-$-( hhp f v , w4MHaMftM '"Tfjr pw? ' aa jv p ' ' ft 9r kiww , "f "" , v .,. . $jp TCTm" "-57''"(rwr5r7w(a,j(!iiify'i 'wi 3Sfff','X',?,',P'TS''5,w DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1000. J WILL DUILD TURNER ROAD. IT'S GOING TO R A I And if yon woi'h' rotoct jour clothing n3 well as yourself, buy one of our Oavenefcte Coats Thoy nro made of ly Cravonotlo and Genuine Priest well tailored. COMFORTABLE DRESSY DURABLE Tlio most senslblo cont for all pur poses, $8.50 to $25 COME AND SEE THEM G. W. Johnson & Co. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL 1JY JIOFER RROS., I'iihIIrIilth mill Proprietors. BUIISCMPTION RATES. Uy Mull. 'Dally Journal, ono month .... 3Sc Dally Jouriml, throo montliB . . f 1.00 Dally Jouriml, ono year 4.00 Wookly Jouriml, ono your .... 1.00 ' Uy Carrier. , Dally Journal, por mouth .... 50c MORE MEN WANTED. Thoro Is a doutnml for 175 tnon at WllsoitvUlo whorp tlio Snlonij Portland electric crosses tlio WIN latnotto river. THAT IH MORE MEN than would 1io otnployed In this county all win ter hut for this enterprise, outside of factorlOM. That Ih what ono oloctrlc lino Is going for I ho employment of labor. When tlio electric linos nro built to Mohuinii and Falls City that MANY MEN WILL ME NEEDED ON EACH LINE. After these linos nro constructed thoy employ Ht 111 moio labor. THEY FlhL THE COUNTRY WITH NEW'I'EOIMjE. The hie farms aro out up Into lit tle ouob and suppoit more popula tion. Tlio llttlo fruit tracts feed tlio numerics and tlio canneries employ more labor. Thoro Ih moio Batlsfactlou In working for such ontnrprrlsos than In Hpondttie tlmo on gigantic schemos that never inntorlnllxo. A transcontluiMital rnllroad WOULD HE A tJOOD THING for Oregon. Hut ono llttlo suburban electric Is woilh more to Suluut. HE DIDN'T ORDER OR HIRE THE HAND TO FLAY. W. S.' U'Ron Is tho other Oregon City gontlonmn who shares tho Umo llght with Mr. Hedges, hut tho com ments on him nro of cntlroly differ ent tenor. Even pnrty-hldo-bound orgnns, that niako tholr llttlo jokes nhout Mr. U'Ron ns tho Pooh Dah of Reform, nro rospoctful In porson- n I allusion to him. Tho papers over tho stnto gonornlly, HAVE RE CEIVED AND TREATED WITH FA- VOR tho montlon of his unmo for tho Unltod States sonnto. Tho Eugene Guard, commenting upon tho ronort that Mr. U'Ron would seek to havo tho primary law nmondod so no to limit tho oxpensos of candidates, said: "Whnt U'Ron nsks for ho gonornlly rocolves and In this Instnuce future generations of candidates will i'Iso up and call lilm blessed." Oregon City Stnr. Politicians who nro now kicking will got Into tho band wagon with Hedges and U'Ron, As result of a conference between tho Marlon county court and Gover nor Chamberlain tho Turner road will bo further Improved with con Vict lobar. Judgo Scott and Commissioner Noedhnm had a talk with tho gover nor, and the Marlon county author! ties AGREED TO PUT A DEQK OF CRUSHER ROCK on tho roM al ready built. Governor Chamberlain will fur nlsh a crow of convicts to crush the rock, and the county authorities will finish the convict-built road already constructed. Governor Chamberlain has made arrangements to go over tho road from the reform school to Turner, a very bad piece of road, and WILL TAKE STEPS TO CONSTRUCT THAT. Tho property owners nlong tho road will bo asked to assist, and the governor will see some of thorn per sonally, nnd get all the help ho can, as tho stnto has no funds for this work at present. Tho authorities of Marlon county and tho oxecutlvo ofllco aro to bo con- grntulrted on tho disposition to do something for good roads In splto of criticism. INSTITUTION FOR THE FEEBLE MINDED. IN THE LIMELIGHT. Two Oregon City attomoya nro aubjocts of comment by papers all ovor tho state of Oregon. Senator Hodges is censured by papers big uiul llttlo for