Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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"fn - ? jtw
I ' it k
t t. '
Comes from poor
clothes iii cool
weather, but cold
weather comfort
comes' from having
It overcomes that dilemma. Call and see our new Fall
and Winter lines. It will afford you great comfort.
G. W. Johnson & Co.
1'iisllnlierH mid Proprietors.
m& 3
Hy Mull.
'Dally Journal, ono month .... 35c
Dally Journal, throo months ..$1.00
Dally Journal, ono year 4.00
Wooltly Journal, ono yonr .... 1.00
Ily Currier.
Dully Journal, per month .... 50c
liimsiiATimi: in pendletox
Tho Informal mooting of tlio mom
1joih of tho Orogon legislature to ho
hold at Pendleton on October 30, Is
unique In tho history of eastern Ore
gon. It will ho a historical uvont.
t introduces a ciiHtom which tho
Capital Journal hopes to see contin
ued purpotnully.
It moots tho Ideas of Hon. Frank
Dnvoy of this city who would bring
tho legislature close to tho peoplo.
Tlioro Hhould hu uovoral sessions
or a mouk loglsluturo IIEKOUE Til 12
Let iih have Home public yathor
lugu right haro In Marlon county and
liiHtruct tho dolugntlon what It Bhull
A mooting at Mnelony to discuss
tho Tuttlo road law WOULD lU A
Wo, runnot got tho law making
power too close to tho people.
A doxon measures wero put to u
Hoforondum voto at tho lust election.
Wo prodlot that tho Hoforondum
will bo taken ON OMMIALF THE
I.Ml'OUTANT HILLS passed by tho
coming session of the gouoral assem
bly. Tho Pendleton session will bo
u hot number In Orogon political
Tho Strength of Hearst.
Tho Now York World comment I ng
editorially on Hearst ttUiw him up as
uu able and astute polltlrlnu, and
evidently IhlnkH ho will win. It
In his spouch In Marathon Mr.
Hearst mild: "If wo don't win this
time we'll try again and again If
need bo, until wo do win." In his
lllnghnmrou Htutotmmt ho said:
"I havo spoilt over 1100,000 In
tho attempt u havo tho peoplo's
votes lu Now York City counted. I
havo not yut given up -the tight and
Tho sptsullng habit loads to mo
mentary phMMirv, lasting rvgrets
uml nftcr to nn old ago of poverty.
Tho NkviuK habit nuvuis thrift
mid proapt'rlty for tho present,
nml a competence for old ige. .
OiHn ft Mtvlufi account how
mul Imk(h to wmvo for the future.
Depolt of oho dollar or more
draw throo, iH'r cent Intcrvt,
Sttrlaffi Dprtmat
Capita! Natioaat Bk
vUNIQrsli wtfiuli t
I am In this campaign to continue
tho strugglo of last year."
These utterances nro fair warning
that a defeat by a small plurality
will not bo accepted by Mr. Hcnrst
as final. Unless crushed by nn over
whelming ndvorso voto ho will still
bo tho most prominent flgttro In the
nntlonnl Democracy. Ho will en
deavor to tnko Mr. Bryan's plnco and
out-Drynn him In tho uttornnco of
tho gospol of dlscontont. Ho will
nsplro to the Presidency upon a
platform of cumulatlvo grievances.
Those who are confident that Mr.
Hearst will bo overwhelmed In tho
voto may underestimate tho power
of his porsonnllty ttnd tho strength
of his position. His election Is more
than posslblo.
A man who could take two nomi
nations for congress from Murphy,
then denounce him as a jnllblrd and
,lntor ninko uso of him ngaln; who
! could organize n now municipal par
ity almost In a nlcht nml nnnr.lv lin
elected mayor; who could without
a record of public servlco got 200
dologates In tho national convention
of tho Democratic party to support
him for a Presidential nomination,
and who hns now captured tho orga-
nlzntlon In tho stnto of New York
with n second now pnrty composed
of both Domocrnts and nopubllcnns.
who hall It with enthusiasm though
It has not a single unttonnl Issuo
that his eaptlvo Domocracy hns not
disavowed tho man who can do nil
this Is a vory ablo politician.
