H -' DAILr CAPI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOIIEU 20, 1000. t 9 f p Especially night coughs. Nature needs a "7T flO ""lT" lit,lc he,p t0 quiet ,he Jrritation control the fvuvf (ti vy ease. mld ren lUNS FOUR SEASONS bnvict's Daughter Catches and Holds the Public's Fancy feThis Is tho fourth season of unin- fierrupted success of that powerful ipkijr, "The Convict's Daughter," ch will appear at the Grand opera ise Monday, October 22. Success vays leads to competition, and ipetltlon always benefits tho pub Several seasons ago lovers of! slodrnma had a chance to judge tho merits of "Tho Convict's lughter." It was something they id been waiting for and eagerly jught. Tho theaters wero not large Enough to hold them, and its great Irawlng powers heralded Its reputa tion everywhere. The public came, iw and went away delighted. They lad seen a very meritorious per formance, and a grand dramatic story cleverly written by nn Ameri can author, and acted by a capable Icompnny. Tho beautiful story of "Tho Con vict's Daughter went straight to the heart and forced Itself upon their memory such as no other play had ever done. Tho opening act, Col. Gould's home, has such an atmos phere of love and sunshine In It that It crept over the footlights and ; nestled among the audience. In fact, the scene was so pretty and realistic they did not see the np- Iproachlng clouds that wore slowly jut surely shutting out tho pretty Picture. There Is only one way to appre ciate this beautiful and startling ttielodrama como and see It. It Is Especially written for tho family and presents the drama truo to Hfo In a treat many households. I, Seats on salo at box otnco Monday it 9 a. m. Sure Cure for riles. Itching Piles produce moisture and iuso Itching, this form, aB well as Jllnd, Bleeding or Protruding. Piles ire cured by Dr. Bo-snn-ko's Pile temedy. Stops Itching and bleed ing. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar, at Iruggists, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write mo about your case. Dr. 3osanko, Phila. Pa. Ill-ought to tho Pen. Sheriff Taylar of Umatilla county lame to Snlom yesterdny having In hnrgo Robort Weddel, who was entenced to tho Penltontiary for our years for larceny from the Krson. army' v '-'-'".-' xJ '" '' .ai'iagg T'Ur.jmu,!,,1' , :'' l . 1-iHL ANtfielabkPrcparalioHlbr As similating UieToodandRcgula ling ihtStoaochs andBoweb of ProTnoteaT5csllon.Ckeirul fiess andltestContalns neither OpwmtMorpbiiie oorlfincraL Not Narcotic. v tfoujystMvnmcma Jl-vJb SmJ Ufmumtr . A perfect Rcmcdv forCoslte- tion. Sour S toich.Dirrhcs. 'lutmB.vtmMfcteas.rwvrj- ocssandLoss of Sleep. TacSicMk Sonata 6 wvrrYbBJC., f KACT COPY Of VAMCB, -.-P,T ., flh aa" VVi"iaB BrAajt-av. -v V. inflammation, check the progress of the dis- Ouradviceis -ivc the children Ayer's nerry sectoral, ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. We hT no seoreta I Wo pnbllth J.C.AyerCo.. the formuUi ofUenrpreprtlon. Lowell, GOING TO JAMESTOWN. Jefferson Myers, Oregon Commis sioner, Will Lenvo Tonight for Virginia. Tho Oregon commissioner to the ter-centennlnl exposition that will bo held next year at Jamestown, Vir ginia, Hon. Jefferson Myers, will leave Portland to night for Virginia. In appointing the Oregon com mission, It was tho Intention of Gov ernor Chamberlain to have James town visited and a report made to the next legislature giving tho par ticulars of the situation and recom mending what steps should be taken by this state to best subserve the In terests of Oregon. The commission has no money to expend and Mr. Myers and the other members are paying tho expenses of the investigation out of their own pockets. Tho commission believes that Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, embrac ing tho Oregon country, should erect a joint building to cost some thing like $60,000 which will con tain tho exhibits of all threo states. A staff building can be constructed for that amount .that will be as large and Imposing as" the state house. Mr. Myers will remnin in Virginia a month and will thoroughly Inves tigate the situation. Ho will try to secure a location for tho Oregon building or tho Joint building that will be near tho buildings of Now York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and tho other populous Eastern states. Tho exposition Is already an as sured success. Tho ceneral govern ment has appropriated $1,900,000; Virginia has contrlbuated $350,000 and $150,000 more by counties; Ohio, Now York and Pennsylvania havo made big appropriations and nearly every stnte In Iho union will have buildings and exhibits. Jnmes' Qunrtcrly report. The quarterly report of Superin tendent Jnmes, of tho state peniten tiary, shows tho follewing: Number of convicts at closo of quarter 349 Number of convicts at closo of last quarter 379 Decreaso during tho qunrtor . . 