"?'' iNlffi'tyfr "T'x"-W 9 f-j. r V"i "-f-Tjrjr ga"" ?TlVxft(n& ' DAILY CAPI I- JOIHWW.. HALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOHKK 13, 1000. h K A ' f U -' K Ir IB, IV DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL I1Y" IIOPEK I5ROS., rusllslicrs nnd rroprlctors. SURSCRU'TION KATES. Ky Mall. Dally Journal, ono month .... 3Gc Dally Journal, three months ..fl.00 Dally Journal, ouo year 4.00 Weekly Journal, ono year .... 1.00 Uy Cnnlcr. Dally Journal, per month .... 60c YOU NEED AN UMBRELLA WE HAVE THEM FOR SALE I HTANI) II V HAIiKM. Of courso everybody In Salem na woll as In every other town wants to bo loyal to Its Institutions nnd pntronlzo homo Industry. Salem 1h not what would bo termed a manu facturing town, yet Its Industries In this lino nro growing stronger nnd nro now much nioro In ovldonco than over hoforo. Our larger manufac turing establishments such as the woolon mills, flouring mills and Bnw mllls, liavo grown to such propor tions that they hardly need appeal to local patriotism. Hut thero are not a few younger manufacturing concorns springing up In 8alom which nro growing from Binall be ginnings that should not bo over looked, or forgotten. An effort wnn inndo laBt winter to maintain a llrat cIbbs cannory In 8a I cm, ami the organization of the fruit growers nnd IiuhIiiobh men of this city han taken on such proportions nnd dono such n Inrgo business that It might bo classed among the larger pormnnont concerns, H Is the Binall ones tho Infant In tliistrlos that need our rtttontlon. Every man, woman and child In Sa lem is Intorostod In seeing the Sa eom broom factory perpetuated, and tho Salem soap factory, and tho Sn Jom paint works. Wo should ull ubo tho products of thcau concerns, In order to help them along. Wo should go out of our way to, do It. Thero Is another concern growing up In -our 'midst which somo day In tho near future will ho pointed to with prldo, and that Is tho Salem box factory. 'Ihl season It has had more business than It could handlo, and as a result, tho company hns l)oon Incorporated and Is making plans to extend Its Hue of useful ness. This llttlo factory has grown from a ono-bouch, one-man Institu tion, until It Is employing a dozen people, and makes uho of modern machinery with electrical power. Tho Salem paint factory la also getting on Its feet and furnishing this community Its products In u sat isfactory manner. Those two last nnmud coitr-orim are capable of trans ''uctlug a great dual of business, which .will bring monoy Into our commun ity from abroad, and tho peoplu should Ntunil bv tlioiu. Kvury man who invested n Utile money in tho Hnleni ennhory Is today ptnml of that institution, and of tho fact that he Wc have a large stock of high grade umbrellas and of the very latest patterns, the prices ranging from $1 .00 up, and hundreds to select from. G. W. Johnson & Co. holpod put It on its- feet. This feel ing will follow wherever other de serving concerns aro helped, Our by-word should bo "help homo in dustries," and let us bo doors of tho world, as woll as hearers. X-RAYS Corncglo this morning presented St. Andrews college, Scotland, fCO, 000, nnd this aftomoon tho president of thnt collogo came out strong In favor of Carnegie's "fonetlk" spoil ing, Ho llkos It on a check. It Is quite a natural co-lncldenco that at tho hour "Tho-Maid and tho Mummy" company reached Salem a telegram from Now York comes to Tho Journal saying all grades of "re llned" sugar aro ton cents a hundred cheaper. Tho horBo editor doslres to say, that this Is not on account of tho (innntlty of tho sugnr that camo today, but Is duo entirely to an over stocked market. a Tho horso editor Is firmly of tho opinion that tho Mummy Isn't In It Tho Maid horsolf Is tho yum-yummy. The Kidneys When they r weak, tor pid, or stagnant, tho whole system suffers. Don't neg lect them at this timo, but heed the warning of the aching back, the bloated face, the sallow complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with