Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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To our many friends and custemers:
Wo wish to announce that today
we have sold our grocery store to
the Molr Grocery Company, for whom
wo bespeak the same kind treatment
that has always been shown us.
We take this means of thanking
you for your very liberal patronage
during tho past five years.
Wo now intend to devote all our
time and energy to our confection
ery and bakery departments, and
hope to bo able to servo you in a
moro efficient manner than in the
Yours truly,
Confectioners 400 Stnto St.
Linkers riione 187
Preacher at Pentacostal Mis
sion Speaks in Many
Unknown Tongues
Grand Opera House
Uncle Josh Perkins
See Uncle Josh nt the County Fnlr.
I, Watch for tlio big parade of the Hny-
seed Hand.
Prices 50c, 35c, 25c. Seat sale
Tuesday at 9 a. m.
Stunner Ciuno to Salem, Bringing
Smallpox- from Hop Yards.
A transient visitor, who said ho
had caught tho smallpox In tho hop
yards near Independence, came to
the city hall this morning, and asked
Recorder Moores what he should do.
Mr. Moores sent him to the county
judge and county physician. Judge
Scott nnd Dr. F. E. Smith said It
... iV
was a cuy case, anu wouiu nave
nothing to do with It. Dr. Carlton
Smith then examined tho man, nnd
at once had him placed in quarantine
In an outbuilding In the city. Chief
of Police Cornelius procured a car
penter, and is now putting tho pest
house In shape, and the man will he
moved there this afternoon. Ho was
accompanied by two other mon.
They will ho quarantined with tho
patient, and will care for him during
his Isolation.
Skalfu Is ii Candidate.
Alderman Jasper N. Skalfe, of tho
sixth ward, has filed notice of his
candidacy for re-election. This Is
the first announcement of a candi
date for council. Recorder Moores
has filed notlco that ho Is a candi
date for re-election. Othor candi
dates aro V. C. Hubbard, for mayor;
J. J. Longcor, D. W. Gibson and John
Knight for marshal.
Short of Help
Ever since opening tho fall term
of tho public schools, tho Salem Mu
tual Cannery has been running short
of help. Tho plant has plenty of
fruit on hand, and receives onough
dally to run at its full capacity, but
la continually haudlcapped for lack
of a sufficient number of operatives.
Tho management could have em
ployed 30 more girls today.
Gone to Coos Bay.
Governor Chamberlain and DIs
tr.ft Attorney John Manning, of
Multncmah county, will leave Port;
land tomorrow night for Coos Bay.
The visit Is a pleasure trip, tho gov
ernor and Mr. Manning having been
Invited to Marshfleld by tho board
of trade and other bodies and by va
rious citizens.
Claude Knight, of Tho Dalles, ar
rived In tho city Saturday evening.
The Royal Month and tho Royal Dis
ease. Sudden changes of weather aro
especially1 trying and probably to
none moro so than to the scrofulous
ncd consumptive. The progress of
Mrofula during a normal October Is
commonly great. We never think of
icrofula Its bunches; cutaneous
eruptions, and -wasting of the bodily
substance without thinking of the
8 r-at good many sufferers from It
have derived from Hood's Sarsapa
"'" a, whoso radical and permanent
cares of this one disease are enough
to make It the mct famous medicine
In tho world. There is probably not
& city or town where Hoed Sana
Pariila has not proved 1U raerlt la
ro homes than oae, In mtwUbk
and completely eradktlg scrofula,
vblch Is altuot as nerleui and as
ttucb to be feared a Its r rfl
tire, co&SMtaptlofi;
Dally and nightly nt thePentncos-
tal mission on Twelfth street. Rev.
M. L. Ryan, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Clemm and Rev. Mr, Smith, of Dal
las, Is speaking In mnny strange and
unknown togues, saying this power
Is handed down from on high and
that Is under the direct spell of
a shower of pentacostal fire. The
sick aro healed and devils aro cast
At 10 o'clock last night, a woman
kneeling nt tho altar, said she wns
afflicted with something like rheu
matism In her shoulder for a long
time, hid not been able to lift her
Sho was told that she was in tho
power of demons; that she was pos
sessed of devils and then Mr. Ryan
In a dramatic manner cried eut:
"Demen: I command you In the name
of tho son of God to depnrt." The
woman then swung tho crippled nrm
over her head and cave testimony
that sho was as well as ever sho was.
At the meeting yesterdny after
noon, a girl said sho hnd tho head
ache. The preacher laid his hands
on her head nnd eight or ten of tho
followers prnyed in a loud voice
and In different keys nnd in a few
moments tho girl declared sho was
Meetings aro being hold evory aft
ernoon and evening nt tho mission
nnd every day, seven workers aro
oxpected to arrive from Los Angeles.
Theso workers are called "Tongues
of Fire." They claim they nro given
power to speak in mnny unknown
tongues and In different languages
and dialects. Mr. Ryan visited Los
Angeles, nnd while. there says ho was
given this power. Certain It Is that
ho gets off a lot of jnrgon that Is
unlike any European lnngunge or
dialect spoken on this continent.