30 Received durjng tho quarter . . 25 Discharged during the quarter 49 Transferred to asylum 1 Died 1 Escaped from road gang 1 Dally average 352.7 Tho total earnings are given as $517S.S2 and tho sum of expendi tures at $10,981.94. The Tcxns Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rhoumatlc troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 292C Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mp. Send for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug stores. dw-lyr GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the' Signature of Use1 For Over Thirty Years - n rvuNt miWi mw wrr, m J- mMI W IV fff l Alt b aaH a ' mm GASTORIA , SUNDAY SERVICES First Methodist. Rev. W. H. Selleck will preach at 10:30 on "Christ's Promise to a Restless World" and nt 7:30 p. m. "Tho Wasted Substnnco and a Migh ty Famine." This Is the second In n series on the Prodigal Son. Prof. Heritage will have tho chorus choir. Mr. Charles Roth will sing a tenor solo In the morning and Prof. Her itage a base solo at night. Epworth Leaguo at 6:15, Mr. Wnnn leader. First Presbyterian. Church street, between Chemeke- ta and Center. Morning service at 10:30 a. m. Preaching by tho pas tor, Rev. H. T. Bnbcock. Subject: "Love Not tho World." Sabbath school nt 12 m. Junior C. E. nt 3:30 p. m. Senior C. E. nt 6:30 p. m. Evening service nt .7:30 p. m. Subject: "Fishers of Men." Mrs. Hinges will sing both morning and evening. Cnnipiuccting. Fourteenth and Mill streets. Preaching nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Evangelist Rogers, after faithful labor, will closo his sorvlccs at this time on Sunday evening. If the weather should requlro tho meet ings will be held in tho church ono block east. St. Pnul's Episcopal. Chemeketa and Church streots. Rev. Barr G. Loo, rector. Thir teenth Sunday after trinity. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning prnyer, 11 n. m.; evening prnyer, 7:30 p. m. All welcome. St. Joseph's Catholic. Rev. A. Moore, rector. First mass at 7:30 a. m.; catechism at 9:30 a. m.; high mass at 10:30 a. m.; ves pers and benediction at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Father Bruin, of Portland, will ofllclato nt both masses. United Evangelical. Rev. M. J. Ballnntyne, of Dallas, will preach this ovenlng. Sunday morning and ovenlng. Quarterly conferonco Saturday evening. H. A. Deck. W. C. T. U. Mrs. J. G. Hotzel will address the gospel tompornnco meeting Sunday, the 21st, at 4 p. in. Subject: "Hnblt." Everybody Invited. Central Congregational. Nineteenth nnd Ferry streets. P. S. Knight, pastor. All services to morrow at usual hours. Communion nt 11 a. m. Saved His Life. J. W. Davenport, Wingo, Ky., writes, Juno 14, 1902: "I want to toll you I holiovo Ballard's Snow Liniment saved my life. I was un der tho treatment of two doctors, and they told mo ono of my lungs was entirely gone, and tho other badly nffected. I nlso had a lump on my side. I don't think that 1 could havo lived ovor two months longer. I was Induced by a friend j to try Ballard's Snow Liniment. Tlio first application gave mo great re lief; two CO cent bottles cured mo sound and well. It Is n wonderful medicine nnd I recommend It to suffering humanity. Sold by D. J. Fry's drug store. Fined Fifteen Dollars. The case of tho state of Oregon against John Doyens, who was charged with assault and battory on John Summers, an 18 year old youth, occupied tho 'attention of Judge Webster's court yostcrday aft ernoon. Tho case was tried beforo a Jury and nfter deliberating flvo or six minutes a verdict of guilty was brought in. Judge Webster Imposed a fine of $15. Tho troublo aroso over a ralx up which took plnco between tho Doyens and tho Summers boys. Mr. Doyens took tho part of his son and while Summers was In the ofllco of his livery stable he gave him a good shaking up. JoM-phino'H Awossineiit Roll. The assessor of Josephine county hn forwarded to the secretary of state a summary of the assessment In that connty. The total valua tion of the property U $4,710,320 as against $4,195,555 last year. o A Day Ramcd Girt. or boy, man or -woman, is quickly out at pain If Bucklln's Arnica Salve Is applied promptly. O. J Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., aay: "I it In my family for cuts, sores and all kln Injurle. and nd It per fect." Qulckett pile cure lenow. Best healing lTe made. 25e at J C. Perry'a drugstore. 