Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1906, Image 1

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    11 'VNItyQWW&$jqt(ttr'
-j .
NO. 25.
r I I J Y
Utulithic Goes Dowh
On State Street
stimates submitted for the
Completion of About One
Thousand Feet
There was a large attendance of
tates street property owners at the
Ity hall last nleht to hear the de-
ills of the first paving contract dls-
assed. It was an enthusiastic
rowd. The ice was completely
roken. There was not an objector
resent and It wns apparent that the
ipltnl City had entered upon an
ra or permanent improvements.
Engineer Win. B. Chase, who has
Bade the plans and specifications
nr the committee on streets, was
resent and' explained the proposed
mprovements. He has beep asslst-
d by Wm. Bushey.
Mr. Downing made a statement on
behalf of the committee, saying the
rork was of such importance that it
. i
Relief Train With Provisions Government Beginning to Re
Headed by Snowplow to ; alize Necessity for In-
Their Relief j creased Activity
Denver, Oct. 24. The Rock Island Washington, Oct. 24. Indications
has sent a relief train bearing food nil point to a greater nnd growing
to the 1100 passengers snowbound lnterest on tho part of the govorn-
on thro etralns at Llmon, Colby and m6nt In wnterwvs improvement en
n mu , , . . , , the Pacific coast. Tho address of
Genoa. There Is plenty of coal and ,... T , , , ,,
uepresontntlvo Joseph Rnnstloll a
considerable food aboard, and there few evenings ngo before tho clmm-
18 no danger. No freights are mov- ber of commerce In Los Angoles, has
lng. snow plows are expected to been commented upon most favor-
Locked Up the Bailiff Licked
Policemen and Went
to Jail
open traffic soon.
i ably, and this verbal endorsement is
to bo given substantial form by the
appearance of Secretary of State
Root at the Trans-Mississippi Com
mercial congress In Knnsas City next
i At tho Kansas City conforenco tho
secretary of state will sneak on
C II TV ' "Th Pos3lblutles of Establishing DI
vJ U 1 1 1 I rect Trado Relations Botweon tho
.Mississippi Valley Stntes and the
'South and Central American Coun-
Prlnevllle, Or., Oct. 24. The Jury tries." A general betterment of tho
this morning returned a verdict of ""tlon's rivers and harbors, It Is un-
. , . t derstood, will bo the burden of tho
murder In the first degree against bnct oncor.s
ad been the desire of the commit- Fred Shepherd for killing Ben Zell. j festly impossible for Mr. Root to go
ee to have the best kind of assist- shenhord Is a farm hand, and was. so fnr afield as the Pnclflc const.
. ,
Mr. Chase explained thnt an nver-
(Contlnucd on pngo two.)
employed by Zell. Ho became lnfat- especially at this time.
nnd shot hls'mlso Is Knnsas City.
His compro-
uated with Mrs. Zell,
employer without provocation.
Visit Out Stote
And See the Ctowds of Btsy Bayers
Then you will get the idea of whnt store In Snlem Is doing the biggest
business The people are with the CHICAGO STORE now stronger
and greater than ever Our sale3 run uy week, after week in leaps
and bounds. Wo will keep the good work up nnd always appreciate
their kindness and generosity THIS WEEK'S SALE will bo attrac
tive as we will shpw new lines of good.s in nearly every department,
priced away down to induce quick selling READ ON
One feature of Congressman Rnns-
dell's speech at Los Angeles that
has beon especially commended, Is
his criticism of conditions at San
Pedro, where a largo part of the
water front at that harbor has been
given over to corporations. His
warning thnt Hho government looks
with extreme disfavor on expending
public funds for the advantngo of
private Interests individual or cor
porate Is oxpected to carry weight.
When tho expenditures for river and
harbor Improvement work nro In-
London, Oct. 2 I. Ten women suf
fragists arraigned In court today
were bound over to keep tho penco
for six months. Tho women wcro
displeased, ns tbey hoped to poso In
Jail as mnrtyrs. They wore lltornlly
thrown from tho court into the
crowds outside.
The women nttneked tho police
men left in- charge of thorn, nftor
tjielr refusal to lenvo the building,
took the key from him nnd locked
hi in in the court room. Tho other
officers had a hard fight to regain tho
oy. The women begnn haranguing
10 crowd outside, nnd finally MIbh
Parkhurst was rearrested and tho
reserves forced tho mob to disperse.