Last night, after he hnd preached,
prayed and sang for nearly two
hours, he asked all who desired the
pentacostal fire to como to tho altar.
Six women nnd girls nnd throo mon,
all of them old and gray haired, came
and knelt down. Mr. Ryan knelt In
tho center and every one of tho ten
wont to prnylng on his own hook, on
tlroly Ignoring tho others. The situ
ation was thrilling and Intensely
theatrical. Moro than thnt; It wns
solemn, wlerd nnd drnmatlc. There
was nn 'uncanny feeling In tho room.
Ono felt like spooks wore coming.
Over nnd over ngnln, tho prenchor
said. "These signs shall como to
them that believe," nnd suddenly ho
began saying things that really
sounded like oriental dialect. It cer
tainly seems Impossible for any one,
however, ndept ho mny bo to lmitnto
a langunge In this way. He kept this
up for five minutes and then began
to preach and prny In English.
After tho service ho told a re
porter that tho lanugago ho spoke
was a dialect spoken In Northern
Africa. Ho snld sometimes ho Is
given tho power to speak In Hindoo
and In other dialects In uso In In
dia. Ho claims that ho understands
some of It and that some of It ho
does not, but as ho continues to grow
(n grace and tho power of tho spirit
ho will by and by understand It all.
For a while last night, tho small
audlenco wag worked up to a white
heat of onthuslsm. Every body In
tho room except two wero on their
knoes. It can easily bo seen that
tho enthusiasm will know no bounds
when tho seven workers come from
tho south with many moro unknown
Is assured you when you buy one of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines
for all the ingredients entering into them nre printed on the bottle
wrappers and their formula nre attested under oath as being complete
and correct. You know iust what you are mviW for nri thn ,;.
gradients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from
"the most valuable native, medicinal roots found growing in our Ameri
can forests. While potent to cure they are perfectly harmless even to
the most delicate women and children.
Not a drop of alcohol enters into their composition. A much better
ngent is used both for extracting and preserving the medicinal principles
used in them, viz. pure triple-refined glycerine of proper strength.
This agent possesses intrinsic medicinal properties of its own, being a
most valuable anti-septic and anti-ferment, nutritive and soothing
Glycerine plays an Important part in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach,
attended by sour risings, "heartburn," foul breath, coated tongue, poor
appetite, gnawing feeling in stomach, biliousness and kindred derange
ments of the stomach, liver and bowels.
Besides curing all the above distressing ailments, the "Golden Med
ical Discover' " is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes,
as catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels or
pelvic organs. Even in its ulcerative stages it will yield to this sover
eign remedy if its use be persevered in. In Chronic Catarrh of the
Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medjcal Discovery"
for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely
two or three times a day with Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy. . This
thorough course of treatment generally cures even in the worst cases.
In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung
affections, excepj consumption hi its advanced stages, the "Golden
Medical Discovery " is a most efficient remedy, especially in those obsti
nate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bron
chial mucous membranes. The " Discovery " is not so good for acute
coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be expected to cure con
sumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all
the obstinate hang-on, or chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly
treated, lead up to consumption, it is the best medicine that can be taken.
If the sweet taste of the" Discovery," caused by the glycerine, is
disliked, a few drops of lemon juice, orange or lime juice, added to each
dose will make it agreeable and pleasant and will not in the slightest
interfere with its benefical effects.
It's an Insult to your Intelligence for a dealer to endeavor to
palm off upon you some nostrum of unknmvn composition in place of Dr.
Pierce's world-famed medicines which are ov known cojiposition.
Most dealers recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines because they know
what they are made of and that the ingredients employed are among
the most valuable that a medicine for like purposes can be made of.
The same is true of leading physicians who do not hesitate to recom
mend them, since they know exactly what they contain and that their
ingredients are the very best known to medical science for the cure of
the several diseases for which these medicines are recommended.
With tricky dealers it Is different.
Something else that pays them a little greater profit will be urged
upon you as "just as good," or even better. You can hardly afford to
accept a substitute of unknown composition and without uny particular
record of cures in place of Dr. Pierce's medicines which are ov known
cojiposition and have a record of forty years of cures behind them.
You know what you want and it is the dealer's business to supply that
want. Insist uton it.
- mfe. mr jm
" . SBB
Tom Kay for presldont of tho
senate would mean something be
sides puro graft.
Lane county is having a regular
circus over tho road built by the
Lucky Boy Mining company nnd
which Lane county wants.
f -MVq Mnrv Pnttnr firnw of EllCOne.
is visiting Mrs. tf. P. Hoff.
The Aurora Borealls says that last
Sunday everybody In that neighbor
hood cnt pheasant hunting, nnd
avoraged ono bird to every 50 hunters.
if f iititiif - iifiianjf
f Christian Science Lecture
Mr. Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B. i
X Members of the Christian Sclenco Board of Lectureship of tho
Z First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.
