Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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- wa4n&Xtt&m&folm4i4tt
Tlio following timely articlo la
from the Sunday Orogonlnn of tlio
14th, and 1b by a woll known rose
When moHt othor summer flowers
nre pant and gone, and. when the
woods have already donned their
autumn tints, wo enn stilt tlinnkM to
the persistent efforts and 9 i of the
hybridizer, enjoy beautiful roses In
our 'gardens. For more than 100
yearn many noted Introducers and
ralseis of now varieties have devoted
time and skill to produce loses that
embrace the most Impoitaut chara
t'erlstli.' of giving us their flowers In
the autumn. Previous to the Intro
duction Into Huropo of the Chinese
roso (rosa liullca) towards tho (dose
of the eighteenth century tho only
roses obtainable In Hiirnpe, with few
and iinlmpurtaut exceptions, were
essentially summer-blooming vurle
lies. Orndually as years 'moved on, by
selection and hybrldutlon the trait
has been developed and established,
so that at. the present day a very
large selection of varieties can be
made, that with proper treatment
may be depended upon, to give us a
supply of these delicate and rich
colored blooms In the autumn.
Yes, even as late as Christmas we
can occasionally cut a few perfect
.blooms of such varieties as (Ihilre
do Dijon, La r-'ranco, Testout, Papa
(loutler and a few others.
Ho much attention has of late been
devoted to the Introduction and
growth of fall-blooming roses that
the National' Hose society of Kng
land has for some years past held
an annual show In September, and
that month now shares with May and
.litno the pioud distinction of being
a "month of roses."
I hnpo the litno may come with us
when tho rose amateurs of this beau
tiful Hose City, and In fad, or the
Pacific, northwest In general, may
have, a "roso day" In September as
well as In May or June,, We can
not, of coins!', expect to have such a
profusion and wealth of bloom, biit
with a judicious selection of varie
ties and a little care and attention
to cultivation the beantly of our
gardens can be prolonged and main
tained i nl II tin cold, hlool; winds
mid rains of winter come upon us.
Adapted to' Kail IMooiiilug.
In looking over (bo varieties most
suitable for tho apurlul purpose un
der consideration I have found that
iulte a number of hybrid teas and
tea-scented roses are autumn bloom-orn.
1 mill mention bore a few that are
especially adapted for thin purpese:
'Hybrid IVrpotimls. .
Alfred Colomb, bright red; Annie
Wood, clear red: Kruncols Mlcholou,
silvery rose; l-'ruu Karl Druschkl,
pure white; l.ouls Van lloutlo, ma
roon crimson; Mrs. .lolin Uilng, soft
clear pink; Mrs. It. (1. S. Crawford,
rosy pink; Ulrlch llruiimu'. cherry
Hybrid Ten.
Hello Slobrecht, Inlpuilul pink;
UokhIo Drown, creamy whfte; Caro
line Testout, satin roso; I, a Krtiueo.
silver pink; Mine. Abel Ohalenay,
earmluo, shaded salmon; Mine. .1 tiles
Grolox, China rose; Sou do President
Carnot, Uosh-shaded white; Vis
rouutoss Folkestone creamy pink
Teas. ,
Anna Olivier, roaj il'h and bun.
Hon. Kdltll (linrord. white tlesh;
Ivory, Ivory while; Mmuuil Cochet,
carmine shaded salmen: White Ma
inau Cochet, while, oty'ii tinned
bliiBhj Pnpa (loutlur. crimson car
mine; Sou de Catherine Utilllot. or
iiiiro red.oto.; Son do Pierre Netting,
apricot yellow.
Among climbing tone may he
mentioned Ololro do Dijon, buff or
iiugu center; lloyo MQr. (loop yollow,
and perhaps wo tthould liielndu In
this section that all-around good
climber, Mil a Alfrsd Carrlero,
creamy white, tinted blush.