allowing his refusal of it railroad puss to bo accompanied by a meat beating of tom-toma. An 'tho Btar has heretofore pointed out, tho coiuuro is lit tho main unjust While you w looking for an lincMiiR'iit, jour idle money might JuNt well bo earning tlirvo Kr cviil lutotvxt In our SvIhk Department. If jou ilnil a NHtlkfitrtory In vestment you eui drew It out, hut If tho moMltN tu'ttr on huiI ho wfo JtircftOtieHt l (rt'CurtHli our mem' hs twined thn itr rent without risk or trsuMo oh your jwrr, AcouhIm opcttcd for any RiWOHHt. S&Ylajp Dtpartmtat 4 TiaMiif rVftffaMiftf KjkjV INTEGRITY OF THE PRESS. Under tho caption, "Mr, Hoarst nnd tho Press," tho Now York World tho lending Doinocrntlc nowspnpor of Its stato. commonts upon a recent Htatomont of tho Democratic candi date for uovornor In a manner that Hinncks very loudly of sarcasm. Tho World would Hko to bo a Doinocrntlc papor ono of tho ronl Jefforaon klnd--but tho latter day Incursion of Diyanlsm, populism nnd social ism Into tho rnnki of Its party, and usually to dnmlnnto It, has mndo It almost ImpoHslblo to . support Its tickets so much as half tho time. It Is unusually embarrnsslug at this tlmo for tho World to support Hearst and tho heller Is Justified that it Hughes should bo elected tho re sult would not causo tho shedding of any gront number of tears , around Its ofllco. Of Mr. Hearst It Bays: "Tho World slncoroly regrets that Mr. Hoarst In his Monday night speeches said: " 'Now, my . friends, wo claim proudly to havo a froo press in this country, but I nm sorry to say that I havo found that If you want fair trentmont tho press is not froo, hut you must pay to got In.' "Mr HoaVst Is not Justified in as Balling by wholesale tho honnrnhlo profession to which ho holongs. No ono knows hotter than hlmsolf that tho press of Now York, cannot ho bought." Pendleton Tribune Fow men's political fortunes have beon bolstered up moro by tho Dem ocratic and Populists and Socialists jthan T. T. Geer's and THE MORE HE ANUSES THEM THE RETTER THEY SEEM TO LIKE IT.. Thoro nro funny things about politics. No,, tho press Is not froo. Mr, Hearst told tho truth. Not ,only a great muny newspapers soil out, but men, who wrlto on thorn Bell out tholr convictions and go to work and ailvocato what they denounced. THE COOS HAY MONTHLY. Tho tlmo for opening bids for lands to locato tho institution for tho fooblo minded will explro Mon day, Octobor 22d, nt 1 o'clock p. m. Tho stato will accept bids for from 800 to 1000 acre3 of land sult ablo for a slto, and thoro are MANY TRACTS 1JEING OFFERED. Somo of tho largo old historic farms of Marlon. Polk nnd Ynmhlll counties, within ton miles of Snlom, aro already offered the. stnto. Nearly all tho largo places around Turner and adjoining tho prcsont stato Institutions nro among the lands offered tho Btnto for this now building. , Locations on electric lines aro go ing to bo considered favorably by tho stato officials, ns they realize the necessity of getting to and from those Important plnccs. Thoro will bo a number of flno farms, llko tho Gllbort & Pnttorson fnrm, near Eola; tho Ford & Kalsor Innds, near Chomnwn, and tho Cav nnnugh farm, near Tumor, offerod tho stnto. Tho bids provldo that halt tho land may bo timber, nnd tho growing scarcity of fuol will bo quite nn Im portant Item to tho stato, which buys nearly ton thousand cords per year. House Work H A IBUwP rite' t t H w-mm JiIOTfT --"- so ,- -z.' i i ni I ,S f "Ow, , '.'