Hood's Sarsaparilla which con tains the best and Kafest curative substances. For tMUmonlaU of remarkable euro send for Beak en Kidneys, No. 6. C L (food Ce., LeweM, Nate. SAFETY NO WORRY NO TROUBLE ALWAYS AVAILABLE T1I1CSK AHH SOMi: OK THE ADVANTAGES OF IXVKSTIKC) MOXKV L A BAVlNfiS HANK ACCOUNT, IT l'AYK A LAKflKU IIKTVKX THAN UOVKUNMKNT HON1ML VOU CAN 1NVIT AS LITTLE Oil AS MUCH A8 YOU PLKASi:, AMI B)K HUCIl T1SIK AH YOU wisir. Saytegs Dpart Caf Hut rfititiil JUSTICE IS NOT BLIND Horse Editor Thinks She Has Her Tambourine Out All the Time I not by several Jugs full that would be compounding a felony but the great, big, grand motherly state will step in because its feelings have been hurt again, and it will punish this same thief by putting him In jail, perhaps, and also fining him. Then 'to prevent any subsequent dlsputa- Itlon about the money, justice raises 'her old blinders long enough to take vnur money to- pay tho fine of the fellow that robbed you, and then she winks the other eye. She hasn't com pounded a felony in taking your money she has Just upheld tho ma jesty of the law, and kindly permits you to go out into tho uncharitable world an hustle. Again somo poor devil gets a little too much booze, and the law steps In throws him Into Jail, takes what few dollars ho has left and leaves his wife and children to hustle or starve. It is great. It Is strange how tender tho feel ings of tho old Jade Justice is too. If you shake dice for a cigar, It Jars her conscience $10 worth, hut she likes a horso race (God bless her) and you can gamble all you please down at the track which the great state subscribed $15,000 a year to for tho especial purpose of gather ing tho horses, and she will not turn a hair. It hurts her feelings It you keep a dog and a female (log is sun more distasteful to hor. Sho has a conlptlon fit If a man takes a drink of beer In a house on Sunday, but he can pour vred guile down his neck in tho back alleys or anywhere else thnt day to his heart's content, -nd his head's undoing, and sho is as blind' as a rattlesnake In August. Sho permits a man to own a gun but fines him for using it Its great, law Is. Its so groat, and learned and Jilst and consclonclou's, that If, you over run up against It you will wonder why an all wise Providence over per mitted a legislator to llvo long enough to take the oath of office, and you will fall to understand why, especially when you remomber that Ho controls tho lightning nnd lots of It apparently goes to waste. Tho Penalties of (Jreutncss. Life is not ono grand glad Hong, not oven for tho rich nnd groat. Tho Czar fools thnt ho Is living "n a volcano that may blow him aky- hlgh nny moment. Tho Sultnn of Turkey Is nursing it sore Btomnoh, having boon shot by ono of his wives, who was Jealous', and, by tho way, ho has dozens of wives. . Cntitro, woll. ho Is Just troublo Itself. I'ulmu, Cuba's president, had to got off tho porch hoforo ho got fairly settled. Alfonso, of Spain, Is a traveling largot for nnurolilsts, and most othor European rulers nro thu same. ; liiidwlg has bats In his bolfry. Horkofellor has a reputation that would make tho ilovll shave his tall, and rotlro from bualnoss. Carnegie 1ms a Huporllulty of mon ey, but continues robbing tho public In order to buy libraries for tho poor ho they can educate thoinaolvos, to become us groat a Bwlpor as ho Is. Senator l'latt Is locked In his room with his sou. nnd n shotgun ut tho door to keep his wlfo uwny from him. llryau Is still sick from an acute utlnek of "government ownership," President lloosovult has n ronmrk nbly "bad spoil." Thaw Is vacillating between tho tutmno asylum nnd thu gallows. King Oscar has lost halt of his klugdom, and Kmperqr Joseph Is f.oirfnl nf Iodine all of his. nnd. to put on tlio cap-sheaf, tho horsoi edi tor han n moasly com. Such nro tho penalties of greatness. Workingmen and Their . Friends Should Remember If you would help tlie mooring men nnu women of America own their homes, to nbollsh chlld-Inbor nnd the swent-shop, (0 j into their children nnd to have tlio common necessities of jfe raise the man who works above the level of slaves, remember, m, til j .. 