Mr. 1 1 must profits in public estl-
.inntion by acts of political nstuto
I noss on Ills own sldo nml by folly and
upnrty In tho opposition. He hns
provontod tho rouomlnntlou of somo
bud legislators and ho may aid In
, preventing the re-olectlon of n fow'h,8 illt0ntlon of devoting his ontlro
more. For this ho Is justly com- sorVicos j fllturo to tho Isthmnln
monded. Ho knows, ns a politician. Canal commission of which ho Is a
when to stand firm nml whon to sur-',nom,lor nnd itonds to retlro from
rondor. Ho surrendered to Murphy lho ,mV. ou ronclilnu the stntary ago,
In tho mattor of the deal Judlclnry ,;o yenrB on x0vomber 25th noxt.
tlckot. Hut dosplto tho recklosa dls- Uoar A,i,nrni Emllcott wns chief of
j regard of publlo Intorests which for tll0 buroiul ()f yanls uml cjock3 of tho
.political reasons would nook to put ,mvy department.
boss-mndo Judgos upon tho bench for " "
11 yonrs, lot no ono forgot that the & luVZV Livor
Deal tlckot. balanced to glvo each' Kny on!y a llrwl Uvor(0r a 9tarvM
Interest u sllco of tho "Judlclnl pat- nVor. It would In a Mupld as well as
ronngo," Is popular with ward work-, savngo thing to bat a weary or starved
' (,-s, I man becnuso lie lnitgcd in his week. So
I ,, . , . , .. ,. . I In treating tho lagging, torpid liver It Is
' Mr. Hearst Is strong In tho blund-, B BTWt mistako to lash It with strong
ors of his opponents. He profits In
directly and his associates directly
by tho exceeding weakness of tho
Republican stnto ticket below Mr
Hughes' name. Enthusiasm Is do
ing campaign work for him which
no money could buy. Tho Hopubll-
cans aro making j.ractlcnlly no cam- trtm,,,0. by J ;omI(,r(lll control of tho
palgn, except tho admlrablo spoeches organs of dlRcstion and nutrition It re
of Mr. Hughes himself, Many ma-, stores tho normal activity of tho stomach,
China politicians nro lukewarm be-! lncrov tha siKrotlons of tho blood-male-cause
thov can look to Mr Huirhos mB K'Rnd. C'w ytem from pol
causo tnej can iook to Mr. uuunes naoM accunulutlon, and so allows tho
for no favor If ho Is elected. uver of tho burdens Imposed upon It by
It Is no time for overconlldonco or tho defection of other organs,
for Idleness on (ho part of Indepond- , "?AVX
outs who desire Mr, Hughes' olec-
tlou. Tho Issuo U not political It
I. tho lsuo of s.ncerelty In politics
That Issuo Is not advanced by sot-
ting Hepubllcau placemen upon tho
sttimp to omit tlmo-worn twaddlo
about tho tariff which neither they
nor their hearers believe. It la nd-
ivancod by Mr. Hughes' own earnest
.efforts. Ho should bo seconded by;
I .. . ..,. I
other atroug men upon tho platfrom
iliulonondonts. as Carl Schun would
-- -,-- ----- , 9
speak If he wero still with us, upon
tho publlo duty ot rcslttauQo against
demagogic appeals to passion nnd
Whon will the rwl campaign-the
campalgH ot the liwUpendewU H-
Tho week under review, ending
October 13th, opened with a dull
and uninteresting market, but with
a continued strong tendency In state
hop3, which later on was enhanced
by purchases for English export at
prices ranging from 21 to 22c In the
country, with an occasional flno lot
up to 23c. The movement so far has
not boor, large, probably 500 or COO
bales. From tho Pacific coast ad
vices continue of generally qulot
markets In all three coast hop grow
ing states, though a few sales are re
ported In Oregon at prices ranging
from 12 to 15c, according to qual
ity. In other sections very little
business Is reported. The official es
timate of tho English crop was mude
public on Thursday last, October 11,
and gives tho quantity at 24C.000
cwts.. tho shortest crop grown In
England since 1882. What bearing
this will have on future prices It Is
difficult to tell.
