Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    T 'J,X,'tf.-
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A Cream ef Tartar Powder,
i free from alum or phot
It vfat about timo for Hon. Milt
Miller to hroak looso on text books
In Orogoti. Ho lias boon having
periodical spalls ever Hlnco tho
American Textbook Company was
put out of business In Oregon.
All his shot Is aimed at tho pres
ent system, and any chnngo ho can
bring about will glvo tho A. I). Co.
u clinncoto get huBlnoss In Oregon.
Mr. Miller has some good Ideas
about too great multiplicity of text
Wo novor hoard of his complain
ing when tho A. H. Co. hnd a monop
oly of supplying all tho toxt books
In Oregon at outrageous prices, far
higher than at present. But wo are
willing to concede some good mny
lurk In tho Milt Miller attack. Tho
prcaont adoption can bo Improved
upon nnd uuch nttucks as Mlllor's
holp to stir up tho sluggish waters
, and agitation Is always beuollclnl
when conducted unselfishly.
It is too bad Hint North Commer
cial Stroet bridge cannot be stuck
all over with unsightly advertising.
Well, dear old Oregon has got ono
sploudld soaking. More to come.
John W, Kelly's drumatlc rovlow
'is about the nioHt Interesting bUiIT
In tho Portland Telegram.
u .
T. T. Ooor gotH up a nice, snappy
editorial page and Is at his host din-
Gliding tho Lincoln-Douglas Joint do
bate. Hn has a Hoft spot on Lin
coln nnd Is posesHud of tho hnluclitn
tlon thai ho resembles Old Abe. lie
don't resemble him nearly as much
as I'oto IVArcy mumbles Daniel
Tho Journal don't want to bo like
other pnpors.
Ooor bolng turntil down for Col
lector of Customs again will hardly
make htm governor again.
Quuon lOstliur Is about to hit Al
bany and there huoius to be no way
to avert It.
Frank Duvoy wants to challongo
us to combat with lances. Why
don't ho adopt Ills native weapon,
tlu liliu-k'thorn shlllaleyT
Tho race problum Is serious. Kit
jjono Guard. Yes, to tho man who
is behind In tho race.
Portland hns a popular actor
Bftlnpolls. It his nnmo woro llopo
lls ho might travel In tho Valley.
Ono now county U to bo called
Northern flrant. Sounds llko a
allly nnmo. Cull It MoUchun county.
The offlco of State Auditor Is at
last to bo created. It Is badly needed.
There have not been half enough of
fices to go around.
We must really thank Frank
Davoy for so kindly offering us a
place in the city council, but wo had
understood that ho had already
promised that place to another gen
tlemen In the seventh nard. As Mr.
Davoy is n cand.'datcfor speaker of
tho house cf representatives, we
really will not tiress him for mayor.
He will have hl'i hands full running
things In tho legislature, and keep
ing tho members straight. Ho
should discharge his mind from. the
task of managing the city govern
ment, as ho will have plenty to do as
speaker to keep him busy.
lias any ono heard anybody else
mnko any romnrks about tho Repub
lican candldnto for governor of Now
York sporting the Kansas stylo of
Senator Burton may not serve his
country In the senato chamber, but
ho has n chnnco to labor for six
months In the county Jail. And his
work will probably bo worth more
Sir Olln Lodgo sayH tho sun will
bo cold In twenty million years. This
ought to mnko tho coal magnates
Wonder if Hughes draws his sal
ary ns head of that Insurance com
pnny whllo ho Is stumping Now
f a
Tho dlspntches Bay that at tho
marriage of Dortha Krupp yestordny
"tho omporor kissed tho brldo on
both chocks," but probably not both
nt once, ns tho emperor's mouth Is
only of normal bIzo.
Hoarst doos not seem to bo run
ning woll In tho Portland nowspapors
but that fact will not altar tho ro
suit In New York.
Prepared for the Public Schools
nnd tho Family Circle.
The balloon Ern3t, smallest of the
balloons that started from Berlin,
Germany, in tho race for tho Kaiser's
cup, won the race, going 200 miles.