4.1... 4lin tVkllstltrf flf lltfllllswt f n..n .. .. I inlying iHcrniuru nun m.- ".", i.iiuhwiuuiis uro mo output non-union labor, nnd should not bo found In the home of n Inborf man: Woman's Home Coinpnnlon Saturday Evening Post Farm and Fireside Delineator AH Buttcrlck's l'ubllcntlons Buttcrick Patterns McClurc's Magazines Ladles1 Home Journal The Century Hookmau Smart Set St. Nicholas World's Work KInck Cat Housekeeper Llpplncott's Take This List With You When Buying He true to yourself, bo true to the laboring man, be true tons, family, and do not have any of the nbovo enemies of labor In row I1UIUC. CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION NO. 210, SALEM, OIlEGOli Don't Forget to Ask For the Label On Your Printing An Actor-Author. Tho author of "Highland Mary" which Is soon to bo brought out by Tho C. M. Clark Publishing Co., of Doston, Is Clayton Mackenzie Legge, tho actor who has recently appeared In tho support of Maude Adams, Mrs. LoMoyno, Mary Mannorlng nnd other stars. Through his mother ho Is a descondont of Henry Mackenzie (who figures In his book by tho way) tho noted author and publlshor of Edln burg. Tho poet, Robert Burns owed his popularity to tho widely criti cisms written by Mackenzlo which appeared In tho weekly paper, "Tho Lounger." Mr. Loggo'stntos that tho Idea of writing tho' romnuco of "Highland Mary" camo to him whllo travollng from Edinburgh to London a short tlmo ago. Ho was glancing over a tiny book (a souvonlr of Edinburgh ; bought chlolly becauso of Its cover, IBM I '3 A MATTER OF ABSORBING INTEREST Lies behind that of the approaching Thanksgiving, and that Is tho lum ber question. During the Wlntei tho supply Is always uncertain, but by ordering of us beforo cold weather comes you can be suro of having your wants filled. We are ready to supply any kind of lumber you need.- QOODALE LUMBER CO. tho poet and his winsome Mnry. Strange to say no romance of this exceedingly picturesque courtship hns over been written in proso. Upon his return to America Mr. Legge started tho story under the moat discouraging conditions. At that tlmtS ho was making one night stand through the west and south and nt sparo moments he would write a few lines on tho manus'crlpt, sometimes In the cars. In his ofodds and ends of paper of a!l nn1 nnlnro ronrlv to b0 re and revised. Mr. Leggo has written u feffM whtoh nro lielnc used In various P tho ldoa of writing a romanco around had a pile of manuscript composed of tho country In stock coir.p- I Raved Ills Life. J, W. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky, wrltos, Juno 1-t. 1902: "I want to toll you I bellevo Onllard's Sn9w Liniment Baved my life. I was un dor tho treatment of two doctors, and they told mo ono of my luugs was entirely goue, and tho other badly Affected. I also nnd a lump on my aide. I don't think thnt "I could luivo lived over two months longer. I was Induced by a trleiid to try Ballard's Snow Liniment. Tho first application gave w great re lief; two 60 cant bottles cured wo sound and woll. It Is 'WOwUrfiri modjclne aad I reoom&vead It to suiterlRg kusUy. Bold by D. J. Fry's drug tor. o .. m g vx -a. ' VMM ! JmSOr JjBBwbBm IHuckHtono defines law to bo "A rnlo of action prescribed by tho su premo power In a state, commanding what Is right, and prohibiting want Is wrong." This Is n thoorltlcnl defi nition only, nnd will not benr ex amination not In these days. In fact to tho horso editor, at least, tho law as ut present Interpreted Is mostly what tho lato Artomus Ward called "damphoollshness." For Instance tho leglslaturo has wlsoly onncted that no man shnll as sault or beat another. Now thero Is n perfectly proper proposition. It Is suposcd to provont tho weak being bnttle-whanged by the moro power ful. But supposo