The lioiirhon roses aio nearly till
good luittiiunuls. tho host being Sou
de lu Mnlmnlsoii, dear tlesh The
Polymithu roses are tine nuttiinu
bloomers; among the bust are: Co
ellle llrunner. light ros. elliv con
tor; "Milo. K. l.ovn&iHMir, also called
(mid I think most luuptlv) "llntiv
Huiublor." ll Is no rambler, but
NtrlcOy a bedding rose I'uuiliiuoustv
covered with cluster of brlultt eilm-
imju Mower which lit tho antninu lire
particularly bright and iWuurnilve
AUuy of the now and awr va
rieties havtf th fall blooming iwn
4Hiriv strongly developed. mong
many Uallful kinds. I will mention
t43f a few at lay favorltyjH
Hmu UoJf. nil wry ruriiim; KtoUe
Ue rrautv. JilKht red. shaded, )
num Wmwiw Pt-iutwrtpn, creamy
Wilt UMrt4 Grant, jdlvory watte,
js&sSst! psasfct iMir Setters, clier-
ry crimsen: I.lilimond, rich clear
Tt the limits of this article It Is
not feasible to enter fully Into the
subject of cultivation for fall bloom
ing, because overy phase of tho sub
ject applies and leads up to the re
sult, wo desire. I will therefore as
sume that the plants have been
properly mulched In tho previous
late autumn or early winter, with
good rich manure. Also that winter
pruning has been attended to, and
that the, bushes have been brought
through their summer blooming In
a satisfactory condition.
We will now take hold of them
for fall blooms. While the forego
ing list of varieties (and many
others) are good autumnal bloom
ei'S, and while they can under ordi
nary conditions be depended upon
to supply more or less late flownra,
a grmt deal can be done to assist
nature so that we may enjoy In
greater profusion and perfection tho
properly developed charms of these
favorites of autumn. One of tho
lirst considerations and pcrhapB the
most Important Is to glvo the bushes
a period of rest after they have fin
ished their summer (lowering. In
our climate water should be with
held throughout July, giving only
mi (Helen' moisture at the roots to
keep the plants from sulTeiiug.
This will tend to ripen and mature
the wood that has been made In the
early spring and summer growth.
Kurly In August when the wood has
ripened, all weak shoots must lie ju
diciously thinned out and tho
healthy and vigorous one moderate
ly shortened. Tho bush should nt
the same time, lie nicely shaped up
for Its second growth. Special at
tention should now lie given to In
duct and encourage this second
growth. II Is upon the young shoot,
now produced that wo get our llnest
blooms, later. Therefore, keep the
ground lu your rose'beds and around
your Individual specimens loosiw and
pliable by continual cultivation with
the hoe. Liberal watorlng occa
sionally at tho roots Is now essential
If you can apply this lu tho form of
weak ltttuld inuuure so much the
heller. If this Is not practicable
mulch nround the bushes a sprink
ling of bone meal, guano or other
fertilizer, and lightly hoe lu mid
ink with the surface soil. Tho water
you apply will cany It to the roots.
Tho foregoing attention to and culti
vation of your plants should be per
sisted lu us If summer Instead of
autumn was approaching. Your re
ward will roiuo lu September, nnd
7ir,Ti :"rni mi, """" "3
I Ir "nT "Tr ggl
if ik
Absolutely Pure
Hlri, -1 n
Sing poibS
'Pure Bicarbonate Soda
(From Collier's Weekly.)
Tho International Society
J. A. Folger & Co. s.n f.i
affection Increase for these objects
of his care, which his own Industry
and attention has helped to develop
to their present stnto of perfection
nnd beauty.
As to the Supply or Electricity.
Kdltor Chronicle Sir: I note
regarding the service of the San
Francisco Gas and Electric company,
and your drastic criticism of the
same, especially ns it refers to tho
Western addition and Fillmore
Tim l.'niiiin f r. itreet.