London, Oct. 24. Tho women
agitators were given two months im
prisonment for refusal to gl-o peaco
bonds. Women crowded tho court
room and cried "shnme, shamo."
For protesting ngnlnst tho decroo
Miss Parkhurst wns sorttenced to
two weeks. While trying to qulot
tho crowds, tho policemen suffered
severely scratched faces.
Miss Alargarst Leslie Was
Murdered For the Jewelry
She Wore
Chicago, Oct. 2 I. Tho police hnvo
not located "Lem Harding," nli'nn
Leopold, tho alleged drug flond, nc
cuBCd by Howard Nicholas as ac
compllco in tho murder of Mnrgnrel
Leslie, the actress, for $2000 worth
of Jewels. Tho coroner's deputy had
returned n verdict of suicide, nnd
tho pollco wero about to rcnleso
Nicholas when ho confessed.
We recelvo every week ladles'
Long Coats by express 'from Now
York in all the latest shadow
plaids plain colors and black
Prices $4.95. $6.90, $8.50, $9.90
and $12.50 worth from $S.00 to
Also children's in shadow plaids,
navy blue, red fancy styles
Dear Skin, etc. Prices $1.50,
2 60, $2.95, $3.50, $4.50 nnd
$4.90 all marked dqwn for quick
$1000 worth Just received in
all tho new Shadow Plaids, Navy
Blue, Parjcy, Check, Dark Reds,
plain and'falncy Blacks Prices a
yard 15c,' 25c,' 35c, 49c, fcgc, 75c,
S5c and' 9 Sol Special 'prices for
this sale.
Just received in plain and fancy
Taffetas, fancy plaids, soft silks
also yard wide Taffeta silk In
colons and black Hundreds of
ttyles to select from priced away
down yard 25c. 35c 49c, 65c
75c and 85e,
From Chicago by express now
on salo and ready for your inspec
tion, we show the New Hood Hat,
the Peter Pan, The Princess, also
Children's and Misses' Hats
Prices away down for this sale to
Induce quick selling Prices 9Sc,
$1.25, $1.49, $1.95, $2.50 and
Springfield, 111, Oct. 21. Tho su
premo court today sustained tho city
ordinances of Chicago, forcing street
railways to furnish enough cars
wltlinilt nvorprnn'fllnl nrwl tnntntnlti-
creased from a scant $19,000,000 to'. . , ... . ,a ,
... ... .. i, i,.i i,nK n temperature of at cast 50 do-
.. ' ' . . i ii i 'Brees, keeping tho cars clean nnd
tho Nat ona Rivers and Harbors .,... ,, , liA
, ... . , , , , , ventilnted. Tho ense was brought to
congress is striving to bring about th(J mQ Qn ,m ,nJunct(m
through pressure on congress) this Brante(, th crciiH
sum will bo expended for tho boneflt
of tho greatest number, and corpora
tlons will bo looked upon with sus
South Norwnlk, Conn., Oct. 24.
The steamer Enston wns burned this
morning to tho wntor lino, nnd sunk
nt 4:15, three miles west of Katou's
neck. Tho steamer Purltnn stood by
with tho steamer Middleton, rescu
ing tho crow nnd passengers.
Pope Ih Improving.
Rome, Oct. 24. -Lnpponl visited
tho popo this morning nnd found his
health Improved nnd his temperature
diminished. Ho will permit tho pou-1
tiff to recolvo tho digital! pilgrimage
It Is Quite Probable a Small
Battle Will Be
Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 34. Cap
tain Johnson and an orderly of Major
Orlerson's cavnlry dotachmont wont
to tho enmp of tho Utea and domnnd
ed that tlioy rqturn to their reserva
tion. Tho Utes refused, Johnson
will await rolnforcomonts, and tho
Utes will bo forced back.
Not Enough Stealings L,ft f,. oill-
St. Louis, Oct. 21. Addressing
tho convention of undorwrltors this
morning, E. E, Rhondes, of New .Tor
Boy, attacked tho policy of tho states
In recent Insurance legislation. Ho
said tho policy was rovoraod. Whoro
formerly It enforced husbanding tho
resources, to make tho companion
stronger, It now forced tho distribu
tion of tho surplus, wonkcnlng the
companion. Ho snld this tondH to
tempt companies to distribute moro
thnn they should. Ho nttneked
tho limited oxpenso, uniform policy
and other features of now legisla
tion. Tho agents are sightseeing this'
To Monkey With IIiiIIooiih.
