Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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T jm
ill I IMwfflM
The New Long Coats
Aro rapidly changing ownership Hnvo you secured yours? Thero
nro ninny now things to cliooso from and almost overy express brings
moro. The atyleB rtro right and pnttorns, of courso, lenn Btrongly to
plaids, although tlioro Is n great following to tho solid "colors You
may bo reasonably dura of finding Just what you want horo Values
',ro tho bqat you'll find for tho prices All sizes for Misses nnd Ladles
$6.50 to $37.50
Ih one of the features of the merchandise that is dlscilmlnntely
rhohvn. The most extensive selections that are possible nuyuhcre are
here, and at the extremely low prices for the most desirable qualities
strongly emphasizes that these line f merchandise are to your ad
vantage to buy.
if It's from Meyers9 Your Sure
New Fall
Dress Goods
Wo are showing on Imposing
nrrny of tho gown materials most
largely to be worn among women
of fashion The collection repre
sents the choicest weaves and
most exquisite designs of themak
ers on both this and the other
side of tho seas shadow gray
checks nnd plaids novelty mix
tures, broadcloths, voiles, silk nnd
wool mixtures nnd many other
handsome fnbrlcs We nre show
ing some unusually fine
In new weaves and colorings
You can bo plensed from this as
sortment of grand values.
$1.00 nnd ?1.25 values 7Qr
Special Sale OL
$1.50 and $2.00 values
Special Sale
Whether you want 'a long or
short Fur for yourself or tho llttlo
ono or tho young Miss you enn
find, In hero from our largo assort
ment Everyone la n now fur
mndo up for this Benson Colors
range from whlto to black Coma
ln and aco what fine fura wo nro
offering nt
98c to $50
Silk Kimonos
Tho newest stylos In Bilk Klmo
noa In both tho Bhort models nnd
tho full longth ones, beautifully
made In nttrnctlvo pnttorns You
will nppreclnto tho goad qualities
and merit of these garments when
you seo them They como In light
nnd medium colors In all wanted
$5 to $12.50
Silk Bargains
An unusually nlco assortment
of tho newest In Silks nt much
less thnn Its real worth Btop In
and see these bargains they
como In a great variety of colors.
Changeable Taffeta '
In grent variety.
SGc and 95c vnlucs
Special Salo
Changeable Chiffon Taffeta
Wide range of choice.
$1.00 nnd $1.25 values H Cp
Salo Prlco ' Zv
Bear Skin Coats
Now lino Just received In col
ors Dluo, Drown and White.
Sizes from 2 to C years of age.
$2.90 to $6.50
Wednesday Only
For this day's selling we offer a
line of
In medium nnd dark shades new
styles worth 75c each.
Sale begins 8:30 Wednes
day morning KK
No phone orders taken J vj C
A full and complete line of tho
season's best styles and effects
JUST RECEIVED. You will find
heie just what you have had In
mind for tho llttlo Miss. Como
In and make your selection be
fore the assortment Is broken.
$1 .25 to $7.50
New Fall Footwear
There nre all sorts of shoes all
about tho town some people nre
glad to be In their shoes while
other as dissatisfied and wished
they had never seen them Th&
moro you Investigate the
more you'll nppreclnto the su
premacy of our kind of Shoes
For perfection of fit, durability,
style and individuality at modern
prices our Shoes acknowledge no
superiors In nil "Shoedom"
Every leather In all the lntest and
wanted shapes nre here In nil
widths from AA to E.
$3, $3.50, $4
jmm mH ssmfm&smam. twjjggaiwifi myzr i;
i39NHHi 11H IK ill 1
Copyright 1906 by
Hart SchafFner bf Marx
Smart Clothing for Smart Dressers
Our clothing wins reputation on many points of excellence Of
course, quality Is pre-eminent But stylo, workmanship and finish re
ceive the amount of attention their importance calls for Our cloth
ing piesent nn opportunity to the careful, stylish dresser, one that
should not be overlooked Values aro up to our usual standardThe
new models nro rich, graceful and elegant, and represent the top
notch of style.
$1 0,00 to $30.00
This month's Butterick Patterns
10c and 15c none higher.
A high grade hat, well select
cd.add more to the effect of a
man's appearance thnn ony other
Item of his wear We know we
have tho finest assortment In the
city nnd our prices, quality con
sidered, are much lower than
you'd expect to pay.
$2 to $4
Another shipment of trunks
Just received They nre the cele
the standard of excellence and
stability In trunk making Our
line Is now most complete nnd all
styles and sizes nre here in a
great variety SECOND FLOOR
$2.50 to $37.50
Need More
Colder weather coming and
most people are not prepared for
it Nice warm blnnkets are a
great help in keeping comfortable
these nights.
