Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1906, Image 1

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    MVr " "tt
NO. 217.
Great Prussian Gun-
laker's Daughter is Now
Frau Von Bohlen
IRfesen, Germany, Oct. 15. The re-
is ceremony of marrying Bertha
pp to lieutenant von nonien
performed today In the chapel
the Krupp estate, erected for tho
fpose. Tho emperor was present,
despite his presence, simplicity
the key note of the whole affair,
bride wore lilac crepe do chine,
ly two pages bearing her train.
kaiser .waited at the altar, at-
ed in the uniform of a field mur
al. At the conclusion of the cere-
tiny the emperor kissed the bride
both cheeks. A simple wedding
Inquet followed, and tho kaiser
loposed the bride's health, after an
aquent speech dwelling upon his
jg friendship for her father. Fol
ding tho banquet the brldo walked
place n wreath upon the bust of
Br great granuiamer, wno wns-uie
Mage blacksmith, and whose
lithy stands among tho great
rupp works.
Essen, Oct. 13. The bride settled
pon tno oriuegroom ?iuu,uuu nn-
lually, unconditionally.
Railroad Wreck in France.
Paris, Oct. 15. -Twelve bodies
avo been removed from the
reck of the passenger train Into
-hlch nn engino crashed last night
hllo the train was standing at the
ttatlon at Epornon. Fifty passeng-
rs were hurt, 15 probably fatally.
ho crew of the engine, which was
unnlng light, was arrested.
See liow we do It: Our stock is too large and must be cut down. No
tice tho prices we nsk for this season's merchandise. Rend en:
Ladies' Long Coats
In the new plaid ef
fect. Prices $4.95,
$5.90, $8.50, $10.50
and $12.90. All re
duced for this sale.
Children's Long Conts
In the lastest mater
ials. Prices $1.50,
$2.50, $2.95, $3.50,
$4.50 and $6.90. All
New Dress Goods
In plain
ow plaids,
blacks. Tho assort
ment Is great. Prices
reduced for this sale.
Ladies' Suits
Stylish lato arrivals.
Prices $7.50 $8.90
$10.50, $12.50 nnd
$13.90. AH reduced
for this sale.
Ladles' Silk Petticoats
Just arrived In colors
and black. Prices
$3.50, $4.50, $5.90,
$7 50 and $8.90. This
lot goes at sale prices.
yd. 15c, ISc,
49c, 65c,
Fine Velvets
In silk and velveteen
we show
and black. Prices yd.
39c, 49c, 65c, 75c and
Our stock
for men,
49c, 65c,
Ladles' Slllc Waists
In colors and black;
ill new goods. Pricea
$1.95, $2.50, $2.95,
$3 50 and $4.50. They
Ko with the rest for
this sale.
$1.25 and
T1F ahnnf
sortment In
cy silks
Ladles' Rain Coats
Priced away down,
$2.50, $2.95, $3.50,
and $4.50
LT ;
Pricea yd.
35c. 39C and
Ladies' Trimmed lints
All bow and stylish.
Prices $lk50, $1.95,
$2 50, $2.95, $3.50.
and $3.95.
Children's Trimmed
. nata
la the latest creations.
Price 95c," $1.25,
$1 75, $1.95 and $2.25
Children's Cap.
15c, 25c, 38c, and 49c
Pricea yd.
8 l-3c, and
In Little Nestucca River Near
Clote 'dale This
Tho sad news reached this city
this afternoon of the drowning of
Glen Cooper, aged 19 years, son of
George S. Cooper, who lives on the
Garden Road, near this city. Young
Cooper and W. H. Spauldlng with a
party of friends went to the coast a
short time ago on a hunting and fish
ing trip, nnd it was while on the
Little Nestucca river, near Clover
dale, that the young man met his
death. Ho was well-known in this
city, and was a student at tho Sa
lem high school. No other particu
lars wero learned this afternoon.
The wires went down about noon
today, cutting off u large part of
Tho Journal's telegraph news.