United States Senator Burton, of
Kansas, has been denied) a rehearing
by tho supreme court and will servo
a ferm In Jail for promoting postal
Mayor Lane, of Portland, hns pro
posed arbitration to settle the strike
of grain handlers on tho Portland
water front.
No word has been received from
the Penry Arctic expedition, and it
is expected that tho party of explor
ers will spend another winter In the
frozen regions of the north.
Now York wholesale dealers In
diamonds have sent out notice of a
twenty per cent advance In prices,
owing to tho Inferior supply of
rough gems from Southern Africa.
A storm in centrnl America has in-
jureu uie uununu eroji iu wio uxieuti Tjlilnl. Crnrrn HI,,.!.. Mining.
of a million dollars. I n...... rv.i nt 1 r. .. i
Crippled by a year's continuous L rcat Mty of ,'abor" ln aIl the
strike a number of plato glass man-1 we8tern nnd northwestern mining
ufacturors aro removing tholr plants centers. New mining camps ln order
irom llicago. ito 0i,tnn labor nro offerlne ns hlch
B. F. Jones, a member of tho log- as 5 a day ami even at that price
Islaturo from Polk county, advocates navo operations delnyed owing to the
appropriating a million dollars lyscarclty of laborers. Tho opening of
tho StatO for tho Improvement Of, the Bullfrog Tonnnnh and r.nlrifield
Jury Allows Kidnapped Wo
men Regular Day Wages
for Their Time
Helena, Ark., Oct. 16. After an
all-night deliberation the Jury this
morning awarded Adeline Vltt ?G25
and Marlon Emmons $1000 damages
for imprisonment on a plantation by
Thomas Musgrave. Tho women al
leged they answered advertisements
for a companion for Musgrave's In
valid wife. Musgrave visited them
ln St. Louis, described his home as
luxurious. The plaintiffs were tak
en by steamer to a small landing,
wnlked Inland, and found the 'man
sion" to be a log cabin surrounded
by the huts of negro workmen, and
no white women there. The prison
ers finally escaped, and told fright
ful tales of their treatment. Each
sued for $f.O 000.
Canal Zone. Except Cities of
Panama and Colon Will Be
Dry Next Year
Panama, Oct. 1C. It Is under
stood the sale of liquor on the Isth
mus will be prohibited after January
1st. It cannot affect Panama or
Colon, where the saloons never close.
It is-stated that a number of recent
wrecks can bo traced to intoxicated
crews of the trains.
rivers and harbors.
Alderman Gosnor last night wnnt-
cd tho council to purchnso n book on
comont bridges. Why not nlso ndd
a work on coment floors tho school
board might borrow It occasionally.
WK HND10AVOU to .advanc tha
. bulHM interests of our custom
' ere la evwy legitimate way, In
o doing, our wotWe way b
omewkat ttseturetl with lflaa
m, for. upon the prosperity et
it patreM hinges the iuccom of
every hauk.
Salem State Bank
L. K. PAGE, Pfet
K.W. HAZARD, Cufcfcr
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, Oct. 10. Wheat, 71
73, corn -1 2 01 ) -1 2 Vi , oats 33 Ms
Danger from tho Plague.
Thoro's gravo dangor from tho
plague of Coughs and Colds that aro
so .prevalent, unless you tako Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs nnd Colds. Mrs. Walls
of Forest City writes: "It's a God
sond to peoplo living ln climates
whore coughs and colds provall. 1
flno It quickly ends thorn. It prevents
pneumonia, cures lagrlppo, gives
wonderful rollof In asthma and hay
fovor, and makes weak lungs strong
enough to ward oft consumption,
coughs nnd colds. GOc and $1,00.
Guaranteed by J. C. Perry's drug
store. Trial bottlo free.
camps and tho high wages paid have
drawn sorlously upon tho copper
mines of tho lako region. Montana,
and the silver fields of Colorado.
Canada and more particularly tho
new Ontario discoveries have also
attracted miners, whllo the dredging
operations in Alaska continue to
draw upon tho mining labor maket.
