14 iraitNMEST WEATHER FORECAST. I IIB AND WARMER TONIGHT WITH LIGHT FROSTS; SATURDAY FAIR AND WARMER. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 10, 1000. NO. 251. )L. XVI. UNDREDS ARE KILLED BY STORM ;te amer goes down with crew of forty :0UND STANDARD GUILTY le Punishment is Limited to a Fine the Maximum Being $5,000 FIndlny, 0., Oct. 19. The Stund- rd oil jury returned a verdict of lullty at -1:35 this morning. Flndlay, O., Oct. 19. Attorney roupe, for the Standard, announced would file a motion for a now rial as soon It could be entered. Prosecutor David said nothing. No sentence will bo passed until argu ment on the motion Is heard. A fine of from $50 to $300 may be Im posed. The case will be carried through the supreme court. All the Standard attorneys, except Judge Troupe, left the city yesterday, con fldent of a disagreement. All day Thursday the Jury stood ten to two In favor of conviction. Flndlay, O., Oct. 19. A motion for a new trial will probably bo made Monday, but will not be beard for a Iweek or ten days. If the motion Is overruled, the defense will have 40 Kays in which to file a bill of exceptions. CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Ladles' Long Coats In the new plaid ef fect. Prices $4.95, $5.90, $8.50, $10.50 and $12.90. All re duced for this sale. Children's Long Coats 98c. In tho lastest mater ials. Prices $1.50, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50. $4.50 and $6.90. All reduced for this salo. Ladles' Suits Stylish lato arrivals. Prices $7.50 $8.90 $10.50, $12.50 and $13.90. All reduced for this sale. Ladles' SHU Petticoats Just arrived In colors and black. Prices $3.50, $4.50, $5.90, $7.50 and $8.90. This lot goes at sale prices. Ladles' Silk Waists In colors and black; all new goods. Prices $1.95. $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $4.50. They go with, tho rest for this sale. Ladles' Rain Coats Priced away down, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, and $4.50 Ladies' Trimmed Hats All new and stylish. Prices $1.50f $1.95, U.50, $2.95, $3.50, nd $3.95. Children's Trimmed . Hats 1b the latest creations. Prices 95c, $1.25, 75, $1.95 aad $2,25 Children's Caps. c. 25c, 35e. aad ijc $1.25 and $1.49. SAUBrg FA8THST GHOWXXO STORK. TWELVE BURNED TO DEATH Caught In a Densely Packed Lodging House at Early, Hour This Morning Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 19. As iio rooiiit nt n fl in n ciinnn hnnni. Ing house this morning 12 are dead. Planned campaign to secure tho re and a number arc injured. The leal of tho 13th amendment to tho imn .na nirtcoiv nnnUpii ntiri n panic followed the cry of "fire." Sev- eral of the trampled bodies were ere- mntmi Tho imihiinir wns n frnino. and most of the dead were burned beyond recognition. Besides the 12 knbwn dead two are missing. The house was used as a lodging house by conductors and motormen. and the landlndy thinks the flro was In- cendiary. Seven are reported miss- lng ho would mnke nis ngnt on tno noor a of that body,, bellovlng that ho had Closed the Rank. ! the BUnnort of tho ontlro SoUth- "0 Washington, Oct. 19. The Aetna insisted that a crisis In tho relations Banking and Trust Company of this of the races In tho Southern states city, a branch of the same named "as at hand, and that tho problem company of Butte, Montana, was to- of white supremacy or black doml day closed by the comptroller of tho nation should bo sett ed at onco. currency, and Robort L.yons wns ap pointed receiver. Tho national I.....! wnmlnar enve nn PTJimlnntlOn showed' the branch wns Insolvent. It last reported its resources and Ha- bilities at $123,942.64 PRICES SLASHED RIGHT AND LtTT DURING THIS SALE Seo how w'c do it: Our stock Is too large and must be cut down. No tice tho prices we ask for this season's mciclinmlise. Road en: Fino Silks Ladles' Underwear In plain colors, plaids "Wo show a complete ,i i,tnoku. A erand line of wool, cotton assortment to solect and merino; colors, cream white and gray. Prices 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and 98c. from. Prices yd. 