Great Rain in Texas.
Galveston, Tex., Oct. 15. High
tide threatened the city today, but
the new seawall proved adequate.
Nine Inches of rain fell at Beaumont
and skiffs are used in the principal
Conl Miners Killed.
London, Oct. 15. Eighty miners
were entombed by an explosion- In
tho Durham colliery at Wlngato last
night. Twelve bodies have been re
covered. Special Mooting. -Multnomah
Royal Arch Chapter,
No. 1. Special convocation this ev
ening. Work in past master's de
gree. Visiting companions welcome.
Fine Silks I Ladles' Underwear
In plain colors, plalds( We show n ' complete
and blacks. A grand line of wool, cotton
assortment to select' and merino; colors,
from. Prices yd. 25c,' cream white and gray.
35c. 49c, C5c, 75c, and Prices 25c, 35c, 49c,
G5c, 75c and 9Sc.
Children's Underwenr
This department Is
complete In every size
and quality. Prices
10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c
and 49c.
colors, shad
fancies and
25c, 35c,
75c and 98c.
We do a wonderful
business in this de
partment. We sell the
Warner's Rust Proof,
the best wearing cor
set In the world.
Prices 35c, 49c, 65c,
every color
Is completo 75C.an,i 9gc.
women and
Prlcca 39c,
75c, 98c.
This department, is
coming to tho front
rapidly on account of
. the quality and low
M VPAflt fi fit-
wool, fan- P'1"8 J
shoes $1.49, $1.75,
$1.95 and $2.50. Chll-
; 9Ko'dren's shoes 25c, 35c,
18c. 25c,"
49c. I"' ""V " S1 Kn
$1.98 and $2.50.
Thousands of yards to
select from in plain Men's Underwear
.j ... .Air Wo show a complete
4?4c, 6c, Hoe
in wool, cotton,
and merino. Prices
S9c, 49c, 65c, 75c and
A grand assortment to
select from, both Ira-. Space does not per
ported and domestic' it as to tell you of
Price yd. 25c, 35c,' hundreds of other ar
49c, 5c, and 75c. Iticlee we hate on sale.
cw5Sd cmnsxmtl
RoanoKe and Scotia in Avoid
ing Collision Ran on
Eureka, Cal., Oct. 15. Tho steam
er3 Roanoke and Scotia are on the
south spit. Inside tho entrance to
the bar In Humboldt Bay, destined to
remain there until morning, if not
longer. There is no danger to eith
er vessel unless tho weathei changes
and tho bar becomes rough, In which
event they ore likely to be wrecked.
There could bo no loss of llfo, ns
the passengers could bo taken off
with safety. The life-saving crew in
Its boat is now aligned alongside, nl-
I so tho federal gasoline launch, nnd
they will remain thcro until morn
ing. Tho Scotia, lumber ladon, loft port
about, half an hour before tho Roan
oke. She went out to tho bar, but
finding It choppy, turned back to
the harbor for tho night. Tho Roan
oke left port nt G o'clock, and pnss
Ing tho south Jetty wharf, turning
into tho channel outward bound, dis
covered the Scotia right ahead.
In order to avoid a collision, both
vessels turned out of tho channel
and landed on the south spit. Tho
Scotia, by reason of her lighter
draught, wont 50 feet farther than
the Roanoke. Tho Roanoke got out
of the channel just n length, her
stern remaining in tho channel,
whllo her bow was on tho sand.
Tho distress signal being blown,
tho tug Rnnger responded and a line
was thrown to the Ronnoko and
made fast. At 10:30 last ovonlng
all effort to move tho big vessel
proved unavailing. In fact, the
efforts drove the steamer higher on
tho sand, and now Bho Is hard and
fast, and will provo a heavy lift. v
All tho passengers on tho Roanoke
are orderly, the captain assuring tho
passengers of their safety. It Is ex
pected that the floodtldo will shift
the vessel, and permit tho tug to pull
her off. No difficulty expected In
getting tho Scotia into deep water,
once the Roanoke Is out of tho way.