Washington, Oct. 24. Tho gov
ernment has decided to experiment
with wnr balloons nt Fort Omiiha,
and will build ii plnnt for tho gener
ation of hydrogon.
Southwestern Railroad EvteiiNlon.
Santa Fe. N. M.. Oct. 24. The'
Pldon. Santa Fe, Liberal and Englewood'
Tho renewed vigor with which rallron(Ii wlliCn nna becn jnCorpornt-!
construction worn on wio ru.iu.im t.(, jn Now Mexico wUI, $8,000,000
Portland flrnhi importer Aro Hunt,
lug Trouble.
Portland, Oct. 24. The Portland
striking grain handlers this noon ro
Joctcd tho final proposal mnilo by tho
exporters. Tho prospects aro that
thoro will bo no moro penco confer
ences, nnd hostllltlcH will bo ro
suniod. Tho employers nro planning
to nrm tho striko-bronkors Willi Winchesters.
Hays "Nigger" Med.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 24. Mrs.
Hnrtjo was on tho stand In tho Hoos
perjury trlnl this aftornoon, and de
clared as absolutely falso all tho
statements of tho negro made in his
deposition attacking her character,
vnioii deposition was Introduced in
Springfield, 111., Oct. 24.Tho su-
canal has been undertaken Is an add- nutfiorlred cnnltni ntnrk n nn niiv I""co court today decided mortuary ,,or '"vorco ciiho. Former servants,
ed reason seen why development of of tho gantft Fo jmton nnd Des nml ot,l0r r,,ni,H at internal lnsur-1,,anc Ashby and Eva Splllor, wore
Pacific coast harbors should be Moines road today commenced tho nnco ""anles asessablo, nnd de- Pn'led and corroborated Mrs. Hart
rushed. With tho opening of tho construction nt n. 32i.miio rnmi m clared tho leglslaturo could exempt 'H testimony la every detail.
-..-. , T... ,- ......... wav ,. , v -,
canal, tho volumo of trainc flowing oxtonJ to GUtjirlo nnd Oklahoma no I'roJ'erty not specifically exompt
through that big channel to and from Cty A mor,Kngo nna ocen fle(1 to ed by plnln language In tho conatltii
A grand assortment to select
from In lone and short all mark
ed down for this sale Prices 25c,
35c, 49c, 65c, 75c, 85c, and 98c.
For I.adl08, Misses and Cbildron
Men and Boys all on special sale
Prices 26c, 36c, 49c, 76c, 98c,
$1.35, $1.65, $1.95, and $2.50.
the coast cities will bo enormous, In tl0 Unjte(1 states Mortgago and '''w Tno rourt Krnnted an Injunc
Ohiim Abandons One Title.
Milwaukee, Oct. 24. Tho Evening
the oplnlqn of commercial experts. Tru8t Co afl truBtC0 to ECcnro ftn ja.tIon restraining tho American Tolo-j Wisconsin Tuosdny says:
If tho harbors aro not raado ready auo of $8(0oo,000 first mortgage C phono nml Telegraph Company vot-
to caro ior tno largest nu. nan ,)0r cent g0,d bonds of ,1000 enc,, mg siock acquired jn tho Kellogg
of the value oi tno canai practical (, , 1)35 . awimcDoarci company, sustaining
will do lost. ,, one 0f tne n)0Bt jmportnnt dls
Tho beller is growing that lm- trJct8 ,n th,fl part of tho etnteg
proveraenta on tho natural water-
ways of tne unitea eiaies ana inu ciiurrh Conflict In Spain.
coast harbors should bo -begun at j Madrid, Oct. 24. Tho conflict bo
once and keep pace wjtn mo pro- tween church and state Is conatnnt
I . . . . .
gress or tno worK in ranama. jy gr0wing moro tonso. The gov
Without ports adequate to receive ornmont having declined to
that such action would permit them
to control tho switchboard business,
to tho detriment of public policy,
CnyiiM) IW-ef.