-j ' r (y " ( wrv Need Not lAiaaHA u L PEOPLE HECOMING INTERESTED Tho promlnonce given tho direct primary In this pnpor has Induced a great many persons to exjiross thoni solvos and A FINE LIST OF CAN DIDATES for tho city offices Is bo- lug .brought out. Tho Cnpltal Journal's snmplo noin lnatlpg ballot for tho purpose of get ting tho peoplo to tuko nn intorcst litis hail n good effect In Increasing tho registration. Many U cltUon, uftor ho had mndo out his ticket, found ho had not reg istered, and IMMEDIATELY PRO CEEDED TO ENROLL HIS NAME for tho prlmnry, contrary to expec tation of tho bosses. Tho desire of tho machlno to havo a smnll enrollment nt tho primary that can bo easily controlled or overcomo has been prcdomlnont, nnd tho peoplo, regardless of party, should continue to register nnd at tend tho primary election. X-RAYS Tho formation of a soap trust will havo a tendency to discourage Kan sas fnrmera boonUng cotton by add ing an additional Inch to tho caudal appondnges of tholr shirts. An International soap trust has beon formed. Now let ovetybody bo aympathotlo whllo tho party of tho great unwashed kicks,. Mr. Stork will please sit up nnd tnko notice. The drudgery of house work seems never ending to tired-out, dispirited women who suffer from female complaints or Irregularities. In flammation and ulceration cause fearful bearing-down pains which are aggravated by much standing on the feet, and lifting necessary In house work. . But let no woman despair of relief from this torture. That famous tonic reconstructor of diseased or disordered female organism, LydiaLPinkhamsVegetaWeCompouiid has cured more than one million American Women, and it will cure you. When troubled with painful Irregularities, when back aches and headaches drive out all ambition, Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will bring back health, strength, and happiness. It Gblvo Me Now Life end Vigor Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Last spring, whllo we were moving. I did considerable more work than my strength permitted, and, having mental trouble at the same time, my health broke down completely and I found myself unable to rest or eat. My nerv ous system became shattered and I was pale and emaciated and had to take to my bed. My sister advised me to try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and, although I had no faith In patent medicines, I was so miserable that I would take any thing for relief, I found that It made a complete change for the better, inducing appe tite and restful sleep and imparting new life and vigor to my entire system. I gained nearly fourteen pounds, my complexion looked fresh and clear, and my best friends were surprised and pleased at the change and oould hardly credit ths fact that Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound had accomplished it. Honora Lillian Henry, 1118 31st Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. Director Seattle Dramatic Club. Do not let disease make headway. Write at once to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice Is free and will contain information of great value to you. Mrs. Pinkham Is Maughter-in-law of Lydla E. Pinkham, and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease, she has been advising sick women free of charge. Lydia R Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail Smiles I No Mistake. The editor wns apologizing over tho tnlnnhnnn fr... n., .,......i .. Oregon needs a bank examiner, a "",7" , """""" lio- .. ,,..... . , , ' graphical eiror In his imner. "In our accout of tho meeting nt which you wero chairman last night, Colonel," ho said, "wo tried to say, 'following Is a detailed report of tho pioceedlngs,' but It appeared In print, as perhaps you "have noticed, 'following Is a derailed leport, and fo forth. Mistakes of that kind, you know, will " "It may have been an nccldont," donsoHt Ignorance just before ho has i,nterrupte(1 tlle n,an at the othor n s.iioniilii niiiminnHnn of intniii. eml of tho w're, "but it wasn't a " -. - ..., ,. ...tw... ... stnto auditor and n number of othor olllcos. Tho legislature can creato thoso placos but at prosent prosper ity wngos It will bo a problem