Eureka, Oct. 15. Both tho Sco
tia and Roanoke were hauled off at
high tide. Tho Ronnoke Is not dam
aged, but tho Scotia Is leaking badly.
Washington, Oct. 15. The su
preme court today refused to grant
a rehearing or tho caso of senator
Burton, of Kansas.
Ho was convicted of practicing for
pay beforo the postoftlce depart
ment whllo in tho united States
senate, and now must Borve six
months in Jail In Iron county, Mo.,
and nay a fine of $2500. Tho sen-
tenco was imposed by the federal
court of St. Louis. Tho denial of tho
rehearing removes all possibility of
Burton's legally escaping punish
ment. Abilene, Kan., Oct. 15. When
Burton heard the decision of tho su
preme court at his homo, ho said:
"It is not my time to talk." Ho noti
fied bis attorneys he wished to begin
serving his sentence as soon as possible.
Frank Davey wants tho speaker
ship of the house. Wonder why?
There is a reason. Bentoa County
Two timber deals were made re
centjy in Douglas county In which
the title to 32,000 acres of land
changed bands.
- . o '
Care Winter Cough.
J. E. Gover, 101 N. Main St., Otta
wa, Ka-. writes: 'Every fall it has
been my wife's trouble to catch a
severe eold, and therefore to cough
all winter long. Last fall I got her
a bottle of Horehonnd Syrap. She
used it and has been able to sleep
soand'y all night lea. Whenever
the coagh trouble her, two or three
doses stops the cough, and she 1
able to he up tn well." 2fc, 5fi
and f 1.10.
Sold by D. J. Fry r
Hundreds of Chinese Unable
to Escape Are Found Dead
In the Steerage
Hongkong, Oct. 15. Tho British
steamer Hankow, from Canton, was
burned at 3:10 o'clock Sunday morn
ing, while lying alongside hor wharf.
Hundreds of Chinese passengers wero
'burned to death and a valuablo car
go was destroyed. All tho European
passengers nnd crew wero, saved.
? The steamer Hankow, with 2000
Chinese passengers, men women and
.children, and seven Europeans, and
acargo Including 3700 bales of mat
ting, 560 bales of raw silk and "400
bales of waste silk, arrived from
Canton at 3 o'clock this morning,"
nnd was shortly afterward moored
at tho wharf.
Her chief officer reported to Cap
tain Branch that tho ship was nflro.
The captain then directed tho chief
engineer to turn on tho water
through the fire hose. This was Im
possible, for tho reason thnt within
five minutes nfter tho alarm was
given the Hankow was ablaze fore
and nft.
Hundreds Hum or Drown.
Captain then awakened the Eu
ropean pnssongers, who rushed down
tho gangwny, the ladles In their
nlghtclothes. Tho crew was com
pelled to lenvo the ship, which by
this tlnio was a veritable furnace.
The Chinese steerngo passengers
wero thrown Into -a frightful panic.
Horrifying shrieks nnd cries to savo
their lives wero heard, but escapo
was Impossible, owing to the inflam
mable nature of the cargo. Hun
dred wero burned to denth and many
others Jumped Into tho harbor and
wero drowned.
Finnic Loup Sixty Foot.
Responding to signals, tho British
cruiser Flora and tho naval dockyard
dispatched contingents of engines
nnd nsslstnnts. The floating brigades
of firemen, made heroic efforts to ex
tinguish the flames, which leaped to
n height of over 60 feet.
The British steamer Pow An,
which was berthed at tho same wharf
was towed out to save her from de
struction. A neighboring pier, 100
yards distant was burned to the
water's edge. Governor Nathan, ac
complished by his nld-do- camp, ar
rived at tho scene nt 4:15 n. in., and
suggested scuttling the ship, but tho
suggestion was found to bo imprac
ticable. x
Rend Huddled Together.