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c, and Xcw Dress Goods Children's Underwear In plain colors, shad ow plaids, fancies and This department Is complete in every size and quality. Prices 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 49c. blacks. The assort ment Is great. Prices yd. 15c, 18c, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and 98c. Corsets Fine Velvets In silk and velveteen we show every color and black. Prices yd. 39c, 49c, 65c, 75c and S9c. "Wo do a wonderful business In this de partment. We sell tho Warner's Rust Proof, the best wearing cor set In tho world. Prices 35c, 49c, 65c, Umbrellas. Our stock Is complete 75c and 9gc for men, women and children. Prices 39c, Shoes iflp. 65c. 75c. 9Sc This department Is I coming to tho front w ioiM rapidly on account of Woistlngs . Wo show a great as- Bortraent in wool, fan- " , . .1.1,0 !.. andBhoe8 l,IB..1V?. " D"" , " .$1.95 and $2.50. CMl- imported fancies. J ., Bhoe8 25c, 35c, Prices yd. 18c 25c. JJ and 35c. 39c and 49c 1M Ontlag FUnnels . and '2 Thousands of yards to ,,..,. select frea 1b pUIn Men's Underwear aaT fancy colors. Wo show a compete Prices yd. 4Kc..6Kc,Une in wool, T' 8 1-3C. and 10c ,na .--. .- 39C, VC, ooc, . 98c Table Uses A grand aseorUaeat to " ' select ttom, both im- Space docs not per ported and dwHwUc'salt us to tell you of Prleea yd. 25e, JSe, hHRdreda of other r 49c, 5c, and 75c tlclee we have on sale. MrEVAV BDAC Cotik of Comffler fTKCYUl BnUO. dH awd Cttrt Stmts A RACE WAR IS COMING! Governor Yardman Says On ly Preventive Is to Dis franchise Negroes A Chicago dispatch Thursday says: Announcement of a carefully Constitution of tho United States, that which gives the negro equality with tho white man as a citizen, was made by Governor James K. vartta- man, of Mississippi, who was in Chl- cago attending tno railway surgeon s convention. Mr. Vardaman, who is Booking election to tho united btntes senate, declared that, if he won a membor- snip m tno upper nouse oi congress, Only Practical Settlement. "1 favor unqualifiedly and without reserve tho abrogation of tho 15th amendment to the Constitution," said tne governor It Is my hopo through tho United States sonnto to demonstrate to tho nation that there is only ono practical way of settling this matter, and that Is by plainly showing tho negro his proper plnco In our system of government. "The rnco question must bo set tled and that very soon. It ennnot be disposed of, however, until tho nation as a whole has been con vinced that there is a distinction be tween the white rnco and tho black. "Tho laws now specifically recog nize the difference between tho whlto man and tho Indian, tho Chlnnman and tho Esquimaux or tho Malay. There Is Just as wide a gap between tho white man and tho negro. Negroes Becoming Worse "Tho negroes In tho South, not withstanding tho millions of dollars wo have spent In attempting to edu- cnte them, aro becoming moro Irro- sponsible, moro disrespectful of law munlcatlon with Havana was re am! moro nnlmal-liko In their chnr- stored at noon. Tho first messages acters and desires." "How will tho. abrogation of tho 15th amendment change conditions?"! was asked. T, iiI11 elmnlv nlnnn tlin nnirrn where he belongs," replied tho gov- from Miami, reports tho steamer St, ernor. "Tho criminal Instinct which Elucllle, with a crew of 40, Is sup Is dally becoming more rampant Is posed to bo lost off tho south coast an outcropping of tho deslro to at- of Florida In the hurricane Wcdncs- nln finntnl Anllfllltv fnfltnrif1 bV tho .lav titclit Pnrtlnna nt Tin, annnr. present legal equality which tho amendment compels. Will Speak to tho Whole Xatlon. ........ "If I get to tho senate there will ... ... .Li be an opportunity to spean o wiu entire nation. Tho North will know what tho South already tfnows ....... ...