We have all sizes and grades la
Cotton Blankets from
45c to $2.25
Wool Blankets in price from
$2.50 to $10
Cotton Comforts from
$1 to $5
Down Comforts up to
A Collevtlon of Important l'nrn
graphs for Your Consideration
Wanted nt onco by TJlIkon At Co.
Tho prices for facing &."Spouiid
Ihixcm Iihh boon advanced to nnd
it J cent per bov for large urn small
prattM, resnootlvcly.. Steady work.
Apply nt packing hou Comer of
Trmks ami Cottage- streets. 10-1 8-4 1
For a short tlmo only we vrlll toll
wt glaw at greatly reduced price.
ga ear window display with prices
plainly marked on each piece,
We have another big shipment of
t RfeM e the road from ike fac-
t fctajr aat wake room. Our
r already well filled. Doa't
aiM tkta jiiwtalty, You may sot
Jkv MttUr Irks It.
Barr's Jewelry
, Store
Will Ho DnmYk
Tho Pnrkor & WllBon dnnclng
club will glvo a sorles of dances nt
Tioga hnll, boglnnlng about Novem
ber 1st. Doa't forgot It.
Etoryltody Went
Yesterday wuh ono of tho mostbenu
t If ill of autumn days, A largo num
ber of people took advantage of It,
and onjoyed a rldo ovor tho now oloc
trlo railway to Chomnwa. Tho cars
wero crowded all afternoon, nnd It
was night before tho Inst of tho
plensuro aookora wore brought back
Into tho city. A band concert glvon
by tho Indian band was ono of tho
attractions nt tho school. Tho road
Is being rapidly laid, nnd Is now as
far ns Ijvko I.nblah, whero they nro
building the trostlo.
Plrktag Many Apples.
Fruit Inspector Armstrong, who
Is superintendent of tho fruit at tho
Wallace farm, four mlloa from 8a-
lem on tho Polk county sldo of the
rlvor, says that his mon aro very
busily engaged In gathering tho
applo crop at tho farm and aro har
vesting and shipping a hundred
boxes a day. If this favornblo
weather continues tha crop will bo
gathered lu three moro weeks.
Thtifto Now Ordinances.
AMerniHH Haas rvuests The Jour
nal to aniiouuco that there will be a
meeting of the city council commit
te and tho Interested Frtlea to dl
cum tha now ordinance for regulat
ing water and light rates. The pub
lic Is Invited to attead tkl meeting
at tho police court rooms at 7; SO
o'clock this eve) I a-, whs the whale
matter will W made paMte aad dU-
J. O, Snydor went to Kugeno today
on business
Row Q. O. Oliver, of Jorforson, Is
In town on business today.
Bishop H. L. Barklcy. of Portland,
was In tho city Sunday.
W. II, Moon, of Jefferson, Is In the
city today on business,
Harvey Newell, of Portland, Is In
tho city, visiting friends.
Miss Georgia Krnus spent Sunday
nt her homo in Aurora.
' A. A, Cunnlnghnm was In town
yesterday on business,
I Mrs, Mark Skiff and slater, Mrs.
Knuovos, spent Sunday In Portland.
Miss Marlon Stowo, of Eugcno, is
tho guest of Miss Mary Wnnn.
Alex Huddloston, of SUverton, ex
pects to move to Salem to live.
Mrs. Charles Hollenbraud went to
Portland last evening to visit friends,
Wallace LoFountalno, of Pullman,
Wash,, Is in tho city tho guest of
his sister. Mrs. F. A. Sutton.
J, H. Penland and daughter, Miss
Leona, went to Portland this morn
ing to visit friends and relatives.
Frod Legg, after an over-Sunday
visit In Salem, returned this morn
ing to Portland,
I. II, VanWlnkle, assistant attor-Boy-goaeral,
went to Woodburn this
morning on logal business,
Mrs. E. W. Stahl and Mlsa Myrtle
DuRette went to Albany thia morn
ing for a short visit with friends.
D. A, White left this morning for
a short business trip In towaa up tho
Mr. and Mrs. Roma Hunter went
to Woodburn this morula for a
short visit with frtoack, .
Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. Masey have re-
twsttd hm from a visit of thr
wks I Harrfefcttrg.
K. C. 8nMvrd photufMiAwr tor
tha Uulted tUt4 Qolrll sarvey,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bernnrdl re
turned yesterdnv from Portland,
whero thoy hnvo been vlBltlng friends
Mrs. Harrison A. Green, of Port
land, spent Sunday with relatives
and friends in this city.