Tho flro was brought under control
nt 6 o'clock a. m., nt which tlmo only
tho shell and hull of tho Hankow re
mained. The growsomo work of re-
covering tho dead was then t'egun.1)cech( blt they woro ,08t to tho
Tho flro fighters havo already ro
covered 75 corpses. Many of thorn
woro huddled together and only
singed whllo others wero inciner
ated beyond recognition. Of tho
cargo, 200 bales of raw sine wero
saved, but badly damaged by water.
Tho remalder was totally destroyed.
Boycott Mny Ro Cut.o.
There are many theories as to the
cause of tho flro. The first is that
it was caused by the overturning of
a lantern of a Chinese boarding
house runner who camo aboard seek
ing customers. Tho second is that
an opium-smoker accidentally set
fire to matting, the third la that it
was caused by the crossing of electric
wires. A fourth theory, and one that
Is considered most probable is that
the fire was Incendiary and was an
outgrowth of a boycott against river
Back to Grande Rondo
Felix Wachno, a Grand Ronde In
dian, died early this morning of tu
berculosis, at the homo of friends
on Twenty-first and Bellovieu streets
in this city. He came to pick hops
in this vicinity, but soon after his
arrival be became ill, and grew rap
idly worse. He was 30 years of age
and leaves a family. The remains
left here at the noon hour for Grand
Ronde, where he will be burled in
the Catholic cemetery.
A careless hunter shot a colt be
longing to Daniel Roth on the tat
ter's lac near Albany, a few days
ago. Th colt will probably die, and
it ta certain no more bunUrs will k
allowed m Mr, Roth's ta.
Americans Win the Great
Game Played Yesterday
and the Series
Tho attendance nt yesterday's
game at Chicago was 19,249,
making tho totnl attendance for
tho series 9D.S45..
Tho receipts for tho gomo
wero $2Q,861, and tho total for
tho six games was $105,540. Of
this amount tho players shnro Is
$33,402. Tho American League
team, with 21 men, will recoivo
$25,052. Tho National's sharo
for 19 men Is $8350.
Tho receipts for tho last year's
championship series wero $0S,
405, nnd of last year's American
National series, $20,774.
Tho games and scores follew:
First Sox 1. Cubs 0.
Second Sox 1, Cubs 7.
Third Sox 3, Cubs 0.
Fourth Sox 0, Cubs 1.
Sixth Sox 8, Cubs 3.
Fifth Sox 8, Cubs 6.
Chicago, Oct. 15. Tho Chicago
club of the American Baseball
League Is the champion of tho world
By winning yestordny's gamo 8 to 3
against tho local club of tho Nation
al League, tho Americans earned tho
right to fly tho world's championship
ponnnnt, ns well us tho ponnnnt of
tho American League, to rldo to tho
grounds next Benson in carriages
and to have "World's Champions"
lettered on tho blankets worn ' by
their horBCB.
Today's gamo was tho sixth of tho
scries, and the fourth victory for
tho Americans. When tho lust Na
tional batsman had gono out and tho
stunning fact thnt tho new cham
pions had been created burned Its
Impression through thousands of
oxclted minds, a crowd surged
around tho box whoroln sat Charles
W. Murphy, president of tho losing
club. Ho. smiled grimly at requests
for n speech, and said:
"The best team won. They won
because they played better ball. Too
much prnlso canuot bo given to Pres
ident Comlnskey nnd Captain Jones
nnd tho tenm, which by unprecedent
ed pluck cllmbod in mldscnson from
soventh plnco to tho top of their own
league, nnd then topped off that
great achievement by winning tho
world's championship fr6m a team
that mado a runaway raco of tho Na
tional Lcaguo contest, I cull for
threo cheers for Comlskoy nnd his
grent team."
Murphy' finine Speech Choorod,
nhnnr nftor cheer followed this
hcnrlng of most of the crowd, which
was busily cheering othor things
tho individual players, tho players
collectively and thumping said play
ers on tho bnck with, such enthusiasm
that every ono of thorn 'had to -fight
n way .out to tho waiting carriages.