- . that tho climax of the situation is at hand. It will come to appreclato that Thomas Jefferson was not speak Ing of tho negro when no saia mat nil man rrAotpd frM and COUal. He knew then that tho negro was a mere chattel.". "How soon do you expect this crUIs?" "It Is nearly due," said the gover nor. "Tho matter or wnite suprem acy or black domination In tho South is at fever heat, and the Roon - er tho rsortn ana west reamu ww the batter It will bo for the nation." e Yacht CIhIi Pin Upton. Tt.tvira rt iQfilr Thomas """"'"i " - Llpton was the guest of tho Brook- lya Yacht club at dlaaer at Delmon- iw w'0" . Dr. J. P. COOK MOVED TO ie LDJKBTY 8TRK1T, WHERE IDS ymit MKBT ALL OLD . . XtWsisir-CAl OX DK. COOK.Kfe daa4. t how W coysmJtATiov rsaoL SHIPS DRIVEN 1 ASHORE Plantations Ruined, Buildings Wrecked and the Cruiser r Brooklyn Aground f Havana, Oct. 19. As n result of thoi worst cyclone ever known In tho history of this city moro than 100 persons are known to bo dead, nnd huh'dreds of others are known to bo injured. Thousands of dollars worth of damage has beon done. Tho United States cruiser Brooklyn was torn from its moorings In Havann harbor, and is thought to bo hard aground. Others of tho American floet are reported to bo seriously damaged. It Is believed there Is loss of llfo among the crews. Camp Columbus Is practically wined out. and every tent Is leveled, and nonr- ly nil are torn to shreds. Havana. Oct. 19. Ono soldlor was fntnlly hurt, nnd a number are reported as seriously Injured. When tho blow struck the harbor It was packed with scores of small vessels. Many were torn from their moorings Ships, never being docked In Hnvana harbor, were dashed on tho rocks and shores. Only the fact that tho storm cave half an hour's warning, permitting tho sailors to preparo for ltJ prevented much greater damage Most of the fatalities so far reported wpre among the nativo Cubans, though about a score of foreigners were killed, some being Americans. Many buildings were leveled ns If by un earthquake. Havana, Oct. 19. Somo of tho pooror sections of tho outlying rls trlcts were swept clean of tho shanty homes, which wero only toys beforo nn 80-nillo wind. Only nn csttmato of the djad can so far bo mndo of this city. . Communication with tho interior hns been cut off for two days Tho wildost rumors of tho destruc tion wrought are circulated. It Is said that there was great loss of i llfo in tho province of Plnnr del nin ' Jacksonville, Fin., Oct. 19. Com- 'told of Xho dreadful havoc of tho storm Wednesday night. . St. Augustine, Fin., Oct. 19, Tho nf1n.t. nn ,lm En, Pnnot T.lnn structure and a smashed small boat havo beon washed ashore. Every building In Miami was damaged and .,....,D ... .......... ...... ............... scores hurt, but It Is thought nono seriously. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 19. A de .... ........ ...... . .. .- , layed special this afternoon says tho greatest darnaee occurred on the south coast of Florida about 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Tho hur Ivtoona nrnnt thn nonlnmiln. rnrlv In the morning, and then doubled back land hit the coast witn increasing force. Chicago, Oct. 19. The Westorn Union announces that It baa re- opened communication with Havans, Hnj ju officials say tho damage by mo storm vas sugai. Jacksonville. Fla., Oct 19. -It Is tetreA the warships that started . ., ....n i. tt.a trow jiavaa were ! Jtorm Tney carry wlrelww plaaU, . Ht th0 ,utl&B at Key West J as IHBie IW Pltn Df .wn'. -.- Is as yet bo word iron iiavaas. Havana, Oct. 19 The Mlnawpo ilb nYu Denver and Prairie a4 t9 wy skip CWe Hd eolHw I . A At. hIm bu jkw. CANUCKS OBJECT TO HINDOOS Two Thousand of Them Are Herded on Wharves at Vancouver Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 19. Owing to misrepresentations of tho condi tion of tho labor market, nenrly 2000 Hindoos, who hnVo arrived In the Inst few months, will becomo n charge on tho city. Somo aro In a starving condition, but tho govern ment rofusos to Intorfero, tho mayor doflos tho law nnd tho Canadian Pa cific, on which lino tho Hindoos wero brought over, hns Its wharves guard ed night nnd day by pollco, to pre vont tho immigrants entering t ho city. A public meeting has been hold nnd tho Importation denounced. This sentiment continues strong, nnd drastic measures may bo ndopt od, ns couple of thousand moro aro on