I Grand Opera House, Friday, October 1 9, at 8 p. m. $
Given under Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist.
HM8IIH'f fm! ! liHfflf 'I8i
These May Marry.
Emma Francis Smith, aged 23, of
Shaw, and Edward Doerfler, aged 22,
of Sllverloa, wero granted a mar
riage license yesterday. A license
was also Issued to "William Lafo,
aged 27, of Portland, and TJlllo A.
Elck, aged 24, of Salem.
Tho Takllma smelter has closed
down for tho season after a short
run of about two months. Tho matte
product was of higher grado than
heretofore, and will give Reed re
turns. Granta Pass Observer.
Blood Poisoning
Results frwa chronic constipation,
which Is Hlckly cured by Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They remote all
polsonloHa germs from the system
aad infuse new llfo and vlwr; cure
sour atoBsaeh, nausea, headache, dlr
slaeM awt eollc without griping or
dUe&mfort. 25c. duraateed by J.
C, Pyry'a drugstore.
, This old umbrella Is leaky, and I f
hco there Is one rib broken.
I know what I will do. I will take
It to Watt Bhlpp.. He doe good
toii-, and 1 reliable. He will make
it as good as new.
Cnnvriaht 199A
" ' The House of Kuppcnhclraef
If you haven't decided what you want for u fall suit, hero nro two
stjlcs to select from. Both decidedly correct.
Edgar Robinson was killed by his
brother on Elk crook, 40 mllos north
of Med ford, near tho old Applcgnto
mine, by accident, having boon iuIe
tnken for a door In tho brush. Tho
coroner's Jury Impaneled by Coronor
Kellogg found thnt deceased came
to his death by means of a gunshot
wound inflicted by Albeit Robinson.
Dr. Stephen S. WIso, ono of th8fe
host-known pronchora on tho Pnclfloj"
coast, dcllvorcd his farowoll aormon
Sunday, and lenves this woolc for
Now York, whoro ho will orgnnlzo an
ludopondnnt Jowlsh congregation.
Dr. WIso has boon tho pnslor of tho
Tomplo Beth Israel, of Portland, tor
six years.
Ah announced picvlously I have sold my entire Mock to Mr. S, A.
Maiming, Mho takes possession November 1. I agreed to reduce stock
.is much as possible before that dale. To do this I, of course, havo
cut prices on neaily everything in tho house. Wo lmo moved out n
good many things already, nnd hero nro a few lines thnt aro yet worth
your netice: '
Sewing Machines
3 Whlto Rotnrios
2 Wheeler & Wilson
2 Qucona
2 Vlndex
L AJnx
3 Standard box heads
Besides a number of oxcollont
iocond-hnnd machines.
You will savo from 26 to 30 por
cent on tho purchnso prlco of any
new machino In tlio house, Call
and Investigate at onco.
3 top buggies
3 hacks
1 farmer's surrey
1 park wagon, with 2 stick stoats
and canopy top, a beautiful rig.
1 sldo-sprlng runabout
1 stick sent runabout
1 splendid delivery wagon
Thore Is a saving of from $10
to 25 each ou these rigs. Call
and satisfy yourself and got a bargain.
Farm Wagons
1 SW Studobnkor, wldo tiros
I 3-Inch Studobnkor, narrow tiros
1 3-Inch Studobnkor, wldo tiros
Thoro's a saving In thoso that
will appeal to tho farmor or wood
haulor who noodB n wagon soon.
2 Benlcla Hancock disc plows
1 Hancock sldehlll disc '
1 Syracuse gang plow
I Syracuse sulky.
Hyracuso walking plows
1 potato digger ,
2 Canton walking cultivators
1 Canton riding cultivator
1 Mollno dlso harrow
Besides a number fit other Im
plements of various sorts, all at a
big saving in prlco for cash.
Other Lines
Hay carrlors
Stool track for carrlors
2 fanning mills
2 Potaluma Incubators
1 Indies' Crescent blcyclo
1 boy's 21-Inch blcyclo
1 gout's Trlbuno, chalnloss
Several sccond-hnnd wheels, la
dles' and men's.
Worsted buggy robes; Bomo Qno
ones very cheap
All of tho abovo goods aro prlcod
onough chenpor to hurry up tho
prospective buyer.
Second-hand Things
Ono sldo-sprlng, 14 -Inch long
bodied wagon with one seat,
fitted with buggy top, cheap.
Ono 2-horso Fairbanks-Morse gas
ollno engine
1 Sharplos safety cream separa
tor) lu good shape,
1 Do Laval separator
Tho abovo Items are mighty cheap
Como and look it interested.
Ofdsmobife Runabout
In oxcollont running order, ro
palntod, fitted with now carbur
ettor and now chain, at a snap.
Th4 Irving account and note now due will please call and settle
or -Hd chuck at once u per our ttatctneHts, M He must close our
books at OHce and clean up all claims. Pleaic do not nk or expect ex-
tension, hb we cannot grant thorn.
P. A. Wiggins,. SStff
. il