. , . -, Fnder ordinary conditions your
JL'L ?Wimont ",a,,,) .Bhtvyenrs 'rrltI,Iflm woul(, ,,0 we tnken. ,t
ago by the powers lu crentlng Prince ,s t rpe, ,tnat n Bnfllcient Investlga-
fleorgo of Greeco high commissioner (Ion of the reasons for the defective
Building commissioners and inspec
tors calls attention to the fact that
wo have In tlte United States eleven
nnd a bnlf million buildings, valued
nt $14,500,000,000, or more than all
the railroad In the country put tolthe country had suffered a cal
gether, and It asserts tliat'oi-an
up all our new ones.
Francisco has raised the fir,,
oi tne unueu states to
ouu. even it we do not let
city burn clown between noil
nexi .January. Jt we shonljl
up uio wnoie or our bonanza,
crop, on which we are rehJ
kivo usnroaperuy, we shordd
for the government of .Crete has
failed, It appears, and the prince has
resigned. A now modus Vivendi Is
to bo established. Tho four protect
ing powers England, France, Italy
and Russia have informed tho king
of Greece that ho Is empowered to
name a new high commissioner for
confirmation, first by tho four pow
ers and afterward by tho sultan of
Turkey. Germany and Austria, it
may bo observed have retired from
connection with the management of
Crete, partly because they wished to
bo free from nu Irksoino and expen-
slvo rospdnslblllty anil partly be
caiiBo they wish to be on good tonus
wltli the Htiltan. Tho new high com
missioner will be, It. Is, bolloved, M.
Zultuls, a formor prosldont" of tho
Greek chamber of deputies, llo will,
for a period of live years, exercise
tlm authority of tho powers, after
which Interval a successor will bo
choMou lu the same manner. Tho In
cident. Is Hlgnlilcunt lu soveral ways.
It makes tho connection of Crete
with Greece somewhat closer and
service has not been made. We must
candidly admit that at certain times
during tho past three or four months
the supply has not been what our
customers hnve a right to expect,
but It Is not due to an Inadequate
plant nor Inefficient conduct of any
of the plants of the company, but
due to reasons absolutely beyond
our control.
Since the fire we have expended
over $1,000,000 In the rehabilita
tion of both our gas and electric In
stallations, and are continually us
ing every means In our power and
known science to correct the faults
4 hat daily appear. If It Is recalled
that tho center of distribution of
both gas and electric services were,
by the exigencies of the occasion
lifted, as It were, In one night from
Kearny ami Market to practically
Fillmore and O'Fnrrell. It would be
seen that human Ingenuity had big
problems confronting It to devise
ways and means to properly -supply
such a new nnd milckly hitlhled
district. The electric mains of the
these just one Is absolutely fire
proof. That one was built In Chi
cago by the great Insurance compan
ies for a testing laboratory. There
are only four thousand buildings
about one in three thousand that
aro even nominally flreprpof, and
these can be damaged In a conflagra
tion to the extent of from 30 to 90
per cent of their value. Yet the un
burnablo Underwriters' Laboratory
In Chicago, with its walls of vitrified
brick, floors, roof, and partitions of
semi-porous, hollow terra-cotta, door
and window openings framed In
rolled steel, window frames and
Bashes of sheet metal, doors of fill
ed copper and steel, and .stairs of
hollow terra-cotta. cost only 12 per
cent more than a building that ould
shrivel up at the first breath of an
advancing fire.
In 1905, which was a "normal
year," wo spent $50,000,000 for
new buildings and burned old ones
to the value of $200,000,000. We
paid $300,000,000 for fighting fire
and $195,000,00 In fire Insurance
premiums, of which we got back
$95,000,000 from the companies In
payments for losses.
It cost ua more to burn part of
our old buildings and protect the
rest from burning than it did to put
yet It la doubtful whether that.
crop woiiiu pay for the
actunlly have burned and ar.
lng this year. Our entire j
supply would not pay for a ,J
It. The entire gold productlojJ
wuriu wouia not come
near paying for It all.
Tim tenn finn nnn ...