Revenue returns for the sale of
beer during tho month of August
1906, amounted to 6,473,719 barrels
against 5,579,695 barrels during Au
gust, 1905, which shows an Increaso
of 894,024 barrels.
The English Market.
During tho pnst week our markets
havo been In a very dull state. Very
few hops havo been sold, and these
at low values. Merchants do not at
tempt to do business, consequently
values are not quotable. There Is
no alteration today.
Canterbury There was a plenti
ful supply of' hops on offer In tho
Canterbury distrtrict, but there Is
practically no Inquiry. In tho few
enses whoro bids havo been mado
they ano considerably below growers'
IdeaB. Tho limit reached this week
has boon 6 6s. per cwt.
W. H. and H. LeMay repert: Tho
market still remains In a quiet state,
tho largo buyers not oporatlng yet.
Tho quality of tho Vast picking Is
splendid. Tho English crop this year
Is all lit for putting into cold store.
Amount of English Crop.
Tho English hop crop, as was ex
pected, proves to bo almost a record
breaker In point of smnllncss. Tho
olllclnl figures of tho British govern
ment, mado public October llth,
show that for 24 years thore has not
boon such nn unsatisfactory output.
Tho following London cable has
boon recolved: "Government's ostl
mnto of English crop Is 245.CSS cwt.
or 3C.C12 cwt. less thnn 1904. Thl3
Is tho lowest ostlmato of tho English
cr01, lu c0 yeiu.8( oxc0,)t i 1S79 and
Anothor cnblo says: "Olllclnl es
timate of English crop Is 246,000
cwt. Mnrkct Is firm."
Admiral Emllcott to ltctlrc.
Washington, Oct. 25. Rear Ad
miral M. T. Emllcott hns announced
drastic drugs. A torpid liver Is but an
Indication of an ill-nourlshcd, onfooblod
body wIhmo organs are weary with ovor
work. Start with tho stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put
thorn In working order and see how
quickly your liver will become active.
Dr. Plotvo's Hidden Medical Discovery
tox breth. coiwtlptpi or IrrwiUr bowel
feel eU. eJli Urd,cronJenU frequeat
twrhp nuiiiNjs!WKr"riu5"!n
t in win rtllovo you mow pnmpti?yrrrrq
Tyj,"'"" m')- '" iWtor rjrftt
ggS'a Sfift&SlL
m ono Umo ad yet wtnt to torpid llTcror
wouno and nk tomach. Ajroia n
hot bred nJ bUculu. BrtdJIo C4kcs and
otler Indisouoio food nd uVo tho" Oold.-a
Tho "DliCOTcry" U nivi-wvrvt. naa-Moo
hollc, U a cljYirtJ extract ot iiktlve uicJIct
nkl rouu with a full Jll ot lu IncrvdlrnU
)rtntHl ou 4ch bottl-wniVor toJ attcivM
uuder oUx. It Insrcdlenu aro endorsed
tad extolled by the most eralneot BMtllcl
writers ot Ute ae and are recwismendJ ta
cure ttte illM4 for which It U aavUeL
Dm'I accept a uUtltut of unknown
mpoAltloM for this non-teert luUMctxa
Will He Let Go and
-rr -J iff fssik
i rn i'i t 1-I - . . ri j in iv s-r - - - t,js
"Make Salem a Good Home
Stclner's Market.
Dealers In fish, game and poultry.
Highest cash price paid for eggs.
Prompt delivery. State street.
Poultry, Eggs, Etc.
Eggs Per dozen. 31c.
Butter Retail Country, 25
30c; creamery, 35c.
Hens 10c.
Frys 10c.
Gowe 37c
Ducks 89c.
Fruits, Vogotablos, Etc
New potatoes COc cwt.
Onions 80c cwt.
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 5c per pound.
Oranges ?5. 00 $6.00
Onions 7uc cwt.
Livo Stock Market.
Steers 33Vlc.
Cows 2 2 M c.
Sheop 3 M; 4 c.
Dressed Veal 6 Q1 6 t c.
