Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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f ltll8 S9m SK-l)gfrtWfrl
PTwTw'l I fll Vl
(ny Mabel C. Bedlngton.).
It woa brick In tho early days of
tlio civil war that Joaquin Miller, tho
now celebrated uoet of tho Pacific,
wna running a weekly paper In n
frontier town of Lane cotiuty, Ore
gon. Joaquin wan then plain 0. If. Mil
ler, a young man, but already a vet
eran Indian campaigner carrying
scars to last n lifetime. Ho had one-'nnd-tt-half
printers helping him to
run the office, besides hla partner,
Tony Xoltner. 'They wero nil nn
Cfcasy-golng lot, and never locked the
ofllco door. Even thing was left
:tvido open, and If there had been n
safe It would hnve been ditto. The
Miller printing office had a towel.
It wns the usual nrintsbon towel of
which you liavo nil heard.
Bud Klnscy was tho eon of a pio
neer. He waa stronglysuspected of
belng'cohriectud wltli tta recent rob
bery of the Santlnm utnge, and the
.sheriff'' vponlie: had'.becn pursuing
him, and thought they wero on his
trail froni'lilsYatlier's 'rniiclf "right
Into tho town. They woro pretty
near right. Hud rodo down tho
mnln Htrcct. He know ho had friends
there who would help him out on a
pinch and say nothing about having
scon him. Soon ho spied the open
door of the prlntshop, where all
hands had quit work, as early even
ing was npproaching. Ho had rid
den hla Iioiho Into frontier saloons,
find It was no trouhlo to ride him
Into tho prlntshop and olosu him up
in tho back room where Joaquin
mndu his bed on a bnlo of bunt-skins.
Thoro had boon a time whon Hud
had been enlisted us a printer's devil
but tho effort to thus tumo him hnd
not lasted long. Hut npw ho recog
nized bis old friend the otllco towel,
with its fully supply of ink nud soot.
This coloring matter ho daubed all
over his face and hnuds, then pulled
on a pair of old Inky overalls and n
battered olllco hat, and with n stick
of fir stovowood for a pillow, ho laid
out on a couplo of bales of paper,
and by throwing In a few snores, ho
was a pretty good picture of n lazy
culttiH, snoozing negro.
Pretty soon tho pursuing posse
camo along, and the chief deputy
rode up to the prlntshop door, swung
himself out of tho saddle and came
in. Ho thought his proy might be
hiding thoro. Ills big six-shooter
was ready for business, for Hud was
considered a bad man.
Tho olltcor glanced around the
prlntshop nud gavo tho sleeping ne
gro' n kick that caused him to sud
denly roll off his hard bed.
"For do Lawd's sake, boss, doan'
kill me!" yelled Bud, In a well-as
sumed negro dialect. Ho had passed
his 'possum-hunting days on tho
Missouri border, and could talk It
to perfection. "I am Just Marsa
Miller's devil, sah, and hain't done
stole ntiflln'. If you bo Hank
Vaughn, I hain't never done nuflln'
to you nil."
Just then Sheriff Mnddox came to
the door and told the deputy to
waste no more time there; that he
hnd received Inside Information that
tho stage robber had gone on, head
ing for Coos Bay, on a fairly fresh
horse. And tho posse lit out toward
the setting sun, riding like mad.
And Bud was wnltlng, only wait
ing, till tho shadows had a Uttlo
longer grown, and then ho stole a,
fresh horse, anil when ho pulled' rejn
next morning up In the forks of the
Santlam ho was' still disguised as n
negro, and Henry States, the set
tler's son, who, with his usual gen
erosity, gave him a good breakfast,
recognized lTlm "aVilio serving "man
of "Did Bill" Delaney, who had
brought him from the south many
years before.
Rattlesnake buttc soon faded
away behind Bud, nml anothor twi
light found him well up the trail on
tho north fork of tho Santalm. It
wns tough traveling, but the Klam
ath Indians and the Hudson Bay
trappers hud buou through there be
fore, and Why should not ho? Tho
blackbdrry vinos Imported his licatl
way, and tho snowy summit of
Mount Jefferson peeped down at him
from abovo the tall tamaracks and
the soughing (dues, tho largest on
earth,-but Bud must havo reached
the other side, across the rango, cast
of tho Cascades, tho open bunch
grass hills along the swift Deschutes,
for he was afterwards heard of ts a
co-laborer of Captain John Smith
among tho Wnrm Sprhig Indlnns.
Under the tutorship of this syndicate
th()sov tribesmen flnnlly learned to
sing hymns as backwoods music
teachers used to sing them, nud to
run their suwihlll so ns to cut boards
that would not vary more thnn thrco
Inches In thlckuuss from end to end.