.... T,UUu,uuu wormoitj
ings wnicu we put up ln a.J
llllt'fl r1rtti. i.n..1.1 . . 1
........ Uv, ,T,,um uosl about tl
uuo.ouo ir tliey were built .,1
hlirn down. For the extra t!iJ
..uu ,vu i-uiuu save most of thihS
Ann nnn . "'I
vuv.uuu we pay in norraal.W
Mc-.i mm nre protection, lltJ
woras wo snould have the (
lent of another wheat or
uiuii iumeu every year to the id
ai weaitn.
Tllfl QnMali nf n..iui
-v., ui uuiiaing cob
..,... o uu niop-eciors nas Broii
a uniform law, to be Introduced
tne legislature of every state i
lng stricter requirements for hi
lng; it urges that Insurance
upon fire-traps should be prohibit
ana it suggests that Instead of M
....., ... Mitieusea taxes fh
they do good work we should i
the taxes lighter on solid builds
ana heavier on those that are i
dangerous to the communltr
most burdensome In'their dernai
for fire protection.
virtually ends the connection of conipnny supplying the district,
Crete with Turkey. Crete hereafter,
like Egypt, will bo nominally a pos
session of tho Sultan Abdul Ilnmld.
but only nominally. A further step
has been taken toward the ultlinato
absorption of Crete Into tho Greek
kingdom. Its Immedato incorpora
tion into that kingdom would exolto
the Jealously, resentment and nmhlr
tlous of the Hulgarlaus, Servians
Itotimalulaus; but for the present
the high conimlssloiiershlo lu a
you will fowl amply repaid when you K,i working scheme, especially
reap a bountiful harvest lu your rose
Harden of a quality In many cases
oven superior to tho early summer
bloom. Perhaps there Is no moro
cliarinlng period In tho gardeu'a
work for tho true lover of the roso
than when lu the cool early pioruliiK
of a bracing autumn day the rosnr
lan walks throiiKh his gmden, ad
mli'luK the rich 'ami delicate tints uf
his favoiltu Mowers, llo note them
tlugHil mid tlppud with autumn's
dew. and feels his admiration mid
St. Vitus Dance
Are nerve diseases, nnd unless
checked, lend tu destruction of
both mind and body. The
weak, sihnttored nerves must
have something to strengthen
and build them back to health.
Dr. Miles' Kestorativc Nervine
is a remarkable nerve tonic and
stimulant.- It strengthens the
nerves, relieves the nervous
strain, and inlluences refresh
ing body-building sleep and
rest, .Persistent use seldom
fails to relieve these afllictions.
"I wn tnkun with cpiunilc ilta; imd
eloyim In lw limit 13 bourn. .My
fuller neat fur our fiuiiuy iiIij-mIoIioi,
tmt ho could U wry Itttlu fur me. mul
I BMW imu tn-wi-y tUy. nml ut Ut
they wil tin diKtora with in, mul 1
Mill yot wuiikv My fntlmr liwmt ot
Dr. Mil in.ilioliuvs mul lxnmlt
Umlii uf Nitmiio mul n box ot Norva
mul l.ivr I 'ill. 1 lioil tiiktm only a
fv tinned until I lnKii to tad iMUr,
1 took IS tattli. unit It outfit jit
oumt and will, it lw bom w orili nil
Die vi-urld tu uiw. I rvctmiiut'iul tt
wlirsr I k. Vuu may una tJita an
a. llfe-loni; tc-tliiiotilnt to tlm merit
of your uirdioliitt. for I hiii i'iiJiyltiK
U lxt of litlli, mul fivl tlml ny
Ufa unit tKsilth lit Uurt ta thin woiulorful
It V. d No.. ttatitvu'i. 'Ha.
Or, Mll' Nervine U totd by your
dfuuQUt. v,ho wilt uoarntr tint h
llrtt bttttl will ltivnt. If It Ult, ti
will rofunJ ur money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
since tho aspiration of the Cretans
for Incorporations with (Irooco has
now boon pnrtialy rocognlsted by tho
of tho powers.