Even tho slow progress made by the
St. Paul road In Its Pacific coast ex
tension Is duo to tho want of laborers.
Bottlers Meet hi Atlanta.
Atlanta, Ga Oct. 1C Fifteen
hundred delegates from all corners
of the United States met here today
at the annual conference of the
American Bottlers' Protective Asso
ciation. Atlanta Is practically the
world center of the soda wnter sup
ply business, and It was stated at the
meeting that more business was
done ln Atlanta of foreign supply
business than ln any other city ln
tho United States, with tho possi
ble exception of Chicago. Important
matters dealing with the trade were
discussed at the conference, which
will be kept up until Thursday.
These May Marry.
Albort Salb, nged 21, of this city,
and Esthor 10. Robinson, aged .20, thony, nt tho Southern Hotel.
woro granted a marrlago llccnso in
Portland yestordny.
Missouri and the Oil Trust.
St. Louis, Oct. 1C. The presenta
tion of evidence ln tho defonso be
gan this morning's session ln tho
hearing of tho ouster proceedings of
tho stato against the Wnters-Plerce,
Republic and Standard Oil Compan
ies before Special Commissioner An-
tornoy-Gonornl Hadloy declares tho
i stato has made out Its case.
Homeopaths Meet nt Rochester.
Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 16. The
fourteenth semi-annual meeting of
the Homeopaths Medical society of
tho stato of New York commenced
here In the chamber of commerce
today. Dr. Newton H. Collins, pres
ident of the association, presided
and thero was a largo attendance of
medical men. Addresses were deliv
ered on chemical medicine and
pathology, geneaology, materia
medlca, obstetrics, public health
surgery and other subjects of Inter
est to tho profession.
- . i
Alininir fnnirroce w..,, !
Like to Name the q"
rui aecreiary
"",Ci' u,u'. uct. 1G. the,
b tuugress is in session toi
President Richards, with a hw
lowing, will urge the governing
usiaunsn a department of mines i
mining, along the Hues or th6 ,
cuiiurai department. Deleeaf...
of Thomas F. Walsh for .ii
-! 1 -. .. "tlil
lu ia,VD """B oi tne department.
San Bernardino, Cal , Oct. 16
hundred "yeggnien" have InTtfe
las Vegas, Nevada. J. d. Hus&i.
a cigar drummer, was held np.id
.uuucu ui u juu SUCK pin. Jfi
...mcio nuiu ieiievea oi tnelr rolbl
ana n general store was robbed tw
same night. The officers are ttnabij
to cope with the crooks, who are e:
their way to Los Angeles, San Fru-I
Cisco and other California polnti
Great Northern New Dock nt Everett
Olympla, Oct. 1C Work has been
started on tho now ocean dock at
Everett which tho Great Northern
Railway Company Is building to
handlo grain, salmon nnd oriental
business. Everett was found the
most available place as thero will be
little dredging in tho new dock which
will have a minimum depth of 35
Sure Cure for Pilw.
Itching Plle3 produce moisture uiJ
cause itching, this form, as wellui
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pileij
aro cured by Dr. Bo-Ban-ko'j Pile!
Remedy. Stops Itching and bleed'
ing. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar, at
druggists, or sent by mall. TreUJ
free. Write me about your case. Dr.
Bosanko, Phlla. Pa.
Repair That Street.
Wheel tracks are gullying and cut
ting out the macadamized street it
the south end of Commercial street
Tho street should now for a moti
have good care of at least one eh
constantly employed. Where m
tho street wears too much the tmt.1
should bo forced over to the other!
You will pay 1-3 more other
places for lace curtains. Neither
will the assortments be so large
or the styles so correct.
You should make it a point to see our
50c all-wool Ingrains, 75c Brussels, 90c
Velvets and Axministers, and our great
special $1 9 9x1 2 Axminister Rugs.
Are you still hanging on to that old,
worn out, uncomfortable mattress which
you bought during hard times? Don't
persecute yourself; get one honestly
made here in Salem.
No couch is good unless it is comfort
able, and made for long service. We
make the good kind in all the new
e House Furnishing Company,
Liberty Street