They wero snfoly steered onto tho
path of progress.
And years nftor, whon tho stage
robbery buslnoss had blown over,
and Ben Hollnday and his Holland
bondholders wero building n pioneer
railroad up tho Willamette, Bud ap
peared once inoro In civilization and
became u more or loss respected cltl-zon,
State News
Pickpockets nre plentiful In Port
land. North Bend Is to have a denatur
lzed alcohol plant.
The new Catholic school at Mc
Mlnnvllle was dedicated Sunday.
Miss Ella Doble, of Portland, has
been elected to teach in the Eugene
High school this year.
Austin Root, a well-known, resi
dent of Mohawk, Lane county, died
at Portland last week.
John Barrett, U. S. minister to
Colombia, is to be in Portland soon,
and the board of trade Is going to
give him a big banquet.
W. Lair Thompson, city recorder
of Albany, wns admitted to practice
law before tho Interior department,
at Washington, Monday.
'Rev. Jonnh Wise, of Chattanooga,
Term., wns elected rabbi of Temple
Beth Israel, In Portland, Sunday, to
succeed Rabbi Stephen S. Wise.
The body of Ben Hauxhurst, a
half-breed boy, was found last Fri
day In a small slouah near Tilla
mook.' Mo had been' drinking, and
had, evidently fnllch off a small foot
bridge. ' j
R. B. Matthews, a Rosebifrg sa
loon, keeper, was fined $150 nml bis
saloon license revoked by Judge
Hamilton In the circuit court at Rose
burg Saturday. He was charged
with hnvlng sold liquor to minors.
Mrs. Alllo Stewart, a colored wo
man, was found wnndering about
Glenbrook,- 20 miles from Portlnnd,
In n demonted condition Sundny,
and was tnken( to the county physl
clnn nud adjudged Insane. I
Miss Frances Stanley, daughter of.
the principal of the high school,
Portland, has gone to Shnnghnl,
China, where she has secured a po-
sltlon with nn American exporting'
Two tramps robbed a couplo of
slot machines In Woodburn saloons
Saturday night, securing about $10
In all. They were caught In the act
of robbing n third machine nud
wero arrested and put In jail.
William C. Gibson, of Portland,
senior member of tho Gibson-Smith
Printing Coinpnny was last Sundny
caught attempting to set flro
to Kreldt Bros.' printing ofllcc. Gib
son hns been drinking heavily for
sumo tlmo past, and his friends think
ho wns temporarily deranged.
Your Nerve
It is nerve energy that runs
the organs of your body. The
storage battery is the nerve
cells in the brain and spinal
cord, and from this battery
nerve farce is sent out through
the svstem of nerves. To keep
the body healthy you must
have plenty of nerve force ; if
you have not, the organs work
imperfectly, the circulation is
sluggish, digestion bad, appe
tite poor, kidneys inactive, and
aches, pains and misery are
the penalty.
You can keep the system
strong with Dr. Miles' Nervine.
It assists in generating nerve
energy; it strengthens the
nerves and makes the whole
system strong and vigorous.
"I tnko pleasure In recommending
Dr. Miles' Nervine tp those suffering
from nervous prostration. Insomnia
nnd melancholy. After several
months suffering from above diseases
I tried this medicine and found Imme
diate relief. It soothes and strength
ens tho nerves', chases away the
Bloomy nnd depressing thoughts and
Klves tho sufferer renewed strength
and hope. It Is a superb nervo re
storer." judgk Jacob sekman?;.
'Madison, Wisconsin.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druQOlst, who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Don't buy your winter supply of flour
sack of
until you have tried a
It is the best flour ever sold In Salem.
Remember our cereals are strictly up-to-date. We have the
latest up-to-date mill on the coast. Try it.
The mill that makes Salem famous as a wheat market.
Mrs. Antone Bierward Mys
teriously Disappears From
Her Home at Gervals
Mrs. Antone Bierward, a well
known and estimablp woman of Ner
vals, ngfld about GO years, Igft her
homo near that place Sunday oven
Jug, nnd has mysteriously passed
from view.
Absolutely no trac, wns left of
tho woman's IHkIu. She left early in
the evening, It not being later than
7 30 o'chuik, mid If tho earth had
oponed and swallowed her the mys
tery would havo boon no creator. H
seems almost impossible that alio
could have walked out of town at
that time of oxeulng without being
sen by home one.