Certain reforms In Croto aro pre
scribed by tho powers. The armed
police, for example, are to bo reor
ganised ami the Intoruatinual lluanco
commission which hns tlreeco's
llnauces lu charge Is to extend its
operations to Oreto. Local olllcjals
aro no longor to bo allowed to im
pose tinwlso taxos mid wnsto tho
proceeds uf taxation ln Indulging tho
caprice of local politicians. Tho
Cretan uovernmont hns opposed this
reform as "reducing Crete to a1 Btato
of slavery." but curbing tho ltbur
tes of the spoilsman hardly deserves
so harsh a characterization. A pure
democracy cannot, however, bo snld
lo exist tho former realm of King
Minos. A dispatch of September 1-1
from Uanon, describing the roassom-
hllng of the national assembly,
states that International troops mid
Koudurmes were stationed
the building lu which tho deputies
mot, nnd "lusldo ordir was main
tained liy Htuidarmoe and an Italian
military captain with a bugler."
Such a Rceno reoalls occurences at
statu oimltnl& tu tho south during
tho "reconstruction." era. Soma of
the Cretan tlnputlos, nw ns they nre
to free Institutions, noticed tho
anomaly of armed police Inside mid
outside their place of meeting nnd
det-laml "the susceptibilities ot u
clvlllsiHl" ptopl wounded." The pro
emulous wer not. howover, It np
pMtrs, iiierluou8, owing to tlo
pliHtaaul wny Cretan patrolts havo
of dUuuwIng political matters with
the aid of pistols mid daggers.' Tho
dispatch roforred to ouds with tho
statement that on tho day of tho
atHcmbUng ot tlm dop.utU "i num
ber of rollers, tho most Uiroutonlag
of wUojn woro customs ottlera, werq
after the ndlourmitinit kept from a
coutllct with tholr ouomloa in tho
town only by tlm International
trmips.' Crotst Is lu tho unfortunuto
posit loiv of having n race Issue
superadded, to rancorous religious
isihs. milliners taun. I
from which feeders had to bo run to
tho new district nre nil underground'
Faults which cannot he. by any In
vestigation, uncovered will result
day by day, due to the.daningo In
flicted upon our underground ser
vice by the earthqiiako and lire.
I enn only hope that tho people
of San Francisco will bo as lenient
with us as possible, and as forgiv
ing or our faults, knowing, upon
consideration, n.Tthoy must, Mint
pun idtuo.nl oai3 o) s o.ijsop .mo
etllclent service In rotjirn for. the
revenues collected, nnd ns tho pur
pose of every corporation should bo.
and us certainly ous is, to glvo to
tho peoplons rapidly as possible tho
samo otllclent character of service
that characterized this company be
fore the lire.
JOHN' A. nitlTTON. President.
Home of tho Most Famous Diamonds
Among tho historic dlnmonds the
largest and host known Is "Tho
Great Mogul," a Btono weighing 2S0
carats, lu tho possession of tho Shah
ot Persia Next comes tho "Orloff,"
named for Count Orion, who bought
It lu 1 f 72 from the Kmpross Cather
ine or Russia. Tho stone Is rose
cut, shaped llko a pigeon's ogg, and
weighs ijB carats. The third Is the
Hogent" or "Pitt" diamond, which
Is ono of tho French crown jewels.
The Duke of Orleans, nctlng as
rogeui lor l.ouls xv.. banc it t for
outslda j,j,t paying $Gr.0.000. Tho "Floren
tine" or "Austrian." Is the fourth
In size. It bolonged lo Charles the
Hold, of Hiirgiindy, and was lost by
him nt tho battlo of Oranson, In
1170. A Swiss peasant found It nnd
sold It for half n crown. It finally
cmno Into tho hands of Popo Julius
11.. who presented It to the omporor
or Austria. The firth In size, called
tho "Star or the South." is a Ura
zllian stone.'
Tho Kngllsh "Kohlnoor." whllo
ranking sixth In size. Is counted tho
most valuable In the korld. It was
found In the mliuw of tiolcouda ages
ago, and after being successively lu
tho possession of many Indian prlu
00. passed to Queou Victoria. These
aro the six most famous diamonds.