to got nion competent to fill thorn. I lave you observed that when a mnn blows his noso ho shuts hU oyes. Womon keep their oyes open. A mnn sometimes displays the I goncc. n9tak3. You Bidotrncked most of tho leport." Chicago Tribune. Pacta aro not so stubborn ns peo plo aro In sticking to whnt they bo-. llvo nro facts. A Young Mother nt 70. "My mother has suddenly beon mndo young at 70. Twenty years of Mayor Lane hasn't done anything '"tense sufforlng from dyspepsia had for two dnys now. It's tlmo ho wns enUnrty disabled her, until 6 months Tho bankers who aro holding a convention In St. Louis wore crowd- Onu of tho best evidences of thood out of their meeting place in a metropolitan proportions of tho Coos theater bulldlug by a matlneo. In jllay country Is tho publication of a 'order to koop tho proceedings from fulWIOdgcd lungnilno by that nn mo, becoming- dry. tho outfit visited tho l c, l.evnr Is tho editor nad ho la ft big browory In a body. gentleman of tho literary nullity to V mnko It a success, Ho has had ex perience on daily Journalism, a J prerequisite for mngatlne success In rwres Chilli nnd Fever. Q, V. Wirt, Nacogdoches, Texas, says: "Ilia daughter has chills and these days, Tho first number con-jfover for throo ycartj ae could not tains a tremendous amount of good dad anything that would help her rdlng about the reloa It rpr-jttll k ue4 UerbUe. HU wife will 4 and Itlwtratto tarf If.aot. kn boum without It, and can- yaw want Coon Bay literature her W. wot say too uea for it." 50c. tho rtun to circulate, t W by D. J, Fry' dru atore. getting busy. a Win. P.. Hearst lias convictions that nro his own. Ho Is not tailing up some othor man's gnmo. a They havo hopes of circumventing Queen Esther from coming to Al bany and switching her up to Harris-burg. It is tlmo to make tho sauerkraut. Pickled pork, boiled potatoes and kraut! Oh, my I Don't it mnko your mouth water? Governor Chamborlaln is pretty nearly a Roosovolt Democrat. Ho never was enthusiastic for tho stuffed prophet stylo of politician. Tho Btroots aro getting their an nual pavement of maple leaves. Moro electric llnes mqro factor ies, moro payrolls, moro houses go ing up is vnai saiem needs. ago, when sho began taking Electrlo DItters, which havo completely cur ed her nnd restored tho strength nnd activity sho had In tho prime of llfo," writes Mrs. W. L. Gllpatrlck, of Dan forth, Mo. Greatest restorative medicine on tho globe. Sets stom ach, liver, and kidneys right, puri fies tho blood, and cures malaria, bil iousness nnd weakness. Wonderful nervo tonic. Price 50c Ouaranteod by J. Q. Perry's drug store. H. S. Gilc & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants In tho market at all times for dried fruit and farm produce of all kinds. Special We, havo for sale a few applo par ing and slicing machines; equipment for a large dryer: "will make a low price. The above cut shows our onw linnrt Tnrrlil Znnft PlirnaCC GUU'I anteod uas nnd dust proof. Ecoaoa- ical and durable; for tho partlcdll Inquire at A. L. FRASER "38 Stnto Street. Estimates furnished on heatlyj O. C T. CO Steamers Pomona Altona leave for P& daily except Sondy 710 a. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt Indications aro claaa business men aldermen. that somo first will be elected CASTOR! A F lafeaU an CkUfeM. TIN KM YmHiyi Always fcttlii WPWTR VfeV i of C&V&& CHINA STORE Special sale, silks, fancy goods, embroidery, laco. gents' and iaria' furnishing goods, wraps, coats, paaU " ana amis, trunks, mattings and blan kets. Wo make up new Uaea of wrappers, waists, whlto UDderwaar. aad kiwonaa. Everything golne at lowMt xem. Jll Court ., 8lifor. il a child cas tnr As advantageously at our mv - ket as tho oldr folks. V most careful attention to all or aad sU mhmi but tho &? t K. C, CROSS, State Street Harfct riKMiH