, and with tbeui can euro catarrh, aethtna, lung troubles, rheu matlamf itomach, liver, nnd kidney dis en let. Dr. Kum makes a ipoelnlty of dropsy and female troubles. Ills remedies euro private diseases when evorytblng els4 fails. lie has bnndrtds of testi monials, and gives eqnmiltatioD free. Prices for medicines ytry moderate. Persona in the country ean write fo blank. Bend stamp. It you want some extra line tea, gut tt it0 .ail! Ok. KOM BOW WO CO., 107 South High street, Bales, Oregon. Opposite Hotel Ssleto. P. 0, Box 1S8. HOLLISTCr.'H Rocky Mountain Tm Hugptt A Bur UsdiiiB fr Buy ?!. M(4 adU KulA ud Xs4 Vifsr. A plfle forConttlrotloo. nHrtton. Ut 64 Khuitr TroubU. limptM. KcMtHa, ImfUM HhAta hd Krwkth, HuuM Ho), HMuteeH adthtefcMW. il'sKrM(Xt4l4tTMletU M term, as eM box, MuJm im4 hi Moujt !! CoNrxr, MMh, Vtm. WRHH N4MCJETI FM IMUW rWj; DO YOU KNOW That whenlyou are using EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKINGPOWDER you are using the best made right here athome. c. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer I Jsfe i 'i - 3 t