A stoiiu reoontly discovered In Africa
can claim to ha tho largest In the
world. It wolghod. uncut. -175
i ii
Wftltor-- Haven't you forgotten
something, sir!
Vaclit Gloucester a Wreck.
The recent storm which wrought
havoc at Mobile and Pensacola. and
devastated the gulf coast, drove
ashore the converted yacht Glouces
ter.to which was accorded a bril
liant achievement In the war with
It will bo remembered that when
the fornildable-looklng torpedo bont
destroyers belonging to Cervera's
lleet steamed out of tho hnrhor of
Santiago, the Gloucester, undor
Commander ltlchard AValnwrlght,
went strnight. for theni. nt full
speed; and although tho destroyers
were theoretically superior lu about
the proportion or 100 to 1, tho Glou
cester, with her machine guns, under
tho direction of tho rearles3 and In
domitable Walnwrlght, soon had the
Spanish vessels leaking llvo sieves.
In order to save their lives tho Span
lards ran the sinking destroyers
Many will be the regrets among
patriotic Americans, and among
lighting men the world ovor, who ad
mire and applaud a brave and fear
los deed, to learn that the historic
Golucester Is high nnd dry on tho
coast of Pensacola. Tho trim little
vessel deserved a better fate. Though
she Is a wreck tho story of the part
she took at. Santiago will always
constitute n respleadent pngo ln tho
annals of tho American navy.
Will treat you with Oriental la
and cure any disease without ojxritJ
or pain.
Dr. Kum is known everritltn I
Salem, and bus cured many prou
people here. Fie has lived in
for 20 yeras, and can he trusted. 1
uses many medicines unknown to i
doctors, and with them cis i
catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, &
inatigm, stomach, liver, and Mittjl
Dr. Kum mnkes a specialty ot (
and female troubles. Hi u.
euro private diseases when tiufM
else fails. He has hundreds of
moolals, and gives consultant ;
Prices for medicines very mod
Persons in the country can mill I
blank. Send stamp.
If you want some extra fine tM,l
It from us.
167 South High street, Salem, t
OnDoaite Hotel Salem. P. 0. BaJ !
Politician Yes. who ran for vice
president . with Ilryan? Now York
To Visit .lute Mill.
Governor Mend, of Washington,
has written to Governor Chnmber
lain, expressing the hope that tbo
Oregon legislature will visit tho
Washington stnto prlsoa at Walla
Walla next winter for tho purpose of
exnmlnlug the Jute mill. Governor
Mead has already given ordors to
the governing board to render any
service possible to the visitors, lu
the event the examination Is made,
and has personally Invited tho gov
ernor to accompany the law makers
There Is a probability that tho leg
islature will go to Walla Walla to
examine tho Jute plnnt with the pur
pose lu vlow of establishing' such an
Institution nt the Oregon peniten
tiary. Tho matter was first made
prominent by tho Pendleton Com
mercial association, which body
urges the establishment ot the jute
mill and has asked tho legislature to
make tho visit under tho auspices of
the association.
Oregon City
Logging Shoes
In High Tops
In Low Tops
A Sweet Breath
is what all should have, and it can
be ensured by the judicious use of
B tectum's Pills.- A sweet breath
denotes that everything is well, so
at the slightest indication of the di
gestive organs not working prop
erly, do not forget to take
8oU Kysry whtre. In fcox Mj. .n4 $.
Warranted to be' WaU
For Sale By
Get More Eegs
Uao Purina Egg F04
eet more etrcs. It Is ,w
tliat will do it.
Give It a Trial
Kkk-j are a faT Prk
yoil aro in the chlcV'f"
for eggs.
... l.-lu I
Certainly win "- ,
.- ...Ml .. it. W
eggs u you win ---
sack and see the resul'4-
D.A. Whites:
Feodwea aad See"
Poultry awl Dee
90S Cowwer11 St. I'f!l!L
m. ftjAttAfla&reJifrfr ji