tho law Is violated what is tho result? Does tho Injured party have any redress? Not on your tin type. Truo ho can luivo the other party to tho scrimmage arrested. Then ho can go Into court .with his oyes In mourn- nig auu ma nose leeiiug iiko a gouni nnd glvo In his testimony us to how ho got licked, whllo tho ungodly sit a rou ml and glgglo nnd pass re marks upon his appearance. And t tin tt lw now lttit'ft lila nlintnA(ni na iiiwii iiu iiwi utttu sua mtiiivii:i tin- t sailed by a lawyer who for ton tho Mackenzlo tartan In .silk) cn pluults will put him on tho grill and titled "Tho Llfo of Robert Ilurns " bndgor him and sneer at him, aud ' It was an exceedingly condensed his- question tho churactor of his oldtdry but as Mr. I.egg" was already dro3-Ing room at tho theaters be Brandmothor, and hold him upto tho 'familiar with tho llfo of the poet and tween acts and oven whllo waiting ridicule and contempt of nil man- n great admirer of 1 U works, It need- for train In cold and depressing sta klnd, and hnvo a regular whoop- od only thnt llttlo reminder to start tlons. At V.-' ond of tho season ho Jamboreo with him. That's part of what ho will get, providing his ns sallaut has contended himself with Just punching him up until his face looks llko a round steak rondy to bo broaded, and ho neglected to kick In his slats, or gouge out an eye or hlto off a chunk big enough to con stitute mayhem, In this caso It Is dlfferout. Then ho nvust go out nnd hustlo up a couple of friends who notwithstanding tho lawyers nbuso. still bavu confidence In him onough to go on his bonds. If ho falls to find thomhe can go to Jail and bo detained us a witness so as to'sus taln tho majesty of tho law. TJio other fellow In the meanwhile I out oil ball having a good tlmo nnd At tending to his business, part of which Is to smllo whon ho thinks of. tho follow ho "douo up'' umus,lngj himself In Jull and watting for court 10 convene aim mo grnnu jury 10 goi n whack nt him. Finally, It ho Is lucky and his as sailant Is convicted, ho has the proud satisfaction of seeing tho law vindi cated And tho other follow lined. Tho law hns been broken, the stat utes "lu such cases made and pro dded," ripped up tho back, and tho great commonwealth says Us feelings has been Jarred $100 worth, and It domnnds And gets that Amount of pe cuniary salvo for Its imaginary sores. Tho fellow with tho r;"'', i-v-i . b.i -- wto bo lirescntod here under tho dt linn ul UNrHnn uml)i i fraivftiui. fc 'v. . .? ,, , :; , ..-. -rwuon 01 mo author and tho au- lo doesn't need any monoy to salve 8nlcea of tho Y M c A Wedned UU .orc.-they healed u-hlle ho vs d-Thursday cwnlngs, October 17 In tho iuK taklns the rest cur. Iw4 8 at tho Qr ' Then aRaU somo one rob. yo oj Tho cntlrv w consisting of nearly tk last dollar you had. V caa t 1M yoUBr Udle, children Kill make a cowprowls with ths thlt, ot jj0ia jeBt It caught aad i yoa atoaay hack. Lllest, jn a nat of our make is the word in the label, hut it's a most imp ant thing to look fqr. Its imp ance, however, is not entirt due to "prestige," for when buy a KNOX HAT you secure a hat of the find materials and of unequalled vie ing qualityto say nothing of style which is World-Standr In other words, you have paid! what the label rcprescnts-fc dollars' worth of hat. The Toggefi 1 67 Commercial Stv Safem, Ore. i beautiful. f "ThO l'lllos " n linmiHrxl fol. v .Hr.l ?-" - " ' M " " "" " v ,: ;.;;:., :::ovii.v,pin,. ivruton h w-A- Me, T1I PIXIKS. The costuming will be superb, and Tho grotesque. the kaleidoscopic mingling of colors on tho stage if 111 ho something long to bo remembered. There will bo pixies, brownies, goblins, fairies, monkeys, Insects, plckanlanles, but teriles, pages, Amasoa guards, Jap maldeas, Yankee- doddle irk, weird aad quaint faactea aad fantasies. Is plrii Lj ..tnt The music ttUU uuatut " nnA tha adventures of tho .ni,MM will surely laughlHK. Two nour ' rf ated ta. at tho uw -- ... llfft tO 8BU'. !rtiT;:BVoob.nstifi TaesTirM"" '