1 -:- CLASSIFIED PEPARf MEINT-:- "" FOB SALE. . L .WANTED. 1 jrOXSOIUAL. For Sale. A small horse, broko to lido and to work. Inquire nt Red Front' feed barn, Cliemekotn street. Phono 73. 10-19-31 F.or Sale Parker shotgun, hammer less, 16 gauge; Winchester car bine, 25-35, peep sights, both guns nearly new. Llewellen setter, well broke. V. E. Connor, Willamette otel. 10-19-tt For Sale At n bargain, n small safe. Inqnlro at room No. 3, ovor Ladd & Bush bank. 10-19-3t For Sale Cheap A $300 upright piano, nearly new. Also a Knnbo piano to ront, and n llttlo furni ture for sale. 1212 State streot, Salem. 10-19-3t For Sale. Draft team and wagon. Inquire nt 146S Chomckctn street. 10-1S-31 For Salo or Trade Owing to poor health, I will either sell or trade at a bargain my confectionery store at 126 Sodth Commercial street. G. W. Morrow. 10-12-lm For .Sale or Trade. Stock and dairy ranch of 160 acres, on C. & E. rallrond, one-half mllo from town, about 100 ncres cleared and In pas ture. Now seven-room houso, bnm, sheop sheds; orchard, out range, springs running tho year round. It you want a good ranch, this Is tho ono. Apply (o Robert Tnssell, Elk City, Or. 9-2S-lm For Sule. Cholco Franquotto nnd Mnyetto walnut trees. Guaran teed truo to namo. A. E. Au frnnc, 1809 South Commercial street, Snlem, Or. 10-5-tf FOE RENT. For Rent. Furnished nnd unfur nished rooms nt 790 North Com mercial St. M. A. Dlco, Prop. 5-1-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Please Pay Up All who owo mo will plensb pay at onco, ns I enn not further delay Bottlomont. F. A. Wiggins. 10-10- At Mrs. C. II. Wiilkers 221 Com morclnl street, you can get your clothes dyerf, cleaned, pressed or repaired. Anything fronf a pnlr . of gloves to tho most olnborato silk gown. Velvet collnrs put on, nnd all goods paid for if Injured. Phono 1245. Ilutto & Wondi'rotli. Flno wines, liquors and clgnrs. Wo handlo tho colcbrated Kellogg nnd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on draught. South Com mercial street. 9-3-lyr 8njem Iron Works. Foundors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of nil kinds of Bnwmlll machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc Manufacturers of tho Salem .Iron Works Hop Press. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is wortli rrtoro thnn any other broad, yet tb,o prlco is no higher. For salo nt your grocor'a . - CALIFORNIA RAKERY. Thomas & Cooley, Props. At tho Old Stand Sam Cnsto an nounces that ho is still nt tho old Etnnd, at tho fair grounds, pro pared to break or train horses for road or track. Prices reasonable, and sntlsfactlon gunrantoed. Also flno road horse for salo. 10-12-tf Business Opportunity. A manager to tako chnrgo of ofllco and also do road work In connection with magnzlno subscription agency es tablished 20 years, doing a busi ness of $200,000 per year. A person wno Is responsible and ex pressive in meeting people and canvassing, who will not object to appointing agents and working with them In hit territory. To such a person wo will pay a month ly salary, a commission, and also a further lnUrest In tho business of said territory that will bring In a permanent return and Income. Address Tbo Home Magazine, Box 46 Indianapolis, Ind. 9-25-ood-Gw 1 ' ''. SALEM HOP DEALERS. Krt'b Ilroa. Growers of and deal ers In hops, Salem, Oregon. Phone 121. Office over Sates Bute Bank, 115 Commercial street. O, C. Douovait Hop merchant; rep resents best flrxhi In America. Cor ner Commercial and State streets, Salem. Phone Mala 137. G ITOJ ,TUWltm M . u GZma!i Wnnted. A place Where n young boy can work for his board and room and go to' school. Address Wlllnmotto University. ' 9-24-tt LOST. Lost Uetweon Salem nnd Sheridan a 22 Winchester ropeater rifle. Suitable reward for return of snmo to this ofllco. 10-15-2w DODOES. roreswirs oi America uourt Suorwood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tucsdny in Hurst hall, Stato streot. U. 8. Rider, 0. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Control Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Ilolman block, corner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday nf ench weok at 7:30 p. m. J. O. Graham, C. C.j W. I. Staler, K. of R. and 8. Modorn Woodmen of Amorlca. Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meet! ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holtnan hall. W. W. Hill, V. O) F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmon of World. Moot evory Fri day night at 7:30, In Ilolman halL F. R. Cnpper, C. C. P. L. Frazlor, Clork. 