Mrs. Bierward had boon out call
ing with her husband ami her son
ftMHdtiy afternoon, and seemed in
hhhsuh1' good spirits. On their return-
homo alio wont to tho dining
room, set out somo lunch nud wns
never ee again,
Although no evidences of It were
woikeublo nt tho time, her friends
teltovo that Mrs. Ill or ward la suffer
hue from mental aberration.
Thto l not tha flrst tlmo she ha
ikHie this. About eight year a ago
tt disappeared from homo, and wns
fHHd noon afterward near iter homo
hiding lit A ditch. At that time alio
jmikl glvo o explanation of her
! ct, HHd seomed to he In a dated
1Mwea Out time avid tho present
sfc )uu regarded as wne.
A. M. riouuli ,M Co. 0,v
Court Street.
ut lift
A. M. t'loiiKh Co., who recently
removed their undertaking parlors
from Stato street to 445 Court
Htreot, In tho Knight block, have
line commodious now quartern. The
rooniH have boon romodelod, paint
od and renovated, giving to tho par
lors an atmosphere of freshness and
cleanliness. The main olllco faces
Court street and lends Into tho par
lor or chapol, which has a seating
capacity of about 100. This room
will prove pecullarluy well aduptod
to tho holding of funerals nnd to
conduct any Investigation Incident
upon tho duties of .Mr. CIoukIi as
coroner. There Is In tho back of the
ohnpol n stock room with n gnllory
that Is used for the storing of ma
terials needed In tho undertaking
luminous, Then there Is n largo work
room with an exit to the alley, thus,
adding to tho conveniences of tho
receiving room.
Tho llrm Is prepared to render the
boat possible sorvlco to Its patrons.
9100 Reward, 9100.
Tho readers of this paper will bo
plcaBcd to learn that there Is at
least ono dreaded disease that
science hns been nblo to cure In all
Us stages, and thnt Is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is tho only positive
euro now known to tho medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being n constitu
tional diseases, requires a constitu
tional trontment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting di
rectly upon tho blood nnd mucoun
surfaces of tho system, thereby de
stroying thf foundation of tho dis
ease, and giving tlio patlont strength
by building up tho constitution nnd
assisting nnturo In doing its work.
Tho proprietors havo so much faith
In Its curntlvo powers that they offer
Ono Hundred Dollars for any case
that It fails to cure. Sond for list
of testimonials.
Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O.
Sold by all druggists. J
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-i
Try a Roll of
"We are the only authorized
agents of the Hazelwood butter
In Salem, and receive tho same
direct from the creamery.
Guaranteed strictly fresh.
Moir Grocery
Sec and freas.
Chas. K. Spaulding
Logging Co.
Manufacturers of
Oregon Pine, Ash and Maple Lumber
Wild Rose Flour
$1.00 r Sack
130 State St.
I'iionc 182
A Suunysldo. Portland, school bov
dropped a marble on tho tloor last
week, and tho toachor had him
empty his pockots, which contained
103 articles.
That when you are using
you arc using the best
made right here at home.
Only Flour sold in Salem that Is
made from
If you use Wild Rose, you will not
havo sticky bread.
Southern Pacific Time Card, EffectlTt
Saturday, Aug. 18.
Toward Portland Train Arrhn
No. 1G 5:30 n. m Oregon a
press. No. 14 S:23 a. ra Cottage Gron
No. 12 4:49 p. m Oregon express.
No. 222 11: IS a. m., through
fast freight.
No. 226 11:55 a. m., local way
freight. Departs 12:45 p. m.
Townrd San Francisco.
No. 15 10:56 p. m., Callforali
No. 13 6:23 p. m., Cottage Oroya
No. 11 10: 3S a. m., Callfornli
No. 225 11:25 a. m local war
freight. Departs at 11:55 a. m.
No. 221 3:20 a. m., through fast
Salem, Oregon
Spent wisely Is the source of much
satisfaction. Why not spend a little
of it wisely now buying groceries of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Hairitt & Lawrence.
Eyesight Specialist
The uinrkHiucm of Company D,
of tho First Separate battalion, O.
N. fl., stationed nt Roseburg, havo
again proven their tttlo to champions
of tho stato by defeating four other
teams In competition for tho battal
ion cup and Individual medal nt the
shoot ut Kiiroiio Saturday. Prlvuto
Shields, of tho Hosoburg company,
won tho medal.
J. I. Stent, deputy county r
voyw, wt to AWrorii thU Month s
Curvn Winter Cough.