tho way. Washington, Oct. 19. Tho nnvy department has beon notified that tho Brooklyn dragged her anchor and touched bottom, but got off un iniured. Tho other warships nro Bafe. Thousands of touts wore blow'n down at Camp Columbia, ono soldlor wns Injured and nine Oubans killed, two schooners wore wrecked, au vlces received nt tho war department BayB It is tho worst Btorm .in his his tory of Cuba. Tho Jesuit obBorva tory wArnOd tho peoplo and soldiers, giving them timo to preparo. NEW YORK CENTRAL FINED Now York, Oct. 19. -Fines total ling $108,000, being $18,000 on each of six counts, wero Imposed to dny upon tho Now York Control by Judge Holt, of tho fcdornl court, for granting robutes to tho American 8ugnr Iteflnlng Company. Frederic Pomoroy, tho man ar- fllnnnil tn nluliwr tlilin(ta wVlft Willi assistant general traffic manager of tho Central, was lined $1000 on each of thd six counts. A stay of 60 days has been granted, ponding nn appeal to tho supremo court, Tlu loiiNt CoininlNNlon. Iondon, Oct. 19. Lord Itotschlld, Oscar S. Straus, Herr James Simon, Dr. Paul Nathan and Profossor Man dolstamm, tho geographical commis sion of tho Intcrnntlonl council of tho Jewish Territorial organization commenced their work today. It is understood that a largo tract of equatorial horthorn Africa will bo acquired for Jewish settlements. Oram! Jury Calls Him. New York, Oct. 19. Murphy was beforo tho grand Jury today to tell of tho blackmail charges mado yes terday against Hearst and the Inde- oendence League leaders. sMiiiiiimtimniitnHf miiimi I Christian Science Lecture i BY Mr. Clarence C. Eaton, C S. B. OP TACOMA, WASHINGTON', Z Mombers of the Chrlstlaa Science Board of Lectureship of the Z First Church of Christ, felestiet, Borton, Mas. AT I Grand Opera Womef frifoy, October 19, M 8 p. m. Olvea uader Awplcee ef First Cherch of ChrW, Ikieathrt. ADMISSION FRXK, isiaiaiiaiiiiauifHiiii'8ll,ililH ACTOR BURNED TO DEATH Coal Oil Stove Left Burning In the Office Explodes This Morning Everett, Wash., Oct. 19. Stewart Houctz, a very popular young ac tor, was bur nod to death by tho ox plosion of nn oil stovo in tho ofllca of tho Brandon thontro this morning. Ho went to sleep, nnd left tho oil stovo burning. His homo wns In Bolso, Idaho. DEATH BRINGS -RELIEF ' Pickens, W. Vai, Oct. 19. George Rnschtd, tho Assyrian leper, who has been buffeted about the country and spurned by nil communities, tho sympathetic fcollngu of charitably Inclined bolnu ovorcomo by rovul slon, died this morning or heart dis ease. CHUISTIAN BCIK.VOH LKCTUItH. Clnrcnro C Eaton Hpoko to Largo AmlltMiro In Portland Iist Night Hero Tonight. PorllTuuK Oct. 19. .(Special) Claronco C. Eaton looturod on Chris tian Science InRt night to'.a largo au dlonco nt tho Hellg theatre. Judge D. J. Haines Introduced tho speaker of tho evening, nnd during his ro marks paid a glowing tribute to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, of Boston. Mr. Eaton spoke over an hour and a half to appreciative honrorfl, who filled tho thontro to Its .full capacity. Two hundred scats on tho stage wore occupied by piumlnont parsons. Tho address was .well received, close attention being glvon, notwithstand ing Us grcnt longth. No ono loft tlio house during Kh delivery, It covored tho general doctrine of ChrlHtlnn Science., healing tho sick and converting tho sinners. Mr, Enton will go to Salem today, whore ho will deliver an addross Friday evening on tho same subject. Big Boniuiitl for flohl. Now York, Oct. 19. Tho Bank of England today raised Its rato to six per cont, tho highest since 1890, on acount of tho demand for gold from Egypt and tho United States. Thero was n stampedo In tho early Btock market hero, and drops wore record ed of from ono to six points. Shooting Hoiikt. Pohonlx, Ariz,, Oct. 19, Jack Purvis Is dead and Harry Wilbur nnd Porcy Vincent wounded as a re suit of a shootlug affair at Illce Sta tion, 18 miles from Globe, Purvis wns accused of stealing mules from a mining camp near Globe, The sheriff arrested him, and Wilbur boarded the train to Identify him, when Purvis began shooting. TUB