111 ' .' "J ,,I-J" DRAYMEN. aiinniius successor to Whlto Cummins, oxpross, delivery and transfer lino. Prompt Borvlco Is our motto. Furnlttiro nnd piano moving a specialty, stand nt 156 South Commercial street. Phono 175. Restdonco phono 968. 8-4-tf MUSIC STUDIOS. Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio, nssoclato teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, 111., roprosontlng lutor-Stnto Sys tom at Sniom, Oregon. Diplomas granted upon completion of courso In tho opora 'Houso building,' rooms 8 and 9. Studio hours, 9 to 12, nnd 2 to 5. 9-8-tt F. K. Newberry. Grnduato Chicago Musical Collogo, pupil of Rudolph Ganz, two years with Wtllamottd Unlvorslty, has oponod music stu dio, rooms 9 nnd 10, in I. O. O. F. Tomplc. HourB 9 to 5. Business hourB 1 td 3. 10-17- VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. E. J. Young. Votorlnary Surgeon ..and dontlst, 33 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Difllcult sur gical operatlous a specialty. Phont 681. Ofllco nt Club Stables. Phone 7, Snlem, Oregon. 3-9-tf PLUMBERS. neo. Ai. iinrr riumuing, not wntor and steam heating nnd tlunlng, 164 Commercial street. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Potzel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 220 Commercial street 'Phono Main 17. A. L. Fraxor Successor to Burrougbi & Frnzor, plumber and tlnn&r. Manu fncturer of coppi? and galvanize! Iron cornice, and metal skylight, 105 Sate street. 'Phono 1511. i OSTEOPATHS. vllle, Mo,, under founder of oite patliy, Room 21 Broyman vbldg., Commercial streot. Phone 87. Reil dence S90 State, cor. Church, Puont 1110. llreatB acute and ehrnnlc dt cases. Examinations free. Dr. W, L. Mercer, Graduate of Klrku vllle, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Rooms 25-20 Breyraaa bldg., Commercial St. Phone 910. Reti denco 419 North. Summer street. Phone 014, Treats acute and ehroale diseases. Examination free. UVERY AKP SALE BTABLKg. 'THK XSD FRONT BTABLM M. L. HARXOD, PROPRIETOR, 271 OHEMBKXTA fcTREET. WATBR COMPANY. bALtW Wk I &t CUMFArt 1 offiob orrr hall. For water service apply at efflee Bills payabla aonthly la advance Hike all eowplalata at the efllee. Jtist Receiyed Ono car of American wlro onco. Special price till October 25th. Low est price. IllghoJt quality. Shlnglos, Malthold roofing, gates, post, etc WaftxJHMey Kviuis' llnrbcr Shop. Tho only first class barber shop on Stato street;! evorythlng now nud up to date. Finest porcelatn boths In tho city. Shaving 15c, halrcuttlng 25c, baths 25c. Two first-class boot blacks. O. W. Evans, prop. 8-9 SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. rraiuc w, Jjrown. Manufacturer or sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hard wood work, Front street, bet. Stnto nnd Court, INSURANCE. Lincoln Annuity union.- Sick, acci dent nnd ponslon lnsurnnco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid. Good ngonts wanted. J. H. O, Montgomery, euprome organlror, Box 432 Snlom, Orogon, R. R. Ryan, socrctnry, 546 State street; rc1'. .A-'V. gECOyP-"AND. GOOD& Now nnd Second-Hand Goods. Bought nnd sold, also rangoa; stoves nnd cooking utensils, dish es, grantto and tlnwaro of nil kinds Glvo us a call. O. L. McPook, 179. South Commercial St. 8-13-ly; GeAeral ..Machine Works:. E. M. KIGIITLINGER, Machinist nud Mnungcr. 178 South Liberty St. - WE BUILD ANYTHING THAT CAN RE MADE FROM IRON OR STEEL. NONE HUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED. General Repairing Solicited 9-1 9-1 m For Vetch and Clover Seeds v Call on Tillson & Co. 151 High ! in I Use?. . . Self Rising B. B. B. Fionr. Ask your grocer for it TID3 TOWN ORTJBS. Couldn't make nn announeenieat that would (pleaie the public better than when we teH them that their laundry work will bo dose to perfec tion and the" Salem Steam' Laundry can't bo competed with anywhere la tho count'y for the perfection of Its work on linen, illlrs or woolens. We defy competition In this line, became If Ahore were any better methods wo would have them at onee. Try the Salem Steam Laundry. Prices right. SALEM STKAM LAUNDRY. Colonel. J, ObaetttuL Ftep. PHONE 28. 138-166 S. Libert? St. White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Ia prepared to accomodate any alied crowd at any time of the day or night. Phone Mala 196 State St. Meals served at all hours. mmmMammmmmmtamammmmmimmmJaammmmmm I WUIM FWMCH FEMALE !aWidl8tULS. A .. C,w, Km in hnuMU VimHtim, w.uaa .Jtf T f III K.F Mm.I telrl lUll,. t..1i?r..i;SV !., iLhflJI. ifalMMl P"1 e" r-" - - ' IPICt W.i T UWmMi. FaV. BBBBBBBBBrMmBBBBBWaBVBaHnVfaiBllV SbP" eaW ai'apal PtJT 9ji sa psaPfRay il , 1 ' I',