North Ynkima, Wash., Oct. 24.
The carcasses of thrco dead horses
.wore found Tuesday in different
le Prima iR Bvwy DprtHieBt.
For Men, Women and Children
la wool, cotton and merino, priced
away down for this sate Prices
10c, 15e, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c,
S5c and 98c.
For Men, Women and Children
all reduced for this sale Price a
pair 5c, 10c. 15c, 18c, 30c and 25c
gurwurfl TAsrasr qbowixo btork.
Cobw of emwr
cfal and Court Streets
the tide of commerce that will set knowledge receipt of tho communl
In from tho canal when tho final cat0n from the flvo bishops who re-
shovelful of earth 4s tossed out of centjy niet nt Burgos and sent a let
the big ditch, tho wonderful engl- tor to tho government violently pro-
neering problem that baffled France testing against tho "anti-Christian
and is taxing tho energies of tho movement" wjii tonlKht seok nn
the United States will bo of little audience with the klne. It la under- an 'nvestlgatlon made.
commercial advantage to thli coun- Ho,0(1 .t,mt they will toll Ills majesty u ,s I'fJIovod by orno that tho
try. (they will rail on tho populaco not 'horacB were killed for.tho purposo of
to obey laws which violate tho rights
places near this city In tho woods,
whero they had been dressed and put
In shape tho aamo as beef that la pro
pared to go on the block of tho meat
dealer, Tho attention of tho author
ities has boon called to the find, and
The General W. II. Gibson Monument Q. (h( rlHrcn
T oil...! I
Tlffln, O., Oct. 24. Tho monu
mont erected in honor of the lato
dlaposlng of the meat In this: city.
The finding of theao horses Is be
Hored to account for Animals that
AtTfht Probable. have been missing at varlou times,
Washington, Oct. 24. Wash, one and which sever snowed, up again to
General Win. H, Gibson, tho warrior 0f the treasury officials, expects ar- their owners.
orator, at Tlffln, was unveiled today' rc,ts In connection with the St. Louis
before a representative gatherlug of sub-treaeury ebortago at any o-
Oblo citizens. The moBtoment com- meat. It Is aald the bccohbUrU
mission, composed of Governor Har- have already fouad bobba ene bas.Oelrlcha today filed objection to the
i Ouiutir. nf fiin T-STlnn. Audi- ...t.,.j .. tea eaa Tl, umat.'
tor Gilbert, Pr, D. U. Riger, E. N. jg- y, Mil Brre4r,
Taylor and Frank Madbury, started
tho project, The i9nMBBBt wa
erected at a c6t of 18,099, ef wbfcli
$19,090 waa apprirltd by tb
state &ai tbe balance by tba O. A. R.
CerBB fUtk,
Cbeycase, Wyp Oej. 34. 7
Ualan FaeMkt train tkd hb nr and
at XMtb PJtt, Kb., ?a MHiat ef
Will Cofitwt Will.
New York, Oct. 24. Mm. Herman
probatlsg of her bwrimnd'a will bore
on tho grounds that Oelricbs was a
resident of California.
Wlrcr Aheve Srvewty Cents.
WMblBRtea, Oet. 24. The goy
efBMMt this afUraoca nurebad
MBviit U Hft tba Moekad f- 199,999 of sllvtr at ?9,le
tey, J for delivery at Hew OrlMs.
Joo Gans, tho colorod llKhtwolght
champion of tho world, and who al
so holds tho title of weUorwolicht
champion of the world, announced
today that ho would forfeit hla
claim to the welterweight title. In
Gans' opinion, tho title should ho
worn by Joo Thomas, of California,
' ( i
Cml HIiarkN Indicted.
Omaha, Oct. 24. The grand Jury
returned 57 liidlctmontH against
mombcrB of tho Omaha Coal Ex
change, charging thorn with viola
tion of the, aHtl-trust 'laws.
. i o
Moody to Supremo Iletich,
Washington, Oct. 24. It Is unof
ficially announced that Moody will
accept the appointment to tho su
premo bench, probably about June
Attended tho Funeral,
Washington, Oct. 24. Tho Presi
dent and highest government diplo
matic officials today attended the ,
funeral of Munoz, tho late mlateter
ef Guatemala.
fitftlLUiK ' OAMj OX K. COOK,'