J. B. Gover, 101 N Mnln St., Otta
wn, Kan., writes: "Every fall It has
noon my wife's trouble to eaten a
sovero cold, nud therefore to cough
all winter lour. Last fall I got her
a bottlo of Horohound Syrup. She
used It and has been ablo to sleep
soundly all night long. Whenever
tha cough, trouble her, two or three
oM stops tho cough, and ska Is
abU to bo in and yell," 2 Be. 50e
anil 11,09.
Bold by D. J, Fry's drug slow.
A Young ."Mother nt 70.
"My mother has suddenly been
mndo young at 70. Twenty years of
lntonso suffering from dyspepsia had
entlroly disabled her, until 6 months
ago, when sho bogan taking Klectrlc
nitters, which have completely cur
ed her nnd rostorod tho strength and
activity sho had In tho prime of lite,"
writes Mrs. W. I,. Ollpatrlck, of Dan
fbrth, Me. Orentest restorative
medicine on tho globe. Sets stom
ach, liver, and kidneys right, Prl-;cnnr;i ttnnt;nn e i
ties the blood, nnd ci,rM ,i,.n i,n. 5Pcc,al Attention to School
lousness nnd weakness. Wonderful
nervo tonic. Prlco 50c. Guaranteed
by J. C, Perry's drug store
Second-hand buggies, wagons
nnd carriages; pay cash for same.
Wo also have room to store about
100 buggies for the winter.
Pohle & Bishop
Corner of Liberty
streets, Salem, Or.
and Ferry
Tic Fashion Stables
romsrly Slajwm'i SUWea.
Ujto-!ate livery ana cab line.
Fun-l turnouts ipeelalty. Tally,
ho for picnics and excursions. Thoos
44. CHAa W YANNKE, Prep.
547 and 19 niga Sttt.
Rrkk furHUhed 1h ktrg or small
(tUAHtitJva.' Imfd brick wa0 te
owkiv Yard en Slate Strtt, seth
f rHMtlTy,
A. A. MUKTOX, Jwe.
Children Eye Troubles
Graduate Optician.
12a Commercial Street.
Special sale, silks, fancy goods,
embroidery, lace, gents' and ladles
furalsalB goods, wraps, coats, pants
and awlts, trunks, mattings and blan
ket. W make up new Haea et
wrap", watats, whit underwear,
aad kiasQsa.
KwytalBE going at lowest price.
Hk Wki Sa!Co.
Sit Cfcurt ., SaleSit Or.
Highest Price
267 Commercial St.
Corar f BTstk aad Stark Btxta,
Partiaad, Oregon.
The Mir aad modem hotel of the eity
Caters parUealarly te resident at fu.
lew aad e4ar Oregea eJtiea, Iferefea
pka. IYee tea. Bates $1.00 per day
aad Bpward. HaadeeaMrt grill U tae
nest, aaa prkee as lew u la plaaea
lew attractive. DaDj- Capital Jeewaa
e fJa.
Trains From nnd to Ynqulna.
Xo '1
Leaves Ynqulna G:55A.M.
Arrives at Corvallis 10:45 A.M.
Arrives at Albany 11:40 Ail.
Xo. 2
Leaves Albany 12:10 P.M.
Leaves Corvallis 1:05 P.M.
Arrives at Yaquina .... 5:00P.M.
Trains to nnd From Detroit.
Xo. 3
Leaves Albany 7:30 A.M.
Arrives nt Detroit 12:30 P.M.
Xo. 4
Leaves Detroit 1:00 P.M.
Arrives at Albany .... 5:55 P.M.
Trains for Corvallis.
Xo. 8
Leaves Albany 7:55 A.M.
Arrives at Corvallis .... S:35 A. M.
Xo. 10'
Leaves Albany 3:50 PJ.
Arrives at Corvallis 4:30 PJ.
Xo. 6
Leaves Albany 7:35 P.M.
Arrives at Corvallis S:15P.M-
Trains for Albany.
Xo. 5 , i
Leaves Corvallis 6:3' A
Arrives atAlbanytfr 7:10 AJJ.
Xo. 9
Leaves 'Corvallis , -
Arrives at Albany r. ......
Xo. 7
Leaves. Corvallis
Arrives at Albany
Xo. 11 ,
Leaves Corvallis n-OOA.M.
Arrives at .Albany H'
Xo. 12
Leaves Albany 12:45 P..
Arrives at Corvallis I:33 P-V
All nf tha ntinrA connect W
Southern Pacific Company tralns,bo.s
at Albany and Corvallis, as n "
train for Detroit eivlnc direct serric
to Xewnort and adjacent beache.
as well as Breitenbush Hot Spring
For further information applf w
J. O. MAYO, Gea. Pass. Agt
B. H. BOLES, Ageat, Albany.
t e e
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6:00 P.M.
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