Fat Hogs 6c.
Stock Hogs 5c.
Grain and Feed.
Baled Clover $6.00.
Cheat $C.00.
Timothy $S.50 $9.50.
Oats 30 32c.
Bran $18.
Shorts $19.
Barloy $18.00.
Wheat, 65c.
Wheat Club, 64c; valley, 67c;
bluestom, 6Sc.
Oats Choice white, $24 $24.50.
Mtllstuff Bran, $14.56.
Hay Timothy, $10 $11, Alfalfu,
Votch $7 7.50.
Potatoes 90c.
Poultry Avorago old hon, 12
13c; mixed chickens, 12 121,0;
young roostors. 12 13c; dressed
17 17 He; turkeys, dressed, 21
22 c; geese, live, 89c; ducks, 14
15c; pigeons, $1$1.50.
Pork Dressed, G6c.
Beef Dressed, 4 5c.
Mutton Dressed, 7 8c
Hops 1906 cholco, 15 12c;
prlmo, 13 14c; medium, 12
12 He; olds, nominal.
Wool -Valley, course to medium,
2021c; Eastern Oregon, 1318c;
Mohnlr 262Sc.
Butter Fancy Creamery, 25
30; storo butter, 17c,
A Young Mother at 70.
"My mother has suddenly boon
mado young at 70. Twenty years of
Intenso suffering from dyspepsia had
ontlrcly dlsablod nor. uutll 6 months
ago, when sho began taking Electric
Bitters, which havo completely cur
ed her and restored the strongth and
activity sho had In the prime ot lite,"
writes Mrs. V. L, Gllpatrlck, ot Daa
forth, Me. Greatest restorative
medicine on tho globe. Sets stom
ach, liver, and kldnoys right, purl
Sea tho blood, and cures malaria, bil
iousness and weakness. Wonderful
nerve tonic Price 50c Guaranteed I
hy J. C, Perry's drug store.
Fall, or Hang on and Pinch Himself!
Tammany Is the oldest political
association in New York. It began
In tho administration of George
Washington and is about as old as
tho constitution. It has numbered
among Its members many of the best
and purest of American citizens and
many of tho worst and most corrupt.
Aaron Burr was a member of Tam
many, and Wm. M. Tweed brought
It down to tho lowest depth of de
gredation. And yet Tammany still
lives and dominates the dominant
party of tho greatest of American
cities. Its vitality is marvelous;
and to all In the United States, tho
organization Is inseparably connect
A store or place of business which Is not lighted by EledrMl
has "let down the bars" to the Inroads of competition.
Xo matter how complete nnd flno your stock is, the lffiP"
lighting and worse ventilation of your storo will turn awn; i
prolmblo purchasers a great many more thnn you Iroagtae
Tho Fall trade In tho majority of cases Is that part of the JJ
business which is greatest In amount and profit. There I
flmn Itnln-nnn ..1..- ...! .!. A . 'V...n.1nM Sk IV I PP fOr J
..iu f.-t..l.vi IIUH illlU IIIU UrSL Ml .lUK'UiUVt ....-
Light or to erect nn Electric Sign.
An electrically lighted interior nnd exterior aro Just I
sary for successful Btoro trade ns tho right line of goods asa
&jiiifif.iiiin On., iwiufwui MtM tnm KiiMAnt nn meter bass f
use of Electricity within the reach of every storekeeper
the truth nbout costs; our representative with facts ana
e t
is at your service.
Portland General Electric 0,
i hh,
, wr:
.y ..aiisrr
ed In tho public mind with polltj
graft of all kinds of government e
ruptlon and misuses of office. DotS
less tho public outside of New T
does Tnmmany somo Injustice Is I
estimation. But It may well
doubted whether Tammany has
lost to tho national democracy mi
votes than it had to give. Since t
municipal patronage ot New Y
city has assumed such enormous f
portions, since the city budget
become as great ns that ot i Vcl
dom, it has been tho aim andt
of Tammany to control tho public i
fico and the Impression Is that lid
der to do It it Is always wllllcjl
sacrlflco tho best Interests ol
Democratic party In state and i