Dr. and Mrs. Hlckey, of Portland,
spont Sunday nt the homo of Mr. and
George C. Bingham,
Fruit Inspector E. C. Armstrong
was nt Marlon Saturday and yester
day on official business.
Mr. and Mrs. William Swisher and
daughter, Margery, went to Coburg
today for a week's outing.
Mrs, D, M, McLeod, of Los Ange
les, Is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. H.
S. Munson.
Mrs, George Bingham has return
ed homo from a visit to friends In
Walter S. Low and A. T. Wain
have returned from a hunting trip
In Lincoln county,
Miss Ireno Curtis, of Harrlsburg,
spent Sunday visiting her brother, L.
G. Curtis, of this city.
Miss Mnttlo Howard went to the
reform school this morning for a
short visit with friends.
L. Wagner, who has been tho guest
of H. R. McBroom, returned to his
home In Springfield today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mlnto returned
home Saturday night from a two
weeks' outing at Medical Springs In
Baker County.
Win. Driver, tho carpenter, who
has beon working on a contract up
tha valley, returned homo this mora
lag. Mrs. A. M. Clough, after a short
tkdt with hfr sister, Mrs, F. J. Cat
terlla, la Portland, returned home
hut aveatag.
Mra. IL C, Audrus, of Aberdeea.
Soatft Dakota, and Mrs, H. w. Foa
Vhc, tVule, Washlagtoa. ar tU
ttag relative la Satau,
MtM Mary Woodrar. who
M. DUley, returned this morning to
her home In Oakland.
Miss Antoinette Olsen, who has
been visiting her sister, Miss Phoebe
Olson, at Lousanne hnll, returned
last evening to her homo in Portland.
Mrs. Emma Runner, of Frultlnnd,
loft this morning for Cottage Grove,
to visit her sister, Mrs. N. M. Lam
breth. Mrs. C. E. Lunn, who hns been
visiting in the city, left this morn
ing for Turner, whero she will be
the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Mc
Kinney. Judge George T. Baldwin, of
Klamath Falls, is In Salem on legal
business. While hero ho will par
ticipate in tho conference on fram
ing a code of Oregon water laws.
Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Uma
tilla county, arrived In the city this
morning, and will remain for several
days. He is a member of the, ad
visory committee on water laws.
It Is expected that O. L. Darling,
tho Southern Pacific agent at Mo
Mlnnvllle will be transferred to this
city. Mr. Darling has property in
terests la this city and formerly
lived here.
COONSE. October 19, 1906, at Hay
Creek, Crook county, Roy Cooase,
aged 26 years.
The deceased waa a sob of Murray
Coonse, a ploaeer of Marlon coaaty,
and was well knows by maay Salem
Ho left the farm sear Salem aad
weat to Crook eouaty about oao year
ago, aad was eagaged la tha stock
Dath was ead after a few
days,' lUa fcy apaaadlcltk. Ta
rewatas arnra sre Saturday algW.
Tk rwral aarTleea -vara aaM
aaar Brooks ytrday, aa tha body
Mr. Greek, more familiarly knows
ns "the man with a wheelbarrow,"
living at Roseburg, has Just returned
from his annual trip of 100 miles to
Banddn, where ho spends the sum
mer season. He travols by foot w
carries his provisions and weari
apparel In a wheelbarrow.
"Ah, Miss Bright," eald Mr. V
vy, "you certainly have got a trla
llttlo waist."
"Yes, Mr. Nervy," replied "
Bright, meaningly, "there is no S'
ting around that." PhlladelpW
Norwfcfe Untofl Fire Im'
aace Society.
Frank Meredith, Resident Age
Office with Wm. Brown & Co.,
129 Commercial Street.
' Kill)
.4 tr 1
m to low M
Over Ladd St, Bush's Bank, Sale,
Wanted, At the Salea dye '
immediately, a first-clasa piw-v
preferred, 231 Soatb Com"
' 10-2J-3
sireei. .
For Rent Five -room bouse, 1
803 North Liberty street.
.r-r -r : : iJL
XJght noaaakooPtBg iu- -- - ,
IaHlra at 461 0TtJ:r
rtreel ". I
"VTaat TraTalar .for "T
aoBse; ia per .m,
adraaeed. Rafertace.
with atamp. J. . Me?&
tttfUjaql lAtrtTfc
nm In 8alm ytrday.
Waa tha gt of ar aaat, Mrs. Q.(
waa Birl4 la the ClaggU eaaiatarr.
uaijr, wiiiaasatw -