Tho cheers for the losers woro not
locking. They had lost tho greatest
distinction which baseball offers to
Its votaries, but are still a great team
and tho crowd which followed tholr
carriages through tho crowded
blockB did not spore throats in say
ing so.
Comlakoy's foco was wreathed in
smiles long before tho game was
over, for tho Americans put the vic
tory In Btorago in the first two in
ninru When Schulte wont out at
first after an abortive race, and the
great series was over, CoraUkey
shook hands with such of his play
ers as he could reach. The others
were fighting to save themselves
from their friends, and had no time
for congratulations, savo pounding
each other on the back.
Noisy Crowd Stays on Field.
The crowd seemed loth to leave
the grounds when the gawe wan
over. Thousands poured out of the
bleachers And circus seats onto the
field, while those la the stands stood
up and watched the spectacle. The
Dr. J. P. COOK
comvvcAnoK imam.
Expired Suddenly This Morn
ing on Rock Island Train
of Heart Failure
Louisville, Ky., Oct, 15. It is re
ported that Sam Jones dropped doad
on a train nenr Llttlo Rock, Arkan
sas, this morning.
Llttlo Rock, Ark., Oct. 15. Rov.
Sam Jones, tho ovangollst, of Cur
tersvlllo, Gn., died of heart fallura
on thd castbound Rock Island train
this morning at Perry, Ark, Hla
family was present. Tho body was
brought to an undertaker In this
yells nnd screeching of noiae-mnkiiifc
dovlccs which had boon rondlng tho
air during tho game, apparently to
tho limit, wero redoubled. Pande
monium lot looso. Tho players trlod
to cling togothor for mutual protoc
tlon, but It was usoless. A fow ma
moats sufficed to mako each ono tho
center of n donsoly-pnckcd, half
crazed throng, out of which ho had
to tight his way.
Tho wives of such AmcrlcnnH as
woro mnrrlcd woto wnltfng for their
spouses In tho carriages to carry
thorn away safoly nwny from tho
hero-worshiping mob. A crowd of
small boys tore tho wlro screen from
a ticket window nftor tho gamo was
ovor nnd got Into tho field moroly to
stand on, tho historic ground, and
sharo In tho cxcltemout.
Toms River, N. .7., Oct. 15, Tho
trial of Brouwor was resumed to
day. At first It was thought It would
havo to bo postponed bocauso ono
Juror, a witness nnd an attorney nro
Hiifforlng from ptomaine poisoning,
but nil woro nblo to attend.
Flndlny, O., Oct. 15. Tho Stund
nrd enso oponcd this morning, tho
stuto continuing to try to provo tho
connection between tho Standard and
subsidiary companies. John O'Brien,
superintendent of tho Buckoyo Plpo
Lino Company, wau called, nnd uuked
to bo excused from testifying upon
tho ground thnt ho might Jncrlml
nnto himself. The court ordered
O'Brlou to answer thq Questions.
Will Mako Omit Resort.
Salt Lake, Oct. 15, Tho Saltatr
pavilion nnd Salt Luko & Los Ange
les railroad lias boon sold to the
Electric Operating Construction Co,,
of Now York, to form a part of tha
Inttfrurban oloctrlc system. It Is
proposed to erect a big hotel nt Salt
aid and mako It tho Coney Island of
the iutcr-mountaln region. The
property includes 10 miles of steam
railway to ihe Great Salt Lake. Tho
property was owned by the Mormon
church, which recently sold the
street railroad system to Harriman
and. his associates. This takoa the
cliurch entirely out of the transpor
tation business in Utah, Tho price
is not announced.
Ciutro Very Hick.
Caracas, Venezuela, Oct, IB.
Castro is Bald to be ill. and can
neither move nor speak, and is like
ly to die any day. At his death an
uprising (s almost certain.
frT. Newberry
noujw to, wmsmn rour
1 1